Was this not a disappointing year for games?
Archive: 14 posts
Now, I have not played all the games, but I'm familiar with the bigger releases. I don't do PC-gaming and am speaking directly from a console viewpoint, but does it feel to anyone else that the games have gone back in quality a bit? Like, the most well liked games probably have to start with Witcher 3, which felt weirdly less impressive than its predecessor. It doesn't help that the graphics seemed worse as well. Sure, it's the biggest game you can probably get your hands on, but what does that matter when it doesn't feel all that fleshed out where it matters? Like, not a bad game, of course not, but it didn't exactly "Wow" me. Then there is Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain, which I just couldn't have fun with because of its less than interesting villain. Now, many games screw up with their bad guys, but a better game would've recovered from that. MGS5 just isn't a great game. It's repetitive and it does that very annoying thing of trying to justify misogynistic creative decisions with convoluted, nonsensible story-points that literally don't go anywhere. Then, the game tries to have me invested in its story after such a trainwreck. Spoilers: didn't happen, the game feels mediocre. Now, the third big game everyone's going on about, Fallout 4... Lackluster. It looks only a little better than Skyrim (2011) did, and it actually looks worse than Skyrim with mods. The gameplay is generic, uninventive and everything looks bland and colorless. I'm sure a lot of people like this one, but to me, it's just a big disappointment that doesn't do anything interesting. And don't get me even started on Star Wars: Battlefront 3. One day. I've played it ONE DAY and I'm already bored of it. It feels like Call of Duty. It feels exactly like Call of Duty. What a cash-grab. And of course it worked. I buyed it too. Gosh, I just bloody hate FPS-genre at the moment. Like, those are the biggest games so far. There is also the new Tomb Raider and Just Cause 3, which I have hopes for. Just, does anyone get me? Does it feel like the most inventive and creative game this year was a DLC to Dragon Age: Inquisition? Because, as much as I like the game, I don't want that to be the case. | 2015-11-17 17:41:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Hell no, it's been a great year! At least for me. 2016 looks like it could be even better! Witcher 3 was great IMO. Not normally my type of game, but I loved it. I'm a big Fallout fan, and I'm only in the early stages of 4, but I'm loving it so far. There were also a few great surprises. Mad Max was a good game. Until Dawn, Dying Light likewise. Also, lets not forget indie games! Rocket League, Tales from the Borderlands, Soma, Everyone's Gone to the Rapture etc etc. Of course it's natural to be weary of the "AAA genre", with the same games being pumped out every year. | 2015-11-18 11:40:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I've really enjoyed the last year of games for the most part. A few dogs, but overall I've had some wonderful experiences. Bloodbourne was a terrific surprise for me. Fantastic art direction and uncompromising game design. The story was deep and captivated me in it's themes and mystery. Batman: Arkham Knight was beautiful, emotional and great fun! Granted the Batmobile gameplay got a little tiresome, but the story and lush visuals kept me engaged in the world. Great end to a great series. Fallout 4 is my current obsession. I'm only a week into it but I really like it so far. Compelling to play and it has some excellent lighting and effects work. The weather system is gorgeous. Building settlements is a fantastically fun part of the game and probably what has me the most engaged in the world. The shooting stuff isn't really my thing but I do enjoy playing as a sniper mostly. Typcal of my archery rogue from Skyrim style. I expect this game will keep me busy well into 2016. Mortal Kombat X looked great but it didn't speak to me like it's predecessors did. Played it for about a week and it's sat on my shelf since. Shame. Star Wars Battlefront is a love letter in visual form to Star Wars fanboys and girls. It's attention to detail and stunning environments are every 7 year old playing with their action figures dream. The gameplay is very arcade like in that you can drop in and drop out without much commitment. It's not a deep game with long missions or long story arcs but if you want a quick fix of action in a world you are already smitten with, it's fun. The thing I've noticed most about this particular game is it's the small moments that make it fun. The tiny events that create stories themselves. Chasing down the Falcon with Slave One or storming into the rebel base as Vadar bringing terror in your wake... it's those moments that redeem the lack of deep gameplay for me. It's not everyone's cup of tea and that's cool too. Mad Max, while an epic film, left me disappointed in the game. Real shame as that world is very interesting and would have been fun to have a Skyrim treatment in it. Rock Band 4 has broken my heart. I don't want to talk about that more. Everybody's Gone to Rapture was fun for about 3 days. No desire to revisit that one. As a story it's interesting, as a game it's visually lovely and that's about it. LBP3 (technically out in 2014) I'm biased about, but I really like it. ![]() Some real highs and a few lows. Overall it's been a really interesting year in gaming for me. I don't think I'm a typical gamer though. | 2015-11-18 12:29:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Mad Max, while an epic film, left me disappointed in the game. Real shame as that world is very interesting and would have been fun to have a Skyrim treatment in it. I haven't even seen the new Mad Max film yet (have seen all the others), but I was surprised at how much a liked the game. It's not perfect by any means, but it's fun, and the combat feels meaty and flows (I hate floaty, badly animated combat). It does suffer from open world bloat though, there's just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much to do. LBP3 (technically out in 2014) I'm biased about, but I really like it. ![]() I was left disappointed by this. Just didn't grab me. I bought it earlier this year, haven't even touched it in months.... | 2015-11-18 13:10:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
Star Wars Battlefront is a love letter in visual form to Star Wars fanboys and girls. It's attention to detail and stunning environments are every 7 year old playing with their action figures dream. The gameplay is very arcade like in that you can drop in and drop out without much commitment. It's not a deep game with long missions or long story arcs but if you want a quick fix of action in a world you are already smitten with, it's fun. The thing I've noticed most about this particular game is it's the small moments that make it fun. The tiny events that create stories themselves. Chasing down the Falcon with Slave One or storming into the rebel base as Vadar bringing terror in your wake... it's those moments that redeem the lack of deep gameplay for me. It's not everyone's cup of tea and that's cool too. This one I can't help getting vocal about. To me, apart from the visuals and the sound effects, it doesn't feel Star Wars. For some reason, the new films have multiplied people's hatred for the preguels, which is a real shame. They weren't great, but their environments would make for great games. Just see Lego Star Wars.Whatever the case, I am not paying 150? just to play a poor man's version of Battlefront 2. Except it doesn't even feel like it. It feels like Call of Duty. Or Battlefield. Or Titanfall. Or Killzone. Or any other FPS for that matter. Not in a long time have I been so saddened by a video game. Or, as you said, it's just not my cup of tea. I don't really play PC games and therefore I'm not familiar with the indie-genre, but I wish I was. For me, the games have been disappointing and unoriginal all year. Oh, Towerfall: Ascension's fun, though. Could be more expansive, but it's worth the little money it cost. But not something to play for longer than a week, tops. | 2015-11-18 14:11:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
To me, apart from the visuals and the sound effects, it doesn't feel Star Wars. . Have you tried the air battle stuff yet? Those felt the most like the films from what I've seen. I freely admit I'm a graphically biased and if a game looks good I can forgive quite a bit. This one is one of the best I've seen visually in a long time so take my opinions with a big ol' grain of salt. ![]() | 2015-11-18 15:21:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Looks like someone hasn't played Undertale. AKA Game of The Year. | 2015-11-19 00:09:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Looks like someone hasn't played Undertale. AKA Game of The Year. Now, I have not played all the games, but I'm familiar with the bigger releases. I don't do PC-gaming and am speaking directly from a console viewpoint, but does it feel to anyone else that the games have gone back in quality a bit? ??? :/ | 2015-11-19 12:52:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I haven't felt the immediate urge to purchase any game this year, which I think tells me this year was a weaker year for games of my preference. I only purchased NBA: 2K16, and I enjoyed it, but yearly sports installments are a different story. I'll surely get Battlefront and FO4 soon, but lack of free time and Battlefront's, while not at all bad, but lower-than-I-had-hoped reviews have kept these two games out of my library thus far. I think if I enjoy these two games, it'll easily be a successful year for me. That said, I think 2016 is shaping up to be a very interesting year with No Man's Sky, Overwatch, Dreams, among others piquing my interest. | 2015-11-21 23:28:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
I haven't played the bigger titles like fallout 4, witcher, or metal gear, but there have been some really good games. Right now I am really enjoying Until Dawn. I haven't finished it, but it's one of the first choose your own adventure I've played that feels like your choices matter. Even finding the collectibles seems to alter the story. I've been very thorough with collecting backstory papers and the characters have more knowledge about whats happening if I didn't. Bloodborne was amazing. I don't think I'll buy the dlc because I've had my fill of it. The atmosphere/visuals were disgustingly good and the weapons were really unique. Also, I'm kind of obsessed with Rocket League ![]() | 2015-12-01 17:13:00 Author: Greensmurfy ![]() Posts: 300 |
Are we not mentioning Nintendo? Because we got Splatoon and Super Mario Maker, two amazing games, this year for Wii U. | 2015-12-01 23:01:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
Also, I'm kind of obsessed with Rocket League ![]() Indeed. It's turned me into a massive lier though. When I'm playing it, I keep saying to myself: "One more game"... "Ok.... one more win"... "Right, one more 3v3"... "Ok, this is 100% my last game"... "Eh, 1 more can't hurt"... "Ok, now this is my last game"... "Just one more"... Some players are still annoying though. Played with this guy the other day, came across as a bit of a 'holier than thou' type during the match, but we won, and we both scored. Everyone did there "gg's" at the then, then suddenly he says "I did it all alone"..... despite the fact that I scored. I didn't have time to respond because I went straight onto the next match. And yes, Until Dawn is excellent. | 2015-12-02 10:43:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
There have been plenty of great indie games out, if you just look deep enough.... Mario maker is just super Mario, but with a level editor, not exactly 'new' Just another overpriced platformer. | 2015-12-02 10:52:00 Author: Sir monacle ![]() Posts: 4155 |
Some players are still annoying though. Played with this guy the other day, came across as a bit of a 'holier than thou' type during the match, but we won, and we both scored. Everyone did there "gg's" at the then, then suddenly he says "I did it all alone"..... despite the fact that I scored. I didn't have time to respond because I went straight onto the next match. Yea, you'll definitely see some jerks playing. I've had similar experiences. What used to irritate me was my teammate spamming "what a save" when I missed the ball and it was a very hard shot to save. Now I just ignore it. The game is sooo addicting. I want to try the new wasteland map, but it hasn't popped up yet. I mean I tried it once with bots and it was really cool, but not with real people yet. Also, the Jackbox Party Pack (also Quiplash) has been a consistently fun party game in our household this year. Everybody that has come over has enjoyed it even if they aren't a video game player. | 2015-12-02 18:37:00 Author: Greensmurfy ![]() Posts: 300 |
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