Glacier'd Away by CasualShinj
Archive: 1 post
Rarely do I play levels advertised my own levels' comments, however this particular one caught my attention. The premise of the level is that you are in your house located on a glacier, and when the ice cracks, you and your house are thrown deep inside the glacier. From here, it's basic platforming to the end. While there's not really any story, this level showcases some serious effort. Normally I don't like levels involving walking along lots of ice... its usually tedious and frustrating, but Casualshinj does it in a fun and well-balanced way. The amount of custom content is amazing, from his 4-poster bed walker (I'm not really sure WHAT to call it, but it's a very cool quadroped with tim burton-style design unlike anything I've ever seen), to custom "wallpaper" stickers, and ingenious platforming elements. Anyways, check it out. This level deserves to be getting way more plays. | 2009-03-22 20:45:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
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