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Train your Brain (Mini Game)

Archive: 7 posts

This game will help you increase your memory speed on remembering numbers, it generates random unlimited numbers so you can train your brain by remembering them and then typing, you can also choose the maximum of the numbers that you want to remember. Fonts by @Sackbeaver
2017-07-08 09:39:00

Posts: 6

I've seen your showcase thread on littlebignetwork already, I'm looking forward to train my brain a little bit, this never can't hurt, can it?

Good luck for your level and many greetings, Jürgen^^
2017-07-08 11:13:00

Posts: 3981

It hurts when you want it to be, unless if you were practicing more you will be able to challenge the most hardest part in the level which will help you to remember your friends phone numbers easily 2017-07-09 08:15:00

Posts: 6

Hahaha, it already would be helpful to remember the names of my friends! 2017-07-09 09:51:00

Posts: 3981

Xdddd2017-07-09 16:55:00

Posts: 6

I had some issue playing it. Is it possible to map the X and O buttons rather than requiring to select the X button or O button to use it. I kept pressing the O on the actual ps4 controller and that stopped me from being able to move the selector.

So multiple times I actually got the correct number but failed because I couldn't enter it in from pressing the wrong button to submit the string.

A side from that a nicely made little challenge. I especially like the clipboard menu. Well done
2017-07-19 15:19:00

Posts: 43

Thanks for telling me I never notice that bug, I fixed it now and no it's just a sign for the enter button, you can't click the O button on your controller to submit your answers you have to move the selector and click X on the sign of O. Everything that you need to know about how to play is in the tutorial.2017-07-21 15:16:00

Posts: 6

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