The Little Big Planets
Archive: 7 posts
Level Name: The Little Big Planet Creator: SnakeED One day i saw a topic of a level that simulated a real rotating planet (poorly made thou). This concept inspired me to create not one but three planets rotating on real time on a single level. All planets simulate that you are rotating then. Each planet has its own task and difficulty level. Go Check it out and be impressed by an amazing peace of art. If you know of something similar that rotates back and forward as smooth as my planets in LBP, please let me know, i will be please to check it out. How to find it? Search for text and type "@Snakeed" without quotes and one of my levels will be selected first, selected it, go to all my levels and look for "The Little Big Planets" on central America. Have Fun!!! | 2009-03-23 16:50:00 Author: SnakeED ![]() Posts: 25 |
"I Post this level on the wrong section, some one told me to post it here" Level Name: The Little Big Planet Creator: SnakeED One day i saw a topic of a level that simulated a real rotating planet (poorly made thou). This concept inspired me to create not one but three planets rotating on real time on a single level. All planets simulate that you are rotating then. Each planet has its own task and difficulty level. Go Check it out and be impressed by an amazing peace of art. If you know of something similar that rotates back and forward as smooth as my planets in LBP, please let me know, i will be please to check it out. How to find it? Search for text and type "@Snakeed" without quotes and one of my levels will be selected first, selected it, go to all my levels and look for "The Little Big Planets" on central America. Have Fun!!! Even if you do say so yourself eh? ![]() | 2009-03-23 16:58:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
Even if you do say so yourself eh? ![]() haha, I know!!!, my persuasive skills aren't the best.. ![]() | 2009-03-23 18:19:00 Author: SnakeED ![]() Posts: 25 |
Well, since you now made a real thread, i will post the review here ![]() Hey SnakeED, here's my review on the planets. Pros: - Multiple difficulties is awesome! First of all, it makes the level available for nearly all players, since there's an easy mode. And second, it makes the level challenging for those who want a challenge - The level-select thing looked really nice. It's like in the old school games - The counter that says how many more stars/souls you need, is great - There's a ranking? i was "normal" on collecting all the stars, and got 60 bubbles.. I'll try to see if i can get a FAST or something. - Hmmm.. mnaged to get them all pretty fast, and in 1 circulation.. but im still "normal" - oooh, moon results: soul realses: fast, red soul return normal Cons: - Why is there ice in the Bubble collecting room? - The sea part on the earth, was really really laggy... - I killed myself by spawning on top of the rotating crosses, with spikes on them. It was on the moon. - The camera angle gave me about a million headaches.. i dont know how to fix it, but DAM was that annoying.. Alright what the hell! I completely OWNED the hard planet.. and got only 3700 points??? No box that says: You beaten him normal/fast...? Man, if it bugged on me then im ******, and if you did this on purpose then WHY?! Overall: Amazing level, excellent concept and well executed. | 2009-03-23 20:10:00 Author: ThommyTheThird ![]() Posts: 440 |
As I am not sure about which forum you regularly go to I'm posting the feedback I've left for you on a different forum. Cheers. Visuals: There is a distinctive look in this level that shows you right from the start that this level will be full of custom content. Unfortunately this level starts off with a splash screen type area that has the levels name or some cool logos but for this level I fell through it so fast that I really couldn?t look at what was there. There is a fine line between making the player wait forever to start the game because they are forced through a slow intro section and pushing them through too fast for the intro section to have any meaning. This intro was much too fast for it to have any impact on me as a player so I?d recommend either letting me see it for a few more seconds before dropping me into the level or take it out and free up some thermometer space. This is a digression however as this level is beautiful in almost all of the areas you go and has a lot of little details that work very well together. There are areas on the three worlds that are very, very generic and don't hold a lot of artistic appeal but when you look at the worlds as a whole they are well put together. The scale of the worlds, the buildings and obstacles all made me feel as if I was playing through a model world sitting that you may find in a sound stage or similar production. The visual theme for each world is very easy to identify with through the use of primary colors and the theme is carried through the reward stage and final scoreboard. Nicely done. The drop chutes for each world were very basic though and pulled me out of the environment that the world I just left had created. The third and hardest level is the least decorated and is the visual equivalent of a floating cork ball in front of a field of smoldering charcoal however this is made up for the fact that this is an intense boss fight from start to end and you really don't have time to look around at your surroundings. Challenge: Each world offers a progressively harder level of challenge which works on a few different levels. The easiest level is pretty easy though you can still die a few times getting used to the rotation mechanic and exploring. The challenge level is heightened when you find out that your play through of the world is graded and that a faster play through will net you a higher score. Instant replayability for those who are interested and adds a little twist to the challenge of the world. The second world is a bit more challenging with more ways to die and a surprise thrown it to mix up the level. Once you finish your first revolution of the world, you should have released all of the souls in one pass, you have to traverse the world again but this time carrying along a big red soul. Again this is a small twist to the premise that changes the challenge of the level slightly. This is a great way to re-use the same real estate yet get more experience for the player. The last world drops you into a boss fight that starts off slow and then builds up in difficulty as you progress. This can be an intense fight and felt very rewarding once I finished. The level of difficulty ramps up at a very good speed so that the player has time to adjust to the current threats and mechanics before introducing another threat. Very good pacing in my opinion. Towards the end of the boss fight there are two probe type object spawned in front of the boss and I can?t tell if they are there to create visual chatter and ambient threat of if I was supposed to destroy them as well as the boss. I focused on the boss and these two probes where still there when the boss died so I?m still not too sure. Pacing: Each world plays through at a different pace. I don't think that the world spins at a different rate particularly but the environment and tasks vary a little and are enough to present a different mood and pace. There isn?t too much different in the pacing of the first and second world but still the approach the player would take is different enough that this isn?t a big issue in my opinion. Quirks/Oddities: --It can take a little bit of time to get used to the rotation mechanic as I mentioned before and it can take a long time, it feels, for the world to catch up with your position to reverse directions but this is a very tricky balancing act I?m sure. I think that the way you track the player works out just fine only that it takes a little getting used to if you want to master some of these planets. --During the boss fight once the boss starts to throw out the bombs I noticed that the world was no longer rotating. I don't know if this is intended or not but I noticed it happening on at least three of the times I played up to that point. --I beat the boss and went to the rewards section but I got fewer points than when I played through the easy level and did a good run through. It seemed odd because the boss was a lot harder than the easy planet yet the reward was less. I know that it was based on a few different factors such as the amount of time it took to finish but it was still odd. Set design/Atmosphere: The mechanics of this level are the best thing about the level. There is a lot of amazing work here from the way you allow the player to pick which world to play, counting each item that the player collects, rotating the worlds and giving a variable amount of bubbles based on how the planet was played. You?ve done a great job here and I know that you used some work from another creator on your counter there is still a lot of amazing set pieces here. This is another level that I?d love to get a back screen tour to see how all of the gadgets work. I love playing with the logic and machine making capabilities of LBP and for those of a similar bent this will be a good level to play through just to see it all come together. Rating/Closing thoughts: The game play isn?t very deep and consists primarily of running on a rotating sphere collecting objects by grabbing them and avoiding obstacles. There are areas where you can see magnetic switches and there are some bland and drab areas on some of the levels. By itself this isn?t very much to enjoy but when taken in context of three user selectable worlds offering a different play experience and some ingenious and creative use of logic this is a level that offers a lot on many different levels. This is primarily and jump level but there are some problem solving aspects though no deep or obscure puzzles. Due to the rotating nature of the worlds I think that his level may also appeal to those into the survival challenge genre of levels. I think that this is an amazing level in the technical aspect though there are areas of presentation where things can still be improved. | 2009-03-25 18:16:00 Author: Trindall ![]() Posts: 297 |
Thanks For the FeeeedBaaaack Trindall... I'll comment on you levels later on. Im planning on doing some modifications to this level, i'll see if i can reduce the amount of bubbles given in the first two planets and add more to the boss level. The two rotating monsters that appear on stage 4 of the boss, were suppose to be killed before you continue to the next stage, that is why i added a shield. But i will do is add a magnetic switch to the shield that activates when the two monster are gone, so that the player must kill then. Thanks a lot for your feedbacks, it will definitely make this and my future levels better. I might even do a survival challenge level on a rotating planet... ![]() | 2009-03-27 02:04:00 Author: SnakeED ![]() Posts: 25 |
I've just played this SnakeED, I really liked your Wonder World level and this was no different, you done excellent work again, some of the mechanics you've used (teleporter, counters, speed rating) are sublime, I've only had chance to play the easy level so far, its getting late here and I'm tired, but I'll be back to play the rest and leave you more detailed feedback ***** and a heart for the the section I played though, excellent! | 2009-03-28 00:50:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
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