Creator interview - r-v-2-0-1-3
Archive: 2 posts
Here is the one of the older Creator Interviews, with R-V-2-0-1-3! He has created epic team picked levels such as Cryomatic and Firefly Ruins. Sorry for putting these out so late. Check out the Video Interview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPh5q7AnQJY LBP.me Profile: lbp.me/u/R-V-2-0-1-3/levels Questions and answers: 1. Favourite lbp game in the series and why? As a player, LBP2 was a lot of fun and it's the game that got me hooked. Although I got involved late in the game, the community spirit was still high and I met a lot of good people. However, since I?m not much of a player anymore, LBP3 is of course much nicer for creators like myself. So many ideas and possibilities can come from this game. 2. Favourite or most useful creator tool and why? There are many great tools to work with, but I won?t mention any of those today. Instead, I?ll say that I use the Not Gate and Timer probably more than I should. No but seriously, they help me to activate and reset a contraption at the appropriate time. It's important to me because my levels rely heavily on that. Also, the In & Out Mover because, ?I like to move it move it!?. (bad joke) lol 3. Where do you get your inspirations from for your creations? I love Sci- movies and futuristic concept art, so I try to incorporate an element of that into my level theme. I like to imagine myself on di erent worlds. Since reality doesn?t allow me to occupy other worlds at the moment, I send Sackboy as an ambassador to represent my imagination. 4. How long does it typically take you to plan and make a level? If I have time to create at least 5 days a week, then It will usually take me about 2 to 3 months. I usually do very little planning. I just try to go with the ow. I don't sketch out any of my level except for my contraption ideas to make sure it not only works, but also that the design ts the level. 5. How do you normally go about making a level / level making process? It usually happens that I get ideas for contraptions or platforming sets rst, then I?ll build around those ideas. It's di cult to nd a unique theme in LBP, but when I think of one, I?ll try to approach it in a unique way. After my head is lled with obstacles and gameplay ideas, then I begin creating. New ideas and many changes come as I go. 6. Your favourite level that you made yourself? I don't have many, but every new level I create is my favorite. The more I learn, the more fun creating becomes. My most recent is Cryomatic. I had a lot of fun creating this one. Trying to come up with a unique futuristic design and contraptions to t the design was a good challenge. Although I had to scrap about 20% of the original, the parts I left in the game, turned out well. I was Happy with the end results. 7. Tips for budding creators? Be patient. The budding process takes time, so make sure you drink lots of water and take in plenty of vitamin D. So of course, learn your tools. It takes time, but there are several resources to help you online. There are many ways to get the results you want, but it helps your thermo when you know the simplest way to set up your logic. Also, when I?m creating my level, I always have a ?workshop? on my moon where I build and test contraptions. Once I get them working properly, I?ll capture it then bring it into my level 8. Are you working on anything now? Yes I am. I started my project maybe 6 months ago. Busy times at home prevented me from nishing up. Now that things are more stable, I?m hoping to get it completed in a month or so. The Level will be called Mercury Prime (maybe). It's a futuristic platformer that features high jumps, scorching sun light, rocks, a bit of oxygen, squishy things, worms, wall jumps, and a lack of air conditioners. Nothing too special. 9. Features / tools you wish existed in lbp? There?s not much I can add to all the great tools already there. I just wish some things like lights and other decorations didn?t have to take up so much thermo. There might not be much to do about that though. Well, maybe a feature that lets you edit the backround by adding, removing, or adjusting some of the elements 10. So you are a graphic designer, does your work in uence your lbp creations or vice versa? Yes it de nitely in uences me when I?m creating. Every section has to look just right or I can?t leave it alone. When designing artwork or logos at work, I have to pay attention to minor details, make sure the design is not overly complicated, the message is clear, and that all elements have a purpose. On top of that, it has to be pleasing to the eye. 11. As a graphics designer, do you feel like you can?t quite get what you want detail wise etc in lbp / other limitations or do you already factor that in when you plan / start making a level? Yes. I understand that the game has limits, but it does get frustrating when I have this scene thought out in my head, only to nd that it doesn?t work. I?ll have multiple layers in view, decorations just right, lighting sets the mood perfectly, and the cameras at great angles. I see it's good, then I move on. Then after I have built and added more to the level, I play through, and nothing works. Parts start disappearing, warnings sounding o , and the game begs for mercy. Then I?m like, alright, time to downgrade. By the end of the game, I will usually cut out huge portions, simplify and reduce details, cut back on lighting, readjust the cameras, and re some of the Sackbots. (It seems to cause less lag when the camera is set closer to the character) 12. So we have seen some stuff from dreams, what do you think of it? / will you be getting it? It looks amazing! But, just like the rest of you, besides the creating and virtual canvas aspect of it, I have no clue what the rest of the game is. I look forward to seeing the seeing what it brings for sure. I imagine I?ll be able to express my ideas more freely there. 13. What would you like to see more of from the lbp community or just lbp in general? {this would be like what kinda levels you?d love to be able to come across more of, or dlc you might like, etc} I like to see mechanical, hi-tech contraptions and unique gameplay. It always inspires me and helps to feed my imagination for the kind of levels I make. 14. Who are some of your favourite creators? (a small selection is ne, preferably < 5) No favourites, but many I respect. Some names I remember: Bombird for his imagination, Dakkrs and Scary Biscuit for constantly putting out great levels, Shookiemonster for his architectural designs, and many others that continue to create great things. 15. Who would you like to see us interview next? Bombird, also known as Vusco Hope you found this Interview insightful and enjoyable! LSRS | 2017-03-28 20:35:00 Author: lsrs ![]() Posts: 43 |
Thanks for the fine interview, this is making the creator more...familiar! ![]() ![]() Many greetings, Jürgen^^ | 2017-03-29 08:18:00 Author: CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 3981 |
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