two stickers, great importance!
Archive: 5 posts
i need two stickers (taken with playstation eye) and sent to me, lbp game data, by psn. i need them by april 10th, as my dads birthday is three days later, and he seems to enjoy lbp, so im building a jeep level. plox, peoplez with pseye, please take photos of these, circular, and send them to me? photos: http://www.reddeerjeep.com/packrats.jpg http://www.militaryremembrance.com/2007-willys-jeep-clear-bgb-500a.jpg or if your like, the best builder ever, could you make them, take a photo and send? psn: kodymcq | 2009-03-19 02:35:00 Author: kodymcq ![]() Posts: 281 |
Hi and welcome. Are you simply wanting stickers of a jeep or do you want the actual vehicle ? Either way I wouldn't recommend eyecamera pictures because in my experience they are usually rubbish, I know mine are. If I were you i'd check some levels where you can get an actual jeep as a prize. There is a driveable one with a machine gun mounted on the back (made by Cloud87 I think ) although the wheels are a bit strange on it but the detail is excellent. It even has a fold down windshield. Alternatively look for model mania by capt_commando as he makes the best looking models out there and gives them all away. They are awesome although most are not driveable. Having said that I used his jeep in my level ( Metal gear Solid : The Bosses ) If you check that out you'll see it at the end of the level. I managed to make that driveable just by changing the wheels and putting some motor bolts on. If all you want is stickers you can always get these models anyway and just take a photo of them in create mode and front view and that will be much better than anything you'd get with the eye camera. I hope this helps. Good luck. | 2009-03-19 03:07:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Mr Vista custom made some PSN stickers for me and they were very nice. He can probably get you up and running. | 2009-03-19 04:41:00 Author: mrjoeyman ![]() Posts: 217 |
Hi and welcome. Are you simply wanting stickers of a jeep or do you want the actual vehicle ? Either way I wouldn't recommend eyecamera pictures because in my experience they are usually rubbish, I know mine are. If I were you i'd check some levels where you can get an actual jeep as a prize. There is a driveable one with a machine gun mounted on the back (made by Cloud87 I think ) although the wheels are a bit strange on it but the detail is excellent. It even has a fold down windshield. Alternatively look for model mania by capt_commando as he makes the best looking models out there and gives them all away. They are awesome although most are not driveable. Having said that I used his jeep in my level ( Metal gear Solid : The Bosses ) If you check that out you'll see it at the end of the level. I managed to make that driveable just by changing the wheels and putting some motor bolts on. If all you want is stickers you can always get these models anyway and just take a photo of them in create mode and front view and that will be much better than anything you'd get with the eye camera. I hope this helps. Good luck. ive got the jeepz. i need the pictures though. ill try pming mr vista | 2009-03-19 18:14:00 Author: kodymcq ![]() Posts: 281 |
Hey I got a playstation eye if you wish can take the picture than send it to you? | 2009-03-19 19:50:00 Author: mfd17 ![]() Posts: 67 |
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