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SG-1 Apache Helicopter (Pictures and Video)

Archive: 8 posts

Level Name: SG-1 Apache Helicopter
Level Author: dan_westy

This is a level with a small mission but im mainly demonstration my awsome new helicopter which ive been making.

The helicopter has 2 guns and can drop bombs from the back. And it ahs for directional buttons for each direction. As you no it is extremely hard to make helicopters actually fly so I have used a roller method (no pistons or anything visible).



YouTube - LittleBigPlanet SG-1 Apache Helicopter

Read: I have also made 2 tanks if you want to check them out. I would of made a thread for it but just have'nt got round for the time.

I will give out the helicopter when I recieve enough hearts and I will give it out as sharable if I get enough after that.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy!
2009-03-08 17:58:00

Posts: 41

my freind loves helecopter i should show him this 2009-03-09 20:05:00

Posts: 1

my bro will deff b interested in this ^_^2009-03-10 09:52:00

Posts: 196

Its a great design but im am wondering how you made it fly,i made a Apache for my call of duty level (oncoming project) & i had to use a mono-rail auto pilot but im just wondering how you did do that,as it would be well credited & appreciated to know but yeah i hearted you level but i did find that co-up would be so much easyer as its kinda hard.2009-03-15 16:47:00

Posts: 54

looks awsome i ll have to check this out2009-03-15 16:54:00

Posts: 712

Wow, thats amazing nice work. I have been trying to make a helicopter for a while, if possible could you show me how to make it or send me it, I would be really grateful.

2009-03-16 18:53:00

Posts: 13

i will show u how to make it if u send me a friend invite and say u want to to no about the helicopter

and my helicopter has been deleted and i dont no why i have lost 1300 hearts and 26000 plays and ive never had anything close to that much
2009-03-18 16:16:00

Posts: 41

dude! It doesn't look ANYTHING like an apache helicopter so you should'nt be calling it one! If I had to guess, I'd think you just made a helicopter and decided to call it an apache helicopter because you think they are cool. It's not easy to actually make a vehicle that looks like the one from real life, so calling your heli an apache helicopter is a slap on the back to people who have really worked hard to make a realistic vehicle!2009-05-31 22:05:00

Posts: 3251

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