Fade light with combination
Archive: 2 posts
Hi, I have a combination lock scenario. I have a light which goes on as you walk into the area, and goes out as you walk off. I have 2 green lights that come on when you get the combination correct. A gate also opens. I would like the first light (with proximity switch), to fade out when the correct combination is found. Basically, I want a red/green light scenario. How can I do this? Thanks, Neil | 2009-03-13 08:15:00 Author: neilj99 ![]() Posts: 38 |
OK got it. I just replaced the proximity switch with a second piston system with 2 mag switches, one inverted mag switch. | 2009-03-13 08:50:00 Author: neilj99 ![]() Posts: 38 |
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