Large RPG Team Project!
Archive: 10 posts
http://www.ew.com/sites/default/files/styles/tout_image_612x380/public/i/2016/02/09/final-fantasy-9_0.jpg?itok=XsOG8O0w JRPGs for years have been a part of my most memorable experiences while gaming. You grow attached to the characters and worlds decades after you played these games and one of the things I wanted to do in LittleBigPlanet is build one. I have come really really close to creating the game I wanted to make, but the older I got, the less time I had to build this game. WHAT IS THE PROJECT? The objective of this project is to create one of the most memorable JRPG experiences in LittleBigPlanet, and given the scarcity of turnbased games on consoles, maybe of the generation. This project was really created to say JRPG's, more specifically Turnbased RPGs, can still be just as enjoyable of experiences as they were in our childhood. And for the newer generation, perhaps sharing a piece of what made the PS1 era special. I want to place great emphasis on the word "Team Project". WHAT ARE WE CREATING? The game is entitled Chrono Chrysalis. It is an RPG based on the theme of time and is set in two distinct time periods: In the future when humans live in a perilous underwater society and the past resembling a more traditional community based on traditional kingdom monarchy's. We will get into more story details later, but the story resembles more of a Final Fantasy style narrative rather than Phil of the Future. Everyone that knows the story is extremely excited about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lbbwb9etXk WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE AND HOW TO JOIN I have completed most of the logic for this game. Logic has crippled so many rpgs in Littlebigplanet and this gives the game a huge headstart ahead of other RPG projects. I have a full story that has been written, we have all the monsters and bosses created, all the music that will go into the game. What the game needs is in game art, more specifically environments and special effects. We will focus soley on the introduction to the game, rather than try to build the entire game at once. I feel creating the game in smaller clips will allow us to improve the game over time and prevent players from waiting a long time to experience the story. Clip of the New Systems: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CABn2fCWsAAJzlM.jpg:large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBxaFbpXIAAex2u.jpg:large Early shot but shows the scale of some enemies. Theres one thats way bigger than this one https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcVxQQ9XEAADFRM.jpg:large Updated UI https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPs8Vb6WsAAyYzs.jpg:large Teaser of the Camp menu Strength In Numbers One of the problems with team creation in LittleBigPlanet is recognition. My solution to this is to publish the game under an team name. The team name will be decided once the members have been confirmed. The plan is that each individual member will publish a level that level links to the main level. That way each member gets recognition for the project and can be actively involved in the level activity. Remember, this is about celebrating a great genre. Its not about crowns, glory or beating other projects. Anyone is welcome! I want members that simply want to be a part of creating one of the most memorable and ambitious RPG experiences that you will see in LBP. What roles are available? What the game mainly needs now are artist. We mainly need Top-Down artist. We really want to encourage some exploration, even if at core, the game is somewhat linear and story focused. We can also use 2D artist for some of the cutscenes. Also, if you are good at special effects like Magic and Animation, that will be valued as well. The idea of this is I found I spend more time doing a combination of all these things and not enough of the logic of the game. If I split the task up, we should be able to achieve our goal very quickly. My goal is to at least release an intro chapter this summer. I already have a guy from my LBP2 that has joined. Ideally I want two more artist, but of course, the more the merrier. I expect you to have some deal of skill. If you are interested, please contact me. Thanks for reading! | 2016-07-17 00:31:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
Really impressed! I'm someone who's only really played and beaten FF10 HD of the Final Fantasy series, but I've tried 10-2 HD and I've seen how the Active Time Battle system works. Really impressed at how you've improvised it into the Reaction Time Battle system for this project! I also like how you implemented a level progression system ![]() ![]() | 2016-07-17 04:53:00 Author: gurren009 ![]() Posts: 2592 |
I can help you with bunch of stuff but I don't know if I can invest all my time into this right now. I'm more worried about thermo issues with your game when your planning to add more. Plus do you have a realistic idea of when you wanna end your game? | 2016-07-17 05:23:00 Author: venat ![]() Posts: 715 |
I can help you with bunch of stuff but I don't know if I can invest all my time into this right now. I'm more worried about thermo issues with your game when your planning to add more. Plus do you have a realistic idea of when you wanna end your game? This is why I wanted to start off really small. We will go chapter by chapter. How long the game is really depends on how much help we can get. My goal is just to have the events past the first dungeon. I would love to create the first two just so we can use the save system to a better effect but I wont push our luck too much. It depends on how fast we can complete the first dungeon. I think before I tried to build the entire game, and ran into a lot of issues. We are going to focus on just the first dungeon of the game and release that. If we get a positive response from the community, then we can continue creating if the team wants to(I figured most of us may move to Dreams eventually. ) We can test a bunch of things like the leveling system, combat and alter it later perhaps based on community feedback. Also the thermometer is solid. It works well if I don't mix mobs too much. For instance if Fighting 3 mobs, if two of the monsters are identical, it saves a good amount of thermo. Since its the beginning of an RPG anyway, this works to our advantage. Also, the dungeons wont need any logic, unless you want to add it. I wanted to make this easier on everyone else. Here is the game running in LBP2 about a year ago. Its been greatly improved since, but should give an idea of the general flow of the dungeon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkAwwgBA9M - - - - - - - - - - Really impressed! I'm someone who's only really played and beaten FF10 HD of the Final Fantasy series, but I've tried 10-2 HD and I've seen how the Active Time Battle system works. Really impressed at how you've improvised it into the Reaction Time Battle system for this project! I also like how you implemented a level progression system ![]() ![]() Of course! Feedback is what we need. For the most part, I wont do anything entirely different. RTB just means there may be some QTE parts involved with the traditional Turnbased Combat Engine. Also the turns are handled by Time Guages(which is affected by the speed stat). A lot of it is built already. We mainly just need to make it pretty and test it out. | 2016-07-17 13:08:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
chapterr by chapter will run you into being tired of creating the game & people will eventually leave the group. Would do something like 3 Chapters. 3-4 levels. And see how that goes. Would you be okay with redoing the art style? It seems too plain for today's levels. http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/b1da3370eafcee8f69aa3ddd78cff61a1affa722.jpg Would only be the background and foreground objects that look like this. Enemies & character models wouldn't change. Can probably do effects in this way also. Pretty much just have 2 materials throughout your game. cardboard & sticker panel. Can add in more detail at the cost of less thermo then the way your're doing it now. Can get away with doing alot in a top down game. Worked on this more yesterday for fun. Photo looks like shyt cus you can't take good photos with the lbp cam in 3D. Only using the PS4 cam. http://i6.lbp.me/img/ft/a86ace32b73d0ebf03b4d5b63a0924ff210612ab.jpg So i would just ramp up the quality and just create a game for 3-4 levels. Most cases players don't play past that unless its really good really good. Which is kinda hard to balance a RPG that goes upward to lv99 and has stats & weapons and armor all the way to 99. So there is that issue. I would just end the game around lv25-30 and just add in Endgame content afterwards on your own. | 2016-07-17 20:08:00 Author: venat ![]() Posts: 715 |
Ok, yea 3-4 levels would be the first two chapters. To give you an idea of what would need to be built. The dungeons go in this order. ALSO POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR PLAYERS. This is a development thread. If you just want to play the game and not know a lot going in, I would wait for the reveal thread. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dungeons: Underwater Temple- Very Dark, Thunder Element based-Future Era Mountain Pass in the Sky-Past Era Fire Temple-Past Era Also includes the world map that is in a Sandy desert region. As you can see most of the first two chapters will take place in a more traditional RPG setting. Yes, we would need to change the artwork lol. I would probably stay away from too much sticker panel for this game. Mostly because half of the game is set in a bit of a technology age and some of the characters are pretty complex(Like the summons). You would be a good fit for the project. You have been diligent in creation as much, if not more, than I have. I would just look for one more person if you join and we would have four. Edit: Not sure about the 3D camera. We will have to mess with it. I had in mind more of the Chrono Trigger view and occasionally some 2D shots-mostly for cutscenes. The menus use a Movie camera too. This view may could be used for the world map! | 2016-07-17 20:44:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
Aw, I really wish this was opened to group development earlier, I would have loved to join! Unfortunately, my life is just too busy at the moment and LBP is just the thing I care least about compared to other priorities (I love it, but it has the least gain from it. It just makes more sense for me to focus on m possible careers which I also love). I really hope this gets done though or presentational at least! | 2016-07-18 11:47:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
As for the world map, I think you should keep it topdown. 3D will only limit the amount of exploration you can potentially put in your game. | 2016-07-18 14:19:00 Author: gurren009 ![]() Posts: 2592 |
Aw, I really wish this was opened to group development earlier, I would have loved to join! Unfortunately, my life is just too busy at the moment and LBP is just the thing I care least about compared to other priorities (I love it, but it has the least gain from it. It just makes more sense for me to focus on m possible careers which I also love). I really hope this gets done though or presentational at least! Yep I got really involved starting my career so that explains why I didn't have time to finish myself. This project won't take too much commitment compared to other projects since I already built the logic and is responsible for all the assembly. That's why I am saying we build the first dungeon and take it from there. Worse case scenario we release the introductory parts and it's still unlike anything in LBP that has successfully published. - - - - - - - - - - As for the world map, I think you should keep it topdown. 3D will only limit the amount of exploration you can potentially put in your game. I agree. We don't really need to add a bunch of features that would delay the game any further. It has plenty of new stuff already. We can add more in future installments should the community ask for it. I mainly just need artist to speed up the dungeon designs. No logic experience is required. The artist can focus on the eyecandy and I can focus on programming. | 2016-07-18 18:46:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
I'd be interested in making assets but it would only be limited to lbp2 compatible objects for now. I'm a little lost in where to start though, so if there's any themed dungeons that need some dark and dank jail cells, with rundown walls, or maybe some magical alchemy room inspired by morrowind and other weird environments. I'd be willing to experiment somehow, but really, lbp2 stuff only. EDIT: Okay so I have LBP3 now.. If you are looking for a top down map designer I will try to do that but it would be nice to know what can be in the map before it is designed, such as collectables, what layer it's on, boss rooms, and anything that might need physical space to work . I can do side scrolling but either way, info on the level would help build the physical part of it. | 2016-07-24 20:16:00 Author: Lucidess ![]() Posts: 42 |
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