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The Console Wars 3

Archive: 1333 posts


Original thread by theswweet. Current thread by Outlaw-Jack.

It has been years since the last Console Wars raged on terrestrial soil. From the glory days of the Microsoft Empire to the abrupt conclusion of the second Console Wars... new hatred has risen from the ashes. Taking place yet again on the war-ravaged lands of Earth, what once was a quenched fire has been sparked alight yet again, with old combatants returning and new soldiers itching for blood.


Which console will reign supreme, once and for all, in this epic ultimatum that is The Console Wars 3?

*= Sony, *= Microsoft, *= Nintendo, *= other

- Outlaw-Jack (mod)
- KernelM
- gdn001
- Fastbro
- TheZimInvader
- Mercuy77
- Cheddars
- flamingemu
- JspOt (mercenary)
- Ragnarok
- BlueBulletBill
- DizzyZebra


- First-off, and most importantly, any off-topic commentary and/or outside commentary are to be posted in ((double brackets)). This helps the players to easily distinguish story parts from those intended for compliments/questions.
- People are divided amongst 3 teams (Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo) to start off; afterwards, they are free to switch to other teams or form their own alliances/militias/movements throughout the story.
- However you portray your character (or yourself) is entirely up to you; due note that, mind-control (godmodding), instant warping (automatically going from point A to point B in one pots) and smiting (instant-kill posts) powers are prohibited unless the posters involved agree to the action and PM me about it.
- Do not try to drift from the main plot too much; this can lead to confusion amongst other posters and can possibly derail the thread altogether.
- Be careful on how you post. Other players will be reading your posts, so please, post clean and clear enough for others to understand and respond. 1337-5933K and n00b-tawlk is not allowed (unless your character is saying it).
- Don't make annoying posts (i.e. "The base was bombed, but the instant-rebuild-the-base terminal was still standing!"; "The soldiers come in closer, but then a random Pedobear kills them all!). We don't need THAT much randosity, thank you.
- Be creative! Not only are you (the poster) playing out the story, but others might be reading as well. Remember, creativity and wit is the way to go, and (in this case) the pen is mightier than the sword.
- You will get kicked for inactivity, annoying posting, or violating the rules. I will not let this thread turn into a "flame war". Let's have good, clean (but EPIC) fun.
- Don't alter the story to your own liking. We've already lost players because of this, and it's starting to aggravate me. You'll get swiftly kicked out if you do.
- If you wish to join while the game is in session (or have been kicked and wish to return), send me a PM and I'll make your presence official.
-To get a better understanding on how to post, please refer to this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=18485-The-Console-Wars&highlight=Console+Wars) link.
2010-11-14 21:35:00

Posts: 5757

((I'll start us off))

They said it'll never work. They said it was just a "gimmick", a "fart in the wind"... they were wrong.
Sitting high above in his lofty office space, Jack reclined in his rather large desk chair, resting his feet atop the black desk as he watched the sales of Microsoft's new Kinect skyrocket. The sleezy buisnessman wore a white suit with green, pulsating pinstripes. The white derby on his head was complimented with a black band, completed with a curcular, glowing "X" logo front and center. His black suedes swayed about on the desk as Jack hummed softly to the faint lounge music in the background. With his life riding high and his sales even higher, the current President of the country of Microsoft had it easy, sitting in the big chair that overlooked the city of Old Natal. His view from the 120th floor of the Microsoft HQ wasn't bad either.
"Good morning, sir!" Dan, Jack's paperboy, greeted as he stopped by his office on his daily sweep through the HQ, "How's life?"
"Grand, my boy," Jack responded, lowering his feet off the desk, "just grand."
"Glad to hear," Dan spoke, tossing Jack the daily paper. The paper suddenly stops in mid-air, courtesy of Jack's Kinect that was mounted on his shoulder. The businessman slowly pulls the paper forward, opening it and laying it on his desk. The front page article read "Move over; Kinect is here."
"Wow!" Dan blurted, astounded, "I never knew it could do that!"
"Well then, kid," Jack scoffed, "Maybe you ought to use it on more things than just your TV." The two laughed for a little. Then, without mentioning, Jack reaches into his pocket and sends 800 Gamerpoints towards Dan, courtesy of his Kinect. The paperboy eagerly grabs the card and tucks it into his cap.
"Thanks, sir!" Dan spoke, looking on at Jack in astonishment.
"No prob," Jack responded, calm as usual, "Now run along; you've still got more floors to cover."
"Yes, sir!" Dan saluted, now running off to the various other rooms on the 120th floor. With the kid gone, Jack casually took out a cigar, lit the end of it with his thumb, and puffed a ring of smoke. Just another day, as usual, in the life of the presidency.
2010-11-14 22:05:00

Posts: 5757

It was a cold day in Toronto, ((No Canadian stereotype jokes!)) a day of gaming for the Microsoft fan known as Mercuy. He was playing a game of Halo: Reach matchmaking when the uprising began
"Hahaha! Major grade 3!"
Just then a cool breeze swept through his appartment door as 3 armed men dressed in black walked through the door
"Hey! what are you doing here?
"Where's Jack?"
"WHERE'S JACK, We know you're a Microsoft fan!"
"Look man, I don't know who your talking about"
"Well, maybe THIS will clear your mind!" he said as he smashes Mercuy's Xbox and hard drive with a sledgehammer.
"Hey! That had all my save files!"
"I'm only going to ask you one more time, where is Jack?"
"I dont know!"
"Alright, shoot him"
As one of the men pulls out his pistol, Mercuy had played enough splinter cell to know that this is the time to strike, he lunges forward and snatches the pistol before they even know what has happened. Mercuy quickly shoots the first one, and takes cover behind the couch: Rule 1 in Gears of War, always take cover! the 2 that are still alive tried to fire, but were too stupid to turn off the safety on their rifles beforehand, so Mercuy shoots the remaining 2 in the leg and arm, to prevent them from fighting back, so he could interrogate them.
"So, now why don't you tell me who Jack is?"
"He's the President of Microsoft."
"So who are you wanting to find out where he is?
"We're from Sony. We have to stop Kinect, the sales are too high."
"That explains why you destroyed my Xbox, and as it turns out I do know where the Microsoft President resides, cherio."
Deciding he couldn't really hide what he did, Mercuy gathered together all that he needed, and went to the Airport to catch a flight to Old Natal, to join Microsoft, wanting revenge against Sony, for destroying his gaming lifestyle.
Then for a second he thought to himself, "that was way better than the games"

((Hope I did okay on my first post, I had to edit this a few times because I started this before Jack posted.))
2010-11-14 22:18:00

Posts: 2135

((I SHALL FIRST POST IN GLORY AND... *sees Jack already posted* ??))

GDN was sitting inside the tower. He was looking at the sunset, thinking about his life. Another soldier climbed the tower to find him there.
"Sir, what are you doing?" he asked.
"Me? I'm just thinking..."
"About what?"
"Nothing... Go sleep soldier, go sleep... I have a feeling that tomorrow something big is going to happen..."
The soldier went down the stairs, and GDN stayed in the tower. He was just back from a secret mission. He was sent to a lone MS base, to check out for any suspicious plans. All he found was some Kinect info and sales projection. He was afraid that this "Kinect" thing could mean danger... Not for him, but for his friends... After losing 4 friends in a single mortar round in his first war, he started to value them. Then, another soldier climbed the tower to warn him of something:
"GDN, GDN... You gotta check this out..."
2010-11-14 22:26:00

Posts: 5891

Finally, he had done it.

After years of trying... he finally managed to be given the green light.

Evil Peanut Games... was born.

Rock had been trying to join one of the big three for quite some time... Turned down by them all. Multiple times. Said he wasn't qualified. That the project wasn't financially sound.

Yet he never gave up. And finally Nintendo, desperately in need of new projects to combat Sony and Microsoft, had greenlighted him.

Rock grinned. He may have been just a desperate gamble... but he had to make them proud. If his dream was ever to come to fruition.

Rock opened the door to his new HQ... it was here he would make his new project. Here that his dream would come true.

Rock looked around... He knew he needed some assistance to build his new project... He needed... help.

(( wait, who's the president of Nintendo? Outlaw's in charge of Sony... can I jsut take charge of Nintendo? CAN I CAN I CAN I?))
2010-11-14 22:40:00

Posts: 10882

((Actually Jack is Microsoft, and you'll have to ask the other Nintendo guys.))2010-11-14 22:50:00

Posts: 2135

((continue my last post))
"What is it, soldier?"
"Our operation... It failed... Our men were killed and we don't know the whereabouts of Jack!"
"Wait... Which operation?"
"Uhh, forget it, I shouldn't have told you about this..."
GDN grabs the soldier's neck.
"An operation to kill Microsoft's president, Jack!"
GDN's superior then appeared in the tower.
"I did."
"Do you realize that now that MS has been attacked they will come for us crying for war?" asked GDN.
"Of course, that was the intention in the first place! To show these parasites our true power!"
"You think you can do all that you want, because it won't be you that will fight and DIE tomorrow on the front line!"
"You can say what you want, but it's done now. Go to sleep, tomorrow you will be transported to the first Sony Defense Line."
"Sir... You stink..."
2010-11-14 22:51:00

Posts: 5891

AS GDN started the war, I prepared SONY's secret weapon for mass destruction, the motherboard destroyer...

2 years of development worth of time created the ultimate weapon that will track from space and create an automatic Red Ring of death on all current xbox360 consoles!
Microsoft shall see the fall of the xbox being triggered by its major failure.... mass scaled!

Later on the intercom to GDN office...

Ragnarok: I need to speak with GDN NOW!
GDN Elite Guard: Right now supreme commander is busy on other plans... talk later
Ragnarok: but we just finished the secret weapon! we need authorization for additional resources to finish it!
GDN Elite Guard: He is onto something bigger now, he must not be interrupted during his meeting!!, return to your labor or you will be shot!

In the need of resources to complete my uber machine I shall call JspOt to find the last pieces of my weapon!
2010-11-14 23:30:00

Posts: 898

A message appeared on Jack's messenger:
"President Jack, you have a visitor waiting in the lobby."
"Ah," Jack pondered, raising out of his seat, "I wonder who that could be..."
The businessman calmly stepped back from his computer and, without hesitation, dove headlong into the monitor. When he surfed back into reality, Jack found himself at the 1st floor reception desk, amongst the chatty business and fuss of the Grand Market that took the first 10 floors of the HQ. Various publishers, developers and indies stood about in their storefronts and booths, advertising their latest products in the realms of digital reality and virtual entertainment. And in the center of this expansive marketplace stood a large, golden fountain, with Jack's figure standing tall. In one hand, he holds the Xbox controller high. In the other, he wields his Lancer at his side. And below his foot, the plaque read in fine text, "President Jack Wescott. 2010-. Jump In."
"Good morning, sir," Monica, one of Jack's secretaries, greeted, with a warm smile to brighten up her boss' day even more.
"Good morning to you, too," Jack responded, brushing off his suit, "Nearly forgot how crowded the servers get at this time."
"No worries," Monica spoke, adjusting Jack's hat, "The traffic will die down soon. It's about lunch hour anyways."
"Splendid!" Jack chimed in, clasping his hands, "Perfect timing for me and my friend to talk over a nice bowl of chili!"
The two Microsoftians laugh, then subside to their normal, happy states.
"Speaking of which," Jack questioned, "Where is my guest?
"Oh, John?" Monica restated, "He should be over there... amongst the ravid fans"
Monica points a finger near the Jack statue, where a mob of crazy fanboys and fangirls are seeming to swarm at something, like bees to a flower.
"Just great," Jack groaned, now making way towards the mob.
"Should I call in security?" Monica asked, looking worried.
"Meh, I'll take care of this myself," Jack grunted back, now plugging in his Kinect.
The sight of the mob was pure terror. Papers flew all about, pens and pencils swarmed the airspace, and a single, green arm shot out in the center, reaching for the heavens in a desperate cry for help. It was another "Halo mob", and unfortunately... Master Chief found himself in the center of it.
"Get your hands off me!!" the Chief cried out, attempting to push away the impeding waves of gamers, "I'm not here to see you!! I'm here to see-"
"Me," Jack responded, making the crowd stop cold.
With a spread of his hands, the businessman easily parts the sea of fans, making an aisle for the Chief to walk through.
'Thanks Jack," the Chief spoke, shaking off the remaining fans, "I thought I was a goner."
"Of all things," Jack joked, "You can take down a Halo, you can bring the Covenant to their knees, and now... you're suffering at the hands of crazy fan people? Tsk, tsk..."
The two laughed a little, then Jack put his arm around Chief. The two made their way out of the front doors of the HQ, and started walking into downtown Old Natal.
"I've got some news from the frontline, Jack," the Chief started, holding a letter, "It's pretty urgent."
"Alright then, soldier," Jack spoke, "But first, let's find some sort of diner or something. I'm starving!"
2010-11-14 23:31:00

Posts: 5757

((Jack if it's okay with you you're going to be in my post a little bit))

Dan entered the diner to see Jack and Master Chief having lunch, Jack was eating Jackal and Grunt stew, while Chief was having a coke, trying to fit the straw in his mouth without exposing his face.
"Sir, there is someone here to see you." Said Dan.
"Tell them I'm busy, I'm too busy enjoying my meal!"
"He says it's urgent"
"What could be more urgent than eating lunch?"
"Something that could ruin the whole company."
Jack was hesitant, but agreed with Dan.
"Fine, bring him in."
"Of course sir."
One minute later Dan returned with Mercuy by his side, looking not the slightest bit happy
"Sir this is Mercuy Seventyseven."
"Seventyeight" Replied Mercuy
"My mistake."
Mercuy casually sat down as Dan exited the room.
"You must be Jack, I have some alarming news about Sony."
"What is it son?"
"I was attacked, they destroyed my Xbox, and they wanted to know where you were because Kinect saled were too high"
"What did you tell them?"
"Nothing, I managed to take one's pistol and fight them off, the Sony uprising has begun, we need to fight back before they even know what hit them."
"I like the sound of that, and with Kinect we can use robots and control them from a distance as to not risk men, we could certainly use a soldier like you here, you in?"
"Nothing i'd like more."

((k.... Jack sniped me... what now?))
2010-11-14 23:43:00

Posts: 2135

((Coud you possibly edit that a bit? Maybe so that your character stumbles upon me & the Chief while we're eating...))2010-11-14 23:46:00

Posts: 5757

((yep, just did that))2010-11-14 23:50:00

Posts: 2135

((Ragnarok got it wrong, it's my superior that ordered the operation))
GDN couldn't sleep at that night, so he spent all the night in his office. One of his soldiers came to him and said:
Soldier: Sir, someone wants to talk with you!
GDN: Tell him I'm busy. I got to think...
Soldier: Yes sir!
GDN stayed all night long thinking if that new war was really something bad. On the bright side, a war would weaken their enemies' sales and put Sony on the top. On the bad side, a war is a war, and it is always bad news...
GDN needed to do something. He went to the underground lab and started to search for an specific item...
2010-11-14 23:51:00

Posts: 5891

AA was having some strange staring contest with a Mentos. Sparks jumped from his fingers as he tapped the on the table. A secretary suddenly burst into his office. "Sir, RockSauron iis here". He replied "Cant Fastbro deal with it?" 'Hes busy, sir." "Fine" AA sighed. AA wore a pinstripe suit, a devious look in his eyes. RockSauron greeted him. "Ahh, AA. I have heard much of you." "hmphh" grunted AA.

((ANd RockSauron, Fastbro got the position of leader. Sorry...))
2010-11-15 02:51:00

Posts: 1117

"Good," Jack continued, pointing a universal remote at Mercuy77, "You start now, private"
With a click of the "Input" button, the businessman sends Mercuy out of the room and towards his first assignment, to which is a mystery. With the new recruit squared away, the two veterans continued with their lunch, eating at Meat-Boy's Diner on 2nd and Maria.
"So anyways," the Chief started, "Turns out that those Sony commandos tried searching you out; obviously you weren't in the area, but that didn't stop them. Check it out."
The Chief slides over a brief picture of the battle. Random limbs and body parts cloud the picture as it was taken off by the I.E.D. that triggered the camera. Jack picked up the photo, took a quick glance at it, cringed, then slid it back to Chief.
"Uggh, gross," Jack grunted, just about losing his appetite, "You really had to show me this over a bowl of chili?"
"Hey, it was either I showed you first," the Chief reasoned, "Or showed it to Natalie. And you know how she'll react..."
"I know, I know," Jack reasoned, raising his hands in submission, "Don't need to go throught that charade again."
"Yeah, anywho," the Chief continued, "So they got decimated and all, and, guess what we found?"
The Chief tosses Jack a bloodied-up folder, filled with several photo identities of Jack himself, found in random newspaper clippings, magazine articles and whatever other "dirt" they could find on the Microsoft president.
"Paranoid, the way I see it," Jack remarked, shuffling through pictures of himself, "And they even took the time to place bets on where different shots will it."
"But that's not the worst part," the Chief spoke quietly to Jack, handing him one more piece of paper, "They were issued an order from the head honcho himself."
Jack was haned a letter, sealed with the PS logo. As he opened it and read, the tension in his body started to rise, and sweat began to percipitate on his brow.
"You've gotta be kidding me," Jack groaned, "This... all over again? I thought we were done when the second one came around!"
"Apparantly not," the Chief said, lifting his visor just enough so that Jack could see his eyes, "And you're the one being pinned for all of this."
"Aww, come on!" Jack shouted, pounding the table, "I didn't even do anything this time and I'm still at fault?!"
"I guess so," the Chief presumed, shrugging his shoulders, "So what should we ought to do?"
The two sat their in silence for a brief moment, with Jack closing his eyes and slowing his breath.
"... Prepare the defenses," Jack finally ordered, "Put the city and the surrounding area under high-alert. I don't want to fight, but if worse comes to worse, I wanna at least be ready if it does come."
"Well said, sir," the Chief concluded, "And, to be honest, I'm not looking forward to this either."
"Trust me," Jack sighed, "We all aren't.'
And with that said, Jack placed his hand on Master Chief's shoulder and warped out of the room, ending up in the underground, heavily-fortified portion of the Microsoft HQ, preparing the defenses for whatever imminent war would come their way.
2010-11-15 07:26:00

Posts: 5757

AA was impressed. RockSauron was definitively on to something... A grin spread over AA's face. He shook hands with him and sent him to a new office. His idea might just fix the Wii! Suddenly, a hologram pops up in front of AA. "Sir, Sony has assaulted or sea base! We can't take any more..." a warning popped up on screen. Transmission lost. AA was infuriated. He yelled for his secretary to prepare his aqua suit.

45 minutes later

AA fought. The Sony troops kept coming. AA blasted them with prototype energy beams. Nintendo always cleared a path for something new. A dozen other Nintendo soldiers were also donning aqua suits. *Chhhhh* "we cannot hold them back much longer" "hang on!" yelled AA. He blasted two energy rays together.. BOOOM! Their aqua suits saved them, but Sony wasn't so lucky. "get me online with the head of Sony!" demanded AA.
2010-11-15 09:00:00

Posts: 1117

GDN was found asleep in the lab's desk. A soldier woke him up.
Soldier: GDN, GDN, wake up! What were you doing?
GDN: Nothing, soldier... Any news?
Soldier: You gotta see this...
The soldier showed GDN a newspaper, with the headline in front: "Sony's Army Commander is murdered in his home"
Soldier: Commander... Is dead...
GDN: But how... And now, who will replace him?
Soldier: Well, we had a meeting this morning and decided that YOU shall be the new commander!
GDN: ME?! But...
Another soldier then gets in the room, screaming:
Soldier 2:Commander! There's a transmission incoming! From Nintendo!
GDN: Get me online...
2010-11-15 10:33:00

Posts: 5891


Mortar shells bombarded the front lines of the Mircrosoft base, Jack had ordered all troops to defend the HQ using the Kinect soldiers, which meant even if they were wiped out, they had a second line of defence. Mercuy however, was one of the soldiers out on the front lines due to a shortage of Kinect soldiers, but it seemed like the others weren't as alert. All of them quickly hopped out of their cover and assaulted the Sony troops, our Kinect soldiers were equipped with MK6 Mijionir armor, so it wasnt as easy as it could be, but Sony still managed cut down quite a few of them while trying to find cover. As Mercuy took cover a Sony troop showed up right infront of him, and tried to slash him with a sword, but Mercuy dodged and hit him in the skull with a DMR. He took cover again as he saw more Kinect soldiers get shot, and too many Sony troops still standing, but Mercuy had a plan, he switched his loadout to Specter so that he could get invisibility and a grenade launcher, they won't even see it coming...
2010-11-15 13:02:00

Posts: 2135

"How come I had a feeling that wouldn't work?" Jack pondered, watching the Kinect drones being swept down one-by-one from his office balcony.
Not wanting to get a scratch on his new HQ, Jack took out his universal remote, and , just like in the 1st wars, pressed "Pause" on the approachig Sony troops. The ragtag militia stopped dead in their tracks, some even in mid march. Then, pressing the "Power" button, the soldiers dropped dead, their bodies lifeless and cold. It was as though a major virus swept through the ranks and destroyed their internal hard-drives... if they were computers.
"Good," Jack spoke, applauding quietly, "You may dispose of them now, Ker-"
The businessman stopped. His hands began to shake, and his lip began to quiver. And soon enough, he was crying in his hands, almost uncontrollably. The very thought his his ex-executive, Kernel, was too much to bear for his mindset. The crying went on for minutes.
"Whooo-ee!" the Chief hollared, kicking in the door in a semper-fi manner, "Those Sony Fanboys were nothi-"
The Chief stopped himself before he gloated on. Jack was obviously not in the mood for victory. The businessman turned to his colleague, his eyes softened by tears. Then, calmly, Jack took off his hat and lowered his head in observance.
"This is around the same time Kernel died," Jack spoke, his voice rasp with sorrow, "And his suffering was all my fault."
2010-11-15 13:49:00

Posts: 5757

GDN was having a discussion with the Nintendo people. He tried to reach an agreement between them, but in vain.
GDN: Curses! First we get in trouble with Microsoft and now with Nintendo! If commander was still alive, he would pay...
Soldier: Sir! We are dectecting large amounts of enemy forces approaching our defense line!
GDN: I'll send the 5th Sony Army to deal with it. And soldier...
Soldier: What, sir?
GDN: Prepare my gunship... It's time to put that baby for a flight!
2010-11-15 14:54:00

Posts: 5891

((Wow! The war started fast!))

Fastbro was currently in his office signing papers for 3rd party developers wanting to create games for the 3DS. The had a stern face, and his hair slicked back. All he wanted was to manage his company and be respected. Just like his father did before him. Suddenly the door to his office slowly creaked open, he immediately sprung into action swiping a revolver from under desk and aiming towards the door. "Who is it?!" he said frantically.
The door creaked open a little more, just enough for a head to poke through. It was Eustine, head of Nintendo's science department. "Err... It's only m-me, sir." he replied sheepishly.
Fastbro quickly stuffed his Revolver into his pocket. "Oh, it's you."
Eustine walked into the room shuffling some documents in his hand. He was wearing a long drooping lab coat and a large pair of specticles smudged with oil. "Umm, are sure it's 100% necessary to keep the gun under your desk?"
"Oh course." said Fastbro getting out his seat. He walked over to Eustine and put his arm around his shoulder. "Y'see these are dangerous times Eustine, although the Console Wars are thing of the past, there is still much hatred between Nintendo and Sony..."
"That's what I came here to tell you sir..." Eustine flicked through his documents. "Sony have attacked our Sea Base..."
Fastbro froze. The thought of another Console War chilled him to the bone. "W-what? Are youm sure it wasn't just an error?"
"No, I have comformation, one of our soldiers called..." Eustine flicked through his documents again. "Aha! A soldier named AA was helping out down there, I believe you are... friends with him?"
Fastbro felt a lump in his throat. "AA? H-he's down there?"
Eustine nodded. "I'm afraid so..."
Fastbro slammed his fist on his desk. "Well get him out! I can't risk someone else close to me getting killed!"
"R-right away Sir!"
Eustine quickly shuffled up his papers and exited the office. Fastbro fell back into his chair. "Not another one..." He thought to himself.
He then picked up his phone, which was promptly answered by his secretary Joan. "What can I do for you sir?" she said sweetly.
"Get me the President of Microsoft on the phone... I think I may need to make a compromise..."

((How's that?))
2010-11-15 16:59:00

Posts: 1277

((Arrr, I'm tired of holding the candle for the ones that still haven't posted in this thread... Where's Zim???))2010-11-15 17:28:00

Posts: 5891

((So, I stumble upon some kind of epic battle. Curious. *subscribes*))2010-11-15 17:56:00

Posts: 1316

((Making my first post later today. Explain something to me, can I create my own type of setting - eg, where I live in this world?))2010-11-15 19:01:00

Posts: 1702

((Making my first post later today. Explain something to me, can I create my own type of setting - eg, where I live in this world?))

((Yeah, but I assume you'd be at Nintendo HQ...))
2010-11-15 19:21:00

Posts: 1277

((But see, that's what I mean - does the Nintendo HQ have different sections? I'd assume that I'd live in a special section, being a science project and all. ))2010-11-15 19:24:00

Posts: 1702

((But see, that's what I mean - does the Nintendo HQ have different sections? I'd assume that I'd live in a special section, being a science project and all. ))

((Make up the sections!))
2010-11-15 19:35:00

Posts: 1277

Moving through the sea in a Nintendo submarine, AA was still furious. In the console wars, no one attacked Nintendo like that. They did not do anything wrong. The Aqua base would take time to recover, if Fastbro decided to even try fixing it in these troubled times. "Get me online with Fastbro NOW!" yelled an angry AA. A soldier pressed a button and a massive hologram formed in front of them. Fastbro was holding his head in his hands. "Sir..." said AA.
Fastbro raised his head.

((Now I think Fastbro should finish this part off ))
2010-11-15 19:46:00

Posts: 1117

((I didn't think everyone else would be such a good writer...I also think we should be interacting with each other's stories a bit more, everybody seems to be doing their own thing - I mean, in Outlaw's part, Sony just attacked Microsoft and every soldier died, but nobody at Sony even mentioned anything! And Outlaw, that's not very fair...You can just take out a whole army by pressing the power button on a remote control? That doesn't seem very fair at all. And also, I'll have my part up a little bit later today, a'ight?))2010-11-15 20:30:00

Posts: 3149

((well, at Nintendo we are linking stories up ))2010-11-15 20:55:00

Posts: 1117

((You will eventually come up with something, Zim. And if you want, you can interact with me on your part.))

GDN was flying his gunship to the 1st defense line. The enemy troops were approaching, and GDN decimated part of them with missiles.
GDN: Eat that!
The enemies attacked back with SAM fire. GDN used the gunship's flares to dodge them.
Gunner: ******, that was freaking close!
GDN: Time to counterattack. Gunner, use the remote controled missiles!
The gunner destroyed the SAM sites as GDN said.
GDN: Good work, soldier!
The enemy forces started to retreat. For now. GDN went back to the base and landed his gunship. He was exhausted, but they won. The defense line was intact. GDN asked to a soldier to take care of his gunship, as he went downstairs to the lab. Before someone could follow him and ask what was he doing there, he locked the lab's door. Then he started to work on something...
2010-11-15 20:56:00

Posts: 5891

((ok, i will write the conversation ))

"WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING!!!" screamed Fastbro.
"Sir, in all due respect, without me and my troops coming out here, the Aqua base would be completely destroyed." replied AA. "Well, I can't afford to lose my main Commander ((see how i modestly give myself a high up position )), try to keep out of danger as much as possible" said Fastbro. The holo-screen disappeared. AA stood staunch. He had a feeling something big was coming. Suddenly, alarms went off. "Compartment 4 breached. Sealing compartment". "What the heck?" yelled AA. A soldier reared his head. "Microsoft missiles coming in fast!". AA put his Aqua suits helmet back on. "Get us out of here!" he ordered.

2 hours later

A battered submarin burst out of the water. Holes were in its hull. Inside, AA managed to activate the holo-screen. He typed in some commands and the Microsoft presidents face appeared on the screen.

2010-11-15 21:28:00

Posts: 1117

(Oh huge lecture there, nice set up we have here lol)

(continuing from my last story)...

Ragnarok: Answer c'mon!!! Ragnarok to JspOt, Ragnarok to JspOt over!!!, there is no answer!, I need a professional!

Solid Snake (walks in): Huh? i thought i was heading to colonel Campbell's office!

Ragnarok: no, no, you are in the right place, I need you to contact GDN for the authorization to gather the last part of my experimental weapon!

Solid Snake: Why don't I get the part straight away, it would be easier.

Ragnarok: Its a dangerous mission, you would need to get into Microsoft's mainframe building and steal some intel on xbox 360's motherboard info so we can set up the RROD generator orbital satellite!, lots of soldiers and auto turrets, cameras too.

Solid Snake: Easy enough I will get that intel.

Ragbarok: Ok, here is your equipment, octocamo, active camouflage, 5 chaff grenades and a custom assault rifle, now move on! we will be in contact through the codec!
2010-11-15 22:14:00

Posts: 898

((in case you didn't realize, when I talk it italics, it means my character is thinking to himself))

Alright Mercuy, 1 round left, make it count.
Mercuy was about to pull the trigger on his grenade launcher when the Sony troops simply stopped dead in thier tracks, and fell to the ground, Mercuy turned off his armour ability to see what the cause could be but seeing no explanation he decided to get Jack on the radio
"Mercuy to Jack, Mercuy to Jack, are you there Jack?"
"Yeah, i'm here, what's up soldier?"
"The Kinect drones completely failed, theres little left down here, and the Sony troops just stopped dead in thier tracks and died, did you have something to do with that?"
"Yeah, it's my new Universal remote, like it?"
"you... your kidding right?"
2010-11-15 22:34:00

Posts: 2135

GDN kept working on the lab all night. He was tired, he couldn't think very well, but he used all his forces to assemble his secret project.
GDN raised his fists, showing a pair of metallic gloves. He then pointed his hand at a jar, and the jar started to float. He then did a gesture, and the jar flew to his hand.
GDN: After 9 failed experiments, my project finally comes true! I shall call it... "Project X"!
He turned on a tennis ball launcher that he made up in his lab, and it started to launch balls towards him. GDN used his gloves to stop the balls and throw them around. He kept testing his powers for the rest of the night.
2010-11-15 22:47:00

Posts: 5891

JspOt manned the Gunship. "Finally," he said.

Mr. Sony had payed him $10,000 just to eliminate some Nintendo Base. Easy money, thought JspOt.

As he flew off he had a bad feeling. Of course, he shrugged off the feeling- he was being paid in advanced this time.
"Target sighted. Locking on..."

((Let the games BEGIN!)
2010-11-16 05:13:00

Posts: 3607

((@Zim: Was trying to relive one of the first moments in TCW. One-shot only thing. Promise ))
((@Mercuy: Could you try telling me ahead of timebefore you start god-modding? Thx.))

"Don't worry," Jack reassured, talking to Mercuy through his headset, "It's a one-shot only kind of thing. Besides, I've been needing to get a new one, anyways."
And with that, the businessman tosses the now-old universal remote into the nearby wastebasket. A little "swish" emulated from the bin.
"Get the rest of the infantry to sweep that up," Jack continued, "And you, kid... meet me in the Grand Market. I've got an assignment for you."
The businessman turns off his headset, then tucks it away into his pocket. With the first imminent wave of Sony Fanboys defeated, and with one of his more powerful weapons becoming obsolete, the Microsoftian began to contemplate over his next move, should the next wave of inpeding forces come sooner than expected. Getting to his desk, he slumps into his chair, turns on the computer, and-
"Excuuuuse meeee!! Text message!"
The high-pitched ringtone nearly scared the crap out of Jack, making the president flinch in his chair. Disturbed, the businessman swiftly snags his phone from the desk, scrolling through his most recent messages. It was from Natalie.
"Hi, Mr. Prez! Got sum news 4 ya! ^_^", it read.
Jack texted back, "Alrite. Wut izzit?"
"New elite," Natalie texted, "& he shuld be there... nao!"
Before Jack could react, a man's arm locked him in a chokehold and a 9 mm. was put to his head.
"Lovely day, isn't it?" the Elite mocked, smiling all the while.
Yet, to the spy's surprise, Jack immediately flipped him off his back and onto the floor. The businessman ran up to the Elite and pinned him to the floor with his foot, aiming a recently-digitized Lancer at his head. It took Jack awhile to finally notice it was Sam Fischer.
"Ah, Christ," Jack growled, "You had me going there."
Sam laughed a bit, then was helped up by a more relaxed Jack.
"I guess you just got the memo?" Sam asked, looking at the president's phone.
"I guess you wetted yourself?" Jack questioned back, looking at the rather large pee stain that was on Sam's jeans. The Elite's cheeks rosied up a little.
"... So anyways," Sam stated, steering away from the awkward comment, "I heard you've got a new recruit that might be needing assistance?"
"Yeah," Jack responded, "Kid goes by a weird name. Mercuy, I think. He keeps pestering me about Kinect 'droids' and silly stuff like that. I'm sending him off to a Sony warehouse somewhere in Brazil."
"Sao Paulo, I presume?" Sam inquired, checking his 9 mm., "The same one with that Governor Castillo whacko?"
"Hey," Jack stated, "He's an honorable man with a load on his hands."
"Whatever," Sam scoffed, crossing his arms, "A crooked politician is always weird to me... not you, just so y'know."
"I know, I know," Jack restated, motioning his hands, "Just meet up with the kid, and I'll tell you eveything else from there."
"Yes sir," Sam saluted, now making his way out of the room.
Left alone once more, Jack seized the opportunity to unlock one of his numerous desk drawyers. Taking a quick glance around the ofice, the businessman pulled out a black Wiimote, with the green "X" symbol pulsating on it. With the press of the button, a green beam shot out of the hilt, resembling that of a lightsaber-like weapon. Jack waved it back and forth, listening to it as it made "whooshing" sounds. Then, out of pure curiosity, the businessman threw it mighty hard, watching it fly beyond the balcony and out of view. Then, in a matter of seconds, the weapon shot back into the office and shoved itself into Jack's hand. Satisfied, the businessman pressed the button once more, watching the green beam shoot back into the hilt. Jack quickly placed it in the drawyer, closed it, and put it under lock and key.
"Yep," Jack spoke, lounging back in his chair, "Still works."
2010-11-16 05:42:00

Posts: 5757

((Sorry I'm late! Hope this up to par with the other writers here...))

"I need to see GDN! You'd better let me in right this minute or...or else!"
"Or else what?" The guard sneers. "I'm afraid you're not permitted into this building, ma'am, only Sony officials are allowed access."
Zim furiously stomps away from the entrance to Sony's base. She slips around the corner and leans close against the wall, observing her surroundings. The back and side entrances are as heavily guarded as the front, and the nearest windows of the metal building are far too high to reach.
Security is tight, but I think I can manage.
Zim peers around the corner of the front of the building. The two guards are much bigger and stronger than herself - Fat chance of winning a fight. She looks around and sees a rock, picks it up, then tosses it into the nearest bush. It makes a rather loud rustling noise, and both of the guards take notice.
"You stay here, I'munna check dat out, kay?"
The guard on the right lumbers in the direction of the bush. Just as he reaches the corner where Zim is hiding, she hooks him by his neck with her cane, pulls him behind the wall and out of sight, then knocks him unconscious. Zim takes a ring of keys from his back pocket and peeks around the corner again. The remaining guard is facing the opposite direction, standing a few yards away from the doorway - Zim quietly makes her way towards it. She manages to soundlessly unlock it - A security camera is positioned right near the doorway in which she enters, and as soon as she steps inside, an alarm sounds throughout the entire building.
2010-11-16 06:08:00

Posts: 3149

After an angry conversation with the President of Microsoft, AA was steaming. Nintendo seemed to be caught in the crossfire. One of AA's spies reported intense battles between Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo had to pick up there game if they wanted to keep a place in "The Big 3". Hopefully RockSaurons plan would work.

2 hours later.

AA sat in the infirmary. Apparently he had a pretty deep gash in his thigh. He sighed. How could he help in this state? Nintendo was also seemed to be in an equally bad state. Fastbro better think of something to save them all. As good of a friend Fastbro was, he had to admit since he came in control the company they had been losing reputation... But AA still had faith in Fastbro. BOOM! "Not again" thought AA. Five men wearing balaclavas, and a big PS logo on their chest burst the door down. AA was stunned. They knocked him out and tied him up...

5 hours later...((this next parts his dream))
AA was chained in a compact room with cold grey walls. He had a pumping headache, and felt like he was going to throw up. He could barely see a sign above a cell. It read- CONTAINMENT UNIT 4 CURRENT PRISINOR- ZIM INVADER ((I hope that's your name in this )) suddenly, AA was hit on the head again, and dragged to another room. A man in militia uniform greeted me. "Hello, my name is GDN"....
2010-11-16 06:45:00

Posts: 1117

((Seeing as I wasn't told this had started and someone already took over the main HQ, I'll be taking over the Asian PS Branch.
Seeing the good number of PS players, I'd reccomend someone taking control of EU branch too.
Also, my name in here is Gin, due to the location. (Gin = Silver in Japanese.))

There's an Emergency!"
Gin still half asleep and half confused only manages to generate a weakish "wha-?" before falling of his chair, quickly shuffling to his feet afterwards.
"Wake up you lazy fool, there's an emergency!
How did you even become Commander of this branch anyways?!"
"Less insults and more reporting!"
"Oh right, right, we just recieved news, that the main branch recently attacked both Nintendo and Microsoft."
Snapped out of his grogginess by the news he slams his hands onto his desk, "WHAT?!" (Darn them, they never inform me of anything.) "When was this?"
"Seems it's been going on for a few days now."
"Tch, bloodthirsty fools, the war was over, and why wasn't told of this earlier?"
"Hey Don't look at me,this is news to me too."
Gin hets p from his chair and heads towards the office's exit. "Come on Dante, we gotta prepare incase of an attack, and to deploy if needed, but I'll need you to go get "Her" first, if this is gonna go as I think it is, we'll need as much attack power as we can get, I need to contact the main brainch in the meantime and ask just what the heck's going on and why I was not told about it earlier."
They both exit the office and go in different directions.
"Now then...where was the communications center again?" (Darn, should've asked him before he left. >_>) "Beh, whoever built this building must be one of those Maze Designers..."
After wandering through the base for about an hour, he finnaly reaches the communications room.
"Sir, we've been expecting you for nearly an hour, is everything ok?"
"Of course, you know, my office's so far away...and I just decided to take the long route, and...stuff.." (Nice save! XD)
"B-but sir...your office's youst across the hall, and-" "and?!" says Gin on a rather angry voice, glaring at the staff member. "...and nothing sir...anyways, we got the link to the main branch ready."
"Good, oppen communications to the main branch's commander!"
"Right away sir!"
The screen lights up showing a guard from the main branch. "C-comander Gin!" The guard semed alarmed at the fact of the Asian branch's contact. "We-we were not expecting you"
"Whatever" siad Gin, "Just get me the commander, I got some things in need to ask him..."
"Eh...uh...the Comannder's not available at the moment, he's...away."
"Tch, just my luck...fine, get me whoever's next in command!"
"GDN is currently busy interrogating a Ninten-er...I mean, he's away with the commander on a mission."
"I See..." (Do you think I'm an Idiot? -_- They're definately hiding something, best catch them by surprise, so I guess I'll play along for now.) "Fine, tell the commander to contact me ASAP, I got a few things I gotta ask him, Over."
Heh, they think just because our branch is not as popular as theirs, that they can just ignore us and put us aside?
Alrigth then, lets see what they're hiding over there then!" He takes out a communicator, "Prepare to deploy Squads 5 and 9, we're moving out!"
2010-11-16 11:22:00

Posts: 6707

((Still running on Valve Time here. Sorry for any misspellings, not using my Google Chrome, I'm on a school computer.))

It was a normal day in the Toadstool region at Nintendo. This little district, modeled after the towns of the Mushroom Kingdom, was a bright and cheerful place. The Toad warriors, geniticly enhanced versions of Princess Peach's normal servents, were milling about their own buisiness. Sun Sprites zoomed around the area. These creatures kept the area bright and nice looking; the sky blue and clear, even in the dark, smoggy world the Wars had created. Suddenly, however, the sky was filled with a line of smoke. Some sort of weapon was blasting down on the town, coming closer and closer, while the Toads seemed not to notice. The missle hit a lone spot of reckage - a place where nothing grew, an exeption to the lush grass of the village - and exploded. And out of that explosion came something else.
Blue tumbled and rolled a few feet before rising swiftly.
"Hello soldiers, I'm back!" the figure shouted.
2010-11-16 12:40:00

Posts: 1702

suddenly, AA was hit on the head again, and dragged to another room. A man in militia uniform greeted me. "Hello, my name is GDN"....
((WHAT? I was in the lab for a minute and now I'm suddenly meeting with AA? Unless it's a fake me... I will continue from my last post, you seem to be god-modding me and Zim around a little bit to much. ??))

Suddenly, the base alarms sounded. GDN stored his power gloves in a genetic safe, and grabbed his weapon.
GDN: What is happening???
Soldier: Someone is invading the base, sir!
GDN: Where is him?
Soldier: He was last seen at the main command building.
GDN: Alright, soldiers, let's go! Whoever this guy is, he picked the wrong base to invade!
GDN entered the building, which was desert, because it is locked during the night. He turned on his flashlight and walked around the rooms. Nobody was there. He took the stairs to the upper floors while his men stayed on the ground floor. He approached the main command room, and noticed that the lights were on. GDN slowly opened the door, and entered the room. Someone then jumped on him and tried to choke him, but he kicked him away and pointed his gun at him. Upon geting closer, GDN noticed what was going on:
GDN: Wait... You are a girl!
Zim: You're GDN, I guess... I have to talk to you...
2010-11-16 15:47:00

Posts: 5891

((continuation from my last post))

Snake got to successfully infiltrate the Microsoft Mainframe Building, his abilities are the best, a ghost solider made to sneak into the most tight security systems and guards, he finally reaches the motherboard control center and begins downloading the data into a PDA...

Ragnarok: Good, that's all we need by now snake, the data is up and running into the server!

Snake: Some one is coming!

Ragnarok: Quick use the active camo! the data is complete! you must leave the building now! we don't want any suspicions!

Snake gets out of the room but inadvertently drops his psp on the floor!

Meanwhile I communicate the data to the RROD re-targeting space station.

Ragnarok: Upload complete! Main systems are up and running!

Engineer: We got full power all systems green! Ready to shoot!

Ragnarok: (after a deep breath) Shoot!

The armed satellite disseminates a motherboard overload on all the xbox 360's around the world and the RROD begins to appear on all the systems! rendering all the 360 consoles useless, not only that, but many of the xbox army systems run with the xbox 360 and get the error as well, suddenly Microsoft's xbox army is back to the stone age! :kz: Tons of claims begin to arise of people wanting a refurbished unit and guarantee claims keep growing.

2010-11-16 16:07:00

Posts: 898

((sorry, it ain't real. I was hit on the head so many times this is AA's little dream world. He'll probably be there for a few more posts, didn't mention cos I'm stupid))

Suddenly, more people came in. "im Gin" said one "I'm ragnorak said another. AA was terrified... Suddenly, a green ring midlife around him. A second later, he was being strangled by Jack. AA screamed. Then the world fell. Engulfed in an instance.

AA woke up. He was still in that cell. He sighed, relieved of the torment.
2010-11-16 18:36:00

Posts: 1117

"A fine day this is turning out to be..." Fastbro murmured to himself. "First I find out that the Console Wars are back on, then I'm unable to get through to the Microsoft President... And now, my suicidal friend, AA has gone missing! ...ARGH!" Fastbro slumped down onto his desk.
"...I might as well give up." he thought to himself. "I might as well just hold my hands in the air and surrender..." Fastbro gazed over to the portrait of his father on the wall. He felt priviledged just to be his son.
"NO!" shouted Fastbro out loud as he got out of his seat. "I won't give up! That isn't what my father would do! He would fight to the bitter end!"
Fastbro stood there for a few seconds in silence taking in what he just said. "Are you alright sir?" sounded Joan's voice on the answering machine.
"God!" thought Fastbro. "Someone was listening to me?"
Fastbro cleared his throat in the most formal way possible before pressing the button on his answering machine. "Um, er... Yes I'm fine Joan! In fact, I'm glad you phoned me. I need you to make contact with Blue."
There was a pause. "...With all due respect Sir, I haven't seen Mr. BulletBill in a while. He's a bit of a... rebel."
Fastbro took a deep sigh. "I know, I know. But none the less he's a member of this company, and although he's my friend he needs to shift his weight a bit more."
"Ok... I'll try. But what do you want me to tell him."
Fastbro smirked childishly. "Well, tell him he's in charge of our Toad Army and to attack that unidentified vehicle we picked up on our radars."
"Yes sir." murmured Joan. Then the phone went off, leaving Fastbro alone again with his thoughts.
Fastbro picked up his pen and began to chew on the top of it nervously. "There must be SOMETHING else I can do..."
On that note he jumped out of his seat and rushed out into the corridor, he wasn't just gonna sit around and do nothing. His company needed him.

((Someone feel free to bump into me!))
2010-11-16 19:11:00

Posts: 1277

((sorry, it ain't real. I was hit on the head so many times this is AA's little dream world. He'll probably be there for a few more posts, didn't mention cos I'm stupid))
((Ok then. ))
((Now to wait for Zim to tell me whatever she wants to tell me...))
2010-11-16 20:46:00

Posts: 5891

((Sorry, I'll have to type it up later, I'm on my PS3 browser atm! Just hang in there!))2010-11-16 21:26:00

Posts: 3149

((fillzors between double brackets lol))
2010-11-16 21:28:00

Posts: 5891

Suddenly, more people came in. "im Gin" said one

((I'm in Asia, Yet to deploy, unnnaware of anything happening because I wasn't told, and atm still not part of the "combat." so how the hack did that happen?!
Srry, but try again, and try to link a story that fits, or make NPC's if none available, doesn't matter!
Also, wth are you doing anyways Ragnarock...did you just kill Microsoft without even linking stories or facing any problems? >_<
I don't like how this is going...))
2010-11-16 21:42:00

Posts: 6707

((I'm in Asia, Yet to deploy, unnnaware of anything happening because I wasn't told, and atm still not part of the "combat." so how the hack did that happen?!
Srry, but try again, and try to link a story that fits, or make NPC's if none available, doesn't matter!
Also, wth are you doing anyways Ragnarock...did you just kill Microsoft without even linking stories or facing any problems? >_<
I don't like how this is going...))

(No I didn't, I just expect outlaw to overcome it anyway there are many ways for MS to surpass it, i don't meant it as definitive, kinda like a response to his magic controller , and about linking, well, the only one ive tried to link with was GDN, oh and AA said he was on like a hallucination or something, at least i got to read everyones post here, looks like no one else is up to date or just simply dont care
2010-11-16 22:01:00

Posts: 898

((Continuing from Fastbro's and my post))

The nearby Toads smiled at their commander. "Welcome back Blue!" exclaimed one soldier as he walked by. Blue clicked a button on a wrist device, and his voice came through speakers, causing all the Toads to pause their work.

"Alright men, you know the schedule - time for some drills." While there were a few mumbled groans, the majority of his troops stayed cheerful, even eager to push themselves once again through training. This never failed to bring a smile to Blue's face -the idea that these guys looked up to him. This mutual respect was just one of many things that kept him fighting for Nintendo; in every way, they had given him a family again. "Let's start with some laps and the-"

Suddenly, Blue felt a vibration on his arm, where he had a cell phone embedded into his weapon. It was Joan. "Oh god, not more business stuff. I'm gonna lose it if I have to fill out one more form," he thought. Blue preferred to leave the office work to his friend Fastbro. As the name crossed B3's mind, he made a note to himself to meet up with his old friend sometime soon, Fastbro had barely talked to him for anything other than business in ages. "Poor guy," Blue thought, "So dedicated to the cause, sometime I wonder if my old friend is still in this old manager."

Blue quickly snapped back to reality. "One moment, men. Begin heading to the track, I'll meet you there.". Blue answered the phone. "Hey Joan, what do you have for me toda- really? A battleship?" A smile ran across Blue's face. "Oh no, no problem at all! My men and I will be glad to take care of it. Sounds fun." He started to hang up. "Oh, and Joan? Tell Fastbro we need to meet up sometime, just for some fun. The guy practically sleeps at his desk, it's not good for him not to get out once in a while. Thanks Joan! Take care of yourself."

The smile on Blue's face erupted into a full-blown grin. He spoke through the speakers again, "Alright guys, change in plan. Seems like we've got a fight on our hands."
The cheers from around the camp were deafening. "Cmon, don't party just yet," though anyone looking at Blue would have thought he wanted nothing but. "Man the Skyshrooms! We're taking to the air, team!"

The Skyshrooms were the Toad's aerial equipment. They were an adaption of a spacecraft, known as Starshrooms, that were built by Lumas. They looked like bright red mushrooms, but they were far more deadly - the ships had very powerful blasters (Once, a ship's cannon had hit Blue in Bullet Bill form. It was the only thing that had ever injured him in that state.) and could zip through the air at insane speeds.

Blue hopped on top of one Skyshroom as its pilots entered. He hunched on the ship's roof on one knee, using his electric powers to keep himself steady on the metal surface. He spoke into his wrist once more: "Alright soldiers, we have a warship headed this way from the north. Our mission is to take the ship down. Destroy all droids, all living creatures are to be taken alive. You know the drill."

Blue stood up on top of the ship, using a tendril of electricity to keep himself upright. "Prepare to launch in three, two, one..." Blue smiled again, and his hands crackled with electricity, a sign of how eager the commander was.

"Bring it on."

((tl;dr: Blue gets the mission to take out Jspot's battleship, he is worried about Fastbro being overworked.))
2010-11-16 23:37:00

Posts: 1702

"Now can you please put that gun down?"
GDN refuses.
"Not a chance! You just barge right into my base and expect me to trust you? How do I know you're not a spy from Microsoft or Nintendo?"
The alarms are still going off and reinforcements will be here any second.
"Look, we'd better make this quick - I want to join Sony in the war."
GDN raises and eyebrow and lowers his weapon for just a second before hastily raising it again, growing even more suspicious.
"What makes you think I'd just - "
Several guards burst through the door, all holding their weapons up and surrounding the intruder. GDN glances away from the scene with a puzzled look, contemplating what he should do, then looks back at the guards awaiting his orders.
"Just put her away until I figure out what to do...I need a bit of time to think this through, and I've got more important things to attend to at the moment."
2010-11-16 23:50:00

Posts: 3149

AA's eyes were wide. He was panting, a terrified look on his face. "I don't know where the money is!" he yelled. A guard gave him a puzzled look. He picked up his walkie-talkie and muttered something in it.

((i cant think of what else to say...))
2010-11-17 02:38:00

Posts: 1117

Something hit. And it wasn't a bomb...
Fear struck the businessman as he sat alone in his office. His body began to rapidly heat up, his head started pulsating, and soon enough, he was shaking all over. Fighting the strain, Jack pushed himself up from out of his chair. Before he knew it, his veins started flashing green... the red.
"Oh God," Jack quivered, staring at his arms as the red glow shot up.
The infection rode up his neck and to his head, where his normally green eyes also started flashing. Suddenly, as the businessman stood erect and still, his eyes lose color, and his shaking stops. Then, with his right eye turning blood red, Jack, the President of Microsoft, fell over like a deadman, his body in a state of limbo. For he himself, though supremely unlikely, contracted the deadly RROD virus. And at this very moment, someone came through the door.
"Heeeey Jack!" Natalie announced, appearing in her polished pink Spartan armor, "Just thought I'd come over and say... Jack?"
Curious, and scared, the former secretary walked up to the desk, looking for Jack. And as she looked over, the only sight she could see... was her friend in a state of RROD.
"JACK!!" Natalie cried, hopping over the desk and to his side, "Oh God, JACK!!"
Taking off her helmet to reveal her strawberry-blonde hair, she starts to apply CPR, taking 30 compressions for each two breaths. She applies the method over and over again, and yet, to no avail.
"Oh, come on!!" Natalie pleaded, giving more breaths, "BREATHE!!"
As Natalie refitted her helmet and started looking around desperately, Master Chief walks in, carrying a large Mountain Dew. Before he said anything, the Chief stops still in place, looking on in shock. Then, without hesitation, the Chief also runs on over and jumps over the desk, dropping the soda in the process. By this time, Natalie began breaking down and crying.
"What happened?!" the Chief commanded, checking Jack's vitals.
"He got bugged!!" Natalie screamed, now laying her face on Jack's chest.
Seeing the desperation of the situation, the Chief quickly moves Natalie away and hauls Jack onto his shoulder, ordering Natalie to bring the Kinect.
"He needs medical attention NOW!!" the Chief shouted, making his way out the door.
Natalie followed close behind, for both he and Master Chief knew that Jack's life was on the line.
2010-11-17 05:15:00

Posts: 5757

((JACK NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Nice plot there ))2010-11-17 05:18:00

Posts: 1117

((C'mon GDN, where are you??))2010-11-17 05:44:00

Posts: 3149

((my cell is boring.... someone interact with meh))2010-11-17 07:04:00

Posts: 1117

JspOt smirked as the base was falling in... apparently Intel said that it was some toadstool town.
But did he care? No.
2010-11-17 15:02:00

Posts: 3607

((C'mon GDN, where are you??))
((Looks like it's your turn to wait for me... ))
((Alright, now it's my turn again! ))

GDN sat there, thinking...
GDN: Why would I accept a girl in my team? We already got enough trained men...
But, on the other side... She just infiltrated our base... No one has ever did that before...
GDN then stood up and ran after his men. He found them carrying Zim to a cell.
Zim: Release me, your dorks! Do you know who are you messing with???
GDN: Men! Stop!
Everyone stopped.
GDN: Bring the girl to me.
Zim: So... I see you changed your mind, eh? Gonna accept me on the team?
GDN: First, I have to see what are you capable of.
Zim: I expected that...
GDN ordered his men to take Zim to the shooting range. He climbed a tower nearby and stayed there to watch.
GDN: If you are going to be on my team, you must show a decent performace! You will have to run the course, kill every enemy and do no harm to civilians!
The soldier released her, then opened a container full of guns and showed it to Zim.
Soldier: Good luck lady... GDN isn't the "easy to please" kind...
2010-11-17 15:43:00

Posts: 5891

JspOt smirked as the base was falling in... apparently Intel said that it was some toadstool town.
But did he care? No.

((I CALL BULL****.

One minute you're in the ship, the next minute you're at the Nintento HQ? No. Nope.

My squad was launching when you were still 30+ minutes from our base. So, you just hold it hotshot, until I make my move. AKA when I can next post.))
2010-11-17 18:04:00

Posts: 1702

((he has got you there... ^))

AA frantically attempted to free his hands. Usually, this was easy for him. But AA still had blurred vision, and had to act as mad as a hatter. Although he didn't feel entirely sane.... Success! But he knew that unless someone opened the door it was no use. And he still had to untie his feet.
2010-11-17 19:02:00

Posts: 1117

"Guns? No thanks."
Zim takes her cane from her backpack and runs onto the field. Wooden cutouts are scattered about, some of them moving back and forth, and some of them standing still, hidden in hard-to-reach places. Zim dashes up to the first target and slices it right in half, then quickly boosts off a nearby wall for an aerial attack on the next, reducing it to a pile of splinters. Within the next five minutes, every target in the field is destroyed.
2010-11-17 19:49:00

Posts: 3149

((Ok, I think I will continue my story then))

The satellite worked perfectly! I now have Microsoft between the sword and the wall! But the war is not over, the satellite could only strike 40% of MS power control, its time to tell the others to strike and give MS the final punch and get them out of the game FOREVER :kz: then we can take care of Nintendo easily as we shall incorporate MS technology!

Ragnarok: How is out little project coming?

Scientist: Its ready Sir! we managed to control the output and now works perfectly!

Ragnarok: Then its time for phase 2! the Virtualizer! (puts a strange back pack on then takes what it appears to be a CD reader on its belt), finally the power of each PS video game to the reach of my hands! (takes LBP blue ray disc and plugs it in!) behold the POPIT! *epic music* (starts to create metal blocks)

Scientist: It can read any possible game Sir!, just be careful, when trying to spawn really big objects the Virtualizer can jam.

Ragnarok: fine, can I use movie contents?

Scientist: only material objects work, trying to spawn duplicates of people can create a paradox!, also the battery may deplete when using the Virtualizer extensively, but I've added a solar panel and motion rechargeable battery system, still watch out for battery levels.

Ragnarok: I shall get that in mind, give me 3 copies of the instructions and 3 more Virtualizers, I will send all these to the other elite members.

3 packages were sent, one to commander Gin in Japan, 2 for GDN and whomever is with him at the moment or for analysis. In the meanwhile, I will give a small visit to the xbox main HQ, time to give a little visit to the Outlaw commander of MS, with him out of the way I can incorporate MS!

(BTW a comment, try to read all the posts that were after the last you made before you write something, that way you can react and link the other stories)
2010-11-17 20:12:00

Posts: 898

((We still haven't had any contribution from kitkasumass, shadow3596, Spencer591, and more...))

((Oh, and now it's our turn to wait for you again, GDN lol))
2010-11-17 20:21:00

Posts: 3149

((We still haven't had any contribution from kitkasumass, shadow3596, Spencer591, and more...))

((Oh, and now it's our turn to wait for you again, GDN lol))

((yeah we are still missing fishrock and many others : we can take them as special reinforcements? the problem is they will have to read a lot to get up to date!, so I shall give a small summary of the current events))

MS: Outlaw Jack got hit by the RROD, a lot but not all of MS forces were hit 60% is still active, Mercury 77 is still on the battlefield, whether he was or was not hit by the RROD is up to him.

Nintendo: Blue bullet bill is about to take an air squadron to fight JspOt's battleship, and AA battery is in an unknown prison having visions, Fastbro was about to do something about the battleship too and to help blue bullet bill.

Sony: Ragnarok (me lol) has deployed the RROD weapon, sent 3 virtualizers to several members (read my post to see what the snaps is the virtualizer) and is about to confront Jack as he was weakened by the RROD, GDN is testing zim's abilities and Zim succeeds, Gin (aka silver leon) is on Japan deploying units and JspOt is attacking the mushroom kingdom with a battleship))
2010-11-17 20:35:00

Posts: 898

((HERE I COME!!! Post time ))

Zim walked out of the course, and every soldier in the area was impressed. GDN looked at her and said:
GDN: I like your style. Managed to complete the pit in 4 minutes and 57 seconds... With only a cane! Not bad!
Zim: So, is that enough? Or do I have to destroy a tank now?
GDN: That's enough.
GDN exited the tower and asked for all the soldiers to go away. They quickly obeyed. GDN then told Zim:
GDN: You know what? I think you are the perfect guy...
Zim: Gal...
GDN: ...gal to come with me in a secret mission.
Zim: A secret mission? And what is it?
GDN: We are going to a MS Military base tomorrow. There is some stuff in that base that I... I have interest in.
Zim: Ohh...
GDN: We will take off in a stealth plane today 9PM, and arrive to our location tomorrow 3AM. We will then base jump, land 1Km next to the base, get in unnoticed, grab the intel and get to the extraction point. Your ok with that?
2010-11-17 21:07:00

Posts: 5891

((GDN, are you reading all the posts? I even try to link with you guys but you are not reading or at least tell me you don't want to link with my story :/ )2010-11-17 21:09:00

Posts: 898

((GDN, are you reading all the posts? I even try to link with you guys but you are not reading or at least tell me you don't want to link with my story :/ )
((calm down, did you send it throught teleport chamber or FedEx? I assume the deliver isn't instantly))
2010-11-17 21:10:00

Posts: 5891

Blue scanned through the clouds with eager eyes, looking for the ship.He had put on his headphones during the ride, and was now blasting A Day To Remember. "Good stuff," he thought. "Perfect soundtrack for a fight."

Suddenly, the clouds broke. A huge ship loomed before them. Blue spoke into his mike, "Alright men, you know what to do.". Toads from closer ships began deploying while B3 leapt into the air, seemingly about to fall to his death.

At the height of his jump however, he transformed into a Bullet Bill, and blasted through the sky. With a great explosion, he crashed through the ship's hull. Blue in human form rolled from the wreckage and went back to the radio. "Hull's open on left side, can't miss. Be ready to evacuate - anything funny happens and I electroshock this thing, and we'll all go down."

Blue looked around to make sure no droids were coming his way, and started down the ship's hall.
2010-11-17 22:06:00

Posts: 1702

"Easy enough."
The soldiers return to their work, some of them retiring to their quarters for the day and some of them continuing with their duties. GDN and Zim go back inside the building and head towards the aircraft hangar to prepare for tonight's mission.
As they walk down the hallway near the back of the base, Zim notices several prison cells lining the walls. From one particular cell, loud rustling noises are heard. GDN doesn't seem to notice. Zim apprehensively looks back at the cell as they pass by. Although a bit unnerved, she shrugs it off and continues walking.
2010-11-17 22:11:00

Posts: 3149

((Been a while, but I'm in the warehouse in Brazil with Sam Fischer.))

"...So then I said, well what did you do? ahahahahah"
"you realize we are on a stealth mission, not the best time to be telling stories."
"Hey, I don't see you wearing a pair of cool night vision goggles"
"you got me there Sam."
"dam straight"
"see anything yet? I wanna get out of this dam air vent."
"nope, nothing... wait.... I see something, thier car just rolled in."
"good, lets put him down."
"fine, jump down and take the shot, but try not to attract any attention,"
"I know what I'm doing."
Mercuy slowly opened the vent, and jumped onto the balcony below, luckily he had been armed with poison rounds so that he will be killed overtime. Mercuy quickly aimed at the taget's neck, as it would have the quickest effect.
shouted Sam as it distracted Mercuy the slighest bit just to move the shot.
This exchange and the missed shot caused the Warehouse to be on alert, and heading toward Merc and Sam.
"Look what you did, cmon, we gotta get out of here"
Sam then takes one shot at the Brazilian and hits him
"K lets go."
"Bout time you did something."
2010-11-17 22:30:00

Posts: 2135

That mission was going to require skill from the two soldiers. But skill is what they got most.
Zim was boarding the plane, and GDN was about to, when a soldier ran towards him with a package in his hands.
Soldier: GDN! GDN! This was just delivered at our gate! It was sent by Ragnarok!
GDN: Ragnarok? I wonder what he came up with now...
GDN opens the package to find two CD players. GDN grabs one and Zim gets out of the plane to see what was happening.
Zim: What's taking you so... Wait, what is this?
GDN then took a letter that came with the package and started to read it.
GDN: According to Ragnarok, this device he built can do things like reading game CDs, hacking computer terminals, analyze genetical information, parse biological structures... And some other five-dollar words...
Zim: Wait, what?
GDN: There's a guide on how to use it, but I don't think we have time to read it. SOLDIER! Store this in my genetical safe! We will test it after the mission.
Soldier: Yes sir!
GDN and Zim then boarded the plane, and it took off.

6 hours later...

Pilot: Well guys, this is your location. Prepare to jump!
GDN: I hope you know how to use a parachute.
Zim: C'mon, any dork could know that you must pull the cord!
GDN: If you say so... Sure you don't want to carry any guns?
Zim: I don't need them! You men and your itchy trigger fingers...
GDN: Well, the guards we will fight have itchy trigger fingers, so...
Zim: Just jump already!
Zim pushes GDN out of the plane and jumps right after. They land in a cold forest, 10 meters far from each other. They regroup and start heading towards the base.
GDN: You know that, from now on, there's no turning back, right?
Zim: Do you think that I want to get back?
2010-11-17 23:24:00

Posts: 5891

The two trudge through the thick layers of snow, heading for the base. From their location, they can see guards with weapons at every corner, and the security at the entrance is airtight.
"So...What's our plan for getting in? There's no way we can get in through the front..."
Zim questioned. GDN looked towards the base.
"Follow me."
2010-11-17 23:29:00

Posts: 3149

JspOt was running through the gunship after hearing an alarm. Eventually, he saw someone running toward him.
JspOt readied his fists and ran...
2010-11-17 23:43:00

Posts: 3607

GDN and Zim headed towards the eletric fence. There wasn't anybody around.
Zim: What's your plan? Try to jump over the fence and ignore the shock?
GDN: Hehe, nope. Just watch...
GDN pulled a special knife out of his pocket and cut a hole in the fence.
GDN: That will do. Ladies first!
Zim: Haha, very funny...
They got inside the base and headed towards the control building. But there were two guards in front of them. GDN took cover and said:
GDN: Guards! I'm going to take them out quickly... Just wait... Where's Zim?
GDN just looked at Zim taking out both guards with the cane.
Zim: What were you saying about guns again?
GDN: Just get inside the building...
The control building was a big hangar with some offices on the second floor. GDN searched around for some pieces of machinery, and Zim went upstairs to donwload the intel. She managed to hack the computer using Ctrl+Alt+Del to cancel the security sistems. She then waited 2 minutes for the download to finish. When it finished, she heard the hangar door opening.
GDN (by radio): Zim, I just got found... Stay down and think about something, quick!
Enemy soldier: Keep your hands in the air! Any trick and your dead!
GDN: Look around Zim, find a way to distract these enemies so I can get to cover!

((it's late, that's my last post for today))
2010-11-17 23:45:00

Posts: 5891

Zim quickly looks around, trying to figure out what to do. She opens the door just enough to see GDN with his hands in the air and his knees on the ground, with two guards holding their weapons up to him.
"Two? Hah..."
Zim backs away from the door and contacts GDN by radio.
"I'm going to distract the guards, toss you the intel, and you're going to run. Don't worry about me - I've got it under control. Just get back to the plane and don't come back no matter what happens. Got it?"
Zim kicks open the door and whistles loudly to the guards. They switch their attention over to her, just as she throws the intel down to GDN and backs up into the room again. He catches it and bolts off in the direction of the fence they came in from. The guards run up the stairs to the station and bust open the door to see Zim standing in front of the control panel.
"Put your hands where I can see them! Don't make us shoot!"
Zim follows their orders, but at the last second jumps through the open window to her left. She grasps the ledge with her cane, right out of the guards' view. Zim climbs down to the lowest ledge, then hops down to the ground. She smirks and brushes off her sleeves, then turns around to find more than twenty soldiers surrounding her, all holding their weapons up.
GDN sees a small bunker as he's running and slips behind it for cover. He looks over the side of it, back in the direction of the hangar and sees Zim with her hands behind her back, being led inside the building by a crowd of soldiers.

- - - - - - - - - -

The soldiers take Zim down a rather lengthy hallway. After a few minutes, Zim remembers the radio in her front pocket. As quietly as possible, she tries to contact GDN.
"GDN, you there? I want you to listen to me carefully - Get back to the plane like I told you earlier. Just stay hidden until I get back, and don't come back here, it's far too risky. I'll figure this out, I just need you to - "
"Quiet, you!"
A soldier pushes Zim, and the radio falls out of her pocket and onto the floor. All of the soldiers stop in their tracks. One of them looks at the radio.
"Trying to be sneaky, now, are we?"
He says, right before crushing it with his boot.
"You'd better not try any more tricks like that, missy..."
The soldier says as he walks up to a cell and opens the door, then pushes Zim inside.
"...But it doesn't matter, because you won't be here for long anyways."
He smiles grimly and shuts the door behind him, locking it tight.
2010-11-18 00:32:00

Posts: 3149

The monitor was flatlining, people were scattering about, and the media was crowding the hospital doors. Word of their leader got out.
"GO AWAY!!" Master Chief shouted, silencing the flashing and hollering of the public eye, "NO VISITORS ALLOWED!!"
The Chief slammed the front doors closed, simultaneously jamming them into the doorframe. The constant pestering of the media and continual pounding of the building's walls, windows and doors sounded like gunfire to the war veteran, agitating him so. Storming up the stairs to the 3rd floor, the Chief was greeted by the distress of the medics and the random, scattered noises of various tools and papers. Natalie is seen sitting at the unconcious Jack's bedside, stroking his hair ever so softly.
"Mr. Chief," Dr. Allen, the hospital's chief doctor, announced, "We've found the source of RROD virus. It seemed that the lethal program was channeled through one of our satellites, coming from a remote server down in-"
"I DON'T WANT DETAILS!!" the Chief roared, startling the doctor and his staff, "I WANT THE SOURCE ASSIMILATED!!"
Taking command, Master Chief turned on his communicator, contacting a seasoned Elite, Marcus Fenix.
"Mark!!" the Chief ordered, "Major assignment!! ASAP!!"
"JOHN!!" Marcus barked back, "INTEL!! NOW!!"
"Rendevous point!! Up-high!!" the Cheif shouted, "ALLEN! Reading!!"
"Source appears to be making movement towards HQ, sir," the good doctor responded, now doubling as a communicator, "And it's coming up fast."
"Soldier!" the Chief relayed to Marcus, "Data's being transfered now! Shoot 'em down!!"
"ROGER THAT!!" Marcus roared back, boarding a heavily-armed Pelican, "Alright boys!! You heard the man!! GO-GO-GO!!"
And with those words commanded, the Pelican and several other Microsoft flying craft take to the skies, making way towards an unaware Ragnarok and his convoy. The Console Wars has taken to the skies.
And all the while, Natalie sat by Jack's side, stroking his head, and muttering words.
"Come on, Jack..." Natalie mumbled, staring down at the unconcious President.
A blank, white expansion ran to infinity in all directions. No living soul or program could possibly survive here for long... unless you were the one who created such a vast wasteland: Jack.
Wandering around the digitalized state of limbo, the lost and weary Jack walked aimlessly, unsure of what lies ahead.
"Years..." Jack mumbled, his whisperes echoing to the distance, "Years of nothing but blood, betrayal... death. This never-ending torment... for my friends, for my allies... for my people. It must end... but how..."
Contemplating in his vast mind, the businessman, now completely cladded in bright white, sank to the floor, laying down and looking at the blank expansion above. The sound of nothing gave the man all the time in the world to ponder and re-evaluate.
It seems that he'll be there for a while...

((Attention all posters who haven't posted yet!: If you don't post anything by the end of this week, you're OUT. Oh, and RockSauron will not be playing anymore. That is all.))
2010-11-18 03:43:00

Posts: 5757

((continuation from Jack's post))

I was heading towards Jack location, almost there, ready to finish him and take MS for my own control!, the hospital was close....

Pilot: We got readings, incoming several air units and they definitely are not friendly!

Ragnarok: Let me see, 2 Pelicans, a special Heavy Pelican, and 6 Hornets, looks like we got a party!

Pilot: But sir, there is no way we can hold that much by our own!, we could barely take half of them at best!

Ragnarok: You can't I know, but I can (pulls out Armored Core For Answer disc, battery levels of the Virtualizer indicate I have only 5 minutes for a vehicle of that size), 5 minutes good enough.

Pilot: What do we do now? we are waiting orders!

Ragnarok: Return to base, I will take them down.

I jump from the dropship and activate the Virtualizer and spawn into White Glint, a powerful mech!, quickly start launching missiles and take down the hornets, 2 minutes left!, the Virtualizer starts to heat up..
Using the last energy remaining I activate the Armor Assault and deactivate all pelicans, the Virtualizer shuts down and we all go straight to the ground.

(almost accurate visual representation :3 --> http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo6/icaras_racer/Random%20Stuff/NICE.gif)

Chief: Is everyone ok?

Marcus: *cough* *cough* Yeah, I can barely hear!

Chief: What happened here!, looks like an EMP strike! my armor is having issues, but fine so far...

Chief and Marcus are trying to get out of the bulk of the crashed pelican, as I lay down on the ground, everything is blurry and cant hear anything.....

Chief: Look what we got here...

Marcus: What's that thing he has on the back? (he takes the Virtualizer, its almost melting).

Chief: Looks like we got the culprit, call to Jack, tell him we got the little prankster.

Marcus: Jack is un-conscious, but Natalie said to bring his equipment and send the guy to MS Military Base 03.

Chief: Sounds good, they might get some answers from him over there.

A 4th Pelican arrived and they placed the un-conscious Ragnarok inside, Chief and Marcus went back to the hospital as the pelican took off to its location.
2010-11-18 05:13:00

Posts: 898

Zim tries looking around for anything of use, but the cell is bare - nothing but four walls. Even if there was anything that could help her to escape, it would be pretty hard to do anything with handcuffs on...While attempting to wriggle out of the handcuffs, she starts to hear some commotion down the hall. There are hundreds of footsteps and people shouting - the Microsoft base must be filled with tons of people for some reason. Zim looks through the small window in the front door and sees a soldier carrying someone on his back. The soldier stops in front of the cell and she jumps back from the door as he opens it. He carelessly tosses the person he was carrying into the corner of the cell and slams it shut behind him.
Zim approaches the prisoner to find he's unconscious.
"Great...He's no help if he's not awake!"
She tries shaking him to get him to wake up, but he's out cold.
"Fine then, I'll just have to figure this out myself. Hmph, it's not like I'm not used to being on my own."
2010-11-18 08:59:00

Posts: 3149

((Note: This starts at the end of my previous post, not at the current time, so don't be confused is something doesn't match up time-wise.))

"Roger, preparing to deploy squads 5 and 9" said a female secretary-like voice from the communications room, then a moment later throught the speakers: "Attention All Squad 5 Pilots, report to the hangar for deployment! I Repeat, all Squad 5 Pilots to the hangar for deployment!"
"35 should be enough for now I guess." Said Gin, "Don't even know if the whole thing's true anyways, still, better bring some reinforcements, just in case..."

With that Gin walks out of the room and heads towards the hangar. (Oh right, I should tell Dante we're deploying first.)
Gin raises his left arm, to take out his communicator. ((Communicator can't reach intercontimental signals, which is why the Communications room was needed.))
"Now then what was his frequency number again? Oh right, 3,6,2" (Hey wait a sec, doesn't that spell-)
"This is Dante" Dante's voice interrupeted, what's the situation?"
"Ah, there you are, situation's changed, we're deploying now, we're heading to the base GDN's at, he's usually around the Commander, he should know something. Also, have you contacted her already?"
"Wait, we're deploying already?" Dante said with a rather annoyed tone, " Sigh, haven't even been able to contact her yet, should I return to base?"
"No, find her first, you two can catch up to us once you've made contact, I got squads 5 and 9 with me anyways, there shouldn't be much trouble."
"Heh, won't they see those gigants toasters approaching? specially squad 9." Said Dante on a sarcastic tone.
"Meh, I've been looking for a chance to test them out in the field anyways, what's the point of having a defensive squad if you're not using it to defend anything, right?" Gin grinned, and cut communications as he was reaching the hangar where 15 Pilots around thie 20's stood ther in line awaiting orders.

"Everyone here?" Shouted Gin.
"Sir Yes Sir!" replied the entire squad.
"Good, listen, we're deploaying to Main Branch HQ, It seems there may be a battle going on over at the mainland, but nothing is confirmed, and even tho we're going to go to find out what's going, there's still the possibilities the rumors are true and there is a war about to break out, meaning there's still a chance that we'll have to combat, are you prepared?"
"Sir Yes Sir!" replied the enthusiastic group of young pilot, as if eager to engage in combat.

"Excellent! Right then, get in your units and meet me out in the runway, team 9 is already there as well." Gin walked off toward the runway.
While walking to their Mech units, the 15 pilots were rather confused of who this "Team 8" was, as they'd never heard of it, and with good reason, as Team 9 was the latest experimental team entirely made up of 20 A.I. - controlled Defensive-style mechs ((Meaning big mechs with thick armors and asic weaponery, but very slow in combat movement and targetting.)) a new project that had been recently approved for actual missions.

After everyone was on the runway...

"Aright then, everyone's here I see" (Man that's a big Runway to hold so man mechs!) Ok, everyone, you're the 2 tteams more suited tfor intercontinental flights, so we shoukd be there before midnight, we don't have time to loose, so lets go, move out!"
"Sir, I recall you were saying you were deployin as well, so where's your mobile unit, if you don't minf me asking, sir." said one of the pilots right before they left.
"Oh, I don't need such things, I don't need those things." Gin turned around and ran to the edge jumping off to the city hundreads of feet bellow, his shirt ripped appart as bat-like wings sprouted from his back, his shoes fell off as his feet and arms turned dark and scaly about up to the knee and elbows, with sharp dragon-like claws, his hair lenghtening to about waist-lenght, fangs grew sharper and eye color changing from gray to very light white, almost making it seem as if he had no pupils, and bright blood-red symbols and lined appearing all over his body, he took flight, back to his original course.
"Heh, guess being cursed has ts advantages sometiimes, huh?" he said to himself.
Squad 5 panicked for a bit, but then saw their faintly recognisable general emerge from belowsigning them an "Ok" sign showing them he was alright, followed by a loud "What are ya waiting for?! Move it or you're not getting paid!! to which the Squads reacted and took off behind him.

- A while later somewhere avobe the ocean...

"Beep beep beep, Incoming transmission from HQ." ((Gin's HQ, not main.))
"Sir, we've recieved a packege for you sent by Ragnarock, from the mainland." Said one of the Staff members through the communicator.
"Oh? Well that's just bad timing, I'm more than halfway there, no waay I'm turning back now, what is it?"
"Seems to be some sort of...portable DVD player?"
"What...?" Says Gin In a very unamused tone, while the staff member shrugs.
(What kinda agent sends a portable DVD player during possible War ti-)
"Oh wait, seems there are some instructions...something about a hacking terminal scaner multi-use thing." replied the staff member sounding rather confused himself.

"Oh well at lest that's kinda useful I guess, have Dante bring it along once he returns to HQ, may be useful."
"Roger tha-" the comunicator suddendly lost signal.
"Darn, seems we reached te com's range limit already, bah, no matters, no need to contact HQ untill we reach main HQ."

Gin and both of his squads continued on their flight above sea and land, untill...

"There it is!" Shouted Gin, while pointing at SONY's grand Main HQ. "#3, time?"
"10:53pm Sir!"responded one of the gigant mechs behind Squad 5 in a solid non-robotic voice.
"Excellent, seem's we'll make it on schedule!" (Wow, they've improved ont eh voices for those things!) "Aright pople, we'll be-"
"You are now enthering a no flight zone, identify yourselves!" Interrupted a deep sharp voice from Gin's Com.
"General of the Asian SONY branch, Zensoku Gin, Advance Mech Squadron 5 and Experimental A.I. Combat Mech Unit 9." responded Gin.
"Verification code?" followed the voice.
"What Verification code? We've never had one!"
Silence for a few seconds, then...
"Welcome General Gin, we'll have the runway ready in just a minute." This time it was another secretary-like voice.
"No need, no jets are being used."
"But sir, how wi-" there was a suddedn earthquake after which she heard, "We're here already, see? No problem!"
"Wh-What was that?!" asked the Staff member while trying to regain her posture.
"Just the Mech's landing, don't worry, now open the doors, I have some busines to discuss with the General Commander!"

Sir...the Commander was assassinated.."
"What?! Wh-why, what's going on here? Tch, get me GDN ASAP, he has some explaining o do!"
"I'm affraid Comander General GDN is curently away on a mission"
"Co-commander General?! Ok that's it, I don't know what tha heck's going on here, but GDN beter have his Com. with him, because if I don't hear some answers from him in then next 5mins..." (Ok, seriously, what. the. heck.)
"Tch...fine, I guess I'll just wait here until he returns I guess..."
2010-11-18 10:51:00

Posts: 6707

((So... ZIM is taken by MS as is GDN I presume, I'm taken by playstation and Nintendo.... Hmmm))2010-11-18 10:58:00

Posts: 1117

Zim was sitting in her cell, thinking, when GDN's head popped on the small window behind her.
GDN: Hey, Zim! I'm getting you out of there!
Zim: GDN?! I thought I told you to go away!
GDN: Well, leaving without you is not an option.
Zim: Well, "hero", what are you going to do?
GDN: Just stand back.
GDN dissapeared and suddenly the cell's wall exploded, revealing GDN holding a missile launcher and a jeep.
Enemy soldiers: The prisioner is escaping! Shoot them!
GDN: Quick! Get inside the jeep!
Zim jumped in the jeep and GDN stepped on the accelerator and went away. Two enemy trucks were sent to chase them. GDN was going as fast as possible to the extraction zone. The helicopter was sure to be there, and its firepower would easily destroy the trucks. But, when he was 500 meters away from it, he had a bad surprise:
Then, someone in the truck fired a missile at them. The missile exploded behind the jeep, sending GDN and Zim flying forward and the jeep to doom. GDN and Zim landed on the snowy ground. GDN first looked at Zim, then behind him, to see the two trucks stopping and the soldiers walking to them. He was too dizzy to get up, and so was Zim.
Enemy soldiers: There they are! Wait, what the...
Suddenly, all soldiers were shot. GDN looked ahead, and saw the helicopter. A friendly soldier helped him to stand up. Zim was getting up too.
Soldier: You got the intel?
GDN: We got it! Let's get out of here before reinforcements arrive!
They all got in the helicopter and flew back to base.

((tl,dr: Zim is rescued by GDN, they attempt to escape and are saved by a friendly helicopter))
((to Ragnarok: I promise I will include your invention in my story, I already got an idea for it ))
((from now on, I will put a "tl,dr" on all my long text sections for the lazy))
2010-11-18 15:29:00

Posts: 5891

Fastbro nerveously stood in the transporter. "Are you sure you want to do this sir?" sounded the soldier's voice through the booming speaker.
"Yes, beam me there..." replied Fastbro sternly. Although he sounded stern inside his was quivering like a small child.
The solider nodded towards the scientist who then flicked a switch sending Fastbro through the data streams and into Nintendo's Sea Base. After years of sitting at the side lines, watching everyone getting the action, Fastbro wanted to go and really help his company. Armed with his inexplicable powers, he was determined to get to the bottom of the Sea Base situation.

As soon as he arrived, he instantly noticed that he wasn't where he was hoping to be... He flicked on a transmitter device and tapped on the touch screen vigorously before shoving it back into it's pocket. "Dang!" he murmured to himself. "Someone hijacked the signal!"
"Sir... Is it that you?" said a voice.
Fastbro quickly turned around his hands poised to attack. But he was pleasently surprised to see the warm smile of AA.

((There ya go AA! Story linkage!))
2010-11-18 17:36:00

Posts: 1277

The three are in the helicopter, on the 6-hour trip back to the base.
"So what's that intel for anywa-"
Zim was interrupted by the sound of an aircraft behind them. GDN looks outside the window to see not one, but two enemy helicopters tailing them. He ducks as a missile flies right over his head.
"Yeah...We've got a problem!"
Two soldiers lean out of one of the helicopters and begin shooting. One of the bullets penetrates the window in front, injuring GDN's soldier piloting it. Zim gets behind the control panel to pilot the helicopter while GDN helps the wounded soldier.
2010-11-18 19:16:00

Posts: 3149

((Wait, is Fastbro with me in the PS prison? Lol...))2010-11-18 19:26:00

Posts: 1117

((I dunno! You said you were in Nintendo prison, then you said you were in Sony prison, so I dunno anymore...Why would you be in the Nintendo prison anyway, if you're on their side?))

((Wonder when Ragnarok is gonna wake up and find himself in a half-blown up cell lol)
2010-11-18 19:41:00

Posts: 3149

((It seems I'm not the ignored char in story only huh?
W/e, seeing as no one bothered to read through the post that took me nearly an hour...I guess I'll just writte short post that barely descrive anything, just saying bsic actions... >_>
I'll post a quick sumary of the last one, doesn't have all that was done, read through the original later if you need to confirm any details I may talk about later on.))

((tl,dr last post: Gin deployed with squads 5 and 9, left for Main HQ, when they arrived he, Gin was told about the General Commander's assassination.))
((There, I was communicating with GDN when Zim was trapped to try and link stories and deploy there, but seeing as they both completly ignnored me I'll just be waiting in the base.))

((@GDN/ Zim: when arriving at the base, you should be able to clearly notice all the mechs around the base from a distance, just thought you should make not of that.))

((@Ragnarock: Wait, If I'm not mistaking, your machine thingamajig cannot replicate humans since paradoxes and what not, but it replicated an Armored Core Mech, which needs a pilot, therefore you....replicated the person too?
Remember, Armmored Core Mechs are useless w/out pilots, so I dunno how valid the last part of that post was m8...
Also, you keep taking Asn Branch characters out of nowhere dude, wth! XD))
2010-11-18 19:47:00

Posts: 6707

((What are you talking about? I read through the whole thing. You don't need to go assuming things - There just wasn't anywhere I could interact with your story yet. Jeez. When GDN makes his move, then we'll arrive at the base, and we'll see you there, kay?))2010-11-18 19:51:00

Posts: 3149

((What are you talking about? I read through the whole thing. You don't need to go assuming things like that - There just wasn't anywhere I could interact with your story yet. Jeez.))

((It was at the very end, I just changed it tho, to try and match the story so far, so there's not a call that according to GDN never happened, so If you recently read it, it should say the "I stayd waiting at the Base" part instead of the one contacting GDN.
Srry Zim, this is mainly at GDN, not you, just added you since you're currently on the same story. ))
2010-11-18 19:53:00

Posts: 6707

((your post was so long, and I had a giant schoolwork to complete, so I didn't read your entire post to save time))

GDN applies first aid on the wounded soldier while Zim pilots the heli. Then, a heat-seeking missile is fired at them.
Zim: GDN what do I do???
GDN quickly runs to the cockpit and presses the flare button. The missile misses them. GDN then went back to the injured soldier.
GDN: C'mon man... You can make it...
Zim dodges the missile, but the injured soldier falls from the heli in the process.
GDN: NOOOOOO!!! He was one of my best pilots... YOUR MICROSOFT FOOLS!!!
GDN then takes the controls and turns around. He fires five missiles at the enemies, hitting them.
Zim was afraid of GDN now.
Zim: GDN... Calm down... It's over...
GDN: They killed one of my friends... Now it's personal...
GDN flew back to the base, to find Gin waiting for him there.
Gin: GDN, where have you been? I tried to contact you, but...
GDN: Gin? What do you want now? I'm not in my best mood...

((tl,dr: GDN and Zim are attacked by two enemy helis. They kill GDN's pilot and GDN has a rage attack and kill them both. Then, they get back to base to find Gin waiting))
2010-11-18 21:19:00

Posts: 5891

"Chief!" a lowly Arcade soldier shouted, "Two prisoners have escaped from th-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Master Chief backhands the private across the cheek, sending him to the floor. The Arcade is then lifted up high by the angered Spartan.
"You let them get away?!?" the Chief roared, "WHO'S LEFT?!!"
"Th-the guy that b-bugged J-Jack!!" the Arcade blurted, wriggling as the Chief started to strangle him.
The Chief dropped the Arcade, calming himself down a bit. Then, in a kind gesture, helped the private off his back and onto his feet.
"Send him down for interrorgation," the Chief ordered, "I'll need to ask him some questions."
"Yes, sir!" the Arcade saluted, rushing down the hallway to Ragnarok's busted cell.
With the kid gone, the Chief directed his attention back to Jack, still lying unconcious on the hospital bed. Natalie was sitting in a chair next to his bedside, the female soldier looking down at her fallen friend.
"Any progress?" the Chief asked, knealing by Jack's bedside and checking his pulse.
"Nothing, to be honest," Natalie replied, "It's like he's a vegitable or something..."
"... Or maybe he doesn't wanna wake up yet," the Chief spoke, looking on at Jack, "Maybe he's still thinking."
One white cube passed by Jack, floating on into the infinite distance.
"That's odd," Jack questioend, "Something must be happening..."
Heading in the opposite direction of the cube, the businessman saw more and more cubes, each a different size and speed, pass by and move about, puzzling him so. Eventually, Jack stumbles upon a small mound of cubes, oddly floating away and restacking themselves constantly. And jutting out of the center was a large, white cane. The X symbol appeared on the ball, and the buttons A, B, X and Y appeared alligned on its side, like embroided jewelry. Curious, Jack walked up to it, the cubes scattering about as he got closer, until, finally, all that was left was the cane. The businessman grabs it for a quick second, and is immediately greeted by a shock riding up his arm. Jack flinches back, shaking off his arm.
"Holy-" Jack blurted, stopping himself.
The businessman stared on at the staff, pondering its powers. Then, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Jack seizes the staff. An amazing burst of electricity and flashes engulf the blank space, but Jack keeps holding on. The floor itself started to shatter, then the abyss... then the space above. And finally, in a climatic and epic finale, the space comes crashing down, only to be engulfed by a bright, white light.
The next thing Jack knew, he was opening his eyes, lying on a rickety table in someone's cabin, deep in the Amazon rainforest. Only, he wasn't in his own body.
And he was not alone.
"Welcome back, Mr. President. For a second, I thought it wouldn't work."
"Wha?!" Jack called out, his voice having a deeper, coarse tone, "Who said that?!"
The businessman no-more shot straight up form the table, darting his head and eyes around. Yet the first thing that caught his attention was his brown, rugged hands. Jack stared down at the calloused things, his eyes widening in fear.
"Relax," the man called back, coming from out of the shadows, "We're friends, remember? Never thought you'd forget..."
"Who are you?!" Jack questioned, his mind still accelerating at 1,000 miles an minute.
"The name's Frank. Frank West," the man replied, showing his camera and a flashdrive, "And I'm gonna help you get your body back."
2010-11-18 22:07:00

Posts: 5757

((Say whaaaaaat!? Yours is obviously the deepest story here...))2010-11-18 22:20:00

Posts: 3149

((Hence why I'm the writer for teh project ))

"... Oooh, THAT Frank!!" Jack figured out, slapping his forehead, "I never knew you were- wait. What are you doing out here?"
"Ditched," Frank grunted back, "My touring group ran for the hills when we were attacked by a rogue militia. Those Latino scumbags held me captive until I finally broke out... with these."
Reaching into his jacket pocket, Frank pulls out a nail clipper, some rusty wire, a lighter taped to a used bullet shell, an unloaded USP .45 pistol with the clip, and a sharpened hair comb. The man was like a Xbox-esqe MacGuyver.
"Wow," Jack spoke, a little shocked, "Looked like one Hell of a struggle."
"And that was only the first group," Frank added, "But let's not elaborate on that. Right now, we need to get your body back, before Sony & Nintendo start grabbing at it..."
"Ah, for the love of Bill Gates," Jack cursed, "Those two psycho corporations have been wanting me dead for YEARS, and now they get their wish. But why would they want my body? To hang it upon their mantle?"
"For power," Frank responded, taking a serious tone, "Jack, your self-image alone made nations bow and companies fall, and your supernatural abilities befell armies. I wouldn't hesitate on the chance to grab it as well, if I ever wanted to."
"But how can they use it when it's dead?" Jack queried, his nervousness starting to set in.
"You're not the only one that can jump through streams of data and surf the web," Frank replied, "For all we know, there's at least one person from both Sony and Nintendo who have that power besides you."
"Oooh boy," Jack spoke, his voice sounder ever more nervous as he begins to shake, "The thought of even a Fanboy possessing my body is making me cringe..."
"But no worries, my friend!" Frank declared, wrapping his arm around Jack and pulling him in, "With my help, and some others, we'll restore you back to your old self in no-time!"
"... How?" Jack finally asked, his face looking puzzled.
"I believe it's time to 'visit' an old friend," Frank replied, winking at the confused businessman-now-Brazillian.
And with that, the two walked out of the cabin and into a waiting 4x4. For Frank knew well of the strong ally that awaited for them in Metr?pole de Reis.
2010-11-18 23:01:00

Posts: 5757

((Gin is preventing me from keeping on my story, he lost his chance I really want to proceed with it. Try next time))
((continuing from my last post))

GDN: Gin? What do you want now? I'm not in my best mood...
Gin: I have to talk to you...
GDN: I said that I AM NOT in the best mood. I'll have to talk to you later. I got really important things to do.
GDN locked himself in his lab. A soldier walked to Gin and said:
Soldier: I'm sorry, he's been throught a hard mission... Try to contact hi tomorrow, he'll be in a better mood by then.
Gin: *sigh* Ok...
GDN took the downloaded data from the mission and placed it in his computer. It started to analyze the information. GDN did a deep search on the archives and found what he was looking for: details on how the Kinect works.
GDN: Nice archive... And would you look at this... Damm Microsoft...
GDN ran some kind of program that scanned the information and simplified it. Then he placed Project X on a machine and, 10 minutes after, it assimilated the Kinect's abilities. GDN then remembered about Ragnarok's "gift". He placed a BioShock disk inside it, and it began to pulsate. GDN united the device to the gloves. Then he wore them.
GDN: Let's see what these are capable of...
Suddenly, the gloves started to emmit sparks, catch on fire, lift objects and send them spinning around the room all at once. GDN was feeling an immense pain. He was screaming, and the effects were getting stronger and stronger. He tried to remove the gloves, but they were assembled to his hands. He began to crawl towards the lab door. But he fainted before he could reach it.

((tl,dr: GDN assembles the Kinect's and Ragnarok's device's powers into the gloves, and tries them))
2010-11-18 23:39:00

Posts: 5891

Zim hears commotion down the hall, coming from GDN's lab. She runs to the door and attempts to open it, but it's locked.
"GDN! Are you alright?!"
No answer. Zim grabs her cane and uses it as a crowbar to tear open the door. GDN is seen on the ground unconscious. She rolls him over and tries shaking him awake, but he's out cold. Zim starts to panic and tries to find the cause of this mess. She notices GDN is wearing a pair of strange metal gloves that are smoking and short-circuiting; She tries to remove them.
"Ah-Ouch! What the - "
The gloves are searing hot, and attempting to pull them off only results in a badly burned hand. Zim pulls GDN onto her back, careful with her injured hand, and carries him down the hall as fast as she can to the infirmary.
2010-11-19 00:27:00

Posts: 3149

((Where's Blue? I can't do anything if he doesn't post!))2010-11-19 01:23:00

Posts: 3607

((I dunno! You said you were in Nintendo prison, then you said you were in Sony prison, so I dunno anymore...Why would you be in the Nintendo prison anyway, if you're on their side?))

((Wonder when Ragnarok is gonna wake up and find himself in a half-blown up cell lol)

((when did i say i was in a nintendo prison? I was in a Nintendo infirmary, if thats what you meant?))
2010-11-19 03:03:00

Posts: 1117

(Ok, so I got buried on a cell, then left over when they came to the rescue and now interrogated :/)
(@Silver Leon: I was the driver of the AC, I suppose that lots of hours playing Armored core for answer give me that right XD, the machine can spawn specific objects from video games)

I was recovering my senses, and the first thing I saw was a light and a shadow, it was the chief, he stared talking in a cold manner.

Chief: We know you activated some sort of RROD weapon and we also know you got the data to make it from the xbox mainframe, we need that intel back now.

Ragnarok: My head hurts, I feel as if a mountain of bricks had just fall over me! cant I just rest for a bit?

Chief: This is not a hotel and you are not here to rest, don't make me call Marcus, he is a bit more inpatient.

Ragnarok: Why should I tell you where the intel is?

Chief: Look, we can make this worse for you if you don't cooperate, (chief spoke as he untied me), who knows we could even compensate you if we get that information (the chief was really angry but he knew he had to get that information at all costs, all of Jack's work depended on it).

-Suddenly a high rank solider interrupted the interrogation and started to speak to the chief...

I saw the chief to turn back and speak with the solider, and I remembered the only weakness a spartan possess!, I slammed him with all my strength on the back and hit him right on the armor power generator! Chief's armor got locked and he felled over the solider as a half ton brick, I quickly took the officer's ID and ran into the hallway, in the way I found a smashed radio....

Ragnarok: This is a special ops PS operational radio, I can still read the serial number, its from a Sony military base, I need to get there quick!

I walked through the base, hiding myself from the guards and sneaked into the barracks, (Solid snake's stealth classes were quite handy) I grabbed a Pilot armor and gear and quickly walked to the Hangars.

Ragnarok: A hornet, that should do, lets see if I still remember who to drive one of these, the ID card should activate it..

When the engine started all the soldiers began to run to the landing pad, I quickly took off and used the missiles to blow up a fuel tank, which created a chain reaction and making a mess on the base, when I got to the clear skies I marked on the hornet's map my location and headed to join the other members, which at the time I was unaware they were there.
2010-11-19 03:18:00

Posts: 898

((just coming back from the mission in Brazil, was going to post in between, but I'd rather get in on this action, I'll say I caught you when you were heading towards the base))

"Now what do we have here"
Mercuy quickly manned the grenade launcher of the Falcon with Sam Fischer in the pilot's seat, while a Hornet tried to open fire on them ((Hope you don't mind Ragnarok!))
"That hornet's an enemy Mercuy, shoot it!"
Mercuy though, had no idea how to aim properly with this grenade launcher, and couldn't manage to tag the enemy hornet, and decided he needed to be a ninja.
"Guess we're going to find out"
Reluctantly, Sam managed to get the Falcon right beside the hornet, and jumped onto the side of the Hornet. The pilot was still clueless as to what was going on, and was still trying to open fire on Sam, which meant he didn't have the advantage as the Falcon doesn't have pilot operated weapons.
"Take care of him Mercuy, i'm a sitting duck out here"
It was at this point that he slided onto the cockpit of the Hornet and tried to open the hatch, he managed to get it open but it was too late. the pilot swerved to the right trying to knock Mercuy off balance, but not before he managed to get out his pistol and put a round in his shoulder, although this caused him to lose control of the hornet, and crash into the ground.

((I'll let you finish this epic battle))
2010-11-19 05:03:00

Posts: 2135

Zim is apprehensively sitting outside the infirmary with a bandaged hand, as doctors and officials are rushing in and out of GDN's room. There was nothing to do but wait. An hour or so later, GDN is still showing no progress. Zim looks up to see Gin standing in front of her.
"What do you want?"
2010-11-19 05:14:00

Posts: 3149

As Gin stood there GDN suddendly arrived, injured and fatigued
Gin: GDN, finnaly, I've been waiting here forever! (Well, just a few hours.)
GDN: Gin? What do you want now? I'm not in my best mood...
Gin: I have to talk to you. Gin noticed the woman following GDN, but didn't give it much thought at the moment.
GDN: I said that I AM NOT in the best mood. I'll have to talk to you later. I got really important things to do.GDN locked himself in his lab.
A soldier walked to Gin and said "I'm sorry, he's been throught a hard mission... Try to contact hi tomorrow, he'll be in a better mood by then.
Gin: *sigh* Ok...at least that confirms the rumor about the mainland being in a state of combat, eh, not like he's going anywhere, and I still have to wait for Dante with that hacking thing Ragnarock sent anyways."

Gin wandered through the base for a while walking through halls when suddendly he heard a commotion comming from a room nearby.
"What the...bah, some rookie must've blown up something again, tch careless."
As he was turning back around Gin saw a woman running towards where he heard the ruckus happen. "Hey, what's going on?" said Gin, but she passed him without even noticing. (Wait, wasn't she the one following GDN earlier?)
He decided to follow her, maybe she knew something.

As he turned the corner, he saw the woman carring GDN injured and unconcious towards the infirmary, to which he followed.
"Ok, now I know something's definately's going on, and I'm getting answers NOW!"
He entered the infirmary with the woman sitting next to GDN.
"What do you want?" Said the woman.
"I want answers, like who the heck are you to begin with, and where do you come off talking like that to a General?" said Gin in a more serious tone than his usual, "and just what the heck is going on here anyways?! Firs the General commander is assassonated, then GDN takes control and now he's like "this" said Gin while pointing at GDN, "I'll tell you something, this is definately not good for the chain of command."

((tl,dr:Gin met up with Zim on the infirmary, demanding answers, after GDN's accident.))
2010-11-19 05:51:00

Posts: 6707

"F-Y-I, I was recently recruited by GDN personally. And I'll tell you something - I've got nothing to do with this! I found GDN on the floor of his lab unconscious, wearing these strange metal gloves that I think are the cause. You're all lucky I found him soon enough or your commander would be dead! So before you walk right up to someone you don't even know and start demanding answers, you should really calm down."
Zim crossed her arms and glared at Gin.
"Now IF you don't mind, Mister General, I've got something I need to do."
She walks out of the infirmary and down the hall towards GDN's lab.
2010-11-19 07:01:00

Posts: 3149

"What the..., tch I guess she did helped him at least. Gahh, great, just when I find someone who can give me answers he goes and gets himself blown up or whatever, tipical." (Fine, If no one can give me answer I guess I'll go do some investigation of my own, but first...)
Gin walks out of the infarmary stopping before he leaves "You better not die on us..." he closed the door and ran after the woman who was ther before.
"Hey you, woman!" called out Gin as he was reaching her.
"What do you want now? I Told you I'm busy, and the name's Zim, not 'woman'.
"Fair enough, Zim, look, considering the General Commander GDN is incapacitated, and me being the highest ranked officer after him, in the base at the moment, I should technically be in charge of this place." explained Gin.
"Yeah, what of it? I already told you I don't care what your rank is, I'm busy."
"The problem is, I need to leave, leaving HQ unprotected would be to dangerous, you seem capable enough, and seeing as GDN seems to trust you so much already, with no other choice and against my better judgement, I'm leaving you in charge of this base until my return or GDN's recovery."
"W-What?!" Zim couldn't believe she'd be in charge of the base so soon after her arrival.
"What, you can handle it, can't you?"
"Of course! But where are you going that you'd need to do such thing?"
"If I'm going to find answer about the curent situation, I gotta go to the main source, Old Natal." Gin turned around and stups just as he's abot to leave, "Oh and remember, this is only temporary, try anything funny and I got 34 Advanced Combat Mech Units surrounding this base, ready to attack anything that's a threat, that includes the Base too if needed, I'll leave 14 of the pilots here to inform me if anything happens and take one with me, just in case." Gin ran off to to prepare, Zim snapped out and remembered she still had something to do and left as well, to GDN's Lab.

Right as he was leaving, Gin saw Dante as he was arriving at the Base as well, with him the package Ragnarock had send him.
"Think fast!" Said dante while hrowing the gadget at Gin.
"Wow that was fast" Gin catches the gadget and attatches it to his com, "I thought it'd take longer, specially if she was with you, where is she anyways?"
"About that...seems she desserted, she seems to have left her post weeks ago ad simply dissapeared according to other staff members."
"Sigh...bah, I got no time for this, we'll deal with it later, right now I'm on my way to Old Natal, to investigate just what's going on."
"Fine, lets go, it'd be to dangerous if a a Sony agent went alone there."
"Ha, if even SONY barely contacts us and has trouble remembering us, do you think they'd recognize me? I'm the newest commander of a nearly forgotten branch, trust me, as long as I keep in my human form, they won't even notice I'm there, you on the other hand...are too 'notorious' to take along unfortunately."
"Are you kidding, its still to dangerous to go alone!
"Don't worry Dante, I'm taking one of the Squad 5 people along, they shouldn't be able to recognize a Mech Pilot in person, and the pilots are all trained for combat, so it should be enough for backup...If I even need any. Besides, its not like I'm going there with any hostile intentions to begin with."
"What am I supposed to do in here then?"
"Guard the Base" said Gin in a more serious tone. "Their chain of command keeps switching pretty fast, ther defenses are weak, don't knwo if they'll be able to handle it if there's an attack, that's why I'm leaving Squad 9 and most of 5 here, and now with you here, it should be able to hold up pretty well."
"Man should've stayed at our base instead, now we've gone and gotten ourselves dragged into this whole mess."
"Heh, I always thought half-demons liked battle, not to ment-" Gin was interrupted by his com, it was one of Squad 5 members.
"Commander Gin, preparations are set, ready to deploy."
"Oh man, that was sooner than I thought, well, gotta run!" With that Gin left to join the Pilot, he boarded the left shoulder of the Mech and they both set off towards Old Natal.
"Remember, we are to fly until we reach Microsoft territory, after wards we walk, too risky to have a mech flying around." said Gin to the Pilot.

((Tl, dr: Gin puts Zim in charge of the base until he returns, or GDN awakes, Dante arives and delivers Ragnarok's gadget, Gin leaves towards Old Natal along with one of Squad 5 pilots.))

((Ps: As you've notised, i dropped the whole mysterious "she" story, I couldn't come up with a good character to fit the bill.))
2010-11-19 08:53:00

Posts: 6707

Zim shuffles through the papers and gadgets on GDN's desk.
"What in the world did I just get myself into..."
She glances to the left and sees his computer terminal. On the screen is a report of a program running - "PRX.exe". Beside the computer is the intel they both had snagged from the Microsoft base, as well as the package that Ragnarok had given GDN. There were cords running down to the floor, leading right to where GDN was laying when she had found him. Zim approaches the computer and examines the content of the program folder, then sees that there's another file running - It seems to be some sort of decoding program. Zim realizes that all of this must be linked to those mysterious gloves GDN was wearing. She grabs the cords from the intel and Ragnarok's device and plugs them into the USB port of the terminal, then sits down in the chair and begins arranging and rearranging files in an attempt to stop the PRX program - And continues to do so throughout the entire night.

(tl;dr - Zim finds GDN's computer terminal and tries to hack it, the only way to stop the gloves from functioning and have GDN recover)
2010-11-19 09:23:00

Posts: 3149

Blue walked down the ship's halls. At last he came to what seemed to be the controls.
"Let's see what our enemy is up to," Blue muttered to himself. He found a navagation system and set to work. Using his electrical powers, Blue overrided the autopilot, away from Nintendo and directly into an empty field, only three short minutes away. Blue smiled, satisfied at his work. He found a ship intercom and spoke into it. "This is Blue, commander of the Toad division, Nintendo operative. Your ship will be crashing in two minutes, thirty seconds. It would be best to evauate." Blue started sprinting to the exit, talking into his watch at he ran. "Alright men, good work in here. Back to your ships, I'll make it myself from here." Blue reached the hole in the ship and flew away, leaving the disaster-bound vehicle behind him.
2010-11-19 12:30:00

Posts: 1702

"Man!" JspOt said.
He ran toward the Exit and saw a BulletBill flying away.
"Not this time," JspOt sneered, and he threw a microchip onto the missile. The Bullet didn't seem to notice. "You're now being tracked," smiled JspOt, as he jumped out of the gunship and deployed his parachute to follow.
2010-11-19 15:55:00

Posts: 3607

Suddenly, GDN came back to life.
Medic: Look! GDN is getting up!
GDN: What... What happened?
Medic: It's a long story... Now get back to bed.
GDN: I have to talk to Zim...
Medic: I'm sory, sir, but...
GDN: It's an order!
GDN pointed at the medic, and then he got thrown back. GDN looked at his gloves. They were working! Some side-effects however, but he wasn't minding them by now.
Medic: What the?!
GDN ran to the lab. Zim turned around and was startled when she first saw GDN, standing in front of her, wearing the gloves that almost killed him in the first place.
Zim: GDN, what the...
GDN: Don't worry, Zim, I'm not feeling bad anymore. In fact, I've never felt this good before!
Zim: Well, now that you are standing up, do you mind telling me what the hell happened to you? And what are these gloves?
GDN explained that, for a long time, he has been working on these gloves. He wanted to design the ultimate weapon. He started incorporating Move tech into it, but it still wasn't powerful enough. Then, MS came with the Kinect. GDN really wanted that tech to use on the gloves. That explains the mission. And, after getting that package from Ragnarok, he decided to use it to increase the powers of the gloves even more.
GDN: ...but the gloves weren't ready for so much power, hence the side effects.
Zim: Now I understand... But what are these gloves capable of?
GDN: Watch.
GDN then lifted a can of kerosene from a distance and made it fly to his hand. Then, he placed it in a table, and set it on fire. He then froze the can to put the fire out. Then, he eletrocuted the frozen can and threw it to the wall without touching it.
Zim: Woah...
GDN: These are the only things that I can control right now... But there may be more special powers incorporated to it.
GDN stood there, testing his powers while Zim watched. Then a soldier ran into the room:
Soldier: Zim! Zim! You gotta... GDN???
GDN: It's me, who were you expecting? Santa?
Soldier: Well, nobody told me that you are good again, so...
GDN: Whatever. And what were you going to say?
Soldier: Oh. Follow me!
GDN and Zim followed the soldier to the hall, where many soldiers were looking at a TV. It was a news broadcast telling everyone about Jack's "death" and the RROD virus.
GDN: That's interesting... Without Jack in our way, we could take over the Microsoft control building with ease! Not to mention, a RROD power added to my glove would do short work of any MS soldier! ATTENTION MEN! We are going on a mission, right now! We will attack the city of Old Natal!
Zim: WHAT??? Seriously, GDN, do you think that we are ready for this kind of mission?
GDN: Have you forgotten about THIS?
GDN fired a bold of eletricity at a bottle of water, which exploded.
Zim: *sigh* Ok... Do I have to go too?
GDN: You are a soldier now, remember?
GDN, Zim and 20 more men entered one of the planes. 5 other planes filled with soldiers were ready to take off.

((time to set a fire in this story! ))
((tl,dr: GDN wakes up and tells Zim about his gloves and their powers. Then he takes notice of Jack's "death" and decides to attack Old Natal))
2010-11-19 15:57:00

Posts: 5891

((On my PS3 browser, I'll type up my response later.))2010-11-19 18:52:00

Posts: 3149

Blue suddenly felt something on him, but he attributed it to his post-battle nerves. "I'll just check it out when I get back," he thought. "After all, it surly can wait that long." The unnoticed bug on Blue's back blinked as it transmitted its signal, leading Jspot right to the camp...

2010-11-19 18:56:00

Posts: 1702

((O_o I was going to join GDN, but now they are leaving again and I was delayed, again! ))

Thrown into the floor after an aerial accident again, looks like planes don't like me, this time my arm was bleeding and there was little I could do, I lack the mighty powers of Jack, magic powers of Zim, or the double identity of Silver, I needed to find a way to get quickly to the base and alert the others, MS base is not unguarded and they are aware of the situation, they used the smashed radio to decrypt all PS forces transmissions and were gathering intel, that's how they got to know I was heading there to finish up Jack, and if i didn't act up quickly this could be the end...

Ragnarok: Great, delayed and all because of your fancy maneuvers, nice move there kid but I guess I'm hard to kill, don't try to move (I grabbed Mercury's handgun and pointed at him), give me your standard issue plasma pistol...

Mercury77: bah take it, its useless anyway, everybody know that thing cant kill..

Ragnarok: We'll see (I charged the weapon and shoot the Falcon which deactivated and fell to the ground very few feet and undamaged), give me your radar and weapons and health kits now, I'll leave you guys here for a picnic in the middle of nowhere.

Mercury77: fine, fine (Mercury lost all of his equipment but managed to get a radio with him very well hidden)

Ragnarok: See you later! (I took out the pilot of the Falcon and the went to the Sony military base which was just a few miles away)...

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __
As I was arriving to the base, all the SAM and missile batteries pointed at me and began to shoot..

Ragnarok: (using the radio) Don't shoot! don't shoot! Its me! Ragnarok, I repeat Ragnarok!!!!!!

Solider: Ragnarok who?, oh the guy who sent the packages -__-

Ragnarok: (landing the falcon and getting out, all soldiers pointed their weapons at me and I just stood there with my arms up), we've never meet before in person, I'm Ragnarok I've sent the virtualizers!

Solider: You got late, all the planes took off already!

Ragnarok: No! I knew it! where are they!! I need to contact GDN NOW!

Solider: We lost contact with GDN and his team few minutes ago...

Ragnarok: Arrgghh! I was just about to warn them! I knew it! MS got to intercept all our communications using a salvaged PS radio!!, why don't you go to rescue them!!

Solider: They are quite far away of the base, we cant leave this place unmanned! Its captains orders, we sent a recon team right away already and they haven't answered back!

Ragnarok: Fine, Ill do it myself, give me the coordinates of the exact point where you lost trasmission with GDN.., also, do you know if Gin happened to leave any other vehicle here? I know he arrived here some time ago..

Solider: oh i think he left other of his fancy mechs on the hangar..

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________
I walked to the hangers to look for the additional mech, it was a Rosenthal AC model with twin machineguns, shoulder missile battery and a railgun...,

Ragnarok: (using a radio) Gin, I need to use the other mech!!

Gin: what? who are you?

Ragnarok: its me, the guy who sent the Virtualizers, GDN and Zim may be in danger, I need to find them quickly!

Gin: Oh I see, ok then, use the VOB(its a giant rocket attached to the back of the mech to get it quick onto battle) to get to their position quickly, I already gave information to my personnel that you are going to take off.

Ragnarok: Oh and tell your people to change their communications codec, MS is decrypting our messages!

Gin: Thanks for the data, and good luck.

Ragnarok: Thanks, Ill do my best!

From then on I walked to the launch pad and took off in the mech...

(Summary, I left Mercury and his pilot without vehicle in the ground, got to the base only to find out that GDN and Zim went missing, then asked to Gin for permission to use his other mech to look for them, then took off to GDN crash site...)

((ARGHHHH SNIPED! Ill change my story in a sec :, EDIT Ready!)
2010-11-19 19:51:00

Posts: 898

((making this clear to everybody: this section of the history happens BEFORE the post above me, because of some confusion with sniped posts, I got there))

While GDN's fleet was flying towards MS territory, GDN was explaining to his soldiers the protocols while Zim was watching.
Zim: Bah, protocols, protocols, why do we need them?
GDN then dismissed the soldiers and walked towards Zim. He stopped and groaned while looking at his hands. Then he continued to walk to Zim.
Zim: GDN, are you ok? You don't seem good for this mission.
GDN: It was nothing... Just a cramp...
The pilot was driving the plane normally, when he heard a beeping sound.
Pilot: What is that? INCOMING MISSILE!!
The pilot did some evasive maneuvers and dodged the missiles. But there were more.
Pilot: Microsoft defenses! I can't dodge them!
GDN asked throught the radio:
GDN: Open the cargo door!
Pilot: What???
GDN: It's an order!
The pilot opened the cargo door. GDN ran to its edge and looked at the missile heading towards them.
GDN: Time to test these things for REAL!
GDN pointed his hands at the missile and stopped it just when it was about to hit the plane. He could see the enemy aircraft behind it. He turned it around and launched it back at the enemy, destroying him.
Pilot: What did you do back there, sir?
The enemies fired more missiles. GDN stopped some of them. But there were too many to control, and a missile hit the plane's tail. The plane started to tilt and the soldiers were holding onto the plane's walls. GDN was near the door. Zim was trying to hold onto a seat, but it broke and she started to slide towards the door. GDN attempted to catch her, but she fell.
GDN looked around, quickly, and found a parachute next to him. He put it on and jumped after Zim. He catched Zim in mid air and them both landed safely somewhere in the Amazon Jungle.
Zim: Phew, I admit that this time I was scared... Thank you.
GDN: Don't mention it. But now we need to get out of here.
GDN tried to contact his soldiers using the radio, but there was only static.
GDN: Damm. Looks like we're on our own.
The five remaining planes aborted the mission and landed on the city of Manaus. The soldiers decided to form search parties.

((tl,dr: GDN's plane is attacked and Zim and him end up lost in the middle of the Amazon jungle, the soldiers abort the mission to search for them))
2010-11-19 19:53:00

Posts: 5891

((Really Ragnarok? that was the lamest post ever, I wanted a big battle!))2010-11-19 21:57:00

Posts: 2135

((this is looking epic :d ))2010-11-19 22:09:00

Posts: 5078

Zim gets up and brushes herself off, then helps GDN to his feet.
"Looks like we're in the middle of some uncharted jungle...No problem, I've found my way out of tons of these."
She pushes away some foliage to make a path to get through, then looks back at GDN.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Let's go."

((Won't be able to post for a while, I'll be busy))
2010-11-19 22:23:00

Posts: 3149

((Really Ragnarok? that was the lamest post ever, I wanted a big battle!))

((well I tried not to be that dramatic : P and was busy to reach the other members, couldn't waste time.. I can kill you later if thats what you want tho :kz)
2010-11-19 22:23:00

Posts: 898

((I'll delete this if you want me to))

Kernelm adjusted his cufflinks as he strode purposefully through the wreckage of Sony Outpost Delta, he ignored the cold bodies as his helmet relayed infrared telemetry directly to his memory banks, There were 2 sources of heat in the room, One was a heavily wounded guard, One was an old computer, As he approached the guard he took off his helmet and kneeled down in front of her, Her blonde hair was blood splattered as was most of her armour and face, She had her hand over her stomach in pain.
He lifted her chin so she was looking him directly in the face.
"You..." She mumbled as her life ebbed from the wound in her stomach "Why... Do you kill so many...?"*
Kernel grinned in silent mirth "Why my dear, it's what I'm built to do, Human emotions aren't good for business" He silently clenched his fist.
"You're a monster!" The girl cried as she reached for her pistol. Quickly and effectively Kernel punched her in the neck knocking her out. He wrapped a cloth poultice around her waist and injected a light green venom into her bloodstream, She spasmed violently before sitting bolt upright, her retinas glowed green and her wounds healed, Kernel slotted a Beige Helmet over her face, It may have passed for pretty if Kernel had kept his emotional synthesiser but it had led to many problems, Looking like a Master Chief the Girl began the long journey to old Nato, the helmet would provide nutrition as the venom warped her mind to serve as a basic labour trooper, As most prisoners of war did. He activated the computer containing the research that Microsoft we're so interested in. "Ah here we are" Kernel downloaded the research on the Helios Weaponry facility located in New Canaan. He Pinged an Email with the attachment straight to Jack before diving in after it.*

((Too Much?))
2010-11-19 22:42:00

Posts: 5078

GDN: I'm sorry, I just tought I heard something...
GDN and Zim started heading towards... A direction. It was dark. They had to fall in a jungle just in the middle of the night! They reached an open area and GDN sat on the ground and took off his boot to remove some pebbles that were bugging him.
Zim: Why do you stop?
GDN: I don't know what kind of jungle you have been to, but the Amazon jungle isn't a playground, you know?
Zim: That's why we should get moving!
GDN: Heh... Do you really want to get inside the dense jungle in the night?
Zim: I just think that...
Suddenly, a jaguar jumped on GDN, knocking him back. Zim retreated, and the animal started to attack GDN. Zim then attacked it with her cane, but the jaguar just knocked her back. GDN then remembered about his gloves. He started to shock the jaguar, until it got off him. The thing then dissapeared into the woods.
Zim: You alright?
GDN: Phew, just fine... These creatures can see in the dark and smell you from far away. That's why we can't proceed during the night.
Zim: Fine, what are you going to do? Build a cabin?
GDN: Actually, that's not a bad idea...
GDN then used his gloves to push the trees towards him. Then he reassembled them into a rustic cabin. GDN lit a fireplace outside to keep animals away. He looked tired after all that.
Zim: You don't look so good... Are you sure that these gloves aren't harming you?
GDN: I'm just tired... Let's get to sleep, we'll proceed tomorrow morning.
GDN then lay on the ground. Zim stayed up for a while, staring at the stars.

((tl,dr: GDN and Zim decide to sleep for the night and continue walking the next day))
2010-11-19 22:48:00

Posts: 5891

(Ok, Jack is nowhere to be seen, so I'll continue now..)

I took off from the base and was getting closer to the crash site, it was getting dark as the night started to engulf the horizon and the stars began to bright in the sky, then saw in the way a couple of vultures (The vulture is a giant flying vehicle that appears in halo wars, they shoot missiles and have 2 twin cannons), with the VOB depleted I launched into assault mode and launched a missile charge on the first one sending it to the ground in pieces, the second got to shoot the mech but the primal armor contained the blast, then used the Railgun to pierce the Vulture's armor, braking its generator and making it explode in the air...

After the battle I began to look for the crash site, the plane was completely destroyed, no one survived, after landing and walking into the ruins of the crashed plane I found no signals of GDN or Zim, after looking deep into the plane I found GDN's genetic safe, the second Virtualizer I sent him was still there so I took it, then I used it to Virtualize a Night vision NCR ranger battle helmet and put it on.

Ragnarok: looks like they may got to jump off the plane on time, if I am right, looking at the way the plane crashed they should be a few miles from here to the north..., looks like its time to use Motorstorm...

Quickly spawned a 4x4 truck and headed to where I thought Zim and GDN may have fell.....
2010-11-19 23:10:00

Posts: 898

((Ragnarok: remember to keep your posts in 3rd person))

GDN suddenly woke up with an explosion sound.
GDN: What the hell...?
GDN stood up and started to walk towards a light that was coming from the jungle. He then reached a crashed Vulture. He looked inside the cockpit, but there wasn't anybody inside.
GDN: Wait, what the...
GDN then felt an extreme pain in his back. He fell to the ground. He touched his back, then looked at his hand, filled with blood. Two people walked to him. He could hear them talking:
Person 1: Now would you look at this, Sony scum hidden right inside the jungle!
Person 2: He doesn't look like a regular Sony soldier, Frank... Take him to the jeep, we will lock him up in a cell when we reach Metr?pole de Reis.
GDN then blacked out.

((tl,dr: GDN wakes up to investigate the Vulture crash and is captured by Jack and Frank))
2010-11-19 23:25:00

Posts: 5891

Zim sits back against a fallen tree and looks up at the night sky, then eventually drifts off to sleep.
- - - - - - - -
The next morning she wakes up to hear a faint rumbling noise and the ground beginning to shake. Zim hurries to the cabin to find GDN is gone. She runs back outside. Holding her cane in a defensive stance, she looks around to see nothing, although the noise is getting louder. All of a sudden, a 4x4 truck bursts right through a patch of trees on the left and skids to a halt just in time to avoid crashing into the makeshift cabin.
Someone hops out of the truck.
"Who're you?! Where's GDN?!"
2010-11-19 23:30:00

Posts: 3149

Jspot got on his walkie talkie.
"Abandoned gunship, switching mission to on-foot, target: Nintendo intel."
"ARE YOU CRA-" Jspot turned off the walkie talkie and proceeded to the base, fists ready.
"Now... where's that intel..."
2010-11-19 23:47:00

Posts: 3607

((waiting for Jack to post... waiting for Jack to post...))2010-11-20 00:07:00

Posts: 5891

((Waiting for Ragnarok to post))2010-11-20 00:08:00

Posts: 3149

((my turn now? http://www.niwanetwork.org/forums/Smileys/default/awesome_face_normal.jpg))
((ok http://27.media.tumblr.com/avatar_87206d984b42_30.png ill use 3rd person writing now GDN))

Ragnarok eventually found the camp where Zim and GDN were staying for the night...

Ragnarok: Who are you? where's GDN??

Zim: I don't know he was around here in the night!

Ragnarok: (curses) don't you have a clue where could he be?? I just traveled all the way from the MS prison camp to warn GDN about this!!, Jack must had it planned, there is no time, we need to look for GDN...

Zim: Look, I see his footsteps, looks like he went over there, (Zim pointed to a smoke pillar that was in the distance, the Vulture's crash site)

Ragnarok: Get in then, there's no time to waste!

(Ragnarok pushed the accelerator to bottom and both went to the crash site that GDN went to explore)

Zim: Looks like we got company!

(A bunch of drones [Halo3 covenant species, they are like bugs with guns http://www.themotorpool.net/v/vspfiles/photos/MF18244-0.jpg ] started to follow the vehicle and began to shoot)

Ragnarok: Great, just what I needed, can you take care of them?

Zim: Should be no problem.

(Zim took her cane and prepared to fight the drones who were getting closer to the 4x4)

(Your turn Zim)
2010-11-20 00:32:00

Posts: 898

((do i sense a "love interest" between GDN and Zim? ))2010-11-20 00:38:00

Posts: 1117

((do i sense a "love interest" between GDN and Zim? ))

((C'mon AA its only a story y'kno : and btw, what happened to your story? the last i knew of you is that you were on a cell going nuts!))
2010-11-20 00:46:00

Posts: 898

((He's talking about in the story, Ragnarok, lololol.))

The drones get close enough to the vehicle, and with one swing, they're all sliced straight in half. Zim turns back to Ragnarok.
"Who are you anyways?! Why are you looking for GDN?"
"There's no time!"
Ragnarok slams the gas pedal even harder as they speed towards the crash site. When they reach it, they find no one there, only a trashed Vulture laying on its side.
"He's not here...I guess we should keep moving."
Ragnarok says as he glances around.
"No! Look..."
Zim jumps down from the truck and approaches the Vulture, then kneels to the ground. A trail of blood leads towards a cleared path to the left.
"This can't be good...His footsteps end here, but there are several more. It seems like he was captured by two people, according to the tracks here..."
She runs to the open path.
"Hey - Wait!"
Ragnarok gets off the vehicle and jogs after her.
2010-11-20 00:49:00

Posts: 3149

((eh lol, stupid meh :blush: so, now what? do we wait for Jack to post? and there is something I don't understand, how come Jack came to capture GDN if he was dreaming? O_o?????))

((@ Kernell: Your story gives meh the chills... nice! )
2010-11-20 01:01:00

Posts: 898

((and there is something I don't understand, how come Jack came to capture GDN if he was dreaming? O_o?????))
((I assumed that he woke up in another body somewhere in the Amazon jungle from his last post))
2010-11-20 01:49:00

Posts: 5891

Well isn't this great, stuck in the jungle with nothing but a wrecked Hornet and... "SAM!"
Mercuy rushed over to his wounded friend, only to find that the Sony agent had taken him in the Falcon.
What could be worse, stuck alone in the amazon with no radio, no equipment, no one.
Mercuy had no recourse but to just keep walking towards the base and hope someone would come along and rescue him.
After 2 hours of walking Mercuy heard a strange noise, he stealthily moved up closer to examine his surroundings and found 2 men carrying a third by the arms. at this point he still coudn't identify who it was, but he didn't have any time left
"Hey, I heard something"
"Probably just a squirrel"
"No, that's no animal, Come out with your hands up! we know you're there"
Reluctantly, Mercuy obeyed, and came out from the tree he was hiding behind.
"Hey wait... Mercuy?"
"Jack? I thought you were dead, and had a different body..."
"Long story..."

((seems we're all in this jungle except for Silver.))
2010-11-20 03:04:00

Posts: 2135

((Where was that happening anyways, Kernel? You said something about some Sony base, but it wasn't clear - Wait...Why aren't you on the list in the OP? Whose side are you on?))

((Since we need to wait for Outlaw, I think I'll try to pull it along as much as I can))

Zim continues down the path, following the trail of matted foliage that appears to be where GDN's captors ran through. Ragnarok follows closely behind.
"So where are we going? How do you know they went this way? Who are you anyways? Why were you with GDN? Why won't you answer any of my questions?!"
Zim rolls her eyes.
"Look, if you want to stand here and ask questions all day, you should really - "
She looks behind her to see Ragnarok is gone. Although a bit unnerved, she tries to shake it off. As she continues walking, she starts to get a headache...
"Hmph, he probably went off to look for GDN by himself, it's not like it's the first time someone doesn't trust my judgement..."
Zim continues walking and investigating for clues - The headache seems to disappear as she walks further on.
- - - - - - -
Someone had grabbed Ragnarok, pulling him behind the bushes and out of sight before Zim could notice.
"Where is it?!"
A mysterious figure asks him agressively. It's too dark to see who it was. Ragnarok is too confused and shocked to say anything. The figure grabs him by the collar and drags him outside of the bushes.
"I asked you a question! Where - "
The figure drops Ragnarok as he sees him more clearly.
"What?! It's not the right one! He's going to kill me for this...!"
He paces back and forth muttering to himself. The figure appears to be in a hooded black cloak. He grabs Ragnarok again and threatens him.
"I'm going to let you go - But don't ever speak of this to anyone, or you're going to pay!"
The mysterious man tosses Ragnarok back out into the open, and, without another word, disappears.

((tl;dr - Zim continues to follow the path, Ragnarok disappears and encounters a mysterious figure who seems to be looking for someone))
2010-11-20 03:04:00

Posts: 3149

((O_o Who was that? did that happen to be one our guys or just some random dude?))2010-11-20 03:17:00

Posts: 2135

((well, well, well! once i get un-grounded i gotta join this!))2010-11-20 03:26:00

Posts: 2468

But if I answered that right now, it would spoil the fun, wouldn't it?))
2010-11-20 03:50:00

Posts: 3149

((I guess, and since when is my name Kernel?))2010-11-20 04:00:00

Posts: 2135

((Whao whao whao, hold the phone here, how the heck did Ragnarock talked to me after my last post if I had already left?!
20Mechs are Ai controlled, meaning fon't have a pilot seat or control room, 14 of them are piloted all pilots were on their mechs, guarding the base and the last one I took with me, so how did you find that extremely convenient "spare Mech"?
...wth dude.

Ok, you seriously gotta start reading the whole poats of stories you're trying to merge, because you just keep making up your stories as you go, doing whatever, ignoring the story so far...))
2010-11-20 04:08:00

Posts: 6707

((lolol my bad))2010-11-20 04:08:00

Posts: 3149

((sooo... who's going to post next in the jungle scene? cuz I ain't doin it, we need someone who can post something epic.))2010-11-20 04:12:00

Posts: 2135

((I'm waiting for Ragnarok, and GDN is waiting for Outlaw, so...))2010-11-20 04:25:00

Posts: 3149

((I've got things handled, folks. ))
((And SWWEETT!! We've got more vets returnin'! ))

"Long story short," Jack spoke, addressing Mercuy, "I'm in this predicament, and I need your help. Get in."
"WOO!!" Frank hollered, clutching loosely to the wheel, "I LOOOVE me some off-roadin'!!"
"I know we're in a hurry!!" Jack shouted, clenching to his seat with an iron grip, "BUT THIS IS INSANITY!!!"
"DAAAAAHHH!!!" Mercuy screamed, holding onto an unconcious gdn001, "TOOO FAAAASSSTT!!!"
Various brush and fauna zoomed by the 4x4 as it ploughed its way through the dense forest floor. Time is of the essence, and it seems as though Frank will throw risk aside in favor of shortcuts... even the ones that go in straight lines through just about anything.
But, it seemed as though his risk was worth it; the gates of Metr?pole de Reis were approaching in the distance. Power-sliding to one of the overcrowded checkpoints, Frank puts the 4x4 in park, and turns off the engine.
"Woo!!" Frank blurted, jumping out of the vehicle and stretching his arms, "And no serious injuries this time! Hah-haaa!"
A terrified and shocked Mercuy fell out of the door, frozen in fear. Jack, in a terror-like state himself, jumped out of his seat and onto the ground, kissing it and rolling around on it.
"Never again," Jac kept mumbling to himself, clenching the grass, "Never again..."
After thoroughly stretching himself, Frank proceeds to the nearby border patrol at the gates, only to be greeted by the barrels of the officer's weapons aimed at his head. Waiving his hands in innocence, Frank pulls out his wallet and shows his ID, complete with his American citizenship, age, and authentication. Yet, even this kindly gesture spooked the men, making them curse at eachother in Portugese and get into even higher alert. Rolling his eyes, Frank digs into his jacket pocket and takes out a platinum card, showing his Xbox affiliation and his current rank. Finally relaying the message, the officers lower their weapons and open the gates, revealing a police escort awaiting for Frank on the other side. Satisfied, Frank returns to the 4x4, scooping up Mercuy and Jack along the way and tossing them in.
"Now comes the tricky part," Frank spoke, turning on the SUV.
"What's that?" Mercuy asked, scratching his head.
"Getting through the ghetto," Jack coldly spoke, fastening his seatbelt tight.
And with those words said, the 4x4 proceeds forward to its car caravan, venturing forth into the gang-riddled back alleys of Metr?pole de Reis.
2010-11-20 05:40:00

Posts: 5757

((Whao whao whao, hold the phone here, how the heck did Ragnarock talked to me after my last post if I had already left?!
20Mechs are Ai controlled, meaning fon't have a pilot seat or control room, 14 of them are piloted all pilots were on their mechs, guarding the base and the last one I took with me, so how did you find that extremely convenient "spare Mech"?
...wth dude.

Ok, you seriously gotta start reading the whole poats of stories you're trying to merge, because you just keep making up your stories as you go, doing whatever, ignoring the story so far...))

((Umm, radio? and well I supposed you got some mechs onto the base when you arrived.... soo, and still I don't think it greatly affects the storyline))

((I will try to give my next post on the morning, its too LATE!))
2010-11-20 07:47:00

Posts: 898

((I'm on Microsoft, The Base doesn't really have a location, You can 'Discover it' or some such, I'm going to be at New Canaan which I'll describe where exactly it is then mmkay?))2010-11-20 08:05:00

Posts: 5078

JspOt had just finished strangling one last person.
"Finally, the intel," said Jspot.
He took pictures until he heard fooststeps coming. Jspot hid.
"Is anyone here?" Three guards were heading toward Jspot's direction.
2010-11-20 09:01:00

Posts: 3607

((I guess I'll try to continue it, then))

Zim runs as fast as she can, following the tire tracks left by GDN's captors. She skids to a halt as she conveniently finds an abandoned 4x4, still in working condition. She hops into the driver's seat and slams on the gas pedal, tearing off towards the city she can see in the distance - Metr?pole de Reis, as she had heard. Zim stops the vehicle a short way from the city gates, as they're heavily guarded by officials. Realizing there is absolutely no way she can get in through the front, she heads towards the outer wall of the city to the left and begins to scale it.

2010-11-20 09:12:00

Posts: 3149

As Franks advances throught the alleys of the favela, he notices that everyone is giving them bad looks.
Frank: They are onto something... I can smell it...
Jack: Well, I'm ready to deal with anyone that dares to stand in our way!
Suddenly, a van blocked the tiny road in front of them. Frank tried to back off but another van blocked the way behind. Gangs started to shoot them from all sides, and they all hid inside the jeep and started to fire back. GDN woke up with all the gunfire. He looked around, to see dozens of militia shooting at him. He grabbed his pistol and started to fire back.
Frank: Look! The prisioner is awake!
GDN noticed him and jumped out of the car. Then, he tried to run into a house, but he tripped over in the way.
Jack: He got enough trouble already! Let's go!
The jeep started to move and it rammed the van out of the way. Both vans then went right after them. The militia then pointed their guns at GDN:
Militia: Stay right there if you don't want your head full of lead!
GDN was too wounded to answer something. He blacked out again.
GDN woke up in a warehouse filled with junk. He had a big bandage around his body. A gang member showed up at the locked door:
Militia: We know that you were with the foreigner scum! And we will deal with you properly.
GDN: Were... Were am I?
Militia: You shouldn't care about were you are. You'll be dead today!
GDN looked around. He still had his gloves.
GDN: Haha, time to get out of here!
He tried to break the door, but it wasn't working. It looked like his gloves ran out of power.
GDN: Great... Remember, GDN, next time you make a pair of super-powerful weapons, use a battery with a long life span!
He looked around the room. It was filled with junk. Some empty gallons, pipes, hoses, wrenches, air cylinders and all the kind of stuff that you would find at a warehouse.
GDN: Hmmm... Looks like it's time for some engineering classes!
GDN taped a gas cylinder to a gallon. Then he used a hose to connect both. He attached a pipe at the gallon's top, and a blowtorch to the pipe's end. He used a wrench to make an activation mechanism.
GDN: Now all I need is some fuel...
GDN looked around, and for his joy, there was a tank full of ethanol next to him.
GDN: Well, I was looking for something more powerful, but this will do!
A gang member entered the room.
Militia: Hello there prisioner! Looks like it's your time to... WHAT?!
GDN pointed his homemade weapon at the enemy and fired it. A big stream of fire went across the room and killed the man.
GDN: Looks like it's my time to say goodbye!
GDN went through the militia camp, burning everyone around. Reinforcements arrived.
GDN: Bring it on! Look at my...
The flamethrower ran out of fuel.
GDN: Oh, god, not now...
The militia angrily fired at him. He took cover and grabbed one of the dead guy's AK-47 to shoot back, but there were too many enemies.

((tl,dr: Jack's convoy is attacked by gangs and GDN is captured by them while Jack escapes. He manages to break free from captivity but is pinned down against a large number of militia.))
((sniped, but no need of editing my large post. ))
2010-11-20 09:25:00

Posts: 5891

Kernel leapt out of the flickering monitor in the settlement of New Canaan, he dusted himself down before stepping out into the bright sunlight. New Canaan was a 'junk' settlement, Made out of abandoned Cars and Caravans, It centred around the Helios 2 Solar Plant. Kernel picked up an abandoned Plasma Pistol, It wasn't of XBox origin and smelt slightly of nuclear warfare, Many people wandered around wearing power armour holding the plasma rifles, The ones that didn't wore simple farmhand outfits and were tending to two headed cows and what Kernel recognised as Yao Guai, Vicious killers, Kernel plucked a hair from one and sealed it in a plastic container, He strode over to the Solar Tower, He pierced one of the pipes and absorbed the energy, He looked at his glowing hand as it pulsed with energy, releasing the energy from his feet he launched into the sky as fast as a jet. He landed on the top of the tower within seconds and admired the view, there was the K'haru Desert to the east, the jungle to the north and beyond that he could see the glittering lights of Old Nato. He activated the computer and absorbed every last drop, He leapt off the gigantic tower as the solar energy began to burn around him, he hit the ground with the force of a ballistic missile causing a the following shockwave to wipe out the small village.

** Kernel stood among the ruins and held the New Microsoft Phone with Windows Seven up to his ear,*
"Intel retrieved" he said as he pulled himself into the phone.
2010-11-20 11:53:00

Posts: 5078

GDN was firing back at the militia, but they just kept coming! If only he was able to use his gloves... More trucks filled with gang members arrived, and GDN was running out of ammo!
GDN: Great, now what?
GDN looked around. There was a power station to his left. GDN took a deep breath and started to run towards it, dodging the bullets. He managed to get to it, but his wounds were hurting badly.
GDN: Aww, my back... What do I do now???
GDN noticed the sparks coming from the power station.
GDN: Hmm... Maybe if I...
He concentrated and pointed his hands at the sparks. Suddenly, his gloves started to absorb the energy contained in them and recharge.
GDN: Great! Now to get rid of these guys...
GDN pointed his hands at the trucks, and fired an Ion Laser at them, making them all explode at once.
GDN: Ohhh, this one is new! And I like it!
He took a jeep from the dead militia and started to head back towards town. Then he remembered:
GDN: ZIM! I have to find her!

((tl,dr: GDN recharges his gloves and discovers a new power: Ion Laser. Then he uses it to stop the militia and begins searching for Zim))
2010-11-20 16:47:00

Posts: 5891

Zim's perched atop one of the city walls, able to get a view of the whole town. To the left, near the edges of the hustle and bustle in the central of town, she can see a small, rather unsightly area, which by the looks of it, seems to be the part of town controlled by gangs and violence. Two vans are driving after a 4x4 truck, but there are two people inside. Going in the opposite direction, however, is another 4x4 tearing off towards the city gates, with a single passenger inside - One wearing camoflauge and an army helmet.
Zim sprints along the top of the wall, trying to catch up to the speed of the truck. She jumps onto a nearby building and runs along it, hopping from rooftop to rooftop until she's almost caught up with the vehicle. Then the vehicle suddenly makes a sharp 360 degree turn around. Zim continues to follow it and predicts its route - She positions herself at edge of the roof of a building, backs up a few steps, then dives off, landing right in the passenger seat of the jeep.

((tl;dr - Zim meets up with GDN again))

((Also, I'll be busy for the rest of the day, so I won't be able to post until much later))
2010-11-20 17:27:00

Posts: 3149

((Ahh I disappeared from the story : ill post here in a sec, I went to bed reaaaaaaaly late yesterday and just woke up))
[Ok here I go then, I hate monologues, I have to speak with myself again -_-]

Ragnarok was perplexed on what just happened, who was that person? why did he grabbed him and why did he told him to not tell anyone, and even more mysterious, why didn't he killed him??? (I seriously need to stop making questions, guess that's why Zim left me alone ).

Ragnarok: And...., where is Zim?, ZIM!!!, ZZZIIIIIIIMMMM!!!!!! [No one answered, no sound but the jungle and its animals..]

Ragnarok continue to walk where the footsteps went and found a big city, MS officers were standing on the entrance.

Ragnarok: Ok, so what are my options, stealth, GUNS BLAZING, stealth can get me safe, GUNS BLAZING!!!, but stealth can prevent deaths D:, GUNS BLAZEEENGGGG!!! [Now I have identity problems XD]

Ragnarok used Fallout new vegas on the virtualizer again and spawned his special arsenal, 280 pounds of equipment, He approached to the main gate with his Minigun and ammo box on his back, the guards on the entrance stopped him.

Guard1: No one enters Metr?pole de Reis, now stand back!!!

Guard2: He's not stopping, and look, he is a Sony soldier!

Guard1: Shoot, shoot! call for reinforcements!!!!

Ragnarok got rid of the 2 guards with a sea of bullets and destroyed the door with a rocket launcher, as he continued walking he kept encountering guards, each falling down after the other, suddenly a 4x4 went down and alley and the driver smashed the brakes on Ragnarok's back, frenzied he turned around pointing his Minigun to them.


Ragnarok: Oh snaps is you guys!, finally I can find you GDN [Ragnarok hops in the vehicle], I see you merged the Virtualizer, mind if check it out? looks like you made some mistakes when connecting it.

GDN: what? are you crazy??? we don't have time don't you see we are surrounded?!

Ragnarok: Oh sorry, so where are we heading now? how did you get in all this mess? why is Zim here too? WHY AM I ASKING SO MUCH QUESTIONS??

GDN: He's mad!!, Zim knock him off so we can concentrate!! [GDN was blazing through Metropole streets]

[Zim used her cane and knocked Ragnarok hitting him on the head]

Zim: Ahh finally, so whats the plan now?

((Ok, there you go, I can almost predict I will be buried somewhere the next time : D))

((Ragnarok continued to Metropole and entered the city killing like crazy, then found GDN and Zim, Ragnarok started to get annoying and Zim knocked him down :..( then they continued their way to wherever GDN is planning to go...))
2010-11-20 18:26:00

Posts: 898

((Zim, there happens to have been 3 people in that first 4x4, Jack, Frank and me.))2010-11-20 18:52:00

Posts: 2135

Kernel shot out of Jacks Phone into the spare seat of the car, it was going at quite a speed..
He tried to speak but the wind tore his words away...

((I'll delete this if it's inconvenient))
2010-11-20 18:55:00

Posts: 5078

((not at all))2010-11-20 18:57:00

Posts: 2135

Gin and the Pilot ((Pilot piloting the Mech, and Gin ON the Mech's Shoulder)) were nearing Old Natal.
"Um sir, could I ask you a question?" Said the pilot suddendly.
"Oh? What is it?"
"I was just wondering, wouldn't it be a lot faster if you just ran or flew there on your own, with me catching up later?"
"Oh indeed, I would've been there in no time, but you gotta remember we're going incognito, and no hostile intentions. Barely anyone knows of my arrival here, that includes the enemy, and running at such high speeds would give myidentity away, and I would be noticed by someone, specially if there's a Mech following, may even be taken as a hostile action, and would give away my presence here, flying would require me to transform, meaning my coat and shoes get destroyed, even if I transform back before reaching the city, I'm pretty sure a half-naked man would cause the same amount of suspicion..." Gin Grins as he takes up the perfect chance to mess with his subordinate," ...unless that's what you wan't isn't it? You just want to see me halfnaled! Heh you sure are sneakier than I though, (1)Ayame."
"N-No sir, that's not it!" Amaya said nervously.
"Heh I know, I know, anyways, I can see Old Natal, so we're about to reach Microsoft territory, its best if you land here, we'll walk the rest of the way."

The mech landed in a deserted area, after checking no one was around Gin got off and the mech started compacting a body-suit that reached ut tot he pilots head.
"Don't you just love nanotechnology" Said Ayame, before pessing a button on the suit's wrist, turning it into a regular outfit. ((Looks like regular clothes I'm too lazy to describe atm. XD))
"Oh..." said Gin, "I was gonna tell you to leave the mech behind or something....but that works too I guess."

They both walked to Old Natal where they see 2 guards gaurding the main Gate to the city.
"What do we do now?" Asked Ayame, "Isn't this a Microsoft-Only City? How are we supposed to get in without I.D."
(Knocking them out or them being misssig from their post would surely cause an alarm later on) "Aha, got it!"
Ayame looked over but Gin was gone, then she looked toward the guards, one of them noticed something but quickly disregarded it, seeing nothing was around.
"Got it!" suddendly said Gin, startling Ayame.
"What the..sigh, you know I hate it when you do that! Ugh, anyways, what's the plan?"
"Just follow me"
They walk towards the guards, directly to the gate, when the guard notice them, they point their guns at them, after all, Jack's incident left Old Natal vulnerable to attack, they couldn't be too careful.
"Freeze! ident-" as soon as they said that, Gin quickly took out a wallet and flashed an I.D. from where he was, checking the X symbol was legit, the guards put down their guards and open the gates, letting them in.
"Excuse us, please enjoy your stay." Said both guards.
They both had managed to sneak int.
"Heh, remember, guards don't care who you are, but what you are, as long as they see you're with them, they don't care."
Gin shows the I.D. to Ayame, quickly noticing the picture on it, it was the guard she saw back there, must've been what alerted him.
"(2)Zensoku Gin strikes again, huh?" She said with a grin. "If they're all that dumb, this should be a breeze!"

They both wader around town, trying to see if they can find something...anything that may clue them to the current situation.

"Gah, we got here, but what now" said Gin, when he notices something on the floor, after picking it up he sees its a newspaper. It read:"Jack owner of Microsoft and beloved to many, still has not recoverd from mysterious attack, no one is sure if he will ever be able to recover, all we can do for now is hope and wait. In other news, why you shouldn't mix peanut butter and Jelly... "...What the....are you serious?!"
"What, what happened?" said Ayame said alarmed.
"Look!" Gin shows her the newspaper.
"Oh my gosh! With Jack gone, that means both Microsofs and Sony are without leaders! It would be pretty bad if Nintendo finds out..."
"I know right? They're still sing newspapers! What is this, 1990 or someth-wait, what was that about Jack being gone?" Gin reads the newspaper. "Oh? Interesting." Gin streetches out an arm, grabbing a person passing by. "Excuse me, could you tell us where Mister Jack is being Hospitalized? We've traveled from very far to see him."
"Eh...Um.."The citizen still a bit startled from the suddned stop, "he's being hospitalized over in that place over there" Gin lets him go, and the man points to a hospital in the distance, "Good luck geting in there tho, with all the fanboys and security I'm not sure You'll make t very far into the building." But by the time he looked back at Gin and Ayame they were both already long gone.

"HeheheheHAHAHAHA! Incapacitated, trapped in a hospital with a General and a Segeant (Ayame) from SONY approaching him, what will be of you Jack-boy, oh I wonder. The question is, should we finish him...or help him?" Said Gin with a grin as they approached the Hospital.

((1 - Ayame kozuki, a Sergeant of the SONY Asia branch and leader of Squad 5, trained in hand to hand combat, basic armed comat and advanced Mech Combat.))
((2 - Zensoku Gin, literaly ranslated as "Full speed Silver," but due to the nature of the words it can also be translated as "Fast Silver" in here Ayane's making a play on words for "Quicksilver." and Gin's Name.))

((tl,dr: Gin and Ayame reach Old Natal and find out about Jacks Condition, and are now on heir way where his body is, wether its to finish him or to help him is still unknown...))
2010-11-20 19:16:00

Posts: 6707

((O_o!!!!!! wait!!!! Im confuzled now!!! where IS JACK! Gin is trying to find his body, but GDN was just captured by him and he is escaping from a gang of crazies? what is going on can some one explain me please?????))2010-11-20 19:33:00

Posts: 898

"THIS IS MADNESS!!" Jack yelled, firing at the thousands of surrounding militia members who were pursuing them.
"No," Mercuy joked, "THIS IS-"
Frank immediately whacks Mercuy atop the head the face before he could finish his sentence.
"No time for jokes, kid!!" Frank hollared, flooring it, "We've gotta get to the HQ NOW!!!"
The 4x4 sped through the narrow streets at a beakneck pace, gaining more opposition as it neared the cease-fire line. RPGs, grenades, flashbangs and all various types of bullets and ballistics came from all over, and for a second, it seemed as though the mission was already in vein. And to help push the ideaology... a large barricade blocked the group's way to freedom.
"Aww, COME ON!!" Frank roared, leaning in towards the window, "How is this FAIR PLAY?!!"
The police caravan wasn't holding up either, as one by one the cars fell behind and were overwhelmed. Claymores and mines littered the pathway in front of the barrier, further impeding the group's path to freedom.
"We're DEAD!!" Mercuy screamed, clutching onto the seat with a vice-like grip.
Suddenly, as though a large shockwave swept through the streets, the crude barricade was launched from its position, triggering the minefield and taking any surrounding militia with it. Other soldiers fled in fear, and bits of the barricade fell on various buildings, crushing the structures like a deck of cards. With this new passage opened, waiting MPD officers stormed the street, surpressing fire from the militia and giving cover to Frank's failing escapade. Seeing the drastic change of events, Frank plows forward and passes the cease-fire line, entering the inner, modernized city of Metr?pole de Reis. Skidding to a halt, the Microsoftians exited their tarnished vehicle, and were greeted by the attention of the highly-trained law enforcement, standing by for orders. A suited figure emerged from behind the officers, and greeted Jack with a warm smile and a firm handshake. Such hospitality could only mean that this man was Governor Horation Castillo, the long-time friend of Jack.
"Oi, sr amigos" Horatio greeted, his finely groomed moustache flapping like a bird with wings, "Welcome to the Metr?pole. We've been expecting you."
((tl:dr, the group is saved by Horatio's men, KernelM IS with the group and Jack has yet to notice))
2010-11-20 19:34:00

Posts: 5757

GDN: Thank you Zim. I was almost shooting my own ears off!
Zim: Well, now what we do?
GDN: We head to Manaus. It's Sony territory, we will be free of trouble there.
GDN drove to the city of Manaus. The first thing he found when he got there was his men walking around and asking questions.
Soldier: GDN??? Hey guys it's GDN! And Zim!
GDN: Yeah, here we are!
Soldier: Thank god... I almost thought that we lost our second commander in a row! Where have you been anyway?
GDN: We had some trouble involving Microsoft forces, but it's alright now. We can proceed the mission.
Zim: Are you sure GDN? You want to continue this mission with a hole on your back?
GDN: It's fine now! I don't feel pain any... Ow!
Zim: Yeah, Ironman, I'm not letting you go ahead with this!
GDN: But I need to go! My men need me! And who is in charge of everything?
Zim: Technically, Gin put me in charge of everything while you were at the infirmary back at the base!
GDN: Well, but I guess it was just provisory, right? Now I'm back to the command!
Zim: Whatever, I don't like to be in charge of everything anyway...
Ragnarok was waking up inside the jeep.
Ragnarok: Ahh, where am I? Who am I? What time is it?
Zim: Can I knock him down again?
GDN: Ragnarok! You are coming with us on this mission!
Ragnarok: Wha... COOL! A mission!
GDN: Your task is to escort us using a fighter jet while we fly to the city of Old Natal for an assault!
Ragnarok: Sounds fun!

((tl,dr: GDN meets up with his men at Manaus (they landed there after the crash) and he decides to proceed with the mission.))
2010-11-20 19:45:00

Posts: 5891

((O_o!!!!!! wait!!!! Im confuzled now!!! where IS JACK! Gin is trying to find his body, but GDN was just captured by him and he is escaping from a gang of crazies? what is going on can some one explain me please?????))

((That's why I keep telling you to actually read through the story instead of just the tl,dr's, that's just for expectators and new people joining to quickly catch up. >_<))
2010-11-20 19:49:00

Posts: 6707

((That's why I keep telling you to actually read through the story instead of just the tl,dr's, that's just for expectators and new people joining to quickly catch up. >_<))

( I just need to know 1 thing, how did jack got up from his dream time? and why are you looking for his body if he is awake now? that's the only thing I asked for and thanks for the suggestions but each time I read the whole thing I get more confused )

((EDIT :O thanks down there! : D))
2010-11-20 19:53:00

Posts: 898

( I just need to know 1 thing, how did jack got up from his dream time? and why are you looking for his body if he is awake now? that's the only thing I asked for and thanks for the suggestions but each time I read the whole thing I get more confused )

((Frank activated a network passage for me to travel through, making me possess someone elses body.))
((Which then leaves my REAL body knocked-out in a coma-like state, with Natalie and the others unaware that I'm alive.))
2010-11-20 19:56:00

Posts: 5757

((One thing, where has Nintendo gone? Haven't heard from them in a while. Other than that, this. Is. Epic. Nuff said.))2010-11-20 20:14:00

Posts: 1316

((One thing, where has Nintendo gone? Haven't heard from them in a while. Other than that, this. Is. Epic. Nuff said.))

((Nintendo is only supported by blue bullet bill and Fastbro, sign up if you want to join, just got to the TCW3 sign ups thread and wait for jack to add you, we need more nintendo people here!))
2010-11-20 20:25:00

Posts: 898

((I would like to, if I could think of a character...Is specific type of person needed? ))2010-11-20 20:32:00

Posts: 1316

((You've been added, DZ .))

((Working on something pretty important right now, will post more story later... don't do anything stupid. :kz)
2010-11-20 20:55:00

Posts: 5757

((I am getting really, really tired of Jspot's god-modding. Seriously? You're tracking me to find where I'm going, but you get there before I do? Bull. ****. Plus all your posts are three sentences that magically do things without adding to the story. I'm about ready to have my guy kill you on sight if you don't cut this out. lrn2 forum RPG.))

((EDIT: If Dizzy wants to join us, she should totally show up at my camp. You can start on Jspot before I arrive if you want. Cause someone needs to take this god-modder down a few notches.))

((EDIT TWO: I guess I'll add some story while I'm here. GOD, I just want to end Jspot LIKE NOW. No electricity either, just a good old fashioned decapitation from my arm-blade.))

As soon as Blue crashed into his camp, he knew something was wrong. It was the little details, gates broken, cameras disabled - and more obviously, some Toad guards laid unconscious nearby. Blue immediately broke into a string of curses and angry motions. "GOD ****ING **** *** **** ****!!!"

((I'll let you guess what that means. ))

Blue quickly looked over his shoulder, and there it was: a tracking device, blinking as it sent its signal to its master. "HA," Blue snarled with excitement and anger. "This fool doesn't know who he's messing with!" Blue pulled out a screwdriver and set to work. A few things unscrewed here, a few wires cut, and a few bursts of electricity and... "There!" Blue slammed a newly made chip into his arm device. A small red dot showed on Blue's radar. "The hunter... just became the hunted." Blue laughed quietly to himself.

Blue then spoke into his radio. "Men, it seems we have a little problem here at camp. I'm going to take care of it myself, but be ready to provide backup just in case." Blue's tone turned even darker. "Soldiers, this guy's in our home. He is not getting out of this camp in anything but a coffin, all right? No one has ever made it into this camp and gotten out alive... and I plan to keep it that way!" he snarled.

It's worth a moment of our story to take note of how this affected Blue. His hands were clenched in claws, with small bolts of electricity blasting from them. His pupils themselves showed sparks. As this story has told, Blue was motivated by the safety of his men, and Nintendo in general. Now, someone had DARED to infiltrate his camp? The term killing machine couldn't even close to describing Blue at this point.

Blue then turned to a large generator sitting dead center in the camp's center. Blue turned and glared at it, then raised both of his hands and fired bolt upon bolt of energy at it. "Camp defense Alpha activated," said a robotic voice. All over the camp, a dome of blue electricity rose. Security doors around the camp were active so that Toads could get in, but anyone else in the camp was now a sitting duck. "Good luck getting out of this one ****er," Blue muttered. He looked at the dot on his radar. "Come out, come out wherever you are...".

((So, who's ready for this round's first fatality? :kz)
2010-11-20 21:25:00

Posts: 1702

((Can you take down Ragnarok on your way? ))2010-11-20 21:51:00

Posts: 6707

"...we've been expecting you"
"is that how you normally greet guests? save them from complete madness? I like it, good way to make friends" Muttered Mercuy.
"Yes, well we have to keep tight control over the Militia population, they know if they come close to our territory what will happen to them, but they are very bunkered down in thier territory, it is a locked battle."
"I see"
"Do you guys have a radio or phone? I need to notify Old Natal that I am alive." stated Jack
"Yeah, here"
Horatio tosses Jack his iPhone and Jack dials the Chief's number
2010-11-20 21:57:00

Posts: 2135

"Sir I need to speak to you" Kernel said grasping Jacks Shoulder "Sony Outpost Delta was broken into and I found information on you, me and some massive sub orbital weapon, You've been framed, There's another Computer Program I fear that may be as strong as me"
Kernel activated his PIP Boy and showed Jack the notes he downloaded from New Canaan and Outpost Delta.*
"and everyone was dead, With Clear forensic signs of energy blades, Which I'm positive have came from either a Modified Wii Mote or a Move Sensor, Which means that either Nintendo or Sony are trying to facilitate War."
Kernel was suddenly aware of the corner of the room was shimmering as if made of water.*
"Jack, Stay very still, there's a figure over in the northeast corner..."
2010-11-20 22:12:00

Posts: 5078

((Can you take down Ragnarok on your way? ))

((hey sorry if i can be a bit annoying or get problems when writing, english is NOT my first language and I can sometimes get confused if what you want is for me to leave TCW then fine, I can put a bullet in my head right now and leave the thread :/ I really don't want to be a charge for anyone or make them feel that I'm just ruining stuff))
2010-11-20 23:05:00

Posts: 898

((Sorry, Blue, I got tired of waiting))2010-11-20 23:05:00

Posts: 3607

Pilot: Sir, we're approaching the city of Old Natal!
GDN: Roger that, pilot. Everyone prepare to jump. Ragnarok, how are things gong out there?
Ragnarok: Everything looks fine... We are approaching the target zone...
GDN: Ok men, jump now!
Everyone jumped out of the plane and opened their parachutes. They fell into the suburbian area of the city. Defenses were called immediately and the fight began. In one side, Sony forces, on the other, MS forces.
Sony soldier: There are too many of them, sir!
GDN: Not for long!
GDN launched a fire storm at the enemies, annihilating them all, but draining the remaining power of his gloves. He then equipped a M4 and fired at the remaining Microsoft forces.
MS soldier: There are too many of them! We need heavy backup!
Five tanks appeared and began to fire at the Sony forces, killing half of them. GDN recharged his gloves just enough using lamp posts and fired Laser pulses at them. The attack wasn't going well.
Sony soldier: What do we do? We can't proceed with the attack with only half an army!
GDN: Then... Then... Everyone, get back to Sony territory! Looks like I'll have to do this alone then...
Zim: Hey, just you wait, cowboy, but how in the world are you going to defeat the whole MS alone?
GDN: If everyone falls back, MS will think that we gave up. And I can sneak onto Jack's room and take control of Microsoft!
Zim: Haha, YOU are going to do that alone? Listen, soldier, I'm used to work alone, but even I know that doing such a job like this on your own is suicide!
GDN: So...
Zim: So I'm coming with you!
GDN: Hell no! I don't want to involve you in this!
Zim: You didn't. I got involved myself. Now, let's get going?
GDN: Ok then... But please do me a favor... Don't die on me.
Zim: Do you think that I want to die?
GDN ordered his men to return to base, it was time to go find Jack's body.

((tl,dr: Sony's attack fails, so GDN decides to go stealthy and sneak to Jack's body))
((to everyone: don't worry, nothing game-killing will happen, but I won't tell you what will happen because I don't want to spoil it. :kz: ))
2010-11-21 00:57:00

Posts: 5891

((It's alright Jspot, I'll probably let you get out alive this time. Next post coming tomorrow, feel free to make your reaction post... just don't go attacking me yet, kay?))2010-11-21 01:27:00

Posts: 1702

((hey sorry if i can be a bit annoying or get problems when writing, english is NOT my first language and I can sometimes get confused if what you want is for me to leave TCW then fine, I can put a bullet in my head right now and leave the thread :/ I really don't want to be a charge for anyone or make them feel that I'm just ruining stuff))

((Not wanting you to leave m8, just toning it down on a bit on getting everything too conveniently and getting everything go exactly as planned...and making incredibly unfair weapons that spawn whatever whenever you want...and completly owning everything and everyone like nothing happened.

(Ps: Here's a secret, English isn't my first language either. )

No worries m8, the story has managed this far I guess, but remember that just as others are willing to loose some fights you should too, not saying you should loose all, but at least make it a bit more 'convincing' you know?
Didn't mean to sound so harsh.))

Gin and Ayame closed in to the building when suddendly a voice was heard from his com, "-in...Gin, can you hear me?" It was GDN.
"GDN, you're alive! Are you sure you should be up and about? "
"Yeah, yeah, it doesn't matter right now, listen, we're about to-"
"Oh frst I got news, it seems Jack from Micro has fallen ill or something like that, I don't know what's going on, but we can stop this nonsense now!"
"Yeah yeah, we know, that's why I contacted you, we're about to launch an attack on Old Natal, get back and regroup for the attack." said GDN.
"What?! But there's no need to, they're already down, we're attacking a fallen enemy, don't tell me you're turning into one of them bloodthirsty captains like the old fool who just got assassinated?"
"This is our best chance to strike!" said GDN in a louder tone! "Anywho, you're to return to abse and prepare for the ttack, that's an order! " The signal was ended.
"Tch, the guy was a lower rank before this mess and now he's ordering me around just because he got promoted due to a lack of officers huh?" Said Gin, in a half-angry tone. "They don't tell me anything but they want me to fight for them...in a one sided fight nevertheless! How dare they attack a downed ene-" Gin stopped for a moment and realize what HE was doing. "...sigh, we're gonna help them, aren't we?"
"Sir?" said Ayame, confused at all the mumbling Gin was doing.
"Ayame, we're gonna help Microsoft and save Jack, I'm gonna need as much support as I can If I'm gonna beat some sense into those blood thirsty fools from SONY..."

"Gin, you're not really thinking...on defecting do you?!" said Ayane.
"I'm not defecting, au contraire, I'm taking over! Its the only way we'll be able to stop all the pointless battles SONY keeps creating, now come on, we gotta warn the people at the hospital about the attack, but first...to create a delay on GDNs little plan."
"What are you planning to do, there's nothing we can do from so far!" said Ayame, apparently still willing to follow him during the coup.
"I can't do anythingbut I got 34 mechs armed and ready to attack anything back there." Gin Grinned.
"You're not thinking of-"
"Yep" interrupted Gin, he took out his com, "Dante change of plans, we're taking over HQ!"
"WHAT?! are you crazy?!"
"Yes, most likely, I need to go back to Asn Branch HQ, you're to take control of operations there, Nintendo still has a good force up there, and if they hear about the coup, they'll be sure to attack during the confusion, so I need to leave someone abck there to guard and make sure no info leaks."
"Tch you crazy fool, fine, but you better not get yourself killed while I'm gone."
"I got everything under control, Gin out." The signal ended, Gin entered another code, "Well then now that that's dealt with...time to contact our diversion."
"Sir?" he heard on of the pilots from squad 5 through the com.
"Attnetion all units, GDN and Zim have defected SONY and are on their way to meet up with Microsoft to deliver SONY secrets to them, try to capture them alive if possible, permission ot use lethal force if thye resist, you are to stop them...at all cost!" (Sorry GDN old pal, but you're asking for it...)
"Sir, GDN and Zim have left the base long ago."
"What? Tch, where?!" (Darn, they've already deployed?)
"I don't know sir, we've been standing guard as commanded."
"Then we got no time to loose!(1) Squad 5 units 2 - 5 and Squad 9, units 1 - 10 are to join me in Old Natal and make sure GDN and ZIm don't enter Old Natal, Squad 5 units 7 - 15 and the remaining of Squad 9 is to deploy and search for GDN in in squads of 2, one Unit 5 and one Unit 9 each, unit 6 is to report GDN/ Zim's defect to main HQ and then join the search and capture of the fugitives."
"Sir yes sir!" Communication ended.

"You are serious about this aren't you?" said Ayane.
"Well, its done, nothing I can do now but to see this thing through, now come on, we gotta reach Jack and get him out of there before they do!" Both of them eft towards the hospital.

((1 - Just s there are no confusion, here's the 35 units placement and location atm. If its not relevenat to your story feel free to ski it. ))
Squad 5:
Unit 1: along with Gin on its way to Jack.
Unit 2 - 5: On their way to Old Natal to stop GDN/ Zim.
Unit 6 - Infoming main HQ about GDN's "betrayal."
Unit 7 - 15: On a search to find and stop/ capture GDN.

Squad 9:
Units 1 - 10 along with Squad 5's 2 - 5 on their way to Old Natal to stop GDN/ Zim.
Unit 11 - Awaiting Squad's unit 6 to deliver the report and deploy.
Units 12 - 20 - Forming a 2-mech search group each with one of Squad 5's remaining members.

((tl;dr: Gin decides to help Jack and take over Main HQ to stop the battle, he sets to help jack and he deploys Dante to lead the Asn HQ in case of an attack by Nintendo, then deploys Squad 5 and 9's units 2 - 5/ 1 - 0 to Old Natal to stop GDN and the remaining units to frame GDN and Zim telling them they're traitors, then deploying to search for them to copture, or 'take down' if necessary to slow/ stop the attack on Old Natal.))
2010-11-21 01:42:00

Posts: 6707

((oh I see, and the virtualizer has its limitations tho, you cant spawn big objects and go around like crazy, I am limited to what certain video games have to offer and I only use it certain times, after all that's the only power I have, if I had to stick to reality the story would then be very very boring )2010-11-21 01:55:00

Posts: 898

((^Fair enough I guess. ))2010-11-21 02:02:00

Posts: 6707

Natalie sat there, lost in a desperate daydream of stress and sadness. The stress of impeding Sony forces and the possibility of a massive takeover of Old Natal haunted her mind, as she sat there tearing a little.
Jack had a visitor.
"Arby!" Natalie announced, as the large Covenant alien crouched through the doorway.
"Thought I'd stop by," the Arbitor spoke, "and say hello."
Natalie rose out of her chair and gave the alien a hug, comforted by the brute's presence.
"You won't believe the day I've been having," Natalie sobbed, hugging Arby tighter.
"Trust me," Arbitor replied, "I've been having a bad day, too."
"So, any news?"
"Besides those Playstationites encroaching on our defenses? Not much."
"I swear, no matter what we do, those thugs always blame Jack for everything.
"Heaven knows why such cruelty must ensue..."
The Arbitor went by Jack's bedside, looking over his body. He places his hand on him, closing his eyes for a second. Then, without a word, he looked up and turned to Natalie.
"Jack isn't here anymore," the Arbitor spoke, the sadness deeply set in his eyes.
Natalie was about to speak, but sadness overwhelmed her. Suddenly, the pink Spartan began to cry, clutching Arby even tighter. It was as though Microsoft's world shattered.
A large shake emulates through the building.
"Intruders!!" rushing Arcade units shouted, storming down the hallways with weapons in hand.
"GRRAHH!!" the Arbitor roared, "FANBOYS!!"
Unleashing his Energy Sword, the ARbitor charged out of the room and joined the rest of the security force downstairs. Seeing the impeding danger, Natalie took out a Needler and equips a Gravity Hammer to her back, prepared for whoever will come her way and Jack's.
((tl:dr- The Arbitor stops by to visit Natalie & Jack's body, but was cut off short due to impeding forces on the hospital))
2010-11-21 02:06:00

Posts: 5757

((Jeez, I sure missed a lot while I was gone!))

GDN begins to sprint towards the hospital, through a back alley, and Zim follows suit. All of a sudden, she's struck with an excruciating headache and drops to the ground.
A short distance behind her, the mysterious cloaked figure is standing.
"Zim, you coming or what?"
GDN sees Zim on the ground.
"Zim! You okay?!"
He runs towards her and kneels down. Zim pushes herself back up.
"I'm...I'm fine..."
She slowly gets to her feet and notices someone behind her. Turning around, she sees that there's no one there.
"Let's just get going."

((This is happening directly after GDN's post and before Gin's))
2010-11-21 04:50:00

Posts: 3149

((so it seems Jack completely ignored my post, or put his in the past, either way, I shall continue, also you spelled Arbiter wrong.))

"Chief, long story short, my old friend Frank opened a portal and made me posses someone else's body, so now we're in Metr?pole de Reis, and we need to get back to Old Natal to get my body back."
"Is that even possib-"
"your su-"
"100 perc-"
"Whatever you say, I can have a pelican down there in 1 hour, ok, gotta go, Sony is attacking the hospital"
"that's too long, we'll head out and meet the Pelican as close as we can."
"Alright, i'll let the pilot know"
"don't let them get into the Hospital"
"of couse sir."
Jack ended the call and tossed the phone back to Horatio.
"Whats the news Jack?"
"Pelican should be here in 1 hour, but Sony is attacking the Hospital, so we've gotta get closer, get in the Jeep."
((Since no one incorperated Kernel's post, I shall do it.))
"Sir I need to speak to you" Said a mysterious figure who seemed to be there the whole time
"Sony Outpost Delta was broken into and I found information on you, me and some massive sub orbital weapon, You've been framed, There's another Computer Program I fear that may be as strong as me"
Kernel activated his PIP Boy and showed Jack the notes he downloaded from New Canaan and Outpost Delta.*
"and everyone was dead, With Clear forensic signs of energy blades, Which I'm positive have came from either a Modified Wii Mote or a Move Sensor, Which means that either Nintendo or Sony are trying to facilitate War."
Kernel was suddenly aware of the corner of the room was shimmering as if made of water.*
"Jack, Stay very still, there's a figure over in the northeast corner..."
"alright, what will happen if I move"
Mercuy and Frank also followed, and froze in place.
"What's going on?"
The figure simply stood there and stared Kernel in the face, and without it noticing, Kernel pulled out his weapon, and fired at the figure, only to see it shimmer away like it came into view.
"Oh... nothing, just a figure of my imagination..."
2010-11-21 06:30:00

Posts: 2135

((^ Wait who's attacking the hospital? Gin and Ayane are nearing the place to help, GDN's attack failed, so the troops retreated and the two of them are sneaking in if I'm not mistaking, so I don't think there was anyone directly attacking the place.))2010-11-21 08:38:00

Posts: 6707

((fastbro? Are you in the Sony prison with me or was I reprinted back to base. *head asplodes*))2010-11-21 08:52:00

Posts: 1117

((myabe me? This happens between Silver's and Jack's post: ))

GDN: Old fool, he doesn't understand nothing about war...
Zim: But, look GDN, he may be right, do you really want to attack a fallen enemy?
Zim: No! I'm just...
GDN: If you want to give up, go! Nobody's stopping you!
Zim: It is not that GDN... It's because...
Zim: What the?!
GDN: Ohh, I see Gin has already pulled some strings... I'm sorry, boys...
GDN used his gloves to destroy all the Sony forces that were stopping them. The gloves were pulsating and looked stronger than ever.
Zim: What did you do???
GDN: They are our enemies now. C'mon, to the hospital!
GDN and Zim went to the hospital. Any attempt to stop them would just result in an attack from the gloves. Zim was starting to get afraid, she never saw GDN that angry and... Violent.
GDN reached the hospital and smashed the doors with force.
GDN just fired a Laser that pierced throught the soldier, killing him instantly. The others ran in fear. Zim noticed an evil look in GDN's eyes.
Zim: GDN, please stop!
GDN ignored her and went straight to Jack's room. There it was, his body with the RROD virus flowing throught him.
GDN: Ahh, here you are... Once I absorb this virus into my gloves, I will be able to finish MS with a snap of fingers!
Zim was startled. What was he going to do? She had to stop him. She jumped onto him and tried to knock him down with her cane, but GDN just threw her away.
GDN: Don't even try.
GDN then touched Jack's forehead. The gloves started to assimilate the virus in Jack's body. They began to pulsate, first in a red color, then going to orange, until yellow. GDN's skin began to turn yellow too.
Suddenly, a yellow explosion threw GDN away. He was at the corner unconsious, with a yellow color in all his body. Zim gets up.
Zim: GDN? GDN!!!

((tl,dr: GDN breaks into the hospital, killing both Sony and MS in the way. Zim attemps to stop him, but he absorbs the RROD virus and ends up getting yellow and unconscious.))
2010-11-21 09:03:00

Posts: 5891

Zim is about to pick him up, but realizes that getting too close would result in contracting the virus. She carefully uses her cane to latch onto his utility belt and drags him out of the room. After several flights of stairs, Zim begins to get tired. As she nears the last one, she stops in her tracks - there's an eerie feeling that someone is watching. Zim looks behind her, but there's nobody there. As she turns back around, she finds herself face-to-face with a cloaked figure.2010-11-21 09:37:00

Posts: 3149

((I r confuzzled. How did you pass by the Arbitor without any problems?))
"Oh my. He... he what?! But how did he... wha? What does that mea- oh. That's odd. But why did he- ohhhh. Got it."
Jack hung up his headset, fully understanding the recent assault on the hospital. Frank, Mercuy and the others were waiting out in the lobby, awaiting any further plans from Jack & Horatio. Suddenly, the two men emerge from the office, the Microsoftians and officers standing at attention.
"So, what's the news?" Frank asked, scratching his head.
"We're heading back to Old Natal immediately," Jack stated, "The city's under attack, and apparantly my body was nearly assaulted."
"Nearly?" Mercuy asked, "How could it nearly-"
"The assailant contracted the virus," Jack interrupted, "It was a little different, but he still got infected. His partner dragged him out of there before troops could seize him."
"Partner?" KernelM queried, "What does that mean?"
"Oi, we don't have time for this!" Horatio intervened, "What matters now is that your leader's body is being invaded, and we don't have much time."
"So get ready, amigos," Jack spoke, taking out the black Wiimote with the green beam, "We're going to war."
And with that, Horatio wapred the group and his officers out of the room, speeding their way to the warsite of Old Natal.
((tl;dr: Zim & Gdn are thrown out of the hospital, Jack & friends head towards Old Natal to recover Jack's body))
2010-11-21 09:43:00

Posts: 5757

Where am I?
GDN woke up in an empty place. He looked around but there wasn't nothing more than plain white on sight.
Wha... What's happening?
GDN stood up and looked at his bare hands for the first time in days.
The gloves! I gotta find them!
He ran towards a random direction, until he got tired. He stopped for a rest. Then, he saw nothing more than himself, covered in a yellow color and with the gloves on his hands.
Who are you??? And why are you wearing MY gloves?
I'm you, GDN, look!
No, you are not! Now give me back the gloves, they belong to me!
Calm down, friend, let me talk. I know that they are yours. And honestly, I gotta thank you for crafting them for me. But, going to Jack's body and inserting me in your body??? Boy, I can say that, after that, I'm in debt with you!
Wait... What are you talking about?
You can call me "YLOD". I'm a variation of the RROD virus. I was in Jack's body, waiting for a suitable host. Then you appeared...
You're a YLOD virus??? What are you doing on my body???
Relax, I'm just here to help you. Listen, these gloves you made, they are the best thing ever! Why be the leader of Sony when you can be the leader of the entire world! And you can do short work of everyone that gets in your way. Without mercy.
WHAT?! Who in the world would want to do such things?
I'm looking at him...
GDN couldn't believe, but he was right. The gloves increased his power, but also increased his greed. He remembered of everything. And he knelt and began to cry.
What have I done...?
Aww, don't be a crybaby... You did the right thing! Now, you just need to allow me to fully take control of you body, and then we can rule the world!
GDN looked at him.
I will... I will... I WILL NOT LET YOU DO THAT!!!
Well, then I guess I'll have to take it by FORCE!
YLOD used the gloves to throw GDN away. He then jumped on GDN, which rolled to the side on the last moment. He then charged an eletric punch and used it on GDN, which stopped the punch with all his strenght.
You think that you can defeat me? Look at me, I have the power now, you're just a weak fool!
I may... Not have the gloves... But... I don't need them... TO BE STRONG!!!
GDN threw YLOD away. He walked to him.
Now, it's time for you to give me back my body!!
GDN punched YLOD's face with all his remaining strenght, until he exploded.
Zim: C'mon GDN, talk to me!
GDN opened his eyes.
Zim: GDN!!! You're alive!!
GDN: Zim...?
GDN looked at his hands. He was with the gloves. GDN immediately removed them, then he threw them to the ground and started to stomp on them.
GDN: You two little... You're the cause of all of this!!!
Zim: GDN, what is this??
GDN: It's ok now, Zim, these gloves won't do nothing now...
Zim: I see... But we gotta run, Sony and Microsoft are after us!

((tl,dr: GDN discovers inside his own body that the gloves made him greedy, then destroys the YLOD virus and the gloves))
2010-11-21 11:17:00

Posts: 5891

((Whoa, a lot just happened. I had better post already. Btw: My name is Zeta, because it was the only name I could think that began with Z. This is a quite short because its my first post, tell me if I am contradicting anybody.))

Zeta leaned out of the helicopters door, sending wind whistling through the cabin. She was expecting to see the large expanse of the Nintendo base, and was looking forward to some rest after the tedious 6 hour journey from the desert.

'Can we land already?' She shouted over the roar of the wind,

The pilots voice sounded back over the static of the intercom,

'Just a minute Zeta, you have a message incoming from B3.'

Zeta groaned, just what she needed. Another job. Jet-lag or no jet-lag, Nintendo can never sleep.

'Apparently theres a Sony agent in the base, Blue will need backup. It urgent.'

'A Sony agent? How?!' She yelled, shocked.

The pilot didn't answer, concentrating on the decent onto the plateau behind the base. Zeta jumped out of the door, clipping the sensor bar, the cause of all her travels, to her belt. She felt edgy, she was an ambassador, sent across the world to find innovative technology for Nintendo, not a soldier. Sure, in places where gangs of outcasts roamed looking for any stray worker of the Big Three you had to be pretty quick thinking, but she avoided killing where she could help it. Sighing, Zeta activated the holographic shield in the sensor bar, flickering from sight. They were at war now.

((tr,d: New character returns to the Nintendo base, only to get a call for backup from B3. She is has a new tool with stealth abilities, which she uses to enter unseen into the base.))
2010-11-21 11:24:00

Posts: 1316

((ahhh! I missed the beginning D:! can my character just wake up and not have a clue what is going on? I have read through most of the posts, but... :S))
flamingemu sat up. Never again would anyone persuade him to eat six mario mushrooms at once. He got dressed, and looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a red t-shirt, and dark black boots. He decided to have a red yoshi-skin today. He started his morning jog around toronto, usually took him five minuites to circle the whole thing.
He looked at his fancy new wrist watch, and opened the hologram. 3 new messages.
You have received an infraction... *delete*
Join Xbox! *open*
"hello! we are from xbox and are delighted to tell you that xbox are hiring!
just bring us back the head of a nintendo soldier, and well see if we can put you in our newest HALO. We'll create one especially for you!"
interesting. Being a yoshi was hard, 6 days asleep, 30 days awake. although bringing back a nintendo soldiers head wouldn't be too difficult...
flamingemu started to dial BlueBulletBills number, he needed a "favour"...
((am i kicked out or not? or is that okay?))
2010-11-21 11:39:00

Posts: 1872

((Hey Dizzy! Glad to have you on the team, only one problem - I don't think my base is in ruins yet. At least I hope not. :O JSPOT's only getting intel as far as I know, and I don't think we've been attacked by anyone else. Might wanna edit that post. ))

(( Also, everyone, we have TOO GURLS playing now. That's like, moar than one! :O Neither of you have cooties, right?))

((EDIT: FE, I'll take your call when I can, but don't expect me to come right away... I am in the middle of a situation here. I want to meet Jspot, talk to Zeta, and talk to Fastbro before I come traveling anywhere. SAWEE. Next post coming later today!))
2010-11-21 12:38:00

Posts: 1702

GDN heard someone screaming down the hall:
Microsoft forces: They were headed that way! Go go go!
GDN: Damm, Zim they are coming! Get out of here!
Zim: But wha...
GDN: Don't argue! Go!
Zim ran into a dark alley and dissapeared.
MS forces: There he is! Don't try anything that you might regret!
GDN: I won't... I already did...
MS forces: Where is you partner?
GDN: Leave her alone, she had nothing to do with this!
A soldier comes closer to GDN and points his finger at him.
MS soldier: Listen, we are not kidding. You better tell where she gone or...
GDN then grabbed his weapon and hit the soldier in the belly. He ran away while the soldiers fired. Then he felt a shot on his leg.
MS soldier: I told you to don't try anything stupid. Take him to the prisioner facility.
GDN blacked out.

((tl,dr: Zim escapes, but GDN is captured by Microsoft))
2010-11-21 13:29:00

Posts: 5891

((B3, I've edited it. My memory must be a little bit off. Do you have next post?))2010-11-21 16:34:00

Posts: 1316

((Thought I'd introduce myself as a Sony Fanboy named Ched, just waiting for an appropriate time to come in. ))2010-11-21 17:53:00

Posts: 447

((I agree with Jack...what just happened? @_@
I was running towards the hospital, was pretty much there, and GDN/Zim arrived later, forces retreated and you were "sneaking" in, yet somehow you appeared there before anyone somewhow and without explanation, not even minding the people that were with Jack...?
Not to mention you just made Gin's appereance and the story that was going, completly useless as well. D:

Well anywho, was gonna post now...but now that that post would mak no sense, I guess I'll need to wait until I think up something again for the suddend change, because I got no idea how to advance Gin's side atm. :?))
2010-11-21 17:58:00

Posts: 6707

((O_o I'm very confuzzled))2010-11-21 18:00:00

Posts: 2135

((Who are you talking to Leon?))2010-11-21 18:02:00

Posts: 5078

((I just went along with GDN, I forgot that Natalie and them were there...So now what do we do?))2010-11-21 18:06:00

Posts: 3149

((yeah.... i dunno.))2010-11-21 18:12:00

Posts: 2135

((Looks like I choose a bad time to enter, perhaps GDN should edit some of his posts to include the struggle involved with Jack's people?))2010-11-21 18:20:00

Posts: 447

((GDN is offline, so it's up to us. What do you have to say about it, Silverleon?))2010-11-21 18:25:00

Posts: 3149

((This will wrap up the Jspot story.))

"Gah!" Blue was even more angry now. In his haste, he had sent his message to all Nintendo frequencies, not just those of his men. "Wonderful," Blue thought, "just what I need, everyone and their Yoshi coming in, as if I can't take care of one bad guy. Ah well, best get to it then." The dot on Blue's radar was moving around anxiously, it seemed the mark had taken notice of the shield that now wrapped the Toad camp. "Sitting ducks," Blue muttered again. At this, Blue rushed forward to the nearest Toad house. He dug his blade into the side and vaulted onto the roof. After traveling from roof to roof, flying through the air, Blue came to the target. Before the mark knew what hit him, Blue had him pinned down, B3's blade to his throat.

"Alright. I'm not usually much for bloodshed, but you're in my camp. You knocked out some of my men, and put a tracker on me. I'm ****ed as hell right now, and that means you have one minute to explain yourself before this blade cuts a little further down. Name?"

"Who sent you here?"
"AH! A SONY SOLDIER, EH?" Blue snarled, "How about we send your head back as an example!" The blade moved even closer.
"N- no, not a Sony soldier! I- I'm just a mercenary!"
Blue held his glare.
"This is where it ends..." thought Jspot.
Suddenly, Blue smirked. "A mercenary, eh? Well, congrats, I think you're gonna live. You're here for intel, right?"
Jspot was confused now. "Uh... yeah."

"Blue laughed. "Okay, one second. Unfortunately, I'll have to keep you like this." Blade still pressed to Jspot's neck - though with much more breathing room - Blue spoke into his radio. "The target is constrained. I need eight men over here - someone bring the intel disc. Looks like today we try Operation Homing Pigeon."

"First off, I'm Blue. Nintendo commander, Toad division. Now, I've got a deal for you. You're gonna hand over that camera, and we're gonna give you this disc. You can sell it off to the highest bidder, top secret information into Nintendo's base. It'll make you some nice coin. Best part is, you escape with your life."
Jspot was catching on. "And this disc, it's-"
"Yup, as the great Mr. Ackbar once said, it's a trap. So you get your life and some cash, we capture some soldiers. Everybody wins."
"Except whoever I sell this to."
Blue grinned. "You're a quick learner, aren't you? Now, I'll take this camera," Blue zapped the machine with enough volts to power Jack's office, then tossed the scrap away. "and here are my men." Toads came hurrying into the square, one carrying a disc. "Here you go buddy, my men will see you out. Good luck."

Blue got up off Jspot and started to walk away. The Toads circled the mercenary and started to lead him away, but Jspot wasn't done yet. "One last thing," he yelled. "I like to know where people stand with me... so why are you doing this? Letting me go?"

Blue turned around to look at Jspot one more time. "My friend, what do you think I did before Nintendo took me? Think I just stayed out of this mess?"

Blue headed to his house and collapsed on his bed. A few minutes after, he got a call from Katherine, his Koopa secretary. "Yes? A girl, here at our camp? Fe wants to talk to me soon? Ugh, it's just not gonna be a quiet day, is it? Thanks Katherine."

((Dizzy, go ahead and make a post. You can tell about arriving, what you did while everything went down, how you were found etc, etc. Also tl;dr: Jspot is found, Blue gives him a job to deliver fake intel that will lead enemy soldiers into a trap. What was on the disc will be revealed soon, afterwards Jspot can sell the disc and continue the story.))
2010-11-21 18:34:00

Posts: 1702

"What exactly happened Natalie?" Kernel asked cradling his former lover in emotionless arms,
"I don't know!" she sobbed "I went out to get a coffee and when I came back there was someone over Jack! He ran before he noticed me that's when I sounded the alarm"
"It's alright Natalie, The Police are after him" Kernel hugged her just like he'd been programmed to.

((Hopefully that should clear things up))
2010-11-21 18:35:00

Posts: 5078

((kind of, but we still haven't got there yet, I thought we were still on the road.))2010-11-21 18:47:00

Posts: 2135

((Nice save. Now let's continue.))

Zim hears gunshots and peers out from behind the corner of the wall. She sees two soldiers taking GDN away. She begins to get a faint headache again, but brushes it off as if nothing. Quietly tailing them, she finds the weapon GDN had hit the soldier with and picks it up, although it's difficult to aim with the headache intensifying by the second.
Just as she's about to fire, someone grabs her arm from behind, and the gun drops to the ground - the trigger goes off, conveniently taking down the two soldiers that were carrying GDN away. Falling hard on the ground, GDN blinks his eyes open to see an abandoned weapon on the ground a few feet away, two unconscious guards next to him, and no one else in sight.
2010-11-21 18:51:00

Posts: 3149

((kind of, but we still haven't got there yet, I thought we were still on the road.))

((We teleported))
2010-11-21 18:53:00

Posts: 5078

((ok, explaining things a bit:
GDN and Zim were going to the hospital, when Gin talked to them. What I understood is that he sent Sony after them;
GDN scared everyone away after killing a soldier with the laser. Maybe some others got killed, but the most important were spared;
Then my last posts.
I saw something about "GDN and Zim getting out of the base", I couldn't understand what was going on.
And please don't make me go back, that was a great step in my story and if I have to erase it I won't have the will to keep playing ))

((aand Im on PS3, so no story sections by now))
2010-11-21 18:53:00

Posts: 5891

((It's fine, GDN, Kernel made sense of it now. We can continue.))2010-11-21 18:56:00

Posts: 3149

((We teleported))

((Fair enough.))
2010-11-21 19:01:00

Posts: 2135

((Ok, I was on a plane and already read like 10 posts, and I suppose I am still in the air on top of the hospital))

Ragnarok was still defending positions over the hospital taking down banshees and preventing them from bombing Sony forces, the Covenant army had arrived and was helping to defend the hospital at all costs, suddenly a giant Plasma battery was brought next to the hospital pulled by a wraith and began to shoot Ragnarok's plane.

Ragnarok: [Curses] EMP charge!! all plane systems off, all air units retreat to safe distance, we request ground support now! (the plane began to go straight to the ground)

Ragnarok ejected from the plane on time and fell outside the hospital gate...

Ragnarok: I hate planes...., I didn't came all my way here just to stare how they crush our forces, I need to move now!

Ragnarok took out his standard issue handgun and loaded it, he just needed 1 bullet to end all, he checked the Virtualizer levels.

Ragnarok: Low battery, hmm, let me see what I can do with this [he used the remaining battery to spawn a stealth boy], yes! this will do for now, ill save it for later.

Ragnarok sneaked through the military defenses closer and closer to the hospital, when he got in he started to look for jack when he saw a crippled GDN and Zim near him.

Ragnarok: Oh no, what happened here?!

Zim: GDN was hit on his leg!

Ragnarok had to decide quickly if to help GDN or leave them there and go straight into Jack's dorm and finish all that has started.

Ragnarok: [Curses like 7 times] So close! so ***** close! the alarm is active and there's little I can do now to get to Jack!, guess it will have to be next time, let me help you GDN, (Ragnarok lifted GDN and helped him walk, GDN was carrying an assault rifle on his other hand), Zim you will have to clear the way, we are getting outta here...

Suddenly a squadron of elites stared to run through the hallways.

Ragnarok: Looks like we are in trouble...

((Well, all my events of getting into the base occurred while you guys were doing all the stuff you wrote above, I just had to catch up, as a summary, I was taken down from my plane, went into the hospital and found GDN and Zim and proceeded to help GDN to walk as he was shot in a leg, then a group of elites were deployed to look for GDN))
2010-11-21 19:58:00

Posts: 898

GDN winces as Zim helps him up onto his good leg.
"What happened back there anyways?"
He asks her. Zim casually replies to him.
"Well, I saw those soldiers were taking you away, so I shot them square in the back."

After helping GDN to his feet, Zim walks ahead of the group. After turning the corner, she slips something into her pocket.
Ragnarok rounds the corner as well, supporting GDN on his left shoulder. He suddenly gets an eerie feeling as he tails behind Zim - The same one he got when he met that mysterious hooded figure. Ragnarok apprehensively looks around, then adjusts GDN's position on his shoulder. As he looks up from the ground and back in Zim's direction, for a moment he sees a shimmering aura. He stops walking and rubs his eyes with his right hand.
"Aren't you coming?"
Musta been my imagination...
Ragnarok shakes his head and continues to follow Zim.
2010-11-21 20:19:00

Posts: 3149

((Arrghh! the curiosity whos the eeeviiiil hooded dude? the same kernell encountered? and I guess is time to wait for GDN)2010-11-21 20:26:00

Posts: 898

((Quick note: This is set before B3's last post. *edit* Whoa, and its longer than I thought!))

Zeta followed the heat signal skulking on the outskirts of the base, hoping this really was the Sony agent, not some young Toad who had strayed from his clan. This was one of the main disadvantages of thermal tracking, you were still relying on you instincts. Unfortunately the sensors bar's shield had already burnt down, she was going against her survival instincts not to discard the dead weight. But her mission had been to find it, she wouldn't let the journey go to waste just yet. Luckily, the lack of the new gadget wasn't bothering her too much. This was what Zeta was used too, technology for ambassadors was reserved to flight passes and a good pair of boots. She also wondered how serious the situation could be, it wasn't like B3 to call for help. Zeta concentrated and cleared her mind of unnecessary thoughts, readying for action. She ran down the hill keeping to the shadows, level with the tree line. Although in friendly territory, she couldn't forget that round the next corner was a enemy agent. One with a lot of guts too, to be taking on a heavily guarded base alone. The thing he wouldn't expect in an operation like this, was an attack from behind.

Zeta came silently to a stop outside one of the first low-level building. She thought back to the stealth training she had taken in her new days at Nintendo, long before her family became causalities of war and she had vowed to stay out of the battlezone. First lesson. Control you breathing, girl. You could hear a pin drop around here...Zeta thought to herself, keeping flat against the wall. She edged slowly to the edge of the building. Don't peer round idiot, do you want to be an easy target? Enemies facing the wrong way only happens in movies... Instead, Zeta looked across to the window in the house parallel to her, seeing for the first time her enemy in the reflection. He was crouching low, out of sight from the flocks of Toads crouching round their fallen troops. Zeta winced at the corpses, already damage had been done, she saw the agent moving forward to strike. Unable to stand seeing any more deaths Zeta took action, she needed to distract him till Blue could arrive with the equipment and experience to actually deal with the situation. Sure, she thought, So I have no real weapons and no armour, only some quick wits and a few tricks up my sleeve. But I can't just let him slaughter them, they're only medics.

She unclipped two modified Wii-motes from her belt, one of her favourite improvised weapons. They were simple things, made of old casing from broken remotes, something often found round the experimental area of Nintendo, filled with anything heavy, from molten metal, or gravel if she was in a hurry. Spinning it round her forefinger Zeta launched the custom missile at the Sony agent, leaping from her hiding place. It connected with a satisfying crack onto the exposed back of his head. Unluckily the damage was not great, an ordinary person would have been knocked out, but here was a mercenary trained to withstand more than just your average citizen. The agent whipped round aiming a gun. Zeta was already moving fast, darting across behind the next building. The agent covered the ground with surprising agility in the heavy armour, but Zeta was already climbing upon the roof looking for more ammo.

Wishing she had more time to grab some proper weapons, Zeta jumped down down through a skylight, hearing bullets whistle over her head. She had the advantage of surprise, but not for long. Spinning round she looked for something that could hold up the agent a little longer. Sure, she couldn't take him down like this, but it didn't mean she couldn't slow him a few more moments. She appeared to be in some kind of workshop, but without power or anything that could penetrate a mercenary's armour she was still trapped. Running behind a door she heard her pursuer drop to the floor, felt bullets shake the thick wood slammed it shut, her heart beating adrenaline. In a few seconds he would take down the sheet of wood that was her last defence.

Suddenly she heard a rushing sound above her head, and felt a shockwave ripple through the building. Her attacker sensed it too, forgetting the weaker opponent in favour of a more sizeable threat. There was a roar as the mercenary launched upwards. She listened tensely for a few seconds as the sounds faded away, before sliding down the door, collapsing in relief. Breathing a sigh of relief she stared at the ceiling, fighting to keep her eyes open as the fatigue set in. It was going to be a long day.

((tr,d: Zeta causes a distraction to avert JaspOt's attention from the Toads sent out to deal with the casualties, B3 then arrives just in time to take on JaspOt himself.))
2010-11-21 20:32:00

Posts: 1316

Yes, it's the same mysterious figure that Kernel encountered.))

"So where are we headed?"
Zim asks Ragnarok and GDN as she strikes down a soldier in their way - But she does it differently. She seems to be ten times more agile and skilled than before, taking down a soldier in only a second.
"We need to get to the plane so we can return to our base, remember?"
Ragnarok answers as tries to walk faster with GDN on his back.
"Oh, right."
Ragnarok looks forward and keeps moving, with Zim a few feet ahead. He yawns tiredly, then opens his eyes again to see she's gone. Traces of the strange aura from before seemed to loom in front of him. Ragnarok stops in his tracks and rubs his eyes again, shaking his head.
"Where did you land the plane anyways?"
He jumps and and whips his head around to see Zim trailing behind them.
"How did you..."
"How did I what? I had to rest for a second."
"Uhh...Nevermind, I must be seeing things..."
Ragnarok continues to walk forward with an exhausted GDN on his shoulder, Zim now ahead of them and leading the way. He can't seem to shake the eerie feeling that something is wrong here...
2010-11-21 21:18:00

Posts: 3149

((ok then, well GDN is nowhere to be seen, must guess he should be playing black ops by now -__-))

Ragnarok was getting nervous, there was something wrong here, but he had to concentrate on getting to the plane, GDN was loosing blood, after some walking through the field and a few attacks from Zim to retain enemy forces they finally reached the plane and all got in.

Ragnarok: [talking to the pilot] we need to take off now, straight to our base!

Pilot: Yes sir!

Ragnarok: Zim give me the bandages, we need to stop GDN's bleeding.

Zim hands the bandages to Ragnarok and he finishes treating GDN's leg, the plane takes off and they are going back to the base, Zim stays near GDN pending on his condition...

Ragnarok: [Looking through the window and thinking] So many questions and little answers, who was that hooded figure and why is he haunting me, does it has something to do with Zim? I've never seen some one with her abilities, it just gives me the chills...

((Zim, Ragnarok and GDN get to the plane safely and are returning to the PS base to get GDN on medical attention))
2010-11-21 21:33:00

Posts: 898

All went cold as Jack entered his hospital room.
Suddenly, the door flies open.
"I'M GONE!!" Jack screamed, his face paralyzed in fear, "My body's GONE!!"
The group shoots up in surprise, panic and concern engulfs the area.
"WHAT?!" Natalie shouted, "But... but HOW?! I was here the WHOLE TIME!!"
"I DUNNO!!" Jack barked back, "But now it's GONE, and I know whoever has it is gonna use my powers..."
"Well, can't you track it?!" Mercuy queried, "After all, it is YOUR body we're talking about!"
"Negative," the Chief grimly replied, looking at a radar, "His tracker was maunaully disabled. Whoever has Jack's body knows what they're doing."
Jack takes a seat on a bench, the desperate businessman starting to tear up. KernelM sits by his master's side, seeing as only a natural reaction from Jack's creations.
"Oh God," Jack mumbled, "What if Nintendo got their hands on me?... what if SONY did?! This is bad. This is REALLY bad..."
"Sir," KernelM replied, in a rather calming tone, "I'm confident that whatever 'thief' has you will be swiftly brought to justice."
"I've got a reading!" Master Chief exclaimed, looking at the radar as a dot moves across it, "It's heading Northeast, and moving fast!"
"Let's GO!!" Jack commanded, immediately jumping up from his seat.
The troop of Microsoftians, now aware of their situation, head over to a nearby squadron and begin their chase after the thief, completely unaware of the villain's "cruel intentions"...
((Jack's body is stolen, and now he's chasing after it))
2010-11-21 21:34:00

Posts: 5757

*birp birp birp*
"Blue? Bluey?
Yes, look fe, im kinda busy. what do you want?
Do you know of any... uh... not up-to-scratch soldiers?
Yeah, the sony ones *laughs* but in all seriousness, some of the yoshi's have fallen behind. Why?
Well could you send some to me, I've got a uh... training camp which i'd like to test on them...
Fe, can i ask you something?
Are you planning on killing any of them?
Yes. Yes i am.
Why didn't you say so? I'll think about it...
Okay, friend."

That would be one of last times Blue and Fe spoke to eachothwe, until Microsoft eventually triumphed and FlamingEmu got to kill Blue. Something to look forward to.
(( Ill just wait for blues reply before doing anything else))
2010-11-21 21:48:00

Posts: 1872

The plane lands at the SONY base. There are soldiers standing guard along the perimeter of each building and everything is as it should be. Ragnarok picks up GDN once again and heads inside the building, with Zim behind them. As they round the corner of the hallway, the three of them are met with a squad of soldiers pointing they're weapons at them - Gin's emblem is imprinted on each of their uniforms.
"Hands where I can see them!"
All of them follow the soldier's orders. But as the soldiers begin to approach them, Zim whips out her cane and moves at an incredible speed, striking down more than ten soldiers. The remaining soldiers open fire as GDN and Ragnarok are hidden with their backs pressed against the wall, watching from around the corner. Zim dodges every bullet and is left with only five soldiers. As she heads for the middle of the group, one of the soldiers fires a single bullet, aimed directly at Zim.

The bullet phases right through her, as if only a hologram, piercing the wall behind her. Undaunted, she defeats four more enemies, leaving just one soldier left. Before she can finish him off, however, he dashes down the hall, shouting into his radio communicator and calling for backup. Zim drops to her knees, exhausted. She looks back at Ragnarok and GDN, then disappears in a cluster of numbers and data, leaving only the cane behind.
2010-11-21 22:41:00

Posts: 3149

((so are you dead or a computer program like my character?))2010-11-21 22:48:00

Posts: 5078

((Incorrect.))2010-11-21 22:48:00

Posts: 3149

((Oop, ignore this, Zim beat me to the post. x_x))2010-11-21 22:51:00

Posts: 447

((I believe you were sniped, Cheddars...))2010-11-21 22:52:00

Posts: 3149

Ragnarok and GDN (that just recovered) were left perplexed, Zim just disappeared in front of their eyes.

GDN: What the hell just happened! where did Zim go!!!

Ragnarok: I have... no idea... [Ragnarok advances and takes Zim's cane], we've got to find her, and staying on the base is not safe anymore, [takes his radio out] Ragnarok here, we request back up, GDN is with me.

Solider: Roger we are on our way we will intercept the radio signal.

Ragnarok: Lets go into the Jungle, we will be far safer than here, Gin's soldiers must have taken the base...

GDN: [Takes Zim cane] I'll keep this, lets go.

Ragnarok and GDN venture into the jungle as they had the radio as localization device for a helicopter that should arrive soon to pick them up.

((Zim disappears and Ragnarok and GDN call for a pick up as they hide in the jungle out of sight from Gin's soldiers))
2010-11-21 22:53:00

Posts: 898

GDN and Ragnarok run throught the jungle. GDN then slows down for a while.
Ragnarok: Why are you stopping?
GDN: Have you ever tried to run with a bullet in your leg?
They hid in a small lost cabin. Search parties passed throught them, but didn't notice them.
GDN: So, who did you call on the radio?
2010-11-21 23:06:00

Posts: 5891

After being assigned an immediate order to go pick up two fellow soldiers in need, Ched rushed to the helicopter.
This task had been assigned to several of the units throughout the base, but all of them seemed to have come out with unsuccessful results.
Nevertheless, he toke this assignment as some sort of challenge.. sort of like hide and seek. He chuckled quietly to himself as he strapped into the pilot's seat and slid the key into the ignition switch.
The blades of the helicopter immediately started to spin, gaining speed over time until the helicopter was being lifted off the landing dock.
Ched headed toward his destination, apparently it was some sort of jungle nearby another SONY base.
He scoffed, he was hardly given any dangerous and daring tasks nowadays, he always wanted to be admist of the battle and be recognized as someone important in his society. Sure it sounded like a cheesy dream, but it was HIS dream, cheesy or not.
A few minutes later, he began to notice the scenery slowly change from the deserted barrenland of warfare to a more comforting luscious green and figured that he had arrived at this so called jungle.
He found the only safe clearing in the endless sea of green and decided that he had no choice but to land there.
The helicopter slowly began to wind down onto the dirt ground of the jungle and came to a halt.
Ched leapt out of the helicopter and began to search for the soldiers in need.

((Ask if anything needs to be edited to help fit into the plotline of the story more))
2010-11-21 23:12:00

Posts: 447

((my turn i dont wanna be sniped : P))

Ragnarok: Oh no, I didn't verified, take out your rifle, it might be hostile..

The helicopter landed as Ragnarok and GDN pointed their weapons to the pilot.

GDN: [Shouting] Down the vehicle with your hands where I can see them!

Ched: [Getting out the helicopter] What?! I just came for the distress call and you are pointing me with your weapons?!

GDN: Whats your rank and faction soldier!

Ched: Sergeant Ched, serial 00169-B from team chrome-green.

Ragnarok: Looks like he's not from Gin's people still we've got keep an eye open.

GDN: Fine, lets move on.

GDN and Ragnarok got in the chopper as Ched took off from the Jungle..

Ragnarok: So where are we moving on GDN?

((Well, GDN's turn now!))
2010-11-21 23:19:00

Posts: 898

((my turn i dont wanna be sniped : P))
((FFFFFFFFUUUUUU I wrote a part then checked for snipers and this!! ))
2010-11-21 23:22:00

Posts: 5891

((lololol I did, too!))2010-11-21 23:23:00

Posts: 3149

((Ok, that was my last post for today. If I try to write anything in my remaining time I will sure get sniped and will have to delete everything. ))
((and I can't post tomorrow until evening, so have fun kicking me around... ))
2010-11-21 23:26:00

Posts: 5891

((Well alright...Hurry up with that edit, Ragnarok!))2010-11-21 23:27:00

Posts: 3149

((We should probably just reserve spots in the forum posts from now on to prevent this from happening again, i.e. what Raganok did))

((@below, "Kay"))
2010-11-21 23:27:00

Posts: 447

((I was just about the reserve that post, then Ragnarok sniped me lol!))

EDIT: ((Alright, I'm reserving this post, kay?))
2010-11-21 23:28:00

Posts: 3149

((Reserving this post ))

((If I get sniped while reserving this post.. :kz)
2010-11-21 23:34:00

Posts: 447

((next thing you know it's a big queue of "reserving posts" for entire pages... ))2010-11-21 23:35:00

Posts: 5891

((edit: Ah! Whatever! I'll just put mine here in a minute.))2010-11-21 23:36:00

Posts: 3149

[((Actually, if you want GDN, you can post after Zim. ))]
Alrighty then.
2010-11-21 23:38:00

Posts: 447

((Ok, I've got to sleep. I can't get to post any more parts and get sniped, or post a reserve and get sniped, or write a wall of text and have to discard it, blah blah blah apple))2010-11-21 23:38:00

Posts: 5891

((Apologies for the delay.))

The hooded figure steps out of a shadow portal and into the woods behind the small cabin, watching two soldiers board a helicopter. He looks to his right as another shadow portal appears, Data Zim stepping out of it. The figure holds out his left hand and digitizes a data version of Zim's cane, handing it to her. He then steps back into the portal and disappears as Data Zim heads toward the helicopter before it takes off.
2010-11-21 23:54:00

Posts: 3149

((Still pondering over how I should continue on with the story, but Raganok can go next.))2010-11-22 00:05:00

Posts: 447

((Can't right now, im doing homework and I don't want to be doing it on the night, probably in 2 or 3 hours, also I think we should leave this comments for profiles as they only create more and more posts here and its getting a bit annying )2010-11-22 00:17:00

Posts: 898

((fine. guess it is up to me, and I'm still confused as to who took Jack's body, so ima assume it's just some random Sony troops, Will start writing now.))

The Microsoft van sped down the streets of Old Natal faster than one could dream, and a frightened Mercuy was the one bouncing around in the back of the van, along with Kernel, but he's too tough.
"Do yo- ufgh have to- ugh! go so fast?"
"Yes, Sony isn't getting away with my body"
"Well then, ca- *slam*"
"Sorry, speed bump"
"-can we go a less bumpy route?"
"No can do"
The crew travelled for another 15 minutes before they spotted the convoy escaping with Jack's body.
"THERE! there's the Son- wait... those are Nintendo troops!"
"Nintendo? how did they get in without us noticing?"

((Mixing things up a little, if that doesn't work I'll say that Sony got the body then Nintendo stopped them and took it))
2010-11-22 00:33:00

Posts: 2135

Zim approaches the helicopter right before it's about to take off.
"Zim...! What in the world happened back there? Are you okay?"
GDN is startled by her sudden appearance.
"What are you talking about? Of course I'm fine."
Ragnarok is sitting across from them, looking on suspiciously. He gets that eerie feeling again, and he knows something is definitely not right. As the helicopter lifts off from the ground, the three of them hear a faint thunk from the outside of the helicopter.
"What was that?"
GDN calls out to Ched.
"Probably a tree branch or somethin'. Nothing to worry about, sir."

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

The mysterious figure reappears in a white room - there is a central platform, and surrounding it are several chairs. In one of them sits another cloaked figure, his superior. He quietly tells his leader about the status of their plan, who then shifts comfortably in his seat, content with their progress.
"And what of the others?"
"I'm working on it."
"Very well then...Go 'work on it' some more."
The mysterious figure turns towards the exit and opens a dark portal, then steps inside and disappears.
2010-11-22 01:02:00

Posts: 3149

((Hmm, I need a little time to think over things before I make my next move. NICE post there Dizzy, glad to have you on the team.

Also, FE, if you think I'm going down, you've got another thing coming. I've got electric powers that can kill about anything and can overload about any machine. Plus, I'm a ninja with a blade, AND I'll likely have Zeta with me.

Good luck. :kz)
2010-11-22 01:43:00

Posts: 1702

((C'monnn, ain't anyone gonna post?))2010-11-22 02:32:00

Posts: 3149

((Ahh ok then, ill do the next part but that's for today, I wanna play LBP for god's sake!))

The helicopter continued its way to a new resistance base on the sea, an abandoned petroleum extraction plant, all of GDN's loyal soldiers and Ragnarok's closest specialists and scientist division researchers were already there.

Ched: Welcome to base Last Stance we are ready to land hold on

The chopper landed on the heli pad on the base, a medic team was ready to take GDN into the infirmary to heal his leg, Zim went with them to the infirmary but Ragnarok stopped her immediately.

Ragnarok: Hey calm down, what happened back there?

Zim: What happened about what? I was just fighting them and giving you two time to escape

Ragnarok: No, I asked about your mysterious disappearances and the way you got back on the helicopter, what's going on?

Zim: Look I don't have time for this ok? we'll talk later

Ragnarok was confused, was Zim a traitor? Ragnarok wondered if she was linked with the shadow that had been hunting him....

Ragnarok: Ched, come here, I need to ask you a favor

Ched: Sure, whats up?

Ragnarok: I need you to investigate Zim, look what she is up to, she has been acting strange lately

Ched: I dont like stalking but ok, I'll see what I can do

((Ok there you go))
2010-11-22 02:40:00

Posts: 898

Zim props GDN's arm up on her shoulder and carries him down the hall towards the infirmary. After setting him down and calling for medical attention, she heads back down the hall towards her room. After she leaves, GDN suddenly realizes that Zim was holding another cane.
"Wait a minute...Don't I have her cane?"
He recalls Zim telling him that it was one of a kind...
Ched keeps a close eye on Zim and follows her down the hall the entire time without being seen - But unknown to either of them, someone else is following her as well...
While she usually takes a right at an intersection of the hall, she keeps walking, passing the intersection - heading for GDN's lab instead. Looking both ways to make sure no one's watching, Zim uses the key she snatched from GDN's utility belt back at Old Natal and slips inside the room, locking the door behind her.
"Great! What am I supposed to do if the door is locked?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Zim strolls over to GDN's main computer and sits down at the office chair behind it. She "remembers" hacking it once before, and attempts to do so again. Surfing through the database of soldiers and officials that are involved with SONY, she gathers data from the profiles and identification cards pertaining to Ragnarok, Gin, GDN, and her own. Zim attaches a device to the side of the computer and saves the data onto it, then slips it into her pocket.
Ched is outside the door, trying to find a way to get in, when he hears it being opened from the inside. He hastily dashes around the corner with his back pressed against the wall as Zim exits holding her cane in her right hand, and her left hand in her pocket. Peering around the corner, he sees Zim walk back up the hallway. She enters her room and closes the door behind her, leaving behind a strange blue aura.
"I gotta report this to Ragnarok!"
Just as he turns around to run towards Ragnarok's room, he's grabbed from behind by someone. Ched looks behind him to see Zim, looking different than the one he just saw - she's distressed, windswept, and missing her cane and cap.
"Wait what?! Weren't you just - "
"Quiet! We don't want it to hear us...!"

((tl;dr - More suspicious activity from Zim, Ched bumps into...another Zim?)
2010-11-22 03:35:00

Posts: 3149

"What happened to you, and well.. you, you know the other you I sa-" questioned the perplexed pilot.
"Long story, I'll tell you later, but for now we need to find out just what am I up to right now.." Zim interrupted.
"Oh yeah, and you can't tell the others about this, not yet at least, I don't want them to be so rash all of a sudden."
Ched simply nodded, still trying to comprehend what exactly had just happened.
She turns the corner silently with Ched following behind, and peers through her room to see herself..
((You can continue on from here Zim as you probably have a better understanding of how this is going to work out.))

((tl;dr - Zim and Ched peer into the room in which the other Zim had walked into)
2010-11-22 04:16:00

Posts: 447

"Mercuy, we're putting the van in front of the convoy, you and Kernel jump out and take those vehicles!"
"Can do"
Kernel quickly kicked open the door of the van when he spotted light coming through the crack in the door. ((Night time, so that would be the headlights in case you didn't realize.)) Kernel jumped out first and landed on the hood of the first car, then quickly grabbed the windshield wiper to make sure he didn't fall. Mercuy followed, and jumped on the car just to the left, just as the car sped up, sending Mercuy to the back. As he slid off the back, he grabbed onto the slit that marked the trunk and slid his feet onto the axle.
"JACK! Get the van behind me! hurry!"
Just as Mercuy said this the SUV carrying Jack's body tried to slam into Mercuy.
"Awww hell naw..."
2010-11-22 04:29:00

Posts: 2135

((Alright then, I'll give you SONY guys something to write about.))

"Gahh! It's going through my stuff! If it finds that flash drive, oooh, this won't end well...!"
"What flash drive? What's going on here?!"
Ched waves his arms about angrily.
"Quiet! Uh oh...Uh oh! I think it heard us!"
[Data]Zim sharply turns her head towards the door. Zim pulls Ched away from it and presses against the wall, hoping to go unnoticed. [Data]Zim turns back to what she was doing, as if she didn't notice. Zim backs up from the door a few steps, then charges inside, followed by Ched.
"Alright, that's enough of this charade!"
Zim is about to charge towards [Data]Zim, but realizes she doesn't have her cane. She quickly looks around for something to use as a weapon.
"I thought I finished you off already, but that's alright - It'll be twice as easy this time around."
[Data]Zim is too fast for her and quickly knocks her off her feet. Zim gets back up and runs to her backpack, hurriedly sifting around. [Data]Zim is about to strike once more, but Ched jumps right in the way, tripping her. Zim gets enough time to pull out an extra cap and a wooden makeshift cane from her backpack and turns around to fight.
Ched is launched out of the window by [Data]Zim. As Zim attempts to go to help him, her doppleganger hooks her by the leg with her cane, sending her toppling over, her wooden cane sliding across the floor and out of reach. Before she can get back up, [Data]Zim holds her cane up to her.
"No one is ever going to know."
[Data]Zim raises her cane to finish her off, but right at the last second, GDN slams open the door, on crutches, still recovering from his injury.
"Zim, I - What the?! Wh-why are there two of you?!"
He whips out two handguns from his utility belt and points one at each of them.
"A-alright! You'd better tell me what's going on, or I'll shoot! Who's the real Zim?!"
"I am!" They shout in unison.
Both are standing up now, starting to argue on their behalf. GDN doesn't know what to think.
"Is it the one on the left or the right?!"
He decides to think this through and and decides to ask them a series of questions, positive that this will give him the answer. Both of them answer every single one correctly. At this point, he has no choice - He's running out of time. Another one of Gin's squads is infiltrating the base right this moment and he hasn't even prepared his soldiers.
He closes his eyes tight and pulls the trigger, just as Ragnarok comes dashing down the hall and skids to a halt outside of the room.
"GDN, NO!"
Zim manages to dive out of the way, but not early enough - the bullet hits her shoulder instead.
"You idiot! That was the wrong one!!"
Ragnarok pushes past him.
[Data]Zim frowns thoughtfully and summons a dark portal behind her, then steps into it and disappears.
2010-11-22 05:32:00

Posts: 3149

Just before the van was about to plow headlong into Mercuy, Jack drove his Warthog into the side of the vehicle, t-boning the thiefs. The driver and passenger tumble out of their seats, pinned to the ground by an awaiting Natalie and Master Chief. Jack's body also tumbles out lying limp on the ground With the main van immobilized, and the other vehicles being swiftly commandeered, Jack hops out from the driver seat and runs over to the totatled van. Taking a deep breath, then closing his eyes, the businessman digitally "leaped out" from his host, flying back into his own. Almost immediately, the once-paralyzed businessman sat straight up, feeling ever mor rejuvinated than ever.
"Ahh," Jack sighed, "It's great to be back!"
As the president stretches himself a bit, the suspicious sound of beeping is heard in the distance, oddly coming from the van. Not one to skip on opportunities, Jack cracks his neck, then walks on over to the side door of the van. Opening the door without much hesitation, Jack's eyes get wide, and his hands begin to tremble. The tracker they used to trace Jack's body was fused to an awaiting thermo-nuclear warhead, with only 3 seconds left on it's timer.
"Ah crap," Jack mumbled, frozen in fear.
The bomb detonates without a hint, engulfing Jack's caravan and parts of Old Natal in a fiery dome.
((Jack finally gets his body back... but immediately falls into the theives' trap, detonating a thermo-nuclear bomb))
(9And just because it's a nuke doesn't mean they're dead ))
2010-11-22 05:46:00

Posts: 5757

Ched was flung out of the window in a desperate attempt to distract [Data]Zim, but he manages to grab onto the windowsill on the way out with one of his hands.
He looked down at the ground below him and estimated that a fall from this position would most likely kill him almost instantly.
While hanging on for dear life, Ched hears a great deal of commotion going on in the room above him.
Determined to go help a friend in need, Ched starts to gain a better grip on one of his hands to prepare himself for the climb over.
His hands began to slacken as his brain starts to grow numb.
Tiny droplets of sweat had started to precipitate on his forehead, partially due to his lack of willpower, but also ironically, due to his phobia of heights.
Summoning the remains of his strength to bring about his other hand onto the sill, he climbed through the open window only to be greeted by a bullet whizzing past his head.
In which he immediately reacted to by tackling the floor headfirst.
2010-11-22 07:23:00

Posts: 447

Kernel felt the hot radiation engulf him but he felt no pain, he had wrapped himself around the party creating a firewall protecting them from the main blast, The heat stopped as Kernels body fell to the floor damaged and limp. He had protected his masters life but the energy he had absorbed almost killed him, he aimed a trembling hand towards the wiu base and let a single beam of ionised particles escape on a devastating blast, the blue energy raced across the wasteland.2010-11-22 07:57:00

Posts: 5078

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Data]Zim steps out of the portal into a white hallway. She looks to her left to see the hooded man waiting - She hands him the device with the data stolen from GDN's lab.
"Although it did not go as expected, I still managed to acquire what you needed."
She avoids informing him of her cover being blown, and the fact that she failed to eliminate her target.
"Then I suppose I will be seeing you tomorrow."
As the hooded figure replies, [Data]Zim begins to feel remorseful. Yet, a computer program is void of any emotion, as it's nothing more than a stream of data...Why should this one be any different?
2010-11-22 08:04:00

Posts: 3149

((Someone throw me a bone or something, jeez, thanks to GDN's little "I change the story and whatever, and leave it like that or I quit" stun, not only was Gin completly ignored, but pushed aside, as if he wasn't even in the story...
Well thanks GDN, for being too lazy to change your non-sense story, crying to keep yours, but having no problem stomping other's.
Everyone else too, for trying to not even lend a hand or whatever in the story, I mean GDN has alwaysZim following him, both stuch with handcuffs to each other or something, so you can help with story and what not, averyone else keeps someone else's story check, but did anyone care to help out here when I asked for help?
Naw, just leave him out there, sure why not, who cares?

Fine whatever, I'm out, there, now you don't have to worry about a silly storyline or dumb ol' loop-holes, or making snes or whatnot, that's for idiots,
Not like it matters anyways considering how little impact my precense seemed to make in the game' its basically as if I never participated...

Tho you coulv''ve told me to get out sooner instead of making me writte all those long posts you know? :/

Oh and, come on, at least do some moderating if you're gonna be the mod/ organizer Jack, instead of hoping to all fix itself, thougt you said this was gonna be a good FRPG. :S))

(Ps: No I'm not holding anything agains tanyone in here, outside of this thread is back to normal Silverleon, since I know all this may just be me over-reacting as I've beenin many RPG forums., so I'm used to RPGing a bit more seriously and with more sense of storyline and w/out modding, so no hard feelings against anyyone.)
2010-11-22 08:35:00

Posts: 6707

((awwwww, I found your posts very well written.))

((And Jack, you might want to look at my last post more carefully, yours doesn't exactly match up.))
2010-11-22 12:19:00

Posts: 2135

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