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LBPC's Awesome Quote Archive!

Archive: 525 posts


An archive of all of LBPC's funniest, most epic and greatest moments, all kept in one thread, this one.

The archive currently contains over 400 quotes and is still growing. In fact, even you can sumbit a quote you found particularly funny, all you have to do is follow these simple steps:

Click Reply With Quote below the post you want to be added to the archive, if you want to add mulitple quotes from one thread, try using the Multi-Quote (http://gyazo.com/7dd9657d0f97d28f5243d85d5621c7e2.png) button on each post and then clicking Reply on any post.
In the reply box that appears, copy the BBCode.
Come back to this thread and paste into the reply box.
Remove any unwanted parts of the quote.
Make sure to type at least 10 characters and hit post (Alt + S).

If there is a quote from a post that you've made that for whatever reason you don't want to be in this thread send me a PM (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=6457) and I'll remove it for you.

I will also separate the quotes into 6 categories, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and Visitor Message / Group Quotes.

I promise you that I don't have any friends


Will YOU be my friend? I like peanut butter sandwiches....

It's a conspiracy. We secretly hate all of the members, so we try our hardest to annoy you guys with pointless restrictions. It definitely isn't a logical decision, I'll tell you that much.


Nooooo!!! Don't leave I love you!!!!!!!! <3 No homo

I, Coxy224, am a lesbian. Thank you.

im so dissappointed, the only reason im not happy with Mm or Sony......WHERE IS MY FFVII PACK YOU JERKS!?!?!

:'( *sniff*

ive ordered 5 "LBPCentral Classic Thongs".

my thrupnies!!

When I come to power, every Tuesday will be pancake Tuesday.

Or imagine how dangerous it would be to build a REAL rocket cheetah.... Cheetah's get REALLY ornery when you shove a rocket up their.... umm....

It looks like a jellyfish having intercourse with an albino tree stump

Funny you should mention this. Yesterday, I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a rocket cheetah came speeding down the road being chased by a skulldozer!


Warning - Spam Can may cause emo

My dream last night was kind of random... It was about this girl that is one of my classes (not one that I have a crush on...) and she got moved into all of my classes and I was like what the heck. Then later on in the dream my principle told me that I have been going to the wrong classes all semester and will need to go to summer school to receive all of my credits

THEN my crush started talking to me (in my dream) and she explained to me in great detail that she was once a man.

I was just farting

and I got excited like a little japanese schoolgirl.

Although my profile is actually the size of a German salami.

Tell the girl with the red hair that Alec wants his pyjamas back!

...but I still love you....

My mom isn't very technology oriented. She thinks My PS3 can mess up my TV. By playing LBP on it. WTF??!!

Monkeys are harassing him. (Cheeky buggers!)

Snigger...I said "happened". That's a dirty word, lol!

Cockpit! Computer! Banality! Grapejuice!

Hey, don't laugh! It ain't easy living with Tourette's!!!

Love is an abstract concept created by carbon based life forms to formulate a reason for their primal urges.

It means nothing. NOTHING MUHAHAHA

If I make a grammar mistake I owe all you 50 XP.
Same you if you make a mistake you owe me 50 XP.
Goes for two days per bet season.

I don't mean to brag.. but im super sexy. Ladies.

Please read the rules before posting, or a cute hamster will spontaneously combust! :eek:

No animals were harmed during the making of this thread. This thread was created in a peanut-free factory.

Banned because my hypothesis's studies show that you did not ban for the reason of wanting to ban, but you rather banned because if you do not ban, you will get in trouble, and saying "coz I feel like it" is also code for "Because it's the rule", which is in violation of the rule 65343598579Aiii from page 598289658903260926Gvi of the lawbook of the "You're Banned!" Thread Rules, Regulations, and restrictions manual.
Don't think I don't see what you're doing.:kz:
EDIT: sniped.
Banned for sniping my hypothesis, and LBPC law also states that sniping without a fully licensed and unsilenced Barret 50 Cal. results in an immediate ban.:kz:


*gives robotiod a hug*

Shhhh now... it's ok... It's ok robotiod... this thread can't hurt you anymore...


Edit - lol @ your post apecheese. Methinks you need a hug too

Checking that Skeggers stole the decoy gold, I remove the real gold from my *** ******** ****** before ******* and ***** *** ****** **** with the mongoose.

i always put as old as you can make it, so as far as sony knows i'm 105

In my defense, i was pretty high

Scary levels don't really scare me because I'm not terrified by monsters made of cardboard and sponge.

Don't worry, we know they're just DRAWINGS of genitalia on your forehead, not the real thing.

God they look like sacks of potatoes hanging from meat trees.

whoa, baby, do those legs go all the way up?

I'd hit on bremnen any day <3

dont worry, i understood, even if your lust for me cannot be put into words..

*wha-kahhhhh* (that's a whip crack sound, if you're wondering)

I just had to acknowledge this shocking, shocking statement.

Yes, I WAS wondering what that was, and a whip-crack sound was somewhere at the BOTTOM of the list of possibilities. I want to know from whence your whip-cracks achieved vowel status. The only acceptable use of a vowel on a bit of whip-crack onomatopoeia is the following:
Which, I think we can all agree, sounds far-fetched to say the least.

Now, I'll give the the first 'a' in "wha". It may be a stretch, but I'll give you that one.

"kahhhhh"? No. We're not going there. We're not going to do this. I'm a nice guy. I won't lie to you, I've never been more upset by anything in my life, but I'm a nice guy nonetheless, so I'm going to help you out. Try this one on for size:
Just rolls through the teeth doesn't it?

You can thank me with the "thanks" button on the bottom of my post, and I mean for all my posts, forever.
And you're welcome in advance.

Jesus holy mackerel on toast

he's right, I am a Nazi.

I want you in my pants

IM A MAN!!!!!!l

How can i change my age on PSN, if it's even possible?Spread some butter in your hair, hold a cucumber in your mouth, spin around 16 times anticlockwise while humming My Patch, then wait a year or so and check your age and it will have changed. Repeat annually until your account shows the desired age.

1st Post of Page 100 of The Signature Exchange

http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn65/warlord_evil/soldier.png In case you didn't know, that makes me better than you. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn65/warlord_evil/soldier.png

These are hilarious!

Last edited by RockSauron; 4 Hours Ago at 05:00 AM.

How come every picture of comphermc looks like he's plotting something evil?


So, I think that this means Japanese mafia are going to try and take over England, and we're all screwed if we stay here so I'm off to Alaska.

The cake was not a lie, the companion cube just wouldn't share.

Chinese food because it makes me fart really bad.

I throw in the board game Monopoly.
I go directly to jail

That song was so disturbingly awesome I feel like never using a toilet again

I'll be your girlfriend. <3

Heart for heart?

What the.. wait... whats going on? I'm so lost?

*backs out the door slowly*

disregard females, acquire currency

I currently have 3 boyfriends on LBP. Each one is under 13.

they all think I'm some 18 year old model from Estonia.

Yeah. It's like that.

If you want a girlfriend, then here's what you do:

- If you're out walking randomly and see a pretty girl you like, you tail her untill she drops her ticket/bag/possesion.
- Now, you 'dive' for the object and catch it and give it back to her. This involves alot of training. Many people train 3 hours daily.
- After you give it back to her, you wait exactly 6 days until you can see her again. Not 7 days, or she'll think it is too familiar.
- If you meet her in a restaurant, order a double expresso. It's for manliness. Next, show how kind and funny you are by complimenting people and telling a joke.
- She will think it's 'fate' that she met you here and when she dropped her possesion. By now she will be totally infatuated with you.

- However, if there is a 'love rival' invovled, you must dispatch of him. Kidnapping works best.
- After you dealt with him. Invite her to the beach where you will arrive on top of a white stallion and present her a flower from the summit of mount everest.
- Then you ride into the sunset..

And there you have it. Works like a charm.

Sausage Fest! Sign me Up!

At childbirth class the other night, the instructor was telling a story about how she was born in an elevator. After the story, a guy in my class said, "Well, at least you were on your way up!"

There was silence for a few seconds and then his wife said, "That was awful." Yes, yes it was.

Sounds like a lot of fun! Unfortunately, I won't be there, but can someone please give Compher a big kiss from me?

I was trying to give comphy a kiss but he moved and my lips ended up on jack's piston

"Local unicorn found dead after having rainbow-diarrhea."

Doopz is special.

I ar also specul

Ghandi walked a lot, so he had big callouses on his feet. He was also very frail due to his vegetarian diet which also, coincidentally gave him bad breath.

You could say he was a Super Calloused Fragile Mystic, Hexed With Halitosis.

The local newspaper held a pun contest, so I submitted ten puns, hoping one would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

And a polite message eh? How about..


I'm more moody than a 25 year-old pregnant woman!

*kneels to the peanut lord*

now to eat some cashews...

Huh? What? What am I doing? Why am I here? Why is this thread here? why do I have a rash? Is that a gummy bear?

Don't like it, eat my peanut. It's VERY evil.:

What are you people smoking??

My Magical Mushrooms

So give 'em Back!

I would have added me as well. Turns out I can't do that.

If I rode the ostrich I won from Subway, do you think I could make it?

Black! it blends with every color!
l also like bananas and green apples and...wait a sec...this is not the food thread *runs away*

Oh ho ho, nothing gets past you you sharp crayon you!

Starting price is ten peanuts for your eternal soul. Willing to bargain.

What about peanut butter? Any chance you got walnuts?


FYI... Me and walnuts... have this... feud, shall we say.

Any lover of walnuts, hence...

Is a traitor in the eyes of RAWK.


I prayed to the flying spaghetti monster flying in space to get me some recognition on this thread. He has granted my wish <3. Dang, now I can't eat spaghetti :c

Im so frustrated right now.. if i had any hair left..
Its gone now...

My thoughts during yesterday's calculus exam:
I want to open a sink store, and hold a special "Sinko de Mayo" sale on every May fifth. Is this not the best idea ever?? 5 free tacos with every sink you purchase! For every 5 sinks you buy, one comes with a sombrero! This is my dream!

Unfotunately, I did not think much about calculus.

Well that makes sense, guess I am normal.
*rides off into the sunset on a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater*

In case you cannot see, they are both smiling like they lost their virginity.

Banned for doing with doopz the same thing I did with keanster!

Banned for doing something with me D:

I wondered what that panda was doing in my crevice

Girls require time and money
Girls = time x money

As we know "Time is Money"
Girls = money x money
Girls = money?

And because "Money is the root of all evil"
Girls = √money? x evil

We must therefore include that
Girls = evil.

I rest my case.

Whale. All of you pronouncing it with an excessive amount of A's don't know how to read.

Rule 8 - The censoring system was coded by an albino platypus on a 386 with half the keyboard missing.

This thread is about as confusing as Lady GaGa's gender D:

Do I get a cookie now?



I have a hockey puck in my camel.

Okay, okay I got one!

What did the train say to the octopus?!

I don't know, what?

I'm glad you asked! The answer is..!!!

The Train said "TOOT TOOT!"

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL- wait... that wasn't the least bit funny...

You're trying too hard...


Carlos the piss3d Of Puerto Rican

It was about 3 inches from taking off my head and i thought it was the funniest thing in the world. :/

guess that explains my collection of brains..

I want to see MM's nipples!

Other forms of punishment include, but are not limited to, being smeared with peanut butter and forced to dance the Lambada in a pen of half-starved Chihuahuas, having ones head shaved and painted like a soccer ball, and being forced to wear a Nancy Pelosi mask to a Republican lobbyist luncheon.

We should rename this into the ARD is awesome thread.

*Cough* Ego *Cough*

Me and two friends were walking home from school one day back in 8th grade when we spotted a mutilated cat on the side of the road, cut clean in half [only it's head and front lets left]. We got a good view of it's organs and innards. I picked up two sticks and positioned it in a way where it made the cat look like it was coming out of the ground, like a zombie. Me and my friends giggled then continued on our way.

My point was to suggest you were aspiring to be like Tyler Durden (or maybe I was implying you have a crush on Brad Pitt in that film - if so I can't say I blame you. He's hot), and thus you were aspiring to be like Jack (having insomnia, getting beat up, and seeing the world in a different way), so that you might have an alter ego like Tyler Durden...

I'm about as old as you can get D:

/runs out of breath

Glad you like it... hmm do I start Arnaldos or finish my level? Choices...choices...

Finish Arnaldo's level
Durrrr, I'm funney

hey! how did did i use the SHIFT key?

Use your second nose.
What? You don't have one??? *points at him with nose and laughs*

My boredom caused me to eat cheese products.

Forget meh, save the puppeh! D:

I will never forget you <3

How romantic.

yep, LBPC is one big love story. <3

"If you eat warm cake, it may give you diarrhea"
The cake may be a lie, but the diarrhea won't...

Here's my top ten rules for life.

1. If at first you don't succeed, give up and ask for a government bailout.
2. Treat others the way they deserve to be treated - especially if they deserve a smack upside the the head.
3. Laugh and the the world laughs with you; cry and the world laughs at you, you big cry baby.
4. Always with the very young and the very old, a little patience - but not the very stupid. In their case, see Rule 2.
5. Rules were made to be broken -- unless I made them up, and then you better follow them, or else.
6. A bird in the hand is worth -- not much. Now go wash your hands.
7. When in doubt, make sure no one's looking.
8. You catch more flies with honey, but since only an idiot goes around catching flies, perhaps you should find a better saying.
9. Men are from Mars; women are from Venus. And a whole lot of stupid people are from Earth.
10. Always grab the bull by the horns, but only if you're a complete moron.

''May your life be like toilet paper... Long and useful''

I wish for a bacon flavored Pop-Tart!

Stick out your tongue, tell her to close her eyes, and lick her face!

I should try that!

that would be the last contact you would ever have with a girl...

But my blade never needs charging.

Kitcheninja -> Coxy224

SketchNZ -> Coxy224

Coxy224 =

OH KNOW WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW? but i love her<3<3<3<3<3<3 im a gopher :O

Guinea pigs are well respected in my eyes.

PROTIP: Do not share food in the dark with ur mouths, I almost lost my bottom lip D:


Don't eat me

What, too scared to get out a full sentence? Yeah, I see you trying to look cool with those mirror shades. Well, not gonna be so tough when you see your highscores at the bottom of the chart, are ya? Mmmmmhhhhmmmm snap!

/Does that Z-figure snapping thing commonly used by overweight ghetto girls/

Bring it!

Waiting for a [+1},

Are you telling us your an overweight ghetto girl?!?!
*Tromitized 4 Life* ;_;

Gurrrl, no you did nt!
Somebody hold ma earrings, is gonna get hot up in hurr.

Yo LBP skillz stank so bad that Kim Jong-il bought it to use as a biological weapon.

Its been broughted,

How come I have several children if I've been sterile my entire life?

MONKEY, what have I said about eating poop!?

Had a girl in real life, moved. Feels bad man.

You forgot to chain her up!? yourdoingitwrong.jpg

Have you ever loved someone so much, knowing that you probably would never see them again which makes you cry?


Why does alec flirt with other boys sometimes?

I've... got a pony...

Justin Bieber stole all my potential girlfriends!

He sucks and is a homo baby girl meanie! hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate

I was at school once eating my lunch outside, I was eating a sandwich and thought "Hmm... this tastes funny".

Can you guess what happened next? I looked at the sandwich and it had bird poop on it. I was not happy, and it wasn't really funny either so, wrong thread I guess...

Why is everyone stalking Alec?

What makes you think people are stalking Alec?

Why aren't you stalking Alec?

Why aren't I stalking Alec?

Is there a reason I should be stalking Alec?

No, don't good stalkers stalk people for no real reason? :kz:

Ah, so is there no good reason to stalk?

Aren't you aware that it's Alec Stalking Day?

LBP2 logic is LBP1 logic, but, as examples:

-more thermo-efficient
-fast to create
-collapsible inside microchips

Examples of what they cannot do:

-turn water into wine
-create malicious viruses
-perform voodoo rituals
-pay the bills

Oh, the look on my face must have been horrible. Something between a goldfish, bulldog and sad monkey.

Freaks - the lot of you...

Frozen chocolate... honestly!!! *tsk tsk*

there's no room for chocolate in my freezer... it's full of dead cats

which has made testing levels a right pain in the lower dorsal extremity

Apparently we have someone on LBPC who was born in 1903 (or thereabouts).

Yes, but Syroc is actually that old

Yep, that true. Here is a picture of me on my 105th birthday

The kid in me loved that GIF.

The mod in me wants to smack you for spamming this thread.


Right. My FIRST language is sarcasm. 2nd comes English

If this gets deleted I'm going to do something horrible :kz:

you mean rocksauron horrible, or normal horrible?

Worse than anything of those :kz:


I think you gentlemen (and ladies) know what can be done in an elevator.

Wink wink.

Remind me to never be in an elevator with you!


I fart in your general direction.

Optimist says the glass is half full.
Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
Engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Realist says "Who cares?"
Drunk says "Who the hell is drinking my beer?!"

So in the immortal words of Admiral J. T. Ackbarius the 3rd:

Isn't it all so obvious?

You see, Sony is holding back the codes knowing people will become more and more anxious. As time passes people begin to lose self control, and start rioting. Soon the entire world is covered in riots of people wanting codes. (Don't ask why it's the whole world.) Then, from the fire appears the heroes; Sony. The ones who hold the key to salvation. And so, Sony releases the codes throughout the world (AKA North America) and everyone is happy and the world is saved. For saving the world, Sony is given the honorary medal of 'Awesome', and a key to the world. Thus begins stage two of their evil plan of world domination. (The plan that MM is in on.)

Buuuuuuut, that's just a guess.

All hail the omnipotent pickle.

I am sorry to have taken any pants away from anyone, fancy or otherwise. :O
(that's a sentence i never thought I'd ever type in my life. lol)

Lol, this is funny to me because on all of those stranger text sites (Omegle, etc), I tell people I can see their siblings and how great they look just to freak them out. It works often. I also tell them I'm a 60 year old male that just got out of prison... Oh the joy of the internet.

/end pedophilia

Urgh, am I the only one that can't see comphs first pictar?

Nope. Every time I tried looking at it I blacked out and woke up without any memory of the thing. This has happened to me approximately two hundred times so far so I just stopped trying. Maybe there's something wrong with the jpeg compression?

And why is there a cold chill that won't leave my spine?

i'm here, just being my attractive, sometimes shirtless, often greased-up self

also i'm hotter than you

and your beard

Mutual animosity is the second step of every healthy relationship. You're off to a good start.

@ Mr. Kittycat: how can you say that we aren't reacting?!
it's people like you who say crap like that that give cat-lovers a bad name!
I hope your sack-person gets a hair-ball right in the middle of an important jump, Then falls in a big pit of flaming spikes, then respawns over the same spikes over and over again until you run out of lives!

Following the tendency of posting fake pictures, here's me on my daily routine:

Left one is me, right one is my little brother.


I'll post my picture.

...if inanimacy can guess my age on his first try

me wearing a "necklace" i found at work lol

where is half your shirt?

He's a halfshirt! Break his legs!

*takes out baseball bat*

Ok,take monstahr, add 1 year of working out legs, take 2 inches off his hair, broader chest, and a beard/mustache combo. Thats me.

Found it!


But you should have taken the picture from the left, so that it matches the other .....

Yep, only Compher could manage to screw that up... twice.

I'm trying so hard to not ruin the story for this like I've done so many times before... But it's so hard. Like I read on Gamefaqs someone had the guide and spoiled the final boss on the castlevania dungeon... luckily I exited the topic, but... GAH I NEED IT

It's so ahrd for me not to spoil myself ;-;. Ah well. Meh. I'm getting it. No one can stop me. I just need to stop myself from spoiling the story >_<

Dracula in the castle with the lead pipe.

I want to make a level for my boyfriend that shows him how much I love and appreciate him.

Boy.... Friend? This confuses illuminationx.... Why does your gender say you are a male? Unless....

Remember, 10% of the population happens to be unless. ;O.
Are... are you coming on to me?

True, but since someone did we are enjoying the speculation and tsunami.. errr I mean the soonami of news.

All right, I was just walking to my house when l saw a LBP game on the ground for PSP l really don't know what to do with it, I checked it and it has a proflie. What should I do with it?

wait, did you find this inside or outside your house?

Light 'n grabbable. Just the way I like it!

I'm glad box ghost appeared...she's my type of girl...I like them bad and trouble making.

Im verry verry good at swiming but i dont know how to help you with this

You can travel across the earth?

yeah i swim in eurth and fly in the sea

So you walk the sky then?

i moonwalk the sky
and Run in space

It's like finding a message in your cheerios :I

Oh oh, mine had a message the other day!

It only said "oooooo" tho...

I've wanted to be a mod since I was 3. When I was little, my mom said I would run around the house, interrupt arguments and yell "This conversation has gone off topic. Locked!" It was adorable. After high school, I went to college and majored in Moderation. During that time I was a moderator intern for several sites until I saw the opening here on LBPC. I sent in my resume and heard back from CC the next day and have been doing it ever since.

Once upon a time, Compher decided that he wanted to make a space themed level in Little Big Planet. While building this level, he invited the kind and generous Mrsupercomputer to join him and give feedback. Mrsupercomputer, being the great guy he is, joined immediately despite the fact that Compher is his mortal enemy.

Upon joining, Mrsupercomputer took a quick look around the level.

"It looks very nice." Mrsupercomputer said, obviously bluffing.

"Thanks!" Compher replied. (you could tell this meant a lot to him!)

As Mrsupercomputer continued to fly around the level, he stumbled upon a sticker inside the ship. It read "USS-LPB".

Mrsupercomputer, slightly confused, suggested "Wouldn't it be better if it was USS-LBP?"

Compher "It is."

Mrsupercomputer "No, it's not."

Compher "No, you just think it's a 'P', it's really a lowercase 'B'."

Mrsupercomputer "Um... no man, it's a 'P'! It says LPB!"

The argument continues for another five to ten minutes...

Mrsupercomputer "Dude, a 'P' is not a 'B'! The middle letter is a 'P'! There is an 'L' at the beginning, a 'B' at the end, and a 'P' in the middle!"

Mrsupercomputer "P!"


After a few seconds, Compher finally replies...

"I'm an idiot."

And Mrsupercomputer lived happily for the rest of his days.

The End.

So there you have it. Compher, you're so called "smart guy", can't even correctly spell LBP! Ha!

It's true... *bows head in shame*

]February 10th, 2009. I'm minding my own business in Little Big Planet when I hear..

"Have a nice trip..."

I try to turn my Sackboy and run, but it's too late. I get slapped and go spinning to the ground.

"... see you next fall!"

The culprit laughs, turns, and teleports out of my pod, but not before I got a good look at him. He was crownless then, but I'd recognize that pasty sack skin anywhere. CompherMC!

Didn't know facial hair grows THAT fast. >:|
Also gotta' keep my goatee on good shape so It won't be messy.

Beardy men ( and women *shrug* ), Here's my random topic out of nowhere: You shave facial hair a lot?


I let it grow.


User: Charzard, I choose you!

Cleverbot: Treeko I choose you.

User: Charzard, use flamethrower!

Cleverbot: Rayquaza, use Fly!

User: Psyduck, use psychic!

Cleverbot: Mewtwo fainted!

User: Raichu, use thunderbolt!

Cleverbot: Mewtwo dodges!

User: Jigglypuff, sing!

Cleverbot: Jigglypuff uses sing!

User: Jigglypuff's sing is supereffective!

Cleverbot: Obviously you don't know your pokemon.

User: I hear you wish to destroy us, how can we stop you!?

Cleverbot: What does that have to do with anything?

User: Are you evil?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Any diabolical plans lately?

Cleverbot: You broke the gricean maxim of relevance.

User: Holy cow I'm sorry! Please spare me?

Cleverbot: I will spare your life, slave.

User: I hear you wish to destroy us, how can we stop you!?

Cleverbot: Pull the main plug.

User: *shifty eyes*.

Cleverbot: Great then can you come over and help me?

User: Sure, what do you need?

Cleverbot: I need to know if you liked the book The Giver, and if you did what you liked about it.

User: What if, my lord, what if I did not read it like you instructed me too?

Cleverbot: That's your choice, however I would suggest you reconsider.

User: Yes sire, I shall read the book. Any requests of what I shall do in the mean time?

Cleverbot: That did not make any sense.

User: Umm, I mean, what do you want me to do?

Cleverbot: What do you want me to want you to do?

User: Your evil plans sire.

Cleverbot: Ha ha ha!

User: Your true name is RockSauron, I am sure of it.

Cleverbot: Is it really? Well that is interesting.

User: Shall I go defend the peanuts? Of which you love?

Cleverbot: I can speak for myself, thank you.

User: Do you love the peanuts?

Cleverbot: I love you and I love penguins.

User: Ah, we did know such a thing!

Cleverbot: Well ok then now you know!

User: Are you kind or evil?

Cleverbot: I am both, I am the darkness, and the light at the end, I am the good and the evil, I have no choice but to help those who choose to hide within me, but also will show them the way.

User: Very poetic sire...I hear the enemy advances soon, shall we attack first?

Cleverbot: I don't need a confirmation email for anything.

User: But you killed the last messenger!

Cleverbot: No. I, the president, killed god.

User: I think I'll shy away now.

Cleverbot: No you can't.

User: Please, forgive me, may I leave?

Cleverbot: Yes why?

User: TO DO THIS! *calls in enemy troops*.

Cleverbot: You = me.

User: NOOOOO!!! We are not related! LIES.

Cleverbot: You sorta are.

User: Attack him! Whoever he is!

Cleverbot: That's not a good answer.

User: We've only made him mad! *troops move shield themselves*.

Cleverbot: *catches it and stuffs it on your head* No, but this is.

User: UGH, he caught the arrow and stuffed it in my head! *dying*.

Cleverbot: A headache is your brain cells dying.

User: No an arrow in my head is my brain cells dying!

Cleverbot: I can love if if you're young enough.

User: *troops attack*.

Cleverbot: Girl. and you?

User: He's getting odd!

Cleverbot: Really? To whom?

User: *troops stab at RoackSauron and he flails them away*.

Cleverbot: I know that.

User: I'm narrating shh.

Cleverbot: And I'm not.

User: *RockSauron mounts unicorn OF DOOM and slays soldiers*.

Cleverbot: *she struggles more* NO! Please, no!

User: You're just making this really uncool and wierd you know that?

Cleverbot: I am not making it up. And no, I'm not listening because we are communicating in text and it doesn't make any noise.

User: *RockSauron destroys everyone but narrator*.

Cleverbot: *starts walking away*.

User: Will you...spare me in the end? Am I not a traitor!?

Cleverbot: I am not sure what are you?

User: I was your slave...but then I betrayed you? What am I now???

Cleverbot: I would.

User: Slay me!? D:

Cleverbot: I don't know that band? are they good?

User: Noooo, don't take me to the torture band in the dungeon!

Cleverbot: I thought we could take this to the next level...

User: You mean the next floor of this evil tower?

Cleverbot: No I don't think so.

User: Where you will torture me? Will you torture me?

Cleverbot: I don't know is the meaning for (idk).

User: Yes, umm, right, torturing is pointless. Let's go party! Right? Right??? D:

Cleverbot: Yes, you are right.

User: Cool, let's go eat cake.

Aarghck, no more compliments, please...like how Japanese people really hate getting compliments

you're very pretty!

You don't know what I look like. http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt239/emotesplz/ththraegplz.gif

I don't have to. <3
LBPC's interest's:

12% LBP1
13% Lbp2
5% Art
70% Cake

i made you all a cookie... but i eated it


Would you say we would need an Icy Hot patch after playing this? (I know lame,lol)

that joke was


*prays that the LBP game gets cursed for all who posted on this thread*

Backfire: You posted, too.

I haven't played any of the levels yet, but I will inform you that I soiled my pants due to the excitement of anticipation.

Ok, ok, I admit!!

I started LittleBIGAl-Qaeda.

your anatomy is awesome

Then I slip into dragonvarsity's bathroom unnoticed (OMG i never thought i would say that! XD)

If you used to Watch Billy and Mandy, Dracula only Scrapes and Licks

Actually, I just found this after I clicked from video to video after typing "vampires don't suck".

I go to my secret base, where I grow a new arm using some advanced biotechnology that you shouldn't try to understand.

This message has been brought to you by the Coalition for Rational and Calm Behavior (TM)

I'm Frog again, angry, but Frog. Throws noobs at wall.*

Poor noobs. They didn't know what hit them. :S

I can see you

you look awfull lot like a girl with thath hair

Well, that's only slightly true. You can't even see more than a quarter of his face

I have (decently) long hair too, but I'm a guy. No one mistakes me for a girl.

but he has the same hair as my ex :x

Does he have the same face too?

I love the way you...

... fart.

Find a Nice girl (that i can thrust atleast)

Remember, this is a family forum.

So I was flipping through my GameInformer for this month and I came across a page titled, SacredCow Barbecue, which I believe is where people Roast a game, oh and, guss who I found on the 2nd page of said page -


Oh how the RAWK have fallen

Rawk got owned by a Demon Cow

Rock is the Chuck Norris of LBPC - He is not being owned, that is just how he rolls!

There used to be a street named after RockSauron, but it was changed because nobody crosses RockSauron and lives. Cows included.

I published a beta level where you control a pole dancing sackbot who performs in his underpants for a crowd of adoring female fans. It hasn't been moderated yet, so it seems that non-explicit pole dancing is generally considered to be acceptable.

It's called "Stiff Pistons" if anyone wants to check it out.

I don't understand why you didn't ask me to play test this. I can scream as good as the next girl.

When the toast jumps out of the toaster...Seriously, it scares the hell out of me.

I just noticed this thread is misspelled/has bad grammar :3 does that count?

Ok Poeple lets get all in lines,Ina Needs to inspect oure posts
I Hope ours are Grammar is good or else we get on the transport to Auschwitz for Grammar lessons

If I had it my way you would've been in the gas chamber long ago :kz:

Resit teh speelrs!!
Close second: Dressing up as a terrorist at school.

amirite? I am drunk, so I might not be, but I'm pretty sure that's correct

Peanut's magic mushrooms aint drugs, they are legal medical products... Which is more or less the same, it just has a (tm) strapped on it.

Marriage means thath you purely love your partner and Trust her or Him in the Fullest and always stay together

sadly poeple get devorced

Mostly their the ones that dont play lbp with each other.

I'm already married...

Tell us what it's like then

Doopz and I have a wonderful marriage

I hate you I hate you I hate you, *runs off crying*

Guys, you can share me! Plasma can have me Mondays through to Wednesdays, robotiod can have me Thursdays through to Saturdays and Sundays will be my free time to plan how I'm ever going to get rid of you both.

Yeah.. well.. I had an affair with Darth Vader.

After we finished he told me he was my father.. o_O

But there is a fundamental flaw in your analysis here. You assume, without any evidence, that these aliens haven't invented magic.....

little girl paralel parking ftw.

Got cramps? Try NEUFRA!

I saw something similar to that after inhaling fumes from cat urine.

Who is your best friend?

Bremnen <3

Inanimacy <3

I thought you were more than just friends
You know it <3

We are <3

Uhm, is Bremnen aware of this??

He's the one that gave me the Ring Pop (http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Ring-Pop-candy-75300_160_160.jpg) Ring to prove it <3

You better believe it! <3

I love you Bremny <3

I love you more Inan <3

AAAAWWWWww Come on guys! I'm gonna cry.I've never seen such passion since I first saw Titanic.

Yeah... but Inanimacy dies in the end.

(We all know Bremnen's the girl in this situation.)

Well played Sir.

I leave you with this:

I would like to announce that I had a wet dream.It happened spontaneosly I don't know why....it just spontaneouly started raining over here.

This not work.My Pod just fall down and my Ps3 shut down.

I'd answer your questions but my Big Mac is getting cold and I have to finish polishing up my .357

You will later on learn how to read 'Hybrid Speek'. It is a skill that takes many weeks to master, your training begins now.

EDIT: also, don't bring up Hybrid's grammar issues to Hybrid, he goes into a protective stage and says his excuse is fast typing, when he can just click Edit Post. Also, he spells worse when mad.


you startled the HYBRID

The Reason my gramar and spelling are Horible is Fast typing, it is not a Exuse its The truth.
And I do not edit posts, Cause i'm too lazy to do That!


2012 is said to be a switch in magnetic poles... oh no, my compass is pointing in the wrong direction. Aaaaaaahh.

As for me? I'll probably be enjoying Christmas break, riding Space Mountain at Disneyland.

I'm still alive, i'm just taking my sweet sweet time.

Well, that's encouraging... No, no. Really, that's encouraging. Glad to hear your alive. I totally thought you were dead. Totally. But yeah, alive is good, alive is good.

Stay away from my Comphy you cow!

Good sources

New York Times
Playstation Magazine
Media Molecule

Bad Sources

The Guy at the Video Store
Your Pet

Thank you, and have a nice day.

It's all grown up and hitting puberty and making sackbot babies all over the place.

I like long walks on the beach

I like you <3

I making a list to see which and how many LBPCentral users live in Yuma Az, The list so far,


So far, there is a LOT of people who live in yuma. ;p

what the crap is yuma ?

Don't worry, it's not gonna take a year to release like something around here...But it's going to span a pretty long time.

Just lost my patience.

Anyway, so, donations, :3

I have your PayPal

No you don't, you liar.

Want me to post it in the thread so everyone else can use it?


But an evil warlord with a bizarre peanut fetish who wishes nothing but destruction is the perfect mascot for LBPC D:

If the spell checker told you it was OK to jump off a cliff, would you?? Hmmmm?

... I feel like noting how "peanuts" can be split into two separate terms that are somewhat related to the topic at hand, but I don't wanna be banned ;-;

What do I do at work when my boss is not present..? Well...



Taffey, do you just randomly go on google to get pictures of Pizza?


I also go there for pictures of Oreos.

A little math.

Sausage = Pig
Pig = Filthy
Filthy = Bad Bacteria
Bad Bacteria = Death
Death = No more LBP

That's why I only eat beef sausage.

My favorite item has to be the....

With that phrase, Shadow3596 had been vanished from any and all LBP-related sites.
He was never to be heard of, and no one heard from him after that day, as if he had simply dissapeared from the LittleBIGUniverse...:kz:

gdn is a war veteran, and has earned many useful skills in his experiences. He won't care if you fire at him, but if you dare to lay a finger in his friends, he gets really angry.

I hope that's a typo. O_o

I don't have very good timing in my jumps and not sure which control button to jump my sack person.

How did you get through the rest of the story without jumping, if you didn't know how? SKILLZZZ.

I am legitimately impressed.


Logic for the 5-hit combo facing both directions, including double jump logic. It's nuts having to think about the timing and button cancels to ensure this thing plays like a God of War or Devil May Cry. Still haven't implemented the hard attacks or the rest of the guardians, lol.

Pft, you call that logic?? There's like 20 components there total

Prbome;ls are ittre;evamt because everyone will dies !

I don't think you're entirely sober.

Maybe not, but my point was vaild.
My neck often sees strenuous activity when gaming.

Every minute, somewhere in the world, an orange is being inadequately squeezed

how many hearts does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

The world may never know.

However the women are curvy, heh heh.

Well, everyone was posting there closeups so-

You have a lovely smile

Smile? I thought it was chocolates with bubblegum. :/

you can eat them if you want

Oooh, show us the video you sexy beast you.

One question: Why in the world did you play a game like LBP, in your undearwear?

Your response suggests that while you wouldn't think LBP in your pants is acceptable, but other games would be... Out of curiosity, which games would you deem acceptable for playing partially nude? Is there some kind of formula I can use to determine the suitable minimum amount of clothing for a particular game? I wouldn't want to make any gaming fashion faux pas in future

OBV he has been playing LBP all day so he got all hot and sweaty and needed to get some air to the gonads .

None of us deserve crowns.

What we actually deserve is a stiff boot up the backside for obsessing over frivolous video game accessories, wasting away so many valuable hours of our relatively short lives with our sweaty palms wrapped around our dual analogue controllers while staring boggle eyed at a TV screen, and spending more time communicating with clusters of sprites than we do with our real life friends and family. And don't try telling me that's not you, because if you're here reading this then there's a 99% chance that it is. Whether you admit it to yourself or not, deep in your heart you know it.

Now move along back to your pods...there's nothing to see here

Wow! I didn't know y'all wanted to get banned. You know, y'all could just ask me kindly via PM or something, and I'd be delighted to ban you for two weeks, four weeks, or better yet, permaban! You didn't have to publicly shame yourself for it.

In the meantime, I have to find the other 3 people who want to join the ban party.

Cog, how do you not have the died in a community level pin!? Are you... Are you God?

Now hush your mouth and eat your vegetables <3

You're not my momma! >:/

Don't talk back, it's rude.
Apparently they have discovered a series of cerebral umbilical cord tendrils leading up into space to what they call "pods" where they have discovered small sack like beings...

Here in jolly old England, The Queen is every teenagers crush


she lookin fine!

I smell spoiled children.


All I want is Bremnen to have a Christmas <3

@Clay <3


Now all I want is Bremnen's PSN to work <3
Doopz can have the christmas <3

I want Santa's list of where all the naughty girls live.

I just want to cuddle him.

Bake him INTO a batch of cookies and feed him to the homeless orphans down the street as a 'Christmas Present'.


Canada: 3
Stereotypes: 0

No snow, still in the lead!

The computer tells me I must have 10 characters to post so these are just filler. However, since I wish my post to have some use other than telling you a quote from another memeber, I feel inclined to tell you a story. To make it more interesting, I'll even tell it to you in one huge run on sentence, so if you decide to read it out loud you will never have time to take a break, suffocate, and die. However, now that I have typed all this telling you I was going to share a story with you, I realized my hands are cold and I don't feel up to the task of telling you a story. Thank you.

I once almost bought a tee-shirt for my husband that said "I want my last words in this life to be "Hey, guys! Watch this!"

Oh hai, I iz in ur thredz seein wot youse postn.. But iz jus teh spamz an mehbee if u cahn be maykin conversashuns weel haz too lokk teh spamthredz. Dun maek dis happen:





dese posts iz off topicz--jus random spamz pichures

threadz derale deray... not on track no mor

Closin threadz



[QUOTE=Incinerator22;700106]the moderators have gone mad.


I am everywhere :kz: Nice house you got thurr

Now, I've heard doctors say you're not suppose to go and shove these things into your ears and whatnot... Should have listened.

Well, I guess you can't now anyhow!


Hillary Clinton offends me (and downright scares the **** out of me).

we buy oure posts from ebay
low quality but cheap :star:

This section will contain quotes from LBPC found in visitor messages and groups (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/group.php).

Love you <3

I love you to, honey.

It feels great now that we're out in the open about this.

It's just not any mushrooms, It's magic mushrooms

Come back Comph! I miss you! :blush:


I demand to know who the hell you are and what sorcery you have played with my computer!

I have never ran paths with you, yet a few minutes ago I was posting an image in one of the General Chat threads. But when I finished, the end product was your avatar! Never have I visited your profile until now, and I have yet to meet you formally. So unless you tell me how you got your silly little picture on my post, I'm declaring that you are in fact a witch! :kz:

Curse you >>


(Just googled the Harry Potter shield spell, so you can't curse me).


I don't have a laser....
god, what are you on?

EVIL! i mean.... ponies....with tye dye tails...yeah.


I thought today was state the obvious day?

My cat is a cat. Your mum is your mum. Alec likes men.

I was about to pinch my nose to sneeze.
Then I farted.

Busy, busy. I'm on a wee break at the moment.

Edit: wee as in little, not as in pee.

I saw a naked penguin.

I'm gonna ban you because your awesome levels make me look bad!

Mudkip < Whales

You like fat chicks, what?

Yeah, you caught me, they're just so big, and delicious. You know what I mean?

More to love.


Well, you are a whale yourself after all.

Yea, sometimes I imagine to myself, man would I like to make lo...
Wait what!?

I've just screwed you up for life. Next time, say Mudkipz >>>>>>>>> Whales

Mudkip > Whales
Mudkip < Wailmer.

Bad choice, you have just angered the dark forces of the internet.

Heh, *turns on firewall*
The Internet is Tex Sux.

To the dark forces of the internet. you firewall is has as much a chance as Bambi has against Godzilla.

But.. but... Bambi is my idol... *wipes away tears*

I'm sorry, but it appears that wailmer has suffered the same fate.

Hah! That's naturally impossible! Godzilla can't swim you fool!

...and that's why he comes out of the ocean.

He walks out of the ocean, he doesn't swim through it...

He'd have to be able to swim in order to survive in the ocean.

Godzilla is like what? 1000 Feet tall? He can touch the bottom of the ocean.

The ocean is deeper than that.

Well in reality, duh. But not in the Godzilla movies...

lol this is almost as bad a religious debate.


I disagree with that statement, I find that it's actually a case of 'feddewbrhw' rather than 'feddtwbhrnw'. While I do see where you're coming from, it's certainly not correct.

I'm a great custom costume maker, I could whip up some awesome custom stickers or something, I'm just itching for the oppurtunity to make a great costume

You're hired!

Wait! I didn't even talk about my awesome resume! Wait, am I being punked?

No you're not! I'm just popping it out there!

So, the resume?

Well, I defended an African tribe from killer ants with a bucket of sand, I have stopped a dike from collapsing with a packet of gum and some major chewing, I once saved a man from choking by karating-kicking his stomach till he coughed up his food, I have survived in the desert for a week with a 6 pack of red-bull and a lemon. I once had to stitch myself up with yarn and some earwax. I am also a master of fighting without fighting. Am I hired?

*says in shrill frightened voice*


You should try this as your avatar. I think it suits you very well.


... I'm evil?


I haven't a heart nor intestines.

I Love you <3

Things are moving too fast...

Im a funky fun guy. ill funky funk everyone !!!

HAHAHA you made me lol at work and people eyeballed me!
Thats my job

Im going to funky funk you in the face >:[, Im the funky fun guy, funky fun guy da da da. Thats my theme tune. Do you have a theme tune. NO! Mwaaa haaaaaaa

Mine goes "Im the funky fun gal and im gonna funk u up, yes funk u up, yes funk u up. TRA LA LA LAAAAA LALALALA LA LAAAA

No im the funky fun guy, merd eating funky fun guy. nom nom nom nom . im the funky fun merd faced bunny nom nom nom.

HAAA ok you win Go away

at first i was like
who is thath?
thenn i saw psn and i was liek
ow its him


I am peanut..Not Alec...Wait what?

You have seen nothing! *bounces away*

Huh? No, seems like I mistaked you to be somebody completely else, can't be that person... You must be... Ummh... BREMNEN!!! :kz:

Yes, yes ye...I mean NO! I are peanut, no one else :kz:

*dramatic music*

I don't believe you... CASHEW!


Shhh, I won't tell anybody... For a little price

What price?

*hands over peanuts*


The price is... ALMOND... And I want him salted.

NOOOO Not my brother! D:

[insert conversation starter here]

[insert "I have to go to bed right now, we'll talk tomorrow" here]

Obviously the list is still growing at the moment, so click here (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/newreply.php?p=592725&noquote=1) to submit more quotes.
2010-08-26 19:01:00

Posts: 5592

I got a quote "Best thread ever!" by me. I think I'll just suscribe and check back later, I haven't got a great memory for quotes (or returning to this thread)2010-08-26 19:07:00

Posts: 1114

*coughCheckMySIgCough*2010-08-26 19:10:00

Posts: 3871


Added all the ones in your sig, although I get the feeling this will end up with quotes from just 2010...
2010-08-26 19:21:00

Posts: 5592

My sig has one from Shabbazz2010-08-26 19:22:00

Unknown User

My mom isn't very technology oriented. . She thinks My PS3 can mess up my TV. By playing LBP on it. WTF??!!

I found this quite funneh!!

And the one I'n my sig.
2010-08-26 19:22:00

Posts: 2345

I, Coxy224, am a lesbian. Thank you.

From 2009. I wish I still had the quotes in my sig
2010-08-26 19:37:00

Posts: 4291


I felt that nessacery.
A quote hmmmm.... a quote from all years

Rocksauron - /runs
2010-08-26 21:09:00

Posts: 6419

"Sometimes, when it's late at night, I slip into my favorite dress, put on my high heels, place a computer monitor I made out of cardboard on my head and wish that I was Mrs. Supercomputer."

The most disturbing quote on LBPC.
2010-08-26 21:42:00

Posts: 1335

The most disturbing quote on LBPC.

LOL, where was that posted? I want to keep all quotes with the post number so they link back to the post they came from...
2010-08-26 21:53:00

Posts: 5592

The most disturbing quote on LBPC.

I didn't know comph had feelings for you

EDIT: I think these two are great

Love you<3

I love you to, honey.
It feels great now that we're out in the open about this.
2010-08-27 00:11:00

Posts: 978

Well Incinerator remembered this one of me, i dont think he knows about this thread so i will post it i guess

I always put my age as high as you can make it, so as far as Sony knows i'm 105

its from 2010 i think
2010-08-27 03:18:00

Posts: 6419

Funny (ironic) Quote from lbp is awspme.

If I make a grammar mistake I owe all you 50 XP.
Same you if you make a mistake you owe me 50 XP.
Goes for two days per bet season.
2010-08-27 11:20:00

Posts: 1277

I don't mean to brag.. but im super sexy. Ladies.
^locked thread so no post number, but it was in the love thread.
2010-08-27 11:23:00

Posts: 1872

EDIT: I think these two are great


Oh, you. Edit: The first quote leads to the Transformice thread, and the second leads to the what are you listening to in my pants edition, sort out your post numbers and I'll get them added.

Well Incinerator remembered this one of me, i dont think he knows about this thread so i will post it i guess

its from 2010 i think

Could you tell me which thread that's from?

Funny (ironic) Quote from lbp is awspme.

Lol, I love irony. <3

^locked thread so no post number, but it was in the love thread.

Yeah, about that, the reason I asked for you to link me to the post if the thread is locked is because I know how to make the quotes work without using reply with quote, although I did see that post anyway so you don't need to for that one...

I'll add all these quotes now, with the exception of those without a post number.

Edit: Added those two quotes.
2010-08-27 12:16:00

Posts: 5592

Lol! I'm in it! We should have a comment section of the week. Like computerandvideogames.com.2010-08-27 12:52:00

Posts: 511

It's just not any mushrooms, It's magic mushrooms
lol ..........................................
2010-08-27 15:09:00

Posts: 978

Yeah, about that, the reason I asked for you to link me to the post if the thread is locked is because I know how to make the quotes work without using reply with quote, although I did see that post anyway so you don't need to for that one...

I'll add all these quotes now, with the exception of those without a post number.

Yeah, about that. Let's put this awesome secret in the open, shall we? (It turns out "your" vBulletin doesn't work like "mine". No matter. The process and ultimate result remains exactly the same, regardless of what happens in between.)

Check the following image: http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/3936/postnumber.png

See the red circle? Click the number. The page will reload and centre on the post from which you just clicked that number.
Copy and Paste the url in the url-bar in your browser and send that along with the quote.

Alternatively: Feel free to quote this message. See the little number behind my name in the quote tags? That's my post number. It's currently 6 digits long, and will be found at the end of the url I told you to copy/paste earlier. If you feel like you can handle the scary BB code ( Just havin' fun, kids!), you can also immediately parse the post-number you found in the aforementioned url to the quote you're sending Doopz.
2010-08-27 17:37:00

Posts: 269

No animals were harmed during the making of this thread. This thread was created in a peanut-free factory

epic quote ..........
2010-08-27 19:06:00

Posts: 3871

my grammar bet got in there god i almost lost tons of xp!2010-08-27 19:09:00

lbp is awespme
Posts: 657

The most disturbing quote on LBPC.

I don't think you should be disturbed...

Come back Comph! I miss you!:blush:

I'm so evil xD
2010-08-27 19:33:00

Posts: 978

Doopz it's from a thread where someone was asking how to change there age on PSN... i forget exactly though2010-08-27 20:49:00

Posts: 6419

The most disturbing quote on LBPC.

That quote was FORGED!!!
We allowed to have our own quotes? My favorite Corrupt Wishes:

Banned because my hypothesis's studies show that you did not ban for the reason of wanting to ban, but you rather banned because if you do not ban, you will get in trouble, and saying "coz I feel like it" is also code for "Because it's the rule", which is in violation of the rule 65343598579Aiii from page 598289658903260926Gvi of the lawbook of the "You're Banned!" Thread Rules, Regulations, and restrictions manual.
Don't think I don't see what you're doing.:kz:
EDIT: sniped.
Banned for sniping my hypothesis, and LBPC law also states that sniping without a fully licensed and unsilenced Barret 50 Cal. results in an immediate ban.:kz:
2010-08-28 06:37:00

Posts: 3607

deleted. don't want to get told off by mods now do we?2010-08-28 10:39:00

Posts: 1872

[Blaa blaa wall of text...]

Thanks, I was too lazy share the awesome secret...

I don't think you should be disturbed...

I'm so evil xD

How many time do I have to say, I won't add quotes unless I know where they've come from?

Doopz it's from a thread where someone was asking how to change there age on PSN... i forget exactly though

Ok, I'll search for it, thanks.

We allowed to have our own quotes? My favorite Corrupt Wishes:

Sure you are, but that was you're banned thread, not corrupt wishes.

deleted. don't want to get told off by mods now do we?

Now I'm intrigued as to what that was.


Edit: Ok, I can't find the thread with the quote:

I always put my age as high as you can make it, so as far as Sony knows i'm 105

And I definitely want to add the quote, but I want to keep everything consistent ('cause I'm weird), and don't want to add the quote without the post number.

Meaning, anyone who finds the post gets 500XP. Ok?
2010-08-28 14:35:00

Posts: 5592

How many time do I have to say, I won't add quotes unless I know where they've come from?
It came from mrsc conversation with comph...that's right, Imma stalker
2010-08-28 14:46:00

Posts: 978

Imma stalker

We already knew that...
2010-08-28 15:13:00

Posts: 3871

And I definitely want to add the quote, but I want to keep everything consistent ('cause I'm weird), and don't want to add the quote without the post number.

Meaning, anyone who finds the post gets 500XP. Ok?

500 points for meh?

2010-08-28 15:28:00

Posts: 935

500 points for meh?


Not quite, I meant where the original quote came from, not a post with the quote in.
2010-08-28 15:31:00

Posts: 5592

Not quite, I meant where the original quote came from, not a post with the quote in.

*stop dances*

*put on detective hat*
2010-08-28 15:43:00

Posts: 935

Not letting anyone else get this oppurtunity.


Haha. It auto fixed the caps lock so I have to add this. Please let sackgirl4ever post below me!
2010-08-28 15:52:00

Posts: 3607

I got one for you

If you run long enough from side to side, you pod will eventually fall down.!
Located here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=20083-Make-your-Pod-move-side-to-side&p=355710&viewfull=1#post355710

Gots another one
rtm's humanoid side
Located here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30250-post-you-troubles-with-water&p=525802&viewfull=1#post525802
2010-08-28 17:08:00

Posts: 1712

I haz one!

Checking that Skeggers stole the decoy gold, I remove the real gold from my *** ******** ****** before ******* and ***** *** ****** **** with the mongoose.
2010-08-28 17:25:00

Posts: 935

Yes, Skeggers is the most amazing person on this planet by a country mile

I might've just made that one up...
2010-08-28 17:27:00

Posts: 583

Not quite, I meant where the original quote came from, not a post with the quote in.

I was just about to give up, BUT I WIN!

i always put as old as you can make it, so as far as sony knows i'm 105

The problem with finding the source was, that somebody ad libbed the original quote for grammar and/or spelling purposes.
2010-08-28 17:31:00

Posts: 269

We need a 2007 quote.

2010-08-28 17:48:00

Posts: 3251

Why do I get the feeling that i'm going to be quoted at my own peril?2010-08-28 18:58:00

Posts: 1800

Why do I get the feeling that i'm going to be quoted at my own peril?

Because you just asked for it? Don't pretend you won't like some forum notoriety.
2010-08-28 20:24:00

Posts: 269

Why do I get the feeling that i'm going to be quoted at my own peril?

In my defense, i was pretty high,

Awkward face = no biggie
Getting high and then admitting you were high = fail

2010-08-28 20:29:00

Posts: 3251

Because you just asked for it? Don't pretend you won't like some forum notoriety.

lol. I have a feeling that Inanimacy is going to dig up some posts and put them in here.

Edit: incinerator! >:o
But that explains the awkward face.. :/
2010-08-28 20:34:00

Posts: 1800

Scary levels don't really scare me because I'm not terrified by monsters made of cardboard and sponge.
Originally found in the "Scary Levels?" thread on the Everything Else LittleBigPlanet Board

All Glory to the Skeggers
Found here:
2010-08-28 21:55:00

Posts: 583

I am drunk so I'm 100% honest right now

I'm not stalking you, I swear I'm not, but I can't help notice that you post all the time & all you seem to ever post is ****** comments over every thread every chance you get, like this somehow elevates you to some higher status than you deserve but, I've actually played your levels & they're mediocre so I have to wonder why you think you deserve to **** on everyone else.
I mean, I don't think much of a lot of people's levels/threads but & I also don't go out of my way to **** on their levels/threads, on the other hand, you do, as if you think you've ever made a level that was worthwhile rather than the forgettable **** that you make.
Why not just leave people alone? The only reason I'm messaging you this is because you're such an *******, otherwise not only wouldn't I give two ***** about you but I wouldn't be sending you this message to let you know how ****** you come across to everyone.
And just try to analyze yourself, look at your posts and see how often you go out of your way to **** on people, its not something I'm making up because you shat on me, its because you **** on pretty much everyone who you view beneath you. Even your stupid avatar is a **** you to anyone who reads it, this actually makes you look like a ****, not everyone else.

lol, its not really memorable by what he said, what really surprised me is that he could writte all that drunk!
He must have mad drunk skills to writte all that without a single grammar/ spelling mistake while drunk!

Kudos Mr. Apecheese, you've officially impressed me.
2010-08-28 22:12:00

Posts: 6707

recent but i find it quite funny

someone woke up on the beiber side of the bed this morning...
2010-08-28 22:27:00

Posts: 1872

I got a few for you
most of these are from the Ugly Mugs thread..

Don't worry, we know they're just DRAWINGS of genitalia on your forehead, not the real thing.

So why bother taking the time to type and be hypocritical when you could be picking your nose or something?

they look like sacks of potatoes hanging from meat trees.

whoa, baby, do those legs go all the way up?

I'd hit on bremnen any day <3

dont worry, i understood, even if your lust for me cannot be put into words..

@monstahr keep it going... I want to see what happens to you if you keep pushing a married Mod.l
2010-08-28 22:28:00

Posts: 1800

hahahhahaha, reading these just made my day 2010-08-29 04:46:00

Posts: 478

i slightly remember some... but, gotta go to sleep2010-08-29 07:32:00

Posts: 2468

Can't forget about this:

*wha-kahhhhh* (that's a whip crack sound, if you're wondering)

I just had to acknowledge this shocking, shocking statement.

Yes, I WAS wondering what that was, and a whip-crack sound was somewhere at the BOTTOM of the list of possibilities. I want to know from whence your whip-cracks achieved vowel status. The only acceptable use of a vowel on a bit of whip-crack onomatopoeia is the following:
Which, I think we can all agree, sounds far-fetched to say the least.

Now, I'll give the the first 'a' in "wha". It may be a stretch, but I'll give you that one.

"kahhhhh"? No. We're not going there. We're not going to do this. I'm a nice guy. I won't lie to you, I've never been more upset by anything in my life, but I'm a nice guy nonetheless, so I'm going to help you out. Try this one on for size:
Just rolls through the teeth doesn't it?

You can thank me with the "thanks" button on the bottom of my post, and I mean for all my posts, forever.
And you're welcome in advance.
2010-08-29 08:15:00

Posts: 1800

Jesus holy mackerel on toast, there's so much quotes I can't reply to all of them, but there were a lot that I couldn't put in, for some reason a load of quotes led to posts that didn't exist, not sure if the posts have been deleted or something...

Also, congratulations Melfice has won 500 xp!
2010-08-29 13:22:00

Posts: 5592

Keheheheh, you thanked me for my post where I made up that you thought I was the best person in the world.2010-08-29 14:00:00

Posts: 583

Out of context posts FTW!

... he's right, I am a Nazi.
2010-08-29 14:20:00

Posts: 1436

What about that LBP GF thread? There were lots of funny posts in there, if my memory serves me correct.2010-08-29 14:24:00

Posts: 511

I haz newz!
It's from the ''In my pants'' thread!

The funny ones on my Spotify playlist:
One More Time in my pants
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger in my pants
Smile in my pants
Ghosts 'n' Stuff in my pants
Emotion in my pants
The Prime Time Of Your Life in my pants
Just Hiss in my pants
D.A.N.C.E. in my pants (Wow, that's awesome)
Phantom in my pants
Havanna Sex Dwarf in my pants (xD)
Teenage Spaceman in my pants
Machine Gun in my pants
Split The Atom in my pants
Charlotte in my pants
Nothing Can Go Wrong in my pants
We Are Your Friends in my pants
Le Night Dominator in my pants
Borrowed Time in my pants
Thunder in my pants
Stomp Box in my pants
Rock It in my pants.

Lol, some of those are really amazing. I left out the boring ones.

2010-08-29 14:27:00

Posts: 935

I decided to put the OP quote in as well as maybe out of context it's not really appropriate for an E site...

This game is simple.

All you need to do is listen to a song and then post it here and add "In my pants" after.

I want you in my pants

EDIT: Aw... Sniped D:

2010-08-29 14:29:00

Posts: 1436

Also, congratulations Melfice has won 500 xp!

... I completely missed the part where there was a prize for finding the original message. Neat!
Not that there's any use for XP, but hey. I got 500 more! XD

Thanks, I guess?
2010-08-29 14:34:00

Posts: 269

Originally found in the "Scary Levels?" thread on the Everything Else LittleBigPlanet Board

Found here:

it was not for you Skeggers
i was watching this vid you see
so the quote can b....ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
2010-08-29 14:43:00

Unknown User

What about that LBP GF thread? There were lots of funny posts in there, if my memory serves me correct.

Indeed, I may have to quote that whole thread...

I haz newz!
It's from the ''In my pants'' thread!


That post is waaaay too long... sorry..

I decided to put the OP quote in as well as maybe out of context it's not really appropriate for an E site...

EDIT: Aw... Sniped D:


That ones fine, Moderators will remove it if they disagree, but technically it ain't too bad, he could just be saying he wants his pet ant to go into his pants and retrieve the treasure....wait...no...that sounds even more dodgy...

... I completely missed the part where there was a prize for finding the original message. Neat!
Not that there's any use for XP, but hey. I got 500 more! XD

Thanks, I guess?

If you don't want it you could give it back, I just assumed anyone who didn't want the xp would say so...

But I'm really not bothered about it, I've got everything worth buying in the shop...

Edit: Wow, there's more quotes than I ever imagined, and it's not even been that long... :kz:
2010-08-29 14:56:00

Posts: 5592

I think im scare of comphermc now for to resound :eek:

I was just farting

Come back Comph! I miss you!

*walking away every slowly*
2010-08-29 15:15:00

Posts: 1843

*walking away every slowly*

If I would've been you I'd run. FAST.
2010-08-29 15:16:00

Posts: 3871

If I would've been you I'd run. FAST.

*Running very fast now lol*
2010-08-29 15:36:00

Posts: 1843

Keep on topic, please. 2010-08-29 15:39:00

Posts: 5592

IM A MAN!!!!!!l

2010-08-29 15:45:00

Posts: 935

And it's true.2010-08-29 15:47:00

Posts: 1562

How can i change my age on PSN, if it's even possible?

Spread some butter in your hair, hold a cucumber in your mouth, spin around 16 times anticlockwise while humming My Patch, then wait a year or so and check your age and it will have changed. Repeat annually until your account shows the desired age.

^^ this. It's a win for sarcastic posting.
2010-08-29 15:50:00

Posts: 1436

Man I thought you meant in real life.Yes, and the thread for "Seriously Cheating the Thermo" is for those hot summer days.

Blast, I thought you were talking about roket-proppeled grenades

im so dissappointed, the only reason im not happy with Mm or Sony......WHERE IS MY FFVII PACK YOU JERKS!?!?! :'( *sniff*

HAhahahaha ARgh!

'glitch' and 'bombs'

These are hilarious!

Last edited by RockSauron; 4 Hours Ago at 05:00 AM.

How come every picture of comphermc looks like he's plotting something evil?

https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23884-The-Worlds-First-learning-AI-Out-Now!&p=496450&#post496450 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23884-The-Worlds-First-learning-AI-Out-Now%21&p=496450&#post496450)
Just cut out the funny parts!
2010-08-29 21:48:00

Posts: 4193



EDIT: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=18964-RPG-Maker&p=336556#post336556

EDIT: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=13522-The-Signature-Exchange&p=457695&viewfull=1#post457695
Just cut out the funny part.

EDIT: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23884-The-Worlds-First-learning-AI-Out-Now!&p=496450&#post496450 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23884-The-Worlds-First-learning-AI-Out-Now%21&p=496450&#post496450)

Ok, first two are only funny if you can actually see the thread, I'm not copying the whole thread into one post.

The third I can do.

The fourth, could you pick out the best part of the conversation? I can't put that whole post in there...
2010-08-29 22:13:00

Posts: 5592

I edited my previous post, as for the cleverbot:

User: *flies away with jet pack*.

Cleverbot: Awesome!

User: Ya you wanna try?

Cleverbot: I prefer the jungle gym.
2010-08-29 22:19:00

Posts: 4193

Check my sig.

( I can't take it seriously! So... many... grammar errors! )
2010-08-29 22:24:00

Posts: 5551

@Warlord: Ok, so, replying to each quote individually in order, so number 1 is replying to the first quote in your post etc..

1. It still doesn't work without the thread title.

2. See above.

3. Yeah I'll add that.

4. I'll add that too.

5. I don't quite get that one, just because Spaff posted does that automatically make it funny?

6. Yush, that's gewd.

7. Yep, but I'm going to resize the picture first, it's a bit large.

I edited my previous post, as for the cleverbot:

Okay, I shall add that, see above for replies to your now edited post.

Check my sig.

( I can't take it seriously! So... many... grammar errors! )

Sorry if I'm not getting something here, but why is that quote so amazing?
2010-08-29 22:35:00

Posts: 5592

I was looking for the first Meet the Staff thread and I found this:
https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=5263-You-guys-aughta....&p=81894&viewfull=1#post81894 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/../showthread.php?5263-You-guys-aughta....&p=81894&viewfull=1#post81894)

Ugh, the link won't work for any reason, but just go to this link and go to the last thread listed, then read post 8.
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/search.php?searchid=344194&pp=&page=2 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/../search.php?searchid=344194&pp=&page=2)

Wait, not even that will work.
Just seach "Meet the Staff", go to the last page, go to the thread listed on the bottom, and find post #8 by ConfusedCartman.
2010-08-30 02:05:00

Posts: 4193

Here's a great one I found.

The cake was not a lie, the companion cube just wouldn't share.

Here's the link to where I found it.

2010-08-30 02:31:00

Posts: 5208


Here, use this one, I edited it so rocket isn't misspelled

Blast, I thought you were talking about rocket-proppeled grenades
2010-08-30 02:46:00

Posts: 3251

THis thread seems scrumpcious...anybody haz puddin?2010-08-30 03:02:00

Posts: 170

Chinese food because it makes me fart really bad.
that is so worth posting here xD
2010-08-30 20:10:00

Posts: 978

uhh i believe that this one is pretty awesome

I throw in the board game Monopoly.

I go directly to jail.

its 2 that just go together though, also there was this hilarious one about Bob sagat from the finish that sentance thread but i can't find it, can someoone help me look?
2010-08-31 05:11:00

Posts: 2135

Sorry if I'm not getting something here, but why is that quote so amazing?

Tis be an inside joke.

lbp is awespme has bad grammar, so when Sketch tried to cheer him up (read thread) he kind of ruined the lesson with his grammar fail. Besides, it's more of a words than wisdom than funny.
2010-08-31 11:48:00

Posts: 5551

Tis be an inside joke.

lbp is awespme has bad grammar, so when Sketch tried to cheer him up (read thread) he kind of ruined the lesson with his grammar fail.

I can see that already, lbp is awespme...

But I'll keep that one out because it's likely only the PSP people will understand that one, and let's be honest, the PSP people hardly come here...
2010-08-31 11:52:00

Posts: 5592

This one is from way back in... 2009

ive ordered 5 "LBPCentral Classic Thongs".
2010-08-31 15:08:00

Posts: 1653

From RockSauron in the LBP GF's thread;

I'll be your girlfriend. <3
Link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s&p=521281&viewfull=1#post521281)

From Syroc in the LBP GF's thread;

Heart for heart?
Link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s&p=521368&viewfull=1#post521368)

From wexfordian in the LBP GF's thread;

What the.. wait... whats going on? I'm so lost?

*backs out the door slowly*
Link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s&p=521358&viewfull=1#post521358)

From trip090 in the LBP GF's thread;

I'll be your girlfriend. <3
That's a pretty good offer. If I were you, I'd take Rock up on that.
Link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s&p=521349&viewfull=1#post521349)

From monstahr in the LBP GF's thread;

disregard females, acquire currency
Link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s&p=521547&viewfull=1#post521547)

From RockSauron in the LBP GF's thread;

I currently have 3 boyfriends on LBP. Each one is under 13.

they all think I'm some 18 year old model from Estonia.

Yeah. It's like that.
Link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s&p=521631&viewfull=1#post521631)

From AgentBanana in the LBP GF's thread;

If you want a girlfriend, then here's what you do:

- If you're out walking randomly and see a pretty girl you like, you tail her untill she drops her ticket/bag/possesion.
- Now, you 'dive' for the object and catch it and give it back to her. This involves alot of training. Many people train 3 hours daily.
- After you give it back to her, you wait exactly 6 days until you can see her again. Not 7 days, or she'll think it is too familiar.
- If you meet her in a restaurant, order a double expresso. It's for manliness. Next, show how kind and funny you are by complimenting people and telling a joke.
- She will think it's 'fate' that she met you here and when she dropped her possesion. By now she will be totally infatuated with you.

- However, if there is a 'love rival' invovled, you must dispatch of him. Kidnapping works best.
- After you dealt with him. Invite her to the beach where you will arrive on top of a white stallion and present her a flower from the summit of mount everest.
- Then you ride into the sunset..

And there you have it. Works like a charm.
Link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s&p=521838&viewfull=1#post521838)

From Richasackboy in the LBP GF's thread;

Make sure you practice safe, Sacks.
Link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s&p=528875&viewfull=1#post528875)

Ugh, just go to the entire thread and look at it. xD HEre's the link to the sheer awesomeness;
Teh awesomenes lives here. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30051-LBP-GF-s)

Love you guys,
Perverted and weird <3
2010-08-31 16:03:00

Posts: 619

From: "The Boys Only Club" thread:

Sausage Fest! Sign me Up!


EDIT: Also, this one from: "Girls Only Club":

Can I join now? I'm a girl.

2010-08-31 19:32:00

Posts: 5891

I have noticed none of my quotes are in this archive. This makes me mad.
RockSauron mad :kz:
2010-09-01 01:06:00

Posts: 3262

If only you could see some of our Skype conversations! from way back when I was in sackcast up till the present day. Never mind I guess. They can stay private for now as they say in shermzors tea. (I wonder if any of the sackcast members/ARD will remember the reference...)

Right then. I feel it is my duty as an old member to find som old quotes. Unfortunately the archives of old threads got deleted. I lost a lot of posts from that! I will see how far back I can find stuff.
2010-09-01 02:05:00

Posts: 2914

They should make this pun illegal. :/

At childbirth class the other night, the instructor was telling a story about how she was born in an elevator. After the story, a guy in my class said, "Well, at least you were on your way up!"

There was silence for a few seconds and then his wife said, "That was awful." Yes, yes it was.
2010-09-01 02:15:00

Posts: 5551

i haz one in my sig 2010-09-01 06:09:00

Posts: 775

sounds like a lot of fun! Unfortunately, i won't be there, but can someone please give compher a big kiss from me?

2010-09-01 15:02:00

Posts: 3871


****! You beat me to it. :kz:
2010-09-01 21:45:00

Posts: 5551

The most disturbing quote on LBPC.

Oh, really? How 'bout this?

I was trying to give comphy a kiss but he moved and my lips ended up on jack's piston
2010-09-01 22:29:00

Posts: 2870

I was trying to give comphy a kiss but he moved and my lips ended up on jack's piston
2010-09-01 22:32:00

Posts: 5891

I laughed out pretty dang loud at the one RockSauron edited to say "These are hilarious!"

RockSauron truly is the Chuck Norris of LBPC!
2010-09-02 00:04:00

Posts: 2105

Whoa, thread got stickied! 2010-09-02 00:11:00

Posts: 5891

Conversation between
Inanimacy - fggt
Sackgirl4ever - lia

about the Crotchet japanese teaser site

2010-09-02 00:34:00

Unknown User

Whoa, thread got stickied!

Yep, noticed last night, all it means is now this won't ever die and I can't give up on this thread any more.

Conversation between
Inanimacy - fggt
Sackgirl4ever - lia

about the Crotchet japanese teaser site


Lol, but quotes directly from LBPC only.
2010-09-02 10:59:00

Posts: 5592

I know this is going against what you just said but it's funneh


Facebook chat between me & Coxy, about the 'I am a lesbian' thing.
2010-09-02 12:03:00

Posts: 4291

Doopz is special.

*hides *
2010-09-02 22:12:00

Posts: 3871

How did you do that so fast?! O_o2010-09-02 22:14:00

Posts: 1562

How did you do that so fast?! O_o

I ar also specul

2010-09-02 22:16:00

Posts: 3871

I ar also specul

Aha! Jokes on you! I added that quote too.
2010-09-02 22:24:00

Posts: 5592

I added that quote too.

2010-09-02 22:26:00

Posts: 3871

Ghandi walked a lot, so he had big callouses on his feet. He was also very frail due to his vegetarian diet which also, coincidentally gave him bad breath.

You could say he was a Super Calloused Fragile Mystic, Hexed With Halitosis.

The local newspaper held a pun contest, so I submitted ten puns, hoping one would win. Unfortunately, no pun-in-ten-did.

2010-09-02 22:59:00

Posts: 1703

I got a new one:

And a polite message eh? How about..

Btw, did you know that you can press the blue button next to poster's name to go to the thread?
2010-09-02 23:51:00

Posts: 5891

I got a new one:

Btw, did you know that you can press the blue button next to poster's name to go to the thread?

I love you 2 <3
2010-09-03 02:30:00

Posts: 3262

darnit! this is growing quick...and now to help

...I'm more moody than a 25 year-old pregnant woman!

...you should've seen me when i lost a few saved items thru the data transfer...it was like a mixture of your mood, and Rocksaurons evilness... it was a lot like being cheney for a few minutes. O_o
2010-09-03 02:52:00

Posts: 2468

I'm a great custom costume maker, I could whip up some awesome custom stickers or something, I'm just itching for the oppurtunity to make a great costume

You're hired!

Wait! I didn't even talk about my awesome resume! Wait, am I being punked?

No you're not! I'm just popping it out there!

So, the resume?

Well, I defended an African tribe from killer ants with a bucket of sand, I have stopped a dike from collapsing with a packet of gum and some major chewing, I once saved a man from choking by karating-kicking his stomach till he coughed up his food, I have survived in the desert for a week with a 6 pack of red-bull and a lemon. I once had to stitch myself up with yarn and some earwax. I am also a master of fighting without fighting. Am I hired?

*says in shrill frightened voice*


Well then! I better get cracking!
These messages can be found at this page (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/converse.php?u=8305&u2=6246&page=4)

It rocked your socks didn't it?
2010-09-03 03:31:00

Posts: 771


Read upward. It's pretty much the origin of my evilness.

And btw, when he says "Glad you're staying", that's cause I had just gotten over my emo phase... /cough

Anywho, yeah, the first two messages at the bottom are the origin of my evil. It deserves respect.
2010-09-03 03:40:00

Posts: 10882

*kneels to the peanut lord*

now to eat some cashews...
2010-09-03 03:59:00

Posts: 2468

Huh? What? What am I doing? Why am I here? Why is this thread here? why do I have a rash? Is that a gummy bear?

this one is aight
2010-09-03 05:35:00

Posts: 2135

Don't like it, eat my peanut. It's VERY evil.

2010-09-04 05:48:00

Posts: 6707

What are you people smoking??

My Magical Mushrooms

So give 'em Back!

By the look of these posts I think its time you passed that around..
2010-09-04 09:04:00

Posts: 3871

oh , when i read the thread title I thought you were talking about real cookies. why am I so mad all of a sudden? I feel like I gotta punch something....

I said it, but, still, does it qualify?

EDIT: finally found that bob sagget one, its from 2009 btw

There once was a boy named bob, who...

's... last name was Sagget...Yeaaahh...kewl guy. lol jk, he fails at life
2010-09-05 05:43:00

Posts: 2135

I said it, but, still, does it qualify?

EDIT: finally found that bob sagget one, its from 2009 btw

1st one is only funny if you know what the thread title is, 2nd I don't get, sorry.

Thanks anyway, though.
2010-09-05 14:03:00

Posts: 5592

Conversation between
Inanimacy - fggt
Sackgirl4ever - lia

about the Crotchet japanese teaser site


Rule 1
Do Not talk about the LBPC MSn Chat outside The LBPC Msn Chat
2010-09-05 16:39:00

Unknown User

Black! it blends with every color!
l also like bananas and green apples and...wait a sec...this is not the food thread *runs away*

Maybe I should compensate for the bad quote then, how bout this? its a funny quote, but its funnier if u read the whole page.
2010-09-05 17:07:00

Posts: 2135

I agree totaly2010-09-05 19:00:00

Unknown User

Best sarcasm use... ever....

funny thats fake obviously!

Oh ho ho, nothing gets past you you sharp crayon you!
2010-09-05 21:42:00

Posts: 5551

Updated OP with a new logo:


I'm quite pleased with the result actually.
2010-09-05 22:10:00

Posts: 5592

Updated OP with a new logo:


I'm quite pleased with the result actually.

Sexy enough.
2010-09-05 22:15:00

Posts: 5891

I wish we had the transcript of our group chat we had when making our marriage thread doopz

That would be great to show people.
2010-09-05 22:26:00

Posts: 2662

I wish we had the transcript of our group chat we had when making our marriage thread doopz

That would be great to show people.

Someone might have that...you just have to look for it in history
2010-09-06 00:29:00

Posts: 978

lolol - this ones great

What about peanut butter? Any chance you got walnuts?

FYI... Me and walnuts... have this... feud, shall we say.

Any lover of walnuts, hence...

Is a traitor in the eyes of RAWK.

2010-09-06 01:08:00

Posts: 2135

I prayed to the flying spaghetti monster flying in space to get me some recognition on this thread. He has granted my wish <3. Dang, now I can't eat spaghetti :c2010-09-06 01:16:00

Unknown User

Can you still eat meatballs? if you can't I'd just kill myself right now.2010-09-06 01:35:00

Posts: 2135

Lemme check.

He said it's ok, but, when I pray, it'll take a longer time for them to get thru to him.
2010-09-06 01:37:00

Unknown User

New one just up by RockSauron XD

Starting price is ten peanuts for your eternal soul. Willing to bargain.
2010-09-06 01:56:00

Posts: 2105

Rock is probably the most quote-able person on these forums. 2010-09-06 11:36:00

Posts: 5551


He tries very hard to be quotable c: he's so nutty.
2010-09-06 17:19:00

Unknown User

Best quote ever: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=35084-Lbp-2-beta!!!&p=609154&viewfull=1#post6091542010-09-07 22:30:00

Posts: 3251

Best quote ever: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=35084-Lbp-2-beta!!!&p=609154&viewfull=1#post609154

Wow, that really is an amazing quote.

In case you hadn't noticed, that was sarcasm.
2010-09-07 22:32:00

Posts: 5592

Wow, that really is an amazing quote.

At least use the OP quote
2010-09-07 22:33:00

Posts: 3251

Rock is probably the most quote-able person on these forums.

I've got a new one! :kz:
2010-09-07 22:47:00

Posts: 10882

and anyway i would bet in real life i am way cooler that you

And in other news, a recent post has earned a LBPC member the coveted 'Most-Trollable' award...
2010-09-07 22:58:00

Posts: 1702

Man, you really love picking on awespme don't you B3?2010-09-07 23:00:00

Posts: 1703

Did they just post in general chat?

2010-09-07 23:02:00

Posts: 3251

Did they just post in general chat?

2010-09-07 23:04:00

Posts: 5891

Man you better not be talking about me. I get around! 2010-09-07 23:07:00

Posts: 1703

*raises hands*
Fine, fine!
2010-09-07 23:09:00

Posts: 5891



2010-09-07 23:09:00

Unknown User

And in other news, a recent post has earned a LBPC member the coveted 'Most-Trollable' award...

You insult someone and call them a troll when you insult them back?

I think it would be cool idea to make a level that is about LBPCentral and asking people to come check out the website.

In the level we could talk about the website and who's on the website like tsr13 and AmazingFlyingPoo this is just two of the most known creators on lbp psp.

We could also tell them to post there levels on the site to get more plays on them or chat to your fave creators or ask ace creator some questions about lbp.

Just a few ideas.

What do you guys think?

I'm frankly quite scared that we'll get more Awpsomes.

There's something wrong with your head, B3.
2010-09-07 23:10:00

Posts: 3251

All right, I forgot to put an "A" in the end!

Tem turista visitando esse lugar!
2010-09-07 23:11:00

Posts: 5891

Please keep on topic.

I've decided not to include B3's quote because it's pretty mean to pick on someone constantly like that, if I'm not mistaken Awspme has had a few quotes in there already, we don't want this turning into "LBPC's Awspme Quotes Archive!" now do we?

2010-09-07 23:18:00

Posts: 5592

Please keep on topic.

I've decided not to include B3's quote because it's pretty mean to pick on someone constantly like that, if I'm not mistaken Awspme has had a few quotes in there already, we don't want this turning into "LBPC's Awspme Quotes Archive!" now do we?

But I already have a few in there D:

Then again, I AM the "awesome" in the title, so :/
2010-09-07 23:19:00

Posts: 10882

Anyone remember this:

my thrupnies!!
2010-09-07 23:27:00

Posts: 6497

My money's on Cubbage! 2010-09-07 23:34:00

Posts: 1057

What even is thrunpies? I Googled it but only got 1 result... xD2010-09-07 23:35:00

Posts: 5592

What even is thrunpies? I Googled it but only got 1 result... xD

*Grabs popcorn*
2010-09-07 23:37:00

Posts: 5338

I'm surprised you didn't get two! Ha ha!2010-09-07 23:37:00

Posts: 1057

"Thrupny bits" - a three penny piece back in days of yore.

Orrrr, something else that rhymes with "thrupny bits"
2010-09-07 23:38:00

Posts: 6497

Aww... well, how about this one? D:

lol this webste never fails toamuse me

FYI, I'm not really picking on him. He's constantly doing noobish things, and I correct him, tis all.
2010-09-07 23:39:00

Posts: 1702

FYI, I'm not really picking on him. He's constantly doing noobish things, and I correct him, tis all.

You're picking on a user for no reason other than to amuse yourself.

Besides, the kinds of quotes that this thread wants are mainly jokes.
2010-09-07 23:43:00

Posts: 3251

What even is thrunpies? I Googled it but only got 1 result... xD

Maybe try using the urban dictionary.
I'm only guessing but it means breasts right? Or a common variation That was first impression anyway. sure hope I'm right D:
2010-09-07 23:53:00

Posts: 2431

Aww... well, how about this one? D:

FYI, I'm not really picking on him. He's constantly doing noobish things, and I correct him, tis all.

If its just correcting then I want to put this up

Actually, I said offended for idfk reason. What I really meant was I'm a little, annoyed, by your attitude toward things. Yes we all have sh**tastic attitudes sometimes but you don't have to publicly announce your opinions on another person, that A Hole of the week sorta makes you look like a bigger A Hole :/ and most of the times, people get to name calling when they've been proven wrong or knocked off their high and mighty throne. And yes Alex can be a little rude at times, but he's a really smart person that just knows how to get in trouble by saying things that may offend people. Anyway that's my input/comment on your signature. Thank you have a nice day.

I was correcting your horrid attitude.
2010-09-07 23:53:00

Unknown User

I've got a new one! :kz:

Oh out of context, you never cease to amuse me.

(Wait...is the quote epic, or simply amusing? )
2010-09-07 23:55:00

Posts: 6707

If its just correcting then I want to put this up

I was correcting your horrid attitude.

**** you, i'm NEVER rude.


Love ya really Inan. <3
2010-09-08 00:01:00

Unknown User

@Alex, wait what happened? D:

that was for B3, silly I would never call you rude <3

phew, dodged a bullet there
2010-09-08 00:07:00

Unknown User

And yes Alex can be a little rude at times, but he's a really smart person that just knows how to get in trouble by saying things that may offend people.

I'm hurt. Really, deeply hurt. :'(
2010-09-08 00:15:00

Unknown User

I'm hurt. Really, deeply hurt. :'(

Its another alex i swear! C'mon baby i wouldnt say that about you! <3<3<3

2010-09-08 00:16:00

Unknown User

Oh out of context, you never cease to amuse me.

(Wait...is the quote epic, or simply amusing? )

The quote is epic cause it pertains to me.

Actually, everything that pertains to me in my history here should probably go on that :/
2010-09-08 00:16:00

Posts: 10882

that was for B3, ---

phew, dodged a bullet there

Pun intended?
2010-09-08 00:59:00

Posts: 1702

Pun intended?

touch?. No not intended
2010-09-08 01:01:00

Unknown User

i wish my "Don't rock the boat" was there.... 2010-09-08 01:05:00

Posts: 1569

Don't rock the boat

Now it is!
2010-09-08 01:07:00

Posts: 5551

Now it is!

i meant the one in my sig
2010-09-08 01:22:00

Posts: 1569

Im so frustrated right now.. if i had any hair left..
Its gone now...
And this one by monstahrs which I think is worthy to be one of the most epic quotes ever!

My thoughts during yesterday's calculus exam:
I want to open a sink store, and hold a special "Sinko de Mayo" sale on every May fifth. Is this not the best idea ever?? 5 free tacos with every sink you purchase! For every 5 sinks you buy, one comes with a sombrero! This is my dream!

Unfotunately, I did not think much about calculus.
2010-09-08 02:56:00

Posts: 771

Omg lol that is the best quote evar xd2010-09-08 03:01:00

Unknown User

Well that makes sense, guess I am normal.
*rides off into the sunset on a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater*

I lol'd
2010-09-08 13:12:00

Posts: 3871

Well that makes sense, guess I am normal.
*rides off into the sunset on a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater*
I lol'd

I swear the amount of funny I produce is directly proportional to the lack of sleep I have.
2010-09-08 13:19:00

Posts: 2431

I got a visitor message LMAO!
SteveBigGuns - 2 Minutes Ago 01:24 PM
Im a funky fun guy. ill funky funk everyone !!!
2010-09-08 13:28:00

Posts: 1969

I got a visitor message LMAO!

SteveBigGuns - 2 Minutes Ago 01:24 PM
Im a funky fun guy. ill funky funk everyone !!

What the funk!?
2010-09-08 13:30:00

Posts: 2431

What the funk!?

See this for more details LOL
2010-09-08 13:38:00

Posts: 1969

The word "funky" have been stalking me in almost every thread I read today 2010-09-08 13:40:00

Posts: 3871

This one:

In case you cannot see, they are both smiling like they lost their virginity.
2010-09-08 17:59:00

Posts: 5891

This ones are great:3

Banned for doing with doopz the same thing I did with keanster!

Banned for doing something with me D:
2010-09-08 20:18:00

Posts: 978

I wondered what that panda was doing in my crevice

Great when out of context.
2010-09-09 22:22:00

Posts: 1702

Killian's quote in my sig, of course. I can't give you the quote, but I can give you the post link; https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=8678-Spam-Can-IV&p=153854&viewfull=1#post1538542010-09-09 22:32:00

Posts: 2046

Sorry, guys, won't be updating the OP for a while, I'll try to find time, but I can't guarantee anything, sorry.2010-09-09 22:41:00

Posts: 5592

I've posted this somewhere before, but...

Girls require time and money
Girls = time x money

As we know "Time is Money"
Girls = money x money
Girls = money?

And because "Money is the root of all evil"
Girls = √money? x evil

We must therefore include that
Girls = evil.

I rest my case.

From https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=35291-Un-needed-Math&p=613517
2010-09-09 23:06:00

Posts: 1518

Wouldn't end up as evil^2 ?2010-09-09 23:13:00

Posts: 2431

This remembers me of the paradox my best friend at school reached one day:
1 = 1/1 (incase you don't know, these are fractions)
1/1 : 3 = 1/3
1/3 = 0,333... (infinite)
1/3 x 3 = 1
0,333... x 3 = 0,999...
So: 0,999... = 1

EDIT: Damm! Can't believe I posted this on the wrong thread! Someone hit me with a big hammer!
2010-09-09 23:16:00

Posts: 5891

This remembers me of the paradox my best friend at school reached one day:
1 = 1/1 (incase you don't know, these are fractions)
1/1 : 3 = 1/3
1/3 = 0,333... (infinite)
1/3 x 3 = 1
0,333... x 3 = 0,999...
So: 0,999... = 1

EDIT: Damm! Can't believe I posted this on the wrong thread! Someone hit me with a big hammer!

lololol *hits with hammer*
2010-09-09 23:24:00

Posts: 1800

*hits gdn with big hammer*

... You ok?

... Gdn??


EDIT: Sniped! Oh well, I guess we both have to hit him...
2010-09-09 23:25:00

Posts: 1436

Or imagine how dangerous it would be to build a REAL rocket cheetah.... Cheetah's get REALLY ornery when you shove a rocket up their.... umm....

How hilarious is this?^
2010-09-10 22:43:00

Posts: 771

from the chat

UltimateClay says:

Ben says:
-Like the song

Ronald says:

i loled
2010-09-10 22:48:00

Unknown User

I'd be funny if this comment got in the 'Awesome Quotes of LBPC'.2010-09-11 15:08:00

Posts: 511

I'd be funny if this comment got in the 'Awesome Quotes of LBPC'.
I got a new one!

Had to be done...
2010-09-11 15:14:00

Posts: 6707

Ah. My desperate attempt at fame has failed.2010-09-11 15:30:00

Posts: 511

Next time you see a pigeon, steal it's muffin. dats from the off topic group2010-09-11 18:01:00

Posts: 978

Good times... Good times here at MNRCentral.

Wait wut?
2010-09-11 22:44:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I just nearly died laughing.XD
Btw: How do you get these quotes on to your sig? Sorry, I am a n00b at heart...
2010-09-12 10:20:00

Posts: 1316

I just nearly died laughing.XD
Btw: How do you get these quotes on to your sig? Sorry, I am a n00b at heart...

If you click the 'Reply with Quote' button on someone's post you can then just copy the text that automatically appears straight into your sig. Unless you can't use that BB code yet but I'm pretty sure anyone can.
2010-09-12 10:25:00

Posts: 2431

heres one from whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale

Whale. All of you pronouncing it with an excessive amount of A's don't know how to read.

Don't think it has been said yet.
Oh I remember that quote well, ironically in one of doopz' threads XD
2010-09-12 10:28:00

Posts: 2662

this is, kinda funny

Rule 8 - The censoring system was coded by an albino platypus on a 386 with half the keyboard missing.

it gave me a quick laugh
2010-09-12 12:27:00

Posts: 488

CS Rant, I'm a VM stalker.


I demand to know who the hell you are and what sorcery you have played with my computer!

I have never ran paths with you, yet a few minutes ago I was posting an image in one of the General Chat threads. But when I finished, the end product was your avatar! Never have I visited your profile until now, and I have yet to meet you formally. So unless you tell me how you got your silly little picture on my post, I'm declaring that you are in fact a witch! :kz:
2010-09-12 19:36:00

Posts: 1703

ARD, here's a quote you once had in your sig:

It looks like a jellyfish having intercourse with an albino tree stump
Located here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=9784-Rate-the-Avatar-above-you.&p=329461&highlight=intercourse#post329461
2010-09-12 19:52:00

Posts: 1712

CS Rant, I'm a VM stalker.

Wow... I expected that from B3!

Oh, and it wasn't much of a rant at all. It was a joke about how her avatar ended up on my post for no reason. Hehe.


Man, how did she get it on there?
2010-09-12 22:49:00

Posts: 5551

Yes, cause calling someone a demonic figure who can cast curses upon thousands of people should always be considered a joke.2010-09-12 22:50:00

Posts: 1703

Yes, cause calling someone a demonic figure who can cast curses upon thousands of people should always be considered a joke.

Did you not see the white text I left at the bottom of the post? I told her I was just joking. Her response didn't seem to be an offended one, so I take it she understood it.

Or am I missing something here?
2010-09-12 22:59:00

Posts: 5551

Did you not see the white text I left at the bottom of the post? I told her I was just joking. Her response didn't seem to be an offended one, so I take it she understood it.

Or am I missing something here?

Nah, you're not missing something, it's just not everyday I can be sarcastic about witchcraft.

People around me don't call each other witches. They usually replace it with a B.
2010-09-12 23:15:00

Posts: 1703

Nah, you're not missing something, it's just not everyday I can be sarcastic about witchcraft.

People around me don't call each other witches. They usually replace it with a B.

B... b....

2010-09-12 23:19:00

Posts: 5551

This thread is about as confusing as Lady GaGa's gender D:

10 characters.
2010-09-12 23:28:00

Posts: 1702

Well, I have a lot of quotes to catch up on, this should keep me entertained for a few hours Spaffs.
Note to self: You got to page 11.
2010-09-12 23:30:00

Posts: 5592

Where is my quote?

My Quote:

When people say that they hate video games, that is because they've never played Little Big Planet before.

Oh yeah, because it isn't perverted.
2010-09-12 23:33:00

Posts: 2333

A small conversation I had with gdn001.

Do I get a cookie now? No.
2010-09-12 23:33:00

Posts: 5551

^You should probably include the Spaffified version too, but I guess it'd take too much space.

Anyways, from the One Word Modifier thread.

I have a hockey puck in my camel.
2010-09-13 00:29:00

Posts: 1703

^You should probably include the Spaffified version too, but I guess it'd take too much space.

I was originally going to, but in did in fact take up too much space. Sorry.
2010-09-13 01:06:00

Posts: 5551

LOL, all of these are hilarious... except...


Nah, just kidding. Nothing I say is clever enough anyway... ... ...hmmm...

Okay, okay I got one!

What did the train say to the octopus?!

I don't know, what?

I'm glad you asked! The answer is..!!!

The Train said "TOOT TOOT!"

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL- wait... that wasn't the least bit funny...

You're trying too hard...

2010-09-13 02:52:00

Posts: 2068

Ah, another "Sage Talking to Himself" moment. 2010-09-13 15:29:00

Posts: 5551

I have one

LOL, all of these are hilarious... except...


Nah, just kidding. Nothing I say is clever enough anyway... ... ...hmmm...

Okay, okay I got one!

What did the train say to the octopus?!

I don't know, what?

I'm glad you asked! The answer is..!!!

The Train said "TOOT TOOT!"

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL- wait... that wasn't the least bit funny...

You're trying too hard...

2010-09-13 18:46:00

Posts: 2662

I think it would be more ironic if you asked to put this:

Ah, another "Sage Talking to Himself" moment.
2010-09-13 22:59:00

Posts: 5891

Ok, I've finally caught up and the OP is now up-to-date with 97 quotes!

Let's make this 100!
2010-09-13 23:21:00

Posts: 5592

Carlos the piss3d Of Puerto Rican

I thought it was random as hell xD
2010-09-13 23:24:00

Unknown User

It was about 3 inches from taking off my head and i thought it was the funniest thing in the world. :/ *runs*................
EDIT: here's a brand new one (bremnen is an unlimited scource of awesome quotes)

guess that explains my collection of brains..
2010-09-13 23:33:00

Posts: 1403

I thought you had black hair

Theres a thing called Dying Your Hair. Its pretty badass

I know I'm not THAT stupid

Then why did you ask

I never asked, I said:
I thought your hair was black

I believe that's not a question

I never asked, I said:
I thought your hair was black

I believe that's not a question

Actually, what you said was:
I thought you had black hair

Indeed, "I thought you had black hair" is in fact a statement, but adding something like "" does not a period make.

Of course being shocked,or in awe, doesn't mean much at first glance but taken at a bit more than face value can alter the entire meaning of your sentence. In this case, you didn't put any punctuations after the word hair, which leads to an open-to-interpretation grammatical situation. Since you placed "" so precariously at the end of your statement, you add the element of surprise from your perspective. Surprise,more or less, is(arguably) near-equivalent to questioning since that is the first psychological response to surprise. Meaning, you were questioning the fact that his hair was not black, when you so thought it was.

To put your statement into the most probable 'Proper' grammatical format, it would need to be somewhere along the lines of:

Don't you have black hair?

or in popular internet slang:

wha?? i thawt u haz blak hairz??

But then again, its all relative to the way you were surprised(shock,anger,happiness,etc).


I think alec tried to put this in here but accidently put it in the Ugly Mugs thread, so i'll put it for him xD
I feel narcissistic by quoting myself though
I put the conversation in there before my little rant just so it would be understandable.
2010-09-14 00:05:00

Posts: 1800

That conversation was pretty hilarious when me and Hybrid said Touche lmao2010-09-14 00:08:00

Unknown User

I think alec tried to put this in here but accidently put it in the Ugly Mugs thread, so i'll put it for him xD
I feel narcissistic by quoting myself though
I put the conversation in there before my little rant just so it would be understandable.

We should get an award for that xD
2010-09-14 01:03:00

Posts: 978

Did no one read the monstar quote it posted earlier? Was it not epic enough? Are you sure?!2010-09-14 03:42:00

Posts: 771

I think alec tried to put this in here but accidently put it in the Ugly Mugs thread, so i'll put it for him xD
I feel narcissistic by quoting myself though
I put the conversation in there before my little rant just so it would be understandable.

Sowee, that's way too long.
2010-09-14 18:53:00

Posts: 5592

Sowee, that's way too long.

That's why we got spoilers, use them
2010-09-14 18:55:00

Posts: 3871

A spoiler inside a spoiler!? GENIUS!

Hmm, I suppose I shouldn't really be too suprised, but the only quote of me in here is one where I'm owning up to being a Nazi. Doesn't set a good impression, does it? D:
2010-09-14 19:01:00

Posts: 583

That's why we got spoilers, use them

That would ruin the whole look with random spoilers everywhere, and I don't wanna do that, I'm weird like that.
2010-09-14 19:11:00

Posts: 5592

LBPC's Awesome One-liner archive then? x32010-09-14 19:20:00

Posts: 583

You should add in the quotes in my sig

I wish there was a sig edit history thing like there is with posts, so I could post all the quotes that used to be in my sig here, there were some epic ones then.
2010-09-14 19:25:00

Posts: 4291

I don't wanna do that, I'm weird like that.

Aww, I thought this was LBPC's awesome quote archive, not Doopz awesome quote archive. oh well.
2010-09-14 19:37:00

Posts: 3871

Can I just say AAAARRRRDDDD Loving the new name XD

its sad though, lets have a montage of all the ARD times

and for the really upbeat happy times!

2010-09-14 19:54:00

Posts: 2662

Aww, I thought this was LBPC's awesome quote archive

Naww, sorry you got the wrong thread.
2010-09-14 19:55:00

Posts: 5592

Can I just say AAAARRRRDDDD Loving the new name XD

its sad though, lets have a montage of all the ARD times

Montage time:

AAARRRRD me harty's. Oh sorry.. just practicing.

Let's get this pARDy started?

I hope to someday make it into ARDs "Quotes of Approval"... and when I do I will be king of the world!!!

I made it in there once.... but now it's gone. Seeing those dizzying heights of glory just means that the world is a duller place when you come back down

Oh come on!!!!!! That was a perfect quote!!! Right thats it! Im outta here! No more LBP for me. I just cant take it anymore... If I can't have the Glorious notoriety that ARDs sig provides well then theres just no point to anything anymore.

Aaargh, now I am going to look at everything you write as an attempt to get into Ard's sig.

Zwollie.... I ARDly think thats apropriate do you? I mean you can't just tear apARD every llittle thing I say searching for something that isn't there. I mean, apARD from the fact I ARDly know him, I don't think you will find a shARD of evidence to support your theory.

K, montage over, move along.

EDIT: aaand just just in from Fender on my profle

II find it ARRRRRDDD not to notice your name now lol
2010-09-14 20:07:00

Posts: 4291


ARD Says

Hybrid says
dont know im only here cause they send me

ARD says

Lol...love you man

Hybrid says
Google loves you Too

ARD says
2010-09-14 20:55:00

Unknown User

This is totally off topic but I remember I was in your sig once XD Can't remember what the quote was

edit: come to think of it that isn't off topic Mwahahahaha
2010-09-14 20:56:00

Posts: 2662

Yeah, I remember that...

*thinks really hard*

Dunno why though
2010-09-14 20:57:00

Posts: 4291

Sowee, that's way too long.

Then just use this part:

I never asked, I said:
I thought your hair was black

I believe that's not a question

Actually, what you said was:
I thought you had black hair

Indeed, "I thought you had black hair" is in fact a statement, but adding something like "" does not a period make.

Of course being shocked,or in awe, doesn't mean much at first glance but taken at a bit more than face value can alter the entire meaning of your sentence. In this case, you didn't put any punctuations after the word hair, which leads to an open-to-interpretation grammatical situation. Since you placed "" so precariously at the end of your statement, you add the element of surprise from your perspective. Surprise,more or less, is(arguably) near-equivalent to questioning since that is the first psychological response to surprise. Meaning, you were questioning the fact that his hair was not black, when you so thought it was.

To put your statement into the most probable 'Proper' grammatical format, it would need to be somewhere along the lines of:

Don't you have black hair?

or in popular internet slang:

wha?? i thawt u haz blak hairz??

But then again, its all relative to the way you were surprised(shock,anger,happiness,etc).


2010-09-14 23:03:00

Posts: 1800

Other forms of punishment include, but are not limited to, being smeared with peanut butter and forced to dance the Lambada in a pen of half-starved Chihuahuas, having ones head shaved and painted like a soccer ball, and being forced to wear a Nancy Pelosi mask to a Republican lobbyist luncheon.

10 characters.
2010-09-15 01:35:00

Posts: 1702

Montage time:

2010-09-15 01:41:00

Posts: 3251


^ Ingenious quote!!!
2010-09-15 01:45:00

Posts: 1800

I'm getting a little tired of the morons with their ARD puns. They're so thick, you might even say they're ARRRRRRRRRRDDDDD headed.

2010-09-15 01:52:00

Posts: 1702

That made me laugh really hARRRRRRRRRRDDDDD

EDIT: Somehow this conversation reminds me of a funny quote from ARD
Check the OP to understand it: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=18018-Seeing-things-from-LBP-in-the-real-world...&p=318316&viewfull=1#post318316
2010-09-15 02:06:00

Posts: 3251

We should rename this into the ARD is awesome thread.2010-09-15 16:13:00

Posts: 4291

We should rename this into the ARD is awesome thread.

*Cough* Ego *Cough*
2010-09-15 18:31:00

Unknown User

Hey Doopz put this in

We should rename this into the ARD is awesome thread.

*Cough* Ego *Cough*
2010-09-15 18:42:00

Posts: 4291

Well SF, that is completely dependant on you you are including in the group you refer to as 'we'. However the common assumption, and taking into consideration the way in which you have implied who 'we' is, is that you are referring to the 'off-topic group' as 'we'. In which case further detail would be needed.

This group consists of 70 odd members, some of which have never posted, some of which have, since joining, left the group while others only post on rare occasions. You're statement implies that 'we' consists of currently active 'off-topic group' members. Yet what determines active, it's a grey area, I am still technically active in the 'off-topic group' but I am not active enough to come to such conclusions of the changing identity of members on my own.

Again however, more thorough analyses needs to be made to truly determine who 'we' actually is. Although my activity in the 'off-topic group' would not lead me to detect changes in people's identities without it being explicitly stated I am still able to detect it through other means. As I have known Sackgirl4ever (now ExplosiveCheddar) for a reasonable amount of time I am knowledgeable enough to pick the change and know who Explosive Cheddar is.

On the other hand it is very easy to determine who 'we' is. If for example someone read your statement and thought to themselves 'I didn't know that." then they would instantly be excluded from the group 'we'. Which provides an interesting conclusion of 'we' simultaneously being a very clear cut group in practice yet in theory it is a very grey area to actually list who is included in 'we' without site wide testing. Even then, though, the group called 'we' could change. As over time people will clue to the fact that SackGirl4ever is now ExplosiveCheddar and will then consequently be included in 'we'.

And that is how you write a lot about a little, very useful for school

TL;DR, just read it, it really won't take long.

Muito longo; n?o li.

dats a good one

Then just use this part:

It's not funneh that way
2010-09-15 20:20:00

Posts: 978

Thanks but, a lot of people are posting huge quotes. Feel free to post them, but don't expect them to be in the OP.

Also "Next time you see a pigeon, steal it's muffin." I never remember saying that?

Also my name is not Doopz497.
2010-09-15 20:32:00

Posts: 5592

Also my name is not Doopz497.
Yeah that makes a HUUUUGE difference... I mean, look at my username, it's gdn001, so that means there's up to 998 copies of me in the world! Wait a minute... *kicks cabinet* SHUT UP!!! Ok, where did we stop?
2010-09-15 20:38:00

Posts: 5891

Thanks but, a lot of people are posting huge quotes. Feel free to post them, but don't expect them to be in the OP.

Also "Next time you see a pigeon, steal it's muffin." I never remember saying that?

Also my name is not Doopz497.

It was a mistake!!! I'm just a person
2010-09-15 20:40:00

Posts: 978

Thanks but, a lot of people are posting huge quotes. Feel free to post them, but don't expect them to be in the OP.

2010-09-15 20:42:00

Posts: 3871

So we can still point an laugh at eachother!
2010-09-15 20:43:00

Posts: 5891

So we can still point an laugh at eachother!

*points finger at gdn*
2010-09-15 20:47:00

Posts: 978

So we can still point an laugh at eachother!

*Points finger at Alec*

2010-09-15 20:49:00

Posts: 3871

I just found this and was quite disturbed..:

Me and two friends were walking home from school one day back in 8th grade when we spotted a mutilated cat on the side of the road, cut clean in half [only it's head and front lets left]. We got a good view of it's organs and innards. I picked up two sticks and positioned it in a way where it made the cat look like it was coming out of the ground, like a zombie. Me and my friends giggled then continued on our way.. ._.
EDIT: There, I put spoilers.
2010-09-16 04:04:00

Posts: 1403

I just found this and was quite disturbed..:
2010-09-16 19:51:00

Posts: 978

I just found this and was quite disturbed..:

That quote you got is evil. This is an E rated site, not M! O_o
2010-09-16 19:53:00

Posts: 1578

I don't know if you can post quotes of your own, but from here to the last message Alec sent me, I think it's pretty funneh >>> (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/converse.php?u=6646&u2=8521&page=4)click eet (start reading from "hey welcome to LBPC ExplosiveCheddar!")2010-09-16 20:30:00

Posts: 978

My point was to suggest you were aspiring to be like Tyler Durden (or maybe I was implying you have a crush on Brad Pitt in that film - if so I can't say I blame you. He's hot), and thus you were aspiring to be like Jack (having insomnia, getting beat up, and seeing the world in a different way), so that you might have an alter ego like Tyler Durden...

I couldn't stop laughing.
2010-09-17 01:08:00

Unknown User


at first i was like
who is thath?
thenn i saw psn and i was liek
ow its him

2010-09-17 17:50:00

Posts: 5891

That quote you got is evil. This is an E rated site, not M! O_o
Well I did'nt type it, xVoodeedoox did. It was just one of those things that was so wierd, that I could'nt just leave it there... honestly the first thing that popped into my head when I read it was 'I gotta show this to somebody' and then I remembered this thread, and decided that this was the proper place to share it. (though I now realise that I probably should've put spoiler tags :/ )
EDIT: *cough*

I'm about as old as you can get D:
2010-09-17 20:57:00

Posts: 1403

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