Ice Kingdom
Archive: 12 posts
Hi All, I've created a couple of LBP levels: Ice Kingdom - A Slippery Electrifying Ice level with a ski lift and bonus slope area. A Blazing Toy Town - A Strange Toyish level with fire spot areas. Has a 2 player section. Any feedback on these would much appreciated, and would help me with future level making =) My PSN is Virtuous101 Cheers peeps! =) | 2009-03-15 00:42:00 Author: virtuous101 ![]() Posts: 19 |
Awww... no replies to my thread! Are my levels really that bad? ![]() | 2009-03-17 13:31:00 Author: virtuous101 ![]() Posts: 19 |
Not to me, evidently. ![]() I haven't played any of them. I might check them out. A good idea would be to make a thread of each level detailing its environment, goals, storyline, etc. (pictures would also be good). Then you can list them in your signature and include links to them. Unfortunately my levels get very little discussion, but that's obviously because there are so many levels clogging the showcase forum. ![]() | 2009-03-17 14:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Another thing you can do is give someone else a well-thought-out review on their level and request they give you feedback on the F4F system. Helps to get the ball rolling sometimes (as sometimes a level will go past the entire first screen before I even get home) | 2009-03-17 20:47:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Like Crashdance22 said. Make individual threads of each, add pictures, videos, and much more detailed descriptions. Plus you might want to explore the site a bit and review other peoples levels. If you leave them a thoughtful review and ask for one in return they will most likely give you a well-thoughtout review for your level. Also see that edit button? Dont double post. Use that instead. | 2009-03-17 20:49:00 Author: King_Tubb ![]() Posts: 435 |
I will definitely play your level, I have just been busy the last few days. With a combination of work, and frantically filling my free time working on a LBP level, I haven't had a lot of time to play peoples' levels... I had the exact same problem as you, with people no playing my levels. I still do to some extent. And I was fortunate enough to get spotlighted on both my levels. I did what Ccubbage suggests... I played lots of peoples' levels and gave tons of thorough feedback. I keep a notebook with me actually when I play levels. Doing what Ccubbage suggests will do 3 things: One, you will get people to play your levels Two, You will get a lot of good ideas this way for things you might want to do, And three, people will get to know you on this board, so they will have more of a stake in playing your levels and getting to know you a bit. | 2009-03-17 23:01:00 Author: dobi6 ![]() Posts: 359 |
Wow... cheers for the advice =) I usually play levels which haven't been played much, rather than choosing the most popular, but I never thought about leaving comments / feedback. I'll do that in future. I've just made a note of your levels too ![]() I'd also really like to record my levels, but haven't quite worked that one out yet. I'm thinking about investing in some EasyCap Cables. Apparently thats the easiest and most affordable way to do it. P.S. My apologies for the double post. | 2009-03-19 00:14:00 Author: virtuous101 ![]() Posts: 19 |
I just played this level. Here are my notes: I liked the overall theme of the level. As for playing it through, I felt that first grabbable ball you come to was just a bit aesthetically large. I did notice that right after this is a small thin piece of loose glass sitting against an electrified cylinder. You will probably want to delete this. And after the elevator, I noticed that I could see a proximity switch... You may want to hide it?or not... It's up to you on that one. Other than that, I would have liked to maybe have you do a little more cool lighting. But I liked it and gave you a heart ![]() | 2009-03-21 00:36:00 Author: dobi6 ![]() Posts: 359 |
Thank you very much =) Some good points there, and I noticed that piece of glass when I played it last. No idea where it came from tho! I agree about hiding the switch too. So when I edit this level, then replublish it.. Will it still show the amount of times it's been played, or do I start from scratch again? Also. Just wondering how people put an image in the description part of their level. I see this quite often. P.S. Gonna play Lost Under Glass next. Haven't completed King O Side yet, but I intend to!! And I'll leave feed back as soon as I have! =) | 2009-03-21 15:17:00 Author: virtuous101 ![]() Posts: 19 |
Thank you very much =) So when I edit this level, then replublish it.. Will it still show the amount of times it's been played, or do I start from scratch again? As long as you don't delete it first, it will keep all your plays and hearts. - I do suggest that if you are getting panned bad, deleting it and starting over. I had to do it with King O Side. I had a lot of people play it several times, and I tweeked the heck out of it several times - including scrapping the end and building a completely new one. Also. Just wondering how people put an image in the description part of their level. I see this quite often. I think you go into play mode in the level, and take a picture, then go to the upload option while you are still in the level. This is what was told to me. P.S. Gonna play Lost Under Glass next. Haven't completed King O Side yet, but I intend to!! And I'll leave feed back as soon as I have! =) The key to the boat is to hang out in the far layer of the boat by the spawn point. You can't get shot there. ![]() | 2009-03-21 15:24:00 Author: dobi6 ![]() Posts: 359 |
I've played through your levels Virtuous, as I said I would! I really liked them, mainly having to earn score bubbles sparingly and in key places/out of the main route to get a score that stands out, something I like alot in LBP levels personally. As dobi mentioned, a few triggers and switches could be hidden to really make everything look even better. The style was lovely, and really enjoyed it - great to look at and a nice challenge. Look forward to seeing more ![]() | 2009-03-22 22:59:00 Author: Renvalka ![]() Posts: 16 |
The key to the boat is to hang out in the far layer of the boat by the spawn point. You can't get shot there. ![]() Wahoo!! Guess what?! I did it, and I must say that this is an awesome level. I thought it was quite difficult at first. But it's always the more challenging levels that I end up going back to! I've played through your levels Virtuous, as I said I would! I really liked them, mainly having to earn score bubbles sparingly and in key places/out of the main route to get a score that stands out, something I like alot in LBP levels personally. As dobi mentioned, a few triggers and switches could be hidden to really make everything look even better. The style was lovely, and really enjoyed it - great to look at and a nice challenge. Look forward to seeing more ![]() Thank you Renvalka for some very useful comments. =) I've just started 2 new projects and I'll let you know more real soon! ![]() | 2009-03-26 00:04:00 Author: virtuous101 ![]() Posts: 19 |
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