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Dripping paint

Archive: 9 posts

I've noticed recently a few levels using dripping paint (i.e. off the ceiling). How do you do this? I have the MGS pack, but haven't found anything (yet) I could use from an emitter. Am I missing something really obvious?

Thanks in advance (oh, I checked the forums but couldn't find any mention of this - just re-direct me if come up before; just shake your head - then ideally reply - if I'm being especially dumb!)
2009-03-17 19:23:00

Unknown User

Go into create mode -> put up a paintinator -> pause the editor -> shoot the paintinator -> save paint.2009-03-17 19:24:00

Unknown User

You can also capture different paint colors by changing your popit colors.

2009-03-17 19:35:00

Posts: 3901

You can also go and use a color sticker to color your paintball, and it will stay that color when it hits something2009-03-17 20:59:00

Posts: 359

dobi, that is actually really helpful. Totally didn't know the change-colour thing.2009-03-17 21:09:00

Posts: 3280

dobi, that is actually really helpful. Totally didn't know the change-colour thing.

Yeah! Me too... very cool. :hero:
2009-03-17 22:21:00

Posts: 1878

About the color... You cannot seem to do white. It will work for the bright colors, but not for white. I tried.2009-03-17 22:45:00

Posts: 359

Just keep in mind that placing stickers in the paint might change the color it looks, but it won't change the color of what it will paint, that's decided by the color your popit is at the time you shoot the paintball, tho it will stay that color after capture even if you change your popit's color afterward.2009-03-18 03:01:00

Posts: 6707

Nice one - cheers guys. Sort of obvious when I think about it, but I doubt I ever would have.2009-03-18 09:17:00

Unknown User

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