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Europe collectors' Edition Details

Archive: 300 posts

http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2010/11/09/littlebigplanet-2-collectors-edition/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SCEEBlog+%28blog.eu.playstati on.com%292010-11-09 14:37:00

Posts: 6497

What a shame!
No sackboy doll, no game/book ends...
2010-11-09 14:45:00

Posts: 123

Awesome! Love the box art. But, I am a bit disappointed cause we won't get a sackboy plushie .

Oh well, better than nothing!
2010-11-09 14:47:00

Posts: 3871

Well hopefully we will get the full package!
2010-11-09 14:47:00

Posts: 1969

Sucks SOOOO much. I'll be buying the regular edition, thanks. Was it really so hard to get some manufacturing plant in europe to make some bookends and plushies? Or even ship all of them across to Europe? It would only take 1/3 of a boat. What a pathetic effort. How is it that the UK gets the short straw even when it's developed here?2010-11-09 14:53:00

Posts: 388

I'll hold my complaints until they announce the individual country packages. This is just another tease.

Perhaps if we collect all the different packages here, we can all pick the one that has the coolest stuff.
2010-11-09 14:57:00

Posts: 2284

How is it that the UK gets the short straw even when it's developed here?

Not that one again

It does say that the collectors' ed will be packaged with additional things in different locales, so it could well be they put it in a box with a plushie too... If not, you can just buy a sackboy plushie - there are a lot of ones available. And the bookends? Weren't they made of paper anyway??!?

Not saying this is as good as the American one, just that the American one isn't exactly that great either
2010-11-09 14:59:00

Posts: 6497

WHAT, WHERE'S MY BOOKENDS! I am disappoint.

Although it does say:

The LittleBigPlanet 2 Collector’s Edition will be available in different ways across Europe and the other PAL countries, with all kinds of different additional goodies on offer, so keep your eyes open for more details about release plans in your country.

Which means we could still get them. I hope. And the plushie plz
2010-11-09 15:00:00

Posts: 86

Not saying this is as good as the American one, just that the American one isn't exactly that great either
That's the thing so, why did they not just offer the same package as in the US. That was obviously what everyone really wanted.
2010-11-09 16:32:00

Posts: 3193

That’s it for now – but it just scratches the surface of the cool stuff we’re getting ready to share with you soon…
Edit: or what Slapp-me-do said.
Does this mean there's still hope for the plushie?
2010-11-09 17:10:00

Posts: 1518

Well thanks for posting that RTM.
I've been on the lookout for a while now - it's a good thing it came today too - otherwise I would've spent half the collector's ed fund on Black Ops!
Meh. I await further details, but I will be pretty annoyed if Europe doesn't get the stuff US did...

... Or better
... but probably not.
2010-11-09 17:34:00

Posts: 1436

Awesome! LBP2 is being released! That's enough for me, I don't need bookends or plushies.

Everybody should remember that EU is not US, and SCEE and SCEA are very different. If one region releases a collectors edition with certain goodies, it's not as if the other region even has to release a collector's edition at all. It would be nice if everyone had the same, but it's nothing to be annoyed about.
2010-11-09 17:47:00

Posts: 927

but it's nothing to be annoyed about.

But if we don't stamp our feet (and RAAAAAGGGEEEE) about minor annoyances, then what is the point of the internet at all?
2010-11-09 17:49:00

Posts: 6497

I was really looking forward to the plushie... although that boxart is beeeeeautiful! 2010-11-09 18:13:00

Posts: 1653

wow that sucks no sackboy doll! well at least I live in the US. Lets hope that you guys get the doll aswell, Also is the US version getting the 10 level move support?2010-11-09 18:26:00

Posts: 1843

there's a 14 million ad campaign for MOVE in Europe... perhaps this is to help off set that?2010-11-09 18:32:00

Posts: 3910

Yay finally an announcement!!

But yeah hope the plushie will come if not then I will still buy this CE, look at that Steelbook case :3.
2010-11-09 18:50:00

Posts: 570

I love this justification for the difference between the US and EU CE

The US CE is definitely great – but this European CE is not designed to be comparable in content or price to the US version.
Since there’s a wide range of cool LBP merchandise available across Europe, we wanted to give you the choice to take your pick from all that good stuff.
It completely defeats the points of offering a CE in the first place. ^.^

PS: Not to mention that LBP merchandise is really hard to get outside the UK.
2010-11-09 18:51:00

Posts: 3193

It's not bad I guess box art is great but I really NEED to know if those Jak and Daxter costumes will be available here (in Ireland) it would be cool to get the plushy but you can buy them all over the place now!

It would be nice if there was something that was exclusive to the CE and I mean indefinately exclusive not like the first one were you got "exclusive" DLC like Nariko and Kratos that came out a few months later for purchase. That would me the CE much more Collectible.
2010-11-09 19:16:00

Posts: 94

Wait, the Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter are only available as pre-order goodies? I thought they were included in the collector's edition in the US. Did I misunderstand or is EU getting gypped on them?2010-11-09 19:30:00

Posts: 2188

Wait, the Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter are only available as pre-order goodies? I thought they were included in the collector's edition in the US. Did I misunderstand or is EU getting gypped on them?

I didn't even realise neither were in there. So are they still in the US version or have they also been pulled out as pre-order?

I'm beginning to wonder if I should import from America, PS3 isn't region locked is it?
2010-11-09 19:34:00

Posts: 1518

I didn't even realise neither were in there. So are they still in the US version or have they also been pulled out as pre-order?

I'm beginning to wonder if I should import from America, PS3 isn't region locked is it?

No, but DLC is so you would have to buy all DLC from the US store, which is possible but can be a bit tricky.
2010-11-09 19:36:00

Posts: 3193

No, but DLC is so you would have to buy all DLC from the US store, which is possible but can be a bit tricky.


Am I the only person who doesn't like the zipper design?
2010-11-09 19:40:00

Posts: 1518

I've found 3 different sources that say that they're included in the US CE (apparently Jak and Daxter is only available in the CE while the others can be gotten as pre-order bonuses), but it's possible that it might have changed. It's also possible that the EU announcement got their wires crossed and that all the dlc is in fact in included. Or the US announcement may have gotten its wires crossed J+D or R+C might not be included.

Still, applying Occam's razor to the situation, it seems that the US CE is getting R+C and J+D but the EU CE isn't. I guess I shouldn't have complained about getting the beta so late.

Am I the only person who doesn't like the zipper design?

I don't either but I didn't say anything 'cuz I'm in the US so my opinion doesn't count
2010-11-09 19:42:00

Posts: 2188

I love the case design but I'm a little hesitant to pay that much money for it and some DLC that, compared to some of the costumes we've already seen in LBP2, isn't that great. Plus, the collectors edition comes in a big steel box that won't fit in with any of my other games - it'll stick out and look ugly. UGLY. I've already got a Sackboy doll too, (because I'm cool). So I'm a little disappointed, but not by much.

So this is another time where I decide to cash out on something just so I can show off later on. Like my week 1 t-shirt, which was actually worth it in the end, I get all the Sackgirls now. Hmm...

The US CE is definitely great – but this European CE is not designed to be comparable in content or price to the US version. Since there’s a wide range of cool LBP merchandise available across Europe, we wanted to give you the choice to take your pick from all that good stuff.
Fair enough to be honest...
2010-11-09 20:01:00

Posts: 2266

It just doesn't make sense to me that they should be all that different. I mean I guess there could be legitimate reasons not to pack in the bookends or the sackboy doll (neither of which I'm excited about--they'll wind up stuffed away in a corner in my closet or something), but if I were in the EU, I'd be annoyed about not getting all the costumes. When you've got a community game that's being played together by people from all over the world, the little perks should be as close as possible.

Then again, I consider Mm to be one of the best devs around these days, if not the best (mostly because of how nice they are to their customers, but also 'cuz their games are great), so I suppose I should trust that they have good reasons for doing the things they do.
2010-11-09 20:21:00

Posts: 2188

Be cool if each of the different PAL areas got something related to their country. I guess I'm saying that cause I'm in Australia and that you would miss out on a few where 1 is really good and the others are bad.

Without the plastic slip it's going to look weird. Just a picture of sackboy's torso? The Standard art is a lot more fun to look at.
2010-11-10 00:06:00

Posts: 710

It does say that the collectors' ed will be packaged with additional things in different locales, so it could well be they put it in a box with a plushie too... If not, you can just buy a sackboy plushie - there are a lot of ones available. And the bookends? Weren't they made of paper anyway??!?
Well weren't the bookends the only thing collectable about the US collectors addition? DLC will all be eventually releases sooner or later, like you said Sackboys can be bought off Amazon easy as pie, an chances are the avatars will also be release on the PSN.
The only thing collectable about that EU edition is the steel bookcase, but really? That what the most creative game on earth and they think of a steel disc case? Literally and old company can think of steel disc cases!

And plus the US Edition is about a $30 dollar value, when i counted it up a while ago. But hey, EU Edition is the same basic thing with stuff detached. But they should've announced it way earlier.

Darn! But I love that standards edition box art!
2010-11-10 00:08:00

Crazed Creator
Posts: 177

About the plushies.

I was at Gamestop the other day to buy a game ( Demon's Souls <3 ) and there they were, not one, but several sackboy plushies.

Sold for 5 bucks each. ( Mine is wearing a santa-hat with beard. Sister who knits ftw )

So check the store next time you're buying a game, you might get lucky, or something. =)

(Hopefully this didnt come out as a boast >< )
2010-11-10 00:18:00

Posts: 84

does the U.S get the steel case?2010-11-10 03:28:00

Posts: 538

Phew, glad I'm in the US, and I am loving sackboys paper hat! Did anyone notice it on the standard edition? Oh, and I'm not "rubbing it in" to you guys in Europe, just so you know. 2010-11-10 03:40:00

Posts: 682

hmm i like your EU's Box Art better... i find the US one boring and unartsy >.>
2010-11-10 03:55:00

Posts: 4261

does the U.S get the steel case?
No we don't.
2010-11-10 04:04:00

Posts: 4193

No we don't.

aw man thats not cool.
2010-11-10 04:20:00

Posts: 538

Lack of all DLC is annoying.
A CE should come with all the goodies available, and not leave some stuff for pre-orders. (Look at the GOW3 limited edition)
This is the main problem, more than the plushies and the book ends.
And, again, finding sackboy's plushies outside UK is quite a problem.
2010-11-10 07:35:00

Posts: 5112

The americans are getting a game made in europe with more goodies for less than we do (and sooner i believe)? What a load of rubbish D:

I posted my rant on the playstation blog (it had to be shortened to fit the character limit) about this. I'm real dissapointed. How hard can it be to make some more copies of the stuff US are getting and stick them in with the europe ce?
kinda annoyed that the R&C/J&D stuff are being pulled out as pre-order bonuses. Though that's not too big a deal as I only want one of the two pairs.

EDIT: I know these don't usually work but I came across it while searching:

I'm hoping that whatever this refers to makes up for it.

The LittleBigPlanet 2 Collector’s Edition will be available in different ways across Europe and the other PAL countries, with all kinds of different additional goodies on offer, so keep your eyes open for more details about release plans in your country....

....That’s it for now – but it just scratches the surface of the cool stuff we’re getting ready to share with you soon…
2010-11-10 08:32:00

Posts: 1027

well now im VERY excited! however i love both of the boxarts almost equally, so it looks like ill be buying two copies of this game! also im not too dissapointed about not getting the bookends/ sackboy plush although they would have made cool bonus...

EDIT: was just browsing the EB games website and was delited to find this (i think you'll see why )

heres the direct link: http://www.ebgames.com.au/ps3-151432-LittleBigPlanet-2-Collectors-Edition-PlayStation-3
2010-11-10 09:27:00

Unknown User

Oh yeah! I totally forgot to ask at EB when I went to pre order NFS today. He said what console do you want it on and I said 360 and he's like yeah What else does the job. Lucky I preordered the Limited a while ago though. =)

So it says we get all 11 there instead of the 7. Hope we do at January since it says Content subject to change. I checked their LBP2 page like last week too and no it didn't have that picture then.
2010-11-10 10:08:00

Posts: 710

well now im VERY excited! however i love both of the boxarts almost equally, so it looks like ill be buying two copies of this game! also im not too dissapointed about not getting the bookends/ sackboy plush although they would have made cool bonus...

EDIT: was just browsing the EB games website and was delited to find this (i think you'll see why )

heres the direct link: http://www.ebgames.com.au/ps3-151432-LittleBigPlanet-2-Collectors-Edition-PlayStation-3

So, good shot for the Australian people, let's see what the other region will get...
I would just be fine with this package anyway.
2010-11-10 11:40:00

Posts: 5112

Wait, the Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter are only available as pre-order goodies? I thought they were included in the collector's edition in the US. Did I misunderstand or is EU getting gypped on them?

This is the thing that disappoints me the most, I really wanted these ones. Anyway, according to what you've found, Jak & Daxter are still included whereas Ratchet and the other ones can be got with a pre-order ? Then it's not that bad. I've got way too many plushies
2010-11-10 12:01:00

Posts: 1305

I wanted the Ratchet & Clank costume badly. I hope it'll be as DLC aswell.2010-11-10 12:05:00

Posts: 117

They put the Modnation preorders out as DLC and I think LBP1 stuff too like Kratos if it was a preorder so they might.2010-11-10 12:40:00

Posts: 710

I can't think of any piece of pre-order DLC for any game that didn't become available from the store at a later date.2010-11-10 12:48:00

Posts: 3193

Honestly, I thought that the European CE would be better than the American one, but I was wrong. You guys do get a steel case, though... :kz:

That?s it for now ? but it just scratches the surface of the cool stuff we?re getting ready to share with you soon? http://blog.eu.playstation.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif

Of course, they could be revealing more stuff for the CE as time goes on, judging by that comment.
2010-11-10 12:49:00

Posts: 276

I see a number of people complaining about the pricing, but I don't see a price in the announcement. The closest I can get to a price in Euros is converting from AUS$ from the EBgames.co.au site (~78 euros). Am I missing something?2010-11-10 13:10:00

Posts: 2284

I went to read (well, skim read) all the comments on the EU blog.
This was hilarious

Posted on 10 November, 2010 at 12:15 pm by Furiekins
Anyone fancy just making their own instead?
Sony ?Collectors Edition? (coughsplutter) @ ?49.99 (or whatever)
Official 7″ Sackboy Plush @ ?5.99
( http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Search?storeId=10001& amp;catalogId=1500002451&langId=-1? )
Clear Acrylic Bookends @ ?5.99
( http://www.whsmith.co.uk/CatalogAndSearch/ProductDetails.aspx?productI d=33331256&shop=10004&type=Fro? )
Six inch sackboy figure to glue onto one bookend @?7.95
( http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/4-/11724291/LittleBigPlanet-6-Inch -Sackboy-Articulated-Figure/Pr?:11518|cc:smileyindifferentrd:11724 291|cat:Film+Memorabilia )
Two assorted smaller figures to onto the other bookend @ ?4.79 ea
( http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/4-/17278662/Little-Big-Planet-Sack boy-Superstars-Around-The-Worl?:11518|cc:smileyindifferentrd:17278 662|cat:Film+Memorabilia )
Sticker book and stickers to decorate bookends @ ?3.01
( http://www.alibris.co.uk/booksearch.detail?invid=10414248396&cm_mm c=shopcompare-_-base-_-aisbn2-_-na )
Little Big Planet Poster @ ?3.79
( http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SACK-BOY?LITTLE-BIG-PLANET?PS3-OFFICIAL-MAXI -POSTER_W0QQitemZ290490138636Q? )
Total cost = ?86.30

Anyway, my thought is that Sony (NOT MM) is not careful enough with one of their best intellectual properties (and a money making machine)

1. the way too bugged beta released laaaaaaaaaaaaaate
2. italian people forgot to be invited in the beta (I mean the people that wasn't already in the beta or that is not a well known creator...there's a long case about this in the Sony Official Italian forums, point is many Italians will boycott the game)
3. Late beta to US
4. Delay of the game
5. Disappointment of the EU CE

I hope they won't mess and annoy people anymore.
2010-11-10 16:44:00

Posts: 5112

I preordered collectors edition on game stop and now i cant find the link for collectors editions any more i still have it bought but can anyone find it?2010-11-10 23:03:00

Posts: 538

If anyone in the EU wants to trade their game case (the case not the game itself) for my book ends and plushie ill be HAPPY to do it. We just need to workout the shipping and other such things.

I was getting collectors edition for the extra dlc anyway.

(im serious so shoot me a message if you are interested.)
2010-11-10 23:12:00

Posts: 626


Serves you right for that early beta.
2010-11-10 23:42:00

Posts: 1702

I'm always confused by this sort of thing.

Is this one only for Europe, or for other areas as well?

New Zealand Collector's Edition?

No, NO! Put the knife down! Don't stab me for my ignoorraaaaaaannceeee!!!!!! *dies*
2010-11-10 23:59:00

Posts: 624

If anyone in the EU wants to trade their game case (the case not the game itself) for my book ends and plushie ill be HAPPY to do it. We just need to workout the shipping and other such things.

I was getting collectors edition for the extra dlc anyway.

(im serious so shoot me a message if you are interested.)

If the 'all kinds of different additional goodies' aren't good, you might just have a deal there.
2010-11-11 08:45:00

Posts: 1027

If the 'all kinds of different additional goodies' aren't good, you might just have a deal there.

you could keep those for all i care i just want the box. lol
2010-11-11 08:48:00

Posts: 626

I'm always confused by this sort of thing.

Is this one only for Europe, or for other areas as well?

New Zealand Collector's Edition?
New Zealand and Australia are part of SCEE so you will get the European Collectors Edition.
2010-11-11 09:22:00

Posts: 3193

Y'know I think we might actual be in a better situation than the Americans. If they simply get the Collector's Edition that has, like, EVERYTHING, we'll probably be able to pick and choose what we want in our packs, with the variety of Editions that are coming out in Europe. We'll probably get more choice of which one we want to buy, cause everyone has different tastes.2010-11-11 11:35:00

Posts: 209

What total crap this is! EU gets the finger once again.......2010-11-11 13:11:00

Unknown User

Meh, I prefer the regular boxart, and the costumes don't interest me that much. Looks like a regular pre-order for me after all.2010-11-11 17:57:00

Posts: 1893

I may end up buying this anyway for the box. But still.. We better get a plushie...
2010-11-11 18:12:00

Posts: 1913

It's more than possible we end up with a better deal than the US.... I'mkinda hoping that's the case, just so I can mock everyone prematurely RRRAAAAAGGEEEing over nothing 2010-11-11 18:16:00

Posts: 6497

It's more than possible we end up with a better deal than the US.... I'mkinda hoping that's the case, just so I can mock everyone prematurely RRRAAAAAGGEEEing over nothing

If so I will continue to mock SCEE's marketing team. (Or whoever decided to announce it in that way)

2010-11-11 18:18:00

Posts: 3193

I may end up buying this anyway for the box. But still.. We better get a plushie...

If seeing you hold tight a plushie is as cute as it is in your avatar, then yes, we'd better get one!

I'm really eager to discover the features of each edition according to the country. Getting a foreign costume in each version would be way cool, like a Godfather, a Cook, or a Professor of Letters Wearing Glasses, a Bower Hat and an Umbrella Because It's Very Rainy Outside!

*puts on his na?ve mood*
2010-11-11 18:44:00

Posts: 1305

so much over a game!!1! this could have been so easy to avoid...

if they only released the exact same C Edition in EU as in US

anyways, so we will get all costumes in the EU CE? meaning, ratchet&clank along with jak&dater? both? all? yay? o,o ?
2010-11-11 19:05:00

Posts: 785

If seeing you hold tight a plushie is as cute as it is in your avatar, then yes, we'd better get one!

And that's why I want one! A real life mini-plasma! ^_^
2010-11-11 19:44:00

Posts: 1913

It's more than possible we end up with a better deal than the US.... I'mkinda hoping that's the case, just so I can mock everyone prematurely RRRAAAAAGGEEEing over nothing

Point is that politely expressing our rightful disappointment before the egg is broken, could still lead to a change.
Stay silent, no.
2010-11-12 08:43:00

Posts: 5112

Up the top it says NZ, so im just happy we get the costumes. 2010-11-12 18:40:00

Posts: 1117

New Zealand and Australia are part of SCEE so you will get the European Collectors Edition.

Awesome. I always half-knew that SCEE and NZ were connected, that's why I was excited when there was a rumour of a GOTY edition for Europe as well.

I have fond memories of Playing 'Crash Bash' on the original playstation.

'Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Presents...'

But anyway...... good.
2010-11-13 00:43:00

Posts: 624

It's more than possible we end up with a better deal than the US.... I'mkinda hoping that's the case, just so I can mock everyone prematurely RRRAAAAAGGEEEing over nothing

But even if we do get the plushy etc and more stuff included we still have to put up with a crappy, tacky, cheap, crappy box arted tin case instead of the great SE box art.
2010-11-13 12:46:00

Unknown User

But even if we do get the plushy etc and more stuff included we still have to put up with a crappy, tacky, cheap, crappy box arted tin case instead of the great SE box art.

if you dont like the box we can trade. i like the SCEE box art better
2010-11-13 21:23:00

Posts: 626

waa!!!!!waa!!!!waa!!!! no sack boy plushie or book ends waaa! waa! waa! geez its not the end of the world, they are giving us what they think each locale would like and like rtm said , each locale has its own specific items , the Irish one for example comes with a dual shock controller and a sack boy to hold it!2010-11-13 22:23:00

Posts: 9

I don't think it comes with the controller.
Just the holder.
2010-11-13 22:50:00

Posts: 1913

Oh come on! This is pure ********. We have to pay more to receive less!? Why does the EU always get shafted with these kind of thing.
And for all of you telling us "it's not the end of the world", it isn't, but it's ****ed annoying as this happens almost all the time. With everything.
I can't even get the LBP merchandise because over here, few people have a credit card, and the only way to buy those things would be by import, which would need a credit card.
Great job for screwing EU over again.

(Yes, I'm ****** off, let me rage for a bit)
2010-11-14 14:12:00

Posts: 99

Wow people are getting furious! I'm not sure what the differences are between the EU and NA version, but I noticed you guys get 10 exclusive playstation move co-op levels. I think I'll be dissapointed if we don't get that here. As for the plushie sackboy, I'm not sure I'd miss it to be honest. My kids will probably destroy it anyway. But would someone mind maybe posting a link for both version of the collector's edition so I can check em out?2010-11-14 14:21:00

Posts: 494

Wow people are getting furious! I'm not sure what the differences are between the EU and NA version, but I noticed you guys get 10 exclusive playstation move co-op levels. I think I'll be dissapointed if we don't get that here. As for the plushie sackboy, I'm not sure I'd miss it to be honest. My kids will probably destroy it anyway. But would someone mind maybe posting a link for both version of the collector's edition so I can check em out?

Here are the blog-posts of them both:
US (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/07/23/littlebigplanet-2-updates-official-date-and-retail-goodness/)
Europe (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2010/11/09/littlebigplanet-2-collectors-edition/)

And to make an even clearer comparison:

# Your own little ?Sackboy? ? 7? of plushie-goodness for you to accompany you on your journey thru LBP2.
# Exclusive LBP2 ?game ends? ? keep your PS3 games in a tidy, organized and ?Sack-ured? within these unique bookends
# One stop shop for exclusive DLC + more ? regarding in-game content, the LBP2 Collector?s Edition comes packed with 11 different pre-order costumes, including:

* Disney / Pixar?s Toy Story 3?s ?Aliens? Sackboy Costume
* Disney?s TRON: Legacy ?Clu? Sackboy Costume
* The Muppets? ?The Great Gonzo? Sackboy Costume
* PlayStation?s ?Ratchet? Sackboy Costume
* PlayStation?s ?Clank? Sackboy Costume
* Even More Animals? ?Crocodile? Sackboy Costume
* Even More Animals? ?Vulture? Sackboy Costume
* Even More Animals? ?Cobra? Sackboy Costume
* Even More Animals? ?Mandrill? Sackboy Costume

# And exclusive to the LittleBigPlanet 2?s Collectors Edition:

* PlayStation?s ?Jak? Sackboy Costume
* PlayStation?s ?Daxter? Sackboy Costume
* 5 exclusive LBP2 PSN Avatars ? Lastly, complete your PlayStation experience with a new identity on the PlayStation Network with these new avatars.

* Disney / Pixar?s Toy Story 3′s ?Alien? Costume
* Disney?s TRON: Legacy ?Clu? Costume
* The Muppets? ?The Great Gonzo? Costume
* Even More Animals? ?Crocodile? Costume
* Even More Animals? ?Vulture? Costume
* Even More Animals? ?Cobra? Costume
* Even More Animals? ?Mandrill? Costume
2010-11-14 14:28:00

Posts: 99

Bummer. No 10 bonus playstation move co-op levels for us. I'll have to find a friend from EU. Not sure if any of my online friends are or not.2010-11-14 14:36:00

Posts: 494

It also said that you guys would get jak,daxter, ratchet, and clank. But every country would be distributed differently. So your only missing out on the plushie and bookends. You get 10 more levels than us. I think the EU package is better.2010-11-14 14:39:00

Posts: 494

It also said that you guys would get jak,daxter, ratchet, and clank. But every country would be distributed differently. So your only missing out on the plushie and bookends. You get 10 more levels than us. I think the EU package is better.
I don't think you've seen how those pre-order bonusses are distributed here.
It basically goes like this: UK has three shops they can order from where they will get the bonusses, the rest of Europe is screwed.

Also, I don't see it saying we get ten bonus levels anywhere?
Not that I care, since I don't even have Move.
2010-11-14 14:43:00

Posts: 99

Well then that sucks. You can always look at the bright side---> they will eventually be released again on the PSN. Unlike the sweet week 1 T-shirt. MM pretty much said "No USA cannot have this." It says about the bonus levels on the cover. And you don't need move, just a partner who does.2010-11-14 14:47:00

Posts: 494

Well then that sucks. You can always look at the bright side---> they will eventually be released again on the PSN. Unlike the sweet week 1 T-shirt. MM pretty much said "No USA cannot have this."
Yay, bright side: Hay guise, we won't include things that the US gets for free so you have to pay more money for it!
And we already pay more for this, considering pretty much all game-companies just switch the Dollar sign to a Euro sign without adjusting the price.
2010-11-14 14:49:00

Posts: 99

You guys don't seem to be getting as much free DLC as the US people are. o.O2010-11-14 17:03:00

Posts: 673

Also, I don't see it saying we get ten bonus levels anywhere?
Not that I care, since I don't even have Move.


For the Amerisacks.
2010-11-14 17:04:00

Posts: 6728

I think im now only going to get this Just for the box art ITS AWESOME!!!2010-11-14 19:02:00

Posts: 247

Well then that sucks. You can always look at the bright side---> they will eventually be released again on the PSN. Unlike the sweet week 1 T-shirt. MM pretty much said "No USA cannot have this." It says about the bonus levels on the cover. And you don't need move, just a partner who does.

why didn't they do that? no one knows...
why did they change the CE? no one knows....

we accept this? yes.
why? we're stupid and too few to do something about it.

*said the non-vise man of sausages*

seariusly though! this is makes no sence! why did they do it?
2010-11-14 21:30:00

Posts: 785

The way Sony sees it.
50 ticked off customers vs 50,000 non ticked off customers, HMM...
2010-11-15 03:08:00

Posts: 449

You'd think MM would look after its own, apparently not. ENGLAND WIDE BOYCOTT OF LBP2, WHO'S WITH ME? Lol, me neither.
This goes into my list of things not to be forgotten though, right under the Alamo.
2010-11-15 12:00:00

Posts: 115

You'd think MM would look after its own, apparently not. ENGLAND WIDE BOYCOTT OF LBP2, WHO'S WITH ME? Lol, me neither.
This goes into my list of things not to be forgotten though, right under the Alamo.

that's a bit drastic. and remember, since Mm married are now a part of sony, Sony make all these decisions for them, which sucks. With Mm you could suggest something and they'd at least respond, no chance with sony however.

Besides, I know I was complaining earlier, but for ?13 on Play.com you can get not just a Sackboy Plushie, but a larger one at that! It doesn't seem as well-made as the one shown in the US CE picture, but it's decent. Still, here's hoping that the additional goodies they mentioned are awesome (: anyway, even if they aren't, I'm still gonna get it because it's a great game and the DLC with it is still good.
2010-11-15 17:46:00

Posts: 1027

Yeah, this is a disappointment. I was really hoping for the Sackboy (or at least the bookends) but I had a feeling this would happen and the EU would get shafted again.

I don't really want the DLC, but I still think I'll buy the Collectors Edition anyway. Just to support Mm. I guess it's not their fault.
2010-11-15 21:27:00

Posts: 1287

Has the price been confirmed?2010-11-16 16:03:00

Posts: 2454

Nothing official yet.2010-11-16 17:29:00

Posts: 3193

Living in the UK as well, I have to ask Sony:


Why make the CE less superiour to the US? It doesn't make sense. LBP2 is being developed here. Why are they doing this to us? Why must it be a tradition to dumb things down for Europe? And even then, release it in the US and Japan at their intended release dates but Europe has to wait half a year. Or worse, not in Europe at all; I mean, look at this list here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PSOne_Classics). How many of those game were released on the EU PSN? It doesn't make sense. This has to stop.

I know LBP2 is comming to Europe, but lots of fantastic games aren't even released at all despite popularity.

So then why are they dumbing down the European Collector's edition? First, I accuse The Collector, who broke into SCEE's office and stole the 'collectable' items that made the CE collectable. I think it was because he wanted to make friends. Then I accuse the Negivitron, who sucked all of the items away, because that's what vacumm cleaners do, don't they? In fact, I'll even march down to MM Towers, demand to play the final boss battle of LBP2, and teach that vacumm cleaner a lesson so hard it will never touch a Collector's Edition of any game ever.

Ok, I was joking about that last point, but you get the idea.
2010-11-16 20:48:00

Posts: 200

What do you mean that the US and Japan gets released on the intended release date? All of us are getting it around January 18 m8...2010-11-16 21:53:00

Posts: 849

D'aww. The Flemish gameshop hasn't updated its site yet with details on the CE.2010-11-17 06:28:00

Posts: 117

The Steel book is so nice! Can't wait to get it.2010-11-17 16:00:00

Posts: 587

New info fresh from the mouth of Sony blog:

The EU CE we saw was the 'core' version, with selected countries getting better CE's apparently, here's the quote:
"On top of all of these ?core? contents, in many countries there will also be additional or expanded bundles available that include some cool real-world LittleBigPlanet items. And there are four other exclusive costumes that are also available as pre-order bonuses ? Jak &Daxter and Ratchet & Clank."

Hopefully JnD and RnC costumes may still be bundled in with the definitive CE.

2010-11-17 17:13:00

Posts: 115

Technically not new, just the same info repeated.

Obviously the repetition was required as the vast majority of the internet don't understand simple concepts.... Maybe they should express this information in the form of a lolcat - maybe that would be dumbed-down enough to get the message across
2010-11-17 17:22:00

Posts: 6497

how do you reach the keyboard all the way up there on your high horse? For all we knew we were going to get shafted, we still might be. Better to get the message across that we wont settle for a 2nd rate CE than hope they wont try and get away with ripping us off. Anyway, I'm done, you can get back to being patronising.2010-11-17 17:33:00

Posts: 115

Wireless keyboards are win

The response to the CE has been disproportionate and ridiculous (and really quite funny TBH, albeit in a kind of depressing way). This information is the same information as before. It changes nothing. So if you believe we previously were likely to get shafted, then surely the same still applies, no?
2010-11-17 17:46:00

Posts: 6497

Okay, I'm happier now knowing that's the 'Core' edition. Those costumes rendered look excellent! (anyone else notice the Alien costume from ToyStory only has 2 fingers like the character! If they'd worded it like that in the first place the uproar probably would've been less.
Also interesting to note they've stated it'll have the same RRP as the standard version! I'll be looking around for what goodies are avaliable soon.

how do you reach the keyboard all the way up there on your high horse?
Your horse doesn't have a keyboard? Mine does, and a cup holder as well
2010-11-17 17:53:00

Posts: 1027

The response to the CE has been disproportionate and ridiculous (and really quite funny TBH, albeit in a kind of depressing way). This information is the same information as before. It changes nothing. So if you believe we previously were likely to get shafted, then surely the same still applies, no?

They mentioned a price this time around, which in my opinion changes quite a bit considering that CEs usually cost €10-€20 more. Of course I still think that calling it a Collectors Edition is wrong.
2010-11-17 18:00:00

Posts: 3193

Anybody know of any word about the NA version getting those 10 bonus levels?2010-11-17 18:27:00

Posts: 494

Wireless keyboards are win

The response to the CE has been disproportionate and ridiculous (and really quite funny TBH, albeit in a kind of depressing way). This information is the same information as before. It changes nothing. So if you believe we previously were likely to get shafted, then surely the same still applies, no?
They didn't allude to that being the 'core' package or mention anything about physical goodies before as far as I'm aware and the same does still apply but they've given some much needed reassurance that we can trust them not to screw this up. I for one don't kiss the floor MM walk on, they're one of the best developers around and I don't think they'd intentionally shaft their customers but if Sony cracks the whip I don't think they're going to put up much of a fight but now it looks like odds are we'll be treated right. Who knows, maybe the 'overreaction' caused them to rethink their marketing.
2010-11-17 19:53:00

Posts: 115

They didn't allude to that being the 'core' package or mention anything about physical goodies before as far as I'm aware

One important and cool thing to note is that this core Collector?s Edition, with all of the exclusive additional content, has the same recommended retail price (RRP) as the standard edition.

On top of all of these ?core? contents, in many countries there will also be additional or expanded bundles available that include some cool real-world LittleBigPlanet items.

You were saying?
2010-11-17 20:19:00

Posts: 1027

I guess if it is a choice between Jak&Daxter and Ratchet&Clank, the latter wins.
Then again, my brother's going to get the standard version, maybe I could...
2010-11-17 20:52:00

Posts: 1518

You were saying?

Isn't that from the article I posted?
2010-11-17 21:49:00

Posts: 115

They didn't allude to that being the 'core' package or mention anything about physical goodies before as far as I'm aware

The LittleBigPlanet 2 Collector?s Edition will be available in different ways across Europe and the other PAL countries, with all kinds of different additional goodies on offer, so keep your eyes open for more details about release plans in your country.

That?s it for now ? but it just scratches the surface of the cool stuff we?re getting ready to share with you soon?

That was from the original posting. It's essentially the same statement. Here's the basics of the CE, it's gonna vary from place to place, crucially by having more in it. They absolutely told us this information from the beginning, hence why I think the whole fiasco is ridiculous. The only reason people needed the reassurance is because ... well I dunno, I'm sure whatever I allude to about the information being right in front of us and people not being able to take it on board will be considered patronising and unfair
2010-11-17 22:03:00

Posts: 6497

A bit vague no? 'More cool stuff' could be new featurettes or in-game info, that's what I assumed anywho. And it still isn't 100% that we'll get a deal as good as the yanks until all the CE editions are announced.2010-11-17 22:20:00

Posts: 115

Hey at least you guys get a steelbook case 'merica dosent ger that (i think)2010-11-17 22:45:00

Xero Space
Posts: 249

Hey at least you guys get a steelbook case 'merica dosent ger that (i think)

yeah we don't get the steelbook case and thats like the only thing i care about as far as physical stuff coming with the game.
2010-11-17 22:52:00

Posts: 626

OHHHH! Gotta love the shutter shades. Too bad that box art isn't on the american one. Can't wait to get this game! only $59 separated me from finally getting enought cash to by a ps3 and being able to stop creating on psp!2010-11-18 03:29:00

Posts: 732

I do prefer a Steel case to a plastic one. #1 I don't step on it and break it, #2 it seperates my games so I know which one is awesome.

Today I would have been playing LBP2 for the first time
2010-11-18 04:07:00

Posts: 710

I can comfirm that the Jak and Daxter pre-order bonuses in UK are for people who purchase through Play.com. (I was doing some browsing for stuff and it said it in the LBP2 page's title, and had a high-res picture of them)
I haven't found Ratchet and Clank bonuses anywhere yet, but they're likely to be from either Amazon or Game.
2010-11-20 14:27:00

Posts: 1027

I can comfirm that the Jak and Daxter pre-order bonuses in UK are for people who purchase through Play.com. (I was doing some browsing for stuff and it said it in the LBP2 page's title, and had a high-res picture of them)
I haven't found Ratchet and Clank bonuses anywhere yet, but they're likely to be from either Amazon or Game.

*crys* Noooooooo not them Play.com take forever -_-
2010-11-21 21:56:00

Posts: 1014

I wanted the bookends

It might not be 'the end of the world' but still... i am sad now.
2010-11-21 22:06:00

Posts: 1872

Well, I think EU is getting a pretty good deal compared to the US.

It makes sense... the EU got FREE ULTRA RARE sackboy plush in a give away. I'd rather have that. Plus the steel box is way cooler then any old bookends! So the EU already got a super epicly rare sackboy.

Now the US gets one... you know? Finally the US gets a rare sackboy doll.
2010-11-21 22:43:00

Posts: 162

For those of you who live in Australia (like me) I dunno if it's been posted already, but I found this:

It seems we get the Plushie if we pre-order
2010-11-22 11:08:00

The Last Stop
Posts: 240

Well, I think EU is getting a pretty good deal compared to the US.

Strike 1: The Collector's Edition for the US costs approximately ?60, converted. Europe's regular version will cost between ?65 and ?69 already. (Recommended Retail Price. Usually "discounted" to about ?60) (This is due to various taxes. But since you brought up "good deal", I figured I show you how "good" a deal that is.)
Strike 2: For more money, we get less. Oh, sure. Steel case. I'd rather have the Sackboy plushie. Something I can actually... I dunno. Put in my bed, or sit next to my Grimlock and Optimus Prime.

It makes sense... the EU got FREE ULTRA RARE sackboy plush in a give away. I'd rather have that. Plus the steel box is way cooler then any old bookends! So the EU already got a super epicly rare sackboy.

You mean this one (http://www.mediamolecule.com/blog/article/free_sackboy_for_every_man_woman_and_child_of_the_ uk/)?
The one where 5000 people in the UK could get/win one?

Grab an atlas, please. Find the map of the United Kingdom.
Now search for a map of Europe. Note the differences between these maps.
Thank you.

Now the US gets one... you know? Finally the US gets a rare sackboy doll.

And that's awesome for the US.
When's the Netherlands getting a rare Sackboy doll as well?
Since they are NOWHERE to be found over here, as far as I know.

So, yeah. Europe's getting a GREAT deal, indeed.
2010-11-22 16:07:00

Posts: 269

So the Dollar to Euro conversion rate is crap. We knew this already, it happens on all games, and on DLC, too. It has nothing to do with the EU LBP2 CE. I'm going to wait for the actual CE announcements (not these teasers currently on the EU PS blog) before I complain. So far only the Australian version was fully announced, and that one didn't seem that bad (again, apart from the crappy conversion rates).2010-11-22 16:45:00

Posts: 2284

So the Dollar to Euro conversion rate is crap. We knew this already, it happens on all games, and on DLC, too. It has nothing to do with the EU LBP2 CE. I'm going to wait for the actual CE announcements (not these teasers currently on the EU PS blog) before I complain. So far only the Australian version was fully announced, and that one didn't seem that bad (again, apart from the crappy conversion rates).

Hey, don't bring up "good deal" if you don't want me to mention how Europe gets shammed out of more money for the same product.
I am well aware there are several taxes applied, but I find it hard to believe that those taxes combined come down to about ?16 per copy.

But yeah, maybe the "conversion rate" was a poor argument.

In any case, the Aussie CE does spark a little bit of hope, but then I remember how the CE will differ all over Europe.
Which probably means only the UK, Germany and France will get anything of value, and the rest of Europe can either swallow it, or import.
2010-11-22 16:55:00

Posts: 269

pre order bonuses....

SCREW THAT! we ALL hate them! just throw everything in one pack so can pre order from what ever store we want!! >:[

Gah! dumb way of making money, i don't wanna pre order the same game twice just to get the missing costumes. why couldn't they just leave it as the US edition...?

Whyyy? Oh whyyhyyhy? Oh the horror! The pain! *Dies over dramatically*
2010-11-22 21:13:00

Posts: 785

For those of you who live in Australia (like me) I dunno if it's been posted already, but I found this:

It seems we get the Plushie if we pre-order

i posted a link to the aussie EB site a few pages back (i also live in australia). i did think it was kind of cool though that for only $10 extra, we get so much stuff
2010-11-23 06:59:00

Unknown User

Anyone else thinking that the Aussie version with a plushie if you pre-order sounds a bit weird. That's not a collectors' edition bundle, is it? Or what, are they gonna take the bundle apart and burn the dolls when it reaches release date??

I could be very wrong, but that does seem to be something the stores are putting together.
2010-11-23 09:33:00

Posts: 6497

IIRC the Australian ad said the CE was only available for preorder, so no burning of dolls. 2010-11-23 11:55:00

Posts: 2284

Yes, excuse my map skills, I'm not to fimiliar with EU... Also, the price isnt what we're discussing if you payed any attention. That has nothing to do with this conversation. We're talking about the items your recieve when you buy the CE. Yes, I guess you could canel out about the rare sackboy... but to be honest, you'll just have to wait for a "rare" sackboy. Dont get your panties in a bunch yet good sir, they might add some stuff onto your CE... if they add a sackboy ,your CE will be better then ours in the US. And I bet Mm will come up with something better for all of you. They'll do some sort of givaway or something. If you honestly want a sackboy ask Mm about givaways in your area.
Strike 1: The Collector's Edition for the US costs approximately €60, converted. Europe's regular version will cost between €65 and €69 already. (Recommended Retail Price. Usually "discounted" to about €60) (This is due to various taxes. But since you brought up "good deal", I figured I show you how "good" a deal that is.)
Strike 2: For more money, we get less. Oh, sure. Steel case. I'd rather have the Sackboy plushie. Something I can actually... I dunno. Put in my bed, or sit next to my Grimlock and Optimus Prime.

You mean this one (http://www.mediamolecule.com/blog/article/free_sackboy_for_every_man_woman_and_child_of_the_ uk/)?
The one where 5000 people in the UK could get/win one?

Grab an atlas, please. Find the map of the United Kingdom.
Now search for a map of Europe. Note the differences between these maps.
Thank you.

And that's awesome for the US.
When's the Netherlands getting a rare Sackboy doll as well?
Since they are NOWHERE to be found over here, as far as I know.

So, yeah. Europe's getting a GREAT deal, indeed.
2010-11-23 12:23:00

Posts: 162

Yes, excuse my map skills, I'm not to fimiliar with EU... Also, the price isnt what we're discussing if you payed any attention. That has nothing to do with this conversation. We're talking about the items your recieve when you buy the CE. Yes, I guess you could canel out about the rare sackboy... but to be honest, you'll just have to wait for a "rare" sackboy. Dont get your panties in a bunch yet good sir, they might add some stuff onto your CE... if they add a sackboy ,your CE will be better then ours in the US. And I bet Mm will come up with something better for all of you. They'll do some sort of givaway or something. If you honestly want a sackboy ask Mm about givaways in your area.

I already conceded the price point might not have been a good argument, so I'll drop that. It still factors into the "value" of the CE, though. But yeah. Dropped.

Items received with the EU and US CE:

Disney / Pixar?s Toy Story 3′s ?Alien? Costume
Disney?s TRON: Legacy ?Clu? Costume
The Muppets? ?The Great Gonzo? Costume
Even More Animals? ?Crocodile? Costume
Even More Animals? ?Vulture? Costume
Even More Animals? ?Cobra? Costume
Even More Animals? ?Mandrill? Costume
ONLY ONE of the following if you pre-order: Jak & Daxter OR Ratchet & Clank

Items exclusive to the EU CE:

Steelbook case

Items to the US CE:

Sackboy plushie
Book ends

Admittedly, Sony mentioned different countries getting different things added to their CE's, but since those are not known yet, I can't factor those in.
So far, the European CE comes short, really. The steelbook does NOT compare to a Sackboy plushie, or the book ends.

Added items. Again, we don't what they are. For all we know, it's Sackboy plushies for the UK, Germany and France, and the rest of Europe gets sent off with a lame sticker-sheet.

Also, about the give-aways.
Yeah, if it's 5000 plushies (or whatever) for the UK again, that'll benefit the rest of Europe.
2010-11-23 19:22:00

Posts: 269

I already conceded the price point might not have been a good argument, so I'll drop that. It still factors into the "value" of the CE, though. But yeah. Dropped.

Items received with the EU and US CE:

Disney / Pixar?s Toy Story 3′s ?Alien? Costume
Disney?s TRON: Legacy ?Clu? Costume
The Muppets? ?The Great Gonzo? Costume
Even More Animals? ?Crocodile? Costume
Even More Animals? ?Vulture? Costume
Even More Animals? ?Cobra? Costume
Even More Animals? ?Mandrill? Costume
ONLY ONE of the following if you pre-order: Jak & Daxter OR Ratchet & Clank

Items exclusive to the EU CE:

Steelbook case

Items to the US CE:

Sackboy plushie
Book ends

Admittedly, Sony mentioned different countries getting different things added to their CE's, but since those are not known yet, I can't factor those in.
So far, the European CE comes short, really. The steelbook does NOT compare to a Sackboy plushie, or the book ends.

Added items. Again, we don't what they are. For all we know, it's Sackboy plushies for the UK, Germany and France, and the rest of Europe gets sent off with a lame sticker-sheet.

Also, about the give-aways.
Yeah, if it's 5000 plushies (or whatever) for the UK again, that'll benefit the rest of Europe.
As for the bookends I dont think there as good as a steel case. If the case holds more then 1 game, ultimatly book ends are worse then a STEEL case. The plushie I can understand as a wanted thing in your area. I'll bet they come out with one soon. Obviously the plushie is to no use (except rarity that is) for some of the folks here in the US, because some of us might already have one. But I think one is on the way for your area too.
2010-11-23 20:23:00

Posts: 162

A little off topic question but here it is. I thought that if you pre ordered the collectors edition you got all the costumes ratchet and clank AND jak and daxter2010-11-24 00:29:00

Posts: 494

As for the bookends I dont think there as good as a steel case. If the case holds more then 1 game, ultimatly book ends are worse then a STEEL case. The plushie I can understand as a wanted thing in your area. I'll bet they come out with one soon. Obviously the plushie is to no use (except rarity that is) for some of the folks here in the US, because some of us might already have one. But I think one is on the way for your area too.

Why would the steel case hold more than one game?
It'll only allow LBP2 in it. Or whatever other game you put in there, instead of LBP2. I'd rather get the bookends, so I can display my books or games nicer.

Plushies ARE available, by the way. In the UK. For a good while now.
Movements to sell them in the Netherlands seem to fall short so far. Not holding my breath on them ever getting to the Netherlands.

A little off topic question but here it is. I thought that if you pre ordered the collectors edition you got all the costumes ratchet and clank AND jak and daxter

Maybe, it could be I misinterpreted the following:
These will be available as pre-order bonuses and, again, the exact way that you can get your hands on them will vary by country.
Source: http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2010/11/09/littlebigplanet-2-collectors-edition/
2010-11-24 11:40:00

Posts: 269

The steelbox is crap for a start, the art on it is also crap! The whole point of a CE is to get exclusive material good which you can not buy any where else. It is something for collectors and people who obviously love the game. The CE is a bunch of garbage so far.

And also with a CE you are meant to get ALL the pre order DLC with it regardless of retail! That means not keeping the jak and dax costumes exclusive to retailers for goodness sake

They could have something for ?80 but if it had amazing stuff in it then I would buy it, so if they are keeping the CE crappy so its not expensive that is stupid.

Just look at the AC or the Bioshock collectors editions, thats how it is done!

What a fail!

They have handled this so badly and arent fixing it in any way!

p.s. is swearing allowed in the forums? thanks
2010-11-24 21:47:00

Unknown User

Hmm. I haven't pre-ordered LBP2 yet anyway. I'll wait for a couple more days for any more updates on the EU CE to see if SCEE will change their mind.

p.s. is swearing allowed in the forums? thanks

This is a family friendly fourm, so very little swearing is allowed. As said by ConfusedCartman:

8. You can use mild language, but do not bypass the language filter. Asterisks (*) will replace any bad language automatically. As long as you don't bypass the filter on purpose and you aren't too vulgar, some language is allowed.
2010-11-26 10:51:00

Posts: 200

Love the box art, but the rest is BS.
Why can't there be plushies for all?
2010-11-26 11:41:00

Posts: 2513

Love the box art, but the rest is BS.
Why can't there be plushies for all?

Yeah, sucks. Here's hoping the 'additional physical LBP goodies' they mentioned include a plushie, and at a stretch the 'game-ends'.
2010-11-27 11:21:00

Posts: 1027

seriously i like the steelbox case more than the book ends. ><

i have my own book ends already and i like them. the NA CE book ends will just be collecting dust on my cabinet, not holding games or books.

I wish i had the EU steelbox case!
2010-11-27 13:37:00

Posts: 626

A little off topic question but here it is. I thought that if you pre ordered the collectors edition you got all the costumes ratchet and clank AND jak and daxter
I believe that is the case in the US.
EU has to chose between them.
2010-11-28 14:21:00

Posts: 99

... does anyone know of any places pre-ordering it yet? I'm lost :S2010-11-28 15:21:00

Posts: 587

... does anyone know of any places pre-ordering it yet? I'm lost :S

I haven't found the CE for preorder yet anywhere. Which sucks because I need to know how much money to keep out of my christmas present funds so I don't not have enough for the CE :C
2010-11-28 15:23:00

Posts: 1027

The LBP2 collectors edition in USA cost $79 I pre order that the starting of fall and I finally finish paying it off in start of nov the only place I know that has that is gamestop and ebgames .2010-12-02 13:18:00

Posts: 101

This is terrible! no sackboy plush! oh well better move on
Sure, It's the game that counts!
2010-12-02 13:29:00

Unknown User

Well ya it is about the game and everybody wants the DLC outfits with it and if they want sackboy doll they can buy it there already out in stores well only at game stores like gamestop and ebgames.2010-12-02 13:49:00

Posts: 101

Well ya it is about the game and everybody wants the DLC outfits with it and if they want sackboy doll they can buy it there already out in stores well only at game stores like gamestop and ebgames.
Except we don't have those stores over here.
This is the thread for the EU version of the game, it's not very polite to rub it into our faces that we can't get it.
2010-12-02 14:20:00

Posts: 99

Didn't Europe get the Sackboy plushies months before NA?
Just saying..
2010-12-02 15:59:00

Posts: 3262

Didn't Europe get the Sackboy plushies months before NA?
Just saying..

Find me a major Dutch store that sells those plushies.
I dare you.
I'll wager all my money, and FUTURE money as well. (You don't know where I live, so I can safely do that, but even so.)
2010-12-02 17:22:00

Posts: 269

Today I would have been playing LBP2 for the first time

Really? How?
2010-12-02 18:13:00

Posts: 409

sorry laina my bad on that didnt mean to do that sorry2010-12-02 18:47:00

Posts: 101

Didn't Europe get the Sackboy plushies months before NA?
Just saying..
That was the UK.
Europe is larger than just the UK, the rest of Europe still doesn't have access to them.
2010-12-02 21:34:00

Posts: 99

Hmm ok I thought all of europe have it .2010-12-03 00:49:00

Posts: 101

Someone's probably asked...

When is the Collector's Edition being released for pre-order?

My plan is to pre-order it with Release-day delivery and buy a sackboy plushie along side it and get a PS Move for Christmas.

Just buy a plushie separate........ You can get them everywhere (sorta....)

I just care about the DLC. I love all the new costumes and as long as I get them and the PSN Avatars I don't care. I'd end up buying them anyway so it's just a way to make life easier.
2010-12-04 08:12:00

Posts: 516

I wish play.come would put CE up so i can pre-order I really want the jack and dexter2010-12-04 08:20:00

Posts: 1014

I'm happy with the CE. The steel case looks awesomeley epic, and I don't need bookends. If I wanted Sackboy plushie, I'd buy it on Play.com. (Free shipping to Belgium, yay!)2010-12-04 09:21:00

Posts: 117

It's probably taking a while to release the CE to preorder around europe websites because of how the CE they announced is the 'core' one, and that different places would have extra stuff, so I guess thats why we haven't seen it for preorder yet =P2010-12-04 11:27:00

Posts: 1027

The Plushie can be bought here in my country anyway! I love the box art of that game. But isn't it avaiable in the Scandinavia?2010-12-05 21:46:00

Posts: 311

For UK guys and girls its available for pre order at GAME with no bonuses what so ever

Its a bloody joke, this isnt a collectors edition, this is a preorder bonus edition. They are stupid for calling it a CE because there is nothing Collectors can collect with this edition except for the crappy cheap stealbox case


If anyone esle sees it for pre order anywhere else can you post here please. Hopefully one retailer will have a proper CE
2010-12-07 12:15:00

Unknown User

I can comfirm that the Jak and Daxter pre-order bonuses in UK are for people who purchase through Play.com. (I was doing some browsing for stuff and it said it in the LBP2 page's title, and had a high-res picture of them)
I haven't found Ratchet and Clank bonuses anywhere yet, but they're likely to be from either Amazon or Game.

They couldnt just put those 2 together when you pre order it at whatever store or video game store in UK.
2010-12-07 14:00:00

Posts: 101

For UK guys and girls its available for pre order at GAME with no bonuses what so ever

Its a bloody joke, this isnt a collectors edition, this is a preorder bonus edition. They are stupid for calling it a CE because there is nothing Collectors can collect with this edition except for the crappy cheap stealbox case


If anyone esle sees it for pre order anywhere else can you post here please. Hopefully one retailer will have a proper CE
The Sackboy isn't a collector's item, you can buy it on many site.
2010-12-07 20:27:00

Posts: 117

That's ridiculous! Game aren't selling it with the Jak & Daxter OR the Ratchet & Clank costumes!

2010-12-07 20:34:00

Posts: 587

Game, you've let me down

Play.com have Jak & Daxter (Edit: But no CE listed yet)

No sign of Ratchet & Clank though
2010-12-07 21:46:00

Posts: 1518

arrrr WTF!? it's not even available to pre order anywhere and sony is japanese and Media molecule is english, total WTFage here2010-12-09 12:55:00

Posts: 8

The Sackboy isn't a collector's item, you can buy it on many site.

Fine MM and SCEE totally ****ed up with this so called CE. Still is a load of crap
2010-12-09 13:29:00

Unknown User

Your opinion.2010-12-09 16:42:00

Posts: 117

Haven't seen the CE for sale anywhere here yet either.
I can pre-order the regular edition, but as usual here, no pre-order bonusses.
2010-12-09 19:34:00

Posts: 99

I've only seen it on GAME so far. It's ok I suppose but I'd still rather have the bookends in the US edition, they're much more exclusive and useful than cheap costumes. I'm hoping AMAZON or SHOPTO come out with a better collectors edition than this.

Here's the link anyway : http://www.game.co.uk/Games/PlayStation-3/Platform/LittleBigPlanet-2-Collectors-Edition/~r352999/?s=Little+Big+Planet+2
2010-12-09 22:24:00

Posts: 2210

Your opinion.

Obviously lol, wouldn't think that would need to even be said

My opinion just happens to also be the opinion of the majority of LBP players, it's the fact that we have had no announcements and its getting near to only being a month before the game is released and retailer don't see to know what they will have to offer for their pre orders. Also the fact that regardless of where we pre order it we will not get all the DLC as some DLC is retailer specific therefore leaving the only option for a person to get all of the DLC to be buying multiple copies. The whole point of a CE is that you get EVERYTHING. Seems SCEE don't get that........... whilst SCEA do
2010-12-11 20:38:00

Unknown User

I went into GAME, their manager hadn't heard of getting the pre-order content yet.
Anyone found somewhere with Ratchet & Clank?
I've only found play.com with Jak & Daxter
2010-12-11 21:12:00

Posts: 1518

I went into GAME, their manager hadn't heard of getting the pre-order content yet.
Anyone found somewhere with Ratchet & Clank?
I've only found play.com with Jak & Daxter

I'm just speculating but with the LBP 1 pre order DLC Play had Nariko and Kratos went out with the Official Playstation Magazine and now we have one pack at Play with no sign of the other at a retailer I'm starting to think we'll be seeing it announced with the next Official Playstation Magazine.
2010-12-12 13:25:00

Posts: 6728

I hope they announce the pre order goodies for specific retailers soon lol cos atm I have a pre order with GAME, but I'll want to change it if its not a good pre order in the end.

It sure is taking a long time lol

ebgames.au have the special edition with the sackboy plushy and ALL the DLC, and seeing as Australia is a PAL territory the DLC would work here. The only thing is that AU dollars are very very expensive and it works out over ?80 when converted and I just can't afford that and wont be able to wait for the delivery lol
2010-12-12 14:34:00

Unknown User

I wouldn't have the play.com one if it was the last one on earth! Apart from the fact they've let me down really badly in the last year or two. especially with preorders, the one they have is just a rip-off. It's just the standard game with 2 extra costumes ( Jak & Daxter ) which to be honest aren't even that good. That is NOT a collector's edition in any way, shape or form. There are bound to be MUCH better offers from elsewhere before much longer I would think. Infact the Amazon one is far superior already.2010-12-12 18:54:00

Posts: 2210

I wouldn't have the play.com one if it was the last one on earth! Apart from the fact they've let me down really badly in the last year or two. especially with preorders, the one they have is just a rip-off. It's just the standard game with 2 extra costumes ( Jak & Daxter ) which to be honest aren't even that good. That is NOT a collector's edition in any way, shape or form. There are bound to be MUCH better offers from elsewhere before much longer I would think. Infact the Amazon one is far superior already.

How exactly did you make the quite fantastic deduction that a standard edition with some retailer exclusive content isnt something that it never claims to be?
2010-12-12 22:12:00

Posts: 6728

How exactly did you make the quite fantastic deduction that a standard edition with some retailer exclusive content isnt something that it never claims to be?

I'm just pointing it out to people so they don't mistakenly buy it thinking they're getting a special edition when they aren't.
2010-12-13 00:38:00

Posts: 2210

I'm just pointing it out to people so they don't mistakenly buy it thinking they're getting a special edition when they aren't.

As much as I would love to say that people aren't that stupid I've been here long enough to know that no matter how clearly and frequently information is posted somebody will be posting that they've made that mistake when we get to the games release.
2010-12-13 01:35:00

Posts: 6728

The collectors edition is up for preorder at Game.co.uk! (Though they don't state the inclusion of either ratchet & clank or jak & daxter, or any 'additional goodies&apos2010-12-17 16:38:00

Posts: 1027

Does the uk have a comfirmed release day yet cause so far ive got

Game sayin the 1/1/11 and the 28/1/11
amazon uk sayin 21/1/11
and gamestation says the same as game
2010-12-17 18:49:00

Posts: 255

Does the uk have a comfirmed release day yet cause so far ive got

Game sayin the 1/1/11 and the 28/1/11
amazon uk sayin 21/1/11
and gamestation says the same as game

You're not reading game quite right, they just have 01 2011 on some of the LBP 2 stuff or in a different way of putting it January 2011 with no specified date.

21st is more then likely our date, its the usual friday after America gets it and the date nearly all stores have.
2010-12-17 19:36:00

Posts: 6728

You're not reading game quite right, they just have 01 2011 on some of the LBP 2 stuff or in a different way of putting it January 2011 with no specified date.

21st is more then likely our date, its the usual friday after America gets it and the date nearly all stores have.

i am reading it right the normal verson has a different release day to the collector edition

normal: http://www.game.co.uk/Games/PlayStation-3/Platform/LittleBigPlanet-2-Move-Compatible/~r349824/

collectors: http://www.game.co.uk/Games/PlayStation-3/Platform/LittleBigPlanet-2-Collectors-Edition/~r352999/
2010-12-17 22:09:00

Posts: 255

i am reading it right the normal verson has a different release day to the collector edition

normal: http://www.game.co.uk/Games/PlayStation-3/Platform/LittleBigPlanet-2-Move-Compatible/~r349824/

collectors: http://www.game.co.uk/Games/PlayStation-3/Platform/LittleBigPlanet-2-Collectors-Edition/~r352999/

Now you're missing the point of what I said so now I shall repeat it in the hopes that you get it this time.

The date provided with the collectors edition is not 01/01/2011 as you said earlier it is just 01/2011 it lacks a specific day and is just some time in january.
2010-12-17 22:39:00

Posts: 6728

I broke
I couldn't hang on any longer, I preorder CE from Game.
2010-12-17 22:52:00

Posts: 587

Now you're missing the point of what I said so now I shall repeat it in the hopes that you get it this time.

The date provided with the collectors edition is not 01/01/2011 as you said earlier it is just 01/2011 it lacks a specific day and is just some time in january.

ohh sorry mate my bad need to learn to read
2010-12-18 00:43:00

Posts: 255

Has anyone found where is giving the Ratcher and Clank preorder bonuses yet? I assumed it'd be amazon (as the big 3 game selling websites I know are play.com, game, and amazon. Play has jak/daxter, game doesn't say, and I guessed amazon as they did the R&C stuff for modnation)2010-12-19 22:59:00

Posts: 1027

And speaking of additional goodies – there are four other exclusive costumes for you to look out for: iconic PlayStation heroes Jak, Daxter, Ratchet and Clank. These will be available as pre-order bonuses and, again, the exact way that you can get your hands on them will vary by country.

So if you've already preordered the game - like me - from AmazonUK, will you still get the goodies? Or is it just for those who preorder once they have been announced?

Oh, and just for the sake of being me; that's some messed up gravity... (See sackboy's zip) haha

2010-12-19 23:24:00

Posts: 2105

I still can't find R&C pre-order stuff!
Getting worried now that I haven't pre-ordered LBP2 CE yet!
2010-12-19 23:29:00

Posts: 1518

Come on Amazon put up the CE so i can pre-order2010-12-20 07:32:00

Posts: 1014

Come on Amazon put up the CE so i can pre-order
Or any random dutch webshop
2010-12-20 09:57:00

Posts: 570

Come on Amazon put up the CE so i can pre-order

I second that. I keep checking on Amazon several times a day but nothing yet. I thought there would be lots available on different sites by now as it's only 1 month until release date. They're leaving it a bit late.
2010-12-20 17:14:00

Posts: 2210


Zavvi have the collectors edition if you want to pay a tenner more than Game
2010-12-20 17:36:00

Posts: 6728

Amazon.co.uk finally have the CE listed, the same one as the US but for DOUBLE the price ( ?128 !!). Here's the link if you feel like being depressed: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Big-Planet-Collectors-PS3/dp/B003O6ED7S/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1293024885&sr=1-3

I said months ago the UK/Europe would get ripped off and I've been proved right. That is just taking the ****! Anyone who pays that needs their heads looking at. You'd have to be a complete moron.
2010-12-22 13:42:00

Posts: 2210

Amazon.co.uk finally have the CE listed, the same one as the US but for DOUBLE the price ( ?128 !!). Here's the link if you feel like being depressed: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Big-Planet-Collectors-PS3/dp/B003O6ED7S/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1293024885&sr=1-3

I said months ago the UK/Europe would get ripped off and I've been proved right. That is just taking the ****! Anyone who pays that needs their heads looking at. You'd have to be a complete moron.

Yeah thats not Amazon selling it.

In stock. Sold by raregames-uk

That is somebody importing a US collectors edition and trying to sell it on for a profit.
2010-12-22 13:50:00

Posts: 6728

Ah! I didn't see that. Cheeky beggars! Thanks for the heads-up.2010-12-22 17:08:00

Posts: 2210

I'm desperate for PLAY.com to sell this. Can't wait much longer. ><2010-12-22 17:28:00

Posts: 2266

In Italy it's really hard to find Collector's Edition, since the little stores don't take many and usually sels them to friends or keep the in their stock rooms and wait for the prices to raise, so I'm going to buy it on Amazon.uk, like everything, but, crap, it's not listed yet, and the release time is closing in.
I just sent Spaff a visitor message (that he won't ever read) to ask for updates, I think this is a point that interest many fans and users, so if someone may contact him directly about this, I think it would be a cool idea.
2010-12-23 09:13:00

Posts: 5112

i pre-ordered mine with game last week, you will get the jak n daxter costumes from game they just havent officially announced it yet. Other than that im not entirely sure what else but then it didnt cost much so?2010-12-23 09:21:00

Posts: 69

i pre-ordered mine with game last week, you will get the jak n daxter costumes from game they just havent officially announced it yet. Other than that im not entirely sure what else but then it didnt cost much so?

Are you sure? Jak and Daxter are Play.com exclusive.
2010-12-23 09:28:00

Posts: 6728

Amazon.co.uk finally have the CE listed, the same one as the US but for DOUBLE the price ( ?128 !!). Here's the link if you feel like being depressed: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Big-Planet-Collectors-PS3/dp/B003O6ED7S/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1293024885&sr=1-3

I said months ago the UK/Europe would get ripped off and I've been proved right. That is just taking the ****! Anyone who pays that needs their heads looking at. You'd have to be a complete moron.

dont be fooled that just someone trying to rip ppl off and it the USA for one so any DLC you got from pal wouldnt work

they seen that ppl are asking for it and they trying to just rip them off sad someone would do that
2010-12-23 18:15:00

Posts: 1014

Has anyone seen the CE for sale in the Netherlands yet? I'm about to give up.2010-12-24 13:54:00

Posts: 99

I'm not understanding why you guys don't get the same Collector's Edition as us..? All it would require is some mass production and swapping out the disks for each region! coughRipoffcough2010-12-24 14:17:00

Posts: 849

I'm not understanding why you guys don't get the same Collector's Edition as us..? All it would require is some mass production and swapping out the disks for each region! coughRipoffcough

2010-12-24 15:12:00

Posts: 256

It does seem odd that the CE's aren't going to be released in the US and the UK at the same time. Oh, well. I pre-ordered the collectors' edition months ago, so I'd better get it... :kz:2010-12-24 15:46:00

Posts: 276

Has anyone seen the CE for sale in the Netherlands yet? I'm about to give up.

Nope, haven't seen any. And googling doesn't work either, all you get is the LBP2 CE announcement and search traps that aren't really selling the Collector's Edition.
2010-12-24 21:25:00

Posts: 2284

I'll bet that the CE is going to be a UK- , Germany- and France-only deal.
Because everybody knows those countries are the only countries in Europe.
2010-12-24 21:44:00

Posts: 269

I'll bet that the CE is going to be a UK- , Germany- and France-only deal.
Because everybody knows those countries are the only countries in Europe.

I don't think so, i see Sony published metal-case CE's in one of my local stores all the time, what is interesting they so sell low that they sometimes sell them as normal version over time.

I'm not understanding why you guys don't get the same Collector's Edition as us..? All it would require is some mass production and swapping out the disks for each region! coughRipoffcough

I think this CE might be personal SCEA job, this theory would actually fit since every continent gets different CE
2010-12-24 22:06:00

Posts: 3991

For the Netherlands, Bart Smit is offering a limited supply of LBP2 mugs when you preorder. They had no information on a CE. 2010-12-28 16:27:00

Posts: 2284

Im so sorry Europe Im from Canada and I somehow got one of the last one's in stock I hope you guys get your bookends and plushies 2010-12-28 17:34:00

Posts: 17

Regular edition it is, I guess.

It's not my fault they don't want more money.
2010-12-28 18:03:00

Posts: 2454

For the Netherlands, Bart Smit is offering a limited supply of LBP2 mugs when you preorder. They had no information on a CE.

Whoohoo! A mug with our pre-orders!
Let's all RUSH to the Bart Smit and... tell them to go back to Playstation Benelux for not getting us our plushies and bookends. Oh. And our Collector's Edition. ?____?

EDIT: Actually, a mug isn't the worst of what you could get, assuming our Dutch copies come standard with all the pre-order DLC (as is becoming more of a trend these days without major competing dedicated game stores), but I have a feeling we're not even getting the pre-order DLC one way or another...
2010-12-28 20:17:00

Posts: 269

Actually, a mug isn't the worst of what you could get, assuming our Dutch copies come standard with all the pre-order DLC

Yeah, I wouldn't mind a good mug (picture shows green letters and a 2, would be nice if there was a sackboy on the other side)... if it came with a Collector's Edition! But so far they know nothing about a CE, the mug is just for preordering the regular game.
2010-12-28 21:54:00

Posts: 2284

Playstation BeNeLux is fooling us. It's their fault the game stores know nothing about the CE's. C'mon, it only like 22 more days, and yet we know nothing?2010-12-29 07:43:00

Posts: 117

They call it a "Collectors Addition" - but the thing about "collecting" as a hobby is that the "collection" is supposed to go up in price. Aside from Cars, I can't think of many other products that lose as much value as computer games (except the very odd rare exception).

I've already got a Sackboy Plushie, so it'd just be the bookends I would be buying it for.
And considering the lack of information - and the dissapointing pre-order bonuses for the UK, I don;t think I'll be pre-ordering the normal or the collectors addition, when I could buy it elsewhere online within the week of release for half-price or better.

And it's all Sony's fault
2010-12-29 10:30:00

Posts: 1970

By the way, I noticed the CE on both amazon.de and amazon.fr, but apparently German euros are worth a lot less than French euros, because on amazon.de it's 80 euros and on amazon.fr it's 68 euros.

The German CE seems to be the same as the ones announced for the UK (nothing extra), the French one doesn't specify anything yet (as far as I can tell, but my French isn't great).
2010-12-29 13:19:00

Posts: 2284

Euro's are the same in all countries, m'boy.2010-12-29 14:20:00

Posts: 117

Euro's are the same in all countries, m'boy.

Doesn't mean there aren't price differences: A product you'd find in Flanders might be 50% cheaper in the Netherlands.

But the French CE being only 68 seems either a mistake (it's either not a CE, or they don't know the retail price), or Amazon agreeing that this CE is worth only 8 Euro more than a regular copy.

EDIT: So, it's listed as the CE... weird. They probably don't know what's going to be the retail price.
If you want a cheap Collector's Edition, though, that's the way to go. If you buy it for that price, it's guaranteed you're going to get it for that price.
2010-12-29 15:07:00

Posts: 269

In the Game Mania the normal version will cost ?69. Bart Smit aswell.2010-12-29 15:26:00

Posts: 117

But the French CE being only 68 seems either a mistake (it's either not a CE, or they don't know the retail price), or Amazon agreeing that this CE is worth only 8 Euro more than a regular copy.

Well, I estimate the combined value of the DLC to be about 10 euro, so 8 is a lot closer than 20, that's for sure.
2010-12-29 16:54:00

Posts: 2284

Well, I estimate the combined value of the DLC to be about 10 euro, so 8 is a lot closer than 20, that's for sure.

Lets see: The Alien, Gonzo and Tron costumes are ?1.99 and then we got 4 costumes of ?0.99 each. So that makes ~?10. Good guess.
2010-12-29 17:00:00

Posts: 117

So, 16 days to go, and still no news.
This is sad, very sad.
2011-01-03 12:19:00

Posts: 99

I will say it here again.
It would be good that someone of our fellow forum mates that is in touch with MM asks them about this CE.
2011-01-03 12:21:00

Posts: 5112

Well, if it changes anytime now (and I doubt it, from the looks of things), it's too late for me, because now I have the standard edition pre-ordered. Way to go, SCEE. Way to go... 2011-01-03 12:38:00

Posts: 200

It's Sony's fault, they need to tell retailers/stores.2011-01-03 12:39:00

Posts: 117

I sent a mail through MM's site asking someone to come here on Central and give us an official answer.
Obviously I haven't the private mail of anyone of the Molecules, and 99% it would be a failure, but, yeah, I tried.
2011-01-03 13:03:00

Posts: 5112

I had finally made peace with the fact that the European version was what it was and so I wanted to pre-order it online but couldn't find any dutch retailers that had it. When I made an inquiry at one of the biggest game retailer, GameMania, they told me the CE wasn't coming to The Netherlands or Belgium at all. I have since asked a dutch games journalist who basically acknowleged it but suggested I import the CE... but that's not really an option since the game is regionfree but the (future) DLC is probably not and seeing what MediaMolecule released for LBP1 I just don't wanna risk that.

I know Holland and Belgium are small countries but still... I just can't find any reason for not releasing it here, the localisation still has to be done for the regular version anyway and the added DLC is just that, digital DLC so what could possibly be the reason for not releasing it here!? And is it just Holland & Belgium? Or are there other countries/regions? I really hope some sort of official word is coming out soon...
2011-01-03 13:44:00

Unknown User

but that's not really an option since the game is regionfree but the (future) DLC is probably not and seeing what MediaMolecule released for LBP1 I just don't wanna risk that.
If you get it from anywhere in Europe, DLC from any European store will work with it.
2011-01-03 13:59:00

Posts: 3193

I had finally made peace with the fact that the European version was what it was and so I wanted to pre-order it online but couldn't find any dutch retailers that had it. When I made an inquiry at one of the biggest game retailer, GameMania, they told me the CE wasn't coming to The Netherlands or Belgium at all. I have since asked a dutch games journalist who basically acknowleged it but suggested I import the CE... but that's not really an option since the game is regionfree but the (future) DLC is probably not and seeing what MediaMolecule released for LBP1 I just don't wanna risk that.

I know Holland and Belgium are small countries but still... I just can't find any reason for not releasing it here, the localisation still has to be done for the regular version anyway and the added DLC is just that, digital DLC so what could possibly be the reason for not releasing it here!? And is it just Holland & Belgium? Or are there other countries/regions? I really hope some sort of official word is coming out soon...

As Syroc said, buy it from Amazon.co.uk or play.com...the point is that those BIG sites don't have the CE available for pre-order yet
2011-01-03 14:21:00

Posts: 5112

I just noticed that amazon.fr now has proper details listed on their CE: http://www.amazon.fr/Little-Big-Planet-compatible-Playstation/dp/B004GGU7SE/ref=sr_1_2?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1294064257&sr=1-2

As expected it's just the announced package with steel case, 5 avatars and 7 costumes, the Amazon preorder bonuses are explicitly excluded (why? ). But 68 euros is still a lot cheaper than amazon.de's 80 euros (if you're willing to risk it snubbing you for wanting to play in English ).
2011-01-03 14:29:00

Posts: 2284

So basicly, we are not getting anything special in Holland? And importing from France or Germany would mean that we would play them in that language? Sucks...
But I don't want to play it in Dutch either, has anyone played the Demo, in Dutch? Awfull, Avalons Trainingsplaats voor STRIJDVAARDIGE STRIJDERS... O_o It's a fun name in English but it sucks in Dutch. But if you would import it from the UK it would be uncompattable with future DLC, as the UK has a different storetype. I tried to gameshare once... I'm ashamed...
Anyways, is it actually possible to set language to English if you buy Dutch version?

2011-01-03 14:45:00

Posts: 165

I don't think the language will be a problem, that will most likely be set in your system settings on your PS3 as is the case right now... as for anything special, I know pre-ordering from BartSmit wil get you a mug (really) and pre-ordering from GameMania will get you the Jak & Daxter costumes.2011-01-03 15:11:00

Unknown User

But if you would import it from the UK it would be uncompattable with future DLC, as the UK has a different storetype
No, as I said above it will work. Whether you buy it from the UK, France, Spain, Germany or even Australia, the DLC from your store will be compatible with it.
2011-01-03 15:20:00

Posts: 3193

I just noticed that amazon.fr now has proper details listed on their CE: http://www.amazon.fr/Little-Big-Planet-compatible-Playstation/dp/B004GGU7SE/ref=sr_1_2?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1294064257&sr=1-2

As expected it's just the announced package with steel case, 5 avatars and 7 costumes, the Amazon preorder bonuses are explicitly excluded (why? ). But 68 euros is still a lot cheaper than amazon.de's 80 euros (if you're willing to risk it snubbing you for wanting to play in English ).

For everyone concerned, most of all Sony titles, LBP included are multi language, I sometimes change the setting of my PS3 to listen to other language AND I ALWAYS buy games from Amazon UK even living in Italy and the only 2 games I bought that weren't translated are Mafia 2 and Black Ops.
2011-01-03 15:34:00

Posts: 5112

Yeah, the game refusing to speak english was a joke, hence the wink smiley. Sorry for the confusion.

I forgot about Australia. I think they had a proper CE, I'll have to look into that... but I suppose release day delivery will not be an option.
2011-01-03 15:51:00

Posts: 2284

Yeah, the game refusing to speak english was a joke, hence the wink smiley. Sorry for the confusion.

I wouldn't put it past those snobby French, though.
You know how they get about the English and their language.

(No offence meant to any snobs on the forums, of course. (No, but seriously. I know some French people. They're cool people.))
2011-01-03 15:53:00

Posts: 269

I'd die if there wasn't a CE in Flanders/Netherlands. I hope there will be one.

But CE or not, I will be getting my Jak & Daxter costumes + Sackboy figurine as pre-order bonus.
2011-01-03 16:19:00

Posts: 117

I'd die if there wasn't a CE in Flanders/Netherlands. I hope there will be one.

But CE or not, I will be getting my Jak & Daxter costumes + Sackboy figurine as pre-order bonus.

For those from the Netherlands, I asked PlaystationNL on Twitter regarding the CE (and possible Flanders as well, since officially they're Playstation Benelux):

@PlayStationNL Dus geen CE voor LBP2 in Nederland? Zo teleurgesteld. Multi-platform games gaan weer gewoon op de 360 inplaats van de PS3.

@melficesilesius Sorry, maar we hebben wel een hele vette pre-order actie voor LBP2.... meer daarover aan het eind vd week.
2011-01-03 16:22:00

Posts: 269

For those from the Netherlands, I asked PlaystationNL on Twitter regarding the CE (and possible Flanders as well, since officially they're Playstation Benelux):

Thanks for the heads-up!

Great that they answered, I suppose this is somewhat of an official reply, or the closest anyway... I've tried to ask MediaMolecule on twitter a couple of days ago but no response :-(
I'd better start following @playstationNL ;-)
2011-01-03 16:39:00

Unknown User

Seen This? (http://www.game.co.uk/Games/PlayStation-3/Platform/LittleBigPlanet-2-Collectors-Edition/~r352999/?s=LittleBigPlanet+2+Collector%27s+Edition)2011-01-03 18:24:00

Posts: 1277

where the hell are Play.com haveing Exclusive Pre-Order DLC when it not having CE to Pre-Order? its like a bad joke2011-01-04 07:52:00

Posts: 1014

And for those who can't wait: this is our 'epic' pre-order bonus (BeNeLux):
2011-01-04 08:00:00

Posts: 117

So we're running out of time to order the Collector's Edition. Is anybody gonna go ahead and order the bog-standard one from GAME or Gamestation?2011-01-04 17:28:00

Posts: 841

So we're running out of time to order the Collector's Edition. Is anybody gonna go ahead and order the bog-standard one from GAME or Gamestation?

I gave up and ordered it from game. Now that Sony has Mm, you know Ratchet and Clank/Jak and Daxter/ the rest of the CE bonuses (I mean, I'm pretty sure there will be a Toy Story costume pack at some point, they wouldn't make the LGM and not Woody or Buzz or the others!) will eventually appear on the store anyways....
2011-01-04 19:31:00

Posts: 1027

I'm actually pleasantly surprised that we Australians didn't get ripped off (I didn't really need book ends). It seems all DLC was included in ours, so we don't have to buy from a specific store.

I preordered the Collector's Edition from JB HiFi a while back (several weeks) and am counting down the days till I can go pick it up.

Incidentally, my friend went to preorder the CE from JB HiFi and EBgames and they were all out (he managed to secure a copy at GAME).
So just a heads up, if you live in Australia and want the CE, you may want to get in fast!
2011-01-04 20:25:00

The Last Stop
Posts: 240

Gonna wait to see what Playstation Benelux has to say about that amazing pre-order stunt they're going to pull (Watch: they'll be announcing what we already know. Mug at Bart Smit, and the costumes and figurine at Game Mania), and then just pre-order the regular edition at Bart Smit.

Because I don't have any other choice!

Well, I could import, but I'm not feeling that.
Technically, I should import from the UK, France or Germany, since that way Playstation Benelux won't see a single Euro for the game, but meh. Too much effort.
2011-01-04 20:36:00

Posts: 269

This is pathetic on both MM's part and especially SCEE's part! We in the UK and most of EU are not getting a Collector's Edition. We are getting a crappy DLC edition which depending on where we order it from have to pay ?5-15 more than the regular edition when you get nothing worthwhile in it. Its not even as though we can orsder the CE and get all the DLC.

What a load of rubbish. Don't get me wrong MM have outdone themselves with LBP2 however they and SCEE are total and utter **** at giving their fans what they want in a CE. It is false advertising it calling it a CE!

I'll be getting the Standard Edition. Way to go SCEE and MM for not doing something or atleast apologising for this

anyway....im psyched for the game....and the SE box art is so much better than the crappy steelbox case and art work anyway
2011-01-04 21:56:00

Unknown User

i dont see the problem all there is missing is the sackboy and the book ends you still get the codes and a steel case which is pretty cool also people in SCEE hve been getting more things for lbp than NA just let us have this once.2011-01-05 00:14:00

Posts: 538

Gonna wait to see what Playstation Benelux has to say about that amazing pre-order stunt they're going to pull (Watch: they'll be announcing what we already know. Mug at Bart Smit, and the costumes and figurine at Game Mania), and then just pre-order the regular edition at Bart Smit.

Because I don't have any other choice!

Well, I could import, but I'm not feeling that.
Technically, I should import from the UK, France or Germany, since that way Playstation Benelux won't see a single Euro for the game, but meh. Too much effort.

I doubt the mug is official by Sony, I think it's Bart Smit who made it because they wanted something extra. (Bart Smit does that alot)
2011-01-05 08:02:00

Posts: 117

i dont see the problem all there is missing is the sackboy and the book ends you still get the codes and a steel case which is pretty cool also people in SCEE hve been getting more things for lbp than NA just let us have this once.

There are a couple of problems, for one the EU version doesn't have all the codes, we can only get Jak & Daxter or Ratchett & Clank when we pre-order the SE. The other huge problem is that the CE isn't even coming to my country (Holland) at all. And as for SCEE getting more things than NA, I'm not really sure that's the case but I just don't understand why there is a difference in the first place..... With LBP2 they have already announced an exclusive sticker pack available at 7-Eleven... A NA retail chain if I'm not mistaken although I remember seeing one in Stockholm but I'm pretty sure they are scarce in the EU...
2011-01-05 10:21:00

Unknown User

So I live in Holland, what would be my best choice if I'd import?2011-01-05 10:31:00

Posts: 165

So I live in Holland, what would be my best choice if I'd import?

Well if you look at future DLC your best choice would be to import the EU CE from the UK, Germany or France, from what I've read that will pretty much insure you can get future DLC working since it's the same region as your PSN store.

If you don't care about future DLC and you absolutely want the sack doll and book ends, than you can import it from the US.
2011-01-05 10:53:00

Unknown User

i dont see the problem all there is missing is the sackboy and the book ends you still get the codes and a steel case which is pretty cool also people in SCEE hve been getting more things for lbp than NA just let us have this once.

In the UK the Ratchet and Clank DLC costumes aren't available anywhere

Also the fact that the US are paying literally the same price as us but we dont get the plushy, the bookends and we dont get all the DLC, that in no way is fair

ALso the steelbox case looks horrible
2011-01-05 12:55:00

Unknown User

Looks like the UK Collector's edition is exclusive to GAME and Gamestation, according to the The LittleBigPlanet Twitter page (http://twitter.com/LittleBigPlanet)...

GAME actually owns Gamestation which explains why they're both able to sell it.
2011-01-05 15:00:00

Posts: 841

this is totally wrong. totally totally totally wrong.
those CE edition available exclusive to some retailer is just idiocy.
2011-01-05 15:08:00

Posts: 5112

Seems very strange, but at least we have one. Pre-ordered mine yesterday (after weeks and weeks of saying I would)2011-01-05 17:34:00

Posts: 2266

I can't belive there are no game/book ends or sackboy plushie!
But some of the costumes are quite cute
And you can get a sackboy plushie from game at ?9.99 or a afro sack at ?13.99.
I've preordered LittleBigPlanet 2 collectors edition and bought the sackboy plushie!
2011-01-05 18:21:00

Posts: 90

Looks like the UK Collector's edition is exclusive to GAME and Gamestation, according to the The LittleBigPlanet Twitter page (http://twitter.com/LittleBigPlanet)...

GAME actually owns Gamestation which explains why they're both able to sell it.

I hope CE like the USA come with all DLC if not who idea was it to do that to game only? when Play.com have jak and dexter

what a mess
2011-01-05 18:56:00

Posts: 1014

Decided on a big fat meh and bought from game, I didn't want any tat so it seems like the best. Here's hoping the preorder stuff comes to psn later down the line eh?2011-01-05 20:53:00

Posts: 6497

It's weird, because my local GAME is also saying that the game is out on the 28th of January, not the 21st like Mm had said. I don't know whether GAME are to be trusted.2011-01-05 20:58:00

Posts: 631

It's weird, because my local GAME is also saying that the game is out on the 28th of January, not the 21st like Mm had said. I don't know whether GAME are to be trusted.

I dont trust them one bit anyone know how good or bad they online is do they send it out befor it out so it here day one? when it out?
2011-01-05 21:45:00

Posts: 1014

It's weird, because my local GAME is also saying that the game is out on the 28th of January, not the 21st like Mm had said. I don't know whether GAME are to be trusted.
Stores here in the Netherlands say the game is out on the 28th of January as well.
2011-01-05 22:54:00

Posts: 99

GameMania says 21 januari for Belgium & Holland.2011-01-06 07:30:00

Posts: 117

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