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Introducing the Personal Jet

Archive: 22 posts

Introducing the Personal Jet!

i remade a jet that i had designed before my ps3 died. now that i have it repared i've added some things to the original design.
what do you think?

if you want to enlarge the photo click on the Explanation Point in the bar above the picture to resize it and the small print should be a lot easier

you should be able to click on the pic to see a larger size. your browser should open another tab or window and then you can click on it and then it should inlarge again.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3626/3351554421_f44f9ac393_o.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3626/3351554421_f44f9ac393_o.jpg)

YouTube - Introducting the Personal Jet
2009-03-13 21:52:00

Posts: 39

I'd like to see it in action but it looks cool2009-03-13 21:55:00

Posts: 2551

I'd like to see it in action but it looks cool

i'll post a vid on how it works probably tonight.
2009-03-13 22:15:00

Posts: 39

I can't really read what the smaller writing says.2009-03-13 22:52:00

Posts: 431

I can't really read what the smaller writing says.

if you want to enlarge the photo click on the Explanation Point or manila colored bar above the picture to resize it and the small print should be a lot easier.
2009-03-13 22:58:00

Posts: 39


EDIT: Man! looking at this actually gives me an idea.... If you could have the landing gear move up and down...... and if you try to land too fast or with the gear up,you go 'SPLODEY!!!
2009-03-13 23:08:00

Posts: 431


EDIT: Man! looking at this actually gives me an idea.... If you could have the landing gear move up and down...... and if you try to land too fast or with the gear up,you go 'SPLODEY!!!

sounds like a great idea to have a landing pad i was thinking of doing something like that though i haven't figured out how i would design it.

just so you know i am uploading a video of it on youtube so that you'll see how it works. my piloting in the video isn't that great but you can get it to work properly
2009-03-13 23:53:00

Posts: 39

hmm looks good in the video...I know how hard it is to make a stable flying vehicle...So whats the stabilizer in the glass..just weight? I think you've inspired me to try to make one now2009-03-14 01:13:00

Posts: 2551

hmm looks good in the video...I know how hard it is to make a stable flying vehicle...So whats the stabilizer in the glass..just weight? I think you've inspired me to try to make one now

the stabilizer is really just something to grab on to help you control the jet and get you centered or balanced, so your not going all over the place.

just like every thing you need practice with it. i've had some good take offs and landings. it was harding for me to fly while recording and talking.
2009-03-14 16:25:00

Posts: 39

Looks really cool But it seems like it's going a bit too fast horizontally.. but that could just be me. You could make a really cool Moon Lander mini-game with this. Or use it in a space story-drive level, to travel between planets..2009-03-14 16:40:00

Posts: 440

Looks really cool But it seems like it's going a bit too fast horizontally.. but that could just be me. You could make a really cool Moon Lander mini-game with this. Or use it in a space story-drive level, to travel between planets..

the more you tilt it forward the faster i'll go. thats why it looks fast. by balancing it you can really control the speed however you want. i look forward to getting it posted so everyone can play.
2009-03-14 17:06:00

Posts: 39

It reminds me of the flying cars in the jetsons. 2009-03-14 17:53:00

Posts: 2454

I was thinking of something more like an alternating swich, which allows you to raise/lower the gear.2009-03-14 23:35:00

Posts: 431

How does it actually work?
If you run right does it go right?
Or is it the case of the inside is full of prox's and you just move and it appears like you are controlling the jet?
2009-03-15 00:38:00

Posts: 805

How does it actually work?
If you run right does it go right?
Or is it the case of the inside is full of prox's and you just move and it appears like you are controlling the jet?

i actually don't know what a prox is in reference to this game. heh heh so in answer to your question you really do control it. if you lean forward then you go forward same for moving back. though if you lean too far forward then you'll crash for sure! there's a grabable landing switch on the floor of the jet. hold it too long and you can crash as well.

sorry it took awhile to reply.
2009-03-22 04:31:00

Posts: 39

As I stated in some other thread, this thing is genious! With the video I know understand what you are going for. I'd like to fiddle around with this thing.

The "landing" switch is kind of hard though.

In a 2.0 version you could make a little bigger ship, that had a landing mechanism, like if you grab the floor, some piston that triggers the rockets is slowly going back with a mag swicht attached to it set to speed, so the rockets loose power slowly, not suddenly. This should make landing a lott more stable than it is right now.

with multiple players and your technique you could add quite a bunch of functions

I am thinking, if it would be possible to extend some landing pods from the jet when coming close to the ground, but that would require at least a trigger on the ground, but it would absolutely be possible.

Really really nice work! Sparks the creativity.
2009-03-24 09:21:00

Posts: 359

is this published?
if it is, you sir are my idol

also i thought the "landing switch would go more slowly xD
and at first it just made the wheels hide into place and retract out.
2009-03-31 19:29:00

Unknown User

is this published?
if it is, you sir are my idol

also i thought the "landing switch would go more slowly xD
and at first it just made the wheels hide into place and retract out.

yeah it is though i think i'll be making an edit to it cause of the landing switch.

the landing switch isn't meant to be held its meant to be tapped. i think i'll make another vid to show how its done.
2009-04-01 02:03:00

Posts: 39

This is actually pretty good, very stable, and the design isn't bad either.
good job!
2009-04-01 04:26:00

Posts: 6707

looks cool, check out my "jet fighter 107" level u will absolutly love it2009-04-07 21:36:00

Posts: 83

This is just awesome. You could make a story-driven level in space - or not, idk - but you could have a training course in the beginning.2009-04-13 22:49:00

Posts: 463

Can't believe I haven't noticed this before,
It looks really cool mate. Bet it took a lot of tinkering to get it right.

Good job, I'll try it when you've made the adjustments you planing on making
2009-04-13 23:07:00

Posts: 2767

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