SCORE! Pinball Challenge
Archive: 6 posts
Hey folks. I'm looking for some feedback (and hearts and plays of course![]() My approach to the construction of this level was completely uninfluenced by other pinball levels. I worked and waited until I had finalized the gameplay aspects of the level, and then started searching the community to find hundreds of rather poor pinball levels. Thanks to LBPCentral, youtube, and google, I've been able to find a handful of spectacular pinball levels (from creators like urbandevil, larolaro, and FishBoneO) that I recommend in my own level, but they didn't influnce my machine's construction in the least. SCORE! is optimized for playability. I would like my level to exhibit the faster action and harder impact of real pinball tables, but the LBP universe, lacking a material that's both moveable and indestructable (and to a lesser degree, grabbable), doesn't allow it. I've opted for a sponge ball that confines you just enough to make sure you collect all the score bubbles you earn without being so boxed-in you're constantly dying due to impact or g-force. I'm considering building a new pinball machine with a coherent theme (something SCORE! lacks to a large degree) and perhaps a smaller ball, game physics allowing. ...so please let me know what you think! F4F? Hey, why not. ![]() | 2009-03-05 23:20:00 Author: discokrakken ![]() Posts: 108 |
Just had a go of your level + Liked the mechaism at the start to get the prize bubble + I went to the logic section first, I always like looking at that sort of thing. + You got some intresting stuff going on down there, and it was a nice addition + Liked the music select, great idea + The table itself if brilliant, loads going on, loads of points and controls really well + The detail is great, liked the aquarium in the table. + Liked the little touches, the please wait sign that comes down, and the bonus sign that go's down the screen + The lighting is great - Your first two speech bubbles have been moderated in the logic section, they appear as ***************** - Sackboy came out of the ball on two occasions. This was a great level, fun to play, excellent to look at with some great mechanics, good job ***** and hearted | 2009-03-06 10:27:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
- Your first two speech bubbles have been moderated in the logic section, they appear as ***************** Is this really moderation? I thought I was just trying to cram too many magic mouths in one spot, and they were glitching out at publish. There used to be just one speech bubble that got replaced with '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''', and my attempts to fix it created two. It's difficult to troubleshoot because everything looks fine on my moon, so I must edit, save, publish, and play for each troubleshooting attempt. Such a pain, but I should really try to fix this. ![]() - Sackboy came out of the ball on two occasions. Yeah, that's a fairly frequent problem... In previous builds, Sackboy wouldn't ever fall out, but he'd squish and die about 5 times as much as he falls out now. I'm not sure if this gameplay aspect could ever be perfect, but it's something I've spent lots of time tweaking. This was a great level, fun to play, excellent to look at with some great mechanics, good job ***** and hearted Thank you thank you! ![]() | 2009-03-06 14:17:00 Author: discokrakken ![]() Posts: 108 |
It's not moderation in the traditional sense.... your bubbles are censored by a language filter that recognizes bad words. Since it's a pinball level, I'm guessing you haven't actually used foul language, but there are a number of oddly-recognized words that trigger the auto-censor anyways. Words like "Happened" and "Computer" are two such examples... you simply cannot use them. We have an entire thread around here devoted to tracking oddly-censored words. I'm sure you can find it using search. | 2009-03-06 14:24:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
You can fit up to 8 magic mouths in one spot, the *****'s are moderation. | 2009-03-06 14:26:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Aha! I think I changed both of those text bubbles to say things like "Is this magic mouth glitchy?" / "...or is THIS the glitchy one?" So that must be it. Thanks for the help! ![]() | 2009-03-07 00:43:00 Author: discokrakken ![]() Posts: 108 |
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