No Man Sky LBP Random Land Creation
Archive: 4 posts
FREE 3D BOT & FREE RANDOM LAND CREATOR https://lbp.me/f/b5265af33fcb71b4aa7360088898416ea32d88fd/more_by_user?p=1&l=12 Trailer Is in link. I have created logic that can create random layouts from a top down view. This is 100% Random so there will be weird layouts that it puts out. It basically have a follower+emiter on it and followers tag targets randomly in a box grid. There is no grid pattern to object placement. Its 100% random depending on emiter timers. Short the emiter the greater chance you will have clusters of objects in one location. (Best way so far is to have longer timers on the emiters and letting the emitters drop objects at random within a good min of placements.) This may or may not be a game but it looking to be a very useful tool in giving levels alot of random PvP layouts. I using the tool with a 360 spin camera 3D sackbot. It looks really cool in 3D mode. http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/250e2d83f2cd0222669fa54cefbcb8861a33c074.jpg Each stiker panel holds a randomizer that selects up to 20 tags at random. Square in the middle just moves to the closest tag thats in range. It moves around alot in that space really fast dropping objects. http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/32e65bb22a2093fb5c7f21de7c257b346ede9e26.jpg http://ib.lbp.me/img/ft/f1be7d997cd4abe4cb90164bb975da4520828f0e.jpg I can't take any lbp photos in playmode in the 3D cam. I can only take photos with the PS capture but I can't upload it. The last photo is what you would get with the tool. Just randomly spins, emites, and moves to random locations and places objects. Shapes and Sticker Objects are whatever you make it. | 2017-03-27 03:27:00 Author: venat ![]() Posts: 715 |
Fine idea, I just try to imagine what one could do with a combination of little-big-playe's "Neverending Dungeon" and your "Random Land Creator"! Many greetings, Jürgen^^ | 2017-03-27 08:02:00 Author: CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 3981 |
Fine idea, I just try to imagine what one could do with a combination of little-big-playe's "Neverending Dungeon" and your "Random Land Creator"! Many greetings, Jürgen^^ Pretty much. I was gonna make a Random PVP arena creator or just no mans sky for lbp lol. Also was thinking of making like a big hidden donut circle around the player that follows him and just have anything that touches the circle part of the donut delete as the player explores the level to make more room for more randomize land up ahead. I can't really focus on this though. Busy with Zelda. This was a on the fly kinda thing I made and my friend is using a more grid layout version of this. Too bad I cant get the trailer to play for some reason. You can see the logic in action and in 3D mode. No idea what that never ending dungeon thing is though. | 2017-03-27 09:50:00 Author: venat ![]() Posts: 715 |
Hi venat, the level "Neverending Dungeons" by Little-big-playe https://lbp.me/v/qz3nkn5/topreviews?p=1&l=12 features procedural dungeon generation, so that each dungeon that you play is unique. | 2017-03-27 13:37:00 Author: CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 3981 |
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