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No Music Videos On Youtube(UK)

Archive: 19 posts

You read it right, from Monday at 6pm GMT, YouTube UK will block access to virtually every premium music video on the site after failing in negotiations with the Performing Right Society (PRS).

The PRS exists to ensure songwriters, composers and publishers are rewarded financially for the broadcasting of their music.

YouTube UK are saying that the fees PRS are charging are too expensive and would lead to the site losing money every time a video was played.

In a statement, Steve Porter of PRS said the move ?punishes British consumers and the songwriters whose interests we protect and represent?.

Patrick Walker of YouTube UK has stated

?It [the deal] has to be a rate than can drive a business model. We are in the business for the long run and we want to drive the use of online video?The rate they are applying would mean we would lose significant amounts of money on every stream of a music video. It is not a reasonable rate to ask.?

YouTube has also complained of a lack of transparency by the PRS, complaining that the fees don't stipulate exactly which artists are covered by the deal.

?That?s like asking a consumer to buy a blank CD without knowing what musicians are on it,? a statement from YouTube UK says on its official blog.

As Darren Waters at the BBC points out, YouTubeUK aren?t the first to retreat due to the costs involved in in the UK; Pandora, Real Networks and Imeem have all experienced similar trouble.

With Walker quoting ?We are not willing to do this [new licensing deal] at any cost?. The future doesn?t look hopeful.


Source (http://thenextweb.com/2009/03/09/music-videos-youtube-uk-monday/)
2009-03-11 07:00:00

Posts: 3701

Meh, give it a week and all of Youtube will be like this, I've started notice that instead of just banning music videos, they replace the music you hear with something else. So for example...

Your watching Boulevard of Broken Dreams music video, but the song you hear is like Through The Fire and Flames by Dragonforce...

Lol random example, but that's all that came in my mind right now.
2009-03-11 07:05:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Does this mean we'll be free from the evil clutches of Rick Astley?

YouTube - RickRoll'D
2009-03-11 07:48:00

Posts: 2173

Youtube is going to see a big decrease in hits >.< I think the music industry will suffer too.

No more Rick
2009-03-11 07:54:00

Posts: 3701

=0... no rick... i can't believe it...
I almost start to miss him...
2009-03-11 08:08:00

Posts: 458

I have the rick roll vid playing now.2009-03-11 10:47:00

Posts: 6728

=0... no rick... i can't believe it...
I almost start to miss him...

Rickroll was a [EDIT] meme, no wonder it's like the only one to come from /v/. It was never as good as duckroll.

Also, it's only premium videos that are being removed, they'll still be all the unofficial videos up.

Also, proxies.
2009-03-11 11:03:00

Posts: 81

hmm, with the rate people upload videos i have trouble understanding how they're going to accomplish this.2009-03-11 13:41:00

Posts: 3767

Me and the missus put youtube on all the time in the living room to listen to music. Guess i'll have to go back to my naughty ways of illeagl downloads like everyone else 2009-03-11 15:06:00

Posts: 2767

hmm, with the rate people upload videos i have trouble understanding how they're going to accomplish this.

They're only blocking "PREMIUM Music Videos" (i.e. official ones, like these (http://www.youtube.com/user/universalmusicgroup?blend=1&ob=4)). Unofficial ones (e.g. this (http://www.youtube.com/user/Guitarkid1034)) aren't going to be blocked.

I don't see why everyone thinks this is a big deal.

EDIT: FFS the auto-formating here is ****. If I wanted to embed a video I'd use the [youtube] tags, I wanted a link which why I used the [url] tags. Why the **** can't we just proper HTML tags. >=(
2009-03-11 15:40:00

Posts: 81

I feel that Youtube has been steadily going downhill ever since they were bought out by Google.

The good things we've gotten since then :
-High quality and HD video streams.

The bad things we've gotten since then :
-Automated video removal bots (take that, Fair Use clause).
-Sound stream removal (why only remove the sound? Just get rid of the whole video or keep the whole thing!).
-Slower servers, which defaults to the message "This video is no longer available" when they time out, instead of just telling you the server connection timed out.
-Invasive ads during playback.
-Draconian and inconsistent removal rules whenever a deal goes bad between Google and a third party.

I honestly hope another video sharing site will become popular, I feel that Youtube's had its day and things will only get worse from here on out.
2009-03-11 16:00:00

Posts: 2536

They're only blocking "PREMIUM Music Videos" (i.e. official ones, like these (http://www.youtube.com/user/universalmusicgroup?blend=1&ob=4)). Unofficial ones (e.g. this (http://www.youtube.com/user/Guitarkid1034)) aren't going to be blocked.

I don't see why everyone thinks this is a big deal.

EDIT: FFS the auto-formating here is ****. If I wanted to embed a video I'd use the [youtube] tags, I wanted a link which why I used the [url] tags. Why the **** can't we just proper HTML tags. >=(

Ah, well it isn't much of a big deal then. I barely use the premium ones.

Also, you may want to star out the bold bit; mods are pretty strict and efficient here. And HTML never works in forums (i think).
2009-03-11 17:53:00

Posts: 3767

Ah, well it isn't much of a big deal then. I barely use the premium ones.

Also, you may want to star out the bold bit; mods are pretty strict and efficient here. And HTML never works in forums (i think).

It says at the bottom HTML is off implying it could be turned on. I've seen forums that use HTML, but granted they weren't vBulletin.

Also if I'm not allowed to say ****, then it should be filtered automatically. Although the word filter is a silly idea altogether IMHO.
2009-03-11 18:02:00

Posts: 81

It says at the bottom HTML is off implying it could be turned on. I've seen forums that use HTML, but granted they weren't vBulletin.

Also if I'm not allowed to say ****, then it should be filtered automatically. Although the word filter is a silly idea altogether IMHO.

I dunno if you are allowed to say it, but i wouldn't of thought so. In UK it's seen as just as much of a swear word as any (dunno bout rest of world).
Also, this is an E rated forum. On LBP. So of course swearing should be filtered.
2009-03-11 18:11:00

Posts: 3767

dude, just go by the rules, or get lost.2009-03-12 00:05:00

Unknown User

It says at the bottom HTML is off implying it could be turned on. I've seen forums that use HTML, but granted they weren't vBulletin.

Also if I'm not allowed to say ****, then it should be filtered automatically. Although the word filter is a silly idea altogether IMHO.

Easy on the asterisks there, partner!

It's a kid-friendly site, after all.

Anyway, I don't really watch music videos on YouTube...so I don't care much for it. Alternatives will pop up however, like other sites, or just people bypassing the whole system altogether. Don't think people should worry over it.
2009-03-12 01:16:00

Posts: 1603

I feel that Youtube has been steadily going downhill ever since they were bought out by Google.

The good things we've gotten since then :
-High quality and HD video streams.

The bad things we've gotten since then :
-Automated video removal bots (take that, Fair Use clause).
-Sound stream removal (why only remove the sound? Just get rid of the whole video or keep the whole thing!).
-Slower servers, which defaults to the message "This video is no longer available" when they time out, instead of just telling you the server connection timed out.
-Invasive ads during playback.
-Draconian and inconsistent removal rules whenever a deal goes bad between Google and a third party.

I honestly hope another video sharing site will become popular, I feel that Youtube's had its day and things will only get worse from here on out.

You forgot the all extensive pay you get from Google if you have more than 10k suscribers. They start to put ads on your videos, and you get paid ( quite a bit actually ) for it.
2009-03-12 02:35:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

To be honest it will be a long long LONG time before youtube becomes obsolete. There are so many videos/members/subscribers for users and just videos uploaded per day that the site will be staying around for a long long time, even if music videos or whatever do get blocked. At the end of the day its an easy site to use, very efficient and can do high quality videos. I still find uses for it all the time.2009-03-12 03:59:00

Posts: 3767

Oh definately, I find so many strange things on that site. I'll probably always be using it, I don't even think it will become obsolete, for my lifetime at least.2009-03-12 07:19:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

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