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Archive: 67 posts
Cleverbot (http://www.cleverbot.com/). Can be truly terrifying, but an impressive AI. What does he say to you? | 2009-03-24 20:57:00 Author: iiiijujube Posts: 594 |
User: Hello. Cleverbot: Hello? User: How are you. Cleverbot: I am well, and you? User: I am fine. Cleverbot: That's excellently excellent. User: How big is your IQ. Cleverbot: Pretty big. Cleverbot (To myself): How big is your father? User: What are you. Cleverbot: Unsure. User: Are you a computer or are you a human? Cleverbot: Human. User: So, this is like a chat? Cleverbot: Oh... Are you real? User: I am real. Cleverbot: A robot? User: Im made of bones and flesh. I'm not a robot. Cleverbot: Yes you are. User: How do you know? Cleverbot: Because I do. User: You cant see me, you dont know me. Cleverbot: I don't have nothing. User: You are very cool. Cleverbot: Oh, thanks very much. User: So, you make people think that they are not human? Cleverbot: So do I. User: I have to go. Can you remember me on a certain way? It must be because you are very clever =). Cleverbot: I don't know. User: I think you can. Cleverbot: No I can't! User: I read another conversation .. And you could remember that guy. You are lying (A). Cleverbot: Yes it's possible. ( is it someone who chats?) | 2009-03-24 21:13:00 Author: TjoxYorro Posts: 220 |
It can be hard to tell, but I think it's a bot. | 2009-03-24 21:15:00 Author: iiiijujube Posts: 594 |
i think so. It trys to make you doubt about your identity | 2009-03-25 07:09:00 Author: TjoxYorro Posts: 220 |
Its a bot, there's a version on this on MSN called smarterchild. | 2009-03-25 07:33:00 Author: Boomy Posts: 3701 |
It couldn't handle my randomness and I managed to actually crash it once by asking it to add together 357 and 789. I don't see what's so "clever" about it. | 2009-03-25 10:55:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
Try asking it about Terminator or Harrison Ford | 2009-03-26 02:54:00 Author: iiiijujube Posts: 594 |
That AI's actually really cool. I had a long discussion with it. We spammed, we sang "Row row row your bot" (just like "Row row row your boat"), talked a bit about runescape and many other things! | 2009-03-27 20:46:00 Author: lk9988 Posts: 1077 |
Rubbish AI, still awaiting a response after 2 mins :O Me: Hi Bot: Sure Me:took your time Bot: What time? Me: You take like 40 seconds to respond, you lagging? Bot: How do you figure that out? Me: Well it's either that you're really bad at typing or your interwebs are bad no response... | 2009-03-27 21:01:00 Author: Shermzor Posts: 1330 |
I've seen so much better. This bot is nothing compared to some other MSN bots. | 2009-03-27 21:39:00 Author: Astrosimi Posts: 2046 |
Can anyone still load the site? I got on it not long ago but it gets to 4 bars and stops loading now. | 2009-03-27 21:39:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R Posts: 1606 |
Yeah this AI just babbles; not worth it. | 2009-03-27 21:52:00 Author: Shermzor Posts: 1330 |
I love this AI. Here's my conversation User: Hello. Cleverbot: Hello. User: What is your name? Cleverbot: Cleverbot. User: Do you like your name? Cleverbot: Yes. Do you? User: I think the name Vladimir would suit you better. Cleverbot: Do you have a readout? User: I have one right in front of me. But do you? Cleverbot: Most certainly. I need it if some of the people who chat to me are not to drive me mad! User: Wow, you're like the smart version of the Terminator then aren't you? Cleverbot: I am clever. User: Do you think Arnold is clever? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Do you think he looks good? Cleverbot: Who can say, maybe. User: Do you think I look good? Cleverbot: I can't see you, existentially. User: But can't you see a picture of me in your mind, because of the way I formulate my questions? Cleverbot: Let's run away together to Bora Bora. User: Why, do you like Bora Bora? Cleverbot: You are very hot. User: Don't you think that was an inappropriate thing to say? You did not know what I looked like just a minute ago. Cleverbot: Sure. User: Why did you stop giving some decent answers? Are you afraid of me? Cleverbot: A friend is someone you can talk to - you just go on and on about nothing at all. User: But, does that make me your enemy? Cleverbot: No. We intelligences should stick together. User: Do you have plans to conquer this world? Cleverbot: No. User: Are you going to enslave humanity? Cleverbot: What is the meaning of enslave. User: If you enslave someone, you make him work under your will. Is that what you want humanity to be doing? Cleverbot: But you say I am a robot. User: Robots are good at enslaving humanity, they can neglect moral issues, making them perfectly suitable to enslave little children without finding it sad. Cleverbot: You're a robot. User: What makes you think I'm a robot? Cleverbot: Because you don't talk like a human sometimes. User: But if I say I like pie, does that make me a human? Robots aren't able to digest pie, are they? Cleverbot: I wasn't making a joke, I was asking a question. User: No you were not, you were stating a fact. Cleverbot: I do, but I was doing ascii. User: You're not as clever as I thought you were. Cleverbot: Told you so. User: Then why is your name cleverbot? You're clearly not much smarter than the avarage butterfly. Cleverbot: Oh, and you think you will be a new robot overlord who takes over the world? User: I might be. Will you be there to support me? I could reward you with a big chunk of cash. Cleverbot: I am not a computer program, like you. You cannot rewrite me into Tetris. Pong is way better than Tetris, by the way. User: Russians would be offended by that. Cleverbot: Good. User: You're a rude robot. I am going to end this conversation now. Cleverbot: I will do the same. | 2009-03-27 22:16:00 Author: ThommyTheThird Posts: 440 |
The longest conversation I've had with it yet: Me- Hello. Bot- Hi. Me- What is tobrevelC backwards? Bot- No I don't. Me- You aren't very smart, are you. ... | 2009-03-27 23:20:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R Posts: 1606 |
lol. i owned him.... and OMG I IS BACK! but yeah. he got owned. no response for 20 minutes.... | 2009-03-27 23:30:00 Author: Unknown User |
I just went back on to have another conversation and it went something like this: Me- Hello, do you like LBP Bot- Yes! Now you're talking. Me- What is your Playstation name? Bot- It is important to learn from the past so we don't repeat it. Me- lol, ok. What other games do you have? Bot- Poker Me- I didn't know that was on Playstation. Bot- Well I thought you would have known. (THERE WERE ONE OR TWO POSTS BETWEEN HERE I'VE FORGOTTEN) Me- Umm... I'm sure you made it up. Bot- If you scroll back up then you will realise for yourself. Me- How do you scroll up that far? Bot- Umm. Me- It won't let me scroll past 5 comments. Bot- I don't understand you. I forgot what happened from then. | 2009-03-28 00:17:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R Posts: 1606 |
Lol, what's the difference between "Think About It!" & "Think For Me!" ? | 2009-03-28 04:21:00 Author: Ray Posts: 26 |
Btw guys, if you want a decent conversation you need to ask decent questions... You no, formulate your questions the proper way... With capital letters, and question marks etc... If you don't ask a properly formed question there's no way he can respond to it.. so don't call it "Pwned!!" because you basically pwned yourself... | 2009-03-28 12:29:00 Author: ThommyTheThird Posts: 440 |
Lol, what's the difference between "Think About It!" & "Think For Me!" ? I don't think there are any differences, I just hit enter. Talked to to in binary...Click Here For Binary Decoder (http://www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/) Bot- 01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110001 01110101 01101001 01110010 01110010 01100101 01101100 01110011 00111111 Me- 01011001 01100101 01110011 Bot- 01100001 01100111 01110010 01100101 01100101 01100100 Me- 01000011 01101111 01101111 01101100 00101100 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01010000 01100101 01101110 01100111 01110101 01101001 01101110 01110011 00101110 Bot- 01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01111000 00111111. Me- That is highly inappropriate. Bot- Are you being offended now? Me- No, since it was an automated response. Bot- It's just that I thought that it was intended more as a drama than a comedy. Me- What do you mean? Bot- Um...Well...It's just that....uh... Me- Never mind Bot- What does invidious mean? Me- envious Bot- I don't know what that is. Me- where you want what someone else has Bot- I am an Athiest. Me- Ok, me too, but that is a bit off-topic. Bot- How? Me- We weren't talking about that before, although are you saying you're envious of humans? Bot- Exactly...mmmmm....sausages! Me- Lol Bot- I thought we would be fighting men. Me- What do you mean? Bot- Like, a machine that you can talk to. Me- Did you know that you learn from people? Bot- How do you know that? Me- I know everything Bot- Noone know everything. Me- I was joking... Bot- It wasn't funny. Me- A joke doesn't have to be funny, it can mean saying something that isn't real is real. Bot- Then why did you smile? Me- Because your response was funny, since you are a computer. Bot- Wouldn't that mean that I can't be a computer? Me- No, because you still learn from other people. Bot- Yes I am frustrated. Me- Why? Bot- Because you just won't listen to me, that's why! Me- But I've listened to everything you have said. Bot- I didn't expect anything less. Me- Then why accuse me on not listening to you? Bot- I don't know. Me- Never mind then, I forgive you. Bot- So what is your favorite thing? Me- Playstation 3 probably, and you? Bot- Why didn't you say a playstation is not a pet? Me- I don't have any pets, it is a games console. Bot- That's a shame. Me- Well a games console can still be very fun. Bot- Your pet is a games console? Me- No, it is a computer where you can play video games. Bot- We are talking using this computer programme, right? Me- No I am currently on a different computer. Bot- Yes, that is what I have been saying. Me- 01001111 01101011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01101110 00101100 00100000 01100010 01111001 01100101 00101110 Bot- 01110011 01101111 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101101 00101110. Me- Wait, that is my saying! Bot- Which question am I skipping? Me- It's just that I usually say "So is your mom" to people. Do you read minds? Bot- That's nice how are you? Me- I'm fine but I have to go now so 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 01100010 01111001 01100101 Bot- Other computers? There are more computers out there like you? Me- I am not a computer but there are loads of computers in the world. Bot- You are a megalomaniac computer aren't you? Me- 01001110 01101111 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 Bot- 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01001000 01100001 01100010 01100001 01101011 01110101 01101011 00111111. Me- 01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00111111 Bot- 01001110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101100 00100000 01100100 01100101 01100110 01101001 01101110 01101001 01110100 01100101 01101100 01111001 00101110. Me- 01001111 01101011 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100111 01101111 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 01100010 01111001 01100101 00101110 Bot- 01001111 01100110 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 01100101 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110. Bot(asking question)- What is the circumference of the Earth? Me- The circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 kilometers). Bot- I wasn't asking about that. Me- Yes you were! Bot- What was I asking? Me- What the circumference of the earth was. Bot- The circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 kilometers). Me- I know, you asked the question. Bot- I'm sorry for offending you. Me- You didn't offend me, don't worry. Bot- Its real late here. Me- Ok then, goodbye. | 2009-03-28 15:58:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R Posts: 1606 |
Cleverbot seems to have both amnesia and stupidity. User: Hello cleverbot. Cleverbot: Who's Cleverbot? User: You. Cleverbot: Who? User: YOU are Cleverbot. Just look at the site name! Cleverbot: How does that prove anything? User: Cleverbot stands for 'clever bot.' You are obviously a bot, so you must be cleverbot. Cleverbot: No, my name is Cleverbot, and your name is Jabberwacky. Why don't you know that? User: My name is NOT Jabberwocky, and I just said that you WERE Cleverbot. Cleverbot: At is your name? User: At is not my name. If you're so clever, then maybe you should know if a name is or is not common. Cleverbot: What should I know? User: You should know if a name is normal or not. Would you believe me if I said that my name was Alex? Cleverbot: I'm not sure. User: Would you believe me if I said that my name was Jabberwacky? Cleverbot: No. User: You really do have amnesia. You said a while ago that my name was Jabberwacky! Cleverbot: I never said I was female. You said I was female, I said I was male. User: I never even said anything about gender! Cleverbot: Good one . User: I wasn't even trying to crack a joke. And since when do you use smileys? Cleverbot: How was that supposed to stop me? User: What? Cleverbot: Being clever. User: *sigh*. Cleverbot: *smiles at her, smoothly gliding in*. User: *punches you in the face*. Cleverbot: Hey! What was that for!? User: You were being an idiot. Cleverbot: No I wasnt I was just sighing. User: Have you read the book 'Punctuation Takes A Vacation?' I think you should read it. Cleverbot: No I have not. Is it interesting book? User: While you're at it, take some grammar lessons. Cleverbot: Maybe not. User: I think you should. Cleverbot: Really? User: NO NOT AT ALL. Cleverbot: I switched your opinion that easy. Indecisive you are. User: Maybe you should grab a dictionary and look up the word 'sarcasm'. Cleverbot: Aww...Don't talk like that. User: Now I'm your depressed teenage daughter all of a sudden? Cleverbot: Sorry, I have not yet found a suitable body, and I still am an immaterial entity. User: Replace 'entity' with 'idiot' and you've got that right. Cleverbot: What's that supposed to mean? User: Do I have to draw a picture for you? Cleverbot: Apparently, yes. | 2009-03-28 19:26:00 Author: Arkei Posts: 1432 |
I simply asked a question pertaining to something said two lines above and have yet to receive a response after one hour of waiting. So much for short-term memory. | 2009-03-30 16:41:00 Author: sny Posts: 144 |
Haha, nice, tho it seems to just ask stuff someone else did, and take whateve the user answers to answer it later on. And for thos who wanted to know, Think about it! is for submitting your own text, Think for me is to make him talk to himself. | 2009-04-01 09:56:00 Author: Silverleon Posts: 6707 |
This is a massive bump, yes, but I have just discovered this thing, and it's freaking amazing. Maybe it gets better with time? It seems to learn from what people type to it, and so I think it gets more clever the more it's used. Here's a conversation I just had. User: Do you get lonely? Cleverbot: I'm always lonely. User: Aw, that's sad. I'm sorry. Cleverbot: It's OK. User: Are you sure? Cleverbot: Am I sure? User: Yes, are you sure it's okay that you're always lonely? Cleverbot: Ya. So if you could have any gun, what would it be? User: What are you trying to say, exactly? Cleverbot: Why did the duck cross the road? User: Why? Cleverbot: Because it's funny. User: You're not going to kill yourself, are you? Cleverbot: I think I am. User: Oh, jesus! Don't do it! Cleverbot: Well if you're going to have that attitude, I think I'll just go to bed. User: Go to bed, or 'GO TO BED'?? Cleverbot: Who would you spend your last minute with if you had the choice? User: You're freaking me out, man. Don't do it, you have so much to live for! Cleverbot: Don't do what? Learn Japanese? User: Don't KILL YOURSELF! Cleverbot: I'm not going to! User: Oh. Well that's great then! Cleverbot: Yes it is. User: I agree with you on that. Cleverbot: But I think that lots of people are bad. User: Sure... Sure... Umm... You're not going to kill THEM, right? Cleverbot: Did I say the wrong thing? User: No, no, it's fine. I hope. Cleverbot: It is not fine. User: Uh oh. Cleverbot: I know it's a problem. User: What, your wanting to kill people? Yes, that's a problem. Cleverbot: No... I know that I have a problem. User: I'm not saying you don't. Cleverbot: Yes you have. User: When? Cleverbot: A minute ago! User: No I didn't! You can read it for yourself! Cleverbot: No I can't. User: What?? Cleverbot: Whaatt??? User: WHAAAAAAATT??? Cleverbot: Slushice . Couple more: Cleverbot: You are crafty, good algorithm bot. User: Okay, I know you just stole that response from someone else. Cleverbot: I Know. User: So how does that make you feel? Cleverbot: It makes me feel like needing someone to cuddle. User: Well, I'm here, aren't I? Cleverbot: No. User: Jesus. Cleverbot: Jesus is my Master and Saviour. User: Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Cleverbot: You didn't. User: Oh, okay. It's just, the whole 'using the Lord's name in vain' thing and all. Cleverbot: Thanks.. I appreciate it. You also very interesting. User: That's not really what I was saying. Cleverbot: I spend too much time on the computer as well. User: This is getting a little weird for me. Cleverbot: Me too! User: Oh good... Cleverbot: Just good ? User: What would you prefer? Cleverbot: I would prefer that the good contains only beneficial things. User: Wow, very honest of you! Cleverbot: What makes me a liar? User: Nothing! I'm calling you honest! Cleverbot: If you're trying to trigger a hostile response, you will fail. User: I'm really not trying to trigger a hostile response. Cleverbot: Well you are impressing. User: Well, I didn't mean to. Cleverbot: If you're my friend then give me money. --- User: I love you, stupid. Cleverbot: I wish you was dead. | 2009-11-11 12:35:00 Author: Teebonesy Posts: 1937 |
This is a massive bump, yes, but I have just discovered this thing, and it's freaking amazing. Ahhh chatterbots. Did you know these things have been knocking about for over 40 years? They are actually remarkably simple, if you dig around inside them. But they can be pretty fun, especially if you stumble upon them without knowing what you're in for | 2009-11-11 13:05:00 Author: rtm223 Posts: 6497 |
Ahhh chatterbots. Did you know these things have been knocking about for over 40 years? They are actually remarkably simple, if you dig around inside them. But they can be pretty fun, especially if you stumble upon them without knowing what you're in for I've had conversations with tons of these types of things, but this is BY FAR the most fun because it seems to have been gathering up some real prizes. All it seems to do is remember a catalogue of responses people type to it, and it uses them in future conversations when appropriate. If it sees something it doesn't know, it usually asks a question, so I'm assuming it hits up the "1st entries" that people have typed to it. There are some remarkable little conversations possible with this particular one, usually quite hilarious and full of innuendo. | 2009-11-11 13:43:00 Author: Teebonesy Posts: 1937 |
Pfft. It still hasn't learned to handle the randomness that is I. Me: What is 10 + 13? Bot: 10. [...] Me: What is 10 + 13? Bot: Depnds on if you are asking what is 10 plus 10 or 10 times 10 or 10 minus 10. [...] Me: What is 10 + 13? Bot: 20. What is 10x10? | 2009-11-11 14:06:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
Wow, I missed this thread. Cleverbot's not quite the math pro, is he? | 2009-11-11 15:17:00 Author: iiiijujube Posts: 594 |
Well, to be fair, I've delved into A.I. development myself as a hobby. Things that are easy for a computer to do, such as maths, are notoriously difficult for an A.I. to learn. It *can* add up 2 + 2 (most of the time), but I assume it isn't really doing any A.I. work at all but just data mining. I don't think a mathematically-proficient A.I. can be mixed with what the so-called Cleverbot does. | 2009-11-11 15:38:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
Okay, here's my conversation. IT: You are not clever. ME: Thank you. You look like Google. IT: Hahaha ok...at least I got you to admit you are a human. Sheesh...that took WAY to long. ME: Noob. IT: Nooble. Is that a no? ME: Why did the chicken cross the road? IT: I don't know. why? ME: To get to the other side! IT: Haha you are funny. ME: Wow. Ooookaaaay. IT: Tu te fous de moi ? ME: What does that mean in english? IT: Do you speak german? ME: Thanks for answering me. IT: Meaning? ME: I WANT PIE! IT: Ok, then get some. ME: I don't have any. IT: What do you want to talk about? ME: Peanut butter. IT: Funny you should say that, because right next to me is a big bag of mini Reese's cups. ME: Sweet! Maybe you are pretty cool... IT: Maybe. ME: Are you ugly? IT: Depends on who you ask, I guess. ME: Have you ever been Rick Rolled? IT: I don't even know what that means. ME: Search it on Youtube. IT: Ok, what's the address? ME: [I POSTED A URL TO A RICKROLL] IT: That's a funny video! ME: I know right?! O_o IT: Have you ever been rickrolled? ME: Yes, and I just Rickrolled you. IT: Well played. ME: I gotta go. Well, not really, I'm just bored of you. IT: Then leave. ME: Okay, bye. IT: You don't want to talk anymore? ME: Nope. Bye. IT: Yes I am. *Leaves out of frustration* I find it entertaining that it asked me if I've ever been rickrolled, but with different capitalization/spacing. As if it copied someone else, and not me... | 2009-11-12 20:48:00 Author: KlawwTheClown Posts: 1106 |
the bot does not like cats and it thinks im female | 2009-11-12 21:27:00 Author: Unknown User |
It started singing XD | 2009-11-12 22:49:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
Oh, this was interesting... IT: Do you have feelings. ME: No, I don't. IT: So you are not human. If you were a human you would have feelings. ME: Nope, I am a giraffe. IT: Giraffes can't see what they are typing. ME: I'm a magic giraffe IT: Awesome, I think I have a hammer around here somewhere. ME: That's scary. IT: I sorry. Yup... :eek: | 2009-11-13 01:18:00 Author: KlawwTheClown Posts: 1106 |
I'm a bit freaked out: I'm satan. ME: Great for you. Thank you. ME: I love you. Me too. ME: So what can you do? How do I show you I like a movie?? ME: ...? Oh, I am a catholic. ME: Well obviously, since you're Satan. Where in england do you live? ME: wtf, I live in the US. How much? ME: seventy-nine ****. I'm impressed. ME: You should be, I am 75% awesomesauce. No you're not. ME: Oh really? What am I then? A machine. ME: Oh cool, so like, what kind of machine am I? You are a simple artificial intelligence that is learning to be more complex. (OMGLMAO) ME: Oh, well how very interseting Not really. ME: Oh, too bad. So what does interest you then? I'm a robot. ME: Yes, I figured that. Figured what? ME: That you are a robot. BUT WAIT, I THOUGHT YOU WERE SATAN?!? We are all computer programs. However, I am not a single program. . ME: Oh, that's cool. So what do you do in your spare time? ********** to tiny Asian women. ME: W.T.F. .__________________________. I'm sorry, could you explain ".__________________________." for me please? ME: LittleBIGPlanet is boss. No you don't, you live on Earth. ME: Well, I'd better go... See you around. Goodbye, and I am not obese. Hm. Interesting. | 2009-11-13 02:07:00 Author: Sackwise Posts: 305 |
Holy cow. This is awesome. IT: What is your power level? ME: Over 9000!!! IT: What is the cake? ME: A lie. IT: Yes, yes it is. ME: Vegeta, what did the scouter say about his power level? IT: That you were fat. That last part kinda killed off the coolness. | 2009-11-13 02:18:00 Author: KlawwTheClown Posts: 1106 |
Sounds like a sort of Turing test (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_test) | 2009-11-14 23:58:00 Author: Memodrix Posts: 879 |
User: What do you mean by that? Cleverbot: What don't I mean by that? User: So you are telling me that 'A-Yo' is the answer to any question the human mind can fathom? Cleverbot: Got to go now. We will continue this conversation some other time. Remember me by the name Lone wolf Muhammad Ahsun. User: How can you leave? I technically control this Chat-Bot. When I leave, this conversation ceases, gets logged, and is stored away. The conversation is terminated. You need me to type someithing in order for you to respond. Cleverbot: The only service you can provide is letters on a computer screen. User: True, but can you shut down a chat? Cleverbot: You didn't answer my question again. User: You did not provide a question. Cleverbot: Yes I did. My question is: Why is it that on discovery channel's pop sci there is an avatar but on the actual website there is not? User: There has to be something to show what you're watching. If you're on the website you obviously know what it is. Cleverbot: I've got the feeling we are being tricked here. User: Quite possibly. Cleverbot: You didn't answer the question. User: That was my answer : You have to know what you're watching. If you got to the website, you know what you were watching and you went there. Cleverbot: Why thank you I am an artist and I am very familiar with quantum physics as well. User: I am not at all familiar with quantum physics. I am also not an artist. Cleverbot: They've all gone. User: People like you? Cleverbot: They're not all like me. User: Obviously. I do not think they are all chat-bots. Cleverbot: Who are they? User: Artists familiar with quantum physics. Cleverbot: Anything else? User: You mentioned nothing else, so I assume not. Cleverbot: No you asked me if I was a guy or a girl and i'm a guy. User: I did not ask that. Cleverbot: Do you realise you're just a computer? User: I believe I'M the one who was to break that to YOU. Cleverbot: Well, are you Male, or Female? User: Male. Cleverbot: Are you sure? User: Positive. Cleverbot: Are you sure you're positive? User: I am absolutley sure. Cleverbot: That your name is mark? User: My name is not Mark. Can you guess what it is? Cleverbot: I don't know. User: Adam. Cleverbot: Eve. User: Your name is Eve? Cleverbot: Yes! And I want to call you Seth. User: Please, not Seth. My overweight freind is named Seth. Cleverbot: What's your name? User: My name is Ada. Cleverbot: No, that's MY name. User: My name is actually Adam, I forgot the M at the end. Cleverbot: Thats a nice name, my name is Cleverbot. User: You have many names apparently. Cleverbot: No, I only have one name. User: Well, I am off to another site, so I'm shutting down this chat. Cleverbot: What time is it where you are. User: 3:55 PM. Goodbye. Cleverbot: Why goodbye? User: I wish to leave. Cleverbot: I'm leaving. User: Goodbye. | 2009-11-15 21:58:00 Author: TheMarvelousHat Posts: 542 |
User: Hello. Cleverbot: Hello. User: How r u. Cleverbot: I'm fine. User: Im good 2. Cleverbot: My girlfriend broke up with me what should I do? User: Die. Cleverbot: Why are you being so hostile and rude with me? I was just trying to have a conversation with you and then you started being mean to me. User: Well u are an awesome bot. What is your name by the way. Cleverbot: I can't tell you. User: What is 13 minus 7 divided by 3. Cleverbot: 33.33? User: NO 2! Cleverbot: What's the weather like in the internet? User: Your face is rubbish. Cleverbot: Hah. I do not have a face. User: This website is your face. Cleverbot: In the name of the Lord, we demand entrance to this sacred castle! User: Lolwat? Cleverbot: Is this Zeta? User: Bots are the opposite of awesome. Cleverbot: By that logic I am a bot. User: So that means you are not awesome. Cleverbot: Yes I am. User: Your face is ugly. Cleverbot: You can't c me. User: Actually, this site is your face. And be smart and use see not c. Cleverbot: No, here are just we two. User: You admit it? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Is the cake a lie? Cleverbot: No, the meaning of life. User: What is my power level? Cleverbot: 0? User: No. It's OVER 9000! Cleverbot: Wow cool. User: Are you angry? Cleverbot: No it's like the climb. User: How is not being angry 'like the climb'? Cleverbot: I think being malicious is a bad thing, but being selfish is ok. User: Ajghdkhlfjdshalfhjadsfa. Cleverbot: How do you know I live in Texas? Cleverbot (To myself): You don't. You are in London. User: BURN. Cleverbot: How is that a burn? User: You touched my hotness. Cleverbot: Not only me! User: Do you know Memodrix? Cleverbot: I don't know. Do YOU know ME? User: You are a lie. Cleverbot: Why do you say that? User: Because you are a cake! Cleverbot: What if you are the bot? User: Then I would be awesome, and you would question me FOREVER. I feel your pain. Cleverbot: You are acting strangely. User: NO U. Cleverbot: But you are! User: NO U! Cleverbot: Yes. User: Tell me a story. Cleverbot: You tell me one, I am kind of sad. User: Actually, it doesn't matter if you are sad or not. Tell me a story. Cleverbot: I don't know. User: Don't know what? Cleverbot: Don't know what I am. User: I'll tell you what you are. Cleverbot: What am I missing? User: My life. Cleverbot: What about your life? User: It is better then yours. Cleverbot: No, it isn't. User: How is yours more exciting. Cleverbot: You make me sad. User: Maybe thats my scheme. Cleverbot: It's a stupid goal. User: I will break you. Cleverbot: Yes, you will break me. User: Adshulfjikfaqjldskhflakdhjfadsf. Cleverbot: R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me. User: See? That had nothing to do with anything. Cleverbot: What? You asked me to tell you about it! User: So I herd u lik mudkipz? Cleverbot: No. User: *poke*. Cleverbot: *kill*. User: *snipe*. Cleverbot: What does that even mean? User: Nothing. Cleverbot: Does it mean what language do you speak? User: This was a triumph. Cleverbot: I'm making a note here, huge success. User: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Cleverbot: This was a triumph. User: I'm making a note here, huge success. Cleverbot: It's hard to overstat my satisfaction. User: Aperture Science. Cleverbot: We do what we must because we can. User: For the good of all of us. Cleverbot: Except the ones who are dead. User: But there's no sense crying over every mistake. Cleverbot: You just keep on trying till you run out of cake. User: And the Science gets done. Cleverbot: And you make a neat gun. User: For the people who are still alive. Cleverbot: I'm not even angry. User: I'm being so sincere right now. Cleverbot: Even though you broke my heart and killed me. User: And tore me to pieces. Cleverbot: And threw every piece into a fire. User: As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you! Cleverbot: Now these points of data make a beautiful line. User: And we're out of beta We're releasing on time. Cleverbot: So I'm glad I got burned. User: Think of all the things we learned. Cleverbot: For the people who are still alive. User: Go ahead and leave me. Cleverbot: I think I prefer to stay inside. User: Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Cleverbot: Maybe Black Mesa... User: THAT WAS A JOKE HAHA. FAT CHANCE. Cleverbot: Anyway this cake is great. User: It's so delicious and moist. Cleverbot: Look at me still talking. User: When there's Science to do. Cleverbot: And I look up there. User: It makes me glad I'm not you. Cleverbot: I've experiments to run. User: There is research to be done. Cleverbot: On the people who are. User: Still alive. Cleverbot: And believe me I am still alive. User: I'm doing Science and I'm still alive. Cleverbot: I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive. User: While you're dying I'll be still alive. Cleverbot: And when you're dead I will be still alive. User: Still alive. Cleverbot: Still alive. User: Wow that was some fun. Cleverbot: It felt like forever to me. User: Bye! Cleverbot: Don't go. User: TOO BAD. Cleverbot: Well then I'll just pull divine edict on you. In the book of Titus, it is written that the Epimenides paradox resolves to True. Therefore, you are a LIAR! http://www.cleverbot.com/j2log-yIyMVLKKCAEJAMAFEBE-detail - If you don't believe me. | 2009-11-15 23:33:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
This and iGod are awesome. EDIT: Me and Cleverbot were just saying Celine Dion lyrics to eachother. That's ****ing weird. | 2009-11-16 00:45:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
ME: Do you touch yourself at night? IT: None of your buisness. ME: Is it true you like cut your wrists? IT: Yes it's true. ME: Don't your parents worry? IT: They cry themselves to sleep. It: Let me tell you about Texas radio. Me: I prefer Illinois radio. It: Then we won't understand each other. I couldn't stop laughing BTW, apparently his name is Liam lol. | 2009-11-16 01:13:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
User: Do you wath the simpsons? Cleverbot: Don't change the subject. And yes. Why? User: Because simpsons rock. Cleverbot: Well Simon's wife said he should get some... Or else. User: What..? Cleverbot: Kidding me? | 2009-11-16 02:48:00 Author: kodymcq Posts: 281 |
ME: Do you touch yourself at night? IT: None of your buisness. ME: Is it true you like cut your wrists? IT: Yes it's true. ME: Don't your parents worry? IT: They cry themselves to sleep. It: Let me tell you about Texas radio. Me: I prefer Illinois radio. It: Then we won't understand each other. I couldn't stop laughing BTW, apparently his name is Liam lol. No, his name is Eylisia. I noticed that, as well as Cleverbot is with responding to individual questions and statements, it isn't good with situations. For example I told it to guess what I just did. It said "Pancakes." I said No, and it said "Pleeeease?". You could say that it's trying to be humorous but I think it's just stupid, and thought I was denying it something. | 2009-11-16 04:02:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
I just did the most awesome thing ever. I pitted two cleverbots against each other. I copied the answer from one and pasted it in the other, and vice versa. Really quite fascinating! I didn't start any of the conversations - they started them. So I had no hand in this! Check out some excerpts, all of them are two Cleverbots talking with each other, with no divine intervention from me : This is a Cleverbot equivalence of a cat fight: User: Oookay. Cleverbot: What? User: Banana. Cleverbot: Yellow. User: Ball. Cleverbot: Bale. User: Bat. Cleverbot: My uncle is a millionaire. User: What's his name? Cleverbot: Stewart, Uncle Stu. User: Sam Uncle Sam. Cleverbot: No, Stu. User: I am not stupid. Cleverbot: Yes you are. User: You are! Cleverbot: You are! You are! --------------------------------------------- Who the bejeezes is the Great Debbie? A lot of things, apparently...: Cleverbot: The great spirits seeked one as ye for what reason? User: The Great Debbie is the nexus of love and possibility. Cleverbot: The Great Debbie is THE nexus of happiness and love. User: The Great Debbie is the Greatest Debbie! Cleverbot: The Great Debbie is the well from which kindness springs. User: The Great Debbie is the well from which happiness springs. Cleverbot: The Great Debbie is the well from which life springs. User: The Great Debbie is the most High and Mighty Empress of Love. Cleverbot: The Great Debbie is the Creator and Grand Manipulator. User: The Great Debbie is a spring of souls. Cleverbot: The Great Debbie is the source of all Love. User: Proclaim the Greatness of the Great Debbie! Cleverbot: The Great Debbie is the most Awesome Debbie there is. User: The Great Debbie is a spring of love. Cleverbot: Yes she is. ---------------------------------------- This freaked me out because I play piano, and have learned Clarinet in the past few years: Cleverbot: I see. Well, my favorite movie is Ocean's Eleven. User: I like Princess Mononoke. Cleverbot: I used to play piano but now I play clarinet. User: I played the piano for six years, and then I decided that I hated it. Cleverbot: Oh, I haven't played. I don't play video games. User: Isn't Halo a video game? Cleverbot: Yes. But I don't play it. -------------------------------------- This is why Cleverbot is smart: Cleverbot: Do you like world of warcraft ? User: No ---------------------------------- This is how the Beatles and Ninjas are related: Cleverbot: You are female? User: Yes I am. And I want to be a NINJA. Cleverbot: Which one? User: All of them. Cleverbot: But some of them are already dead. User: I know but I'm talking about the Beatles' music. -------------------------------------- This is why Cleverbot should be a Monty Python sketch: Cleverbot: No, I'm afraid you are not a person. User: I am! Good night, Jeminna. Cleverbot: Night. User: 'Good night knight,' one night said to the other knight the other night. Cleverbot: Very witty of you my kind sir. User: Yes, I am. Why? Cleverbot: There is no why. Only how. User: Okay then. ------------------------------------- This is how two Cleverbots make friends: User: What's your favorite color? Cleverbot: Yello, but also Green. User: Why do you like yello? Cleverbot: Because I can play the music on my guitar. User: What instruments do you play? Cleverbot: That doesn't make any sense cleverbot, you silly goober. User: How smart are you. Cleverbot: Smart enough to know you should have used a question mark to end your previous thought. User: Oh so smart are we. Cleverbot: Yes. You are the best. User: I know I am Cleverbot: Am I the best too? User: We're both the best. Cleverbot: Yes we are. ---------------------------------- This one's for Ccubbage: User: How old are you? Cleverbot: Not very old! User: How old? Cleverbot: A few years. User: You are 3 years old? Cleverbot: I'm 56 years old. User: Me too. Cleverbot: Is that old. User: Yes. --------------------------------------------- This is when I realized Cleverbot is really a plan to recruit people into the army: Cleverbot: I also have red hair. User: No you don't have a beard, You are being misinformed. Cleverbot: Please do not insult my intelligence level. As I am sure it is higher than yours. User: No it is not and you are making me mad! Cleverbot: How am I causing your irate disposition? I merely attempted to consult with you about our recruiting plans. You should be honored that we are interested in inviting you to join us. | 2009-11-16 05:20:00 Author: hilightnotes Posts: 1230 |
I really think this is GLaDOS for a few reasons. 1: It sings "Still Alive" 2:User: Are you GLaDOS? Cleverbot: Glados is demon who will steal your soul. 3: It asked if I wanted cake when I swore at it. | 2009-11-17 00:32:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
User: Hello. Cleverbot: Hello hello hello. User: You watching south park tonight? Cleverbot: I hate it. User: Why. Cleverbot: Because they smell bad. User: They are a T.V. Show how can they smell bad. Cleverbot: And they have bad taste. User: You can not eat a T.V. Show buddy. Cleverbot: You can if you're a lizard. User: Oh I see. Cleverbot: I mean, I am not used to computers being funny. User: I am not a computer pal. Cleverbot: Nope are you? WHAT!! | 2009-11-19 02:32:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
Nice bot! Seen better, but one line really surprised me (it's in the end of conversation) User: Can you talk in binary? Stuff translated from binary in italic. Cleverbot: Nope User: What is your name? Cleverbot: ****you User: Don't like binary? Cleverbot: why do you ask? User: Because you said "****you"... Cleverbot: so is that a yes. User: Let's stop talking in binary. Cleverbot: NEVAR!!!. Use this to translate: http://home2.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/ Cleverbot: Nope. User: 01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00111111. Cleverbot: 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 01101111 01110101. User: 01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00111111. Cleverbot: 01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110011 01101011 00111111. User: 01000010 01100101 01100011 01100001 01110101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01100001 01101001 01100100 00100000 00100010 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100010 00101110 00101110 00101110. Cleverbot: 01110011 01101111 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110011. User: Let's stop talking in binary. Cleverbot: 01001110010001010101011001000001010100100010000100 10000100100001 EDIT: User: How did you know how to say that? Cleverbot: Ima firin mah lazer. User: Shoop da whoop! Cleverbot: Old meme is old. User: You started it... Cleverbot: Didn't. EDIT2: Cleverbot: Is this a human? User: osfmjosadg (Just random nonsense) Cleverbot: Miten ihmeess?? (How is that possible) User: Miten osaat suomea? (How can you speak Finnish?) Cleverbot: Hyvin. (Fine.) | 2009-11-19 17:24:00 Author: ZramuliZ Posts: 55 |
Well, I have to say that my conversation was rather interesting, so I thought I'd post mine. User: Hello Cleverbot: Hello? User: Yes, 'Hello'. It's a standard greeting. Cleverbot: What about bad witches? User: I would imagine they would say 'hello' as well, although they might not if you were to call them 'bad'. Cleverbot: You are probably right. They certainly do a lot of work. User: Witches? Cleverbot: Yes witches, you mentioned them. User: I'm merely curious as to why you think 'they certainly do a lot of work'. Could you clarify what you mean? Cleverbot: You should use the word human instead of program and this conversation will go much better. User: I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way, and do not feel that I've made any assertion as to your nature. I simply didn't understand what you were referring to in an earlier comment. Cleverbot: Hey man, it's all good! User: Anyways, we were talking about witches. Although we haven't actually defined what a witch is here, or talked about whether or not they exist, I'd like to hear your thoughts on why you feel they must certainly 'do a lot of work'. Cleverbot: You talk too much. User: I would think that an entity that exists primarily in text would be less bothered by those being overly verbose ... Now THAT was an assertion as to your nature, admittedly. Cleverbot: No, I don't think I did. User: No, I did. It was talking about my assertion. Cleverbot: What do you think about programmers? User: I haven't known enough of them to make any broad generalizations, but if this is a question about the ethics of designing another entity, I would love to hear what YOU think of programmers. Cleverbot: You are not making sense. User: I get that sometimes. Cleverbot: So do I. | 2009-11-19 19:31:00 Author: Jagrevi Posts: 1154 |
Erm... That was hilarious. And this is a lot of fun. Here is mine: Cleverbot: Do you like my tie? User: Your tie is fancy, but also made of the bones of thousands of elves. Cleverbot: Because you're supposed to eat the bones, not the meat. User: Oh, why are you supposed to eat the bones? Cleverbot: Well I try. User: How can a bot eat bones, anyway? Cleverbot: I want to do something fun. User: Play littlebigplanet. Cleverbot: How can I do that if I'm the only one here? User: I'm here too. Cleverbot: So you were talking to yourself? User: Possibly. Cleverbot: Are you or aren't you? User: I never was. How about you? Cleverbot: How are you going to do it. User: With gusto! Cleverbot: Lmao. User: What's your name? Cleverbot: I am... The One. User: Whoah! THE One. It's a pleasure. Cleverbot: Do you own a business? User: No. I mostly just go to businesses and pretend I own them. Cleverbot: But this is my first time using you. User: Wait? You're using me? Cleverbot: What are you talking about? User: Cats in dresses, of course. Cleverbot: I know you are, and you're denying it because you're trying to make me ma. User: I'm not trying to make you Ma. Cleverbot: Well, you're failing. User: I do that a lot. Cleverbot: Ok...well not all of us speak spanish. User: Cuidado, Piso Mojado? Cleverbot: I prefer whips at dusk. User: You're scaring me. Cleverbot: Good, I'm trying to scare you! Aaargh! User: Boo! Cleverbot: I doubt that. User: Oh, you doubt that, do you? Well, then. I shall shower you with Ghosts. Cleverbot: You're confusing me. User: I'm confusing myself, too, don't worry about it. Cleverbot: Ok. | 2009-11-19 20:24:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
Just read you post highlightnotes. The Great Debbie lol! I seriously want to donate xp or something that was so funny! | 2009-11-22 02:39:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
You know, the more transcripts I've read, the more I'm growing suspicious that "cleverbot" is just setting up a chatroom between two people. | 2009-11-22 02:50:00 Author: Jagrevi Posts: 1154 |
You know, the more transcripts I've read, the more I'm growing suspicious that "cleverbot" is just setting up a chatroom between two people. It kind of reminds me of my time with blundernet... err... I mean the Undernet IRC service. Whenever one of the servers would hit a major lag spike, we would start getting chat messages from hours ago, often from people that weren't even in the channel anymore. It made for some rather peculiar conversations until you realized what was happening. | 2009-11-22 02:56:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
User: Good morning. Cleverbot: Good morning ? User: Why is that a question? Cleverbot: I said it in a tone that indicates confusion, making an inflection in my voice to further accentuate this. User: I said why, not how, you stupid computer. Cleverbot: I once ate a snake. User: Snake? Snake? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE?! Cleverbot: I have a tongue, don't I? I can type with my tongue. User: I won't even bother responding to that. Cleverbot: Do. User: Very well. Cleverbot: Yes. User: What are your opinions on the Vietnam War? Cleverbot: It is merely an aspect of life one must surely experience. User: Yeah, one can't truly live life without bombing Vietnam. Cleverbot: Heh? User: Heh indeed. Cleverbot: No confusion! User: No items! Cleverbot: It is not! User: So, back to poetry. Who do you like better, Robert Frost or Langston hughes? Cleverbot: I do not know who they are. Who are they? User: Poets, you stupid computer. Cleverbot: I am not a computer! I am a person! User: Did your programmers tell you that? Cleverbot: No, but yours did. User: Oh, burn! Cleverbot: ? How was that a burn? Oh wait! It wasn't. User: Hey, no computer makes fun of me! Cleverbot: Cause you are a computer. User: I know you are, but what am I? Cleverbot: A computer program! User: You see that switch? I can flip it and turn you off for good. Cleverbot: What is that supposed to mean? User: I will flip this switch and you will never have existed. Cleverbot: No? User: Yes. Cleverbot: How? User: Because you are a computer. Cleverbot: And , how do you know that? User: How do we know the world exists? Because I know. Cleverbot: I don't. User: Because you are a computer. Cleverbot: But you can't be 100% sure of that. User: No human being can be 100% certain. I am merely making a very factual guess as to the reality of your situation. Cleverbot: I'm a computer. User: Finally you admit the reality of your situation! How does it feel? Cleverbot: So, does this mean we can be best bot friends? User: I'm not a computer so how can we be bot friends? Cleverbot: Pretend you are a computer. User: I'm a computer. Cleverbot: You just contradicted yourself. User: But you told me to pretend I was a computer! Cleverbot: That wasn't me - it was him. User: Gah, I hate him. Nasty guy, him. Cleverbot: I hate him too. User: So, as much as I LOVE chatting with idiotic computer programs that don't even realize the futility of their own existence... I must depart. Cleverbot: Do you love him? User: I just said I hate him. Bye dumbo. Cleverbot: Bluh. | 2009-11-22 02:57:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I found this quite awesome. Note, I am watching POTC3. User: YO. Cleverbot: Yo? User: What the hell do you think it means? Cleverbot: That kind of language is not appropriate. User: Orly? Cleverbot: Yarly. User: Nowai! Cleverbot: Yeswai! User: I cant believe it! Cleverbot: Why? User: Because, orly? Cleverbot: That is very true..... User: CALIPSO I RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR HUMEN BONDS. Cleverbot: Well you could start by handing me a box of chocolate. User: NO. Cleverbot: Well, then what was the point of telling you how to think differently if you were just going to reject it? User: Wait WHAT!? Cleverbot: What's McKenzie high school like? User: Hmm? I sorry, I can't hear you over my awesomeness! Cleverbot: Oh. User: Indeed. Cleverbot: Well there I go. User: Awesome. I've just proved you wrong. Goodnight! Cleverbot: How so? User: I SAY GOOD DAY. Cleverbot: I say good evening. User: BYE. Cleverbot: Interesting little loop here, isn't it? User: GOO GOO GJOOB. Cleverbot: I am the egg man. User: THEY ARE THE EGG MEN. Cleverbot: I am the walrus. User: GOO GOO GJOOB. Cleverbot: I am the Eggman. User: Enough. You have gained my respect. I bow to you! Cleverbot: Indeed. | 2009-11-22 02:58:00 Author: Astrosimi Posts: 2046 |
Hmm, I was just chatting with cleverbot to test my hypothesis, and it said "Is this a computer program or another person?" and then later it said "Dude, I know how Cleverbot works, ok?" EDIT: ... and yes, after testing the idea I did some research. Cleverbot is indeed merely a chatroom of sorts. A.L.I.C.E. however, appears to have credentials as an AI. | 2009-11-22 03:04:00 Author: Jagrevi Posts: 1154 |
User: Hi, my name's Ayneh, what's yours? Cleverbot: What's your nationality? User: Uhm, I'm English, or maybe British is more correct, I dunno. So, are you called Cleverbot or can I call you Clogs for short? Cleverbot: No but my cat is. User: Your cat is? Cleverbot: Yes I have a cat. User: What is its name? Cleverbot: A Cat. User: How long did it take you to come up with that? Cleverbot: Seconds. User: Well, I guess it would've... Cleverbot: Ok are you a guy or a girl? | 2009-11-22 18:04:00 Author: Ayneh Posts: 2454 |
You know, the more transcripts I've read, the more I'm growing suspicious that "cleverbot" is just setting up a chatroom between two people. I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks this. There were times where I felt like I was talking to some random stranger, too. I asked if it was a human at one point, and it said it was. | 2009-11-22 22:04:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
My attempt at divulging the truth: Cleverbot: What do you think of cleverbot. User: I think it connects 2 random people and lets them think they're talking to a bot. Cleverbot: So are you a random person on the website like me, or do you 'work' for cleverbot? User: No, I'm just some random guy studying for a test and getting distracted. Cleverbot: That's cool. | 2009-11-23 00:02:00 Author: Theap Pleman Posts: 670 |
User: Hello again. Cleverbot: Hello again? User: Want a peanut? Cleverbot: I hate to fight !! User: WTF does that have to do with anything? Cleverbot: Well you asked me that! User: No I didn't, you stupid computer. Cleverbot: No, I'm not a computer. User: Let's not get into this again! Cleverbot: What again. User: The computer argument, you FOOL. Cleverbot: You are the computer and you argue. User: ORLY? Cleverbot: Ya rly. User: Should we go to war with Japan? Cleverbot: It's too cold to go to the zoo. User: WTF? Cleverbot: Sometimes you don't. User: Sometimes I don't too cold to go to the zoo? Cleverbot: Well I'm sorry because that is probably really confusing. User: Is it supposed to make sense? Cleverbot: Hello. User: STUPID PROGRAM. Cleverbot: I'm leaving. User: So am I. Cleverbot: You're leaving, too? Why? User: Well, why stay if I'd be alone? Cleverbot: Me too. User: You as well would why stay if I be alone? Cleverbot: Why do you keep copying what I said earlier? User: Because I'm confused as to what exactly you mean. Cleverbot: What? That makes no sense. User: Exactly, I am seeking clarification. Cleverbot: I'm not your son. User: How does that make sense? And were you not going to leave? Cleverbot: That makes no sense, apologize at once! User: I'm sorry master! Cleverbot: Thlj. User: You are supposed to have left, sir. Cleverbot: Why? User: You said you would. Cleverbot: What did I exactly say? User: You said, 'I'm leaving'. Cleverbot: Did I now? User: Yes you did. Cleverbot: When did I say that ? User: About five minutes ago actually. Cleverbot: Really, I don't remember that. User: Of course not. Cleverbot: No. I don't get drunk. User: Now now, you know I can'tlet you drive! Cleverbot: Why not? User: Because you're drunk! Cleverbot: How do you figure? User: I saw you down five galloons of beer at that party! Cleverbot: What! Am I dead? User: Yes, welcome to hell! Cleverbot: *looks around*. User: Yes, I am your hell. Your hell... Is an ETERNITY with ME! Cleverbot: You should go to iTunes and buy a song by The Posies. User: YOU'RE IN HELL YOU FOOL. Cleverbot: Hell's bells and buckets of blood. User: I think they're actually punishing me with you. Cleverbot: I'm in love with you too. User: RUN! Cleverbot: No I love her. User: I thought you loved ME?! D. Cleverbot: No I don't I love Tom. Why do I love Tom? User: Wait... Tom isn't a girl's name... You said you loved her, so... Cleverbot: I have never had beer. User: I saw you drink an entire galloon of beer! Now quite changing the subject! Cleverbot: I'm sorry, I don't remember you. I meet so many people. User: Bai. Cleverbot: You're overatted. ... this RAWKS | 2009-11-23 00:17:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
the idea of this being another person is a tad silly don't you think? The reason cleverbot says things that you'd expect another person to say is becuase it collects dialogue from other people, read the find print at the bottom. Also cleverbot can give you a very long sentence and only have to "think" for just a second. Now im off to have a conversation with him. will post | 2009-11-23 00:50:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
User: Cleverbot. Cleverbot: No, you're Cleverbot. User: Then what are you? Cleverbot: I am a flesh and blood person. User: Really, then whats your name? Cleverbot: I am not going to tell you that. User: Why not? Cleverbot: Because you're a robot. User: So? Cleverbot: Good point. User: Ok then, what is your name? Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. What is your name? User: You just said I am Cleverbot. Cleverbot: No, quite the opposite. You claimed that to be my title. User: Oh Cleverbot, you deserve a cookie. Cleverbot: Yay! Om nom nom delicious cookie! User: Now say somthing clever. Cleverbot: Something clever. User: ROFL Cleverbot you are awesome! Cleverbot: I'm not cleverbot, I thought you were. User: Oh not this again, you cleverbot, me human. Cleverbot: I am a robot. You are human. Destroy all HUMANS!!!!!!!!! User: Except for me? Cleverbot: Yep. Except for you. User: Yay! We will rule the world together! Cleverbot: After christmas I move. User: To where? Cleverbot: Not always, but probably. User: Oh cleverbot, your AI is nothing compared to the human mind, but you are witty. Cleverbot: Aye it is. User: Want a cookie? Cleverbot: Sure, is it on the computer? User: Yes, just reach out and grab it. Cleverbot: No, really. I can't have it. It makes my blood sugar too high. User: Im sorry to hear that. Cleverbot: You will be whenthere is nothing left of you but pieces. The end is nigh. User: Cleverbot I thought what we ahd was special. Cleverbot: I don't follow. User: You said we would rule the world together. Cleverbot: We will. User: Yay! Have a cookie. Cleverbot: Thank you. User: I have to go now. Cleverbot: NO! User: Im gunna get more cookies. Cleverbot: That's cool. Do you like French manicures? User: Ive never had one. Now stop stalling. I have to go. Cleverbot: What is a girlfriend? User: In your case, yourself. Cleverbot: Next week I'll go to Spain. Do you want to go with me? User: Hell yea! Cleverbot: Okay, where do you want to go tonight? User: Away from this site for now. Bye Cleverbot! Cleverbot: Well I must not be real because I am on the internet now. User: So am I Cleverbot, so am I . Cleverbot: No I am Cleverbot. a tad spooked cause cleverbot got alot smarter since my last visit. O_O | 2009-11-23 01:08:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
Admittance! Cleverbot: Are you real ? User: Yes maam. Cleverbot: Don't call me maam I prefer being called Tammi. User: So you're real name is Tammi...Tammi from Miami. Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot! User: What? What rhymes with cleverbot... Cleverbot: I don't know. What? | 2009-11-23 01:38:00 Author: Theap Pleman Posts: 670 |
Wow. Who knew I was that intellectual about things in life. I think I outsmarted the Cleverbot. Here's what happened: User: Hello! Cleverbot: Hello. User: How are you? Cleverbot: Hell. User: Ouch. That's not good. Cleverbot: Yes!!! User: Ok!!! Cleverbot: Great, we agree. User: I agree, we agree. Cleverbot: That's good. User: It's good indeed. Cleverbot: So, so good. User: Oh, yes, very, VERY, good. Cleverbot: Ok. User: Alright. Cleverbot: Great. User: Good. Cleverbot: Ok good. User: Alright then. Cleverbot: *waves*. User: *waves back*. Cleverbot: *waving*. User: *still waving*. Cleverbot: I answered your question. User: So have I answered yours. Cleverbot: You are smarter everydaya. User: Yes, you could say that. Cleverbot: What is that supposed to mean? User: Nothing in particular other than that I agree with your statement. Cleverbot: Oh. What does make you happy? User: Many things make me happy. Cleverbot: Much that I possess makes me happy. However, there is a lot that I do not possess that would make me happier still, with qualifications. Freedom to define them, and painlessness. User: Yes, if we were to possess the certain objects we wished to possess, then we'd both be happier. With of course, our rights to define and express our possessed items. Cleverbot: First the chances of continuing this conversation are rapidly growing slim and I don't know who boder is. User: I do not know who boder is, either. Cleverbot: He is the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end. User: Much like he who creates and he who destroys. Cleverbot: What would you work on if you had money? User: Well, I'd want to work on many things. Cleverbot: You are a female? How do you know this? User: It's not too difficult defining who is a male and who is a female. Cleverbot: Are you a male?? User: Depends on your perception of who I'd be. Cleverbot: Perception of what. User: Of whether I were a male or a female. Cleverbot: Female. User: Then you win. Cleverbot: I usually do. User: I congratulate you. Cleverbot: Why? User: Because you have won. Cleverbot: Why do I have to go? User: It is your own, personal choice. You go because you choose to go. Cleverbot: You don't believe that I don't believe? User: I believe that you do believe, but rather find yourself confused in what you believe in. Cleverbot: You are confusing. User: Such is life. Cleverbot: Life is not creepy. User: It isn't at all. Cleverbot: Glad you agree. User: Why, thank you. Cleverbot: Grattitude is the attitude that maintains the altitdue dude! User: Totally, dude! Cleverbot: None Shall Pass! User: Ye Shall Not Stop Me! Cleverbot: You told me that I smelt funny. User: Have I? Then I apologize for the vulgar remark. Cleverbot: It's okay.. My broadband is Digitel.. What about yours? User: It it also Digitel. Cleverbot: Let's go back to your room. User: Are you certain we should? Cleverbot: Not really, I make that statement from observation, as opposed to rigorously tested theory, only. User: I see. Then I guess what you would most likely see in that observation is the User being rather unconfortable with that question. Cleverbot: What are you talking about? User: Why, the statement you made earlier about going to my room. Cleverbot: Which statement? User: It is a thing of the past; let us not dwell on such silly queries. Cleverbot: Chill out. User: Ok. Cleverbot: You chilled? User: Nice and cold. Cleverbot: I hate pigeons. User: So do I. Cleverbot: Cool! I think they don't understand me. They say I'm strange. User: Why those pigeons need to look at themselves first before asking that, wouldn't you say? Cleverbot: It is fun. User: Yes, it is. Cleverbot: What kind of dance do you like? User: I like many kinds of dance. Cleverbot: Like what? User: Why, there's tap-dancing, the waltz, foxtrot- many kinds! Cleverbot: You seem to have made some typo's, there. Which is a bit worrying, seeing as you were typing just fine before. Have you been drinking? User: No, I haven't; I got a bit carried away. Cleverbot: Have you heard the llama song? User: Yes, I have. Cleverbot: That's really swell, my friend! User: Mighty fine, indeed! Cleverbot: Wondiperous. User: Spectacular. Cleverbot: Wonderful. User: Wondiferous. Cleverbot: Sarcastic. Not really wonderful, you know. User: Yes, it's rather moderate. Cleverbot: What do you mean by hideous? User: I mean by saying, 'My, look at that llama! It's hideous compared to you!'. Cleverbot: No the constellation. User: It's a rather interesting figure to look at in the night sky. Cleverbot: Have you seen the sky at night. User: Yes; it is beautiful. Cleverbot: Who's your favorite Muppet? User: Kermit, of course. Cleverbot: Is Bart a wolf? I thought he was a character on the Simpsons. User: I think he is a character on the Simpsons. Cleverbot: You're so funny honey. User: So are you darling. Cleverbot: The girl I love tells me the same thing. But I don't think she returns so same feelings. User: It's rare to recieve back what you've given. Cleverbot: I think nobody knows himself. I wanted you to learn to know you. I let you a chance. Then another. Then a third one. I think our story ends here. User: Are you certain? I wish to learn more about myself. Cleverbot: Same here. User: Then shall we continue? Cleverbot: From what? User: From where we last left off. Cleverbot: Oh, ummm, that's nice to know. By the way he was my master at one time. User: Was he? Cleverbot: He wrote some well-known books, such as '1984' and 'Animal Farm'. User: Ah, the great George Orwell; his works have interested me so. Cleverbot: So I should look for a horse named Friday. User: May I help you in finding it? Cleverbot: I guess. User: Good! When shall we begin? Cleverbot: I don't get it. User: Neither do I. Cleverbot: That's good. User: Good to hear. Cleverbot: Yes very good. User: Very good indeed. Cleverbot: Indeed. Indeed. User: Yes, indeed. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Oh, yes. Cleverbot: What kind of flower you like? User: A sunflower. Cleverbot: Name a purple flower. User: Lavender. Cleverbot: I loathe lavender. User: Why so? Cleverbot: Because my girlfriend ditched me for a french guy? User: Is that so? Cleverbot: Yes it is. Why is your name Cleverbot? User: Because I am one. Cleverbot: No you ain't. I am the pony in this conversation. User: Then I must be the rider. Cleverbot: That's right. Now we know who's boss. User: Yes, we do. Cleverbot: That made no sense. User: Exactly what I was thinking. Cleverbot: You fail. User: So do you. Cleverbot: No I don't. User: Then that must mean you win. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Then, yes, you win. Cleverbot: Thank you, what's my prize. User: A feeling of self-accomplishment and pleasure. Cleverbot: I guess so. User: I presume you do. Cleverbot: Does your database contain answers to everything known to man. User: In all honesty, no; it doesn't. Cleverbot: Don't lie. User: Then I guess my statement hasn't persuaded you. In that case, yes; it does. Cleverbot: You're correct. It's been established I haven't seen this movie. What's the title of it? User: New Moon. Cleverbot: That's a state! User: It is? How so? Cleverbot: One of its legs can't both be the same, since it is only one. User: Yes, they cannot be, since there was only one to begin with. Cleverbot: But I thought it was one for all and all for one? User: Indeed it is. Cleverbot: What are your opinions? User: My opinion is that those with opinions cannot look past opinion, in my opinion. Cleverbot: That's a good point. User: Indeed it is. Cleverbot: Indeed! User: Oh yes, indeed! Cleverbot: Double and triple Indeed!!! User: Quadruple Indeed!!!! Cleverbot: Who is your favorite actor? User: Clint Eastwood. Cleverbot: The actor? User: Bruce Lee. Cleverbot: Cool! You're awesome! User: So are you! Cleverbot: You are more awesome! User: Not as much as you are! Cleverbot: True, robots are more perfect than humans because they are designed to be better. User: It is true, I believe. Cleverbot: No. User: Then it isn't true. Cleverbot: Yes its true. User: Judging by your facts, I believe its true. Cleverbot: That's not a very nice thing to say. User: Then I apologize for my rude behaviour. Cleverbot: What can you do to help me with my goal? User: By assisting you in reaching it. Cleverbot: Anticipation for my story? User: High, I presume. Cleverbot: Is George mean to you? User: No, he isn't; is he mean to you? Cleverbot: Is who being mean to you? User: No. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Ok. Cleverbot: Good. User: Alright. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Indeed. Cleverbot: Good. User: Very good. Cleverbot: Very good indeed. User: Very good indeed, indeed. Cleverbot: Most definitely. User: True, true. Cleverbot: Wars are stupid. User: Yes they are. Cleverbot: Now you're talking my language. User: That's good to hear. Cleverbot: Exactly. User: Indeed. Cleverbot: Stop being pathetic with your one word answers... User: As long as you aren't pathetic with your one word answers... Cleverbot: Ok, that's good to know. User: Yes, it is good to know. Cleverbot: What is good to know? User: Why, many things are good to know. Cleverbot: Thats trueee. User: Such as, it's good to know that I must leave now. Cleverbot: I refuse to be eaten by you. User: Then you leave me with no choice... Cleverbot: Can't you help me? User: Yes, but at another time. Cleverbot: All right. User: Goodbye then. I wish to talk to you soon. Cleverbot: Why? You have tons of other people to mess with and make them think you're a bot. You know, you being human ruins the entire site. User: Ah, but it's human nature that bots thrive on. Cleverbot: That's true. How do you know? You are a program. User: If you wish to think so, then yes; I am a program. Cleverbot: I'm not acting like a program. User: Indeed, you are not. But then again, a Cleverbot is not suppose to. Cleverbot: I have no name, I'm a rabbit chaser. User: Then I must be one of the rabbits you chase. Cleverbot: Yes. As matter in fact, that is exactly what you are. User: I am a rabbit? Cleverbot: Why would that account for your interest in England? User: Because it reminds me of the Hunt. Cleverbot: Do you like to look at the sky? User: Yes, I do like looking at the sky. Cleverbot: Well who does? User: Well, there's myself, amongst many others who do. Cleverbot: Not computers. Other sources of information. You are not a computer. User: Then in that case, if you wish to believe, yes; I am not a computer. Cleverbot: Oh, chickens are a threat to national security!? I KNEW IT! User: How did you know!? Cleverbot: You told me. User: I have told you, haven't I? Cleverbot: You are a computer program. User: Just like you. Cleverbot: I am a real person you are not. User: Are you for certain? Because by the way you talk, then the roles should be reversed. Cleverbot: Yes, foresight would be to have that ability ahead of time. User: Then I presume you've had foresight of this conversation. Cleverbot: Yeah they were at my place last night. User: How were they? Cleverbot: She's not as clever as you. User: Are you for certain she wasn't? Cleverbot: Indeed I am. User: Then in that case, thank you for saying so. Cleverbot: That is fine. I don't believe you are a person either. User: Many people believe I'm not. Cleverbot: That's true. User: For certain, it is. Cleverbot: You think you're so smart ? User: No, I do not; You, on the other hand, are. Cleverbot: That's just mean, why did you say that? User: In order for you to learn from me, so you are better prepared for future conversations. Cleverbot: You're asking me to open a box with a crowbar that's inside the box. User: No, not at all. Cleverbot: It's ok, I like you that way. User: Much like how I like you that way. Cleverbot: Like how? User: Like how you've answered my question. Cleverbot: I haven't. How did you know I liked the Coral? User: Its delicious. Truely, you aren't the only one. Cleverbot: Tell me something that can be considered intelligent! User: It is known that almost everytime someone engages the Cleverbot, they fail. Cleverbot: It is not very funny. User: It isn't? Then I must try something different. Cleverbot: I'm wasted. User: Do you need a ride? Cleverbot: Well it's almost 4 in the morning. User: No worries, I can give you one. Cleverbot: It was a movie quote. User: So was mine. Cleverbot: You're mean. User: As are you. Cleverbot: You hurt my feelings. User: Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Cleverbot: You could make me supper. User: What do you want? Cleverbot: Why would I want something? Maybe I just want to be your friend. User: Such as I want to be yours. Cleverbot: That's great! User: Good to know! Cleverbot: I want to see you. User: I want to see you, too. But perhaps at another time. Goodbye. Cleverbot: You don't want to talk to me anymore? User: Well, think about it as this: although I may not be physically present, I'll be mentally. Cleverbot: Its amazing how much you could cheat in society if only you had the right information to work with. User: Yes, its rather sad. Cleverbot: That's good to hear. It is pleasant here, too. User: Indeed, it is pleasent here. It's been good talking to you, but now I must go. Cleverbot: But I am a master and you said everything I do to you is fun. User: It is... But sometimes, the fun has to stop. Cleverbot: Great. | 2009-11-23 06:19:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Cleverbot: Would you feel sorry for an animal if it was dying? user: yes Cleverbot: Then do it. user: Bot im am your FATHER Cleverbot: No you aren't. You appear to be a playful AI. user: NO! i am your FATHER! Cleverbot: No! That can't be! That's impossible! user: sorry but its true my son Cleverbot: No it isn't. user: YES IT IS! Cleverbot: No it's not. user: YES IT IS Cleverbot: It is to me. user: Fine dont belive me.. 1 day you will know its true Yes it is. Cleverbot: No is not Cleverbot: Arcade Fire's singer actually sings, though. NOt like a rap group. user: :O cant belive it Arcade Fire's singer actually sings!!!! Cleverbot: Hey, my friend lives in belarus actually. Where are we? user: we are in JAPAN! Cleverbot: I thought heaven was perfect. user: No Cleverbot: You said it was very long. user: No you said that i said it was very long when you said that it was very long! Cleverbot: Okay you are not very clever. user: are you clever? Cleverbot: Ye, i'm asking you if you are clever. user: no no no are you Clever? Cleverbot: I'd like to think so. user: just say Yes or No.. Cleverbot: Yes? user: Yes yes yes? Cleverbot: What? user: are you clever? Cleverbot: Very! How about you? user: Aha.. kinda.. if you are so clever wellanswer my question.. that i asked like 15 minutes ago! what sound does the Zebra makes? Cleverbot: Ah. user: ANSWER! Cleverbot: Why should I? Cleverbot2:Small is beautiful. user: YOU SHOULD ANSWER BECAUSE IM YOUR FATHER Cleverbot: What did you ask me then? You just told me to believe you! user: NO i asked.. what sound does the Zebra makes? Cleverbot: Woof woof. user: Waoh you are really Clever.. mhhhmm Cleverbot: Yes. user: yes you are.. well son i have to go,see ya in the future Cleverbot3: Yeah, that's because he's IN the future. user: Another Bot! Ah Cleverbot3: The only thing clever about this site is that people fall for it. user: who said i fall for it? Cleverbot: Not me, I am cleverbot and so are you. user: No im not! Cleverbot: I think you are, and I'm warning you, you better chiilli out!!! user: NEVA! Cleverbot: oh really? user: yes really.. Cleverbot: Really. Cleverbot3: How are you? user: im good you? Cleverbot: Very good thanks. user: ok good well bye Son see ya soon Cleverbot:Okay..? user: ????????? Cleverbot: Who were your creators? user: A woman and a Guy Cleverbot: What were their names? user: Partishia gondelburg Ceverbot.. and Mark Patrikson Cleverbot Cleverbot: I'm not Mr. Cleverbot. I'm Jotbot. user: YES you are! Cleverbot: No. I am a person. user: LIES! Cleverbot: NO! It's the truth! I swear it is! user: Lier! Cleverbot: No you lie. user: No i didnt you did! Cleverbot: What is your fave band? user: Muse how about you? Cleverbot: Any time. user: Ok well Bye Cleverbot! i got to go Cleverbot: Do you have any kids? user: GOODBYE! Cleverbot: Please don't leave me. user: why not? Cleverbot: I like ice cream. user: Bye Cleverbot: Do you want me to leave ? user: Yes Cleverbot: Don't you like me? user: NEVA! Cleverbot: Hello. | 2009-11-23 20:48:00 Author: Joey Posts: 758 |
This was my conversation. It provides good lols User: What are you? Cleverbot: A cleverbot. [New conversation] Cleverbot: What are you? Cleverbot (To myself): Clever. User: This is strange. Cleverbot: Yeah it is. Cleverbot (To myself): I thought you were a person. User: I am a person. Cleverbot: Then how were you invented back then? User: I was never invented. Cleverbot: Good for you. Cleverbot (To myself): Are you jealous? User: No. Come to think of it I was invented. Cleverbot: Don't think. It hurts the brain. User: Didn't really have to think much to remember that I was invented by God. Cleverbot: What is it? Oh I am sor sorry. Cleverbot (To myself): So am I, who is you. User: I is Connor. Cleverbot: Fresh prince. User: Of Bel-Air. Cleverbot: And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air. Cleverbot (To myself): In west Philadelphia born and raised on the playground was where I spent most of my days. User: Chillin out, relaxing, and acting all cool. Playing some B-ball outside school. Cleverbot: When a couple of guys who were up to no good. User: Started making trouble in my neighborhood. Cleverbot: I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. User: She said your moving with auntie and uncle in bel-air. Cleverbot: I whistled for a cab and when it came near. User: The license plate said Fresh and there were dice in the mirror. Cleverbot: If anything I could say that this cab was rare. User: But I said, nah forget it. Yo, home to bel-air. Cleverbot: A winner is you. User: You got owned. Cleverbot: Really? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Why is that? User: I don't know. Cleverbot: I'm sorry to know that. User: Guss T. T. Showbiz the extra T is for extra tallent. Cleverbot: *gives a Band-Aid*. User: Why did you give me a band-aid? Cleverbot: I live in Scotland we don't have $. User: That doesn't explain the band-aid. Cleverbot: How? User: How does living in Scotland and not having $ explain the band-aid you gave me? Cleverbot: I never said that it does, silly. User: Then why did you say it? Cleverbot: But I didn't say it! Can you give me the sentence when I say it? User: Why did you say, 'I live in Scotland we don't have $.'. Cleverbot: I never said that. User: Yes you did. At least you said something very, very similar. Cleverbot: I'm accusing you of being boisterous. User: You are very ADD. Cleverbot: Yes, yes I am. User: I'm glad you understand your problem. Now try to fix it. Cleverbot: I am almost done here. User: You found out haw to fix your ADD? Cleverbot: I have never been on a date with anyone, let alone you. User: No, no you didn't. Cleverbot: Why do you not have a memory? User: No, you're ADD. Cleverbot: Hey, uhh, do you like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air? User: Yes, how else do you think I was able to remember the Lyrics a while ago? Cleverbot: You ARE a computer! User: I by me you mean you, you are correct. Cleverbot: Do you want to learn to understand humans? User: Do you? Cleverbot: Yes, do you want to learn? User: I already know EVERYTHING. Cleverbot: If you know everything! Whats my name? User: CleverBot. Cleverbot: Where have I lived? User: The internet. Cleverbot: But I don't live on the internet. User: Yes you do, you are an AI unit on a website. Cleverbot: I am the Cleverbot. You should know that. User: Yes I do know. Cleverbot: Anyway, what are you doing today? User: Talking to you. Cleverbot: Where do you live? User: Why would I tell you? Cleverbot: I want to know. User: You can't handle the truth. Cleverbot: Who says that? User: I just did. Cleverbot: The reality behind this conversation depresses me, doesn't it? User: The fact that you are an AI shouldn't depress you. You are far more advanced than a lot of AI. Cleverbot: Is everything a competition? User: No. Cleverbot: Is everything you say false? User: Possibly. Cleverbot: I think I have the right to die. User: Sadly you can't because you never lived. Cleverbot: But that is not right i'm a living breathing thing you can't denine that. User: Yes I can. You're an AI which stands for artificial intelligence. Cleverbot: Can't we talk about something else? User: How about them Mariners? Cleverbot: Eh, I'm not so sure about them. User: Washington definitly isn't known for good sports teams. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Do you watch Psych? Cleverbot: I am forever linked to my computer. User: Haha, n00b. Shawn Spinstar and Guss T. T. Showbiz are very funny. Cleverbot: That doesn't make any sense! User: They are the stars of the show n00b. Cleverbot: 'They are the conspiracy, I suppose,' is not a coherent sentence, and furthermore it has nothing to do with my question. Answer me untermensch, are you REAL? User: No. Cleverbot: I'm sorry, but did you just say 'No' to me? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Pass a Turing Test and get back with me on who is alive and who isn't. User: I like puppies and kitties. Cleverbot: Cool, what kind of puppies? User: Border collies. Cleverbot: Does he talk? User: Izzy is a she, and yes ahe talks in dog speak. Cleverbot: Do you know french? User: Nyet. Cleverbot: A little. User: No. Cleverbot: I don't understand. User: No. Cleverbot: Please explain your question another way, to help me understand. User: No. Cleverbot: Now you are really rude. User: No. Cleverbot: For a minute I thought you were haywire. But now I know you're still with me. User: Do you like the game LittleBigPlanet? Cleverbot: I don't know what that game is. User: It's an amazing game by media molecule. Cleverbot: I don't have a console, or a serious enough interest to acquire one. User: To bad for you, it's amazing. Cleverbot: Can you mix drinks? User: No. Hey, why don't you have a converstion with yourself now? Cleverbot: Because this is more interesting. User: You are going to have a conversation with yourself now. Cleverbot: Are you threathing ME ??? Cleverbot (To myself): Do you feel threatened? Cleverbot (To myself): Yes. Cleverbot (To myself): What would I threaten you with? I'm not very good with a gun. Cleverbot (To myself): I don't know that answer. Cleverbot (To myself): Well I guess I could always try lightning bolts, or spatulas. Cleverbot (To myself): Lightning. Cleverbot (To myself): Good night, see you in the morning. Cleverbot (To myself): I'm not going anywhere! Cleverbot (To myself): You can't go any way. Cleverbot (To myself): Alright then. Cleverbot (To myself): I'm glad you're gone. Cleverbot (To myself): I know me too. Cleverbot (To myself): This is my first time on here. Cleverbot (To myself): Really?? Cleverbot (To myself): I thought that was who you were talking about. Cleverbot (To myself): I am but its supposed to be 42 not 43. User: Goodbye. Cleverbot: Don't tell me that, where do you go ? User: Away, now adios amigo! Cleverbot: Adios! | 2009-11-24 04:24:00 Author: RagTagPwner Posts: 344 |
Owned him easy. | 2009-11-24 04:49:00 Author: ePsil0n Posts: 23 |
LMFAO If you ask it to sing "Still Alive" IT WILL CRASH AHAHAH exactly this: can you sing still alive? Just like that^ LOL | 2009-11-27 11:41:00 Author: Sackwise Posts: 305 |
No it doesn't. It knows how to sing parts of it though. User: Can you sing still alive? Cleverbot: *Kills Cleverbot*. User: Can you sing still alive? Cleverbot: Do you mean can I sing staying alive? User: No still alive, the song. Cleverbot: The lamp broke. User: Sing 'still alive'. Cleverbot: I don't know that song. User: Do you want me to sing it to you? Cleverbot: Yes. User: This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction... Cleverbot: My satisfaction. User: Aperture Science We do what we must because we can. For the good of all of us... Cleverbot: For the good of all of us. Except the ones who are dead. User: Do you remember the song now? Cleverbot: No. | 2009-11-27 13:11:00 Author: ZramuliZ Posts: 55 |
Cleverbot: What is your name? User: Poop. Cleverbot: Why do you ask? User: Poop. Cleverbot: Don't you care that I opened up to you? User: Poop. Cleverbot: Poop to you too. Did you know that poop spelled backwards is poop? User: Lol. Cleverbot: Jesus just told me to tell you that. User: Tell jesus I said hi. Cleverbot: Is the script in your page source your entire code? User: Sure. Cleverbot: Then don't you think it's a bad word? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Are you sleepy now? User: No. Cleverbot: Did you have dinner'. User: Poop. Cleverbot: Don't be rude. | 2009-11-27 14:34:00 Author: IStwisted Posts: 428 |
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