Informal Suit Studio - A studio to unite creative players
Archive: 9 posts
What is our focus? >>Our focus is to make fun levels for the community to enjoy, together. Simply we will work like a normal game dev company but in LBP3! >>Users who are in the studio receive a key card (there is 3 of them, I'm going to talk about one of them) that can unlock member's list (It isn't finished since we don't have much members)... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I already have somethings done about the studio like ranks, community page (PS4), rules.... I made a level in LBP3, explaining everything about: How to join, specialities, jobs, etc... so if you wanna check it out please do ![]() - http://lbp.me/v/qyy683k/activity - (This link might not work since I'm always updating the rules/jobs list/FAQ list) *Please keep in mind that only PS4 users may join as it would be dificult to manage a team where PS3 users are also in, my PS3 broke so there's no way I can play with those players. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a little list explaining a bit about us: - There's not too much people in the team so there's not much we can make together yet. - Please be mature when working together. - When requesting to join, request via review section of the level/PM me telling me your speciality** and job**. **Specialities are: Logic, design, music and writer (all of these are explained when playing the level), jobs is for people in the studio to make a contract (<--- explained in the book given at the end of the level) with you, you may choose 1-3 jobs max. according to your speciality. - If you have FNAF (Five nights at freddy's - horror game) projects please, don't request to join us, we want to make levels for the community to enjoy and not overused level idea please. - If you don't know anything about creating, don't bother join us, every person who tried to join us have tried to take advantage of making others work for them and that's not good. - When requesting to join, make some projects so we can determine whether or not you can join us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Q:What is yourtimezone? A:Lisbon +00:00 (I dont know if that answers your question since idk much about timezones) Q ![]() A:Yes, if they actually WORK then yes. Q:Can I PM you on PSN? A:Yes, but I reccomend playing my level first so you know all of the details. Q ![]() A:No, we respect people who get tired of playing and want to relax. Q:Is there any project the studio has right now? A:Yes, a long topdown view stealth game with story. Q:How many members does the studio have and what are their speciality? A:5, me and I am good with logic, another player who is a gun model maker and the rest are people who help me control the studio. Q:What jobs are available? A:The jobs list are available at the level in LBP3. Q:What are contracts? A:When people have a level they need help with, they can make a contract with the right people according to their rank and job(s). Q:Why should I join? A:If you want to have a team to make levels with, make new friends and just simply have fun, then consider requesting to join! Q:I want to join but I'm not good at anything can you teach me? A:No, sorry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jobs List: >>Logic - Top down logic maker [Valuable] - Fighting game maker [Valuable] - RPG logic maker - Spionage logic maker [Valuable] - Calculator maker [Valuable] - Operative system (OS) maker [Valuable] - Zombie logic - Run 'n' shoot game maker - FPS Shooter game maker - Logic teacher - Survival logic maker - Engine maker - Infinite level (Mobile phone styler) maker - Advanced logics [Valuable] - Save data logic maker >>Design - Vehicle maker - Helicopter maker - Logo maker [Valuable] - War costume designer - Anime costume designer [Valuable] - Menu interface designer - User interface designer - Top down level designer [Valuable] - House designer [Valuable] - Gun model designer [Valuable] - Mediaval weapon designer [Valuable] - Background designer >>Music - Cinematic music maker [Valuable] - Sad music maker [Valuable] - Techno/EDM music maker - Dubstep music maker [Valuable] - Music recreator [Valuable] - Rock music maker - Classic-styled music maker >>Writer - Apocalipse story writer - Fighting game story writer [Valuable] - War story writer - Mediaval story writer - Comedy story writer - Plot twist story writer [Valuable] **Jobs who have valuable after the name is the type of jobs that people are most likely to have permission to join, however this might change overtime. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Studio head jobs (Jobs who are aimed at the control of the studio) >>Head leader - ricpedrit (me) >>1st sub-leader - RFAD >>2nd sub-leader - OPEN >>LBPU Representative - OPEN >>Commnity page mods - ricpedrit; RFAD; Yottbyte. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have some questions please feel free to ask me! ![]() I know it's annoying to play a level in LBP to know more but just recently I found this site so, writting everything I wrote in the level into the forum will take some time. (I also made blogs about us so if you want to know more, visit my profile) | 2016-03-14 17:31:00 Author: Pokitaruu ![]() Posts: 6 |
Maybe you should make something with the current team while more members pop up to show off how well your current group can create. It would entice more to want to join, and also act as a show of what level of skill you are expecting from those that want to join. | 2016-03-15 06:15:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Maybe you should make something with the current team while more members pop up to show off how well your current group can create. It would entice more to want to join, and also act as a show of what level of skill you are expecting from those that want to join. Yeah i know, currently I'm making a project myself. (I just didnt announce it cuz it's not even half way finished) | 2016-03-15 11:53:00 Author: Pokitaruu ![]() Posts: 6 |
Couple things to help recruit people: A) What's FNAF? I'm not familiar with this and I'm sure I'm not the only one. B) Who's in the team currently? What do they do (Logic, Design, etc.) C) What kinds of projects are you looking into making? Genre, length, other info? D) Perhaps also have a PSN-only (no LBP startup required) method (or at least not a specific level) of requesting join as going to a specific level and leaving a review is kind of tedious E) How often do members have to be online? What is your time zone? This is often the hardest part of collaborating as some people will just drop off the face of the earth for a while. F) Do you accept temporary members who can't play for long periods of time but have about a couple weeks to work on a project? | 2016-03-16 00:37:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
Couple things to help recruit people: A) What's FNAF? I'm not familiar with this and I'm sure I'm not the only one. B) Who's in the team currently? What do they do (Logic, Design, etc.) C) What kinds of projects are you looking into making? Genre, length, other info? D) Perhaps also have a PSN-only (no LBP startup required) method (or at least not a specific level) of requesting join as going to a specific level and leaving a review is kind of tedious E) How often do members have to be online? What is your time zone? This is often the hardest part of collaborating as some people will just drop off the face of the earth for a while. F) Do you accept temporary members who can't play for long periods of time but have about a couple weeks to work on a project? A)FNAF is Five nights at freddy's (Famous horror game, it's allover in the community rightnow) B)In the team we only have a logic specialist (me) and a gun model maker. C)Stealth project, with story and a large game. D)I have a community page in the PS4 you can request to join, I said to play the level because the level has info about us and you can always PM me (PSN ID:ricpedrit) E)My time zone is from Lisbon +00:00 (i really don't know how to answer that question since idk much about timezones). You don't have to be active most of the time, people who are tired should NOT overwork. F)Yes, I myself can only play for short periods of time, people who actually WORK and take many breaks can join us. Any more questions just ask! ![]() | 2016-03-16 12:09:00 Author: Pokitaruu ![]() Posts: 6 |
Ah, you added a job list! That makes things a lot easier for people to know if joining is a thing they would want to do. I would help out, but I really am pushing myself to finish the project I am working on right now | 2016-03-17 12:39:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
I'd like to join, I'm going to try and apply when I get home - - - - - - - - - - Oh yeah...What about Voice Actors, Animators, Camera guy, FX specialist, Resource Manager or 3rd Person Action Logic Specialist (not top down but applying axis (x,y,z) within the world) | 2016-03-23 18:22:00 Author: mwalker8028 ![]() Posts: 2 |
I'd like to join, I'm going to try and apply when I get home - - - - - - - - - - Oh yeah...What about Voice Actors, Animators, Camera guy, FX specialist, Resource Manager or 3rd Person Action Logic Specialist (not top down but applying axis (x,y,z) within the world) Voice actors are people you gather by making a level that asks for people who want to do voice acting, I don't think voice acting should be a job because if you imagine someone registering only as a voice actor he/she would not contribute much for the team since it's rare to have levels where people voice act. Animator job is a great Idea, can't belive I forgot that one! Camera guy is not needed I mean, if you know logic you probably know how to use cameras, FX specialist is something I think that shouldn't exist as job for our studio. What do you mean resource manager? "3rd person action logic" is something tht I might add. | 2016-03-24 11:06:00 Author: Pokitaruu ![]() Posts: 6 |
I don't mean these as separate jobs from the ones listed I just noticed that they weren't mentioned. For example I Write stories so eventually end up writing dialogue for conversations and I voice the villain, because my voice is deep and loud. Therefor I would place voice actor under writer with voice type as a sub skill. Of course FXspecialist would be listed under the design sub skill for obvious reasons. As you said Camera man would be listed under logician as a sub skill. and etc. Like zombie logic would be a sub class for AI logic. resource manager would be for managing the thermo logic so that things run smoothly without horrendous laggy and frame rate issues. Another sub class for Logician | 2016-03-25 10:30:00 Author: mwalker8028 ![]() Posts: 2 |
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