Bioshock 2
Archive: 47 posts
I don't know of anyone else has read the new issue of Game Informer magazine (or even gets it), but it has MASSIVE new info on the sequel to the first landmark and critically acclaimed game. The story in the new game goes like this: It is ten years later. Some one is abducting young girls all along the eastern sea-board. One of the original little sisters is back, and she has taken control of and restored the chaotic order to Rapture, the splicers now thriving due to the new ADAM producing generation of little sisters. Big sister has fashioned herself an armored suit and has massive telekinetic abilities, along with being extremely quick and agile. You play as the prototype original Big Daddy, who has gone renegade for some reason (?). With the help of Dr. Tenenbaum, it is up to you to either harvest or adopt the little sisters and get to the bottom of Big Sister's story. The classic plasmids are customizable in many new ways, and the drill and rivet gun replace that shoddy wrench. All of Rapture is yours to explore, even the ocean surrounding it. The game arrives in October and I am already saving up for it. ![]() | 2009-03-17 04:44:00 Author: iiiijujube ![]() Posts: 594 |
For some reason I wasn't expecting the game this year. That's pretty cool! I just got Bioshock today and I played for a few hours. It's an excellent game and I'd say I'll be dying to play 2 by the time I finish it. Playing as a Big Daddy could be pretty cool. Their movement is very slow though other than when they're fighting and the sound of the big clanking steps could get annoying. I wonder what size the prototype was, I'm guessing it was smaller than the later ones. And I wonder if adopting the Little Sisters will have consequences on gameplay other than getting ADAM or not and changing the ending. Would make sense if it did. **** I love GameInformer but I can never find it here in Ireland ![]() | 2009-03-17 05:17:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
The prototype size is smaller and less clanky, but uber-powerful. You don't have to give splicers a second thought. Nowhere near strong enough to take on Big Sister though. When you adopt a little sister, she rides around on you and you can decide whether or not you want her to harvest ADAM from corpses. It's very dangerous to do, but you are rewarded with ADAM. There's probably a drop off point for little sisters so you don't always have the same one. As for endings, there are supposed to be signs as to what ending your going to, and chances to change the path even late in the game. ![]() | 2009-03-17 05:32:00 Author: iiiijujube ![]() Posts: 594 |
it is going to be more open world... ooooooooo... i like those kinds of games and can not get enough of them ^.^ | 2009-03-17 06:05:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
Wait I don't get it, I thought the Big Sister was your friend. So wait... Your the new Big Daddy, and the Little Sisters are your friends, and your going against the Big Sister? Right? | 2009-03-17 07:28:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
I'm cautiously optimistic about this game. I love the original Bioshock, but I'm in the group of fans who felt that the story was wrapped up pretty well. That said, I would love to revisit the world and the bits of story we've heard so far certainly intrigue me. I'm looking forward to what they do with it. | 2009-03-17 16:25:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
This sounds very interesting. Looking forward to seeing how the big sisters look like. Have you guys had a look at this? http://www.somethinginthesea.com/ It's the teaser site for the game, got some pretty puzzling stuff. | 2009-03-17 16:38:00 Author: olit123 ![]() Posts: 1341 |
The Big Sister is a little sister who escaped with tenembaum but later returned with a 'warped mind' believed to have been caused by tenembaum (she just messes everything up doesn't she?). She is described as being the defender of rapture and she is said to be a character in the history of Bioshock 1. I hope that she is the daughter of Fontaine or a main character because not only would it link in with the Fontaine Futuristics level (I've seen the screenies) but it would also mean that we get to find out about Fontaine who was the most interesting character bar maybe Ryan. Gameplay wise I like the look of the rivet gun (is that flaming rivets I see?) and the even more distraught splicers may be a plus point, being they will be cooler, but may also draw away from the quality of BS1 that they were once normal people and still look slightly normal and aren't just zombies. | 2009-03-17 22:56:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
This sounds very interesting. Looking forward to seeing how the big sisters look like. Have you guys had a look at this? http://www.somethinginthesea.com/ It's the teaser site for the game, got some pretty puzzling stuff. Hmm, I don't see the "pattern" but it's really spooky stuff, and is making me want the game even more. The Big Sister is a little sister who escaped with tenembaum but later returned with a 'warped mind' believed to have been caused by tenembaum (she just messes everything up doesn't she?). She is described as being the defender of rapture and she is said to be a character in the history of Bioshock 1. I hope that she is the daughter of Fontaine or a main character because not only would it link in with the Fontaine Futuristics level (I've seen the screenies) but it would also mean that we get to find out about Fontaine who was the most interesting character bar maybe Ryan. Gameplay wise I like the look of the rivet gun (is that flaming rivets I see?) and the even more distraught splicers may be a plus point, being they will be cooler, but may also draw away from the quality of BS1 that they were once normal people and still look slightly normal and aren't just zombies. Who is tenembaum? Wow this confuses me, can you just give me a simple summary? I can't believe I played the game, loved it and now I can't remember anything, and I really do want to know the story. | 2009-03-17 23:07:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
is it true that multiplayer is confirmed? I heard that it is. That is complete idiocy if it is true, no one wanted multiplayer, and Bioshock was awesome because it was one of the few games that showed you could have a good game without multiplayer | 2009-03-17 23:39:00 Author: cornontheCOD ![]() Posts: 150 |
it really does look cool i was following it for a little i don't know wait and see just how it stacks up | 2009-03-18 00:35:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
Who is tenembaum? Wow this confuses me, can you just give me a simple summary? I can't believe I played the game, loved it and now I can't remember anything, and I really do want to know the story. Oh dear Whaaaaale, oh dear.... Tenembaum is the German scientist (women) you know the one you meet when you harvest/resuce your first little sis? She made the little sisters as factories for production of ADAM. Anyway I'm afriad that being a Bioshock nut I can't give a short summary about the whole of Bioshock but hopefully jogging your memory of Tenembaum will suffice before I bring out my 'History of Rapture' novella ![]() The only characters who you will be concerned in (barring all the amazing backstories which only us nerdy elite can remember *gnahh*) Ryan: The bloke that made the city (you remember the city right?) Fontaine: The mob leader who balls upped the city (you remember those people called splicers?) Tenembaum: Made ADAM, Little sisters, some plasmids Suchong: (the Japanese bloke in audio tapes) made Big Daddies (irony near the end of the game ![]() ![]() Cohen: Ryan's bestest bud at keeping order. Sort of like a Goebells, kept everything in order by saying Ryan was great (usually in song). | 2009-03-18 19:57:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
I just got this issue of GameInformer in the mail... the game looks promising! I like that you can actually use the big daddy drill, that'll surely provide for some good times. And that you can use plasmids while using a weapon in your other hand. | 2009-03-19 23:02:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Oh dear Whaaaaale, oh dear.... Tenembaum is the German scientist (women) you know the one you meet when you harvest/resuce your first little sis? She made the little sisters as factories for production of ADAM. Anyway I'm afriad that being a Bioshock nut I can't give a short summary about the whole of Bioshock but hopefully jogging your memory of Tenembaum will suffice before I bring out my 'History of Rapture' novella ![]() The only characters who you will be concerned in (barring all the amazing backstories which only us nerdy elite can remember *gnahh*) Ryan: The bloke that made the city (you remember the city right?) Fontaine: The mob leader who balls upped the city (you remember those people called splicers?) Tenembaum: Made ADAM, Little sisters, some plasmids Suchong: (the Japanese bloke in audio tapes) made Big Daddies (irony near the end of the game ![]() ![]() Cohen: Ryan's bestest bud at keeping order. Sort of like a Goebells, kept everything in order by saying Ryan was great (usually in song). ....Bring in the novel... | 2009-03-20 00:13:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
I am pumped for this. Pwning Splicers with your drill will be epic. Also, the multiplayer better be, like, Splicers vs, Big Daddies and the Little Sisters act as control points. | 2009-03-20 03:53:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
Hi-res scans here (http://playstationlifestyle.net/2009/03/17/hi-res-bioshock-2-game-informer-scans/) yes there will be multiplayer, but it's not being focused on, and no details were given. I wouldn't hold out hope for much in this mode. Overall, I have to say I'm quite disappointed. It looks to have a serious case of Sequel-itis. A Big-Sister? Seriously? And the player plays as a Big Daddy? I don't know. I'm not sold on this. Doesn't feel right. 10 years later, Rapture's still Rapture, the splicers are still doing their thing, and now there's a Big Sister who's moved in. Looks like a super-nimble Big Daddy. I don't know. I'm just really disappointed. The first one had such a wealth of imagination and originality, and this one seems to lack all of that, but is just cashing in on the popularity, and giving gamers "more" Rapture, "more" Bioshock gameplay, "more" plasmids, etc. Kind of a bummer if you ask me. | 2009-03-20 03:57:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
....Bring in the novel... http://www.mediafire.com/?ggtjzjmjknz 3 pages do you? Really don't want to have to go into any more detail than that; if you want more it will be stuff that I've pieced together and not kosher. | 2009-03-20 20:55:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Changed thread name as title no longer has subtitle... http://www.psu.com/2K-Games-removes-%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%C5%93Sea-of-Dreams%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%20-from-BioShock-2--a0006730-p0.php | 2009-03-20 20:58:00 Author: supersickie ![]() Posts: 1366 |
Changed thread name as title no longer has subtitle... http://www.psu.com/2K-Games-removes-%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%C5%93Sea-of-Dreams%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%20-from-BioShock-2--a0006730-p0.php It seems appropriate that they removed the subtitle. The info and screenshots given certainly don't seem to fit imagery that "Sea of Dreams" elicits, and given that the game seems like nothing more than a sequel in every way, "Bioshock 2" is the only appropriate title, I think. When I heard Sea of Dreams and saw the original teaser trailer, my mind danced with all sorts of lovely possibilities for a full-fledged exploration of something new and equally original in the bioshock universe. I'm pretty much resigned to my fate now, I'm sure I'll play it, but I may rent instead of buy if I don't discover some must-play, must-have aspect of this game (that so far I have not learned of). Is anyone else but me disappointed with the new info? Honestly I think I just let my expectations get away from me. Maybe I should be thrilled that I'm just getting more of the same, as the first was so good. But I can't help but be disappointed. | 2009-03-20 22:39:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
yeah, I agree with you teebonesey. Although Bioshock got a tad repetitive, it was still something very innovative and immersive. This just seems like a cash-in, the fact that there is a chance of multiplayer just goes to show that they are making a by-the-books sequel that will be meh, meh, and more meh. I think they should at least start with adding some more variety. The first one got kinda old, when it was almost all fetch quests | 2009-03-21 03:54:00 Author: cornontheCOD ![]() Posts: 150 |
I don't know of anyone else has read the new issue of Game Informer magazine (or even gets it), but it has MASSIVE new info on the sequel to the first landmark and critically acclaimed game. The story in the new game goes like this: It is ten years later. Some one is abducting young girls all along the eastern sea-board. One of the original little sisters is back, and she has taken control of and restored the chaotic order to Rapture, the splicers now thriving due to the new ADAM producing generation of little sisters. Big sister has fashioned herself an armored suit and has massive telekinetic abilities, along with being extremely quick and agile. You play as the prototype original Big Daddy, who has gone renegade for some reason (?). With the help of Dr. Tenenbaum, it is up to you to either harvest or adopt the little sisters and get to the bottom of Big Sister's story. The classic plasmids are customizable in many new ways, and the drill and rivet gun replace that shoddy wrench. All of Rapture is yours to explore, even the ocean surrounding it. The game arrives in October and I am already saving up for it. ![]() Wow, I got the issue but I never really red it. Sounds like it's a LOT different. No longer so linear it sounds. So Rapture is PEACEFUL now? | 2009-03-21 04:14:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
Bit off topic but I have a request to do with Bioshock: Not many people know but there was a planned animated series to be made detailing the events BEFORE Bioshock 1 'Ryans Rapture'. The website has died because the guy who had the password has disappeared during an update so I've taken it on myself to carry on the RR legacy. I plan to make a podcast that is like a forum roleplay. Each person will hopefully write their own script (with editing by me) and voice act it. Every episode an event will happen and each person will see how their persona is affected by the event and will voice it in a half journal half narrative. So far I have myself and my female voice actress (who I didn't even knew played bioshock!) so ideally 2 more would be great. I'm thinking 4 episodes cut off (200 listeners) then a further cut off at 6 (350 listeners). Podcasts are very low maitenence so I would do the editing and publishing; I just need voices and scripts! | 2009-03-21 15:40:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Wow, I got the issue but I never really red it. Sounds like it's a LOT different. No longer so linear it sounds. So Rapture is PEACEFUL now? No, the chaos and destruction caused by the vicious splicers is just the new normal. | 2009-03-22 03:06:00 Author: iiiijujube ![]() Posts: 594 |
I thought the sequel to Bioshock was originally going to be a prequel, exploring the world of Rapture before it went all pear shaped, exploring events leading up to it's demise. I'm not quite sure this new direction they are taking, and the extension of what should have been a destroyed city and ecosystem, is necessarily a good one. ![]() Let me put some spoiler tags around some additional comments. This is for people who have already finished Bioshock 1. In the end you become a Big Daddy yourself and pretty much destroy all the Adam harvesting systems, as well as killing pretty much all the main characters apart from Tenumbraun. You would think that given the lack of maintinance, governance, Adam addiction, the harsh environment... Rapture should be completely and utterly toast. From what little I have read from that article link (it's very grainy and hurts my eyes to read) it looks like they are really stretching things out and warping the setting to try and force a story and some fan favourite ideas into gameplay. I don't necessarily agree with that sort of direction, but I guess we shall have to see the finished product. ![]() | 2009-03-22 11:51:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
I think prequels are boring story-wise because you know what is going to happen if you've played the first one. I think a sequel is better because you don't know what's going to happen next. | 2009-03-22 11:58:00 Author: olit123 ![]() Posts: 1341 |
Just because you know what will eventually happen, that does not mean you know exactly how things come about. It would have been interesting seeing the development of things like Adam and the Plasmids, and the different characters and how their different idealogical paths came to where we find them in the first game. Just because you know the end, that does not make the journey to get to your destination a boring one. ![]() Ah well, it seems it's all speculation now. A sequel it seems to be. ![]() | 2009-03-22 12:21:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
I guess. There should be a small prequel that you can download from the PS Store or Xbox Live Marketplace. About 3-4 hours long, like "Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty." | 2009-03-22 12:26:00 Author: olit123 ![]() Posts: 1341 |
One of the best books I've ever read was a prequel to the greatest (nerdy) story in my opinion. Warhammer 40k, everyone knows about Horus being a traitor etc. but what happened in the book Legion just put an entirely new perspective on the 'bad guys' and the alien races. For Bioshock as said I'm planning to explore the prequel through the lives of civillians but I agree that in this case it would be very dull to play average Joe Bioshock and there is next to no crime/violence in pre-civil war Rapture. | 2009-03-22 13:57:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Bioshock 2 has been re-confirmed as "Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams" so you can change the title back if you wish. http://www.psu.com/Confirmed--BioShock-2-keeps-subtitle-News--a006748-p0.php | 2009-03-23 17:26:00 Author: olit123 ![]() Posts: 1341 |
I read the latest issue of GI and Bioshock 2 looks amazing.... I want to be a big daddy so badly. I think that it is kind of odd by the fact that the sister rules rapture but i guess they made a better choice then big mama | 2009-03-25 05:02:00 Author: RipTlde ![]() Posts: 151 |
Quite the resurrection but OPM is here with fresh info! So I'll start of with the Big Sis: Said to be the first Little Sister (I'm a bit iffy on this) She's the one in the cool armour ![]() Kidnaps children on shore to take to rapture to turn into lil sisters Extremely agile You encounter her every so often after choosing to either harvest or save a little sister She has ADAM constantly pumped into her She basically wants to make Rapture as it was before the fall of Ryan but because they are gone no-one is bringing in or manufacturing little sisters so she does. Then Splicers: Even more mutated The player can spark off un-scripted events with splicers by telling a sister to harvest bodies. They will keep attacking until she is done. They are not afraid to attack Big Daddies anymore, they really need the ADAM They are actually scary now, before you'd just be a bit 'eww' when you saw a mashed up face but now they have elongated limbs and a much wider clothing library by the looks of it. The player: Drill overheats and can be upgraded with increased peircing and/or overheating control Uses plasmids at the same time as weapons "A lot of the player weapons are made for the Big Daddy" when asked about whether we can pick up splicer weapons Plasmids can be mixed, cyclone trap + ignite = firey tornado trap for example, enrage + security bullseye = dead Plasmids have distinct layers of improvement, fire 1 is as BS1, fire 2 can be charged up and fire 3 is a constant stream The player can use vita chambers (:O if this is correct because so does the big sister apparently) And you are definately the first big daddy, rogue because you have free will and are not as "simple" as later big daddies. You work with Tenembaum (probably to stop the Big Sis) So the player being able to use Vita chambers is understandable but the little sister too? Ryan would want to keep his expensive prototype alive but why would you want a little sister unless she was the first or perhaps a relative :hero: . Then my extra bits: It is a sequel/ prequel, single player is a sequel whereas multiplayer contains prequel levels No the Lil Sisters haven't just found a clean bath they're meant to look 'cuter' because as a big daddy you are programmed to see them that way And my personal shenanigans: Since many areas are flooded in Rapture and although you can walk on the seabed, I imagine they might use the 'this area is flooded' technique to force the player to move on Fontaine Futuristics looks like the final boss battle as there is a clearly scripted screen shot of the Big Sis on the globe which has the same lighting of the shots of the offices where we saw the rivit gun screenie There's also a bioshock style image (ala plasmids) of a red bottle with AF on the front (hard to read) now while you will deifnately be handling ADAM I don't see why you'd need a little plasmid icon unless it was a tonic that helped with harvesting or something Everyone seems to use the same pistol so I think that's still going to be useable Also looks as though the Hud has changed as health bars are displayed differently and I can't see a first aid button unless that's enemy health bar of course Also the people being interviewed laughed when the subject of vita chambers was brought up so something is definately up with the genes of the main character and the big sis Also the big sis looks pretty mutated already so for the boss fight it looks like it'll be fontaine again but this time she's going to leap around instead of being pathetic like Fontaine was Sorry if this is threadromancy but it's a pretty large heap of information. | 2009-04-06 12:03:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
The story line of the first one definitly didn't lead to a sequel... but I can say for sure I'll play it, and hopefully love it. I loved the first bioshock... but sequels have killed games before ![]() DID YOU GET THEM SNNNNNAPIES? Edit : Overly excited to play as a big daddy... thats so cool. | 2009-04-07 17:03:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
From that OPM info, it sounds like it might actually be pretty cool. Multiplayer is a HUGE mistake, though. It will be tacked-on, and there is nothing worse than a tacked-on multiplayer. This Thursday on gametrailersTV, they are showing gameplay footage from the game! | 2009-04-08 01:53:00 Author: cornontheCOD ![]() Posts: 150 |
I got the new issue, and man.... it was like what? 7 pages long? Man it looks pretty cool though, ill probably get it even though im not really into horror type games | 2009-04-08 03:06:00 Author: RipTlde ![]() Posts: 151 |
Hopefully if they go for the Haze (don't kill me!!!!) approach to multiplayer i.e it tells a story, then it might just work. | 2009-04-08 10:19:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Well hai people. Look what Gametrailers has just come up with... BioShock 2 Video Game, Exclusive Debut Gameplay HD | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com | 2009-04-10 18:00:00 Author: olit123 ![]() Posts: 1341 |
Saw that. It looks ok. Although it's hard to get a feel for the game just from a video, it seems to have a little less personality than Bioshock 1, though that's purely first impressions from a video so hardly conclusive. And context is very important so not knowing what's going on or what part of the game it is affects that. The big sister jumping all over the place just seemed like the part in Bioshock 1 at the start when the Splicer runs from the helicopter turret. It wasn't exactly the same but just seems like it could easily have been in 1. I'm really not sure, I haven't played loads of Bioshock 1 but I think I can say that it looks really REALLY similar. Also the kid (little sister I'm guessing?) talking at the end sounded ridiculous. Based on that video, I'm looking forward to seeing more but my expectations have lowered somewhat. | 2009-04-10 18:19:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
Ahh so the green bar is how much adam has been gathered, now it makes sense. The atmosphere looks similar but in reality we know that being a big daddy is going to make everything different. And that voice at the end was a fail, should've kept the old voice. Also I hope that they make the Big Sister scarier than that; I mean that's what they did right at the start of BS1 with a bog standard splicer, can't use the same trick with an endgame boss. | 2009-04-10 18:38:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
That trailer looked sweet! I've been spending the past few days completing a Bioshock play through cuz this thread has hyped for for B2 so much I had to do it... and after seeing this trailer i'm even more hyped! I saw him dual wielding incinerate and a weapon near the end and was like ..... awesome. | 2009-04-11 21:59:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
The GT-Popblock of the same trailer: BioShock 2 Video Game, GT Pop-Block | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com | 2009-04-12 07:41:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
Yeah thnx for that Zwollie, just confirms everything on the list; though they just said what the text on the wall said and didn't mention what it meant about the rebuilding of Rapture by the Big Sister. Also they said 'evidence of Jack's last game' when you never went in that area. Additionally something interesting 'you play as the first big daddy for reasons not yet revealed'; think this gives my gene theory a boost but I'll be disappointed if they did make you and the Big Sis related. | 2009-04-12 11:25:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
That Pop-block certainly made me more interested in the game. I wonder if companies pay GT to make them. Anyway the Little Sister getting ADAM for you is interesting and makes getting the ADAM much less of a moral decision and more of a gain/loss gameplay opportunity. Not sure about no weapons and no enemy encounters underwater. But I suppose if these segments aren't too lengthy it could be ok. | 2009-04-12 18:19:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
Anyway the Little Sister getting ADAM for you is interesting and makes getting the ADAM much less of a moral decision and more of a gain/loss gameplay opportunity. . You can still choose whether to harvest them or just plonk them in their hidey holes. | 2009-04-12 21:50:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
1st....Hope its okay to bump this old thread ![]() 2nd, has there been any news on Bioshock 2 from E3?? | 2009-06-03 21:15:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
Some new info about the multiplayer: http://e3.gamespot.com/story/6211627/bioshock-2-impressions http://www.destructoid.com/e3-09-bioshock-2-multiplayer-impressions-134719.phtml http://www.joystiq.com/2009/06/03/impressions-bioshock-2-multiplayer/ http://previews.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/2339/BioShock-2/p1/ BTW good news sites with search engines: http://Kotaku.com http://www.joystiq.com http://www.n4g.com | 2009-06-05 14:12:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
Ugh, I don't really care about the multiplayer. I expected them to come out with a new trailer for the sequel and thought I somehow missed it. | 2009-06-05 14:15:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
Ugh, I don't really care about the multiplayer. Well tough ![]() *Plasmids are rebalanced to suit multiplayer e.g electrobolt stuns for a second or two rather than 6 *Set in the year 1959 *Character is chosen from 10 designs: Welder, buisnessman, housewife etc (here's hoping for Doctor ) *Sinclair's Solutions are the testing organisation (as said) *Digital Extremes (Dark Sector) is making multiplayer *Plasmids become secondary fire so you don't have to keep swapping between guns and them *New Plasmids: Aero Dash - Like the big daddy charge, knocks players back and potentially off heights Geyser - Like the wind trap it seems but can be used as a jump pad for hard to reach areas *Wrench is a good weapon 'really powerful' *Slower combat than most shooters *Slower movement (maybe just the lack of sprint, possibly to make Aero Dash better) *You choose plasmids and gene tonics (static discharge please) in your apartment *CoD-esque (shudders) unlocks so plasmids and guns are unlock and specific 'challenges' e.g 5 kills on a frozen target unlock even more points *Each player gets 3 loadout templates to customise * Each template has two plasmids, a 'brace of weapons' and a (ONE) customisation for each weapon *Can change your current loadout when you respawn *Rosie suit pickup makes you slow and you lose regen health *Fixed turrets are included to help mow down big daddies *No vita chambers *You can hack turrets to attack the enemy (no minigame though) *Three game modes Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and - (Little sister orientated methinks, maybe one player is bid daddy against all? ) Extra things from pictures: *Welder shown holding plasmid in one hand then in a different hand the next pic (though the whole body is reversed so :?) *No red light on bid daddies *Locations look similar to ones in BS1 e.g The place where you get the cure for brain washing Source:OPM | 2009-06-05 16:36:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
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