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Easy/Hard difficulty switch

Archive: 2 posts

It took about 127 and/or/xor gates and state devices (little fake ram), but I made a switch to let people chose the difficulty of one of my levels. I did this a while back, but figured some people on here would appreciate the effort.
It's on my level:
Kid Rocket's Revenge
in Australia...

The affect of taking the switch to easy:
The level gets shorter, emitted plasma balls from turrets are cut in half, the 2 bosses fight less aggressively, the floors don't move up and down on the final boss fight, a little guy at the end makes fun of you and says try it on hard! Electrified ground is covered up so you don't die on it. The enemies are easier, and the spotlight area of doom only kills half as efficiently.

Let me know if it was worth about 15% of thermo or not for the switch and its logic alone.
2009-03-09 20:48:00

Posts: 713

Well, in a way, the VR level in the MGS pack does the same thing... But it is kinda a new level there, but meh.

Sounds cool, I'll try and remember to play it later (I have a huge problelm with being able to have time to play everyone's levels here >_<).
2009-03-09 21:02:00

Posts: 10882

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