3D Design - Blender, 3DS Max, Maya, Cinema 4D...
Archive: 4 posts
So, anyone been designing any 3D artwork lately? Post your work here! Don't be afraid to post, no matter how complex or simple your design is. Constructive Criticism should only be given if the poster requests it. Let's all maintain a kind and respective attitude toward other user's work. The 3D art can be something for a game or a render, as long as it came from a 3D design program. | 2015-08-17 06:37:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Augh ![]() There are a few unimpressive experiments though~ I might as well share and see if there's any fun discussion to be had from it ![]() http://i.imgur.com/WTf60iL.png This is a recreation of a scene from a comic I am hosting on Sackinima; Your Manipulative Story. I mostly have this 3D scene so that I can remember the layout and also to help drawing the perspective right. As for now there's not much else to it, which is why it lacks textures and details. I might want to use it for something someday though. http://i.imgur.com/wy5RGQM.png The environment in the comic itself http://i.imgur.com/pZnd2cR.png http://i.imgur.com/W1GzANH.png http://i.imgur.com/m2Cc158.png http://i.imgur.com/C60Zpk5.png?2 This room was so difficult to draw that I had to completely trace a screenshot of the 3D scene. Shamefully :S I also wanted to play around with texturing, rigging and animating a human figure, and will do so with the protagonist of the same comic. http://i.imgur.com/AtMQMIj.png So far I have yet to decide how to do the eyes, as objects or part of texture? I haven't gotten a into rigging or animating the character yet neither. Being a bit nostalgic I wanted to go for a ps1's era of simple shading and low polygon kind of aesthetic~ Looking at it now I realize that I could probably do with even fewer polygons. Aaaaalso the hair at the front could really do with some remodeling. It's going a bit crazy there Here's what the protagonist looks like in the comic, for reference http://i.imgur.com/K4AfTTB.png http://i.imgur.com/F3mL2rI.png http://i.imgur.com/BTWFeeE.png http://i.imgur.com/Ly3HN8A.png I also wanted to do a robot dragon for a while http://i.imgur.com/0vEyGxS.png I never finish it.. :V Apart from the boring-est render of a tutorial mug practice that's about it ![]() | 2015-08-17 22:04:00 Author: >er. ![]() Posts: 785 |
Well, I'm not working in it but I'm working with someone who is... I can't post any of it here, but fro what I can see Daz 3d is much rendering engine than Poser | 2015-08-17 22:08:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I'm loving the aesthetics >er! | 2015-08-18 00:00:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
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