What the hell is wrong with people?!?
Archive: 72 posts
It's a time consuming process to publish a level, then playthrough and upload pics asap to catch people's interest. It really really burns me when in this short time, the first few people that come in to play give you a complete BS 1-star rating and tag your level as "Boring". After crap like this, usually your rating is destroyed permanently thanks to the preset rating setting when you finish a level. So this usually means deleting and republishing all over, another 15 minutes of your life wasted. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people that they have to hate on your level just because it's not theirs. | 2009-03-06 14:32:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Sadly this does happen because of the stupid system. When i uploaded my level which is very hard, it got 1 star straight away and kept at that then. But because of a glitch or something the level failed to load for people so i reuploaded it. Then someone liked it and gave it 4 stars and now it's kept as that. It's a shame, but oh well. | 2009-03-06 15:09:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Obviously, you forgot to put a badly designed ramp, unglued rocket skateboards, thousands of unmissable prize and point bubbles and an H4H tag, noob! ... ![]() Sarcasm over, I get what you're saying. I think the problem is as follows : 1- Immature players don't like difficult or story-driven levels. Which is fine, to each his own tastes. 2- Immature players, or players who don't particularly like a style of level, will quit the level before the end. This is fine also, you shouldn't be forced to play a level you don't find appealing. 3- Those players who didn't like the level, for whatever reason, are then FORCED TO RATE IT. This is the big problem I see. Obviously if the player doesn't like Racing levels, they're going to rate a racing level poorly even if it's a very high quality racing level. Real world example : I don't like or listen to rap music. If you force me to rate a rap song, I'm obviously not going to be able to rate it fairly. So yeah, I'm willing to bet if they made rating and tagging optional, we would see a lot less of this kind of thing. | 2009-03-06 15:17:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I find the entire concept of disliking a level for having any semblance of story amusing. The entirety of the Mm levels are story driven, but yet, when you add in more than a few speech bubbles to your levels, you get a few people coming by condeming you for doing so. Anyways, I realize now my first post was quite emotionally driven. It's a real blow when you work so hard to deliver a top-notch experience and your first customers come and burn the place down with negative energy. I suppose its far too much to ask for people to be considerate enough to stop and think "hey maybe this person worked really hard on this and even though its not my thing, I should be fair" I 100% agree on the forced-to-rate system being garbage. But, we've had this discussion ongoing in other threads so I suppose I'll say no more of it here. | 2009-03-06 15:28:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Well, I just wanted you to realize that it's not all the players' fault. There are players that won't like your level, it's a fact of life. There are far far far far fewer players that would dislike your level enough to give it a bad rating if they didn't have to. I like to give the LBP community a little bit of credit... even though they DID keep Ramp on the Cool Levels page 1 for ages. ![]() | 2009-03-06 15:39:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Keep in mind - in many cases you are NOT dealing with mature people who are making a cognitive decision to rate your level poorly. There are probably a hundred thousand kids 10 years old and under who have absolutely no idea the time and energy it takes to build a level. I watched my own 7-year-old boy go into a level - a GOOD one, get frustrated, leave, and rate it 1 star. (and by the way, the author was one my FRIENDS LIST!!! AAAAAAGGGGHHHH - but it wasn't you, Thegide). He said it was too hard. I said "watch this" and prompty aced the level and re-established my 5 star rating on the level. Then I had him try to build some of the things that were in the level in create mode. I taught him a lesson - just because you aren't good at it does not mean the author deserves you to rate his level low, nor does it mean it should be hidden from others with skill greater than yours. Very few of the people playing your level when you publish it have ANY idea there is an author back there with 100 hours invested - not getting paid - hoping some people will end up enjoying it. So until this rating system is fixed (if ever) we just have to take ratings with a grain of salt. | 2009-03-06 15:41:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
The rating systems is unfari and really doesn't give a good view of most levels. I hate being forced to rat levels, but I try to rate them all fairly. If the visuals are good and I can see that someone who enjoys the subject would love it then rate them well. Seriously though - prize bubbles everywhere is nearly always a one star ![]() You WOULD get less ratings on your levels if it wasn't forced, but I agree, it would give a fairer view of your level ![]() | 2009-03-06 15:50:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
My problem with rating is that I really don't want to hurt peoples feelings, lol. I wouldn't want to play a level built by a young kid and then totally tank it with one star and call it 'you SUCK!'. I'd feel terrible. | 2009-03-06 15:59:00 Author: Boogaloo ![]() Posts: 254 |
We can have endless topics regarding the same problems. Here again it's the stupid rating system that is totally broken. And when you had this to the total lack of level promoting the game does + the wierd functionning of the community pages, you're in for a topic like this everyday. What I suggest is that we team up and play our levels under a key system before we publish them. I think I will totally do it with my next level. I mean, we are a bunch of decent creators here and I guess we can "team up" against the flaws of the game. . | 2009-03-06 16:09:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
What I suggest is that we team up and play our levels under a key system before we publish them. I think I will totally do it with my next level. I mean, we are a bunch of decent creators here and I guess we can "team up" against the flaws of the game. That's a very good idea - I was actually planning this for my next level. There are a surprising amount of haters in the game, and everyone here is serious about level creation, and appreciate the work involved. | 2009-03-06 16:19:00 Author: Boogaloo ![]() Posts: 254 |
I like this suggestion as well, Ranger. We should post scheduled releases on the forum. Date & time, so that we can get a quick influx of people in to play and rate, keeping the locked time minimal (after all, we only have 1 week to get famous right?) | 2009-03-06 16:31:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
I like this suggestion as well, Ranger. We should post scheduled releases on the forum. Date & time, so that we can get a quick influx of people in to play and rate, keeping the locked time minimal (after all, we only have 1 week to get famous right?) This is another thing I would like to know and that Media Molecule doesn't explain. I wonder if a locked level counts toward the seven days... . | 2009-03-06 18:04:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I would assume it does, given the context in which they use locked levels themselves, which is for bonus levels (i.e. survival challenges, sequels) Most of us published locked because we want backups of our work in progress, or because we are testing. Your moon *should* be sufficient for this (I think that's what they intended anyways). However, it's clearly not, given corrupt game data and the lack of profile space. Therefore, many of our publications are for storage purposes and not for publicly playable levels, but I suspect the game does not distinguish because this is not the intended use of locked levels. | 2009-03-06 19:11:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
I would assume it does, given the context in which they use locked levels themselves, which is for bonus levels (i.e. survival challenges, sequels) Most of us published locked because we want backups of our work in progress, or because we are testing. Your moon *should* be sufficient for this (I think that's what they intended anyways). However, it's clearly not, given corrupt game data and the lack of profile space. Therefore, many of our publications are for storage purposes and not for publicly playable levels, but I suspect the game does not distinguish because this is not the intended use of locked levels. Anyways, when the level is ready, we republish it on another spot and the people with the key all go and rate it. . | 2009-03-06 22:55:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I agree RangerZero. You should make a LBPC club, or whatever they're called. | 2009-03-07 11:14:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
I'm def up for that idea. When I first published my level, I got Brilliant's and Beautiful's, but my friend started killing it with 3 star ratings because his humor is to be an a$$hole :| so I republished it, and now it's at "Short" and "Tricky" and other not-too-appealing tags, tho at a 4 star rating! (last I checked) Either way, I'd love to lock'm up and release'm with some real creators looking at it constructively and having a good time before the 8 year olds with ADHD get a hold of the rating screen ![]() | 2009-03-07 15:19:00 Author: superezekiel ![]() Posts: 120 |
We will contact you guys soon enough. I have a couple of ideas... . | 2009-03-07 22:59:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I had a similar idea that I may implement. There are certain creators who's levels always earn 5 stars and a heart from me and it makes sense to join together and get a level off to a good start. | 2009-03-07 23:32:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
This is a great idea, an official thread with details should be made ![]() | 2009-03-07 23:41:00 Author: Pinchanzee ![]() Posts: 805 |
Im game, my levels suck, but i want to hear it from credible people. I accidently published a virtualy blank level, and it got a 4 star rating and hearted a few times. It was a "garage" of all my created items, no point, just stuff. | 2009-03-12 05:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I blame H4H. OOOOOHHH! NEWB LVL LET ME SPAM H4H COMMENTS ON IT NEWB CREATORS WANT H4H!!!! Thats DRT99's theory on why levels that are pure turd masqerading as vomit get more hearts that actually decent levels. There are a few exceptions, like Azure palace. | 2009-03-13 02:23:00 Author: DRT99 ![]() Posts: 431 |
I'm def up for that idea. When I first published my level, I got Brilliant's and Beautiful's, but my friend started killing it with 3 star ratings because his humor is to be an a$$hole :| so I republished it, and now it's at "Short" and "Tricky" and other not-too-appealing tags, tho at a 4 star rating! (last I checked) Actually, when I don't have much time to play, the Short tag has its appeal. ![]() And I'm all for teaming up to push new levels here, time zones permitting. ![]() | 2009-03-16 13:29:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Excellent idea, I would be more than up for this. Count me in. | 2009-03-16 13:54:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
I've recently published Glider Race, a pretty simple level by my standards. When making various changes to it, I opted to delete and publish new instead of just overwriting to see the results. The first publish : tagged with Electric (?), Slow and Floaty. 3 stars and there was an elaborate H4H comment. The second publish : tagged with Boring (I think, I don't remember that well because it didn't stay up long). 1 star and no comments. The third publish : tagged with Relaxing, Bubbly (?) and Easy (I think). 3 stars and a comment saying only "H4H" which I promptly deleted. I don't know what to make of it really. The tags are obviously just picked at random from the first set of random results the game presents you with, which I think is more a problem with the tagging system than with the players themselves (who wants to spend the next five minutes looking for the right tag? I do it, but I still find it annoying.). The star rating seems fair at 3 stars... but that also happens to be the default setting I think. The only comments I got were H4H, which makes me wonder how so many people know about and participate in it... where did this plague start from? | 2009-03-16 13:58:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Yeah - the tags are freakin' random. It would be better to put up an alphabetical list to select from. I've spent ridiculous amounts of time cycling through the tags to find a specific one (and then accidentally pressed the button again. Aaaarggh!), and I'm virtually certain that 75% of players don't do this. | 2009-03-16 14:05:00 Author: Boogaloo ![]() Posts: 254 |
i'm one of the 25%. i do my best to tag it with something relevant to the level. About the poor ratings because someone can't finish the level... this is pretty dumb, since anyone with half a brain can see the quality of a level 35 seconds in. the difficulty should have nothing to do with your rating of a level, but instead it should be tagged with difficult. many levels i've played i cannot finish, but i rate them at a fair rate because you can truly see the time it takes to put into the level when you don't immediately hear the "breaking" sound of something in the level, there's music, and sound effects when you enter, a background that is not the empty space, and cutom content before you even reach the first challenge. If anyone wants to make the "guild of creators" i'll happily play and rate any LBPC member's stuff legitimately, comment of the level, post my images on the level and find an appropriate tag. If anyone wants to add me as a friend on the PS3, just message me and i'll play your level as soon as i log back on. My time zone is the tokyo time zone, as i live in Japan. My PSN is TJapan. | 2009-03-16 14:14:00 Author: TJapan ![]() Posts: 225 |
Just keep something in mind about poor ratings because someone can't finish a level - the problem is unfortunately young immature kids - MANY under 8-years-old, who not only have no concept of what it takes to build a level but also truly believe that the level IS terrible because they can't finish it. The rating problem is absolutely NOT the general audience. We, as creators, many times sit there watching our heart ratio and ratings go down because we built a challenging level - picturing teens and adults sitting there being jerks. But the truth of the matter is - generally it's much more innocent. These kids really have no idea what they're doing. I've watched my 7-year-old and his friends play and they don't do well because it's a REAL game they will automatically put a 1 star rating on it. (I've educated him on it so this doesn't happen anymore) And I truly believe that more and more kids are getting this game, and represent a greater percentage of the players. | 2009-03-16 19:16:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I think MM should implement a tag system for creators, much the same as you tag a level after playing it. This way you could specify exactly what type of the level it is, what it involves etc etc. This could appear on the first screen and at least give players some indication before they load what they are in for. Locking levels to child accounts would'nt be a bad idea either to be honest, one simple checkbox would do it. | 2009-03-16 19:28:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Well, that would fit with my observations lately, that people generally are hearting a lot less. Sadly, you're right on the money though. Heart ratios are abysmal on any level with challenge. Could you imagine how the bunker would fare if it was left for public judging? Anyways, I've really adjusted my opinion of the significance of hearting lately. Seeing the influx of *author* hearts coming in from people playing my levels to death on the cool pages I've come to decide that these are much more important to me than h2p ratios. Kids and replay value are two variable in h2p ratios that extremely and unfairly skew these numbers. For now, the only real estimation of how *good* your level is I think lies in your COMMENTS page. | 2009-03-16 19:29:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Well, that would fit with my observations lately, that people generally are hearting a lot less. Sadly, you're right on the money though. Heart ratios are abysmal on any level with challenge. Could you imagine how the bunker would fare if it was left for public judging? Anyways, I've really adjusted my opinion of the significance of hearting lately. Seeing the influx of *author* hearts coming in from people playing my levels to death on the cool pages I've come to decide that these are much more important to me than h2p ratios. Kids and replay value are two variable in h2p ratios that extremely and unfairly skew these numbers. For now, the only real estimation of how *good* your level is I think lies in your COMMENTS page. Since our levels have kind of been "hand in hand" the last few days on the cool pages I've been watching pretty closely (and I know you have too because of our PSN messages back and forth). It's really interesting with Splat II - On saturday, when I would expect almost all the kids are home from school and playing - I got a lot of plays but practically NO hearts all day. However, around 8PM EST I started watching my hearts climb (25% hearts in the evening). Also, I got ALL of my author hearts (about 26 of them) in the evening. You faired better than I did with heart ratios, even though not technically amazing. Of course, your Idol of Palantcher level is more accessible than mine, and your MGS theme HAS a MGS theme and a child can play it for a while and have fun even if not finishing it - so it's pretty much what I would expect. Most kids get killed almost immediately in the POD sequence in Splat II, so I would honestly expect to get pummelled. | 2009-03-16 19:44:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
You know, I thought Idol of Palancthar was child's-play, quite literally, but I still get barraged by comments on how hard the "trials" are, particularly, the stone hopping and rotating wheel segments. I get surprised by how uneven the hearts come in also... I'll get a cluster that bumps me way up, then I'll get 200 plays with nothing. I'm starting to think its culture related. I was getting a lot of author hearts during the day, but it seems that I get better level heart ratios at night. | 2009-03-16 22:06:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Indeed, some of the ratings and tags people give online..... seemingly randomly..... can be really annoying. Im confident that "Danmaku Rave" COULD be worth maybe 4 stars, possibly.... but I just KNOW that some low ratings were likly given by various players who were demolished by the thing. And I swear, some people just pick tags at random! Many of the tags that were selected are mostly accurate. .....but at least a few people put down the "easy" tag. Anyone who's tried this fight knows that "easy" isnt exactly the word to describe it. Im above 800 plays now on there.... but only 7 people are on the scoreboard, and one of them is me. As such, that tag just bugs the heck outta me. | 2009-03-17 11:57:00 Author: Bridget ![]() Posts: 334 |
You know, I thought Idol of Palancthar was child's-play, quite literally, but I still get barraged by comments on how hard the "trials" are, particularly, the stone hopping and rotating wheel segments. I get surprised by how uneven the hearts come in also... I'll get a cluster that bumps me way up, then I'll get 200 plays with nothing. I'm starting to think its culture related. I was getting a lot of author hearts during the day, but it seems that I get better level heart ratios at night. I kept track of the heart/play ratios with Splat II AND your levels for the last week, and a level with any challenge at all seem to get a lot less hearts during the time I suspect kids are playing. At night I was getting 25% hearts! But Splat II is at a bit of a disadvantage. My 7 year old can NOT finish Splat II, but he pretty much blows throw Idol of Palancther. So, you're absolutely right. And I swear, some people just pick tags at random! Many of the tags that were selected are mostly accurate. .....but at least a few people put down the "easy" tag. On cool pages for this whole last week I was also watching my tags. During "kiddie" times the frustrating and tricky tags got bigger and bigger. Later at night the brilliant and satisfying tags would get bigger. It was interesting to watch. I'm not a total nut - I just figured this may be my last chance to really study it. With level creating I'm kind of out of ideas AND energy for the time being. | 2009-03-17 13:26:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
If I couldn't get past the 'tricky' bits in Palancthar I wouldn't broadcast the fact, lol. Some people are shameless. Feedback soon btw. | 2009-03-17 13:38:00 Author: Boogaloo ![]() Posts: 254 |
Woah... It's 1 year ago! My time machine worked! | 2009-03-17 14:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I like that idea, that can save many challenging levels considering the amount of players that think a level is bad just because they couldn't pass it. So if you make something like that, send me a message, i'll be glaad to join ![]() | 2009-03-20 00:29:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I remember spending about 10 minutes shuffling through the tags ( I missed the tag once ) searching for "Fun" simply because it wasn't amazing, it wasn't long, short, or beautiful, it was just fun... 10 Minutes, and I never found it, my friend that was there was like "Dude wow just put something and let's find another level." It's stuff like this that probably have you end up with random tags. My "The Darkness" level has the tag "Braaains..." ...Wtf?! | 2009-03-20 02:29:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
What's funny (or not so funny) is that on top of being forced to sift through random tags... a lot of them are somewhat redundant, making the whole process more tedious. Mechanical, Machines, Machinery... yeah... | 2009-03-20 11:15:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I remember spending about 10 minutes shuffling through the tags ( I missed the tag once ) searching for "Fun" simply because it wasn't amazing, it wasn't long, short, or beautiful, it was just fun... 10 Minutes, and I never found it, my friend that was there was like "Dude wow just put something and let's find another level." It's stuff like this that probably have you end up with random tags. My "The Darkness" level has the tag "Braaains..." ...Wtf?! I also think some people think "Braaains..." means it took brains to create it, not necessarily brains to play it. Add that kind of thinking in there and you have a fee-for-all. But if you get several thousand plays on your level the predominant ones seem to come to the top and make sense. | 2009-03-20 11:51:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I`ve put the Braaains tag on a level that was obviously hard to make but not particularly hard to play before. I would take it as a compliment. 'Hoists' is the one that has me asking what Mm were thinking about. | 2009-03-20 14:43:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
I like beautiful tags lol. Imo: Beautiful: Awesome Graphics Brilliant: Good idea and good execution/polish Great: Blend of Gameplay and Good enough Graphics Ingenious: awesome idea/work (calculator, tic tac toe etc.) | 2009-03-22 03:26:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
Rubbish: A great level that is akin to a pile of wonderfulness. I use this one a lot. | 2009-03-22 03:35:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Rubbish: A great level that is akin to a pile of wonderfulness. I use this one a lot. You forgot: Ramp:5 stars, H4H, Best LBP level Yet!!1111!!!111!1 Z0mGGz :hero: | 2009-03-22 09:03:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
I think Lousy is worse than Rubbish. Does anyone else agree? Hoists is my favorite tag. I'd be honored if people left it on my level. Makes me smile every single time. and on the subject of people saying they couldn't get past your "idol" level, thegide.... Centralia - A Ghost story spent several months on page 5 of cool levels. That level to me is one of the easiest levels EVER. We designed it that way so anyone could make it though it. I would CONSTANTLY get comments that said "plz make dis easier, yo!" or "too hard" .... It left my husband and i scratching our heads. | 2009-03-22 18:57:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
There seems to be a good number of players that just don't want to have to think about how to finish a level or have to play it a few times to get through a tricky section. I admit it - I play levels where I get squashed in the same spot 10-15 times before I can get through. And occasionally I've been known to "speak in tongues" to the television screen about the difficulty of a section or about a level in general. Doesn't mean I'm automatically going to smack it with a frustrating, rubbish or lousy tag. But then again I'm an older player and I agree age of the player most definitely contributes to how your level is labeled. Is it wrong? I don't think so - it's just how each player perceives the level. Is it frustrating to a creator - You betcha! I just try to keep in mind that one group may like it and the other won't. Frankly I'm just having fun and doing the best I can and I know a lot of other creators out there are to. oh yea, for xkaapax - Hoists - you're welcome. ![]() | 2009-03-22 19:41:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Hmmm. I just finished a level. The default choices it's giving me are "Brilliant", "Hoists", or "Ramp". Which one of these describes it best?.... Let's see, I enjoyed the level and thought it was highly intelligently designed, but then again... there WAS a hoist and I had to walk up an inclined slope once... I usually put "Frustating" if I'm "frustrated" I can't draw as well as the creator. | 2009-03-22 20:22:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I got Hoists and Ugly on Siberia 4 over the last 24 hours. I'm guessing hoists cause there are a few lifts, but ugly, well..... I cant see how!!!! Your explanation of rubbish is spot on Ccubbage, I also use that one a lot, if you could only heart tags for quick access ![]() | 2009-03-22 20:27:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Well dude, what did you expect? I checked, and there was absolutely NO flowers or dinosaurs in Siberia 4. Didn't even see a single beautiful mountain scene. | 2009-03-22 21:24:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Well dude, what did you expect? I checked, and there was absolutely NO flowers or dinosaurs in Siberia 4. Didn't even see a single beautiful mountain scene. HARSH! ![]() I'm the eye candy queen and I thought Siberia 4 was nice to look at. More than that it's fun. I know I tend to be all "oh, it's pretty and shiny - it's great!" sometimes but levels gotta have some playability too. I'd hate to think I'm coming across as a visual elitist or something. | 2009-03-22 21:32:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
In the next edit I'll add a few flowers here and there, maybe a rooftop garden instead of those helecopters, i could have a little pond with fish in. I'll try to make it a little happier looking, not dark, evil and foreboding like I went for, ;-) I suppose I coud take the ugly as a compliment. It is supposed to be the headquarters of an evil genius after all. To me it meant it was awful to look at, and it was the place I spent the most time. When people leave the tags, it would be nice for an explanation, saying rubbish, lousy, or any of those without explanation confuses you as to what the problem is. | 2009-03-22 22:18:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
I usually put "Frustating" if I'm "frustrated" I can't draw as well as the creator. Really? I use "Ugly" for those occasions, because I'm so annoyed that people put "Ugly" on all my masterpieces, despite the fact that I spend upwards of 30 or even 40 minutes making a level. I usually put "frustrating" when I die once or don't finish the level with the highest score. I shouldn't have to try, that's stupid. | 2009-03-22 22:23:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
It's so bad out there that we are all overheating our sarcasm detectors... . | 2009-03-22 23:33:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Really? I use "Ugly" for those occasions, because I'm so annoyed that people put "Ugly" on all my masterpieces, despite the fact that I spend upwards of 30 or even 40 minutes making a level. I usually put "frustrating" when I die once or don't finish the level with the highest score. I shouldn't have to try, that's stupid. LOL - it would be less funny if it weren't so true for some players. *sigh* | 2009-03-23 03:48:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
This is most likely to be done by sad people who spend all their time playing games and rate levels low on LBP. For god's sake, these people are completely full of crap and think it's hilarious to do this. What I usually to those type of people couldn't even be mentioned here. ![]() | 2009-03-23 08:55:00 Author: Bear ![]() Posts: 2079 |
I think Ugly is by far the most offensive tag. I saw that on the Crystal Cave and I almost cried. It would be okay if I were kidding, but I'm not. Honestly, I really don't think the game should have mean tags like that. Ugly is so harsh. I'm wondering why they haven't added a "you're fat" or "you're worthless and should kill yourself" tag yet. | 2009-03-23 16:33:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I think Ugly is by far the most offensive tag. I saw that on the Crystal Cave and I almost cried. It would be okay if I were kidding, but I'm not. Honestly, I really don't think the game should have mean tags like that. Ugly is so harsh. I'm wondering why they haven't added a "you're fat" or "you're worthless and should kill yourself" tag yet. Haha I properly laughed out loud for that. The tag system could do with a re-think. Ones I'd like to see added are 'confusing' and 'unfinished' as most of the levels I end up playing fall into these catagories. Also the 1st batch of tags you have appear on screen should be nice, so that the tubes who just put the 1st thing they see will always give a compliment. | 2009-03-23 16:51:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
I think Ugly is by far the most offensive tag. I saw that on the Crystal Cave and I almost cried. It would be okay if I were kidding, but I'm not. Honestly, I really don't think the game should have mean tags like that. Ugly is so harsh. I'm wondering why they haven't added a "you're fat" or "you're worthless and should kill yourself" tag yet. LOL Personally my "favorite" one is "Rubbish". I mean, what the hell... . | 2009-03-23 17:53:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Yeah, I always wondered about these kinds of tags. It's especially frustrating for me because I have a 7-year-old who LOVES LittleBigPlanet and creates levels that for him are well-done. Then he publishes them and gets these horrible tags - as a parent I don't like the idea of people telling my son his work is "ugly" or "rubbish". His experience goes from "hey Daddy, look what I did!" to "I'm a TERRIBLE creator". He's actually one of the sweetest, nicest little kids you will ever meet. It confuses me a little - on the one hand, MM created a game that is fantastic for little kids, but at the same time punishes them for trying to share their work. Once again - GENRES!!!!!!!! If I could categorize my childs level so serious gamers stayed away from it, he could feel like he's part of the community also. (by the way, I would LOOOOVE it if someone saw one of these levels under CuzFeeshe and put a nice little remark under it. He did a "Volcano" level which is actually pretty amazing for a 7-year-old - did ALL the mechanics by himself.) | 2009-03-23 18:25:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
(by the way, I would LOOOOVE it if someone saw one of these levels under CuzFeeshe and put a nice little remark under it. He did a "Volcano" level which is actually pretty amazing for a 7-year-old - did ALL the mechanics by himself.) OMG - he is always on my highscore boards on my levels! That's awesome. I had no idea. I am so checking out his work tonight. | 2009-03-23 18:38:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Lol, Morgana, you know both Ccubbage and his son use the same PSN account right? I have a feeling it might be dad who's getting those high scores... of course I openly acknowledge the possibility that it's not! | 2009-03-23 18:54:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Lol, Morgana, you know both Ccubbage and his son use the same PSN account right? I have a feeling it might be dad who's getting those high scores... of course I openly acknowledge the possibility that it's not! *blush* Sorry blond moment apparently. I thought he had his own account separate from CCubbage. lol. Either way I'm still checking out his levels tonight. EDIT: Nope - blond. Just green in virtual reality. Although funny thing, in college it was Bright Red, then Purple, Then Blue, the Blue with turquise streaks..... yea - I've grown since then. I do miss the purple though ![]() Glad he likes them though - they are pretty kid friendly. | 2009-03-23 19:06:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Sorry Morgana - Thegide is right - "I'm" always on the high scores on your levels. I only have 1 PSN account so his levels and mine are together - but I moved his away from mine to prevent confusion. HOWEVER, that being said - he has successfully completed all of your Chroma Stone levels and loves them. And his FAVORITE LBP levels are "The Idol of Pilancthar" and "Asteroid! Pinball". I think he's played that pinball game 50 times. (the only level that he can play of mine is Dante's Temple). (and by the way, Morgana - I thought your hair was green). | 2009-03-23 19:39:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
(by the way, I would LOOOOVE it if someone saw one of these levels under CuzFeeshe and put a nice little remark under it. He did a "Volcano" level which is actually pretty amazing for a 7-year-old - did ALL the mechanics by himself.) What's the name of the level? Is it locked around the north pole? I wanted to try it. EDIT: I guess it's "good day"? I left him a comment. I think he's good. 7 years old and it did all that? that's nice. ![]() | 2009-03-24 02:58:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Actually, all the levels near the north pole are his except the locked one (which is the miniature golf game I've been working on). So, yes "Good Day" I think is the last one he published. "VolcaNo" is the one he did before that. | 2009-03-24 04:10:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Good Day is really cute. I especially liked his blue rock monster things with teeth... do those have a less vague name? Also his bridge is really fun to bounce on. He managed to singe me a few times on the stairs too. (tricky camera angle - lol) Not a bad level at all - and really great for 7! I left him a comment and since I'm the Paula Abdul of LBP, I had to heart it 4 stars (age appropriate)- it really is good in my opinion for his age. | 2009-03-24 06:27:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Good Day is really cute. I especially liked his blue rock monster things with teeth... do those have a less vague name? Also his bridge is really fun to bounce on. He managed to singe me a few times on the stairs too. (tricky camera angle - lol) Not a bad level at all - and really great for 7! I left him a comment and since I'm the Paula Abdul of LBP, I had to heart it 4 stars (age appropriate)- it really is good in my opinion for his age. Well, I'm the Randy "Yo dog that was some cool beats.. * I mean levels * going there dog G. You dog could be like dog, the next 50cent. Dog! Why don't we call this chilaxing puppy 7cent" lol. Or Simon, I swear he is the only good part of that show lol. "That sounded like a cat, falling off of the empire state building, and the noise it would make 3 seconds before it hit the ground" Or when he is having a bad day "That was absolutely dreadful" (not meant for your 7 year old. lol) Will get around to his levels then! ![]() EDIT: I'm going to tag his level great and give him 5 stars, great job. I could focus on what isn't good, but I mean, come on, he's seven. The mechanics for his boss were fairly decent, and I liked the crocodile/aligator/dragon guys. Good material choice. I liked the MM type style, showing emiters and stuff. GJ!! PS. Did you help him at all? Because you should do your best to help him make levels of a higher quality! You'd be amazed at the imagination of a 7 year old! EDIT2: I think VolcaNo is locked? | 2009-03-24 07:09:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
Kids make some hilarious and amazing levels. Avatar of Chaos's lil brother made a level called "The Death Punch" and I swear it was one of the most hilariously awesome things I've ever played. ![]() | 2009-03-24 12:31:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Yeah, I get a kick out of looking at his levels - and no, I didn't help him at ALL - however, in his "Tournament for all" he used some objects I was playing with. I would help him put together higher quality levels, but he REALLY wants to do it himself. He's determined that way. I'll check if Volcano is locked - he may have done that unintentionally. Thanks for the comments and stuff on his levels - it gave him a BIG smile this morning. | 2009-03-24 13:13:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Yeah, I get a kick out of looking at his levels - and no, I didn't help him at ALL - however, in his "Tournament for all" he used some objects I was playing with. I would help him put together higher quality levels, but he REALLY wants to do it himself. He's determined that way. I'll check if Volcano is locked - he may have done that unintentionally. Thanks for the comments and stuff on his levels - it gave him a BIG smile this morning. No problem! Better than any H4H level for sure. I almost rated it 1 star though, no rocket cheetahs! And NO RAMP!?!!? I must have been having a bleeding good day (jokes) | 2009-03-28 01:38:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
No problem, we'll rectify that. I'll make a new rule that he must put a rocket cheetah in each of his levels. | 2009-03-28 01:43:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
No problem, we'll rectify that. I'll make a new rule that he must put a rocket cheetah in each of his levels. Yes, and he must give me my answers for my homework! ![]() | 2009-03-28 01:52:00 Author: dkjestrup ![]() Posts: 672 |
I played a few of his levels tonight. I especially liked the volcano one. Left some pictures ![]() | 2009-03-28 03:55:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
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