Toy Prison Arena
Archive: 1 post
With the announcement that LBPK servers are going down at the end of next month, I figured I'd try and finish up one of the many ideas I had in LBPK for a level that went untouched for a very long time. So, here is Toy Prison Arena. At first the idea was just to create a small arena for players to battle in, and I thought a play set of toys sprawled out on the kitchen floor (Something I may have been guilty of as a small child) would be a good theme. Somewhere in creating it though, I noticed that it was turning out a lot like a prison yard, so that's where the name comes from. Below is my attempt at linking the LBPK.me page and a few pictures... https://karting.lbp.me/v/115at 503445034350342 I'd tried to incorporate thoughtful design behind the simple aesthetic. The toys themselves provide cover for areas throughout the small arena so that it's not a complete no man's land, and there are also 2 sections of elevated height in opposite corners of the arena to provide an area for ambushing players below. The time allotted for the arena is 3 minutes. To be perfectly blunt, my goal with this is to get the online trophy that requires 10 unique plays on a level in LBPK. However, I'm doing unlimited F4F to not only benefit myself, but to help others be able to unlock this trophy, or just get an opinion on the creations they've worked hard on.If you would like me to play your level, just put F4F and the level name at the end of your review, and that'll make it nice and easy for me to help you out as well. Thank you, kkoenig | 2016-07-24 15:28:00 Author: kkoenig ![]() Posts: 19 |
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