Thoughts on a new Mafia Game?
Archive: 7 posts
Hey there, folks. I know it's been a long time since there's been a new Mafia game here on LBPCentral (specifically not since January of last year, or March of last year if you count the unfinished signups for Ali's game), so before trying to start up anything here, I was wondering how people would feel about seeing a new game of Mafia on LBPC after all this time? It is worth noting that I would be co-hosting this game with TPC on Sackinima Forums, and that this would not be any ordinary game, but rather a crossover game between the two fansites (checking back and forth between the forum threads while people who'd sign up on LBPC would only have to post to the LBPC thread). So yes, just curious on how you fellow forumers feel about that. ![]() EDIT: Description above altered to clarify the twist of it being a crossover game. | 2015-10-18 17:12:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Positive. | 2015-10-18 17:25:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
It'd be interesting, though knowing my luck in these games, I'll either get offed in the beginning or in the very end. And knowing my LBPC pride would be on the line, I'd probably be a try-hard at trying to win against the odds. So, why not? | 2015-10-22 06:44:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
The crossover twist sounds like something that would be great for mixing things up and adding some variety, but I am definitely interested in knowing more. Specifically about how much more complicated playing would be, how balancing would be affected, etc. Basically, when you guys have the rules and such down that would be cool to see. | 2015-10-24 22:13:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
The crossover twist sounds like something that would be great for mixing things up and adding some variety, but I am definitely interested in knowing more. Specifically about how much more complicated playing would be, how balancing would be affected, etc. Basically, when you guys have the rules and such down that would be cool to see. Samee | 2015-10-25 04:20:00 Author: DawnBreaker_23 ![]() Posts: 568 |
I'd be up for this again, it's been too long!! | 2015-10-28 16:26:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
Thanks for the replies, everyone. :arg: The crossover twist sounds like something that would be great for mixing things up and adding some variety, but I am definitely interested in knowing more. Specifically about how much more complicated playing would be, how balancing would be affected, etc. Basically, when you guys have the rules and such down that would be cool to see. Right. TPC and I discussed this some, and while the game might not be fully planned out yet, ultimately, we want to try to keep it somewhat simple here. The list of roles set out isn't anything real complex, and it would be pretty similar to any sort of game of Mafia game had on either of these sites, but split up between both forums. If there are say 18 players in total for this game, then x number of those 18 who signed up on LBPCentral will only have to post to the LBPC Mafia thread, while the x number of those 18 who signed up on Sackinima Forums will only have to post to the Sackinimafia thread. People posting to the LBPC thread will still need to see what the rest of the cast is posting on the Sackinima thread, and same goes for those just posting to the Sackinima thread with LBPC, since you still want to be able to observe what everyone's saying, despite the divide between fansites. We'd have one co-host managing one site's thread and one co-host managing the other one (while working together and chatting privately with special roles behind the scenes). Players on both sites will still share the same day-and-night phases, with each side's voting being gathered together. Roles will be randomly chosen as usual out of the entire cast here, so it could potentially lead to scenarios like 3 mafiosoi being on one site with one mafioso left by themselves on the other. Essentially, it's like an ordinary Mafia game, but dealing with a divide set forth between two sites participating, where you can only post on one of them, sort of indirectly replying to what people have to say on the other site compared to those on your site (and so communication is key). We do hope this can serve as a fairly interesting twist and not simply an annoying obstacle for chatting with the rest of the cast. This could still be at least a bit experimental I'll admit since I don't really know of any cross-forum games done before here or on Sackinima Forums. Despite bouncing ideas around with TPC to take further advantage of the crossover possibilities with this, we both agreed that we don't want to go too crazy with it either. Seems like pretty new territory if we do this cross-forum thing, and while people might just be more interested in a new Mafia game on one forum in particular, I figure this would be a decent chance to give both sites the opportunity to play some Mafia again and making that the twist, while also relying on fewer players from each site (which could be good, as LBPCentral hasn't received a new Mafia game in a long time and Sackinima's most recent big forum games have had smaller casts than usual). If you have any more questions or comments, let me know. ![]() | 2015-10-28 23:22:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
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