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How to make an Unskippable Cutscene.

Archive: 6 posts

Hello All!

I wanted to know how to make a cutscene non-skippable. For practice, I heavily changed the controls for driving in my track. All of the controls are explained during the cutscene, however the player can just press X to skip. Is there a way to avoid this? I've seen it done multiple times during Story, such as In turtle Island, when there introducing the grab sponge to you, and even if the player skips, you still have to see the instructions.

2016-08-16 22:45:00

Posts: 6

Hello All!

I wanted to know how to make a cutscene non-skippable. For practice, I heavily changed the controls for driving in my track. All of the controls are explained during the cutscene, however the player can just press X to skip. Is there a way to avoid this? I've seen it done multiple times during Story, such as In turtle Island, when there introducing the grab sponge to you, and even if the player skips, you still have to see the instructions.


There is a setting on the camera that stops the player skipping the cutscene, ie "disable controller". Though this is occasionally glitchy. Also on those settings is the abilty to switch off "skippable", again though this is not always effective.

The other option is to let the race start, sort of, with the cutscene being run then and using the output of the camera to switch on the controls on all of the players. Put a controllinator on each spawn point with a toggle connected to their inputs, connect the output of the camera to the toggle switch (make sure the toggle switch is set to 'off&apos. So the race countdown will finish, activate the camera, the camera will go through the cutscene, then it's output will switch the toggle to 'on' and activates the controls to all players.

Hope this helps

2016-08-17 07:19:00

Posts: 460

Put a controllinator on each spawn point with a toggle connected to their inputs
I am using the sequencer method, In which I have a sequencer that is attached to my Scoreboard and all my cameras use transmitters and receivers, so does that change the method.?

Also, I'm a bit confused with how to do this. Does the toggle need to be attached to the spawn points and controllinators inputs? Doing so stops my controls from working.
2016-08-17 08:17:00

Posts: 6

Do not connect to the scoreboard. That is specifically for cutscenes prior to or after a race which I realise is your intention but will not stop the player from skipping.

As you're using the sequencer, this is how I would do it.
1. Place a transmitter at the start of the sequencer circuit board, call it 'switch' or whatever you like.
2. Place the corresponding receiver with it's output connected to a toggle switch (set to ON) anywhere suitable, possibly close to the spawn points to make connections more easily.
3. Place controllinators on each spawn point.
4. Connect the output of the toggle switch to the controllinator on each spawn point.
5. Place another transmitter identical to the one you did in step 1 at the end of the sequencer circuit board.

This should then go something like this, your race countdown 3..2..1 then your sequencer should cut in, transmitter turns off the toggle immediately disabling the controls for all the players, after the cutscene completes your sequencer will hit the second transmitter turning the controls back on.

If you find it releasing too soon then try placing a timer set to 7 seconds connected to the sequencer input. If you're wondering why 7 seconds, it's because that's roughly how long it takes before the race starts including the countdown.
2016-08-17 16:05:00

Posts: 460

The method posted above only seems to work for players, for some reason. AI Seem to ignore this and continue to use their controls.

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I don't know if this means anything but, it is an arena
2016-08-17 21:44:00

Posts: 6

Ok. For the AI use a gadget called 'battle brain'.
Set them to 'stop idle' and connect the toggle to that gadget.
This will hold the AI in the same way.
2016-08-18 06:48:00

Posts: 460

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