"The number of times you have been hearted is 10" message?
Archive: 4 posts
Ok so the other day I was playing an online level I think (because that's what I spend the majority of my time on LBP doing) and all of a sudden about 6 messages popped up at the same time saying "The number of times you have been hearted is 10". It was weird, I don't even think I have that many hearts, but I haven't checked either. Then it happened again yesterday, but this time with 10 messages. It's also interesting to see 10 of them because can't the game only show 8 at once? This is obviously a bug. First of all I shouldn't get the message more than once, ever. Secondly I got it 2 different times, and I can only get hearted a certain number once. Has anyone else gotten this error or one similar? I'll update if it happens again. | 2009-03-22 18:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I've seen that too. The number of hearts or the comments are 1 showed up a few times for my CS2 & CS3 levels. I also get the ones that keep telling you the number of plays on your level is 1 after you republish an existing level. Strange but I'm getting used to strange playing LBP. Yesterday I had to re-download all my DLC from the store because my system decided I didn't own it anymore. | 2009-03-22 19:17:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
"This level was republished xxx ago" counts as a comment, so this will always pop up if you republish even if nobody writes anything. Often the hearts displayed is less than you actually have, due to sync issues with the game server. It told me I had 100 author hearts for about a day when I only saw 99. | 2009-03-22 20:18:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
First of all I shouldn't get the message more than once, ever. Secondly I got it 2 different times, and I can only get hearted a certain number once. Has anyone else gotten this error or one similar? I'll update if it happens again. Maybe someone hearted-unhearted-hearted-unhearted several times? | 2009-03-23 12:16:00 Author: Sackdragon ![]() Posts: 427 |
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