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Meet The Staff II

Archive: 690 posts

Hey there, guys! As you are surely aware, we have several staff members here at LBPC. In order to get to know us better, we are giving you the opportunity to ask us any question you'd like (within reason, of course). Moderators will, time and desire permitting, edit your question post with our answers, using the following colors:

Site Administrators:


Site-Wide Moderators:




Fire away!
2010-04-11 20:23:00

Posts: 5338

Since when did Comph become the only mod? D:

I'm not the only mod. It's not nice to the other mods to say that...
Compher slipped some kind of poison into the other mods drinks, rendering us unconscious and unable to lock threads. Thankfully, my wife found me before I died of starvation and I am currently on a quest for vengeance against Comph.
Comph has always been the only mod, he's just schizophrenic, and likes to create different accounts for each of his personalities. Or do I?
We are all part of the collective. Resistance is futile.

lol, anyway, let's see...

Favorite LBP level?

Sacky Potter by Nuclearfish. Please make a sequel!
Hmm, it's tough for me to pick a favorite, but I guess I'll say Burning Forest.
Of the story levels, I'd probably go with Serpent Shrine. As for community levels, I'll let you know after I've played them all.
I don't think I could possibly name a favorite, but if you want to see some of my favorites you can look up my hearted levels online (PSN:schm078).

Favorite game outside of LBP?

Portal. Can't wait for Portal 2!
At the moment, Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Anything which contains the words "Grand Theft Auto".
Right now it's Dead Space. I'm also partial to SimCity 4 and Dwarf Fortress on the PC.
2010-04-11 20:25:00

Posts: 10882

Why are all the moderators male? I just noticed that....

Well, the majority of members here are male. The ladies also like to fly under the radar a little, or are involved in other ways. We promise, we don't take gender into consideration whatsoever.

It is unfortunate that we don't have a female mod, but I try bring a feminin perspective to the job by wearing a little bit of lipstick while I lock threads. It also makes me feel pretty.

Pass. Maybe all the women were smart enough not to accept when asked?

I like Aya's comment too much to think of anything better.

You wanna re-phrase your question now?
2010-04-11 20:30:00

Posts: 5592

Hmmm to anyone, your favorite shoes to wear?

If it were socially acceptable, I wouldn't wear shoes. They are just too cumbersome! That said, I usually wear sneakers to class. Currently, I just have a pair of white K-Swiss. Now that summer is rolling around, I'm looking forward to busting out my flip-flops. When I get a grown man job (read: soon!) I'm going to have to class it up a little with some nicer dress shoes. Interesting question...

Any pair that I can find for less than $30. I hate spending a lot of money on shoes.

Payless FTW. I do appreciate a nice pair of dress shoes for work, but I've never spend more than $50 on a pair. A nice pair of sneakers suit me just fine for most purposes.
2010-04-11 20:33:00

Posts: 11383

K-Swiss: Good Taste...

What's your favourite level by me?

I loved your x2 level a lot. Howdy Parteners! all the way.
Howdy Partners!
Sadly, I've only played Howdy Partners so far, but if it's any consolation, I thought it was awesome.

Do yhoo liek mudkipz?

If I say no, will you kill me?

When did sickie lose his title? (he didn't seem all too active anyway, but still..)

He and Aer0 have stepped down. We should all be thankful for their moderator-ship over these past many months.

He was still pretty active. Like me, he lurked a lot, but he was often locking and moving threads.
2010-04-11 20:45:00

Posts: 1758

How exactly did you become a mod?

My motivations and work ethic and passion for the site were made clear when I worked on the Logic Pack. At least I assume anyways... CC approached me about it one day. I wouldn't dwell too much on wanting to be a mod. If you are right for the job, we will find you.

I've wanted to be a mod since I was 3. When I was little, my mom said I would run around the house, interrupt arguments and yell "This conversation has gone off topic. Locked!" It was adorable. After high school, I went to college and majored in Moderation. During that time I was a moderator intern for several sites until I saw the opening here on LBPC. I sent in my resume and heard back from CC the next day and have been doing it ever since.

I think it was as a result of CCubbage's recent Consideration (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=25223-Consideration) thread, most likely rtm's first post (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=25223-Consideration&p=436912#post436912) on that thread. I was in the middle of composing my reply (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=25223-Consideration&p=436974#post436974), when CC contacted me. Suffice it to say I had a very strong suspicion as to what he was going to ask me, although I was somewhat hesitant to accept.

Apologies if that was a little dull, but there was no way I was going to come up with a wittier reply than mrsupercomputer's.

I think CC's post here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28933-Welcome-to-our-new-Moderator-schm0%21&p=503027&viewfull=1#post503027) summed it up quite well, not to toot my own horn or anything.

Ooh, no, I would never want to be one. I asked the second question because I was thinking I would probably say no if asked. (this was edited in as a response to comph's response... or something)

And has anyone ever said no to being a mod?

2010-04-11 20:45:00

Posts: 256

How much time have you spent on LBPC (overall)?

I mean reading and posting and thinking of what to post )

Cumulative weeks of my life. That's time that my girlfriend wishes was with her... I am very, very active.

Hmm, I spend a lot of time reading and looking through the site, but I don't post very often. LBPC is my second most visited page according to my browser. I only visit Google more.

Not much, really. I only joined about six weeks ago. LittleBigWorksop, on the other hand, tells me I've spent 43,282 minutes on that site. Ouch!

I got LBP for Christmas 2009. Shortly after, I found my way here in March. So, a little over 3 months.
2010-04-11 20:46:00

Posts: 123

Yeah, I know, I was just joking


Are you looking forward to LBPC: the Game? <_>

It depends... do I look cool in it?
Haven't had much time to look through it yet, but level 9 certainly sounds interesting.
I'll try anything once!
2010-04-11 21:10:00

Posts: 10882

And has anyone ever said no to being a mod?


May I ask who?

I'm sure he/she would prefer to remain anonymous.
2010-04-11 21:12:00

Posts: 5592

May I ask who?

Ooh, I know some, I know some!

... Well, two at least, one I wnot say for privacy, but the other one isn't here anymore because of stuff, so Reshin apparently didn't accept... yeah of you would know who that is :kz: The other one... I won't say for fear of fear itself(and no, it ain't me, if that's what you're thinking).
2010-04-11 21:16:00

Posts: 10882

To Everyone: What kinds of levels do you enjoy playing in LBP?

Any kind of good level, but I prefer the straight platformers
All kinds!
Ideally, levels which are innovative, varied, and fun. But I probably spend more time in create mode than I do playing.
I have a penchant for platformers, but I prefer playability and creativity in design over aesthetics or scenery. A well designed, fun level with mediocre setting and aesthetics would be much better than a crappy level with lots of window dressing.

Do you have a specific genre of levels that you enjoy creating, or is it just depending on your current inspiration?

I like to mix it up, so as to not get bored with one thing.
I go for the action/adventure style of level that lets the player traverse a variety of settings that are all tied to the main theme.
Sadly, I haven't really created a proper level yet.
I'm working on an "Indiana Jones" type level, but I'm a slow creator and haven't released it yet. There have been a few reluctant (unwilling? unaware?) alpha testers, though.

How has LBP touched your life?

It has brought me into contact with a lot of cool people from around the globe and I've made some great friends.
Touched? "Ruined" might be more appropriate.
Don't touch me. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcw3alghsJk) (It's all I could think of -- schm0)

If you could change one crucial thing about LBP, what would it be?

I'd expand Sackboys move set.
Being able to import/export level files in a human-readable format. Then I could write a better interface to the level editor.
Make a sequel.

Which PS3 game made by Media Molecule is the most awesome creative game ever?

This question has me stumped.
Media who?
They came out with PS3!?
2010-04-11 21:21:00

Posts: 771

Slow down, guys! How about one question per person, per day?

2010-04-11 21:32:00

Posts: 5338

Haha! Good idea!

What's your favorite farm animal? No answer will hurt my feelings. As long as it's not one of those mean cows... >_>

Erm... pigs?
Sus Scrofa Domestica.

EDIT: You posted your limits as I was typing them....
2010-04-11 21:34:00

Posts: 2979

Well I still have my question! Let's see... What would the most awkward question imaginable...

What do you wear when yu go to sleep? PJs? Tightie Whities? Birthday suit? The possibilities are endless...

Boxers. Although, I don't sleep. Ever. I'm always watching. /plot twist
Boxer briefs.
2010-04-11 22:31:00

Posts: 425

Well I still have my question! Let's see... What would the most awkward question imaginable...

What do you wear when yu go to sleep? PJs? Tightie Whities? Birthday suit? The possibilities are endless...

That's 5 questions . Also, I wouldn't be surprised if no one answered that.

Take that!
Yeah! Take that!
2010-04-11 22:37:00

Posts: 5592

Hmmm.... I think I'll have a go at asking a question.
What's your favourite level out of the ones you've made yourselves?

The favorite level that I've ever made is Zephyr Valley 2.

All Mine! would probably be my favorite... if only the drill flipped at the end. It could've been awesome.
2010-04-11 23:05:00

Posts: 1113

Approximately how much time do you volunteer doing mod duties? I imagine it's quite a lot. (and much appreciated)

About 1-3 hours a day. Part of that is just being a member, though. While, I sleep, I plug into the internet and moderate unconsciously.

Wait a sec? Volunteer? I thought we were getting paid? CC!

I'm usually active on the site for most of every day, although how much of that is "mod duties" is tough to say. I don't really distinguish much between helping out as a user and a moderator.

I spend time perusing at work when nobody's looking (except they're always looking), and a couple hours a night, which varies depending on the night.
2010-04-11 23:40:00

Posts: 5983

Other than locking and moving threads, as well as making sure threads stay on topic, is there any other major "activities" you perform as a mod? (This is just out of curiosity, I really don't know the full extent of what moderators do) Example: Have you had to deal with any major problems?

We do damage control. You wouldn't believe how many attacks on this site we get. CC got shot in the leg last week.


Nah, but seriously we manage all of the people here, which includes banning and infracting people.

We have to do CC's laundry every week... including his underwear... talk about dealing with major problems!

RTM and Comph told me it was "one of the perks." It doesn't help that he doesn't change clothes but once every 3 or 4 days.
2010-04-12 00:05:00

Posts: 156

But there haven't been any bans in a long while right? Or has anyone ever actually been banned? Other than a bot?

Oops, that's 3 questions... Which means I'm at 8 today right? Ugh, that's 9!
2010-04-12 00:26:00

Posts: 425

But there haven't been any bans in a long while right? Or has anyone ever actually been banned? Other than a bot?!

2010-04-12 00:32:00

Posts: 5592

I think we should ban doopz. He knows too much!2010-04-12 01:28:00

Posts: 3251

Keep it on topic, fellas. 2010-04-12 01:29:00

Posts: 5338

What is the stupidist thing you have ever done?
*waiting to laugh at staff*

Agreeing to be a mod.

I'm kidding of course. It'd probably have to be the time that I tried to eat a 7 pound can of baked beans in an hour. I took the can around school and asked how much money people would pledge to me if I did it. I had over $300 in pledges. However, after about 5 minutes, I gave up. It was disgusting.

Oh geeze. Um... Growing up? Don't do it kids. Stay in Elementary School!

I jumped in the lake with my cellphone last year. It still worked after disassembling it and drying it out for a couple of hours. Is that stupid enough? (Oh, and thank my girlfriend for remembering all of the stupid things I've done. They're incredibly good at that.)
2010-04-12 01:50:00

Posts: 2431

Is comphy secretly claiming kingship with his chosen colour?

Secretly? I've been planning to overthrow CC for some time now. It's just a waiting game at this point...
2010-04-12 10:33:00

Posts: 3193

Do all mods liek mudkipz?

Negative. That internet meme has jumped the shark.
2010-04-12 11:08:00

Posts: 837

What colour underwear do the mods were? This is definately a much more important question then 'what's your favourite level?'. (Sorry if this is abit personal).

Every color of the rainbow! Pink is mrSC's favorite... Not because I've seen it! Because he told me!

Pink? Lies! Everyone knows I only wear tiger print. It helps bring out the animal in me. ROAR!

Think about that while you are dreaming tonight!

2010-04-12 23:34:00

Posts: 511

Will you not answer this question?



The correct answer to that question is: mu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_%28negative%29), although "squirrel" is the same thing really.

Hey! No fair! Comph changed my question!
2010-04-12 23:50:00

Posts: 5592

Wow Doopz.... that's such a trap.

If you could add one more feature or section to the website what would it be? (like chat coming back or something completely new)

I heard rumors that Aya is working on a new feature where your computer starts printing out legal currency. Sadly, I'm not sure it will ever see the light of day.

I honestly would like to see the experience system come back. Not because I would have the high score or anything, but because it would provide all those members that weren't here when we had it the opportunity to earn the ability for larger avatars, signatures, and inboxes, as well as the ability to use a custom title.

The chat is one that I'd like to see return... on one condition. I want it renamed mrsupercomputerchat and members are restricted to discussion about my levels and my good looks ONLY. Discussing any other topic, especially anything related to Compher would result in an immediate and permanent ban. Of course, if we could just get it to run without bringing the server to a screeching halt, I guess that'd be good too.
2010-04-12 23:58:00

Posts: 5983

That's 5 questions . Also, I wouldn't be surprised if no one answered that.

Take that!
Yeah! Take that!

Lol, the mods have gone wild!

Slow down, guys! How about one question per person, per day?


Okay (seeing a mod answer a mod's question is hilarious! )

What colour underwear do the mods were? This is definately a much more important question then 'what's your favourite level?'. (Sorry if this is abit personal).

Every color of the rainbow! Pink is mrSC's favorite... Not because I've seen it! Because he told me!

Whoa... now this is where it got ackward. :eek:

So ya... I'm just gonna go do something else....

2010-04-13 00:00:00

Posts: 5551

Ok, this question is for Aya042...

I already know what the other mod's backgrounds are.... and I've noticed for a bit on the forum that you're a pretty logical and smart dude..... so, me a bit about yourself. What's your background?

He is skynet. You best retract your question before he becomes self aware.

Professionally? After completing my computer science degree, mainly programming jobs (C[++], Java, Python, PHP) and Linux sysadmin. Feel free to de-vague the question if you meant something else.
2010-04-13 00:00:00

Posts: 4430

By the special talent of a member, which one(I'm talking about talent here, don't shoot any name) would be great to have to complete your "team"
Here's an example:
We all know comphermc for his Intelligence.
I'm sorry if this question isn't too clear :S

I wish we had someone who was no fun at all and hated the game LittleBigPlanet.
2010-04-13 00:27:00

Posts: 1712

@All our mods who can answer this question (it's kind of serious)
Do you guys sometimes get "annoyed" by us? I know, weird question to ask, but seeing that some of our mods stepped down due to "personal reasons", I can't help but think that it could've been our recents attitudes here that made them leave their positions.

Well, sure. We get annoyed sometimes, but we love all of our children. Except Rtm... he's way too precocious.

Just to be clear... the shuffling of mods around here is mostly unrelated from any recent events. There has to be a dawning of a new age at some point, and I can tell that Aya is going to be a wonderful moderator. You can blame me if he screws up, as I initiated the "Hey CC, what going on with the mod situation" conversation. It's all my fault! Especially if he does something awesome.

Yep, all the time. It'll be a miracle if I last another month.

Not particularly.
2010-04-13 01:59:00

Posts: 5551

Take my name off that wall!

It is done. Thanks for all you've done as a mod!

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

That's not a question.
2010-04-13 02:01:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Do you like frogs?

Their legs are delicious when dunked in melted better. Mmmmm. Come-'ere!

I HATE frogs! I think it's because of that time I visited a pond with my family and a frog killed my dad.
2010-04-13 02:07:00

Posts: 1800

Take my name off that wall!

It is done. Thanks for all you've done as a mod!

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

Wait.. what? Is Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale leaving?

He was involved in a terrible fishing accident. He's going to be delicious...
2010-04-13 11:32:00

Posts: 5592

(Anyone who answers gets a cookie! ^_^ )

Penguins or Dolphins or Ducks or Bears or Pigs or Rabbits or Dodos or..?

Penguins fo' sho'. As a wee tyke, I loved penguins. I even had a stuffed penguin animal.


Where's my cookie?

*gives cookie*
2010-04-13 14:04:00

Posts: 1913

Which one of you benevolent souls is HERO enough to wipe the 'infractions' tab off my home page clean? Right! a terrible injustice. As is, after a hard fought day of posting and reviewing, when I finally do get a chance to kick my sack-heels up in the Ol' Gravel-Cave... I'm greeted by the subtle type of irony that tastes all coppery in my mouth... or perhaps you could recommend a good mouthwash?2010-04-13 14:35:00

Posts: 1308

I know I'm not supposed to give answers here, but you're better off with the mouthwash. I heard Listerine can can do wonders for you.
2010-04-13 14:47:00

Posts: 5551

Sup fellas!
Which creators inspire you the most?? (other than me of course! lmao)

Well, mrsupercomputer is kinda good at what he does. I also appreciate Julesy's use of humor throughout his Star Wars series. I'd like to think of my motivations as coming from a cumulative whole, rather than a set, small group of people.
2010-04-13 14:54:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

How high is your reputation pointwise?

I'm not sure, something like 1900. Although, there are members who have cracked 2000. I'll let you guess as to who they are...
Lemme guess, rtm223, Cccubage, and Confused Cartman?

2010-04-13 15:04:00

Posts: 1800

How long do you think you all will be playing LBP and visiting LBPC for?

[removed pink text to eliminate confusion]

For quite some time, I'd imagine. The summer's coming up, and I am going to need something to do... We'll see how busy I am when I have to start teaching...

My time in the game has already slowed a bit from feeling burnt out, but I still enjoy playing and I visit LBPC daily (if not hourly!). However, in about 7 months, I'm gonna have a big change in my life and a lot more responsibilities, so LBP could take a backseat for a while.

It's a netbook!
2010-04-13 15:09:00

Posts: 1969

To all mods and CC.

Why the **** do you all hate me?

You smell funny.
2010-04-13 17:12:00

Unknown User

What are your real names? I'm guessing Bob!

One more thing. If you had a theme tune every time you posted, what would it be?
I'd reccommend the Indiana Jones theme for MrSC.

Brent! That's funny you would suggest Indiana Jones theme for me. I dressed up as Indy for Halloween a couple years ago and I carried around a recording of the theme song that I would play upon entering rooms. You weren't at the party I attended were you?

I wouldn't pick the Indy theme though. My tune of choice would be Dear Mr. Supercomputer by Sufjan Stevens (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndDnDO4Drnc).

Honestly, in the way you post it just reminds me of Indy. I think I must be physic!
2010-04-13 17:31:00

Posts: 511

By the special talent of a member, which one(I'm talking about talent here, don't shoot any name) would be great to have to complete your "team"
Here's an example:
We all know comphermc for his Intelligence.
I'm sorry if this question isn't too clear :S

I wish we had someone who was no fun at all and hated the game LittleBigPlanet.

Sign me up yo.
2010-04-13 18:25:00

Unknown User

To all mods and CC.

Why the **** do you all hate me?

You smell funny.

oh wow.

anyway, what is your favourite game (or games) besides LBP?

My all time favorite is Super Mario 64.
2010-04-13 18:46:00

Posts: 2824

How long do you think you all will be playing LBP and visiting LBPC for?

For quite some time, I'd imagine. The summer's coming up, and I am going to need something to do... We'll see how busy I am when I have to start teaching...
You teach? Cool!

I'm gonna have a big change in my life and a lot more responsibilities, so LBP could take a backseat for a while.
Brent, that sounds very interesting! I wonder what the big change is!
2010-04-13 19:03:00

Posts: 1969

Ok: Now for the questions everyone has been waiting for!

If the opportunity arose in which there would be a gathering of members here, would you attend? Even if it is quite a long distance? By that I mean inside your country, don't expect to go to Fiji

I would love that! It'd be the perfect chance to give Compher a big punch in the nose... I mean, it'd be great to see everyone!

Depends on who was there. If Brent's going, I'm not...

Only if there's beer.

How old is y'al?



Children! I'm 33.

bref mint?

U sayin ma bref stink?

2010-04-13 19:14:00

Posts: 1758

Who is alexgangsta3 and why is he pink?
2010-04-13 19:42:00

Posts: 3193

Who is alexgangsta3 and why is he pink?
I know i know!! lol but il leave the mods to answer that
2010-04-13 19:44:00

Posts: 1969

I've asked that question before too but never got an answer... hm....2010-04-13 19:57:00

Posts: 5983

It's something to do with email verification or something... (I think )2010-04-13 20:02:00

Posts: 5592

It's conspiracy! Some nefarious scheme, I'm sure.2010-04-13 20:12:00

Posts: 3193

It's definately a user that matches a specific criteria, such as the birthday matching today, but I don't know if that's it.....

Boy, I bet all you moderators are REALLY glad this "Meet the Staff" concept was resurrected, so that you have to spend all your free time answering questions, eh?

Get back in the water, fish!

It'd be a shame if he suffered the same accident as Whaaale.

*rubs belly and licks lips*
2010-04-13 20:12:00

Posts: 4430

Who is alexgangsta3 and why is he pink?

I believe it's because he is under 13 years of age and the forums require parental consent because of the COPPA law here in the US.

Actually, good sir, I think it's because he has not activated his account. Weird, I can't even view his page. He is under 13, though. Thy mystery continues!

Excuse me, my fair lady, but if you use your mod powers, you'll notice he is a COPPA user, meaning he is under 13 and restricted from posting without parental consent. I'm guessing that perviously, we allowed 13 years olds to sign up and print out a consent form that their parents could sign and mail in. A lot of forums have that... I accidentally marked that I was under 13 on a site once and was greeted with such an option. With the current version of LBPC, we just refuse registration to users under 13 years of age. So... mystery solved!

Well... you smell! And are ugly! So... take that!
2010-04-13 20:15:00

Posts: 1335

I believe it's because he is under 13 years of age and the forums require parental consent because of the COPPA law here in the US.

Couldn't be, he's not the only person under 13.
2010-04-13 20:32:00

Posts: 1800

Couldn't be, he's not the only one under 13.

Well, do said people under 13 lie about their ages/ have parental consent? That might be why.

Yeah, I'm actually 9. Fooled you lot!
2010-04-13 20:34:00

Posts: 10882

Well, do said people under 13 lie about their ages/ have parental consent? That might be why.

Yeah, I'm actually 9. Fooled you lot!

That's it, Comphermc's a genious genius.
2010-04-13 20:51:00

Posts: 1800

Who is alexgangsta3 and why is he pink?
Actually I think I heard ConfusedCartman say a while back that it means they just haven't fully registered yet.

Mrsupercomputer is correct that he is to young to post or have his profile viewed.

Mark this day down on your calendar folks. On April 13th, 2010... Compher admitted mrsupercomputer was correct about something!
2010-04-13 21:32:00

Posts: 4193

Look at Mrsupercomputer and Comp arguing like a couple of kids LMAO!
Im so glad people have a sense of humour around here!
2010-04-13 21:43:00

Posts: 1969

What's the last thing you drank?

A glass of Compher's tears. So sweet and refreshing!

My own tears. I then spit in the jar that previously contained tears, and gave it to someone else. Not really sure who he was.

lmao, you guys are Mrsupercomputer comphermc is so funny needs to stop all this mindless editing, and finish his 2x level!

2010-04-13 21:43:00

Posts: 1712

Haha, some great answers!! : )

If you only had 24 hours left on LittleBigPlanet would you play and be gadding OR create one last level?

I would like to create, but there is just no way I would get a level done in that little time. So, I'd probably replay all the great levels in my hearted list and try to find any gems that I might've overlooked. I'd also go back and 1 star all of Comph's levels.

I'd go back and 1 star all of my lev-- Hey! That was mine!

Jules, I'd probably play a bunch of levels. We all know that creating is a blast, but it's only truly worth it when it's finished. That, or I'd remake ramp and publish 19 copies of them. The last slot would be a Bomb Survival.
2010-04-13 21:58:00

Posts: 1156

OKaay guys - the big question:

Just how old is GrantosUK?

Birthday: August 24, 1979.

Well thanks Comph! I just spent like 5 minutes typing up a little reply involving carbon dating and beer bottles found throughout history that contained Grant's dna, but noooo, you had to ruin it by posting his real birthdate!

Everyone knows that Grant pre-dates beer.

My research says that he actually discovered it!
2010-04-13 22:11:00

Posts: 2645

Slash Or Axl Rose?

Slash for sure. Axl is whiny baby.

Slash. He's actually talented.

2010-04-13 22:28:00

Unknown User

Sweet or savoury? lol


I know I am, thanks!

I agree, comph, you are an unsavoury character.
2010-04-13 22:31:00

Posts: 1969

Spam can - love or hate? (don't answer as a mod, because you have to hate it as a mod, it's your job)

I want to like it. It's not the idea that's a problem it's the fact that people can't handle the freedom. They abuse it and become obnoxious. Thus, it stays away.

Just throwing it out there, why don't you dedicate yourself to running teh spam can IX, then we can have one and i can stop annoying people in random posts...

Just remember, it causes emo.

Not my call at the end of the day. It's not just speaking in terms of "what if," either. It was bad experiences with spam can that led to its discontinuation. I wouldn't want to devote myself to running it because I prefer enjoying all facets of this site.

Wow, that sounded Saturday-Morning-Special-ish, didn't it...?

But... We could have reached Spam Can X!... Think of the possible results of that... You would be catapulted into the history books!

we should do a trial can. Run a spam can for a day or 5, and if it gets out of hand again, kill it with fire. And if not, epic win.
2010-04-13 22:41:00

Unknown User

Look at Mrsupercomputer and Comp arguing like a couple of kids LMAO!

Well Compher's only 9...

9 and a half!

Anyway... how many burgers can you eat in 1 minute?

Approximately one, give or take one.

Probably one... thousand!
2010-04-13 22:43:00

Posts: 5592

What is "Ramp"?

Ramp was a level that was made in the beta that became popular as being one of those "so bad it's good" kind of levels. It was on the front of Cool Pages for the longest time before the Cool Pages was limited to 7 days. Before it was moderated [unjustly] it was the level that had been played more than any other level. It's now a running gag as just a poorly made level.
2010-04-13 23:18:00

Posts: 463

Will there be any chance, ever, of something like the Spam Can returning? Not necessarily the Spam Can itself, but basically just some form of place where people can chat without having to worry about a topic? Any chance whatsoever? D:

Yeah. AOL instant messenger, IRC, MSN Messenger... take your pick.

Yep, what Compher said. We have off topic conversations through instant messenger all the time!

The problem is it isn't really public- it's pretty much a private affair, and I'm talking about a way for people to talk to everyone on the forums, or pretty much broadcast trivial information for everyone to hear. We already have useless threads that are disorganized- why not have a place for everyone to chat to everyone on the forum publicly?

Also, weird question, but I kinda want to know if there will be more new mods or not. Reason being that, if there will be any more mods, I'd want to squeeze them into LBPC: the Game as such at the last second, and I just would like to know if I should plan for some unidentified mod boss, or try and just make some one else a boss for, well, whatever we need. Any kinda of insight would be greatly appreciated, even if it's a yes/no via pm for the if. Yep, kinda want to represent all current mods if you know what I mean :kz:

We wouldn't want to make you life easy, now would we...?

At some point, I think you'll just have to set a deadline for adding new characters Rock. You never know who will leave, who will join, etc. I say try your best, but don't sweat it if you are almost finished and a new mod pops up on LBPC or an old one leaves.

Maybe so, we're going to try and do that, would just be nice to know who should be boss for the one level we have left to decide bosses for . ... Eh, i guess not then...

... Also, cake?

It's a lie.

No thanks. I'm trying to lose my moobs.
2010-04-13 23:28:00

Posts: 10882

Have you ever saw the show My Name Is Earl? lol

I have only seen it once.

Yes, it reminds me of my childhood.

That makes you awesome. I watch it all the time.
2010-04-13 23:51:00

Posts: 1800

Do you believe i am 10?

I don't believe anything I read on the internet.

You Are wrong:
2010-04-14 00:19:00

Posts: 386

(Time to pin you you guys at one another. )

Who's your rival here?


Rtm. I've won one time, and it was sweet.
2010-04-14 01:05:00

Posts: 5551

When did he become mod? Did I miss something?

Anyways, are you guys moderators or just simply on other forums or communities?

I'm not terribly involved anywhere else, just stop by from time to time.
2010-04-14 02:07:00

Posts: 1063

When did he become mod? Did I miss something?

Ooh! Me, me! Uhh humm... it was sometime during the Consideration thread. CC used his God like powers and thought "Hey, maybe I should add him to my army." With that said, I must go and hide now.

Oh, and do you guys just hate it when someone else answers your questions? I mean those people never learn. I'm never going to be like them.

Yeah, I hate those guys.
2010-04-14 04:08:00

Posts: 5551

This looks fun!

What is canabalt?

Canabalt is a flash/iphone game where the player must help the main character escape from a city that is under attack! It's a very simple game. You basically jump from building to building and try to make it as far as you can. You can check it out online here (http://adamatomic.com/canabalt/). I'm currently working on an LBP survival challenge with a similar look and feel.

If you could only pick a sticker, which one would it be?

Like pick a sticker to be in the game? Or pick a sticker from the game to have in real life?

The gradient sticker rules.... but the ducky sticker is the most important!
2010-04-14 14:43:00

Posts: 628

Random question, but what's your favorite music track in LPB? ( story mode/DLCs)

That's tough! I love all the music, but my favorite would probably be Song 2

I don't really know any of the music names... :blush:

Basically, I enjoy all of the interactive tracks, where you drop all sounds but the percussion down to zero.
2010-04-14 15:01:00

Posts: 1486

OKaay guys - the big question:

Just how old is GrantosUK?

Birthday: August 24, 1979.

That's the day that Mt Vesuvius erupted and buried the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum! Reincarnation much?

Grant's birth was the eruption of Vesuvius.


English or American muffins?

English muffins with peach marmalade = awesome. That said, you can't top the shear versatility of the American muffin. Chocolate chip? Yep. Blueberry? Fer sure. Poppy Seed? You betcha! The possibilities are endless!
2010-04-14 15:02:00

Posts: 1913

How long have you mod's had lbp/ps3?

I bought my ps3 about a week before LBP was released.

PS3: Summer 2008. LBP: Winter 2008.
2010-04-14 19:34:00

Posts: 3871

Why do kamikazi pilots wear helmets?

Why does any pilot wear a helmet?
2010-04-14 19:51:00

Posts: 511

Have any of you ever had a traditional English roast dinner? If yes, did you enjoy it?

Quite often, since I live in the UK. I probably only live about half an hour away from you.
omg ive seen you walking in the street! Have you got brown longish hair and glasses? lol

What does a traditional roast dinner consist of?

Edit: Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, peas, carrots, broccoli, parsnips, stuffing, roast chicken or roast beef and gravy poured over the top with a sprinkle of salt!

Nope, I can't say that I've ever had a roast exactly like that, but it sounds awesome. All it needs is a little slice of Compher's unhappiness and it'd be the perfect feast! Man, now I'm hungry!
il post you one!
2010-04-14 21:09:00

Posts: 1969

What's your favorite music level (if you actually heard one)?

Part 2 of Icemaiden's Snow Queen trilogy.

Icemaiden's Frog Chorus level.
2010-04-14 22:35:00

Posts: 5551

Favourite genre of metal music?

Pretty much anything except 'pop' music.

I like every genre, but I lean toward Alternative (Iron & Wine, Andrew Bird, Sufjan Stevens) and Trip-hop (Portishead, Massive Attack)
2010-04-14 22:42:00

Unknown User

Your least favorite music artist?


Joanna Newsom
2010-04-14 23:33:00

Posts: 5551

Sorry if it has already been asked but, what kind of jobs do you have? (and if you are a student - what do you aim to become?)

I'm going to be a high school math teacher. I start my student teaching in the fall.

I did computer programming for my previous employer, but now I do freelance web design/development work... when I can find it.

Systems admin, and programming for websites. I'm writing a parser right now which is both complicated and tedious.
2010-04-15 01:22:00

Posts: 1113

Who's got the most locks? I don't think Aya has even locked his first!

He has, and I do... besides CC, I'm sure.

Wrong Comph. I have the most locks... of hair! Feel free to save this picture ladies!


MrsSuperComputer is a lucky gal, I'd say.
2010-04-15 01:33:00

Posts: 256

Which pack do you like best out of MGS or POTC?

MGS because the gun is so versatile.

MGS because I can't swim.

And burlap doesn't play well with water.
2010-04-15 04:03:00

Posts: 3251

Interesting read so far! I have a couple of questions:

1. Where have the rest of the mods gone towards the end of this thread?

The mods you may be thinking of have since retired and cashed in their 401ks.

If I answered every question, I'd never get anything useful done.

2. In an effort to see how seriously you take your Modships, can we have your Mission Statements, please?

To encourage a promote positive interrelationships while fostering the growth of a community of creators and players alike. That and no H4H.

To encourage and support the LBPC community while also finding new and innovative ways to aggrevate CompherMC.

What mrSC said.
2010-04-15 04:28:00

Posts: 1567

Why dont you guys have snazzy catchphrases when you lock threads? what would yours be?

They should call me the keymaker cuz this thread is...

2010-04-15 04:28:00

Posts: 192


WOW! I would never have suspected that Lisa Bonet was a member of LBPC! Can I have your autograph, please?

And thanks for the mission statements, guys. I feel so much more comfortable now
2010-04-15 07:48:00

Posts: 1567

Who is your favourite member of LBPC?

That's a tough one but I'd have to go with SR20DETDOG.

SR20DETDOG of course!

Mark this day down, MrSC agrees with me.

I agree, comph, SR20DETDOG is a great character.

I haven't been posting here but I just had to answer this as it is without doubt SR20DETDOG

EDIT: Awwww, thanks everyone
2010-04-15 08:14:00

Posts: 2431

How important does someone have to be for their death to be considered an 'Assassination', and not just a 'Murder'?

Assassination = murder for political reasons or for reasons related defeating the other team in online play.
2010-04-15 08:19:00

Unknown User

Wrong Comph. I have the most locks... of hair! Feel free to save this picture ladies!


LMAO You shouldnt of done that......muahahahhaa

Why? Too provocative?
2010-04-15 09:31:00

Posts: 1969

Do you love me? D:

As I said, I love all my children.
2010-04-15 10:18:00

Posts: 1913

Who is your favourite member of LBPC?

That's a tough one but I'd have to go with SR20DETDOG.

SR20DETDOG of course!

Mark this day down, MrSC agrees with me.

I agree, comph, SR20DETDOG is a great character.

I haven't been posting here but I just had to answer this as it is without doubt SR20DETDOG

EDIT: Awwww, thanks everyone

We can see when no one has edited it.... You could have edited it yourself to make it a little more believable...
2010-04-15 10:53:00

Posts: 5592

We can see when no one has edited it.... You could have edited it yourself to make it a little more believable...

Thanks Doopz, way to ruin the fun, and I could have sworn I did edit it, oh well.
Also It wan't meant to be believable I'm just waiting for the mods to do something with it

Haha. I thought that was Brent.

Haha. I thought that was Matt.
2010-04-15 10:58:00

Posts: 2431

Did you miss me? (Not that I'm back...just that I'm bored and this is better than revision)

Oh, and this Aya bloke better be good to have been made a mod so quickly
Also, what happened to Whaaaaale? And lbp? And EvilTikiGod (ok, maybe not)

Well, we were going to make you a mod, but we couldn't find you. Aya was the next best choice. Opportunity missed, I 'spose.
2010-04-15 12:37:00

Posts: 4291

Did you miss me? (Not that I'm back...just that I'm bored and this is better than revision)

Oh, and this Aya bloke better be good to have been made a mod so quickly
Also, what happened to Whaaaaale? And lbp? And EvilTikiGod (ok, maybe not)

Well, we were going to make you a mod, but we couldn't find you. Aya was the next best choice. Opportunity missed, I 'spose.

2010-04-15 15:34:00

Posts: 3193

OMG, ARD would have made an awesomeness mod! No offence to Aya .

I thought it was clear I was teasing...

Lol, really? You honestly didn't... how embarrassing... :blush:

I'll go hide in that corner now...
2010-04-15 16:56:00

Posts: 5592

Ok.. One more question.. Tea or coffee?

Well, I don't like coffee, nor hot tea. I do enjoy chilled Lipton green tees, though.

Coffee, but it seems a tad rude to offer us beverages when you have no intention of delivering.

I despise coffee. Green tea all the way!

Well, if you don't mind having it cold. And your paying for the posting. You'll also get one free biscuit.

Doesn't sound very 'free' to me.

I never said it was. Lovely biscuits I have here. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Delicious.
2010-04-15 17:30:00

Posts: 511

As time has went on for me, with an average of two hours a day for over a year, it's not as fun as it used to be, but still my favorite PS3 game by far. Do you ever feel like LBP is getting boring?


If an LBP2 comes out, what do you think would happen to the site?

I don't think much would change really. You'll probably see the forum organized a bit differently to accomodate new forums exclusive to LBP2, but that's about all I see changing.
2010-04-16 01:58:00

Posts: 3251

Do you believe i am 10?

I don't believe anything I read on the internet.

You Are wrong:

Just to make sure you see it.
2010-04-16 03:14:00

Posts: 386

Do you like Waffles?

I love waffles. My grandmother used to prepare waffles in a weird way that I love to this day. Basically, you prepare waffles as normal (whether it be frozen of fresh-made) and place them in a large bowl. Using a tall glass, heat up milk, butter and sugar in the microwave (for about a minute). Remove the warm mixture and pour it over the waffles. They are a bit soggy, but oh-so-delicious.

I'm different.

:o You make me hungry.
2010-04-16 03:36:00

Posts: 265


Hope in humanities writing skills restored. o/
2010-04-16 11:12:00

Posts: 3193

If you were asked to work for Media Molecule, would you say yes and quit your current jobs?

Well, the decision wouldn't be entirely up to me, but my wife as well. If she was up for it, then I'd go in a heartbeat.

Can I work from the States? I am also not deciding for myself, but I'm content sitting in front of a PS3 all day and receiving a check every few weeks for it.
2010-04-16 12:26:00

Posts: 1969

Name some funny things that have happened whilst playing with friends on LBP

Rocket Cars. 'Nuff said.

Playing dress up with the Zephyr Valley villager. Completely inappropriate, but hilarious fun!

All these mod post's seems to border on insanity and humor, what has made you all loopy?

You all have.

I think there is a gas leak in my house.

Can you honestly say that you will never quit playing LBP?

Honestly, I cannot say that. I will have to die at some point in the future, at which point there is a high likelihood that I won't be playing anymore.


Ok, which is better: pizza or lassagna?

2010-04-16 14:46:00

Posts: 771

Who really is your favourite member? (Promise I won't edit myself!)

My favorite member is whoever is reading this right now. Yep, that means you!

2010-04-16 17:19:00

Posts: 1758

Dont you know about the bird?

The bird is the word.
2010-04-16 21:05:00

Posts: 338

What is your name?

Mrsupercomputer, King of the I'm Better than Compher Fan Club

What is your quest?

To seek the holy grail of pranks to pull on Compher!

What.. is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

African or European swallow?

What? I don't know tha.. AGHHHHH.
2010-04-16 21:21:00

Posts: 511

Coke or Pepsi (I know everyone's heard of Coke, but maybe not Pepsi)?

Dr. Pepper.

2010-04-16 21:52:00

Posts: 1800

Coke or Pepsi (I know everyone's heard of Coke, but maybe not Pepsi)?

I'm gonna answer this.

The only reason everyone says pepsi tastes better is that it has 50% more calories, and probably more sugar too.


@Comph. I think you've beat rtm a lot more than just once, but what time were you referring to?
2010-04-16 22:40:00

Posts: 3251

Who really is your favourite member? (Promise I won't edit myself!)
What's the meaning of this Hmmmm?

What is your name?
It is Arthur, King of the Britons.
What is your quest?
To seek the Holy Grail.
What.. is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
What? I don't know that! Auuuuuuuugh!
Hehe got to it before the mods

As for my question, why is it pretty much comphermc answering all the questions by himself?
2010-04-16 23:04:00

Posts: 2431

My question: Why does mrsupercomputer always have to poke at comphermc on something?

It makes him feel cool.

February 10th, 2009. I'm minding my own business in Little Big Planet when I hear..

"Have a nice trip..."

I try to turn my Sackboy and run, but it's too late. I get slapped and go spinning to the ground.

"... see you next fall!"

The culprit laughs, turns, and teleports out of my pod, but not before I got a good look at him. He was crownless then, but I'd recognize that pasty sack skin anywhere. CompherMC!

Really? I wonder how poking fun at the smart guy makes you feel cool.

The smart guy? He's not as smart as you think and I'll share a little story to prove it!

Once upon a time, Compher decided that he wanted to make a space themed level in Little Big Planet. While building this level, he invited the kind and generous Mrsupercomputer to join him and give feedback. Mrsupercomputer, being the great guy he is, joined immediately despite the fact that Compher is his mortal enemy.

Upon joining, Mrsupercomputer took a quick look around the level.

"It looks very nice." Mrsupercomputer said, obviously bluffing.

"Thanks!" Compher replied. (you could tell this meant a lot to him!)

As Mrsupercomputer continued to fly around the level, he stumbled upon a sticker inside the ship. It read "USS-LPB".

Mrsupercomputer, slightly confused, suggested "Wouldn't it be better if it was USS-LBP?"

Compher "It is."

Mrsupercomputer "No, it's not."

Compher "No, you just think it's a 'P', it's really a lowercase 'B'."

Mrsupercomputer "Um... no man, it's a 'P'! It says LPB!"

The argument continues for another five to ten minutes...

Mrsupercomputer "Dude, a 'P' is not a 'B'! The middle letter is a 'P'! There is an 'L' at the beginning, a 'B' at the end, and a 'P' in the middle!"

Mrsupercomputer "P!"


After a few seconds, Compher finally replies...

"I'm an idiot."

And Mrsupercomputer lived happily for the rest of his days.

The End.

So there you have it. Compher, you're so called "smart guy", can't even correctly spell LBP! Ha!

It's true... *bows head in shame*

Funniest. Story. Ever.

*makes a mental note to mention it whenever possible*

Anyways, why does Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale still have his mod sticker thing underneath his name?

Oh, whoops! We just need to tell CC to tweak a setting behind the scenes to remove that.
2010-04-17 01:03:00

Posts: 5551

Do you leik pai!?

I'm more of a cake fanatic, when, of course, it is not a lie.
2010-04-17 14:12:00

Posts: 10

1.If I asked you politely to help me with a problem in my level, would you join?

Sure. As long as I'm not hip deep in my own problem.



2.Football, soccer, baseball or basketball?

Lacrosse. That was an option, right?


2010-04-17 15:54:00

Posts: 1758

what is your favorite movie?

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The Shawshank Redemption.

Life of Brian.
2010-04-17 17:46:00

Posts: 1712

MrSuperCompher! See what I did there?!?

You should thank me for this great favour aka 'World Peace Day'.
2010-04-17 18:23:00

Posts: 511

Who would win in a fight, Kermit the frog or Mickey Mouse?

If you've seen the South Park episode with Mickey Mouse, then you already know the answer. Hoh hoh.
2010-04-17 18:25:00

Posts: 1800

Is this thread called "Meet the Staff II" or "Ask the Mods the Randomest Question You Can Think Of"?

The second one, I think...
2010-04-17 20:02:00

Posts: 222

You should update the first post now that you're one mod less D: :kz:

So... want a peanut?

Do you guys even like answering questions? I'll assume you like blabbing on about madness... Yep.

Sure, it's fun sometimes...

I love answering questions... unless it's the cops asking them. And for the record, I don't know anything about the eggs thrown at Comph's house.

Anyway, so, what's your favorite food? *cough*peanuts*cough*

I *do* like peanut butter... crunchy...

Fried Shrimp!
2010-04-17 21:28:00

Posts: 10882

It's Julesyjules VS Plasmavore..
Alice in Wonderland (Yeah, man!) or Star Wars?

Personally, I'd go for Alice... But it's your choice.. Alice.... A...L....I...C....E..
2010-04-17 21:41:00

Posts: 1913

Lol, my post had the funniest/longest story/responce.

So ya, why isn't CC responding? Is he too busy on LBP (or "LPB" as comphermc spells it)?

I tihkn he is jsut too cool for us nrmaol folk.
2010-04-18 00:50:00

Posts: 5551

How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?

At least one?

The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind.

Then go ask the wind!

The wind unfortunately can't speak.

Or maybe you're just not listening... ooooo... spooky!

I'm scared. Somebody hold me!

Or maybe I am the wind! Muhahahahahahahahahahahaha! Feel my chilly blow!
2010-04-18 19:50:00

Posts: 511

What's your favorite level by steve_big_guns?

Basilisk Bog... he made that, right?

lol, maybe.

Digitized Reality
2010-04-18 21:25:00

Posts: 1800

Whats your favorite joke? Please, do tell I mean an actual joke, not something like "Comphermc is my favorite joke"

Hm... I'm not sure any of my jokes are appropriate for this site...

I'll give you just the setup. If you want the punchline, then you have to google it for yourself... I won't be held responsible that way!

"What did the egg say to the pot of boiling water?"

I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I’m going to mop the floor with your face."
I said, "You’ll be sorry."
He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?"
I said, "Well, you won’t be able to get into the corners very well."
2010-04-18 21:33:00

Posts: 3322

It's Julesyjules VS Plasmavore..
Alice in Wonderland (Yeah, man!) or Star Wars?

Personally, I'd go for Alice... But it's your choice.. Alice.... A...L....I...C....E..

Leia VS Alice ? Pur-lease! Leia is Queen of the Galaxy, strangles anything that gets in her way, shoots a laser gun and still has time for great hair. All Alice does is fall down a lot.
2010-04-18 22:15:00

Posts: 1156

if you could add any material in your popit, what would it be?

Clearer glass. None of that icky glitch stuff that likes to move around its own...

Some kind of "fur" material, but clearer glass does sound pretty nice!
2010-04-18 23:00:00

Posts: 1712

What is your favorite type of tree?!

Banzai Tree!


2010-04-18 23:51:00

Posts: 2979

MrSuperComputer, that story made me burst out laughing XD!

Comph, do you have any funny stories to retaliate with?

Naw, I'll take the high road...
2010-04-19 03:05:00

Posts: 3251

How much disruption have I caused lately? On a scale of 1 to 10.

Eh, about a 2. That means that we have to spend 2 minutes cleaning up after you. Not too bad, methinks.

2010-04-19 03:40:00

Posts: 4430

Aw CCubbage don't be like that...

If anything, many people are reconsidering the way they act.
2010-04-19 03:51:00

Posts: 3251

How much disruption have I caused lately? On a scale of 1 to 10.

In LBP? 75 as I had to get a new controller from attempting to bend it into submission on Destiny. In LBPC? -400000000000 and counting.

Oh sorry... you wanted a mod to answer that? :blush:
2010-04-19 04:11:00

Posts: 11383

I know "print is dead" but

Do you like to read?

I was big into reading before I picked LBP back up. Honestly, if I had more time, I would do a lot more reading. 'Not having time' is a bad excuse because I do have time I just use that time to play LBP. That said, I don't read much while taking classes because they assign enough reading already...

Yes, but like Comph, I usually find myself playing games instead! I have a massive backlog of books that I hope to work through soon though.

Fiction or non fiction?

Mostly fiction. I am, though, reading a super-interesting book in my Mathematics Capstone course that is basically the history of mathematics and all of the great theorems across history. Super exciting, I know.

As for fiction, I have read all of Dan Brown's work. It's pretty forced, in that he researches well, but you can tell he doesn't really understand the material fully. I read them because they are a good time (kind of like a cheesy action flick). On backlog right now is The Count of Monte Cristo, and Flowers for Algernon (which I have read before). I was also a fan of the Harry Potter Series when they were still coming out. I got a kick out of the mythology that I had to read for one class, including Ovid's Metamorphoses, The Epic of Gilgamesh, etc.

I enjoy both, but mostly non fiction.

Favorite authors or subject matter?

Dan brown was a good time, but I'm not sure I have a favorite. Subject... not really. See above.

For that past three or four years, I've been really interested in anything dealing with theology, religious history, philosophy, morality, consciousness and scientific thought. Carl Sagan and Bertrand Russel are a few of my favorite authors.

Oh and I love Bill Watterson! I read Calvin and Hobbes all the time!

Bertrand Russell was a jerk. He said that all of mathematics was wrong, and only argued against it for the sake of argument. Bah!

Nah man, he's a good guy. Read a bit more about him and you'll see!
2010-04-19 04:46:00

Posts: 5983

How come comphermc doesn't know the difference between fiction and non-fiction?

Because I was in a hurry! I only got the second "paragraph" wrong, and I think I confused mah-self with the wording from the the first...
2010-04-19 09:02:00

Posts: 6497

Be kind rtm - it was 11pm and I know he worked his brain all day with emitters and what not. ( he can fix it with his mad mod powers tomorrow... let's hope he sees it before MRSC does.)

Too late!
2010-04-19 09:06:00

Posts: 5983

Do I get a Birthday present?

Yeah, have some cake!

2010-04-19 09:11:00

Posts: 1913

Haha, sowweee morgana In fairness, I wouldn't have posted other than the fact it got me really confused as I actually believed it was me that had got it wrong in my head Plus talking about Harry Potter as non-fiction is worth a chuckle, no?

Haha. You guys haven't seen a real wizard before!?
2010-04-19 09:17:00

Posts: 6497

ok, it's time for the biggie:

Ninjas...or pirates?

Ninjas. Down with all pirates!


Ninjas, unless they're purple.
2010-04-19 09:26:00

Posts: 2645


Oh, and teehee:

All Alice does is fall down a lot.

f you've seen the new Alice film you will see how badass she is
(And pwetty )
2010-04-19 13:53:00

Posts: 1913

If you had a million dollars what would you do?
I'd like to visit every country.. Apart from maybe North Korea.

Also I'd love to see New York.

I'd give half of it away to charities and a few close family members. Take the other half and buy a small home, then save the rest. I know, that's boring, but that's what I'd do.

I should add that my wife would make me use some of it to travel though, so while I wouldn't visit ever country, I'd go somewhere.
2010-04-20 18:54:00

Posts: 511

What is your favorite sport to watch/play?

Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm too lazy feeling to read the pages...
2010-04-21 00:53:00

Posts: 2979

What is your opinion of having a LBP2 now that "information" has been leaked.

Bring it on!

Assuming there has been a significant number of features added, then I'm all for it.

Also do you think that the information is correct?

I'm not certain...

Don't know, but I bet we'll hear more about it at this years E3.
2010-04-21 01:11:00

Posts: 695

Is this a rhetorical question?

You tell me.

I plead the fifth.
2010-04-25 17:25:00

Posts: 511

This question can ONLY be answered with either yes or no.

Will the next thing you say be a no?


N.B. That's not a paradox. You should've asked "will you answer this quesion with 'no'?".

I did...

That still doesn't work. I could say 'no' at some time in the future and still be correct.

You are a smart one. How about now?

That works. The answer then becomes 無 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(negative)) since your question has Buddha-nature (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha-nature).
2010-04-25 17:45:00

Posts: 5592

what hazards would you like implemented into LBP/LBP2? oh btw, owned doopz.

Ice, for one... and whatever else the folk at Media Molecule can cook up.
2010-04-25 18:01:00

Posts: 1872

What came first... the chicken or the egg?

The evolved egg that would hatch the chicken.

It would seem reasonable to assume that the egg came first, since insects have been laying eggs long before chickens would have evolved.

In a theater, which armrests are yours?

Both. And sometimes more.

None. They remain the property of the theater company.

Is this next sentence true? Or is the previous sentence false?

Self referencing logic is utter rubbish from a technical standpoint.

A toggle switch is a self-referential logic device. Is that utter rubbish?

From a purely logical argument, yes. Granted, there are applications for 'toggle' switches, but in the context of pure logic, they are 'pointless.' I'm talking about logic in the context of building arguments and whatnot. Self-referencing statements begin to break down when we try to define everything using basic set-theory. For all intents and purposes, set-theory is very powerful stuff, but it is not without its downfalls. If you're ever heard of Russell's paradox, then you can understand why set-theory is not perfect, and why we have to manipulate the way we think about such things. Take, for example, the following statement:

"The barber shaves all men who do not shave themselves"

We have a hard time deciding who shaves the barber, no? This is a simplistic view of Russell's paradox which speaks only of sets containing sets. In this case, we may regard all the people who the barber shaves as a set. Namely, all elements of that set (read: men) do not shave themselves. Thus, we can call each man a set (each with his own properties). Then, the set of all men whom the barber shaves are men who do not shave themselves. The barber can either shave himself and not belong to his own set (therefore he doesn't shave himself). Ah! paradox! Or, he can not shave himself, and thus would have to shave himself. Ah! another paradox. Thus set-theory is inherently broken.

Now, how does this apply here? Well, when we instead choose to think in terms of strict logicism, things become more complicated. It, actually, makes no sense for a statement to make reference to itself when dealing with strict logical analysis. You can surely find applications in such things, however, but they are logical mumbo-jumbo.

Edit: for the record, set theory is what we use for almost all logical thought because it works 'most of the time.'

From my POV, it's "pure logic" which is the "pointless" thing - without any application, it's just 'academic'. The barber example ultimately ends up being a simple variation on the Epimenides paradox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epimenides_paradox), which is really just pointing out the flaws in natural language, regardless of how you might represent it mathematically.

Our good friend Kurt G?del (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_G%C3%B6del) would go a little further in pointing out the flaws in the popular represenation of mathematics than just set theory, which is why I tend to stick with the practical applications, than worry about silly 'jokes' like "the set of all sets which don't contain themselves". I still recommend reading G?del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del,_Escher,_Bach), just because it's an absolutely awesome book.

Oh, I totally agree that 'pure logic' is just games. And I do want to check that book out. Kurt G?del was the one who proved that no mathematical system can be proved to be true in its own right, we just have to take a "leap of faith."

2010-04-26 00:58:00

Posts: 3251

Why isn't lbp on the administrator list?

Because CC is the only admin.
2010-04-26 01:34:00

Posts: 3607

Is 0 a number?

Yes. But what is a number? It's all abstract anyways.

What should you get when you divide by 0?

You cannot.

Is white a color?

How do you define color? Are you talking about the perceptions we get when we interpret different wavelengths of light as they strike the back of our eye? Well, white is not one color, but the amalgamation of the visible spectrum. ...or are you trying to be philosophical?

I'm trying to write confusing questions because your answers are funny
2010-04-26 02:34:00

Posts: 3251

What should you get when you divide by 0?

You cannot.

Wouldn't it be infinity?

Division is defined by multiplicative inverses. In other words, answering the question: "what is A divided by B?" is to produce the number C, such that C times B is equal to A.

Now, let A be some number that is not zero (it doesn't matter if it is zero, but let's assume it is not). Also, let B be zero. Now, we are in the situation of dividing by zero. What number, if any, multiplies by B (which is zero) to give the number A, which is not zero? Well, there isn't one! We often put infinity because we'd assume that it would take a massive number of zeroes to give us something that is not zero, but in reality we cannot find enough zeroes. Because isn't multiplying just adding together a certain numbers of times (3 times 4 is 3+3+3+3 = 12). How many times do you need to add zero to itself to get something that is not zero? Infinity? I don't think so!

That said, the limit of dividing by zero is infinity, but we cannot actually divide by zero. Just wait for calculus to understand limit.

I'm learning some calculus in school now, we get caculus cake oon calculus day

There's also the following ambiguity...

0 n n
- = 0 - = 1 - = ?
n n 0

...that is, zero divided by anything is zero, any number divided by itself is one, and any number divided by zero is... well... that's pretty arguable in itself.

So what's zero divided by zero? It could arguably be any of the above. Using multiplicative inverses...

- = n n x 0 = 0

...and since any number multiplied by zero is zero, then arguably 'n' can be anything you like.

See also the WP article on division by zero (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_by_zero).
2010-04-26 03:28:00

Posts: 2431

How fast can you answer to this?

Roughly an hour.

Do you like the coincidence that my signature looks like it's lighting up my avatar?

Um.... sure?

Can you guess what level my avatar pic is from?

2010-04-26 03:59:00

Posts: 4193

What about finding the square root of a negative number?

Totally possible within the complex realm. What we mean by that is "imaginary" numbers. There is a special number, denoted i, which is defined as the square root of negative one. I don't feel like explaining this in its entirety, so... read about it yourself (http://www.purplemath.com/modules/complex.htm).

I know, I was hoping you'd say something funny :'(

2010-04-26 04:07:00

Posts: 3251

You know, reading the Q and A's it really seems like they're asking questions to a cleverbot

They are trying to prove that we are skynet. Nice try, mortals!

Have you guys had conversations with a cleverbot and if so, what was your favoreite thing to tell it/ ask it?


Oh and what's your opinion on the "Shinan Fortress"?
2010-04-26 06:26:00

Posts: 6707

Do you have all your toes properly attached?

Yep, ten per foot... right?

Unfortunately, yes.
2010-04-26 11:49:00

Posts: 2979

If you were to do a backflip, followed by a triple barrel rool and then fell sideways into a pit of cushions, only to bounce back up and do a few cartwheels, How happy would you be?

I can do the backflip bit... and I would like to land in a pit of foam... so I'd be pretty happy.
2010-04-26 16:24:00

Posts: 583

What is your favourite games console of all time? (don't say PS3)

Why would you eliminate my favorite one?

I meant APART from PS3

The n64, despite it's flaws, holds a special place in my heart.

Probably the Atari 2600 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_2600), which was the first one I ever played. Check out these awesome graphics.

2010-04-26 16:34:00

Posts: 1872

Which Moderator looks most like Boris Johnson. (Honest opinion from each of you please)

I don't know what Aya looks like, so I can't say for sure, but... definitely Aya.

I'd be surprised if you even knew what Boris Johnson looks like.

Who would win in a street fight between all of you?

I would! All I'd have to do is ask some weird question about logic, Aya and Compher will be unable to ignore such a question and will start debating about the answer. While they are debating, I'd run them over with my car.

You can use cars in street fights now? Neat!

(This one is for Aya) I dare you to answer this question in a non-smart manner. Be a noob for a few seconds. What do you think should happen with 'Cool pages'?

It should be a list of levels put together by MM, and contain only H4H and the lamest bomb survivals possible.

Oh wait... that's what it already is.
2010-04-26 19:13:00

Posts: 1758

Does one prefer tea or crumpets?
One is solely asking on account of ones previous consumption of jam smothered crumpets and a MILKEH BWOO!

Erm... what? I'm not down with your English jargon...
2010-04-26 20:22:00

Posts: 1913

Off topic, but, haha CyborSora! My post get longer responses than yours!


What creator whom you've never met would you most like to meet?

I know Brent's answer! It's candyk. That might be my answer as well. It was anpostteller, but I met him the other day...
2010-04-26 22:19:00

Posts: 3251

What OS am i using now...
-Replace With Answer-

Chunky Bacon is related to which Gemstone:
A. Ruby
B. Sapphire
C. Emerald
-this one is for Aya, he will understand-
2010-04-26 22:29:00

Posts: 386

Edited: What do you think would be the best thing to happen to LBP (as a game)2010-04-26 23:04:00

Posts: 1712

Alright, guys. Asking us random questions is not the same thing as getting to know us... let's get back on track here... 2010-04-26 23:26:00

Posts: 5338

What questions may we ask then? Personally not too sure what kinda we can ask... Hm... D:2010-04-26 23:54:00

Posts: 10882

But we ARE getting to know you,
Getting to feel free and easyyyy.
When I am with you,
Getting to know what to saaaay
Haven't you noticed
Suddenly I'm bright and breeeezy
Because of all the beautiful and neeew
Things I'm learning about yooou
Daaaaaay byyyyyyyy daaaaaaaaaay.

How does this make you feel?

A little uncomfortable... err... un-compher-table.


How dare you say that to The King (and I [me])!
Yul Brynner rubs his bald head in frustration
2010-04-26 23:55:00

Posts: 1361

Hi, my name is warlord_evil, mainly a level creator who doesn't play much anymore, who is on the verge of finishing of what I think is good, once it is released, it will probably fall into some random data pit to be never seen again. Who are you?

Oh, hi. My name is Matt. I make levels, and I go to school part time... or is it the other way around? I can't remember anymore.
2010-04-27 00:00:00

Posts: 4193

Have any of you mods ever met each other, or for that matter, have you ever met anyone else from this site? (In person)

No, but I want to meet Brent's goofy self someday. Maybe at my wedding or something... y'never know. I might need to get engaged first. Boy, that'd make my girl happy.

So, I'll be invited?
2010-04-27 04:40:00

Posts: 1113

Opinions On Religion And Politics? :3 Interested to hear this one.

Independent and Agnostic. Was raised Christian.

Liberal and Atheist. I was also raised Christian and I'm even married to a minister! It makes for some great discussion/debate at dinner!

Yeah, But opinions, What do you really think about it all? Any parts that make sense, anything that you think is complete lunacy? Y'know, That kinda schtuff.

This isn't really the place for that sort of thing...

2010-04-27 14:34:00

Posts: 583

Why can't Comphermc and mrsupercomputer just settle their differences, find peace, etc. etc.

Because he smells and is ugly.

Because that'd be boring!

What is pi to the... lets see here... TO THE 11 DIGIT?

I only know 3.1415926 off the top of my head.
2010-04-27 15:00:00

Posts: 3607

Do you like Hybrids?

Only the cuddly ones.
2010-04-27 15:00:00

Unknown User

What's your favorite type of levels to play?

I prefer puzzlers and platformers. Stories are cool, but I'd prefer they be light. Just enough to give the level a premise.

Pretty much the same as Comph.
Ok thanks
2010-04-27 15:54:00

Posts: 3871

do you have any phobias? I have Coulrophobia.

I'm not fond of heights.

Along with my Comphobia, I really, really, dislike flying in airplanes.
2010-04-27 16:30:00

Posts: 1872

Does one prefer tea or crumpets?
One is solely asking on account of ones previous consumption of jam smothered crumpets and a MILKEH BWOO!

Erm... what? I'm not down with your English jargon...

Do you like crumpets or tea? I'm only asking because I've just eaten some jam smothered crumpets and a milky brew.

Never eaten a crumpet... and I only like chilled green tea.

2010-04-27 18:01:00

Posts: 1113

If money were no object, what kind of car would you like to own. However in reality, what do you actually drive?

Well, I can't drive stick, so all those high-end cars are out of the question. Besides, I'd probably crash them anyways. Lamborghinis are Ferraris look nice, though... Currently, I drive a 1994 Chevy S10. It's pretty much this, but in a bit in a lighter blue:

Exciting, right?

For some reason, I've always been a fan of the Dodge Viper, so I'd give that some thought. I'm kind of a hippie though, so I'd probably want to buy some car with incredible fuel efficiency over the V10, gas guzzling Viper.

I currently drive a 2004 Dodge Stratus SXT:

2010-04-27 18:03:00

Posts: 11383

If money were no object, what kind of car would you like to own. However in reality, what do you actually drive?

that's a good one!

You know what's not a good one? Your face! Get off these forums and finish your level.
2010-04-27 18:24:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

that's a good one!

You know what's not a good one? Your face! Get off these forums and finish your level.

lol, sorry but that's just too funny
2010-04-27 18:44:00

Posts: 3871

but I'm at work!!..

No wonder u have an attitude! u have to drive that crappy truck all day! lmao

oh and mrSC, that's false advertising!
you should show the one with the dent on the side!

It's all fixed now! Nice and shiny too!
2010-04-27 18:50:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

but I'm at work!!..

No wonder u have an attitude! u have to drive that crappy truck all day! lmao

Trust me, don't pick a fight with a moderator, one click and they can have you banned.

It takes 3 clicks, for what it's worth...

One click, if you're already on the right page .
2010-04-27 18:53:00

Posts: 5592

Don't worry Doopz, those 2 are harmless lmao

We'll see about that...
2010-04-27 18:57:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

If money were no object, what kind of car would you like to own. However in reality, what do you actually drive?

that's a good one!

I thought I'd just drop by and post a pic of javi's car:


He undesrtands me, ain't that right ese?

Haha. If you don't respond in Spanish, Javi, you will be banned.

Unfortunately, Javi won't be able to read this until tomorrow...
2010-04-27 19:22:00

Posts: 6497

Sorry about that other silly question BUT now you are going to hear (or radther see) the beat question. Ever.

How do you fit 4 elephants in a mini?

Elephants don't exist.

Wrong. FYI it's 2 in the front and 2 in the back. Duh. Should've got that MrDummieComputer.

Jk. How do you fit 4 giraffes in a mini?
A: You can't the elephants are already there!

Giraffes don't exist.

Go on, give it a try. Guess.

How do you know elephants are in your house?
A: The mini's parked outside.

What game do elephants play in a mini?
A: Squash

How do you know if 2 elephants are in your fridge?
A: Theres footprints left in the butter.

How do you know if 3 elephants are in your fridge?
A: The door won't close.

They're like that. I think they're really funny.

Answer this: What did Tarzan say when he saw 4 elephants coming over the hill?
2010-04-27 20:41:00

Posts: 511

There's a dragon chasing you down the street. You grab anything to use as a weapon, what do you grab?

If Comph was nearby, I'd use his thick skull to beat the dragon to death. If he's unavailable, then I'd probably grab a bazooka.

I'd grab Dragon-be-gone spray if I were you, but everyone to their own, I guess
2010-04-27 21:36:00

Posts: 583

A hoard of zombies that jump out of a bush in an open field way, way, way, way out in the country so your miles away from civilization and you have nothing but a bottle of water and a compass, what do you do?

You know what? I've actually been in this situation before. Well, no zombies of course, but I was up against my best friend, his dogs, and a paintball gun. We were out on his farm and he gave me a bag of water (yes, he thought it was funny to fill a ziplock bag with water), and a compass. I had a one hour head start to make my way from his farm into the nearby field before he came after me. So, I took off into the woods, eventually came to a big tree, and climbed up. I took off my brownish jacket, wrapped it around my body as camouflage and slowly sipped my bag of water when thirsty. My friend walked right under the tree I was in a couple of times before bringing his dogs outside with him. This made me panic a bit, because I had just peed from the top of this tree and was fearful that the dogs would pick up the scent. Thankfully they didn't and after about three hours my friend gave up, went inside, and turned out his porch light signally the end of the game. So, I figure that if I could survive my best friend hunting me, I should be able to survive some dumb zombies... right?

^ What he said...
2010-04-28 01:01:00

Posts: 463

Aha, i got a good one!

Which of the other mods do you dislike the most?
And i'm not saying you have to actually hate or not get along with them, you might like both, just which one do you like the least if you wanna word it that way.

I dislike myself the most. Aya is crazy smart, and knows the technical side of the site better than I. And mrsupercomputer... need I say more?
2010-04-28 01:35:00

Posts: 6707

are any of you have allergies? im one of the 10% that grow out of it.2010-04-28 02:45:00

Unknown User

A hoard of zombies that jump out of a bush in an open field way, way, way, way out in the country so your miles away from civilization and you have nothing but a bottle of water and a compass, what do you do?
Pfft. That ones easy, just share the water and help them find shelter!
2010-04-28 03:09:00

Posts: 4193

Do you liek charmander?

killzonequinn stole mudkipz.

Do you liek Soviet Mudkipz?
2010-04-28 03:59:00

Posts: 1487

Do you like waffles or pancakes more?

French Toast.
2010-04-28 06:00:00

Posts: 746

I feel ignored. Oh well. You must be laughing so much that you can't reply.

What did Tarzan say when he saw 4 elephants coming over the hill?
A: Look there's 4 elephants coming over the hill.

Why did Tarzan say when he saw 4 elephants with sunglasses coming over the hill?
A: He didn't recognize them.

What did Tarzan say when he saw 4 giraffes coming over the hill?
A: A-ha! You won't fool me this time.

That's enough elephant jokes for now.

These are not questions for the staff.

Well, you sure don't bother answering them. So I took the liberty of doing it myself. Sorry if you feel really annoyed reading these. All I had in mind was just, jokes!
2010-04-28 07:05:00

Posts: 511

Ok, here's a new one.

Do you guys really wanna still answer these questions or are you just reading through them and answwering just some out of obligation?

It really depends on the question at this point.
2010-04-28 08:30:00

Posts: 6707

An enraged horde of users who didn't like your last edit to the site are charging at you in an agressive manner. Do you:
A) Throw Them The Banhammer
B) Accept Your Mistake And Rectify It
C) Try To Face The Horde
2010-04-28 20:16:00

Posts: 583

An enraged horde of users who didn't like your last edit to the site are charging at you in an agressive manner. Do you:
A) Throw Them The Banhammer
B) Accept Your Mistake And Rectify It
C) Try To Face The Horde
I think the answer in this case is:
D) Answer an actual question designed to learn more about the staff

If you could go anywhere you wanted in a day, where would you go, and what would you do?

Newport, Rhode Island was just an awesome place to visit. I would tour the gigantic mansions and walk around the little waterfront shops. It's small, quiet, and so me.

Edit: I mean, I would go to the moon!
2010-04-28 20:24:00

Posts: 3322

I think the answer in this case is:
D) Answer an actual question designed to learn more about the staff

It is. I'm trying to see how much I'd be able to get away with!! :3
2010-04-28 21:08:00

Posts: 583

I think the answer in this case is:
D) Answer an actual question designed to learn more about the staff

Sorry, I think I've been taken advantage of the moderators genorosity, but I just had to share those elephant jokes!

Anyway, what is your favourite TV series?

It's hard for me to pick a favorite, but some that I enjoy are Arrested Development, Lost, The Office, 30Rock, Dexter, Burn Notice, and Firefly.

Probably The Wire, unless you meant one that's still in production, in which case I'll pick Family Guy.

2010-04-28 21:51:00

Posts: 511

What music do you listen to? Any recommendations?

I listen to alternative and electric. I'd recommend Iron & Wine, Andrew Bird, Metric, Portishead, and Massive Attack are some of my favorites.
2010-04-28 23:35:00

Posts: 1361

@Comph: Why do you start teaching in the fall? It seems like a strange time of year to start.

Because that's when school starts?

@MRSC: Where and how do you get the patience to completely restart your finished levels? Also, what do you prefer to be called?

I'm not sure it's patience, but more of a paranoia. If I don't think the level is fun, it drives me crazy and I'll restart it!

And feel free to call me what ever you like... as long as it's not Compherlover!

@Aya: You're the only remaining moderator who doesn't have any non-tutorial levels. Are you working on any, or do you think you'll ever make one?

I've tried making proper levels before, but probably due to lack of time and planning, I'm never happy with what I end up with. Maybe in the future I'll have another go, but for now I prefer helping out other people with their levels.
2010-04-29 02:49:00

Posts: 3251

Invert this matrix


I love that movie!

You're going to make me find determinants? Bah. Well, let's see... its determinant is 28. Therefore the inverse is 1/28 times the the transpose of the original, or...

|2 3 1|
1/28 x |1 4 -1|
|-1 2 3|
...and I can't be fussed to type out fractions, so there you go. Distribute 1/28 to each position in the matrix. I should have you know that I tutor Linear Algebra, so this stuff is cake. There, you even got to know me!
2010-04-29 03:02:00

Unknown User

Is there anything you struggle with in mathematics?

All of it!
2010-04-29 12:15:00

Posts: 1800

I thought I'd just drop by and post a pic of javi's car:


He undesrtands me, ain't that right ese?

Haha. If you don't respond in Spanish, Javi, you will be banned.

Unfortunately, Javi won't be able to read this until tomorrow...

oh yea??!!
we'll this is rtm's way of trasportation!
2010-04-29 15:21:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Javi, please stay on topic. I'd love hate to have to ban you...
2010-04-29 15:23:00

Posts: 1335

u wouldn't... ur harml... ahem..

That's what I thought.

Edit: I love you MRSC!!

Um..ok then, I forgive you.
2010-04-29 15:25:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

the power of post edit, huh!!
...one day mrSC, one day I'll get revenge!!

2010-04-29 15:49:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

LOL @ Javis signature comment! You should ban him for being sickly nice XD or should i say FAKE nice

Nah, I think it's a pretty good signature. ...all of it...

ok i have a question...
How many Mods can there be on Lbpc, is there a limit?

Before we 'cleaned house' we had 7 mods. We had 6 for a very long time. We're at 3 now, so bringing another on couldn't hurt. Choosing mods is tough, though...
2010-04-29 15:53:00

Posts: 1969

LOL @ Javis signature comment! You should ban him for being sickly nice XD or should i say FAKE nice

ok i have a question...
How many Mods can there be on Lbpc, is there a limit?

LOL u really think I changed that!!
2010-04-29 15:55:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Well Javi from what us Lbpc members see we will think you've done it lol so goodluck lippy!

Oh and dont double post please, you should know not to do that by now.

2010-04-29 16:00:00

Posts: 1969

I got a question..
Can I be a princess for a day? lol

I guess...
2010-04-29 16:05:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

I got a question..
Can I be a mod for a day? lol

Asking it like that seems REALLY suspicious....

Anyway, while I'm here, do you have any pets? And if so what are their names, species, age, gender, height, political views etc?

I have two cats. Dexter is a male tabby and Zoe is a female Russian blue. They enjoy sleeping, eatting, chasing a laser pointer and waking me up early in the morning.
2010-04-29 16:14:00

Posts: 5592

Do any of you guys get even SLIGHTLY nervous before publishing a new level?

Oh yeah! Not really nervous about what people will think (although that was the case with Zephyr Valley 2), but about whether something will break!
2010-04-29 16:21:00

Posts: 588

Well, if you ARE thinking of picking another mod, could you hurry up so we can squeeze said mod into LBPC: The Game at the last minute? ... Yeah, I'm insane like that >_>. Or anal. YEah, that's more the meaning I'm going for.

And I'll assume that that means rtm didn't accept, because I always thought he'd be the next choice... but then, him being made a mod would ruin my story for LBPC: The Game... is it weird how that's the first thing I think about with things here, how it fits into LBPC: the Game? XD

Yeah... weird.
2010-04-29 20:50:00

Posts: 10882

If I donate to LBPC, will comph help me with my math homework?

You've already donated, so sure.
2010-04-30 06:31:00

Posts: 3251

If I donate to LBPC, will comph help me with my math homework?

What did comp say when he fell down a cliff?

'I think I broke my calculator.'

Please don't ban me.
2010-04-30 09:34:00

Posts: 511

Ok, here's an actual question with no witty(or un-witty) trick.

How much time do you guys spend online in average and how much time do you sleep??

Now that school is out...
LBPC: ~2 hrs
LBP: 2-12 hrs (Haha!)
Sleep: 7-9 hrs
Eating: ~1 hr
2010-04-30 09:48:00

Posts: 6707

Ok, here's an actual question with no witty(or un-witty) trick.

How much time do you guys spend online in average and how much time do you sleep??

Now that school is out...
LBPC: ~2 hrs
LBP: 2-12 hrs (Haha!)
Sleep: 7-9 hrs
Eating: ~1 hr

I'm not sure whether to feel jealousy or pity.

Pity, methinks. I do start a new job next week, so my schedule is bound to change at least a little...
2010-05-01 00:32:00

Posts: 256

Ok, here's an actual question with no witty(or un-witty) trick.

How much time do you guys spend online in average and how much time do you sleep??

Now that school is out...
LBPC: ~2 hrs
LBP: 2-12 hrs (Haha!)
Sleep: 7-9 hrs
Eating: ~1 hr

methinks you need to spend some more time replaying PORTAL!!!

(see what i did there...)

Y'know, you are correct, sir. I am away from my PS3 for the weekend, but I have my laptop with Portal...
2010-05-01 03:14:00

Posts: 386

If you could own a store that could make/sell anything you want, what would it be?

Sackboy plushies... and I would refuse to sell any of them!
2010-05-02 22:31:00

Posts: 463

What have you done with killian!!

He became too self-aware. We had to shut him down...
2010-05-02 22:36:00

Posts: 5078

i have a question for aya:
Which programming language features chunky bacon in its tutorials
A: Ruby
B: C++
C: Java

This is all done without any googling, cos that would be too easy...

I'd guess Ruby, since it's probably the only one which has 'tutorials' in the sense you're referring to, although I've never used it.

C++ doesn't really have an official website on which to host tutorials, and the canonical guide "The C++ Programming Language" by Bjarne Stroustrup is far too dry to contain any humour. In fact, it's a great cure for insomnia.

Java does have a website, which might have 'tutorials', but the examples used by Sun Microsystems tend to use the names of fruits, certainly in the official books.

Correct! go check out the ruby tutorials, they feaature chuck norris, humorous cartoon characters, and chunky bacon!
2010-05-02 22:52:00

Posts: 386

Is my sig and avy combo awesome?


Would you ever make a level together, Mrsupercomputer and Comphermc?

Well, originally, we were gonna work on a x2 level together, but I backed out. I can't keep up with Compher's crazy pace and I'm kind of a control freak, so I'd probably drive him nuts. We have helped each other out significantly though and Matt's helped me with a lot of.... wait a sec... you almost had me saying nice things about Compher! NO! There will never be a level made by the both of us! NEVER!

Yeah, the x2 level was going to be epic. We tried coming up with x2 puzzles together, but he would get so flustered and run away. I then tasked him with designing a theme for it, and he couldn't make up his mind. He has also helped me out with every level that I've made this year in some form or another. Just because you only see one name doesn't mean that the other wasn't involved.

If you were in a gladiator stadium, who would win?

Russell Crowe


What's that horrible smell?

2010-05-03 00:45:00

Posts: 3607

Why do you keep this thread? Seems... illogical. And I'd assume a computer, a switch geek and a systems programmer... thing... would have thought that this thread was highly illogical, and shut it down to draw all input into a productive output?

Does not compute.

Wait, if mrsc is a computer... then can't comph just unplug him? D:

I have a long lasting battery.

And the plug is really stuck in there...

... Anywho, guess I don't get any special privileges to know who the next mod is for LBPC: the Game puroseS? Ah well, if you do choose someone, they probably won't mind not being a boss... I can plan around it. OR not. Meh.

So yeah, how is it that three beings of supreme logic are still going down this il
2010-05-03 00:53:00

Posts: 10882

Only Aya answers this one.

I'm watching TV, and there's a character called Aya. So, wadda ya think?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you...

it's a girl

EDIT: darn. Almost had you there, mrscomp.
Wait- Mrsupercomputer, and comphermc.
Hehe. I WIN!!!


You've discovered their secret, i.e. that they're actually conjoined twins with the single name mrsupercomphermc. :eek:
2010-05-03 01:43:00

Posts: 3607

Explain what the chaos theory is, with diagrams!


Do electrons have mass?

From memory, they are alleged to have a mass of 1.6 x 10^-19 kg.

Whats the trillionth digit of pi?

It's a smiley face.

Whats it like to have a girlfriend
2010-05-03 15:50:00

Posts: 5078

I have a long lasting battery.

That's not what I heard

Will I get an infraction if I continue to post here without any questions to ask? [see what I've done here? Clever, huh?]

Do you wants an infraction?

*adds new infraction reason: Sub-optimal Logic Design Posted in Object Showcase*
2010-05-03 19:56:00

Posts: 6497

Why doesn't Aya post a picture for Photoshop Retouched?

It would demoralize the rest of us 'round here...

I don't know what that means. Must be something in one of the 'spam' forums I never read.
2010-05-03 20:11:00

Posts: 3251

What is the most annoying question you've gotten so far that isn't this one?

The one below yours.

Oh, and what countries are you from?

United States
2010-05-03 21:45:00

Posts: 511

Do you agree that public educational facilities such as schools are the cornerstone of the institutionalized racism that continues to oppress all races, and that we shall dedicate ourself to the abomination of the high pursuit of learning by organizing a socialist revolution and dismantling the global systems of capitalism and white supremacy?

Definitely not. It's the reforms of radicals such as the Texas Board of Education that does.
2010-05-04 23:40:00

Posts: 724

What's your favorite new smiley? I'm in love with

I'm partial to since it's fun and a nice emote.
2010-05-05 00:30:00

Posts: 3251

Labour, Lib-dems or torys?

I did give a help by highlighting the correct answer however

That's gonna mean nothing to the rest of the mods. I would ask them Republican or Democrat, but I could probably guess what their answer would be (i.e. probably not Republican).

As for me, I probably won't even bother voting, cos, frankly, all the parties are led smug, self-serving <insert expletive here>... well... except Labour who seem to be led by something I can only describe as 'humanoid'.
2010-05-05 19:17:00

Posts: 1872

Since I haven't posted on here in a while I'll ask a few questions

What does your username mean?

Last name, initials.

What musical instrument(s) have you played?


And Comph, when you start teaching, do I have to start calling you Mr.Comph?

In the fall. And sure!
2010-05-06 03:43:00

Posts: 192

If the World Exploded what would you do?

Um... die?

If You could unplug mrsupercomputer what would you blackmail him to do

is your name brent simmons?

That information is classified.

Does not compute.
2010-05-06 07:02:00

Posts: 5078

Have you ever attended a competitive swimming event?
Ex. a high school swim meet?
Also, what is your position on Michael Phelps?

Android, or part dolphin?

(Yes, I am a competitive swimmer:O)
2010-05-07 04:52:00

Posts: 180

Did you miss me when I was gone for like 4 months?2010-05-07 05:14:00

Posts: 1054

Do you like bacon?

Everyone loves bacon. Even pigs love bacon!

And marmite?

I like both :3
2010-05-07 20:02:00

Posts: 2345

IS comphermc's full name matthew compher?

2010-05-08 00:56:00

Posts: 386

What is your stance on the death penalty, and the general concept of human existence?

If they are in for life (or more than one), I don't see much need in paying for them to do nothing... Harsh? Maybe.
2010-05-08 00:59:00

Posts: 10882

Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?

Because they are dumb? [Insert something motivational about the public education system]
2010-05-08 01:16:00

Posts: 1156

Do you wear hats often? What hats? (If you don't, wear a fedora) :arg:

I have a fedora, but I don't wear it. The only hat I do wear is a stocking cap in the winter.

There's no "n" in fedora....

2010-05-08 01:52:00

Posts: 463

What's Aya's first name? C'mon, Brent and Matt came loose!

It starts with an A...
2010-05-08 05:34:00

Posts: 3251

For Comphermc- what is your favorite mrsupercomputer level?

For mrsupercomputer- what is your favorite Comphermc level?

Hmm... it appears you are trying to get me to say something nice about Compher again. Well, everyone knows that I hate and despise all of Compher's levels...but, if I HAD to pick a favorite (which is like picking my favorite piece of garbage), it would probably be All Mine! A Canyon's Adventure. I actually finished that one without vomiting... and I even considered replaying it, which is pretty good for a Compher level.

Did I win?

*pats head*

Sure kid, sure.
2010-05-08 06:05:00

Posts: 3607

Whats 253 X 769?2010-05-08 18:21:00

Posts: 341

What is your stance on the current economic climate2010-05-08 19:06:00

Posts: 5078

Whats 253 X 769?
194557. I believe you are mistaking the mods for calculators. While this is somewhat acceptable (one being almost a math teacher, and one being a Supercomputer ) this thread is more for learning about our moderators, than making them do calculations.

With that in mind, is there any feature about LBP2 that you look forward to the most? Those control pods sound rather cool to me

That, and the the new logic board stuff sounds interesting. If it really is flexible enough to produce a Command & Conquer clone, then the possibilites are even more endless than LBP1.
2010-05-08 20:03:00

Posts: 3322

What is my REAL NAME?!
(If you know, you get 5 stars and a <3 )
2010-05-08 20:31:00

Posts: 1913

What is my REAL NAME?!
(If you know, you get 5 stars and a <3 )

Is it.. peter parker?

Might aswel ask a question while I post this.

mrsupercomputer, do you take comphermc as your lawfully wedded wife?

I do... NOT!
2010-05-08 22:29:00

Posts: 511

How often do you ban members from the site? Are there not a lot of troublemakers?

Very rarely. Virtually every banned user is an automated spambot.
2010-05-09 01:11:00

Posts: 724

On all of your posts it has the little sign under your avatar that says Moderator, and with a little pic beside it. Like, for example, Aya has a platinum sackboy beside his. So, do you get to choose what pic it is, or do you just get a random one?

Mine was random.

Same here.

Me three!
2010-05-09 02:14:00

Posts: 1800

If MrSuperComputer is a supercomputer then why does he possess a facebook, when clearly a computer would have no need for friends

It's all a facade. And are you stalking me?
2010-05-09 13:13:00

Posts: 5078

What are your favourite hobbies? (besides LBP of course) And do you have any strange ones?

Playing video games, drawing/painting, watching movies and reading.

Browsing this site of course, making sure teebonesy shuts the fridge, and Brent hasn't forcibly taken control of the site. You know... the usual.
2010-05-09 13:26:00

Posts: 2431

Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?

Sorry to respond, but I suspect that those folks are just confused and looking for the "You are Here" sign like at the mall.

Ummm ok a back on topic question. Do any of you like to play Frisbee? What other outdoor activities, sports or games do you like?

Yeah! Frisbee is great!

I played lacrosse for 7 years before giving it up. Now I'm lazy and out of shape... but my thumbs are conditioned well. Go LittleBigPlanet!

Does drinking beer count as a sport?
2010-05-09 14:03:00

Posts: 11383

What's your favorite short story?

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

Good choice!
2010-05-09 17:06:00

Posts: 3251

What's your favorite book?

Oh, geeze. Um... I really like the Harry Potter series.


The Shawshank Redemption


I'm going to look up what a Sifaka is now, thank you.
What do you think of my signature? Does you haz can liek (mudkipz)?
2010-05-09 19:24:00

Posts: 619

Agent Banana, I'm pretty sure that the mods don't want to answer your stupid questions. We are trying to get to know the mods, not tease them. Anyways, on LBP what kind of level do you prefer?Puzzler, platformer or paintinator?

Yes, please.

And BTW, I love Harry Potter as well compher

'arry Potteh?
2010-05-09 20:24:00

Unknown User

What features of LBP2 are you most looking forward to? AND WHY???

Sackbots. With NPC's the possibilities are endless.

I already answered this on the previous page, but to re-iterate: any features which assist in completely breaking the platforming genre, as they'll give the many accomplished creators out there the chance to potentially invent totally new gaming genres. I'm thinking the biggest coup will be the control seat and the new logic stuff, but it's tough to tell based on the relatively limited amount of information we have so far.

Ask me again tomorrow.
2010-05-09 21:38:00

Posts: 4291

@Any Mod
Do you guys have LBP PSP? Why or why not?

Yeah, I beat story mode, played with create for 5 minutes, and haven't touched it since. It's just not powerful enough for me.

Pretty much what comph said, although I really can't get on without a global grid mode.
2010-05-09 23:30:00

Posts: 5551

For anyone who wonders why they call him mrsupercomputer, our photographers snapped this photo of LittleBigPlanet in its most trying hour... the night before the LBP2 unveiling video...


Look at him whoop on that spammer...

Sorry for the quality, you know the drill.
2010-05-10 03:43:00

Posts: 5338

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