Things connecting at the edge of the level?
Archive: 9 posts
I searched the help section and didn't see anything like this so I'm putting it out there. Last night while working on a level I found what appeared to be a stray LCD light on the floor of my level. No big deal - I grabbed it and was going to just delete it when I discovered that when I selected it it highlighted the entire border of the level along with the light. It was as if I'd glued the light to the edge of the level - which I know I didn't do since the level is 1/2 way up the screen and this was embedded in the bottom. When I disconnected the light from the edge of the level then deleted it I didn't notice anything strange happen but it made me wonder if it could be related to that glitch where things start to fall through the bottom of the level. It's probably nothing, but I'm a little nervous about this level anyway, having lost it's predecessor in it's entirety to a failed to load error while on My Moon. Has anyone else out there had things connect to the edge of the level (stuff - not materials) without doing it themselves? | 2009-03-15 22:34:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I myself have not experienced this occuring, but I remember hearing something similar. Don't remember any problems afterwards though. Just in case, if possible, rewind and save as to a different spot. | 2009-03-15 22:56:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
That's what I did. So far so good. Just wanted to know if it was something I needed to watch out for in future? | 2009-03-16 02:58:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
UPDATE - mystery solved! Mod can delete this thread if they'd like. Nothing to worry about. | 2009-03-26 23:32:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I've found some kinda buggy problems with edge of levels. But haven't seen this happen. It seems you can't actually make a shape without leaving a gap between it and the edge, which unfortunately sackboy can fall through.... Ye a good, safe practice is to publish all your current projects as locked. You can copy any of your published levels back to your moon at any time, plus, when it comes to the time that you need some playtesters, you can just send them keys to it, or make a key level. Also backin up your save is a good idea. Would be cool if you could delete the level border though O_o | 2009-03-27 00:28:00 Author: Pitcard ![]() Posts: 779 |
It seems you can't actually make a shape without leaving a gap between it and the edge, which unfortunately sackboy can fall through.... I played around with this problem and found that if i keep inching the material closer and closer and adding a bit more at a time, I could make it close enough to where you cant fall through. | 2009-03-27 02:49:00 Author: ApellesJr ![]() Posts: 282 |
I played around with this problem and found that if i keep inching the material closer and closer and adding a bit more at a time, I could make it close enough to where you cant fall through. I'd say, wouldn't simply putting a wall, then in front the entrance? In other words, just boxt them in from that side, or if you don't want to put a noticable wall, just make an invisible platform and put it at the very back so they won't be able to pass throught thus no more falling from the level. | 2009-03-27 05:36:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Good idea, and it helps with the overall aesthetics too, if you can't fall through but you can't see it. | 2009-03-27 13:09:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
I've actually had objects "bleed" through the level edges. The level I made where this happened wasn't working, so when I tried to fix it, something interesting happened. I deleted the objects that had bled through the screen edges, but the part of the objects that had bled through the edge never dissappeared when I deleted. I couldn't erase these parts, but I could select them and delete them. My level still didn't work after that though so that might have destroyed my level. Just had this happening on the left and right sides of the level, not the floor or ceiling. | 2009-03-27 17:15:00 Author: mindphaser74 ![]() Posts: 349 |
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