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Disapearing platforms/bridges etc

Archive: 12 posts

I read a couple of posts on the forums yesterday which complained that as the Cow Glitch is unavailable now, if you want any collapsing bridges or walkways you have to use ugly, green dissolve.
Fear not little creators, for I have an idea! This fix will work for objects which simply disappear or literally collapse. For disappearing just make sure the object isn't glued to anything else in the level and instead put it on a piston (which you can hide either by putting it behind another object or by using the 0 distance glitch and either making it weak (so it doesn't pull past whichever object it is against) or by using the invisible dark matter glitch to attach the piston to). Then you set the maximum length which (when fully extended) means the object is out of the area you've built the level in or hidden behind another object in your level, the object doesn't even need a clear path to this location. Next, you turn the piston's flipper motion to 'Out'. At the point you want the object to disappear, place a Sackboy triggered switch which is set to 'Directional' and wire it to the piston. Once Sackboy runs past the sensor the piston will immediately extend and the object will effectively disappear.
If you want an object to collapse use the same idea but just rest the object on the object which is attached to the piston.
Sorry this is a little wordy, I'll make a level if it still doesn't make sense.
2009-03-18 00:35:00

Posts: 321

I havn't tried this, but couldn't you also hide a brain on it and hook up a switch to the brain to make it "die"/dissolve.2009-03-18 04:40:00

Posts: 542

I read a couple of posts on the forums yesterday which complained that as the Cow Glitch is unavailable now, if you want any collapsing bridges or walkways you have to use ugly, green dissolve.
Fear not little creators, for I have an idea! This fix will work for objects which simply disappear or literally collapse. For disappearing just make sure the object isn't glued to anything else in the level and instead put it on a piston (which you can hide either by putting it behind another object or by using the 0 distance glitch and either making it weak (so it doesn't pull past whichever object it is against) or by using the invisible dark matter glitch to attach the piston to). Then you set the maximum length which (when fully extended) means the object is out of the area you've built the level in or hidden behind another object in your level, the object doesn't even need a clear path to this location. Next, you turn the piston's flipper motion to 'Out'. At the point you want the object to disappear, place a Sackboy triggered switch which is set to 'Directional' and wire it to the piston. Once Sackboy runs past the sensor the piston will immediately extend and the object will effectively disappear.
If you want an object to collapse use the same idea but just rest the object on the object which is attached to the piston.
Sorry this is a little wordy, I'll make a level if it still doesn't make sense.

So the object doesnt dissolve, it just goes out of sight?
2009-03-18 07:10:00

Posts: 217

OR Sticker the dissolve? I have made dissolve in my level look sexy if I might say so myself!2009-03-18 07:31:00

Posts: 672

Stickering the dissolve can still not match the material if the material has, say, a crinkled 3D stick out front etc. And the stickering can be hard to perfect, especially if the material has a special edge to it.

I think this idea is really good, and because the flipper motion means it won't necessarily collide, should work well.
2009-03-18 08:20:00

Posts: 3280

Quote: "Sorry this is a little wordy, I'll make a level if it still doesn't make sense."

Sure make a level example and post it here if you dont mind.
2009-03-18 09:08:00

Posts: 217

So the object doesnt dissolve, it just goes out of sight?

Yep. Or the thing supporting the object does.

Sure make a level example and post it here if you dont mind.

Ok, I'll do that later.
2009-03-18 15:58:00

Posts: 321

AN easier thing i just get whatever you want to disolve say a brick of metal and put one very small anti matter in it then a piston set strenth to full and maximum length about 100 more. when a player walks ear the piston will start tryign the antimatter will stop and the object should just break2009-03-28 05:03:00

Posts: 233

If you haven't had a chance, you could also check out my Cow Glitched materials level called Mooo. you'll need the password on the key level though, the password is MOO9. theres nearly 200 glitched materials with different properties to play with.2009-03-29 13:46:00

Posts: 225

Another way to get anything to disappear (but without that 'gas' effect - so you'll either love it or hate it) take a plasma ball from the MGS Pack and delethalize it. Then in pause mode glue it to whatever object you want to disappear. Please not that anything glued to the plasma ball or anything glued to anything glued to the plasma ball (you get the idea) will disappear. As soon as sackboy or anything (may need to be over a certain force) touches the ball, the object(s) will disappear. They may be able to be controlled by a switch as well but I'm unsure about that.2009-04-09 21:39:00

Posts: 321

I use invisible dissolve- hook up all the wires/ switches/ sounds needed to it and shrink it down to any size untill it's invisible.2009-04-10 00:54:00

Posts: 1606

I generally sticker it, or hide the dissolve behind a thin layer. No one seems to have noticed it yet, or they have and not commented 2009-04-13 21:04:00

Posts: 1754

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