Archive: 1 post
Here is the latest Creator Interview, with RamiroKibainu! He has some very varied creations, with themed levels based on games and movies! Check out the Video Interview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w-s2kCDCQs LBP.me Profile: lbp.me/u/RamiroKibaInu/levels Questions and answers: 1. Favourite lbp game in the series and why? all the lbp games... except for LBPkarting maybe and the PSP version. lbp1,2,3 and vita version have their own virtues. lbp1 began this legend, lbp2 bring new features and lbp3 added 16 layers, the vita version was very intituive and charming, did good use of the tactile controls and the new characters were so cool, specially the Hollows... i always wanted having these creatures on the console version,specially for horror themed levels ;] 2. Favourite or most useful creator tool and why? hmm... maybe controlinator. It's very useful to organize and control complex logic and to make your own movable characters, vehicles or machinery 3. Where do you get your inspirations from for your creations? - its quite clear in some of your levels - Guardians, tearaway, etc mostly from games that i play and like, i made some tributes to great titles and hope that other fans of the same games enjoy playing them. from time to time i make some original levels, mostly for contests or if i feel inspired. even a trailer can give me inspiration to create something ![]() 4. How long does it typically take you to plan and make a level? more of them are spontaneous ideas, sometimes takes me two or three months to finish a level, other like my Hills of Silence took years to be finished... it started as a LBP1 project but due the limitations of the game wasn't enough scary, then published a SH level on lbp 2 that modified 3 times, it was decent but not enough good so i erased it. at the end it worked on lbp3 due the 16 layers (these were necesary for the gameplay and realistic atmosphere that i wanted to achieve) since i learned many tricks on the run i can create more easily and quick now. 5. How do you normally go about making a level / level making process? (come up with a theme first? plan how gameplay is going to be first? etc) theme first, then gameplay. i build scenery fist until achieve the visual aspect that i want then add the gameplay elements, but i constantly change things... mainly due the complexity or finding bugs, and of course thermo. so i try different combinations until i achieve the balance between materials and details to avoid lag. 6. Your favourite level that you made yourself? good question... i like most of my levels, specially when reach some technical achievement. but if i have to choose one, probably it could be santa's daughter revenge. because was my original idea, was too much work to make these pixels and of course because is sexy! ;] i made it for a crown contest, based her on a girl that i love, (we are cosplayers) added some retro-arcade style and it looked like the old supernintendo games or ps1 sidecroller games, a style that i loved so much btw. was a bit polemic but proved that lbp have much potential to create unique styles or games not only cartoonish-childish platforms... besides it give to me the lbp crown so i feel proud of it ;] 7. How did you find the learning process of how to create in LBP? learning from others looking at tutorials and experimenting on creations by myself. master logic was the most important step for me, visual style are natural for me due my artistic basis (i'm graphic designer and illustrator) next was learning tricks on how to make the creation process more easy. 8. Tips for budding creators? search for tutorials and ask to experienced creators for help or feedback, this way you can improve or develop your own skills ;] 9. What would you like to see more of in the LBP community? realistic levels and technical achievements... and new tools too. i believe that lbp still have potential for impressive levels but it requires that people try new things not the same boring stuff. and yes, more kindness on the community please ;] 10. Are you working on anything currently? / what can we look forward to from you in the future? yes, i'm working on a level for the CASH2 contest and planning Hills of Silence 4. 11. Who are some of your favourite creators? (a small selection is fine, preferably < 5) yes i have some favourite creators, some of them are my friends: -oO__ariana__Oo: very kind person that always helps the community. -nice-playeur: have the cutest levels and is always funny to create together. -zohnar: created probably the best 3D characther movement in LBP (i use it with some modifications in many of my levels). -thebobzombie: have a fantastic and polished visual style. -and of course hfmiles!: even if people criticize him for hacking and modding the game saying that is illegal, we have to accept that he helped the community so much. without these modded decorations could be impossible to achieve the realism that i always wanted ;] (and yes, all the people that made music that i include in my levels) 12. Who would you like to see us interview next? maybe zohnar or oO__ariana__Oo Regarding Costume: i created this for a okami level in lbp1 but the idea never worked as i wanted, so it ended being my regular costume. Hope you found this Interview insightful and enjoyable! LSRS | 2016-09-14 18:27:00 Author: lsrs ![]() Posts: 43 |
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