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Speed Ball(Ultimate Football)

Archive: 5 posts

Tackle your way through defenders as you try to score touchdowns. There are six different teams to choose from and three different weather options. There is an upgrade system with unlocks power ups and ect. ONLY THE QUARTERBACK(the sack bot with the grabinator) CAN PICK UP POWER UPS. THIS IS A SINGLE PLAYER LEVEL. https://lbp.me/v/q0krwxe/trailer?p=1&l=122016-12-04 15:58:00

Posts: 20

I'm curious to play your level! Though I have no idea about the rules of American football!
I wish your level luck, many greetings, Jürgen^^
2016-12-04 19:19:00

Posts: 3981

Had a go at this level. Noticed a few bugs? on my attempts at the level.

- AI doesn't seem to work very well. opposition kinda doesn't seem to actually score (gets close to the line then keeps running on the spot)
- Tackling doesn't seem to actually knock the ball out of opposition hands??
- team mate doesn't really move beyond the first few moments?

Since the level is 1P these issues are kind of ruin the experience if we can't bring in other players to replace the AI.

Like the idea this level is going for. Hope you are able to polish it further =)
2016-12-09 15:39:00

Posts: 43

Thank you for the feedback. I'll get to fixing the issues.2016-12-12 03:08:00

Posts: 20

Oh! Cool thing. I will queue it and play it soon.2016-12-15 21:56:00

Posts: 1172

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