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Gravity question

Archive: 4 posts


I'm wondering how that gravitything where the player is drawn to another surface, say the roof, works?
Is it a customiced work of logic or a logic from one of the downloadable packs? Perhaps the Muppets?

And a little followup question, if so, do you guys know if there are any more musthave things one can get from the downloadable packs and in that case from wich one, like the stickermaterial in the move pack for example?
2015-12-30 12:29:00

JL - wopdido
Posts: 56

The gravity thing works more like a magnet and I'm pretty sure everything is adjustable but I don't really remember. That material was pretty good as the logic to do that is a PAIN and it still doesn't look great when done (on LBP2). I think it also came with a chip to do the same thing as the material, but I'm not certain. I believe it was from the muppets (double check though as I'm only 65% sure about that)
As for must have things, DC comics was how you got the memorizer originally but I think they eventually jsut gave that out. If not, I'd get that (plus you get the Hero cape (swoop's R1 ability in LBP3)). Other than that, I can't say any of them were MUST gets, but they added a decent amount of things that I usually added one or two to my permanent toolset whereas the rest was a on need basis.
As for LBP1, the must get was pirates for the water just for a bit of trivia
2015-12-30 15:33:00

Posts: 1382

Thanks. You really can do something similar with logic in lpb2? Just of curiosity, how? Can you do logic on the player? Holograms and antigravity tool?2015-12-30 19:34:00

JL - wopdido
Posts: 56

You definitely can do the basic mechanics easily, as for curves, that's a little more difficult but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing it done somewhere before. Don't ask me how to do long curves though as that's a little out of my league for logic. Seems possible with enough thought though.2015-12-31 00:14:00

Posts: 1382

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