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(2 Videos) Parkour Sackbot (Edge Engine) Featuring Update Vlogs.

Archive: 4 posts


Hello LittleBigPlanet Central community,

For some time now I've been working on a sackbot that can perform Parkour/Free-Running manoeuvres (dubbed the Edge Engine), as well as a detailed demonstration level to accompany it in LittleBigPlanet 3. The demonstration level has taken weeks of work and there's still some work to be done, but the sackbot works fine in a crude "engine" development level. As I add more features to the sackbot, I'll post update this thread with more videos showing the new features I've added.


Current Version:
Preview 2

Latest News
This is essentially a blog which will feature daily news about the new additions/changes I've made to the sackbot. It also serves as a development log for myself. Feel free to check it out!

Current Features:
? Wall-Climbing (includes: jumping back, sliding down)
? Wall-Running
? Ledge-Vaulting (includes: pulling-up, jumping back)
? Bar/Pole Swinging (needs work)
? Climbing Ladders (includes: jump back)
? Landing Rolls (includes: a "slam" landing)
? Crawling
? Sliding down slopes
? Monkey Bars (needs work)
? Fall-Damage/Death (includes: safe landing zones)
? **Custom Respawn Point
? **Custom Animations
? **Custom loading and game over screen
? Sliding
? Swimming (fully completed)
? Climbing Pipes (Includes: jump back, sliding down)
? Sprinting (includes longer reaching jumps)
? Vaulting (automatically jump over small obstacles/walls)

New Features yet to be shown:
? Steps (1-2-'big air' boxes)
? WIP Melee combat


Video Logs Playlist:



Update 2 with commentary (Video 2)

Features new ability footage along with commentary, future plan explanation and a purview of the demo level.


Thanks for viewing my post. Any feedback on my progress so far is welcomed! I'll update the thread where needed and add new videos when there are new abilities. Also, don't forget to keep an eye out on the level showcase within the next month for the demonstration level.
2016-02-25 11:58:00

Posts: 23

Wow, EDGE_ELITE, this is incredible! Fantastic new possibilities for fantastic new ideas! I wish you good progress, many greatings, Jürgen^^2016-02-26 09:36:00

Posts: 3981

Thank you very much Jürgen! Hopefully I'll have that demo out sooner rather than later so people can try it out!2016-02-26 12:23:00

Posts: 23

I'm looking forward to play the demo! 2016-02-27 14:52:00

Posts: 3981

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