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Sound Detector

Archive: 11 posts

Here's an idea: a switch that only activates when a certain sound plays. This could be used if you want people to play a song on a level like LittleBig Piano or something. Or having a sleeping thing only wake up when it hears a certain instrument or sound.2009-03-08 01:09:00

Posts: 427

Hmm.. It's not very practical, would be hard to use in practise.. Players can't exactly produce sounds as such =
Be better just to use prox switches and sounds to make them feel like the sound was causing it
2009-03-08 03:23:00

Posts: 805

I get it, you play a certain tune in the right order wich unlocks a gate or something.
I would like a tool like that.
I think that its possible right now if you really put your mind into it....I'm not saying its easy though!!
2009-03-08 08:51:00

Posts: 2173

if you get creative, proximity switches or magnetic keys should be able to simulate that2009-03-08 09:29:00

Posts: 345

maybe a headset swich... players have to yell loud enough to activate the swich...
2009-03-08 19:31:00

Posts: 431

maybe a headset swich... players have to yell loud enough to activate the swich...

...so that only 1/10 of LBP players can activate it?
2009-03-08 19:40:00

Posts: 329

I get it, you play a certain tune in the right order wich unlocks a gate or something.
I would like a tool like that.
I think that its possible right now if you really put your mind into it....I'm not saying its easy though!!

Yes you totally can do this already.

2009-03-09 15:09:00

Posts: 3901

Yup, I can think of several easy ways to do this off the top of my head.2009-03-09 16:30:00

Posts: 4430

No, it's really not useful. Hooking up a magnetic key and switch to the sound would be a lot easier.2009-03-10 01:52:00

Posts: 1153

dude, i would say that although it is possible to simulate that effect, i think it would be a useful thing to have. particularly on a piano or other instrument where you need to play a particular rythm or tune. it would be a fun level to be, if one could get 4 players all timing their notes like dance dance revolution/guitar hero.2009-03-17 11:18:00

Posts: 225

Yeah I can think of ways to simulate this, a proximity switch hooked to a fast relay would give the impression the sound has triggerer an event a short time after it was played.

You could probably get the tune affect as well using a few logic gates.

I suppose the switch would save heavily on thermo though. And save a lot of thinking, switches and wires
2009-03-17 11:32:00

Posts: 1754

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