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100% Accurate WORKING Penny Arcade Referance

Archive: 2 posts

I have created a 100% accurate, fully working version of the creation depicted in the October 18th, 2008 Penny Arcade Comic featuring Little Big Planet (seen below)


I have created it down to every detail, including edited stickers. I obviously don't deem it worthy enough for its own level, but perhaps someday in the near future, when I also fully recreate the Tycho Brahe & Gabe outfits, I would include it as a bonus item in another giveaway

Yes I realise its somewhat inappropriate, but its not really that offensive. if you truly don't wish for this item to exist, tell me why in the comments below.
2017-01-06 21:56:00

Posts: 37

Hahaha, I agree its not that offensive! 2017-01-07 07:30:00

Posts: 3981

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