Chronicles of Riddick Demo Impressions
Archive: 4 posts
Thought it was pretty cool! I played it on my friends' 360 and on my PS3 and I felt the 360 version was a little dark to see what was going on. That may have been the TV though. Thought it was pretty good. If you played it slowly, played stealthilty and really took your time I really enjoyed it. It was when you got caught and had to start shooting that I didn't like it much. Also there were parts of the demo that it was next to impossible to stealthily kill your opponents which I feel is a mistake in design. The drone part was pretty good though. The shooting feels a bit different to other shooters and I felt that the AI was excellent though there were a few stupid parts. They did dodge and stay behind cover a lot which I liked (though found annoying but I guess that's the point). One thing I didn't like was that at the start when you're in that first room and the two guys come in, they don't search for you unless you make noise. People searching for you gives a much better chance of varying how and when you strike. But that's only a minor concern about one tiny section of the game. The melee was good and I really liked the quick take-downs (when you're blocking and your ulaks flash for a split second hit attack and you'll do a pretty brutal take-down... might work when not blocking as well). Oh and the ulaks are the coolest melee weapons ever! I feel that there's a certain MGS quality to the gameplay as you have the option in each area to be stealthy or to go in guns blazing (well except for the area I speak of above). I really like that about the game, it really helps to increase depth and replay value. I'm not definitely buying it but it's likely. I don't have another game like it on my PS3 and I love stealth games. One thing I will say is that the demo definitely should have contained a section of Butcher Bay as well. It would give people a far better idea of what they're getting for their money. Also since Butcher Bay is a proven product in terms of gameplay it would have made a lot of sense and is a missed opportunity. Anyone else play it? What did you think? | 2009-03-14 02:12:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
I tried it out the other day on the 360 and was pretty impressed. I haven't played Butcher Bay (I'm very excited about the remake!), so I wasn't sure what to expect from a Riddick game, but it was pretty cool. I agree that the stealth attacks seemed a bit hard to pull in the demo, but I assume the full game will have more ample opportunities for that kind of stuff. The highlight of the demo for me was most definitely the drone segment. That was very cool. The combat, both melee and gun, seemed to be pretty tight. Overall, I liked it, but probably won't buy it right away until I see some reviews and more about the multiplayer components. | 2009-03-14 05:38:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
TBH I doubt it will review excellently. I'm expecting around the 75-80 mark on average. Which is still pretty good I guess. If I feel like a new game when it comes out I'll probably get it. Also something I forgot to say in the OP is that I found the brutal takedowns a bit hard to pull off on purpose, I did them a few times without meaning to. It flashes for a fraction of a second and it's hard to react in time and you end up taking a few hits when you time it wrong. I'm sure it's possible to get used to it though. | 2009-03-14 06:25:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
Actually the game is grey mess in a properly set TV. And this apparently doesn't happen on 360. I've been personally turned of my the demo, especially the total absence of blacks on the PS3 version. . | 2009-03-14 07:08:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
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