Voltaic Ruination
Archive: 6 posts
When I decided making a platformer on a whim, I never imagined it being this. I hate making water platformers, the water level in Chapter Zero was the most frustrating thing to make. And since I attempted to make a Toggle level twice and failed both times, I guess you could say that I hate making Toggle levels too. But I guess I just forgot my preferences for a week because here's a water platformer featuring Toggle. Voltaic Ruination has the player navigating in a flooded ruins, with a very nasty thunderstorm permanently looming overhead. The gimmick is that every few seconds a lightning bolt strikes the water, electrifying the entire surface level. Whether you're above sea level or below sea level, time your transitions carefully, or the water-lightning combo will fry you to a crisp. https://lbp.me/v/q1s836h/topreviews?p=1&l=12 And with that, I'll leave you to it. If you have any questions about this level or encounter any issues, please be sure to let me know. Don't ask about the framerate, though. I can't fix that. ![]() | 2017-07-16 06:37:00 Author: chronos453 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Hi chronos453, hahaha, life is sometimes strange and full of surprises, so you have created a water level with Toggle! ![]() Good luck for the contest and many greetings, Jürgen^^ | 2017-07-16 09:02:00 Author: CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 3981 |
got 'er queued. I love the name of it. | 2017-07-16 15:32:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Hey Chronos! Just complete your level and here's my feedback: Positives: -I like the intro into the level, with the thunderstorm. Already gives the player an idea of what we have to deal with. -The toggle gameplay with the thunder and water was a good idea. Really had to stay on your toes. Negatives: -I felt like the scenery was kinda of bare, and could of had more done to it to really bring out the level. -Length of the level felt too long, or it could have just been me dying a'lot that made it feel that way..lol -The music didn't really go with this quite well..Think something more on serious side instead of relax would fit this level better specially with the theme and environment dealing with thunder..After few deaths it could be bothersome. Besides that the level was pretty okay, just needs more scenery or detail to bring the level out more then what it is. Gameplay was little repetitive also but overall good job. Just minor fixes here and there and this level would be great. ![]() | 2017-07-16 16:12:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Hey Chronos! Just complete your level and here's my feedback: Positives: -I like the intro into the level, with the thunderstorm. Already gives the player an idea of what we have to deal with. -The toggle gameplay with the thunder and water was a good idea. Really had to stay on your toes. Negatives: -I felt like the scenery was kinda of bare, and could of had more done to it to really bring out the level. -Length of the level felt too long, or it could have just been me dying a'lot that made it feel that way..lol -The music didn't really go with this quite well..Think something more on serious side instead of relax would fit this level better specially with the theme and environment dealing with thunder..After few deaths it could be bothersome. Besides that the level was pretty okay, just needs more scenery or detail to bring the level out more then what it is. Gameplay was little repetitive also but overall good job. Just minor fixes here and there and this level would be great. ![]() Well dang, the negatives outweigh the positives. But despite all that, I do kinda agree with you on all those points. "I felt like the scenery was kinda of bare, and could of had more done to it to really bring out the level" It actually did feature a bit more detail around halfway in production. Unfortunately, that was around the same time I started experiencing lower framerates, and for a platformer that relies on precision a little more than it should, this was a frustrating downside. So, in an attempt to improve the level's performance, I modified the style to a bare minimum. It didn't work. It did not work. "Length of the level felt too long, or it could have just been me dying a'lot that made it feel that way..lol" No you're right, the level is excessively long. And to explain why, allow me to explain how the planning of the level went: When you first start the level you can see the scoreboard in plain sight, but you're unable to reach it because it's just one layer out of reach. The idea was to have the player travel one big horizontal circle path to make it to the goal that's just barely out of reach (you can see the obstacles of the second half in the background). I think the problem was that I should have created the obstacles from the end to the beginning instead of the other way around. Because of this, I sort of lost track with how far I was going with the level, and had a lot of ground to cover in the return trip. So I guess the issue was poor planning. And this isn't related to the level itself, but for some reason, I just make long levels. I never intend my levels to be long. But they do. It's a weird and frustrating habit. "The music didn't really go with this quite well..Think something more on serious side instead of relax would fit this level better specially with the theme and environment dealing with thunder..After few deaths it could be bothersome" I actually do have a serious song I want to use (this one) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVYKlbV8HDo). Unfortunately, I already used this track in a level of my Adventure (https://lbp.me/v/q0h9cm1/topreviews?p=1&l=12), and I'd like to avoid using the same song more than once. "Gameplay was little repetitive" And with that alone, in my eyes, I have failed to provide you with a worthwhile experience. In fact, this might be my worst level in terms of consistency. | 2017-07-17 00:14:00 Author: chronos453 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Ah, i gotcha on the bare minimum and the song track. I wouldnt want to use the same song on 2 levels also... And as for length its actually good you can make levels long cause some like myself can only do medium or short length due to platforming ideas. Long as gameplay stay fresh, length isn't a issue.. But ill be glad to play anymore of your levels sometime if you need someone to test it for you etc ![]() | 2017-07-17 17:22:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
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