Favorite LBP Game(s)?
Archive: 4 posts
What were your favorite LBP games and what experiences did you have with them? | 2018-02-18 12:13:00 Author: gurren009 ![]() Posts: 2592 |
The first game for sure. It wasn't too riddled with bugs when I started playing not long after the GoTY release. 2 was pretty good as well, but it was really buggy (anyone remember those crazy spam loading screens at launch when trying to join someone?). 3 was worth playing through once, but it was incredibly laggy at launch even if you were just trying to bring in a second controller, and its huge amount of bugs and subsequently rocky launch is probably why the community has seen better days. | 2018-03-04 23:50:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
The first game for sure. It wasn't too riddled with bugs when I started playing not long after the GoTY release. 2 was pretty good as well, but it was really buggy (anyone remember those crazy spam loading screens at launch when trying to join someone?). 3 was worth playing through once, but it was incredibly laggy at launch even if you were just trying to bring in a second controller, and its huge amount of bugs and subsequently rocky launch is probably why the community has seen better days. I totally see where you're coming from! I initially also wasn't too fond of LBP3 because the online was bugged. You couldn't connect to anyone during launch, and playing LBP1 and 2 levels also made things laggy and gltichy. Thankfully, over the months and years, Sumo has done a great job fixing many of these bugs. Give LBP3 another chance. And as for my favorite game, I'd have to say LBP2. LBP1 was my first LBP game, and I have a lot of cherished memories with that one. But LBP2 was really the game I had spent the most time with and had the most memories with. Many of my great friends came through that game. | 2018-03-17 14:56:00 Author: gurren009 ![]() Posts: 2592 |
I think LBP3 is the best game when it comes to the amount of tools you have and the possibilites. When it comes to best experience I'd say LBP Vita. While it lacks a few great tools and has weird limitations like 'only 2 lights on screen' or the insane thermometer speed, when placing down stickers, it works without any weird bugs except for the 'automatic corruption of the moon craters' bug, which happens rarely. In LBP Vita I had great a lot of great moments. There I learned a lot about LBP and logic and there I became very experienced with logic. LBP2 was buggy, but in these times I met other LBP players here in LBP Central and great friends like CuriousSack. I am glad, that some of the members are still playing LBP and visiting the forums. | 2018-03-18 00:27:00 Author: mdkd99 ![]() Posts: 1172 |
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