A post
Archive: 3 posts
Hey! I play this game! Here is a map I've been working on: http://i.imgur.com/RK2WgtU.png And this is my city Verville, the population is waaaay too over educated, for the longest time, no one wanted to work in the new forestry and pasturing zones I made. I'm going to need to make a slum. http://i.imgur.com/ulJFNQG.png It has a crazy roundabout! http://i.imgur.com/veGOHL2.png | 2017-07-15 07:49:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
This is supposed to be coming to PS4. I am stoked for that! | 2017-07-15 22:49:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Another post. https://media.giphy.com/media/10LFWyFlG7bt84/giphy.gif | 2017-07-27 14:23:00 Author: Sir monacle ![]() Posts: 4155 |
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