3D Level Design (Copyable Template!)
Archive: 5 posts
Hi everyone, For those of you that don't know, I have been working tirelessly on a simple solution to using 3D in LBP. I have finally finished (or as much as I wanted to do :3)! This design solution works for up to 2-players at once, and has 3 levels associated with it: A demo (which was previously the beta), a tutorial, and a blank, copyable template to create with. You will need the template since the solution is a little more involved that just sticking a chip or a bot into your level. The tutorial outlines anything that does not inherently work when you add it to your level (which is not much), and the demo shows you just how much you can make with this solution. So anyways, try them out! Make levels with it, tweak it to your liking, and let me know what you think! Demo: https://lbp.me/v/q0z2p0x/activity Tutorial: https://lbp.me/v/q0v7s23/topreviews?p=1&l=12 Template: https://lbp.me/v/q0z2pvr/activity | 2017-02-18 16:20:00 Author: CMike9001 ![]() Posts: 29 |
Welp. This game is officially dead to me. I work my *** off for a year building a copyable 3D system, and it has less than 10 plays. Bye LBP, I will be spending my efforts making actual games instead of wasting my time with this ****-hole of a community. Peace out. - - - - - - - - - - PARDON ME, IT HAS 11 PLAYS WOW. | 2017-02-22 20:46:00 Author: CMike9001 ![]() Posts: 29 |
OMG THIS RELEASED!? I've been waiting to start a project for this actually! Granted, i don't ever finish projects, but still! | 2017-02-26 06:43:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
Welp. This game is officially dead to me. I work my *** off for a year building a copyable 3D system, and it has less than 10 plays. Bye LBP, I will be spending my efforts making actual games instead of wasting my time with this ****-hole of a community. Peace out. - - - - - - - - - - PARDON ME, IT HAS 11 PLAYS WOW.I haven't checked it out yet, but I'm getting to it in some days. | 2017-02-26 22:43:00 Author: smash909 ![]() Posts: 83 |
So, I checked it out, and I must say I'm pretty impressed! Sure, there are things I would've wanted to do differently, but since it works out of the box and is copyable so you can edit it (thank you!), I probably will end up using a modified version of this bot(? logic?) from now on. I commend you on the organization of the logic. The only thing I would change for the basic setup is more documentation (the labels are great, but some explanation would help since it's organized in a different way than most). I'd argue that this is the best 3d movement because of how versatile and easy it is! | 2017-03-13 00:39:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
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