Chapter Zero [LBP3]
Archive: 2 posts
IT'S DONE IT'S FINALLY DONE AAAAAAAAAAH Finally, after countless weeks full of frustration and revising and playtesting, my Adventure is now ready to be played. For this project I managed to cram in quite a few things: 1. There are four full platforming levels for you to explore (each one has its own theme and playstyle) 2. Cinematics + story (more or less) 3. Much like ND3, there are some bizarre secrets hidden somewhere 4. It's strictly single-player. It was a difficult choice to make given all the single-player levels out there. I suppose that's the gist of it. Obviously there's more to it than that, but you're better off just playing it. Oh, there's one major thing worth mentioning: all of the music is custom-made by Velvet--Audio. His music content is absolutely insane and I'm incredibly grateful that his BGMs are shareable. I hope your experience with this Adventure runs smoothly, but remember, if you find any issues, please let me know right away! lbp.me: https://lbp.me/v/q0h9cm1/activity As always, feedback is appreciated. And with that, I think I'm gonna take a break from creating now. I feel like with this Adventure, I am reaching some type of creative bankruptcy... http://lbp.me/v/q0h9cm1 | 2016-11-20 07:47:00 Author: chronos453 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Yeah! Congrats to you, I wish your Chapter Zero success and lots of fantastic reviews of enthusiastic players! I'm looking forward to play your result of your hard work! ![]() Happy Thanksgiving and many greetings, Jürgen^^ | 2016-11-20 09:52:00 Author: CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 3981 |
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