The Wonder World
Archive: 6 posts
This is my revolutionary level which hasn't been played much.This is a puzzle level, so i wont be making a video because i dont want to spoil the surprises if you will play it. This level is dynamic and magic at the same time, puzzles are everywhere along with a bunch of hidden paths and surprices. It includes 4 ends which are intra-connected throughout the level. There is alot of text, most of then riddles which wont take you directly to the task, so you have some thinking to do. I assure you you wont get lost, you will get to an end Depending on how you interpret the riddles and how you link the events. If you haven't been sold go check it out for your self... To easily find my levels search for text and type @SnakeED and one of my levels wil be selected first in the search. Criticisms are well welcome!!! http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot10.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot11.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot12.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot13.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot14.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot15.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot17.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot18.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot19.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot20.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot21.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot22.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot23.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot24.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot25.jpg http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/13/54/53/20/a_phot26.jpg | 2009-03-23 19:09:00 Author: SnakeED ![]() Posts: 25 |
here's some feedback: your level is definitely a puzzler, and it probably took me a couple minutes on what really needed to be done on the firs part where the statue wanted some food. lol. but there were parts where i couldnt really understand the puzzles you have put up together, for example the rotating rubber with 3 red/fire/regular and electridied prongs are attached to, im no quite sure wht i needed to do there except that i do think i needed to go up since the arrows are pointing up. but then theres also anothoer maze type circular rotating cardboard material behind it, and it seems to rotate in 2 directions when i get near in the middle... its quite confusing since when i leave a certain proximity, it rotates in its original direction.. ive tried many times but i just couldnt pass it. so ive decided to go through the 1 chance obstacle where you have to jump up to some dropping metal boxes, died the first time, so i went and did the baby mobile only to get stuck in the raisning platform since the baby legs keep rotating and i ended up falling back down, so i had to restart. i finally managed to get through the 1 chance obstacle and ended up in the no 2 end. overall the level looks good in some areas but it definitely needs some more work on it to fix some bugs and issues. i rated 3 stars with a satisfying tag. ![]() | 2009-03-23 20:05:00 Author: graygoose ![]() Posts: 371 |
Very nice level you have here, with great puzzles! Now, I did pretty bad, and got to the number 4 ending. But you had very good, and levels, which took some interaction, and thinking, to complete. There were several places with nice visuals, and added a whole theme. I liked the statues comments, usually saying strange things that, after a while, made sense. But, of course, everything has their down-sides. There were several places with not the greatest visuals, but I can see how you must of had to limit the visuals due to thermo limits. Also, as stated above, some of the puzzles were a bit confusing, and took a lot of mindlessly running about, just to find something that randomly happens. Also, your theme was good, but you could've implemented a story into it. (You start in a house, find a secret basement, theres a puzzle in there that leads you to a secret 'puzzle facility' were you do the rest of the puzzles. That was just an idea, you don't really need to do it. Maybe do it if you make another puzzle level, as story-based levels are great, and are always a plus in my books!) I didn't encounter any glitches, aside from dying in the rolling ball thing, but that wasn't that big of a deal. Overall your level earned you 5 stars and a heart! Great job! And also if you are doing feedback please wait a couple days, as I will be posting a new level, and would love some feedback on it! I will PM you when its out! Thanks! | 2009-03-24 00:17:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
I'm always intrested and rather enjoy playing puzzle levels. I've just finished playing heres what I thought. + Looks nice, solid use of materials. + Like the bookcase idea + The wheels you travel in are excellent how they rotate to let you in and out. + Crazy contraption if you don't make it to the top of the tower in one go ![]() + Good puzzles and an excellent idea to make you go different ways if you fail certain sections. + Loads of replay value, I got ending 4 the first time through. + Found another way out of the first room on the second playthrough, i like your level design. + Loads of things to grab and use for more points. + The light puzzle was excellent, which lead me up to the top of the level. + Good rain effects. + Excellent puzzle with the magic eye. - The puzzles seem a little random, especially the one after the book case, you just ran about pulling things with no indication why. - Switches, sound emitters and magic mouths visable all over the level. - Could not figure out the wheel at all, there seemed to be no way into it, I had to skip it in the end. - Its not very detailed when riding in the contraption, and its lasts for ages, with nothing fot the player to do. - Thatt big chuck of dark matter after the wheel section looks ugly I had two plays throughs and got ending 4, then ending 1. I really enjoyed this level, the wheel I could'nt get my head round but thats maybe just me, I also think I have an idea where to get endings 2 and 3, and to make sure, I hearted the level so I could replay it. Excellent work, with plenty of replay value. **** and "puzzler" tag left, also hearted. EDIT: Oh, and second on the scoreboard ![]() | 2009-03-24 13:34:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Thank you for the feedback GrantosUK, i have to figure out why must people end on ending number 4, it should be the rarest to find. And there are a few wheels, so i don't know which one are you referring to, is it the one on the main floor? or the one that follows the falling metal blocks? | 2009-03-24 17:57:00 Author: SnakeED ![]() Posts: 25 |
It was just before you get the one chance to climb the fallen blocks. I could'nt find a way in and only had 2 lives at the checkpoint left so had to move on | 2009-03-24 18:10:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
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