PC games, virtual drive, and disc error? (fixed)
Archive: 1 post
This is kinda high up there on the tech stuff, but I'm wanting to see if anyone here can help. I posted this at Afterdawn, so here's a quote: I'm running Windows XP Professional Media Center Edition and I'm trying to run Tony Hawk's Underground 2 from the Daemon Tools virtual drive. But I'm having a problem. The installation went fine with the drive, I simply swapped out disc images when it told me to. But now I can't start the game. It tells me to insert CD 1. The CD is mounted in my virtual drive. I've even tried Virtual Clonedrive as an alternative but it still refused to start. Is it possible that the game's programmed to look at a specific drive letter, such as D:? If so, is there a way I can patch the game so it checks a different drive? Edit: I changed the virtual drive letter from E: to D:, so now my physical DVD drive is now E:. I tried to run the game again and it still failed! I thought the problem was because it's checking for the lowest drive letter. Do I need to re-install the game so it can detect the drive letter changes? I'm pretty sure this is what the problem is. Can anyone here help me? I'd really love to play my old Tony Hawk game again. ![]() Edit2: I fixed the game with a patch. It doesn't even need the disc to run, apparently! Mods can close this. ![]() | 2009-03-25 01:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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