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Helpful Music Tools

Archive: 3 posts

Hi friends,

since some weeks I've been working on two helpful tools for music creators in LBP. Both tools are done now and will get tested by some friends and interested players on weekend.

Music-Instrument-Thermo-Cost-Tool (MITCT)


The MITCT shows you the thermo costs that an instrument needs, when it gets used in a music sequencer! Using the popit cursor you can activate this info easily for every single instrument in LBP. This tool can help you to plan the set of instruments, you want to use for a tune without getting the error message "too many instruments".

Circle of Fifths (CoF)


The Circle of Fifths is a very powerful tool, which shows you the chords that can be used in the different music keys. I've added the notation of every chord and also the keys on the piano. With the CoF you can easily plan chord progressions for your tunes.
The CoF tool is also controlled by the popit cursor in your editor.

I will do a little video so that you can see both tools in action!

Both tools will be available as a giveaway in a little giveaway level, which I will create as soon and as fast as possible

Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2018-07-27 09:39:00

Posts: 3981

pretty awesome man! I'm sure that some people would find this very useful. And just the idea of having more tools to use is nice.2018-09-03 03:09:00

Posts: 12

I'm just working on a third tool, its a chord library which can be used in the editor, similar to the other tools! With the popit cursor you can activate the main chords as seen in the Circle of Fifths! If chosen any chord you can see its notation, the piano keys, and the guitar tabs.
I'm doing this for the following chords... major, minor, diminished, 7th, minor 7th and 6th.

And I'm already working on the giveaway level for all three tools.
2018-09-03 11:20:00

Posts: 3981

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