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Community Game Jam 2010

Archive: 590 posts

Article by Matthew Compher, aka comphermc

As many of you are aware, Media Molecule recently played host to a number of talented LittleBigPlanet creators from around the world. This event was held in order to allow the group to experience the new features LittleBigPlanet 2 brings to the table, while drumming up content to be used in press events and the like. The event, held in Mm's new Guildford studio the weekend of June 4th, was aptly dubbed the Community Game Jam 2010. I've done my best to fill this article to the veritable brim with summaries and impressions of the whole ordeal, all taken from attendees, and all put together in an attempt to accurately describe what went down. It is written from my perspective, but we have included the viewpoints of many others in the article (by way of quotes and recollections) as well. For a video of the event, click through to the end. Enjoy!

Pictured: Wexfordian, StevenI, jump_button, jackofcourse, Poms, Julesyjules, Steve_big_guns, Anpostteller, rtm223,
Jaeyden, FULLGORR, Syroc, comphermc, and GruntosUK. A veritable hot-bed of amazing LBP creation talent.


The first weekend in June, creators from around the world began to descend upon Media Molecule Studios. What chaos awesomeness would ensue! That Thursday afternoon, FULLGORR, Wexfordian, and I were the first to arrive at our hotel just outside of Guildford; we were later to be joined by Jaeyden, GruntosUK, Poms, and steve_big_guns.

Meeting up with people you have had online friendships with for the last 2 years is bizarre. On one hand you feel like you know loads about the person as you judge them purely on their words. On the other, you realise you don't even know their real name let alone what they look like! Still, we all gravitated to the bar and slowly but surely we formed a group. The last people to arrive had it easy as all they had to do is look for a group of guys having a heated debate about logic setups.
As I arrived back at the hotel after a morning of shopping, my hands full of various British goodies (Hey, I knew I wasn’t going to be going outside for the better part of the weekend), I spotted someone sitting at the bar; he had a shaved head and a pint in his hand... at that moment, I knew that this weekend wasn’t just some elaborate murder plot-- it was the real deal. That man was Wexfordian, and he was talking with Comphermc! I awkwardly walked by and introduced myself-- it wasn’t your typical introduction, as the first thing I said was “LittleBigPlanet????” in a schoolgirl-like tone. After the strange introductions (who woulda thought Wex and Comph had REAL names!?) we talked about the weekend ahead of us... who knew three dudes could talk so much about a video game? Well, we made it happen!
Usually when you meet someone new it's always small talk and uncomfortable chit chat, but this was like a school reunion. We just dove right into it like old friends. The only thing that felt out of place was introducing myself by my screen name. Haha, I'm just not used to it! Lots of talk of LBP, speculation of LBP2, a touch of prying at Mark [Valledor] for more info, and a great little buffet was the setting for our dinner.
The evening was spent discussing the things that most excited us about LittleBigPlanet 2 with Mark Valledor, Marketing Manager at Sony Computer Entertainment America. The night continued in Guildford at one of the local pubs, where we carried on making guesses and predictions about the events of the following day.

We capped the night in the lounge of the hotel. I took the liberty of bribing the desk clerk to let us use one of the big screens in the bar, and we set up Wex's PS3 and finished the night in style.
FULLGORR, bless his heart, fell asleep in his chair.

The next morning began bright and early. A nice breakfast buffet, lots of coffee and the continual joke of asking Comphy "What time is it now?" every thirty seconds as we got closer to leaving. Excitement built as we arrived at Wey House. Walking up the stairs and into the studio was surreal. We enter into the heart of MM and there behind these desks are the faces we've all seen in interviews over the years... Mark, Kareem, Victor... Alex. Little time is spent lingering in the work area as were whisked upstairs to a room full of people.
Soon after breakfast, we were gathered on the top floor of MM's new building where the event was set to begin. We wound through the main level, where everyone was hard at work on LittleBigPlanet 2. From the pink carpet, to the lively decorations, to the smiling Molecules, hard at work on LittleBigPlanet 2, it was a very surreal experience indeed! The creators who had not arrived the night before now met up with us, introducing ourselves as steadily as our nerves would allow. The biggest question on everyone's mind at this point was... what the heck do I call that guy...? Do I use his PSN ID? His name!? Ah! Eventually we got acquainted, and moved on to salivating at the row of TVs and Playstations set up for us, knowing that LBP2 was just a few yards away. Patiently we waited, exchanging small-talk, (not so) secretly hoping that we'd begin sooner rather than later.

First impressions of the place left me blown away. These were some seriously cool people here and left me wondering what I was doing here!
Seeing everyone and trying to then work out who was who, and trying to put the PSN to faces... I'm really bad at remembering names!
As it turned out, everyone was really cool and once we got over the initial matching of PSN / real name / face worked out (saying, “Hi, my name’s rtm223” out loud is pretty cringeworthy) we kind of bonded in mutual excitement and remembered that we actually knew each other really well already.
We began in the early afternoon with a thorough presentation by Alex Evans and Mark Healey of all of the New Tools (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28726-LittleBigPlanet-2-New-Features-From-Create-Jam)within LBP2. You could tell how proud they were of what they had accomplished; the enthusiasm they had for their game was infectious and only served to excite us more. We were growing tired of picking our jaws up off of the floor, but at the same time we couldn't help but giggle at the thought of how much fun the next 24 hours would be. With our heads buzzing with all we just learned, we scarfed down some food before finally being unleashed upon the game.

After an awkward few minutes of talking to random strangers I'd met on the internet (who, to my great disappointment, look nothing like I expected), and strange people with cameras taking pictures of us, we finally got our first look at LBP2. About 10 minutes into the presentation I was already amazed and couldn't really take in any more new details.
We all scampered over to the TV as if children on Christmas morning. Mark ran through a seemingly limitless number of new features and tools; as each new feature was shown, my brain was stuck trying to comprehend what we had been shown 5 minutes earlier.
When asked if we were ready to have a take at it, the resounding shouts of "Ohh Hell Yeah!!" and "You betcha" was like asking a group of school kids if they wanted the keys to the candy store.

We were all so mesmerized... even Alex!

FULLGORR couldn't even keep his mouth closed!

The first hour or so was simple chaos! We literally didn't know where to begin. The vast selection of new tools, features, and options left us all flying off in different directions. Some of us messed with the circuit boards; others of of us made little contraptions using the Sackbots, switches, and gravity controls; while others still explored the incredible selection of new materials, objects, stickers, and decorations in LBP2. Meanwhile, the Mm staff buzzed around behind us, sometimes offering tips and advice, while explaining the inner workings of some of the more mysterious tools. It was simply astounding to be surrounded by people who shared the same passion for exploration, tinkering, and creation as ourselves.

At first I was just shaking my head, trying to come to terms with what we've got to work with now and how to apply the new tools and changes. But rest assured, the greatest creators on the planet were there to guide us through a crash course of LBP2. Johnee, Mark, Victor and Christophe. These guys are pure awesome. Genius incarnate and absolutely the nicest people you may ever meet. They spent all that time answering questions and guiding us through the build as it is right now. My hat is off to these guys. Thanks for spending all that time with us.
Whilst there have been numerous requests for new content, features, and level packs for LittleBigPlanet, we can see that LittleBigPlanet 2 will add more to the game than anyone could have possibly imagined.

Mark shows off the amazing new holographic-like material, called vacuum.

Because we had access to the entirety of the (rather incomplete) story mode from the start, we were able to use those levels as a source of inspiration - a "foundation" from which to expand our creative minds. The new tools completely changed the way we approached building. While we're not allowed to talk too much about story specifics, let me tell you: there's a reason that the Mm level designers do what they do for a living! Over the past two years, the community has been constantly pushing LBP to the limit, constantly raising the bar... so one of the biggest questions for me was whether or not Media Molecule would be able to wow us again. Here I am, after seeing the game, and let me tell you, Media Molecule has responded in kind! It should be noted that many of these levels were still being revised, or had not yet been passed to the art department, but the core was there, and it was fantastic!

Remember the idiotic grin you got from playing LittleBigPlanet for the first time? - It's back!

There's more new gizmos and gadgets than you can shake a sponge at, with camera tools that can make mini-Spielbergs out of all of us. There are even movie levels in story mode! Oh yes.
In order to help explain some of the possibilities of the more complex create tools, Johnee took us into Create mode for a few of the story levels. There were some impressive mechanics at work for the complicated bits and the others actually teased Johnee for his all-over-the-place style of logic construction in some of those bits. It was a nice peek into the sorts of things that go into making a LittleBigPlanet 2 story level, and even made the designers seem somewhat human!

My mind was literally blown by Mark and Alex's presentation on the new features, the sheer amount of things they have added into the game is not nothing short of magnificent. My head was swimming with ideas afterward, as I stood on the balcony in the beating Guildford sun, thinking about the possibilities of what we could create. Actually putting those ideas in to practice once I finally got my eager hands on the joypad was another thing; assualted by screens upon screens of new stuff to play with, I erratically moved from thing to thing, mouth agape in amazement at what was in front of me.
All the new features were a lot to take in, and I was eager to try them out. After a short break for lunch we finally got what we were waiting for. With so little time, I wanted to try as many of the tools as possible. I created very erratically, going from one thing to another, all the time in amazement of the possibilities and how well everything was implemented. Looking around I could see what everyone else was doing and all the things I still had not tried.

Alex gives us a glimpse of an early version of the new online community system. It is sure to impress!

Meanwhile, professional camera crews were brought in to document the event. We had lights, booms, and cameras shuffling all over the room, and we did our best to ignore them while we tinkered away. It didn't take long to have your attention grabbed by the number and scope of positive changes and new tools in LBP2.

While everyone else was becoming square-eyed by not moving from their little stations for hours on end, I was wandering around seeing what everyone was up to, and I helped out where I could. I have been helping Media Molecule with LBP2 for the past month or so, so I already knew the new tools and features quite well... and after creating day-in, day-out for weeks, I didn't fancy pulling an all-nighter like the rest of them - Ha!

It was great watching what everyone else was doing and getting to see lots of different perspectives on the new tools. It was also awesome seeing so many people have exactly the same response as I did when I first got into create mode... "So.many.new.tools... don't.know.which.to.try.out.first! OVERLOAD!! OVERLOAD!!"
Luckily, MM staff were on hand, mingling and all eager to show off what they’ve created and what was possible with the new tools. I think they were more excited than us; they’ve been keeping this stuff secret for months! As I was still too giddy to actually think for myself, I started by reproducing some of the features of their levels, working out how to achieve that goal from scratch using the with the new tools. I ended up with a direct control chair controlling a cursor/target bound to the edges of the screen, with an aim-able turret that fired seeking energy weapons. I found myself amazed at how simple it was to put together!
And just like that, our free-for-all with the game came to a close. We creators reluctantly gathered into a little corner of the room where a whiteboard had been situated. We were then informed that we would be participating in a little challenge for the duration of our time in the studio. I think some of us may have been initially apprehensive, but it would turn out to be a blast. We were presented with...


To, in teams, create either:-

A cutscene
A mini game
A boss fight

We quickly divided into teams (or decided to act solo) and began brainstorming ideas. Wexfordian, rtm223, and I started whispering like little schoolgirls in the back, and others scrambled to come up with level ideas in their own secret ways. We all settled on early concepts and scribbled out a plan on the whiteboard (for some reason many of them involved crabs...?) and we were off! The deadline? 4pm the next day!

I can't speak so much for the other groups, but this is where the night got serious. We had less than 24 hours to make a level... and we were going to get it done, dangit! We decided to go with a top-down helicopter shooter, and it seemed a tall order for the time constraints (but we're pros, right?). Wexfordian began working on the level for the mini-game, rtm223 set out to make some weapons and logic stuffs for it, and I was tasked with making a little helicopter with functioning HUD and direct control seat.

Syroc focuses, knowing that we are on the clock!

We all started going through the early steps of creating a level. Those of you experienced creators in LBP1 will be right at home with the old create tools, but you'll quickly come to love the tiny tweaks and additions that accompany them. I will admit that it was a bit daunting to look at that blank screen for the first time and realize that we needed a fully functional level in fewer than 24 hours, but it was crunch time, so we went to work. After a few hours, we noticed Mm staff from the office below start to accumulate on the deck outside, and we could hear the rumblings of a mini-party forming.

Alex's attempt to pry us away from the screen by wafting in the smell of delicious barbecue failed miserably. With a quick snatch of a chicken wing and the polite spoonful of salad most people disappeared in again to be with what will surely be their new love for the next few years. I resisted long enough to listen to Kareem regale us with stories of Egypt, including one or two he might not want repeated here! After the barbecue was over, it was straight into a marathon of LBP2. I was in love. A certain line from The Godfather kept running through my head.... "Just when I thought I was out..."
Amazing creations began to boil up from all over the room. What a rush it was watching everyone come together and build stuff that makes some of the best LBP1 levels pale in comparison. Somewhere in between we were given a tour of the studio, an awesome BBQ, and tons of buzzings from Johnee's model helicopters.
Before we knew it, it was 1am... 3am... we quickly lost track. Creators and staff alike began to slowly trickle back to the hotel to catch some brief sleep. A few Creators managed to fight the desire to sleep and instead push on with their creations.

Hours pass... it was past midnight when the Molecules started to torture us by watching Top Gun nearby; that's when I really started to feel tired. So about 5am, some of us popped to the hotels and I checked in, unpacked, and had a little nap before going back.
Spaff had joked before hand about sleep being optional, but I don’t think he actually believed that any of us would take him seriously. I don’t think we believed we’d stay up all night, although I must admit I’d come prepared (energy drinks, ibuprofen and eye drops at the ready). But I found that as others dropped off, I just didn’t feel the need to stop; sleep simply wasn't that appealing.
I knew weeks before that I wasn't going to sleep.
At the cost of some quality hotel sleep, Creators who stuck around managed to get a lot more done than their sleeping counterparts...

I decided to create a mini-game, with controls based around games such as Smash TV or Geometry Wars; left analogue stick to move, the right to fire guns in whatever direction you pointed. I didn't have a setting, or anything else other than the basic gameplay element and the fact it was to be a top-down shooter. From here, with a lot of help from MM's level designers I began to create the basic controls using the direct control seat, and let me tell you, the new tools, as powerful and as seemingly limitless as they are, are a complete breeze to use and extremely intuitive. After the basic controls were sorted, I had a basic craft that looked like a UFO, and then the setting came to me. A herd of cows, tired of being abducted by the aliens set up a Spitfire squadron called B.A.D.A.S.S (Bovine Anti-Air Defense And Support Squadron) in an attempt to try and stop the aliens once for all. The cows flying spitfires came at you from all angles in a kamikaze style in order to take you down. And that was it, I was off in a 27 hour create frenzy (interrupted only by 3 hours or so sleep and travel to and from the studios). With a few hours to spare I had a fully working, playable mini-game. With a little time left I decided to use the motorway I added as scenery as a little gameplay feature, adding a few cows on the ground, and setting them to flee the player it was possible to herd them into the traffic for a few extra bonus points. I was done, and spent the rest of my time checking out the brilliant story levels, sort of regretting I hadn't used the grapple hook in anyway, because that thing is simply fantastic.
At first I couldn't really decide what to build with the new tools. Each idea was immediately replaced by another. Eventually I started rebuilding Peggle, which is something I tried to build in LBP1 before, but quickly realised that, thanks to the new tools, this wouldn't take half as long as it did in LBP1, and was actually a bit too easy. So, I wasn't too disappointed to find that all my progress was lost after a crash (it was a very early build of the game, you see) and started on something new. I settled for a very basic 2D retro-space shooter in the end. That, too, was much easier to make than it would be now, but it was the only idea I could focus on long enough to actually complete.

Day broke and we still went strong. This here was our home for 27 hours!

Poor Tom was sleeeeeepy...

Brought on by sleep deprivation, time becomes a blur at this point. The Creators that had returned to their hotels for rest the previous night began wandering back to their PS3's early on Saturday. Many had started wrapping up their levels and had moved on to playing with other ideas or the story levels.

The concept for our top-down heli level was simple, as were the basic mechanics of making the idea work, but we were not just going for simplicity. We wanted to push what was possible with the new tools. Thusly, rtm223 was working on making bullets that tracked towards their target as well as some awesome explosion effects, I was working on a functional HUD attached directly to the helicopter, and Wexfordian was working on making detailed scenery for the top down view. With the new tools, it was amazing how well each of these goals was accomplished. It took many, many hours, but we started to see a level forming before our eyes.
It was difficult to decide what to create. I was playing around with the mechanics to a few side-viewed flying ship ideas while anpostteller set up a brief destruction scene. Seeing how amazing the fire looked made us want to use it somehow as a visual feature. We decided to create an alien invasion level, where you took the role the an alien ship causing mayhem and destruction to a city. The direct control and movers made creating a flying ship that worked perfectly a breeze. Unknown to myself or others until at the very end, the online create was not stable. After some freezing issues we decided to use to same PS3. By then it was the early hours of Saturday morning. Some stayed and some went back to the hotel to sleep. I didn't want to miss anything, so I stayed up creating while anpostteller fell asleep on the couch beside me. I only wish we all could have had longer to play with tools, as there is so much new stuff there to learn and experiment with. I can only imagine the things the community will create in LBP2.
I had no idea what to build. There were quite literally hundreds of new features at my disposal! I ended up making a top down mech that shot rockets, which turned into Rambo, which turned into a level about Rambo killing dudes with real knifing action. It was terribly amazing!!

The process of making it was absolutely ridiculous. I would easily liken Media Molecule to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. As I built, remote controlled helicopters buzzed above my head, scooters and bicycles whizzed by, drunk Molecules discussed the science behind SNL’s “**** in my pants” skit while they drank “Devil’s ****”... it was absolutely magical.
Sometime on Saturday, the camera crews started pulling [reluctant] creators away from their TVs for brief interviews with Alex Evans. We were all pretty nervous about these, mostly because we looked terrible and sleep-deprived (totally worth it).

FULLGORR kicks back, being one of the first finished with his level. Not everyone managed to be so awake!

I have to say, getting interviewed was a strange and new experience for me, all the lights and cameras pointing at me, people expecting an interview. Fortunatly Alex was interviewing, and asked some great questions and I soon relaxed, and animatedly starting regaling all the things I'd done over the weekend and in my time on LBP.
Around 4pm, the creating started to wind down. Our level was finished at about 3:45! Meanwhile, creators were exploring the story levels, sneaking in brief naps, and scouring the place for any food scraps remaining from the night before.

A lot of testing and tweaking later I was happy with my Sumo Fight Ring mini-game, so I started to play with the tools some more. I made a Yorda sackbot, and Alex came by wanting to grab the Yorda sackbot by the hand; I found out he is an Ico and Studio Ghibli fan as well!
The entire create-athon ended with a round table of everyone's creations. Alex and Mark played and laughed and everyone was thoroughly impressed with the levels generated in such a short period of time. We were gifted with some seriously cool swag and then treated to a night of food, fun and conversations with Alex, Dave, Spaff and Tom!!

I'd like to say we went back to the hotel and crashed, but we didn't. We stayed up all night chatting and plotting until the wee hours of the morn. Spaff is a trooper, and I can't wait to get another chance to party with him. Next time, I'll bring the beef. LOL. The sun came up, the planes took off, and I finally got some sleep.
The last night at the pub was a chance for everyone to kick back and unwind. We were joined by Aya042, who actually lives in the area (some may have referred to it as gate-crashing!), and our time was spent eating, drinking, being loud, and getting to better know one another. Some of the Molecules who were hard at work in the office beneath us during the event joined us to chat about the game, the industry, and life in general. Everyone had a fantastic time, and it was a fitting end to a wonderful weekend.


...we had a blast! Simple as.

We'd like to thank Media Molecule and all of the staff for being such wonderful hosts. Also a special thanks goes out to Mark Valledor from Sony and Sarah Easton for organizing this event at the last minute. You guys are awesome!


I would like to use this opportunity for some of the guys to recall their impressions of the Creator Jam:

Breakdown of the weekend:
12 cans of Diet Coke.
6 cans of Red Bull.
5 coffees.
1 tired, but very happy, Wexfordian.
It'll be a bit mind boggling for creators at first. Slowly they'll start to realize that many of the old tools are now near obsolete.

With LBP1 the creative process seemed to go like this: "What are the restrictions I have to work with inside the editor? O.K. Now what is my vision for my level? Can I achieve the vision and do it believably based on the restrictions?"

With LBP2 it's like this: "What is the vision for my level? Sounds good. O.K.... Do it!!"

The reins are off. The flood gates are open. The possibilities are endless.
I can't say I wasn't a little nervous traveling to Guildford on that Thursday morning. Here I was, about to meet some of the most esteemed and most respected creators gathered from all over the world to congregate at one of the greatest game studios, in order to test one of the most eagerly anticipated games of all time, who wouldn't be? Thankfully, my trepidation was completely unnecessary, my fellow creators were a great bunch, and MM were extremely friendly and welcoming.

The weekend for me:-

Meeting with like-minded creators to witness first hand the full array of fantastical additions in LBP2 will be unforgettable. Probably the highlight of the weekend was the Molecules sitting next to me on Saturday morning and playing what I'd created, laughing out loud with big smiles on their faces. I admire their work immensely, and for them to sit and enjoy what I'd created was a feeling I'll not forgot in a hurry. Plus, we had a fridge full of beer! I had to slip that in somewhere...
Mucking around with the tools in the sequel is basically like playing with a wishlist of pipe dreams the LBP community have been dreaming up for the last two years. Sooo many tweaks, upgrades and refinements that create mode has been practically reinvented - after seeing what the guys were able to make in just a day and playing the new MM story levels, it's actually as a player, rather than a creator, that really gets me excited for LBP2. I literally cannot wait to see what crazy stuff people are going to make...
So much fun. Community FTW!

Undoubtedly the best part for me was getting to meet so many awesome people. Although if I was seeing LBP2 for the first time like everyone else, I think my highlight would have been different! Haha.
It was a revelation to check in at the Holiday inn, and walk to the dining room to get to know a bunch of LBP creators. Shame on the language barrier that didn't allow me to express the exciting of the moment, but that was a really big day.

Meeting Alex, Mark, Dave, Kareem, Johnee, Victor, Kristoff, Mark... and all the MM staff was like meeting people we already knew... but they didn't know us actually!

The jam was over, so let's go to the pub!... wait! Alex, Dave, Spaff & Tom are coming? Wow!
One thing that I am now kicking myself about is when the lead artist for visual style came by and I couldn’t say more then two words to her. I really wish I could go back! I think I was in zombie mode, trying to think of an idea for the challenge.

As the day was coming to an end, we all gathered around the TV to show and play what we made for the challenge. When they announced the winners, I didn’t think for a sec it would be me! I was just shocked.

I was tired and worn out by the end, but enjoyed every second of it; getting to meet not only some of the best of the best on LBP, but Mm too! The only part I didn’t like was the cameras. I always zip right up around any cameras - and they were they trying to fool me by walking away leaving the camera running. I knew it was still on!
About two weeks before the event, I got an email from this strange dude named Spaff, he asked if I wanted to go to the UK for an “LBP Community Event”. At the time I wasn’t sure if it was just some kind of elaborate murder plot, regardless, I swiftly replied with a “HELLZ YAA”. Two weeks later, I was on my way to Guildford-- the home of LittleBigPlanet!

One of the key details I recall was the symphony of a dozen popits opening and closing, materials being placed and the occasional silly fart sound effect.

At the end of it all, I had heard the LBP2 trailer music more than any human should, a few too many Red Bulls had been drunk, and just enough bromancing had been had (It’s not like you can snuggle with jack everyday). It was quite possibly the best weekend ever!!
From the excitement and anticipation of traveling to Guildford, to meeting fellow creators, Media Molecule staff and getting a chance to play LBP2, I only had about 4 hours of sleep the night before, which turned out to be pretty much all the sleep I would have until the train journey home.

It was a great honour to be chosen by Mm to get the opportunity to meet all the amazingly talented community creators, the Mm staff and get the chance to play with the new tools. Everyone I met was friendly and Media Molecule was extremely helpful. I'd like to thank everyone involved for putting together this event that I enjoyed immensely.
Even now I'm at a loss at what else to tell everyone about. There's just so much new content added to this game, that I truly don't know where to begin and end.

Put simply, if you love LittleBigPlanet, then you'll find that LittleBigPlanet 2 is a game that you cannot do without.
Thanks for reading, everyone!

For a full list of new features and tools that were on display at the Game Jam, which will be seen in LittleBigPlanet 2 when it releases, click through to our List of Features Article (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28726-LittleBigPlanet-2-New-Features-From-Create-Jam).



For their quote-worthy bits, and other contributions to this massive article, I'd like to thank Aya042, ConfusedCartman, FULLGORR, GruntosUK, jackofcourse, Jaeyden, Julesyjules, jump_button, poms, steve_big_guns, StevenI, Syroc, rtm223, and Wexfordian. You guys rock!

Not it for cleaning up the place!



Article edited for use by LBPCentral by Michael Buffaloe, aka ConfusedCartman
2010-06-15 21:11:00

Posts: 5338

I haven't read it yet, but this is cool! Makes me jealous... 2010-06-15 21:17:00

Posts: 4193

I cannot wait to see what you guys made. Flicking through quickly, a lot of people said how easy it was to make something that currently would be nearly impossible to do. Sounds like the ultimate sequel.

EDIT: Read through it all. Sounds like a blast!
So, things to take away from it:
Creation tools are much better
Story is still being worked on
LBP2 is awesome
Cake (not a lie)
Take more energy drinks next time.
2010-06-15 21:18:00

Posts: 1518

Awwww lovely. Good work Comphy, I know how long it took you

It was awesome meeting everyone and the past week seeing everyone fidget because they weren't allowed to tell anyone has been good fun

Seeing everyone's reaction to the new tools really was fantastic. Even though I've been using them for over a month, seeing so many different people play with them in different ways meant my eyes were opened even wider!

Thanks for an awesome weekend guys!
2010-06-15 21:19:00

Posts: 1494

Hey guys, just so you know were going to do a full writeup of all the features etc. I think Comph is putting it together so all questions about features will be answered soon 2010-06-15 21:20:00

Posts: 1904

The link at the end doesn't work.

We are waiting to see how much of it we can put up.
2010-06-15 21:20:00

Posts: 5338

Yeah, comph is having a "special" moment right now... Hopefully we'll have a list of features up soon2010-06-15 21:21:00

Posts: 6497

Not read it yet (will after E3), but looks awesome! Wish I'd been there....2010-06-15 21:21:00

Posts: 927

Yeah I need to read it but it looks incredible 2010-06-15 21:26:00

Posts: 1843

We are waiting to see how much of it we can put up.

That's perfectly fine.
2010-06-15 21:26:00

Posts: 1518

Glad to see that this is finally posted.
Can't wait until we've got the all-clear to begin talking more opening.
2010-06-15 21:27:00

Community Manager
Posts: 420

You have more info on this glorious event?2010-06-15 21:28:00

Posts: 1703

You have more info on this glorious event?

MORE? Is the epic wall of text not enough?!

Details on all the tools will be coming soon
2010-06-15 21:30:00

Posts: 1494

just thought id say a quick hi! it was awesome helping all you guys create and to stay up all night ps i didnt get to sleep until 730 am sunday morning!!!!!!! you guys rock2010-06-15 21:30:00

Posts: 78

You have more info on this glorious event?

Dude, theres about a 1000 word writeup on it.

Poor old comph spent ages getting that monster post together
2010-06-15 21:30:00

Posts: 1904

We will be releasing a full list of features written by the sexy amazing rtm223 as soon as we can. It's possible that this could not be until after tomorrow's LBP2 presentation.2010-06-15 21:31:00

Posts: 5338


Lucky you :kz:

Noice :kz:
2010-06-15 21:31:00

Posts: 10882

well it out now lol LBP2 so good i dont know where to start

2010-06-15 21:31:00

Posts: 1014

just thought id say a quick hi! it was awesome helping all you guys create and to stay up all night ps i didnt get to sleep until 730 am sunday morning!!!!!!! you guys rock

Thanks John for your help! When Alex said we got no tutition whatsoever he was fibbing a little. We had the wikipedia of LBP known as Johnee
2010-06-15 21:32:00

Posts: 1904

Great job putting this together comph . It makes me wish I was still there lol .2010-06-15 21:33:00

Posts: 423

Oh wow, you were so lucky guys!

Thanks sharing this!
2010-06-15 21:34:00

Posts: 1486

OMG OMG look at you all hehe!!! I cant read all this now but im glad you all enjoyed yourselves!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!2010-06-15 21:35:00

Posts: 1969

It was a fantastic weekend, really enjoyed it. Finally the silence is broken.

Great job on the write up again Comph, you all should see what he had to edit down

And thanks Johnee, for the help you gave me all weekend!
2010-06-15 21:35:00

Posts: 1754

Oh wow! Totally awesome! I bet LBP1 must feel awkward after having used LBP2 for 27 hours!2010-06-15 21:35:00

Posts: 588

I'm just hoping my interview doesn't get all over the internetz - I was a right mess by the time we got around to that 2010-06-15 21:36:00

Posts: 6497

Oh geez forgot about that. Might be seeing that tomorrow 2010-06-15 21:37:00

Posts: 1904

I'm just hoping my interview doesn't get all over the internetz - I was a right mess by the time we got around to that

You should have seen yourself at by 1am on the saturday night/sunday morning

(Rtm is a lightweight who leaves people in strange Guildford pubs/clubs)
2010-06-15 21:39:00

Posts: 1494

Haven't read all yet but will right away, I already knew that most of these people was there but I'll read trough it seems really interesting and thanks for putting this together Comph2010-06-15 21:40:00

Posts: 3871

Well it was 2am, and I'd been awake for 43 hours straight at that point.

I do sleep occasionally
2010-06-15 21:40:00

Posts: 6497

You lucky bast... err, talented, handsome creators! Sounds like it was one heck of a game jam though, I'm so envious! great work on the article lol, quite the read.2010-06-15 21:41:00

Posts: 402

Well it was 2am, and I'd been awake for 43 hours straight at that point.

I do sleep occasionally

haha nah I've got to say Rtm's staying awake skills are indeed impressive. There's no way I would have been up for going out after staying awake for that long.

However, after seeing his level creating skills first hand...meh
2010-06-15 21:43:00

Posts: 1494

Oh wow! Totally awesome! I bet LBP1 must feel awkward after having used LBP2 for 27 hours!

You don't even know!
2010-06-15 21:46:00

Posts: 5338

Man this sounded really fun guys, really lucky to get your hands on the game, so now we know whose creations could have feature at the first E3 conference.

P_bear shakes his fists in anger lol not really but I would be lying if i said i wasn't envious
2010-06-15 21:46:00

Posts: 777

Excellent article. Too many LBPC secrets. Logic pack, LBP2...
Secrets, but great surprises!
2010-06-15 21:47:00

Posts: 4193

However, after seeing his level creating skills first hand...meh

Best twirlybombs EVER!!! That's all I have to say
2010-06-15 21:47:00

Posts: 6497

You should have seen yourself at by 1am on the saturday night/sunday morning

(Rtm is a lightweight who leaves people in strange Guildford pubs/clubs)

Hey. I was prepared to stay a little longer.
2010-06-15 21:50:00

Posts: 2870

Heh. This thread just cost me the main part of the Sony press conference

Nice work comph!
2010-06-15 21:51:00

Posts: 605

Hey. I was prepared to stay a little longer.

I think that was why he was so concerned - left in strange bars with strange men... who wouldn't be upset?
2010-06-15 21:51:00

Posts: 6497

Best Only twirlybombs EVER!!! That's all I have to say

Although I guess that means you're right
2010-06-15 21:51:00

Posts: 1494

So I started the whole twirlybomb epidemic.... All the cool kids will be making them soon, just you wait and see 2010-06-15 21:53:00

Posts: 6497

This question is for everyone that wend to MM studios.

#1 how do you fell after playing LBP 2
#2 Were the tools more complex or simple
#3 What was your favorite tool
#4 Did they tell you some helpful info about LBP 2 like the release date
#5 Right now what wound you give LBP 2 ( score from 1-10)
2010-06-15 21:57:00

Posts: 1843

I think that was why he was so concerned - left in strange bars with strange men... who wouldn't be upset?

I'm strange? You were the one dressed as a purple ninja.
2010-06-15 21:58:00

Posts: 2870

Hey, is it just me or Steve and Anposteller on Pic#9 are having a tickle fight? lmao
2010-06-15 21:58:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Compher it must have taken you AGES to write all this up! A big well done to you!!!
Hey i can see what you all look like now MUAHAHA!
2010-06-15 21:58:00

Posts: 1969

Compher it must have taken you AGES to write all this up! A big well done to you!!!
Hey i can see what you all look like now MUAHAHA!

You'll see us all a lot better if the videos ever get released

No not that video, FULLGORR. I promise I won't release that one
2010-06-15 22:01:00

Posts: 1494

Guys you deserved it!
Every single one of you.
The trailer made me cry.
And even if it seems omoerotic, I love you all and I'm very proud of you!
2010-06-15 22:02:00

Posts: 5112

You'll see us all a lot better if the videos ever get released

No not that video, FULLGORR. I promise I won't release that one

Oh cool! I love seeing what people look like RELEASE THE VIDS!!! lol
2010-06-15 22:03:00

Posts: 1969

#1 how do you fell after playing LBP 2
Like I need to have it back in my hands right NOW!

#2 Were the tools more complex or simple
Both! tools are far more powerful with far more options...but using those powerful tools is easier, want a randomiser? no problem. want to make something fly? easy.... you get the idea.

#3 What was your favorite tool
the holographic material will be soo useful and the grapplehook is just so much fun to play with.

#4 Did they tell you some helpful info about LBP 2 like the release date

#5 Right now what wound you give LBP 2 ( score from 1-10)
2010-06-15 22:05:00

Posts: 1904

Wow, I guess that was awesome

Amazing job, Comphermc. Playing LBP2 must have been enriching.
2010-06-15 22:07:00

Posts: 1305

I am too ... out of words. (Does that make sense?) Very amazing

Does this have anything to do with the chickens group?
2010-06-15 22:10:00

Posts: 3251

Hey Game Jam folk, don't get too carried away with giving away the specifics... you can do all the tomorrow. 2010-06-15 22:11:00

Posts: 5338

I just put this up on N4G, be sure to get a bit more views now 2010-06-15 22:11:00

Posts: 752

Sorry Mr. Compher. My mouth shall be zipped (partialy anyway) till tomorrow 2010-06-15 22:12:00

Posts: 1904

Cool and for the people that miss the video here it is on youtube.

Also Congratulation to everyone that wend to MM studios and I saw some of your level in E3 and they look incredible imagine what they could do if they had more time

2010-06-15 22:12:00

Posts: 1843

Just read all of it, every single lil word
Great work with all Comph and congrats all creators who was there you, totally deserved

Can't wait for the vids
2010-06-15 22:14:00

Posts: 3871

So I started the whole twirlybomb epidemic.... All the cool kids will be making them soon, just you wait and see

Bomb survival with real rocket cheetahs twirlybombs!! I can see it now.
2010-06-15 22:16:00

Posts: 2575

Its totally crazy seeing one or two of my levels shown on the e3 main stage, i was a mere builder a year ago and now im here and get to meet you lovely peoples super big win cant wait to see what you guys do with lbp2, lots of win me thinks2010-06-15 22:17:00

Posts: 78

Great, now I must wait for tomorrow

Hopefully they'll explain more of RPGS
2010-06-15 22:17:00

Posts: 10882

So... no disappointments, whatsoever?

Hot ****.

I love... everything. And everyone.

2010-06-15 22:18:00

Posts: 1361

Are there people who were invited that couldn't go? I think there were .2010-06-15 22:18:00

Posts: 3251

mAkes me feel sad, jealous,ecstatic,jealous,lonely,excited,overwhelme d,like I need to publish something good,

All at the same time!!

(like when you mash the dpad and sackboys expressions are like a blur).

Also how come it was all male?

2010-06-15 22:19:00

Posts: 5078

Just finished reading, sounds like you all had an awesome time!! Really jealous of all of you.... although I wouldn't have liked all those cameras! I know what that feels like.

Anywho, a quick question - did you have access to ALL the tools? Like, did you get all the powerups, or just the grapple hook?

mAkes me feel sad, jealous,ecstatic,jealous,lonely,excited,overwhelme d,like I need to publish something good,


*gets to work creating awesome LBP1 levels*
2010-06-15 22:19:00

Posts: 927

mAkes me feel sad, jealous,ecstatic,jealous,lonely,excited,overwhelme d,like I need to publish something good,

All at the same time!!

(like when you mash the dpad and sackboys expressions are like a blur).

Also how come it was all male?


they needed creators with big strong hearts, females are too weak to bear the strain of LBP2
2010-06-15 22:21:00

Posts: 1361

Anywho, a quick question - did you have access to ALL the tools? Like, did you get all the powerups, or just the grapple hook?

Everything... it was a full build of the game from a week prior. We even got to play a lot of the story mode.

Also... it was all males because it just kinda worked out that way. People were contacted, I presume, before any gender was known.


As a side note, candyk was invited, but he declined the offer. That would have been awesome to meet the mind behind StarCruiser.
2010-06-15 22:22:00

Posts: 5338

Anywho, a quick question - did you have access to ALL the tools? Like, did you get all the powerups, or just the grapple hook?

I would say we got access to all of the power-ups. Creatinator is awesome!
2010-06-15 22:22:00

Posts: 3193

Anywho, a quick question - did you have access to ALL the tools? Like, did you get all the powerups, or just the grapple hook?

We were using a dev build that was about 2 weeks out of date, but we had full access to that build and all of the features that were in it, including multiple power-ups.

they needed creators with big strong hearts, females are too weak to bear the strain of LBP2
Oooooh, I don't wanna be around when the ladyfolk of LBPC get their claws on you. *shudders*
2010-06-15 22:23:00

Posts: 6497

Anywho, a quick question - did you have access to ALL the tools? Like, did you get all the powerups, or just the grapple hook?

We got access to the latest (well nearly) build and it was all unlocked to play with. There is some stuff which hasn't made it fully in that we cant talk about due to them not knowing 100% if its going in or not.
2010-06-15 22:25:00

Posts: 1904

I'm predicting next times will be...

xkappax(by boat of course)
2010-06-15 22:27:00

Posts: 5078


anyway how much was there in terms of new costumes and stuff? unless this has already been revealed.
2010-06-15 22:27:00

Posts: 1361

Cool and for the people that miss the video here it is on youtube.

Also Congratulation to everyone that wend to MM studios and I saw some of your level in E3 and they look incredible imagine what they could do if they had more time


I can't believe that something I did was shown on screen at Sony's E3 conference Thats a dream come true tonight
2010-06-15 22:28:00

Posts: 1754

Well, thanks to all four of you who answered. Great to get a little confirmation from multiple sources there!2010-06-15 22:29:00

Posts: 927

Holy cow, I don't know how to feel. Jealous? Sad? Amazed? A combination? ACK!!! Just thinking of the logic behind the makings of these levels (in the video) makes my head burst.
And yet they say the levels were simple to make. I think this will be the first actual moment of my life when I feel I can give away everything but my Playstation away to charity.
2010-06-15 22:30:00

Prince Pixelton
Posts: 286

Hey guys, just so you know were going to do a full writeup of all the features etc. I think Comph is putting it together so all questions about features will be answered soon are you guys allowed to say? AWESOME . One quick question (I don't know if your going to do an FAQ or anything, but with the top down view- do you have to alter gravity so they don't fall to the ground? Or do they kind of get stuck to the back wall (or floor in the top down view I suppose)2010-06-15 22:30:00

Posts: 59

they needed creators with big strong hearts, females are too weak to bear the strain of LBP2

2010-06-15 22:31:00

Posts: 1969

I can't believe that something I did was shown on screen at Sony's E3 conference Thats a dream come true tonight

Congrats Grant

Your level was absolutely immense. Definitely my favourite out of them all It was the one level that you could actually publish now and it was a complete full on level that people would love.
2010-06-15 22:31:00

Posts: 1494

Damm, guys, I can really feel envy flowing trough my veins. Congratulations on being there people, it's like the confirmation of what we were already sure of: you ROCK at creating.

Luckily, there's one thing that helps me ease this nasty feeling called envy: I'm way more handsome that all of you put together.
I had been suspecting that forever, and those photos finally proved me right!
2010-06-15 22:31:00

Posts: 628

I can't believe that something I did was shown on screen at Sony's E3 conference Thats a dream come true tonight

Yeah, ours was just too good to be shown then... they must be saving it for the presentation tomorrow.
2010-06-15 22:32:00

Posts: 5338

Or it's in the bin....

They might have put it in the bin
2010-06-15 22:33:00

Posts: 6497

Just finished to read all of it!
Wow, I'm also a little jealous...that must have been a great experience!

Thanks for making this Comph, and can't wait to see the videos too!
2010-06-15 22:33:00

Posts: 1486

Oh, yeah congrats Grant, anposteller and jump_button. 2010-06-15 22:34:00

Posts: 3193

a female! oh dear. I didn't actually see any platforming in the e3 trailer unless i'm blind, i trust at least someone tried that out?
2010-06-15 22:34:00

Posts: 1361

are you guys allowed to say? AWESOME . One quick question (I don't know if your going to do an FAQ or anything, but with the top down view- do you have to alter gravity so they don't fall to the ground? Or do they kind of get stuck to the back wall (or floor in the top down view I suppose)

It's not a top down view, it's still three planes as you know it from LBP1. Just the scenery is created to make it look top down, and the camera tools are loads better

You can make things fly very easily with a couple of switches, I daren't say more in case I get wrong off comph
2010-06-15 22:34:00

Posts: 1754

Another quick question - these levels you all made, do you know if we'll be able play them in the game? On the disc GOTY style, or if they'll be published when the servers go live? Or are they just a promotional thing?2010-06-15 22:35:00

Posts: 927

Or it's in the bin....

They might have put it in the bin

If they haven't, I'll put it on my memory stick tomorrow so you can carry on with it when it comes out

(They probably did put it in the bin though)
2010-06-15 22:35:00

Posts: 1494

I'm going to take a shot and say you testers told Media Molecule about all the problems the community faces, like cool levels hoggers, relentless spammers, and uncontrolled moderation? You must have told them about the changes that creators would like to see?

Anyway, though I'm jealous like many others, I couldn't pick a funnier, more educated, and mature bunch than you testers! I'm very happy and grateful that you've represented the great minds of LBP. Even if the E3 presentation distorted the truth a little (they forgot to mention the user-created level was made by many of the best creators in the world!), this has been very exciting, and I can't wait for LBP2.

Congratulations! Again, very jealous here, but it's good that you guys were able to be friendly and study the LBP2 tools between conversations and fun. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's announcement!
2010-06-15 22:36:00

Posts: 3251

Another quick question - these levels you all made, do you know if we'll be able play them in the game? On the disc GOTY style, or if they'll be published when the servers go live? Or are they just a promotional thing?

We have a man on the inside (read: Jack), who is going to sneak us backups of the levels. Then we can publish them proper when the time comes.


I'm going to take a shot and say you testers told Media Molecule about all the problems the community faces, like cool levels hoggers, relentless spammers, and uncontrolled moderation? You must have told them about the changes that creators would like to see?


Even if the E3 presentation distorted the truth a little (they forgot to mention the user-created level was made by many of the best creators in the world!), this has been very exciting, and I can't wait for LBP2.

Haha. We're just some random guys putting around in create mode for the first time.
2010-06-15 22:38:00

Posts: 5338

I am seething with jealousy, you lucky folks!

A few questions:

- <s>Is MM going to release your levels as DLC or something? I'd love to see what you lot made</s>
- Are there no awesome female community creators? NOT YOUR FAULT; I know video games skew white male demographically, but I'd like to see the girls represent more. (Morgana, I'm looking at you!)
- Who knew comphermc was ridiculously cute?
- Why did Wexfordian and GruntosUK look exactly as I pictured them?
- You forgot to let us know about the swag you got. They did fill your pockets with MM stuff, yes?
2010-06-15 22:39:00

Posts: 379

I just notice but comphermc and jackofcouse look like some of my friends from high school and some of them look like my teacher lol2010-06-15 22:40:00

Posts: 1843

Were some of the tools hard to use? and congratulations guys!

Are your levels going to be in the game?
2010-06-15 22:41:00

Posts: 673

a female! oh dear. I didn't actually see any platforming in the e3 trailer unless i'm blind, i trust at least someone tried that out?

ahem. I'm a female too, pal. You'd best watch what you say or you might find a rocket cheetah up your trumpet. (kidding, kidding. ^_^)

but, boy, oh, boy... mm really doesn't seem to like girls, do they? lololol.

Anyway, in seriousness, i hope y'all had a good time. Seems like it would have been the opportunity of a lifetime. Congrats.
2010-06-15 22:41:00

Posts: 2569

It was the one level that you could actually publish now and it was a complete full on level that people would love.

Apart from.... , more reward for herding the cows, smart bombs and speed boost power ups, harder waves

I wish I had a full week,

Yeah, ours was just too good to be shown then... they must be saving it for the presentation tomorrow.

You're probably right, i think everyone was amazed by how polished that thing was, MM especially.
2010-06-15 22:42:00

Posts: 1754

- Who knew comphermc was ridiculously cute?
I did!

- Why did Wexfordian and GruntosUK look exactly as I pictured them?
Because they've been shown here before, maybe.

- You forgot to let us know about the swag you got. They did fill your pockets with MM stuff, yes?
We got some free shirts, stickers, signed stuffs. The usual.
2010-06-15 22:43:00

Posts: 5338

One last thing.

Why is rtm223's head covered?

I wanted to see his lip ring. ()

Is he in any other pictures?
2010-06-15 22:43:00

Posts: 3251

Any chance of your interviews being posted on thee interwebnets? What about the other footage taken on the day? Hear anything about the beta?

PS: Green eyed monster ATM ... or should I say, mad-eyed devil

PPS: Are Steve's guns really as big as he makes out?
2010-06-15 22:43:00

Posts: 875

Ahaha, freaking Rambo, he looked even more mentally disabled on the big screen. I can't believe they showed it... but where was the helicopter action!?2010-06-15 22:44:00

Posts: 245

Any chance of your interviews being posted on thee interwebnets? What about the other footage taken on the day?

MM probably will put them online in the next few days.
2010-06-15 22:45:00

Posts: 3193

Even if the E3 presentation distorted the truth a little (they forgot to mention the user-created level was made by many of the best creators in the world!), this has been very exciting, and I can't wait for LBP2.

Seriosuly, the tools were what made it. We were churning out stuff that you could spend months developing in LBP and you wouldn't come out with anything as well refined as what we achieved. Everything is so greatly improved it's unreal.

And we just scratched the surface, the scope for what you can do if you spend months deving with those tools is mindblowing.

Why is rtm223's head covered?

Is he in any other pictures?

Because I haz ninja camera-avoidance skills and hopefully not
2010-06-15 22:45:00

Posts: 6497

I can't describe the envy I feel right now for you guys. That 27 hours must have been amazing, I would have killed to have been there. Looking forward to you all publishing the levels you made when LBP2 comes out. Because you will be able to. You will. Whether you like it or not. 2010-06-15 22:46:00

Posts: 812

hahaha yes comphy you cutey! This is pay back for once calling me baby faced (I remember you calling me this but don't remember where?)2010-06-15 22:46:00

Posts: 1494

Wow! Sounded like you guys had a blast!
& It now feels weird knowing what most of you look like :|

...Hmmm, No Females in sight?
2010-06-15 22:47:00

Posts: 918

You'll see us all a lot better if the videos ever get released

No not that video, FULLGORR. I promise I won't release that one

Why not?? Spaff really did not want to film it, we might as well make it worth his while for doing so.
2010-06-15 22:48:00

Posts: 245

hahaha yes comphy you cutey! This is pay back for once calling me baby faced (I remember you calling me this but don't remember where?)

Was he nestled in your loving arms?

We really do need to change this to the LBP2 Bromance-athon thread I think.
2010-06-15 22:48:00

Posts: 6497

ok one more last thing... lol.

Why are there no quotes from anpost?
2010-06-15 22:48:00

Posts: 3251

Are there people who were invited that couldn't go? I think there were .

Yeah. I accidentally deleted my emails that Spaff sent me inviting me along.
2010-06-15 22:49:00

Posts: 2914

Amazing! Oh, you guys... You guys.

Looks like a grand time. But I have to agree with what's been pointed out before... why the sausage fest? For god's sake, they get together 2 million creators and not a single member of the fairer sex? At the very least compher could have put on some lipstick and a dress.
2010-06-15 22:49:00

Posts: 1937

Because I haz ninja camera-avoidance skills and hopefully not

Lol sounds like you guys had a good time, I can't wait to read the list of features (or whatever you guys are doing with those) and watch the videos
2010-06-15 22:50:00

Posts: 59

ok one more last thing... lol.

Why are there no quotes from anpost?

exactly what I thought when I read it
2010-06-15 22:50:00

Posts: 3871

At the very least compher could have put on some lipstick and a dress.

He did for that video
2010-06-15 22:53:00

Posts: 1494

Wow, sounds like you guys had one amazing time! Thanks for sharing your adventure with the rest of us, this stuff is just too cool 2010-06-15 22:53:00

Posts: 3322

Well, based on the footage, it looks like they cut up bits of a trailer. Perhaps that'll be released soon, and we can get a good look at these levels... Also, what's that about a twirly bomb?2010-06-15 22:53:00

Posts: 186

He did for that video

... That was also called Saturday night.
2010-06-15 22:53:00

Posts: 245

Regarding the videos, we honestly don't know what's going on with that. THere was a lot of filming going on both days and we assume it's going to be part of LBP2 presentation tomorrow, but what exactly is going to be shown is as much a mystery for us as it is for you

FULLGORR, you can shushh, we all know the heinous things you'll do for a *wink*coke*wink*
2010-06-15 22:55:00

Posts: 6497

So with the sackbots, can you adjust the scale of anything aside from the head?2010-06-15 22:57:00

Posts: 186

Wow, that was a great read. I'm so jealous. Looks like you guys had a BLAST! Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences in such detail. Made me feel like I was a part of it.<3

2010-06-15 22:57:00

Posts: 527

For the fans; rtm is on the right:


...and I have my serious face on.
2010-06-15 22:58:00

Posts: 5338

I did!


Because they've been shown here before, maybe.

Ahh, I'd never seen them before I think.

We really do need to change this to the LBP2 Bromance-athon thread I think.


At the very least compher could have put on some lipstick and a dress.

I don't think he has the shoulders for it. And you forgot the wig!

For the fans; rtm is on the right:

And yet, rtm doesn't look like I thought he would. I was figuring older, and nerdier in a very public school sort of way.
2010-06-15 22:58:00

Posts: 379

Also, anyone think FULLGORR looks a little like Boris Johnson in one of those photos?

I can't wait to see what they will show tomorrow! I am uploading the E3 footage in HD right now. I don't think anyone else has posted it in HD yet.
2010-06-15 22:58:00

Posts: 2914

Yes, another question from me.

So, it took you 27 hours (unless you basically didn't sleep) to make these levels. How long do you think it would have taken to make them in LBP1?
2010-06-15 22:59:00

Posts: 927

we got alot more info still to come so dont go to far from LBPC soon over E3 as we get the ok from Mm lol2010-06-15 22:59:00

Posts: 1014

So, it took you 27 hours (unless you basically didn't sleep) to make these levels. How long do you think it would have taken to make them in LBP1?

Well, I tried to make a Peggle clone in LBP1 before, that took me a day. In LBP2 the same thing took me half an hour max.

The whole creation process is much more streamlined and there are some great addition that save a lot of time and thermo.
2010-06-15 23:01:00

Posts: 3193

I can't believe that something I did was shown on screen at Sony's E3 conference Thats a dream come true tonight

If they only knew you had a 360...
Time to junk that NAO Grant!
2010-06-15 23:01:00

Posts: 5112

Yes, another question from me.

So, it took you 27 hours (unless you basically didn't sleep) to make these levels. How long do you think it would have taken to make them in LBP1?

They are not possible in LBP1. And yeah, many of us didn't sleep - we got the full 27 hours.
2010-06-15 23:01:00

Posts: 5338

[QUOTE=Nuclearfish;497869]Yes, another question from me.

So, it took you 27 hours (unless you basically didn't sleep) to make these levels. How long do you think it would have taken to make them in LBP1?[/QUOTE

I would say about three hours for ours, as we kept on having to redo everything again and again due to freezing and ended up just using one ps3 and switching between controllers when we need a break. The flying ship couldnt be done in lbp 1 though.
2010-06-15 23:05:00

Posts: 423

Man, if only I wasn't a 13 year old that's not very good at LBP living at Arizona, if those things were different I totally would have gone there.2010-06-15 23:07:00

Posts: 1432

They are not possible in LBP1.

Not even in an extremely logic heavy rubbishy way?
2010-06-15 23:07:00

Posts: 927

Yes, another question from me.

So, it took you 27 hours (unless you basically didn't sleep) to make these levels. How long do you think it would have taken to make them in LBP1?

What I did wouldn't have been possible at all without the tools on LBP2. They are fantastic, we're going to see some mind blowing stuff a couple months after release once everyone gets to grips with them, I've no doubt about that.
2010-06-15 23:07:00

Posts: 1754

For the fans; rtm is on the right:


...and I have my serious face on.

I'm not buying into that, you can clearly see that he has no purple on.
Nice try Comph, but I'm not that easy to fool!

PS: You call that your serious face? I wouldnt have been surprised if Julesyjules suddenly screamed "Beware, there's a Sith Lord in the room..!"
2010-06-15 23:08:00

Posts: 628

So, since there are so many new tools, what would be the equivalent of "crappy LBP1 cool pages levels" on LBP2?

Also, are things such as water featured in the game?
2010-06-15 23:09:00

Posts: 1432

Not even in an extremely logic heavy rubbishy way?

No. Not at all. You'll get more on that tomorrow, but there are new stuffs that open up opportunities not previously possible (clearly!)

But to get at your intended point, even making the old-school stuff is faster, too. Create has been pretty well streamlined, as the people making the game have to build with it themselves.
2010-06-15 23:09:00

Posts: 5338

That's so cool! Congrats all you lucky people! It sure sounds like you all had fun!

Pssst. If anyone asks, I was there too. I was taking the pictures...
2010-06-15 23:09:00

Posts: 2979

So, since there are so many new tools, what would be the equivalent of "crappy LBP1 cools levels levels" on LBP2?

Don't know. No one of us built a crap level.

Though there was crab in my level. ^.^
2010-06-15 23:10:00

Posts: 3193

Also, are things such as water featured in the game?
Yah, everything from LBP1 is in LBP2.
2010-06-15 23:10:00

Posts: 3193

Good read! You guys must have had a blast 2010-06-15 23:11:00

Posts: 837

Not even in an extremely logic heavy rubbishy way?

I recon that you could pull off really lame, quite unstable and generally not at all fun versions of some of them if you spent a long time working on them in LBP1 and you were very good with your logic and mechanics.

The truth is for most of those vehicle and high-complexity mechanic levels, they are good because you know how difficult they were to create and it blows your mind how much work went in. But if you honestly sit back and be reasonable, they aren't exactly good and the controls are clunky and they just aren't really that great. What grant and jump_button made were amazingly good fun, had great controls and were something you'd play over and over again, without caring what work went into them - same as you would a "proper" game. Oh and I don't think either of them would mind me pointing out their strengths aren't logic and mechanics, their both artists mainly, but they can do awesome custom games now. It's fantastic.
2010-06-15 23:11:00

Posts: 6497

If they only knew you had a 360...
Time to junk that NAO Grant!

To be honest, after seeing LBP2, and seeing MS's conference yesterday, I don't think it's gonna get much use.

It's as good as dead to me
2010-06-15 23:11:00

Posts: 1754

Yup - Microsoft's press conference was very very bad - they kept pausing, expecting people to clap! And in the Sony press conference, the audience was applauding so often they kept cutting the speakers off.

Kinect is an epic failure. LBP2 wins!
2010-06-15 23:16:00

Posts: 875

I am extremely jealous now! Working for Mm has been my dream job for about a year at least! I have a long way to go though... Perhaps spending more time on one of the many openings I have started on my moon will help...2010-06-15 23:17:00

Posts: 2105

Wow, this along with the E3 stuffs has nearly set a record for the most people online here at once! Almost, almost...2010-06-15 23:17:00

Posts: 5338

All I can think about is how cool it would be to be "a Fly on the wall"

talk about over load.. I can wait to hear all the details.. you guys were so lucky
2010-06-15 23:18:00

Posts: 58

I recon that you could pull off really lame, quite unstable and generally not at all fun versions of some of them if you spent a long time working on them in LBP1 and you were very good with your logic and mechanics.

The truth is for most of those vehicle and high-complexity mechanic levels, they are good because you know how difficult they were to create and it blows your mind how much work went in. But if you honestly sit back and be reasonable, they aren't exactly good and the controls are clunky and they just aren't really that great. What grant and jump_button made were amazingly good fun, had great controls and were something you'd play over and over again, without caring what work went into them - same as you would a "proper" game. Oh and I don't think either of them would mind me pointing out their strengths aren't logic and mechanics, their both artists mainly, but they can do awesome custom games now. It's fantastic.

Well that's all good to hear!

Kind of a related question - do you think that because it's easier to make really complex levels, there won't be many more mind blowing things we'll see a few months/years after release? I'm guessing it may not be easy to answer having only played it for a day, but I have this fear that it may go the same way as Modnation in making things TOO easy so we won't see much originality after a while.
2010-06-15 23:22:00

Posts: 927

Ah, the rich just get richer! Congrats guys - looks like fun. Is it just me, or was there an utter lack of estrogen in the event?

Just watched the video from E3, and some quick shots of what you guys created. Fantastic!! Almost hard to believe.

Of course for the rest of us, who have to wait until Christmas, this is nothing shy of inhumane torture.
2010-06-15 23:24:00

Posts: 1878

Of course for the rest of us, who have to wait until Christmas, this is nothing shy of inhumane torture.

Unless there's a beta.
2010-06-15 23:27:00

Posts: 927

Kind of a related question - do you think that because it's easier to make really complex levels, there won't be many more mind blowing things we'll see a few months/years after release? I'm guessing it may not be easy to answer having only played it for a day, but I have this fear that it may go the same way as Modnation in making things TOO easy so we won't see much originality after a while.

Nah... if anything, I'd expect to be even more blown away. The level that Wex, Rich, and I made was very advanced - something that would be over the heads of many creators for quite a while. That said, we only had 24 hours with it. Given a month to work on a level, it's mind-boggling to think of what is possible. The new lighting, materials, and tools provide new creative/artistic opportunities as well.

And, as much as many might not like it, but the opportunities for complex logic and interfaces is what is going to wow me personally. The reigns are kind of off in that department... and I'm salivating just thinking about what people might make.

2010-06-15 23:28:00

Posts: 5338

Well that's all good to hear!

Kind of a related question - do you think that because it's easier to make really complex levels, there won't be many more mind blowing things we'll see a few months/years after release? I'm guessing it may not be easy to answer having only played it for a day, but I have this fear that it may go the same way as Modnation in making things TOO easy so we won't see much originality after a while.

Definitely not. On one side the tools have made things that were hard in LBP1 easy...but on the other side it has opened up another world of possibilities that you just couldn't do before. It is here that the community will keep pushing on and creating crazy awesome things.

The sheer variety that the tools give is mindblowing. I sit creating on LBP2 everyday and I get so many different ideas in my head that could easily have a whole level based around them. For every 1 idea you thought up in LBP1, you will think up 20 in LBP2.
2010-06-15 23:29:00

Posts: 1494

Kind of a related question - do you think that because it's easier to make really complex levels, there won't be many more mind blowing things we'll see a few months/years after release? I'm guessing it may not be easy to answer having only played it for a day, but I have this fear that it may go the same way as Modnation in making things TOO easy so we won't see much originality after a while.

Not at all. The tools are still actually quite simple, there are no "quick fixes", and you still have to build things up. It's just quicker, neater and smoother to do and the results are better. The scope has also been pushed out - I myself will be looking at making very complex layered behavioural AI systems etc. Personally, I honestly hope that the more complex creations will be less about throwing the complexity in the face of the user and actually about enhancing gamplay, but the scope is there for you to really push the bounds out if you want to - the bar is raised for everyone IMO.

And this includes visual specialists as well, it's hard to talk about he visual updates, but everything just looks so much better and there is so much more to work with.
2010-06-15 23:30:00

Posts: 6497

Thanks guys.

*tries to think of more questions...*
2010-06-15 23:31:00

Posts: 927

But with logic stuff being easier, what will become of rtm? EDIT: Rtm answered that while I was posting... 2010-06-15 23:32:00

Posts: 186

I'm loving the 1 question 6 answers approach we've got going on here 2010-06-15 23:33:00

Posts: 1494

Guys, at the cost of being the same old hothead, I really invite everyone to not be jealous.
The FRIENDS here that have been invited have done so much for the community, to raise the bar, to help everyone around, that they ONLY deserved to be there.
I know, you know, and most of all MM and, to a lesser degree, Sony knows
So I find unkind and unfair to be jealous, really, it shouldn't even be a joke.
As I see it, it's a milestone or the Community, and everyone should be happy happy HAAAAAAAAAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

On a side note...what happened to the layer glitch? They have tamed it, erased it, evolved it?
2010-06-15 23:33:00

Posts: 5112

... but I have this fear that it may go the same way as Modnation in making things TOO easy so we won't see much originality after a while.

Put great tools in the hands of the average and you will get better results. Put great tools in the hands of the truly gifted, and you achieve transcendance.
2010-06-15 23:35:00

Posts: 379

I want a question to ask, but there's just too many... :/2010-06-15 23:37:00

Posts: 2979

But with logic stuff being easier, what will become of rtm? EDIT: Rtm answered that while I was posting...

I know this was meant as a joke but I'm going to ruin it and answer...

This is actually the same question that Nuclearfish just asked, and a question that has been asked quite a few times recently...

Things have gotten easier...but then the tools that have made them easier also open up a whole load of new possibilities...inside these new possibilities is where Rich's mechanical brain can think up newer, even crazy things

And that's how it will work with the whole community, the good creators will now be able to create to a standard of the top tier creators....but just in the same way, that group of top tier of creators will be able to push on even further
2010-06-15 23:38:00

Posts: 1494

Thanks guys.

*tries to think of more questions...*

Anyone noticed Nuclearfish's sneaky questions that glean a lot of insight, without requiring us to actually tell anything we shouldn't

But with logic stuff being easier, what will become of rtm? EDIT: Rtm answered that while I was posting...

Yeah, I'm sure I'll cope The cool thing I found is that the "electronics" that we are excpeting aren't exactly like electronics and have all sorts of weirdness and LBP-specifics to them that it's a totally original toolset to play around with

Plus, I may publish levels and stuff - someone reminded me recently that it's fashionable to do that once in a while
2010-06-15 23:38:00

Posts: 6497

But with logic stuff being easier, what will become of rtm? EDIT: Rtm answered that while I was posting...

It just gets better. Less focus on building mechanical logic systems and the constraints they impose, means higher systems of logic in the end. The logic "gurus" felt the same way at first, but their fears were erased when they realized now they just get to do sooo much more.
2010-06-15 23:39:00

Posts: 564

So, will the basis of "platforming" be the same? The whole run, jump, and grab. Just with added features and abilities not included in the first?2010-06-15 23:40:00

Posts: 2979

Guys, so now that you've had some decent time with LBP2, do you think Move will add a lot of fun to it and did you get to try it with LBP2?2010-06-15 23:42:00

Posts: 527

Have you tried playing levels from LBP in LBP2? Do they feel or look any different?2010-06-15 23:43:00

Posts: 1432

It just gets better. Less focus on building mechanical logic systems and the constraints they impose, means higher systems of logic in the end. The logic "gurus" felt the same way at first, but their fears were erased when they realized now they just get to do sooo much more.

Very well put, and describes perfectly how it went down.

I honestly thought that the circuit boards were going to be limited and not able to match some of the same stuff we'd made already. Even after our initial play-with, I kind of felt that way... but as the night went on, I realized how far superior the new tools are to the old "sticks and rocks" we build with now.

Have you tried playing levels from LBP in LBP2? Do they feel or look any different?

Yeah, the look different. The lighting is the biggest thing that has changed.
2010-06-15 23:43:00

Posts: 5338

wait wait wait... Does Jackofcourse work for MediaMolecule, or did he steal a copy of LBP22010-06-15 23:44:00

Posts: 5078

wait wait wait... Does Jackofcourse work for MediaMolecule, or did he steal a copy of LBP2

He is working closely with Mm on [Content Removed].
2010-06-15 23:45:00

Posts: 5338

So, another question, are the physics any better, as in less floaty?2010-06-15 23:46:00

Posts: 1432

Anyone noticed Nuclearfish's sneaky questions that glean a lot of insight, without requiring us to actually tell anything we shouldn't

Really struggling to think of any more, I think I've used all my good questions up.
2010-06-15 23:47:00

Posts: 927

Is the blank level bigger? Or is it the same dimensions?2010-06-15 23:48:00

Posts: 5078

wait wait wait... Does Jackofcourse work for MediaMolecule, or did he steal a copy of LBP2

Did you not read the article?!

I'm working on a specific project for Mm and LBP2
2010-06-15 23:49:00

Posts: 1494

So, will the basis of "platforming" be the same? The whole run, jump, and grab. Just with added features and abilities not included in the first?

For the most part yes. But, it's just going to be a whole lot better. We can build areas with altered gravity. The new movers will mean we can make platforms that move in many directions or even in complex patterns. Jump pads will add a ton to platforming. The scoring system will make platforming funner. The separate cameras will make multi player platforming considerably more enjoyable. Picture making long verticle platforming sections where you don't have worry about three players timing out because the camera only follows one person.
2010-06-15 23:49:00

Posts: 564

Aha, got one!

Which will revolutionize LBP more - sackbots or direct control???
(I can perhaps guess that answer after not really seeing many or any sackbots in those E3 levels...)
2010-06-15 23:49:00

Posts: 927

Did you logic gurus show MM your switch designs and let them know how bad their logic is ?

2010-06-15 23:49:00

Posts: 3251

Aha, got one!

Which will revolutionize LBP more - sackbots or direct control???
(I can perhaps guess that answer after not really seeing many or any sackbots in those E3 levels...)

Yeah, this question definitely isn't up to the standard of your previous efforts
2010-06-15 23:50:00

Posts: 1494

Is every single tool and material from the first game going to be there, like pistons and dissolve? Or are there special features that replace them?2010-06-15 23:51:00

Posts: 1432

Plus, I may publish levels and stuff - someone reminded me recently that it's fashionable to do that once in a while

About bleeding time, mate.
2010-06-15 23:51:00

Posts: 379

Aha, got one!

Which will revolutionize LBP more - sackbots or direct control???
(I can perhaps guess that answer after not really seeing many or any sackbots in those E3 levels...)

Easy - direct control. I thought it'd be the other way around, but after having played with it, definitely Direct Control Seats.
2010-06-15 23:51:00

Posts: 5338

For the most part yes. But, it's just going to be a whole lot better. We can build areas with altered gravity. The new movers will mean we can make platforms that move in many directions or even in complex patterns. Jump pads will add a ton to platforming. The scoring system will make platforming funner. The separate cameras will make multi player platforming considerably more enjoyable. Picture making long verticle platforming sections where you don't have worry about three players timing out because the camera only follows one person.

Oh yes, I heard about the new camera in the conference! That must make playing the levels MUCH easier!
2010-06-15 23:51:00

Posts: 2979

Did you not read the article?!

I'm working on a specific project for Mm and LBP2
Now i want to know...
2010-06-15 23:51:00

Posts: 184

Is every single tool and material from the first game going to be there, like pistons and dissolve? Or are there special features that replace them?

This has been answered many, many times all over the internet. Yes.
2010-06-15 23:53:00

Posts: 379

Have you tried playing levels from LBP in LBP2? Do they feel or look any different?
No, we couldn't.

Guys, so now that you've had some decent time with LBP2, do you think Move will add a lot of fun to it and did you get to try it with LBP2?
Move will be cool if creators make the right levels for it but we didn't get to try it.
2010-06-15 23:56:00

Posts: 564

Hey all, Spaff generously gave us the go-ahead on our List of Features Article (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28726-LittleBigPlanet-2-New-Features-From-Create-Jam). Go check it out!

2010-06-15 23:56:00

Posts: 5338

Aha, got one!

Which will revolutionize LBP more - sackbots or direct control???
(I can perhaps guess that answer after not really seeing many or any sackbots in those E3 levels...)

Direct control definitely. But IMO holo-material will run a close second or maybe even first. We'll see soon enough.
2010-06-15 23:58:00

Posts: 564

Direct control definitely. But IMO holo-material will run a close second or maybe even first. We'll see soon enough.

Direct control + movers + holograph could keep me busy for the rest of my life.
2010-06-16 00:00:00

Posts: 6497

Fantastic article, guys!! Fascinating and very human... if you know what I mean. Mind you, it's taken me a year to read through the comments here.. I walk away from the computer and come back to a whole extra page or two :eek:
What a mind-blowing privilege it must have been and I'm extra delighted to see that it wasn't wasted on any of you! Looking forward to what's coming next with eager anticipation

Thanks for all the work you did putting this massive article together, gentlemen. Very much appreciated

P.S. To all you younger creators who were invited - enjoy your full, glossy heads of hair now, because it looks like prolonged creative brain activity affects hair retention somewhat
2010-06-16 00:08:00

Posts: 1567

I think all the people who were chosen to go to MM should get a crown in lbp :blush: they deserve it!2010-06-16 00:20:00

Posts: 1969

I think all the people who were chosen to go to MM should get a crown in lbp :blush: they deserve it!
That would be very useful for many us to hide our baldness
2010-06-16 00:30:00

Posts: 383

We're not worthy, we're not worthy. Thanks for reminding us once again how awesome and priveleged you all are. It wouldn't do for us lesser mortals to forget. Please let me play and create on LBP2 when it comes out. I know I'm useless but I do have passion and love for the game. Please tell me that at least counts for something.2010-06-16 00:31:00

Posts: 2210

Wow I'm so jealous of you guys!
/tries to finish time machine
2010-06-16 00:33:00

Posts: 192

they needed creators with big strong hearts, females are too weak to bear the strain of LBP2

Yeah... don't worry, ladies. I am assuming this was meant as a joke *twirls Banarang between fingers while staring down a cringing monstahr*, because surely no-one could be that ignorant...
2010-06-16 00:34:00

Posts: 1567

I think all the people who were chosen to go to MM should get a crown in lbp :blush: they deserve it!

I would gracefully decline crown #4. Although, I'd gladly give a few of the extras if I could. I know some people that certainly deserve them.
2010-06-16 00:34:00

Posts: 564

JEALOUS! Man that sounds like it was so much epicness. MM are too nice. Sounds like such a perfect day.2010-06-16 00:41:00

Posts: 1370

We're not worthy, we're not worthy. Thanks for reminding us once again how awesome and priveleged you all are. It wouldn't do for us lesser mortals to forget. Please let me play and create on LBP2 when it comes out. I know I'm useless but I do have passion and love for the game. Please tell me that at least counts for something.

I apologize that when we got the invite, we didn't instead insist that you go in our stead. I also apologize that I took the time to write out this feature for Mm to show how much we appreciated the trip. Finally, I apologize that we spent the past week compiling all this information for the site... information that people were dying to know about.

You are absolutely right. We should have gone to the event and had a terrible time. How selfish of us!
2010-06-16 00:44:00

Posts: 5338

So what was it like to find such an e-mail and read it?2010-06-16 00:46:00

Posts: 4193

What date did this happen? Sorry if that's been mentioned before :blush:.2010-06-16 00:49:00

Posts: 3251

So what was it like to find such an e-mail and read it?

I would guess that once they all got over the initial disappointed of MrVista not also being on the list, it was massively exciting. I bet that first week was hard though
2010-06-16 00:50:00

Posts: 1494

What date did this happen? Sorry if that's been mentioned before :blush:.

June 4th-5th. First weekend in June.
2010-06-16 00:50:00

Posts: 5338

We're not worthy, we're not worthy. Thanks for reminding us once again how awesome and priveleged you all are. It wouldn't do for us lesser mortals to forget. Please let me play and create on LBP2 when it comes out. I know I'm useless but I do have passion and love for the game. Please tell me that at least counts for something.

My wife and I are gonna have a baby in a few months and I was worried about the nonstop crying, but you've helped me prepare for it. Thanks!
2010-06-16 00:51:00

Posts: 1335

MM are too nice. Sounds like such a perfect day. They really are awesome guys - all so laid back and friendly absolutely the way you'd imagine them to be.

So what was it like to find such an e-mail and read it? Imagine your head bursting. In a good way
2010-06-16 00:51:00

Posts: 6497

Did they mention if they might do a similar event again at some point? 2010-06-16 00:51:00

Posts: 927

Oh, this was a great write up by the way! I love that group photo! So many great creators gathered together to check out LBP2. Awesome!2010-06-16 00:54:00

Posts: 1335

I would guess that once they all got over the initial disappointed of MrVista not also being on the list...it was massively exciting. I bet that first week was hard though

I guess you meant disappointment.

I must admit though that one thing that always amazes and mystifies me is how people ( many of whom are kids who look three sheets to the wind ) who have no grasp of grammar and can't spell to save their life can make good levels. I'm truly bemused.

My wife and I are gonna have a baby in a few months and I was worried about the nonstop crying, but you've helped me prepare for it. Thanks!

You're very welcome. Always happy to be of service.
2010-06-16 00:56:00

Posts: 2210

Did they mention if they might do a similar event again at some point?
Nope, but this meeting was called "Game Jam #1". So who knows if there's going to be a "Game Jam #2"
2010-06-16 00:57:00

Posts: 383

*ignores trolls, for now*

Nope, but this meeting was called "Game Jam #1". So who knows if there's going to be a "Game Jam #2"
I heard it'll happen shortly after create pack #2 comes out. So, knowing MM... soon
2010-06-16 00:59:00

Posts: 6497

I guess you meant disappointment.

I must admit though that one thing that always amazes and mystifies me is how people ( many of whom are kids who look three sheets to the wind ) who have no grasp of grammar and can't spell to save their life can make good levels. I'm truly bemused.

hahaha brilliant, turning a typo into an argument winning post against a 'kid'. You must be so proud

Thanks for complimenting my levels

Anyway, I think most of us are grown up enough (even the kids) to leave it at that and use this thread to discuss the awesomeness of Media Molecule and Sony. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but when you think that Sony actually paid to fly over people from America just for this event...wow!
2010-06-16 00:59:00

Posts: 1494

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but when you think about how Sony paid to fly over people from America just for this event...wow!
Not to mention the barbecue, the pub, the taxis, the trains, hotel...
2010-06-16 01:08:00

Posts: 383

A quick question in preparation for my next proper question - whose levels were the ones shown at E3?2010-06-16 01:09:00

Posts: 927

Not to mention the barbecue, the pub, the taxis, the trains, hotel...

...but not the cigarettes, eh?
2010-06-16 01:11:00

Posts: 2870

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but when you think that Sony actually paid to fly over people from America just for this event...wow!

Most people think being good at a video game doesn't help you in real life, yet you get a free vacation

Edit: Since the testers went over to Aya's place, there should be a pic of aya too! :arg:
2010-06-16 01:11:00

Posts: 3251

A quick question in preparation for my next proper question - whose levels were the ones shown at E3?

Anposteller / steve_big_guns - side on flyer with loads of flames and destruction
grant - top down, cow herding, bovine airforce dodging, UFO flight simulator survival game
Jump_button - sumo fighter minigame, the one in the made in 24 hours bit, not earlier on.

I can't actually remember what else was shown...
2010-06-16 01:14:00

Posts: 6497

My mind was just blown to smithereens.2010-06-16 01:18:00

Posts: 3149

...but not the cigarettes, eh?
I think cigarettes were my only expenditure during my stay in UK. Lol
(Nooo! I paid one round at the pub on thursday night! didn't I guys??)
2010-06-16 01:18:00

Posts: 383

Thanks rtm!

Right then - question for jump_button, when and if he sees this:

Which was better - making a level and having it included on the GOTY disc, or being at this event and making a level that was shown (if only briefly) at E3?

(same goes for anyone else who was part of both, but because I can't remember most of the GOTY creators I'm not sure if that includes anyone else?)
2010-06-16 01:20:00

Posts: 927

Anposteller / steve_big_guns - side on flyer with loads of flames and destruction
grant - top down, cow herding, bovine airforce dodging, UFO flight simulator survival game
Jump_button - sumo fighter minigame, the one in the made in 24 hours bit, not earlier on.

I can't actually remember what else was shown...

Jaeyden's Duck Hunt was shown too I think
2010-06-16 01:21:00

Posts: 1494

Yep, it was. Nice call, jack.2010-06-16 01:22:00

Posts: 5338

Wow..... fantastic read! I'm really excited about all this.... but at the same time..... INCREDIBLY JEALOUS! 2010-06-16 01:27:00

Posts: 4430

Yeah - I do hope I didn't sound bitter in my last post. This was truly an awesome opportunity for both Mm and the community at large. The information you've brought back is priceless. Am I jealous? Hell yes - but that's not a bad thing necessarily. I'm also really happy for you guys. Someone said earlier - give an average talent (me) a set of incredible new tools, etc. etc.

Next time though, Mm should really invite the entire community. Albert Hall in two day shifts for a couple weeks ought to do the trick.
2010-06-16 01:31:00

Posts: 1878

Wow..... fantastic read! I'm really excited about all this.... but at the same time..... INCREDIBLY JEALOUS!
I was surprised and disappointed that you weren't invited. It would have been fantastic to meet you.
2010-06-16 01:31:00

Posts: 383

Must of been Epic!2010-06-16 01:36:00

Posts: 84

I have a question for the people that wend to the MM studio.

Did the levels that you created will be on the story mode, community levels or the GOTY edition?
2010-06-16 01:36:00

Posts: 1843

I have a question for the people that wend to the MM studio.

Did the levels that you created will be on the story mode, community levels or the GOTY edition?

Game's not even out yet, dude. How can we talk about a GOTY edition?
2010-06-16 01:45:00

Posts: 5338

Game's not even out yet, dude. How can we talk about a GOTY edition?

because it will be game of the year!
2010-06-16 01:47:00

Posts: 2914

But it's a given that it will be so mind-blowingly awesome that it will win GOTY.2010-06-16 01:49:00

Posts: 1432

I have a question for the people that wend to the MM studio.

Did the levels that you created will be on the story mode, community levels or the GOTY edition?

They were just for publicity, but MM may allow us to have the files to develop into community levels when the game is released. If not, all we gotta do is spend 27 hours to recreate them
2010-06-16 01:49:00

Posts: 6497

Wow..... fantastic read! I'm really excited about all this.... but at the same time..... INCREDIBLY JEALOUS!

lol... ditto that! Awesome stuff guys. Wish I could have joined you all as well. Ahh well, maybe next time.
2010-06-16 01:50:00

Posts: 11383

WHY IS EVERYONE OLDER THAN ME!?! It's not fair.2010-06-16 02:16:00

Posts: 1030


Blame your parents.

So... Was there anything you guys Didn't like? Nobody has asked this yet as far as I am aware and nobody has said anything bad. What can they make better?
2010-06-16 02:23:00

Posts: 2914

Blame your parents.

So... Was there anything you guys Didn't like? Nobody has asked this yet as far as I am aware and nobody has said anything bad. What can they make better?

Yes. I didn't like the fact that I had to come home. Plus, I miss Poms.
2010-06-16 02:31:00

Posts: 564

So... Was there anything you guys Didn't like? Nobody has asked this yet as far as I am aware and nobody has said anything bad. What can they make better?

There was loads that was rough around the edges, but the version we played was not even alpha yet, loads of stuff didn't have graphics, just placeholders for logic etc., so you sort of take the negatives in your stride, and we have been feeding back to them about things as well.

Plus, bear in mind, all they've done is add features, so even if you aren't that keen on a feature, it's still more
2010-06-16 02:32:00

Posts: 6497

Yes. I didn't like the fact that I had to come home. Plus, I miss Poms.

What happened to Poms?
2010-06-16 02:37:00

Posts: 1030

What happened to Poms?

He had to go home too.
2010-06-16 02:38:00

Posts: 564

He had to go home too.

And not to jaeyden's home - that was what really broke jae's heart
2010-06-16 02:40:00

Posts: 6497

Can anyone give detailed descriptions of what they built for levels and what they were about? 2010-06-16 03:05:00

Posts: 4193

I just saw E3 footage of the games that you guys created while watching tv just now!!! Now I'm REALLY jealous! Wow, those games looked incredible!2010-06-16 03:31:00

Posts: 4430

Can anyone give detailed descriptions of what they built for levels and what they were about?

We'll be able to do some more of that after tomorrow's presentation. I think they plan on talking about this a bit.

2010-06-16 03:42:00

Posts: 5338

So they ARE presenting tomorrow? Well what was that Hands On thing that happened today? I figured it was just a schedule mix up and they were presenting today instead of tomorrow. :o Shows how much I know. Hopefully they'll reveal even more than we know now. xD Wow! I'm excited.2010-06-16 03:45:00

Posts: 392

Ccub, you are going to absolutely be in your element with a lot of the new tools. Alongside expanding the platforming aspect of the game, they've really given the creators who were trying to push LBP in different directions a huge amount of cool stuff to play with.2010-06-16 03:49:00

Posts: 1156

Ccub, you are going to absolutely be in your element with a lot of the new tools. Alongside expanding the platforming aspect of the game, they've really given the creators who were trying to push LBP in different directions a huge amount of cool stuff to play with.
LOL - yeah... almost everything I've heard and/or read so far, a little voice in my head has been saying, "oooo - Ccubby's gonna like that!"
2010-06-16 04:11:00

Posts: 1878

16pages in 6 hours, ****!

read it all, was awesome, sounds really fun, especially the parts about nonstop gaming achieved with red bull and coke.

cant wait for more info (if allowed) on the tools =)!
2010-06-16 04:13:00

Posts: 835

Sounds amazing, I'm with everyone else when I say I wish I were there for it. LBP2 boot camp!
With beer and barbecue and Media Molecule!
Holy **** I just wrote a rap.

Yes. I didn't like the fact that I had to come home. Plus, I miss Poms.

What happened to Poms?

He had to go home too.

And not to jaeyden's home - that was what really broke jae's heart

It is really sad. I've never even met poms in person, but I too miss him dearly. Why isn't he here with me right now?
I thought this game was supposed to bring people together.


2010-06-16 04:23:00

Posts: 1937

I love you all. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, fantastic write-up. It makes me proud to know you guys, even if I only know you a little bit. I'm so very very sad that I probably won't be able to play LBP next year, unless I bring my ps3 to to residence with me I'll have to really consider doing that...

Seems like you had a blast! I agree with the person who said at some point in this long thread that a meet-up should be organized for the whole community!! That would be incredible. I say someone - whether it's an MM employee, or a distinguished LBPC member - should pick a fun location where everyone who can come could meet. A hotel could be booked and everything. It could be on the day of LBP2's release!

Anyways, that's my crazy idea, but I bet it could be done!

But yeah, congrats to all of you, and thanks comphermc for the great write-up
2010-06-16 04:49:00

Posts: 1230

Congratulations everyone.... i've been cautiously excited but after reading trusted accounts of create mode, and SEEING actual gameplay footage you all made...
well, I just couldn't be happier for you (plurally) and in return that means like I am gonna be tinkering for a few more years now... [looks off into distance with a whimsical smile]

I have no idea how you were able to keep quiet those 9 days... but thank you!
2010-06-16 05:12:00

Posts: 1308

Yeah... don't worry, ladies. I am assuming this was meant as a joke *twirls Banarang between fingers while staring down a cringing monstahr*, because surely no-one could be that ignorant...

nothing i say should ever be taken seriously. if anyone ever has taken me seriously... oh lord...

i have destroyed many lives, then
2010-06-16 06:02:00

Posts: 1361

Wow, that seemed like a blast! I could only imagine what was running through your minds while trying to decide what level to make, having a room full of people agree on one idea, while constantly coming across new features that have loads of potential to heavily alter gameplay and creation techniques, all while realizing that you're meeting with all your psn friends in real life for the first time, all at once, and trying to remember their names, meanwhile keeping an eye on the clock and wondering if you might have insulted someone by calling them by their PSN than their real name.

Must've been awesome.

"Hey steve bihh... g... hey steve!"
2010-06-16 06:10:00

Posts: 724

this is what i won btw and a book that was only made for Mm you cant buy it anywhere

2010-06-16 06:33:00

Posts: 1014

is that like a stand for your controller, or is the controller part of the statue? either way it's pretty darn cool.2010-06-16 06:38:00

Posts: 1361

Omg want now2010-06-16 06:41:00

Posts: 379

What a great opportunity! Sounds like you all had a blast (I know I would have), thanks for the write-up.2010-06-16 06:46:00

Posts: 1214

I'm super jealous Glad to see you all had an awesome time haha 2010-06-16 07:25:00

Posts: 478

Congrats guys, your on Youtube.

2010-06-16 07:40:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I cant help but note that there were no-one female present in any of the pictures. just saying... 2010-06-16 07:49:00

Posts: 218

Congrats guys, your on Youtube.


at 0.37 you can see the fabled lipring!!


and the rest of rtm it seems
2010-06-16 07:52:00

Posts: 5078

Well I'll be, look at that! Embed that, would you? Aw scrooge it, here.


Just look at all those lovely studdly handsome gents. rtm sure got some screentime there. Look at the twinkle in his eyes. "More of EVERYTHING!" *twinkle*

EDIT: Holy crap, check out that sweet Jack freeze frame on the video.

EDIT 2: I think my favorite moment in the video, alongside rtm's twinkle, is where you can pinpoint the exact second the final vestige of caffeine leaves jump_button's body. 1:03. Looks like exasperation, exhaustion, excitement. Perfectly captures the mood.
2010-06-16 08:12:00

Posts: 1937

im not looking XD *hides* btw when i did the name thing Alex was jumping around at the back of them really put me off i think they wanted me to say somthing but i forgot lol2010-06-16 08:15:00

Posts: 1014

im not looking XD *hides* btw when i did the name thing Alex was jumping around at the back of them really put me off i think they wanted me to say somthing but i forgot lol

Hah, nothing to worry about then! It was an EXTREMELY short video, only a couple of guys make the cut. jack, rtm, a couple of quick lines from compher, quite a bit of wex because he's a colorful chap, that one. A little bit of poms. You're in there, but we never hear you speak, just see you in the corner of the screen and then again just playing the game, looking like maybe the game just crashed or perhaps like you just crashed, I'm not sure.
2010-06-16 08:26:00

Posts: 1937

rtm looks brilliantly spaced from sleep deprivation That video sums up 24 hours in 1 minute perfectly!2010-06-16 09:29:00

Posts: 1904

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