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Connect 4 - Play against a machine or another sack Boy/Girl

Archive: 3 posts

I really need some feedback I built this a while ago but I could never get it working 100%, can someone please give me some feedback or telling me what doesn't work and what order?

Thanks in advance i'm really new to LBP.

PSN: Kobe24Life
2009-03-19 20:16:00

Posts: 150

i'll have a little look, my friend has made a connect four level too, but u have to play 2 player, i made a good air hockey game you might like and an amazing monster truck level,

...it might be handy to put a jet pack in the level so i can check out your control system
2009-04-14 12:15:00

Posts: 83

i'll have a little look, my friend has made a connect four level too, but u have to play 2 player, i made a good air hockey game you might like and an amazing monster truck level,

...it might be handy to put a jet pack in the level so i can check out your control system

Yeah I know but I'm really having a hard time on getting the system to work correctly, I'm probibly going to restart the mechanics and start on another easier and not as complicated to program.

I might work on it in a couple weeks, should be done working 100% by the end of the month hopefully.

2009-04-15 01:29:00

Posts: 150

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