Following Lights?
Archive: 15 posts
Hi there, somebody recently told me that everything in the MM levels, you can make yourself. So: I was thinking, on the very very first level, when Stephen Fry guides you through it, how do you get the light to follow you? Sorry, but I suck at creating, I just have no talent whatsoever at creating stuff. D= Oh, and it kind of pivots towards you as well. Please help. All help appreciated, =D | 2009-03-25 18:03:00 Author: BlackHairedGoon ![]() Posts: 160 |
I don't remember that part... I will have to look into it... But I am sure that it is proximity switches driving the ship on that one. | 2009-03-25 18:12:00 Author: dobi6 ![]() Posts: 359 |
Could be a creature on wheels offscreen with a spotlight pointed downwards. If the creature was set to follow.... I was just replaying this the other day and admiring the smoothness of it. Beware though, not *ALL* of the tools are made available to us. For the most part, everything that was made by Mm you can make yourself, but there are certainly exceptions to this. I've yet to see a good user-made spotlight following thing. | 2009-03-25 18:45:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
True. True. But as to the light following mechanism, you could do that. (Make a creature set to follow I mean) But I think it'd be easier if you put it on the bottom. (Also, I think they used the remote global controllers for that didn't they?) | 2009-03-25 19:03:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
I'm not really sure. I know it's already been said but I think they could of used a basic creature on wheels with a spotlight on the bottom of it set to follow you above the area you're at, but there's probably some stuff in the story levels where Mm used something we don't have or can't do for example, maybe this is one of those things. | 2009-03-25 22:48:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
I've created a very smooth one using a method very similar to the mechanism at the base of this level. T-r3ZjP73vw&feature=player_embedded | 2009-03-25 22:59:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
you could actually use a piston and a sensor switch I think. Might be difficult tho' EDIT: oO nvm he just said that lol | 2009-03-25 23:27:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
you could actually use a piston and a sensor switch I think. Might be difficult tho' If you wanted the light in a set area you could use a wobble bolt with a similar technique. @Thegide: The problem with creatures is that you can't make them as fast as your sackboy can run. :/ | 2009-03-25 23:31:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
Also, that video kicks *** | 2009-03-25 23:32:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
Yeah, that is my preferred way of doing it (I made the level in the video), but you'd want the 3-way switch that controls the movement of the panel to also control the rotation of a motor bolt. | 2009-03-26 22:18:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
(off-topic) how the heck does the 2x-jump work? I really wanna know. | 2009-03-27 03:03:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
When cornish yarg comes out, they are releasing an edit to the sensor switch, allowing you to set a radius. Hook two of these up, each toa separate winch, controlling the wobble bolt. Easy, although cornish yarg isn't out yet. | 2009-03-27 05:42:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
Do you mean magnetic key switch? The sensor switch already has a radius... | 2009-03-27 13:13:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
Sawron, two things. Firstly, dkjestrup meant angle, ie the sensor only works in a 90 degree angle. Secondly, https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=9668 post 20. | 2009-03-27 15:13:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
Ah, thank you. (Wow, that's exactly how I thought it worked) | 2009-03-27 15:52:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
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