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Multiroom Teleporter

Archive: 7 posts

I've seen some excellent teleportation levels and I thought I would have a go at creating something myself.
I have managed to build a teleportation system that links 4 rooms together.
You can decide which room to travel to which is something that I haven't seen in any of the levels that I have played.

It would be interesting to get some feedback on this idea.

PSN: Stevo_1983
Level Name: Teleportation Demo
2009-03-25 20:27:00

Posts: 121

How would you do this? WOuld it be like you press a button and it moves the spawn to whatever room then kills you?2009-03-27 00:54:00

Posts: 233

In the level I made there are four rooms.
Each room has 3 numbered buttons, one for each of the other rooms.
I have got it set up so that when you step on a button the checkpoint in your current room is destroyed. A new checkpoint is emmitted in the room that you want to go to.
A plasma ball is then fired towards the player and they are then respawned at the new checkpoint.
2009-03-27 01:36:00

Posts: 121

Oh so you made it simpler by just making a whole new spawn. Good idea illhave to check this out.2009-03-28 04:02:00

Posts: 233

Brilliant! But is there a way to do it the glitch way?2009-04-02 19:25:00

Posts: 6

I have a 7 lv hub teleporter working on my lv . Not published yet will keep updated when Im done.2009-04-03 02:11:00

Posts: 7

Something like this has already been done in The Great Human Body Adventure 2, but I am interested to see how your level works using this as well.2009-04-03 11:29:00

Posts: 1424

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